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Turn to data-driven:
the first 6 months
• Low cost on demand transports
• Mainly to and from airports
• Two-sided marketplace
• Secret sauce: 

packaging + smart routing + risk management
Comfort of a taxi for the price of a bus.
Goal: can reconstruct every touchpoint
and context (internal and external)
Invest in robust ETL

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inOrbit 2015: Testing success
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Načrtovanje uporabniške izkušnje je nujno že pred objavo spletne strani, saj na takšen način lahko zagotovimo boljši učinek spletnega marketinga. Pomembno je, da vsako spremembo na spletni strani testiramo.

inbound marketingseoux
Doing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with ClojureDoing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with Clojure

This document discusses doing data science with Clojure. It notes that Clojure excels at structure manipulation and encoding through functions over collections without rigid data structures. This allows for composable and fast data analysis in a way that focuses on the intent through consistent APIs and currying. Live programming is also discussed as a way to catch errors early and enable faster iteration through more context and easier debugging. The ecosystem of Clojure tools is presented as facilitating tasks like machine learning, plotting, and using notebooks as dashboards.

visualizationclojurebig data
Dao of lisp
Dao of lispDao of lisp
Dao of lisp

Whenever a programming language comes out with a new feature, us smug lisp weenies shrug and point out how lisp had that in the early seventies; and if you look at the list of influences of a given language, there is bound to be a lisp in there. In this talk I will try to unpack what makes lisp special, why it is called programming programming language , how it changes one’s thinking, and how that thinking can be applied elsewhere.

functional programmingclojurelisp
Quick wins buy <3
Quick wins
• Find something that is loosing money
• Find a conversion optimization
Quick wins should be obvious in hind site (and yet
nobody thought of them until you came along)
From reports to real-time
thinking support:
• 2 min
• 20 min
• fail
• project
Analyse analysing

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GoOpti - NOAH16 London
GoOpti - NOAH16 LondonGoOpti - NOAH16 London
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Dynamic Shuttle Platform provides an affordable, convenient airport shuttle service for passengers and a marketing, sales, and operations platform for shuttle companies. It operates in cities with populations between 100,000-800,000 that lack a major nearby airport. The platform allows passengers to book and pay for shuttle rides online or via mobile app, and provides route planning, pricing, and customer support to shuttle companies. It has transported over 700,000 passengers with a high customer satisfaction score and is profitable in new cities within 6-8 months with an investment of €150,000 per city.

noah conferencemarko gucekgoopti
Doing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with ClojureDoing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with Clojure

Having programmers do data science is terrible, if only everyone else were not even worse. The problem is of course tools. We seem to have settled on either: a bunch of disparate libraries thrown into a more or less agnostic IDE, or some point-and-click wonder which no matter how glossy, never seems to trully fit our domain once we get down to it. The dual lisp tradition of grow-your-own-language and grow-your-own-editor gives me hope there is a third way. This presentation is a meditation on how I approach data problems with Clojure, what I believe the process of doing data science should look like and the tools needed to get there. Some already exists (or can at least be bodged together); others can be made with relative ease (and we are already working on some of these); but a few will take a lot more hammock time. Talk delivered at :clojureD 2016

Measuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan Hozjan
Measuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan HozjanMeasuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan Hozjan
Measuring NPS with google analytics, Boštjan Hozjan

The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are Detractors from the percentage of customers who are Promoters. With Google Analytics we can analyze individual segments from different perspective: acquisition, behaviour, conversions and we also can do remarketing on basis of all gathered data.

net promoter scoredatagoogle analytics
Measure once,
question twice
Experiment tracking
There is no such thing as a
• Reusability
• Audit trail

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Spletni trgovec leta 2015 - Najpogostejše napake pri optimizaciji spletnih tr...
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Najpogostejše napake pri optimizaciji spletnih trgovin in kako jih odpravite

Predicting the future with goopti
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Predicting the future with goopti

Successfully forecasting future demand is key in allowing GoOpti its low prices while isolating transport partners from risk. It this talk Simon Belak, Chief Data scientist at GoOpti, will take you through how he approaches forecasting and the lessons that he learned along the way. The focus is going to be on models that do not require excessive amounts of data, are legible and work well as part of a continuous process (rather than being a one-of problem).

predictiondata drivenmachine learning
Doing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with ClojureDoing data science with Clojure
Doing data science with Clojure

Having programmers do data science is terrible, if only everyone else were not even worse. The problem is of course tools. We seem to have settled on either: a bunch of disparate libraries thrown into a more or less agnostic IDE, or some point-and-click wonder which no matter how glossy, never seems to truly fit our domain once we get down to it. The dual lisp tradition of grow-your-own-language and grow-your-own-editor gives me hope there is a third way. This talk is a meditation on the ideal environment for doing data science and how to (almost) get there. I will cover how I approach data problems with Clojure (and why Clojure in the first place), what I believe the process of doing data science should look like and the tools needed to get there. Some already exists (or can at least be bodged together); others can be made with relative ease (and we are already working on some of these); but a few will take a lot more hammock time.

analyticsclojurefunctional programming
Have means to quickly and
frictionlessly share analysis
(and keep it up to date).
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
With 100 KPIs, none is
key — FOCUS!

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infosecmachine learningsecurity
SEM Days 2015: Growth hacking your digital marketing
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At the end results are the only thing that matters. You need to ask yourselves how does my digital revenue stream look like? How can I establish advanced digital metrics and define KPIs to understand my customers better? How can I track them through whole consumer decision journey? Which areas should I focus on to improve my business results? Looking through the eyes of an CEO and adviser to numerous companies in the field of digital, participants will receive precious advice on how to growth hack their digital marketing.

growthecommercegoogle analytics
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Ciljanje kupcev preko več kanalov. Če bi imeli samo en kanal, se investicija v marketing ne bi obrestovala. Niso vsi kupci enako dobri. Razviti je potrebno dolgoročni odnos s kupci.

inorbitinbound marketingmultichannel marketing
One KPI, many
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak

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Spec + onyx
Spec + onyxSpec + onyx
Spec + onyx

Clojure has always been good at manipulating data. With the release of spec and Onyx (“a masterless, cloud scale, fault tolerant, high performance distributed computation system”) good became best. In this talk you will learn about a data layer architecture build around Kafka and Onyx that is self-describing, declarative, scalable and convenient to work with for the end user. The focus will be on the power and elegance of describing data and computation with data; and the inferences and automations that can be built on top of that.

kafkabig dataonyx
Living with-spec
Living with-specLiving with-spec
Living with-spec

In this talk, you will discover how the 15k LOC codebase was implemented with spec so you don't have to (but probably should). Validation; testing; destructuring; composable “data macros” via conformers; we’ve tried spec in all its multifaceted glory. You will discover a distillation of lessons learned interspersed with musing on how spec alters development flow and one’s thinking.

clojurebig datafunctional programming
Digital Olympus - Lean digital marketing
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Digital Olympus - Lean digital marketing

1) The document discusses how consumer behavior has fundamentally changed, with 80% of conversions including more than one digital channel and over 10,000 keywords used by users. 2) It emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer's entire decision journey, from initial interactions to transactions, and establishing metrics to track behavior and outcomes across different stages. 3) The author advocates adapting marketing efforts to better target users throughout their journey, with content tailored based on their needs and goals at different points in time.

ecommercedigital marketinglean
• same mean
• same variance
• same correlation
• same linear regression line
Think in distributions,
not numbers
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak
Turn to data-driven: the first 6 months, Simon Belak

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Magična privlačnost podatkov, Damjana Kocjanc Fajfar

What insight can we get from report in Google Analytics, about report based on data in Enhanced Ecommerce.

digital marketingenhanced ecommercedata
Using Onyx in anger
Using Onyx in angerUsing Onyx in anger
Using Onyx in anger

@sbelak Simon Belak Using Onyx in anger Clojure has always been good at manipulating data. With the release of spec and Onyx ("masterless, cloud scale, fault tolerant, high performance distributed computation system") good became best. In this talk I will walk you through a data layer architecture build around Kafka an Onyx that is self-describing, declarative, scalable and convenient to work with for the end user. The focus will be on the power and elegance of describing data and computation with data; and the inferences and automations that can be built on top of that.

kafkadata sciencebig data
Using Web Data to Drive Revenue and Reduce Costs
Using Web Data to Drive Revenue and Reduce CostsUsing Web Data to Drive Revenue and Reduce Costs
Using Web Data to Drive Revenue and Reduce Costs

This webinar is designed to help companies strengthen their competitive advantage by leveraging publicly available Web sources.

competitive a
Becoming data-driven:
a quick checklist
✓ Invest in data gathering
✓ Find quick wins
✓ Be methodological
✓ Focus on one KPI at a time, but change often
✓ Beware of dead salmons

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