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Static techniques
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 Static test techniques provide a powerful way to improve the quality and
productivity of software development. This chapter describes static test
techniques, including reviews, and provides an overview of how they are
 Static techniques can improve both quality and productivity by impressive
factors. Static testing is not magic and it should not be considered a
replacement for dynamic testing, but all software organizations should
consider using reviews in all major aspects of their work including
requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Static
analysis tools implement automated checks, e.g. on code.
 With dynamic testing methods, software is executed using a set of input values and its
output is then examined and compared to what is expected. During static testing,
software work products are examined manually, or with a set of tools, but not
 Dynamic testing and static testing are complementary methods, as they tend to find
different types of defects effectively and efficiently. Types of defects that are easier to
find during static testing are: deviations from standards, missing requirements, design
defects, non-maintainable code and inconsistent interface specifications. Note that in
contrast to dynamic testing, static testing finds defects rather than failures.
Achieved [Gilb and Graham, 1993], [van Veenendaal, 1999]. Reducing the
number of defects early in the product life cycle also means that less time has to
be spent on testing and maintenance. To summarize, the use of static testing,
e.g. reviews, on software work products has various advantages:
 Since static testing can start early in the life cycle, early feedback on quality
issues can be established, e.g. an early validation of user requirements and not
just late in the life cycle during acceptance testing.
 By detecting defects at an early stage, rework costs are most often relatively low
and thus a relatively cheap improvement of the quality of software products can
be achieved.
 Since rework effort is substantially reduced, development productivity figures are
likely to increase.
 The evaluation by a team has the additional advantage that there is an exchange
of information between the participants.
 Static tests contribute to an increased awareness of quality issues.

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This document discusses software inspections as a way to improve quality. It describes the benefits of inspections in finding defects early. Inspections typically involve a moderator, author, reader, recorder and inspectors reviewing requirements, design or code documents. Key aspects of inspections include planning, overview, preparation, meeting, analysis and rework. Guiding principles are to critique products not people and find problems, not fix them, during reviews. Record keeping of found defects is important for process improvement. Providing training and building inspections into schedules can help make them most effective.

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NOSQAA Requirements InspectionNOSQAA Requirements Inspection
NOSQAA Requirements Inspection

Requirements inspections are a formal process for identifying defects in software requirements documents. It involves individual review followed by a team review meeting led by a moderator. Key roles include author, reader, tester, and moderator. The goal is to find defects in requirements before they can lead to problems in design and testing. Studies show requirements inspections can find 60-90% of defects and reduce costs from rework. The process includes planning, individual review, team meeting, defect resolution, and validation. Metrics are collected on defects found and author response to drive continuous improvement. Management oversees planning and results but does not participate directly in inspections.

Static techniques
Static techniquesStatic techniques
Static techniques

The document discusses static testing techniques, specifically reviews. It describes the review process, which typically involves 6 phases: planning, kick-off, preparation, review meeting, rework, and follow-up. Key roles in a review include the moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. The moderator leads the process, while the author's goal is to improve the document. Reviews can find defects early and improve quality and productivity.

testing implementation systemstatic techniquesinformation system
In contrast to informal reviews, formal reviews follow a formal process. A typical
formal review process consists of six main steps:
 Planning
 Kick-off
 Preparation
 Review meeting
 Rework
 Follow-up.
Phases of a formal review
 The review process for a particular review begins with a 'request for review' by the author to the
moderator (or inspection leader). A moderator is often assigned to take care of the scheduling
(dates, time, place and invitation) of the review.
 Although more and other entry criteria can be applied, the following can be regarded as the
minimum set for performing the entry check:
1. A short check of a product sample by the moderator (or expert) does not reveal a large number of
major defects. For example, after 30 minutes of checking, no more than 3 major defects are found
on a single page or fewer than 10 major defects in total in a set of 5 pages.
2. The document to be reviewed is available with line numbers.
3. The document has been cleaned up by running any automated checks that apply.
4. References needed for the inspection are stable and available.
5. The document author is prepared to join the review team and feels confident with the quality of
the document.
 An optional step in a review procedure is a kick-off meeting. The goal of this meeting
is to get everybody on the same wavelength regarding the document under review and
to commit to the time that will be spent on checking. Also the result of the entry check
and defined exit criteria are discussed in case of a more formal review.
 In general a kick-off is highly recommended since there is a strong positive effect of a
kick-off meeting on the motivation of reviewers and thus the effectiveness of the review
process. At customer sites, we have measured results up to 70% more major defects
found per page as a result of performing a kick-off, [van Veenendaal and van der Zwan,
 The participants work individually on the document under review using the related
documents, procedures, rules and checklists provided. The individual participants
identify defects, questions and comments, according to their understanding of the
document and role. All issues are recorded, preferably using a logging form.
 Spelling mistakes are recorded on the document under review but not mentioned during
the meeting. The annotated document will be given to the author at the end of the
logging meeting. Using checklists during this phase can make reviews more effective
and efficient, for example a specific checklist based on perspectives such as user,
maintainer, tester or operations, or a checklist for typical coding problems.

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The document discusses software inspection, which involves reviewing software artifacts like analysis, designs, and code with others besides the original developer. Inspections aim to find errors early in development. An inspection team consists of 3-8 members filling roles like moderator, author, reader, and recorder. Benefits include new perspectives finding flaws, knowledge sharing, and catching defects early to reduce rework and testing effort. Studies found inspections can reduce "rework" costs by 50% and save 20 hours of testing for every 1 hour spent inspecting.

inspectionsoftware inspectionproject
Software review
Software reviewSoftware review
Software review

A software review is a process where software products are examined by various parties to provide feedback or approval. There are three main categories of reviews: peer reviews conducted by colleagues to evaluate technical quality; management reviews conducted by managers to evaluate progress; and audit reviews conducted by external personnel to evaluate compliance. Common types of reviews include code reviews, inspections, walkthroughs, and technical reviews. The generic IEEE review process involves entry evaluation, planning, preparation, group examination, rework, and exit evaluation to systematically identify defects early in the development process when they are least costly to fix.

Static testing techniques
Static testing techniquesStatic testing techniques
Static testing techniques

Topics: Reviews and the test process, Types of review, static analysis To know more about Offer- Syllabus- Slide share: For more events- All videos- Facebook- Twitter- Mail us : Contact: 9629728714

reviews and the test processstatic analysismazenet
 The meeting typically consists of the following elements (partly depending on
the review type): logging phase, discussion phase and decision phase.
 Every defect and its severity should be logged. The participant who identifies
the defect proposes the severity. Severity classes could be:
1. Critical: defects will cause downstream damage; the scope and impact of the
defect is beyond the document under inspection
2. Major, defects could cause a downstream effect (e.g. a fault in a design can
result in an error in the implementation).
3. Minor, defects are not likely to cause downstream damage (e.g. non-compli
ance with the standards and templates). ,
Review meeting
 Based on the defects detected, the author will improve the document under
review step by step. Not every defect that is found leads to rework. It is the
author's responsibility to judge if a defect has to be fixed. If nothing is done
about an issue for a certain reason, it should be reported to at least indicate
that the author has considered the issue.
 Changes that are made to the document should be easy to identify during
follow-up. Therefore the author has to indicate where changes are made (e.g.
using 'Track changes' in word-processing software).
 The moderator is responsible for ensuring that satisfactory actions have been taken on
all (logged) defects, process improvement suggestions and change requests. Although
the moderator checks to make sure that the author has taken action on all known
defects, it is not necessary for the moderator to check all the corrections in detail. If it is
decided that all participants will check the updated document, the moderator takes care
of the distribution and collects the feedback. For more formal review types the
moderator checks for compliance to the exit criteria.

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Testing 1 static techniques

  • 2.  Static test techniques provide a powerful way to improve the quality and productivity of software development. This chapter describes static test techniques, including reviews, and provides an overview of how they are conducted.  Static techniques can improve both quality and productivity by impressive factors. Static testing is not magic and it should not be considered a replacement for dynamic testing, but all software organizations should consider using reviews in all major aspects of their work including requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Static analysis tools implement automated checks, e.g. on code.
  • 3.  With dynamic testing methods, software is executed using a set of input values and its output is then examined and compared to what is expected. During static testing, software work products are examined manually, or with a set of tools, but not executed.  Dynamic testing and static testing are complementary methods, as they tend to find different types of defects effectively and efficiently. Types of defects that are easier to find during static testing are: deviations from standards, missing requirements, design defects, non-maintainable code and inconsistent interface specifications. Note that in contrast to dynamic testing, static testing finds defects rather than failures.
  • 4. Achieved [Gilb and Graham, 1993], [van Veenendaal, 1999]. Reducing the number of defects early in the product life cycle also means that less time has to be spent on testing and maintenance. To summarize, the use of static testing, e.g. reviews, on software work products has various advantages:  Since static testing can start early in the life cycle, early feedback on quality issues can be established, e.g. an early validation of user requirements and not just late in the life cycle during acceptance testing.  By detecting defects at an early stage, rework costs are most often relatively low and thus a relatively cheap improvement of the quality of software products can be achieved.  Since rework effort is substantially reduced, development productivity figures are likely to increase.  The evaluation by a team has the additional advantage that there is an exchange of information between the participants.  Static tests contribute to an increased awareness of quality issues.
  • 5. In contrast to informal reviews, formal reviews follow a formal process. A typical formal review process consists of six main steps:  Planning  Kick-off  Preparation  Review meeting  Rework  Follow-up. Phases of a formal review
  • 6.  The review process for a particular review begins with a 'request for review' by the author to the moderator (or inspection leader). A moderator is often assigned to take care of the scheduling (dates, time, place and invitation) of the review.  Although more and other entry criteria can be applied, the following can be regarded as the minimum set for performing the entry check: 1. A short check of a product sample by the moderator (or expert) does not reveal a large number of major defects. For example, after 30 minutes of checking, no more than 3 major defects are found on a single page or fewer than 10 major defects in total in a set of 5 pages. 2. The document to be reviewed is available with line numbers. 3. The document has been cleaned up by running any automated checks that apply. 4. References needed for the inspection are stable and available. 5. The document author is prepared to join the review team and feels confident with the quality of the document. Planning
  • 7.  An optional step in a review procedure is a kick-off meeting. The goal of this meeting is to get everybody on the same wavelength regarding the document under review and to commit to the time that will be spent on checking. Also the result of the entry check and defined exit criteria are discussed in case of a more formal review.  In general a kick-off is highly recommended since there is a strong positive effect of a kick-off meeting on the motivation of reviewers and thus the effectiveness of the review process. At customer sites, we have measured results up to 70% more major defects found per page as a result of performing a kick-off, [van Veenendaal and van der Zwan, 2000] Kick-off
  • 8.  The participants work individually on the document under review using the related documents, procedures, rules and checklists provided. The individual participants identify defects, questions and comments, according to their understanding of the document and role. All issues are recorded, preferably using a logging form.  Spelling mistakes are recorded on the document under review but not mentioned during the meeting. The annotated document will be given to the author at the end of the logging meeting. Using checklists during this phase can make reviews more effective and efficient, for example a specific checklist based on perspectives such as user, maintainer, tester or operations, or a checklist for typical coding problems. Preparation
  • 9.  The meeting typically consists of the following elements (partly depending on the review type): logging phase, discussion phase and decision phase.  Every defect and its severity should be logged. The participant who identifies the defect proposes the severity. Severity classes could be: 1. Critical: defects will cause downstream damage; the scope and impact of the defect is beyond the document under inspection 2. Major, defects could cause a downstream effect (e.g. a fault in a design can result in an error in the implementation). 3. Minor, defects are not likely to cause downstream damage (e.g. non-compli ance with the standards and templates). , Review meeting
  • 10.  Based on the defects detected, the author will improve the document under review step by step. Not every defect that is found leads to rework. It is the author's responsibility to judge if a defect has to be fixed. If nothing is done about an issue for a certain reason, it should be reported to at least indicate that the author has considered the issue.  Changes that are made to the document should be easy to identify during follow-up. Therefore the author has to indicate where changes are made (e.g. using 'Track changes' in word-processing software). Rework
  • 11.  The moderator is responsible for ensuring that satisfactory actions have been taken on all (logged) defects, process improvement suggestions and change requests. Although the moderator checks to make sure that the author has taken action on all known defects, it is not necessary for the moderator to check all the corrections in detail. If it is decided that all participants will check the updated document, the moderator takes care of the distribution and collects the feedback. For more formal review types the moderator checks for compliance to the exit criteria. Follow-up