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Damian Gordon
   Static Testing is the testing of a component or
    system at a specification or implementation
    level without execution of the software.

   Dynamic Testing is the testing of software by
    executing the software of either a component
    or system.

   Static Testing and Dynamic Testing are
    complementary methods and tend to find
    different types of defects effectively and
   Static Testing detects defects such as
    deviations from standards, missing
    requirements, design defects, non-
    maintainable code and inconsistent
    interface specifications.

   Dynamic Testing detects defects such as
    checking if outputs from the expected
   One key approach in Static Testing is the
    Review Process.

   Reviews can find defects, are informational,
    communicational, and educational.
   Participants in the review learn the content
    of the software systems, the role of their
    own work, help planning for future stages of
    the work.
   Reviews often represent milestones, and
    support the establishments of a baseline for
    the software product.

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The document discusses software quality assurance. It defines SQA as using planned and systematic methods to evaluate software quality, standards, processes, and procedures. This ensures development follows standards and procedures through continuous monitoring, product evaluation, and audits. SQA activities include product evaluation and monitoring to ensure adherence to development plans, as well as product audits to thoroughly review products, processes, and documentation against established standards. Software reviews are used to uncover errors and defects during development in order to "purify" software requirements, design, code, and testing data before release.

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Testbytes is a community of software testers who are passionate about quality and love to test. We develop an in-depth understanding of the applications under test and include software testing strategies that deliver quantifiable results. In short, we help in building incredible software.

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Software Testing Life Cycle refers to 6 phases of the software testing process. Learn about each phase of STLC in-depth in our article. (Source:

software testing life cyclesoftware testing
Software Testing 4/5
   The type and quantity of defects found
    during the review stage can help focus the
    testing process.
   In some cases customers or users attend the
    review process and provide feedback to the
    developers and document authors.
   Studies have shown the reviews significantly
    increase productivity and product quality.
   They can be either informal or formal.
   The formality of the review process is
    related to factors such as the maturity of the
    development process, any legal or
    regulatory requirements or the need for an
    audit trail.
   In practice most reviews are informal.
   A two-person team can conduct an informal
    review, as the developer/author can get a
    colleague to review the code and
   Phases of a Formal Review
    1.   Planning
    2.   Kick-Off
    3.   Preparation
    4.   Review Meeting
    5.   Rework
    6.   Follow-up

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Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. I hope this ppt will help u to learn about software testing.

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Slides from Software Testing Techniques course offered at Kansas State University in Spring'16 and Spring'17. Entire course material can be found at

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Software quality assurance
Software quality assuranceSoftware quality assurance
Software quality assurance

This document discusses software quality assurance. It defines software quality and describes two types - quality of design and quality of conformance. It discusses quality concepts at the organizational, project, and process levels. It also describes software reviews, their types and purposes. Software quality assurance aims to establish organizational procedures and standards to achieve high quality software. Key SQA activities include applying technical methods, reviews, testing, enforcing standards and measurement.

   1. Planning
   The authors/developers request a review.
   A moderator is assigned – this is the leader
    of the review process.
   The project planning needs to incorporate
    time to undertake the review.
   The planning must start with deciding an
    entry criteria to ensure that document is
    ready for review.
   1. Planning
   Entry Criteria
   The set of generic and specific conditions
    for permitting a process to go forward with
    a defined task, e.g. Test phase. The purpose
    of entry criteria is to prevent a task from
    starting which would entail more (wasted)
    effort compared to the effort needed to
    remove the failed entry criteria.
   1. Planning
   Minimum set of criteria for performing entry
    ◦ A short check of a product sample by the moderator
      does not reveal a large number of defects, e.g. After
      30 minutes of checking, no more than 3 major defects
      are found in a single page or fewer than 10 major
      defects in total in a set of 5 pages.
    ◦ The document to be reviewed is available with line
    ◦ The document has been cleaned up by running any
      automated checks that apply.
    ◦ References needed for the inspection are stable and
    ◦ The document author is prepared to join the review
      team and feels confident with the quality of the
   1. Planning
   The review will focus on a few different
    ◦ Focus on higher-level documents, e.g. Does the
      design comply to the requirements
    ◦ Focus on standards, e.g. Internal consistency,
      clarity, naming conventions, templates
    ◦ Focus on related documents at the same level,
      e.g. Interfaces between software functions
    ◦ Focus on usage, e.g. For testability and

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Software testing is an important phase of the software development process that evaluates the functionality and quality of a software application. It involves executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. Some key points: - Software testing is needed to identify defects, ensure customer satisfaction, and deliver high quality products with lower maintenance costs. - It is important for different stakeholders like developers, testers, managers, and end users to work together throughout the testing process. - There are various types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and different methodologies like manual and automated testing. Proper documentation is also important. - Testing helps improve the overall quality of software but can never prove that there

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Bug reporting and tracking
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The document discusses defect reporting and tracking. It defines a software bug and explains that once a tester identifies a defect, they generate a formal defect report. The report includes information like a unique ID, project name, summary, steps to reproduce, actual and expected results. A bug goes through different statuses in its lifecycle from new to closed. Developers analyze and fix bugs, while testers verify fixes and may reopen bugs. Bug tracking systems help teams manage large numbers of defects by keeping track of key details for each bug report.

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Software quality assurance
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Software quality assurance

Software quality assurance (SQA) involves planning and implementing activities throughout development to ensure quality. SQA includes standards, reviews, testing, defect tracking, and risk management. Statistical SQA categorizes defects and identifies their root causes to improve processes. Reviews are important for uncovering errors and should involve preparation, focus on the work product, and result in accepting or rejecting the product. Metrics collected from reviews indicate their effectiveness at defect detection and removal.

   2. Kick-Off
   The review starts with a kick-off meeting, to
    make sure everyone is on the same
    wavelength regarding the document under
   The meeting consists of a short introduction
    to the objectives of the review and the
   Role assignments, checking rate, the pages
    to be checked, process changes and
    possible other questions are discussed at
    this meeting.
   3. Preparation
   Participants identify defects, questions, and
    comments, according to their understanding
    of the document and their role.
   A checking rate is decided, which is the
    number of pages checked per hour, usually
    about 5 to 10 pages per hour, depending on
   4. Review Meeting
   Usually made up of the following phases:
    ◦ Logging phase
    ◦ Discussion phase
    ◦ Decision phase
   4. Review Meeting
   Logging Phase:
   The issues that have been identified in the
    Preparation stage are logged.
   To ensure progress and efficiency, no real
    discussion is allowed during the logging
   Each defect is logged with a severity:
    ◦ Critical: defects will cause downstream damage.
    ◦ Major: defects could cause downstream damage.
    ◦ Minor: defects are not likely to cause downstream

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This lecture is about the detail definition of software quality and quality assurance. Provide details about software tesing and its types. Clear the basic concepts of software quality and software testing.

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   4. Review Meeting
   Discussion Phase:
   Each of the defects that require discussion
    are discussed, with a chairman preventing
    discussions from getting too personal.
   4. Review Meeting
   Decision Phase:
   At the end of the discussion phase, a
    decision is taken about the document under
    review. If the number of defects found per
    page exceeds a certain level, the document
    may need to be reworked, and reviewed
   5. Rework
   Based on the defects detects, the author will
    improve the document under review, step-
Software Testing 4/5

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Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Static Testing
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Static Testing

Static testing is a software testing method that involves examination of program's code and its associated documentation but does not require the program to be executed. Static Testing Techniques Informal Reviews Formal Reviews Technical Reviews Walk Through Inspection Process Static Code Review

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Software engineering 23 software reliabilitySoftware engineering 23 software reliability
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Software Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Software Reliability is also an important factor affecting system reliability. ... The high complexity of software is the major contributing factor of Software Reliability problems.

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   Always, every, all, none, never, … (absolutely
   Certainly, therefore, clearly, obviously,
    customarily, most, … (persuasion lingo)
   Some, sometimes, often, usually, ordinarily,
    customarily, most, … (vague)
   etc., and so forth, and so on, such as, … (not
   Good, fast, cheap, efficient, small, stable, …
   Handled, processed, rejected, skipped,
   If … then … (missing else)
   Roles and Responsibilities
   The moderator
   The author
   The scribe
   The reviewers
   The manager
   Roles and Responsibilities
   The moderator serves as the review leader,
    they determine the type of review, approach
    and the composition of the review team.
   The moderator performs the entry check,
    and the follow-up on the rework.
   The moderator also schedules meetings,
    disseminates documents, leads discussions
    and stores relevant data.
   Roles and Responsibilities
   The author writes the original document and
    seeks to improve the quality of the
    document by working with others.

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SQA activities involve formulating quality plans, applying software engineering techniques, conducting reviews, implementing multi-tiered testing, enforcing process adherence, controlling changes, measuring change impact, performing audits, and keeping records. The key goals are to evaluate software quality, monitor adherence to standards and procedures throughout the development lifecycle, and ensure quality is maintained.

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Manual Testing Material by Durgasoft

DURGASOFT is INDIA's No.1 Software Training Center offers online training on various technologies like JAVA, .NET, ANDROID,HADOOP,TESTING TOOLS , ADF, INFORMATICA,TALLEAU,IOS,OBIEE,ANJULAR JA, from Hyderabad & Bangalore - India with Real Time Experts.

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What does your experiment look like?
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The experiment for a dissertation should take 3-5 weeks and cannot be a large software project. Key questions to address are whether international examples of the experiment have been identified, necessary contacts have been made, written agreements obtained, and clearance received if needed. One approach is suggested.

   Roles and Responsibilities
   The scribe records all of the defects during
    the logging meetings.
   Roles and Responsibilities
   The reviewers (also called checkers and
    inspectors) check the documents for
   Reviewers are chosen to represent different
    perspectives in the review.
   Roles and Responsibilities
   The manager decides on the execution of
    reviews and determines whether review
    process objectives have been met.
   Types of Reviews
   Walkthrough
   Technical Review
   Inspection

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This case study examines an organization that introduced a new technology innovation. It analyzes the organization's structure and history, as well as the technical skills of individuals involved. The case study collects data from various sources on the previous situation, innovations introduced, and general outcomes. It also considers any legal, social, or ethical issues associated with the innovation, and how the new technology has affected the organization.

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The document summarizes how various media technologies were used at different stages of a project. In the planning stage, WordPress blogs and the internet were used for research and organizing information. Microsoft Publisher was used to analyze existing products. During construction, YouTube hosted work-in-progress versions, Adobe Premiere Elements was used for video editing, and Adobe Photoshop was used for image editing. Digital cameras were used for filming but access was limited. Evaluation involved using YouTube to host interviews, PowerPoint for presentations, and Premiere Elements for editing interviews. Benefits and limitations of each technology are discussed.

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The document discusses various types of interviews for research purposes, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews. It recommends recording interviews verbatim and provides tips for developing interview questions. The document suggests interviewing 15 ± 10 people and discusses when interviews are typically conducted, as well as software that can help with analysis.

   Types of Reviews
   Walkthrough
   The author guides the review team through
    the document, to achieve a common
    understanding and gather feedback.
   This means the author does a range of
    preparation, and the review team don’t need
    to do a detailed study before the meeting.
   A walkthrough is especially useful for
    higher-level documents, like requirements
    specifications and architectural documents.
   Types of Reviews
   Technical Review
   This approach focuses on developing a
    consensus about the technical content of
    the document.
   Defects are found by technical experts, who
    focus on the content of the document (as
    opposed to considering any relevant
    legislation and standards, referenced
    documents, and intended readership).
   Types of Reviews
   Inspection
   This approach is the most formal review type.
   The document is inspected thoroughly be the
    reviews before the meeting, comparing the
    work product with its sources and other
    referenced documents, and using rules and
   The defects found are logged and any
    discussion is postponed until the discussion
   This makes the inspection meeting a very
    efficient meeting.
   Let’s do one.

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Software Testing 4/5

  • 2. Static Testing is the testing of a component or system at a specification or implementation level without execution of the software.  Dynamic Testing is the testing of software by executing the software of either a component or system.  Static Testing and Dynamic Testing are complementary methods and tend to find different types of defects effectively and efficiently.
  • 3. Static Testing detects defects such as deviations from standards, missing requirements, design defects, non- maintainable code and inconsistent interface specifications.  Dynamic Testing detects defects such as checking if outputs from the expected values.
  • 4. One key approach in Static Testing is the Review Process.  Reviews can find defects, are informational, communicational, and educational.  Participants in the review learn the content of the software systems, the role of their own work, help planning for future stages of the work.  Reviews often represent milestones, and support the establishments of a baseline for the software product.
  • 6. The type and quantity of defects found during the review stage can help focus the testing process.  In some cases customers or users attend the review process and provide feedback to the developers and document authors.  Studies have shown the reviews significantly increase productivity and product quality.
  • 7. They can be either informal or formal.  The formality of the review process is related to factors such as the maturity of the development process, any legal or regulatory requirements or the need for an audit trail.  In practice most reviews are informal.  A two-person team can conduct an informal review, as the developer/author can get a colleague to review the code and documentation.
  • 8. Phases of a Formal Review 1. Planning 2. Kick-Off 3. Preparation 4. Review Meeting 5. Rework 6. Follow-up
  • 9. 1. Planning  The authors/developers request a review.  A moderator is assigned – this is the leader of the review process.  The project planning needs to incorporate time to undertake the review.  The planning must start with deciding an entry criteria to ensure that document is ready for review.
  • 10. 1. Planning  Entry Criteria  The set of generic and specific conditions for permitting a process to go forward with a defined task, e.g. Test phase. The purpose of entry criteria is to prevent a task from starting which would entail more (wasted) effort compared to the effort needed to remove the failed entry criteria.
  • 11. 1. Planning  Minimum set of criteria for performing entry check: ◦ A short check of a product sample by the moderator does not reveal a large number of defects, e.g. After 30 minutes of checking, no more than 3 major defects are found in a single page or fewer than 10 major defects in total in a set of 5 pages. ◦ The document to be reviewed is available with line numbers. ◦ The document has been cleaned up by running any automated checks that apply. ◦ References needed for the inspection are stable and available. ◦ The document author is prepared to join the review team and feels confident with the quality of the document.
  • 12. 1. Planning  The review will focus on a few different things: ◦ Focus on higher-level documents, e.g. Does the design comply to the requirements ◦ Focus on standards, e.g. Internal consistency, clarity, naming conventions, templates ◦ Focus on related documents at the same level, e.g. Interfaces between software functions ◦ Focus on usage, e.g. For testability and maintainablity
  • 13. 2. Kick-Off  The review starts with a kick-off meeting, to make sure everyone is on the same wavelength regarding the document under review.  The meeting consists of a short introduction to the objectives of the review and the documents.  Role assignments, checking rate, the pages to be checked, process changes and possible other questions are discussed at this meeting.
  • 14. 3. Preparation  Participants identify defects, questions, and comments, according to their understanding of the document and their role.  A checking rate is decided, which is the number of pages checked per hour, usually about 5 to 10 pages per hour, depending on complexity.
  • 15. 4. Review Meeting  Usually made up of the following phases: ◦ Logging phase ◦ Discussion phase ◦ Decision phase
  • 16. 4. Review Meeting  Logging Phase:  The issues that have been identified in the Preparation stage are logged.  To ensure progress and efficiency, no real discussion is allowed during the logging phase.  Each defect is logged with a severity: ◦ Critical: defects will cause downstream damage. ◦ Major: defects could cause downstream damage. ◦ Minor: defects are not likely to cause downstream damage.
  • 17. 4. Review Meeting  Discussion Phase:  Each of the defects that require discussion are discussed, with a chairman preventing discussions from getting too personal.
  • 18. 4. Review Meeting  Decision Phase:  At the end of the discussion phase, a decision is taken about the document under review. If the number of defects found per page exceeds a certain level, the document may need to be reworked, and reviewed again.
  • 19. 5. Rework  Based on the defects detects, the author will improve the document under review, step- by-step.
  • 21. Always, every, all, none, never, … (absolutely sure?)  Certainly, therefore, clearly, obviously, customarily, most, … (persuasion lingo)  Some, sometimes, often, usually, ordinarily, customarily, most, … (vague)  etc., and so forth, and so on, such as, … (not testable)  Good, fast, cheap, efficient, small, stable, … (unquantifiable)  Handled, processed, rejected, skipped, eliminated…  If … then … (missing else)
  • 22. Roles and Responsibilities  The moderator  The author  The scribe  The reviewers  The manager
  • 23. Roles and Responsibilities  The moderator serves as the review leader, they determine the type of review, approach and the composition of the review team.  The moderator performs the entry check, and the follow-up on the rework.  The moderator also schedules meetings, disseminates documents, leads discussions and stores relevant data.
  • 24. Roles and Responsibilities  The author writes the original document and seeks to improve the quality of the document by working with others.
  • 25. Roles and Responsibilities  The scribe records all of the defects during the logging meetings.
  • 26. Roles and Responsibilities  The reviewers (also called checkers and inspectors) check the documents for defects.  Reviewers are chosen to represent different perspectives in the review.
  • 27. Roles and Responsibilities  The manager decides on the execution of reviews and determines whether review process objectives have been met.
  • 28. Types of Reviews  Walkthrough  Technical Review  Inspection
  • 29. Types of Reviews  Walkthrough  The author guides the review team through the document, to achieve a common understanding and gather feedback.  This means the author does a range of preparation, and the review team don’t need to do a detailed study before the meeting.  A walkthrough is especially useful for higher-level documents, like requirements specifications and architectural documents.
  • 30. Types of Reviews  Technical Review  This approach focuses on developing a consensus about the technical content of the document.  Defects are found by technical experts, who focus on the content of the document (as opposed to considering any relevant legislation and standards, referenced documents, and intended readership).
  • 31. Types of Reviews  Inspection  This approach is the most formal review type.  The document is inspected thoroughly be the reviews before the meeting, comparing the work product with its sources and other referenced documents, and using rules and checklists.  The defects found are logged and any discussion is postponed until the discussion phase.  This makes the inspection meeting a very efficient meeting.
  • 32. Let’s do one.