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Static Testing 1 Principles 2 Lifecycle 4 Dynamic test techniques 3 Static testing 5 Management 6 Tools Software Testing
Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
People techniques individual: desk-checking, data-stepping, proof-reading group: Reviews (informal & formal): for consensus Walkthrough: for education Inspection (most formal): to find faults Static techniques do not execute code
Benefits of reviews Development productivity improvement Reduced development timescales Reduced testing time and cost Lifetime cost reductions Reduced fault levels Improved customer relations etc.

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Iseb, ISTQB Static TestingIseb, ISTQB Static Testing
Iseb, ISTQB Static Testing

Iseb, ISTQB Static Testing Foundation Level Software Testing Lecture Notes, Static Testing

Istqb chapter 5
Istqb chapter 5Istqb chapter 5
Istqb chapter 5

This document discusses test management. It covers organizational structures for testing like having developers test their own code or having a dedicated testing team. It also discusses estimating testing time, monitoring testing progress through metrics like incident reports, and using configuration management to control testing activities and products. The key aspects of test management covered are organizational structures, estimation, monitoring, control, and configuration management.

Chapter 2 - White Box Test Techniques
Chapter 2 - White Box Test TechniquesChapter 2 - White Box Test Techniques
Chapter 2 - White Box Test Techniques

This is chapter 2 of ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

technical test analystistqbistqb examination
Reviews are cost-effective 10 times reduction in faults reaching test, testing cost reduced by 50% to 80% Freedman & Weinberg, Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections & Technical Reviews reduce faults by a factor of 10 Yourdon, Structured Walkthroughs 25% reduction in schedules, remove 80% - 95% of faults at each stage, 28 times reduction in maintenance cost, many others Gilb & Graham, Software Inspection
What can be Inspected? policy, strategy, business plans, marketing or advertising material, contracts system requirements, feasibility studies, acceptance test plans test plans, test designs, test cases, test results system designs, logical & physical software code user manuals, procedures, training material Anything written down can be Inspected
What can be reviewed? anything which could be Inspected i.e. anything written down plans, visions, “big picture”, strategic directions, ideas project progress work completed to schedule, etc. “Should we develop this” marketing options
What to review / Inspect? Tests Tests Tests Tests Requirements Design Code Functions Integration T Unit Test Accept. Test System Test

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Chapter 5 - Reviews
Chapter 5 - ReviewsChapter 5 - Reviews
Chapter 5 - Reviews

This is chapter 5 of ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

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ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 4
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 4ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 4
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 4

The document provides an overview of dynamic testing techniques used in software testing. It discusses black box and white box testing approaches and some common techniques used, including equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, decision tables, statement coverage, and branch/decision coverage. The techniques help testers select test cases in a more systematic and thorough manner to effectively find software faults.

software testingistqb certificationiseb
Test management
Test managementTest management
Test management

This document provides information on test management based on the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) syllabus. It discusses the importance of independent testing, test planning, estimation strategies, test progress monitoring, configuration management, risk management, and reporting test status. Key aspects covered include organizing independent versus integrated test teams, factors to consider in test planning, estimation techniques, test strategies, and test leader and tester roles and responsibilities.

Costs of reviews Rough guide: 5%-15% of development effort half day a week is 10% Effort required for reviews planning (by leader / moderator) preparation / self-study checking meeting fixing / editing / follow-up recording & analysis of statistics / metrics process improvement (should!)
Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
Types of review of documents Informal Review undocumented widely viewed as useful and cheap (but no one can prove it!) A helpful first step for chaotic organisations. Technical Review: (or peer review) includes peer and technical experts, no management participation. Normally documented, fault-finding. Can be rather subjective. Decision-making Review: group discusses document and makes a decision about the content, e.g. how something should be done, go or no-go decision, or technical comments
Types of review of documents Walkthrough author guides the group through a document and his or her thought processes, so all understand the same thing, consensus on changes to make Inspection: formal individual and group checking, using sources and standards, according to generic and specific rules and checklists, using entry and exit criteria, Leader must be trained & certified, metrics required

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Istqb foundation level
Istqb foundation levelIstqb foundation level
Istqb foundation level

The document provides information about preparing for the ISTQB Foundation Level Examination. It discusses that ISTQB is an international software testing certification organization. It operates the ISTQB Certified Tester certification which is based on an established syllabus. The syllabus covers 6 chapters on fundamentals of testing, testing throughout the software life cycle, static techniques, test design techniques, test management, and tool support for testing. The exam has 40 multiple choice questions to be completed in 90 minutes, with a passing score of 65% or 26 correct answers. It provides tips for preparation such as allowing enough time, studying the complete syllabus, taking sample tests, and carefully reading questions and answers.

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Chapter 3 - Analytical Techniques
Chapter 3 - Analytical TechniquesChapter 3 - Analytical Techniques
Chapter 3 - Analytical Techniques

This is chapter 3 of ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

technical test analystistqbistqb examination
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 6
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 6ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 6
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 6

There are many types of tools that support testing across the entire software development lifecycle. While automation can help improve testing, automating and testing require separate skills. Effective use of tools requires identifying the appropriate tests to automate through planning and effort, while maintaining control over the test automation process. Tools should support requirements testing, static analysis, test design, test data preparation, test execution, comparison, debugging, and test management.

software testingistqb certificationiseb
Reviews in general 1 Objectives / goals validation & verification against specifications & standards achieve consensus (excluding Inspection) process improvement (ideal, included in Inspection)
Reviews in general 2 Activities planning overview / kickoff meeting (Inspection) preparation / individual checking review meeting (not always) follow-up (for some types) metrics recording & analysis (Inspections and sometimes reviews)
Reviews in general 3 Roles and responsibilities Leader / moderator - plans the review / Inspection, chooses participants, helps & encourages, conducts the meeting, performs follow-up, manages metrics Author of the document being reviewed / Inspected Reviewers / Inspectors - specialised fault-finding roles for Inspection Managers - excluded from some types of review, need to plan project time for review / Inspection Others: e.g. Inspection/ review Co-ordinator
Reviews in general 4 Deliverables Changes (edits) in review product Change requests for source documents (predecessor documents to product being reviewed / Inspected) Process improvement suggestions to the review / Inspection process to the development process which produced the product just reviewed / Inspected Metrics (Inspection and some types of review)

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Istqb foundation level day 1
Istqb foundation level   day 1Istqb foundation level   day 1
Istqb foundation level day 1

The document provides an overview of the agenda and content for Day 1 of an ISTQB Foundation Level training course. It begins with an introduction to ISTQB, including what it is, its purpose, and certification levels. It then outlines the agenda for Day 1, which includes introductions to ISTQB, principles of testing, testing throughout the software development lifecycle, static testing techniques, and tool support for testing. The document provides details on each of these topics, such as definitions of testing, principles of testing, software development models, testing levels, types of testing, and examples of static testing techniques.

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Chapter 1 - Testing Process
Chapter 1 - Testing ProcessChapter 1 - Testing Process
Chapter 1 - Testing Process

The document summarizes the key activities in the software testing process according to ISTQB, including test planning, monitoring and control, analysis, design, implementation, execution, evaluating exit criteria and reporting, and test closure activities. It provides details on each activity, such as the objectives of test planning, factors to consider for test analysis, and outputs that should be captured during test closure.

istqbistqb examinationistqb certification
Chapter 4 - Testing Quality Characteristics
Chapter 4 - Testing Quality CharacteristicsChapter 4 - Testing Quality Characteristics
Chapter 4 - Testing Quality Characteristics

This is the chapter 4 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.

istqbistqb advancetest analyst
Reviews in general 5 Pitfalls (they don’t always work!) lack of training in the technique (especially Inspection, the most formal) lack of or quality of documentation - what is being reviewed / Inspected Lack of management support - “lip service” - want them done, but don’t allow time for them to happen in project schedules Failure to improve processes (gets disheartening just getting better at finding the same thing over again)
Inspection is different the document to be reviewed is given out in advance typically dozens of pages to review instructions are "please review this" some people have time to look through it and make comments before the meeting (which is difficult to arrange) the meeting often lasts for hours "I don't like this"  much discussion, some about technical  approaches, some about trivia don't really know if it was worthwhile, but we keep doing it Reviews vs. Inspection A typical review? chunk or sample training, roles entry criteria to meeting, may not be worth holding Rule violations, objective, not subjective no discussion, highly focused, anti-trivia only do it if value is proven (continually) not just product, sources 2 max., often much shorter
Inspection is more and better entry criteria  training  optimum checking rate prioritising the words  standards  process improvement  exit criteria quantified estimates of remaining major faults per page typical review early Inspection mature Inspection effectiveness return on investment 10 - 20% unknown 30 - 40% 6 - 8 hrs / Insp hr 80 - 95% 8 - 30 hrs / Insp hr
The Inspection Process Software Development Stage . . Planning Kick off Ind Chk Meet Edit Change Request Process  Improvement Entry Next Software Development Stage Exit

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ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice -1
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice -1ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice -1
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice -1

The document discusses principles of software testing including why testing is necessary, common testing terminology, and the testing process. It describes the testing process as having six key steps: 1) planning, 2) specification, 3) execution, 4) recording, 5) checking completion, and 6) planning at a more detailed level. It emphasizes prioritizing tests to address highest risks and outlines factors that influence how much testing is needed such as contractual requirements, industry standards, and risk levels.

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ISTQB Foundation Level Mock Exam 1
ISTQB Foundation Level Mock Exam 1ISTQB Foundation Level Mock Exam 1
ISTQB Foundation Level Mock Exam 1

Mock Exam for practice on ISTQB Foundation exam. Readers can attempt this to practice there preparation for there exam as per the syllabus 2018.

istqb foundation level certificationistqb foundationistqb
Chapter 5 - Improving the Testing Process
Chapter 5 -  Improving the Testing ProcessChapter 5 -  Improving the Testing Process
Chapter 5 - Improving the Testing Process

This is chapter 5 of ISTQB Advance Test Manager certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

istqbistqb examinationistqb certification
At first glance .. Here’s a document: review this (or Inspect it)
Reviews: time and size determine rate Time Checking Rate Size 2 hrs? 100 pages? 50 pages per hour Checking Rate
Review “Thoroughness”? ordinary “review” - finds some faults, one major, fix them, consider the document now corrected and OK major minor minor
Inspection: time and rate determine size Time Checking Rate Size 2 hrs? Optimum: 1 page *   per hour 2 pages (at optimum rate) Size *  1 page = 300 important words

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Chapter 3 - Reviews
Chapter 3 - ReviewsChapter 3 - Reviews
Chapter 3 - Reviews

This is chapter 3 of ISTQB Advance Test Manager certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

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Chapter 1 - The Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Risk Based Testing
Chapter 1 - The Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Risk Based TestingChapter 1 - The Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Risk Based Testing
Chapter 1 - The Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Risk Based Testing

This is chapter 1 of ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

technical test analystistqbistqb examination
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam PracticeISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice

Static analysis techniques can analyze source code without executing it to find potential issues. It checks for violations of coding standards and detects problems like unreachable code, undeclared variables, and array index errors. Data flow analysis examines how variables are defined and used. Control flow analysis checks for unreachable nodes, infinite loops, and conformance to flow patterns. Cyclomatic complexity measures a program's structural complexity. Static analysis has limitations but can efficiently find certain faults before testing begins.

Inspection Thoroughness Inspection can find deep-seated faults:  all of that type can be corrected but needs optimum checking rate
Inspection surprises Fundamental importance of Rules democratically agreed as applying define major issues / faults Slow checking rates Strict entry & exit criteria Fast logging rates Amount of responsibility given to author
Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis ISEB Foundation Certificate Course Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
What can static analysis do? A form of automated testing check for violations of standards check for things which may be a fault Descended from compiler technology a compiler statically analyses code, and “knows” a lot about it, e.g. variable usage; finds syntax faults static analysis tools extend this knowledge can find unreachable code, undeclared variables, parameter type mis-matches, uncalled functions & procedures, array bound violations, etc. Remember: static techniques do not execute the code

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Static testing techniques
Static testing techniquesStatic testing techniques
Static testing techniques

Topics: Reviews and the test process, Types of review, static analysis To know more about Offer- Syllabus- Slide share: For more events- All videos- Facebook- Twitter- Mail us : Contact: 9629728714

reviews and the test processstatic analysismazenet
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 5
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 5ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 5
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 5

The document discusses various aspects of test management including organizational structures for testing, configuration management, test estimation and monitoring, incident management, and standards for testing. It describes different levels of independence for testing, such as testing by developers, testing by development teams, and independent test teams. It also outlines the importance of configuration management, estimating and measuring test progress, logging incidents, and following standards for quality assurance and industry-specific testing.

software testingistqb certificationiseb
CTFL Module 03
CTFL Module 03CTFL Module 03
CTFL Module 03

This document provides an overview of static testing techniques and how they differ from dynamic testing techniques. It defines static testing as testing that does not require executing the software, such as reviews, inspections and static analysis tools. Dynamic testing involves executing the software with test cases. The document then describes various static techniques like formal reviews, informal reviews, walkthroughs, technical reviews and inspections. It also discusses static and dynamic analysis tools. Finally, it covers cyclomatic complexity, which is a measure of how many independent paths exist in a program.

testingtestmanual testing
Data flow analysis This is the study of program variables variable defined* where a value is stored into it variable used where the stored value is accessed variable is undefined before it is defined or when it goes out of scope *defined should not be confused with declared x = y + z IF a > b THEN read(S) x is defined, y and z are used a and b are used, S is defined
Data flow analysis faults n := 0 read (x) n := 1 while x > y do begin   read (y)   write( n*y)   x := x - n end Data flow anomaly: n is re-defined without being used Data flow fault: y is used before it has been defined (first time around the loop)
Control flow analysis Highlights: nodes not accessible from start node infinite loops multiple entry to loops whether code is well structured, i.e. reducible whether code conforms to a flowchart grammar any jumps to undefined labels any labels not jumped to cyclomatic complexity and other metrics
Unreachable code example Macro definitions (different for different platforms the code runs on) Buffsize: 1000  Mailboxmax: 1000 IF Buffsize < Mailboxmax THEN  Error-Exit ENDIF Static Analysis finds the THEN clause unreachable, so will flag a fault

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03. static techniques
03. static techniques03. static techniques
03. static techniques

This document discusses static testing techniques, including reviews. It describes the review process, roles in reviews, types of reviews, and static analysis using tools. Reviews are a formal process typically involving planning, preparation, a review meeting, rework, and follow-up. Roles include the moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. Types of reviews serve different purposes at different stages. Static analysis tools can check coding standards and metrics, as well as code structure.

Static nopri wahyudi
Static nopri wahyudiStatic nopri wahyudi
Static nopri wahyudi

The document discusses static techniques for testing software work products like code, requirements, and design specifications. Static techniques like reviews and static analysis aim to find defects early before testing to improve productivity and reduce costs. Reviews involve examining documentation for defects, while static analysis checks code complexity, errors, and other issues without executing the code. Formal reviews follow steps like planning, kickoff meetings, preparation, review meetings, reworking defects, and follow up. Roles include managers, moderators, authors, reviewers, and scribes.

static technique
Testing 1 static techniques
Testing 1 static techniquesTesting 1 static techniques
Testing 1 static techniques

Static techniques such as reviews can improve both quality and productivity in software development. Static testing examines software work products like requirements and design documents manually or with tools before execution, finding defects early. Dynamic testing executes software with test cases. The two techniques are complementary, as static testing finds defects like missing requirements or design flaws while dynamic testing finds failures from execution. Using static testing from early in the development lifecycle provides advantages like early feedback, low rework costs, increased productivity, and greater awareness of quality issues.

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Cyclomatic complexity cyclomatic complexity is a measure of the complexity of a flow graph (and therefore the code that the flow graph represents) the more complex the flow graph, the greater the measure it can most easily be calculated as: complexity = number of decisions + 1
Which flow graph is most complex? 1 2 3 5 What is the cyclomatic complexity?
Example control flow graph Result = 0 Right = 0 DO WHILE more Questions IF Answer = Correct THEN     Right = Right + 1 ENDIF END DO Result = (Right / Questions) IF Result > 60% THEN   Print &quot;pass&quot; ELSE Print &quot;fail” ENDIF do if r=r+1 end init if res pass fail end Pseudo-code:
Other static metrics lines of code (LOC) operands & operators (Halstead’s metrics) fan-in & fan-out nesting levels function calls OO metrics: inheritance tree depth, number of methods, coupling & cohesion

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ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 2
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 2ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 2
ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 2

The document discusses various topics related to software testing including: 1. It introduces different levels of testing in the software development lifecycle like component testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. 2. It discusses the importance of early test design and planning and its benefits like reducing costs and improving quality. 3. It provides examples of how not planning tests properly can increase costs due to bugs found late in the process, and outlines the typical costs involved in fixing bugs at different stages.

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Aim (A).pptxAim (A).pptx
Aim (A).pptx

Types of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating systemTypes of operating system

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3.static techniques
3.static techniques3.static techniques
3.static techniques

Static techniques like reviews and static analysis tools can find defects in software work products like requirements, design, and code without executing the software. Reviews vary in formality from informal discussions to more structured inspections and walkthroughs. Static analysis examines software artifacts automatically using tools to identify defects before dynamic testing begins.
Limitations and advantages Limitations: cannot distinguish &quot;fail-safe&quot; code from programming faults or anomalies (often creates overload of spurious error messages) does not execute the code, so not related to operating conditions Advantages: can find faults difficult to &quot;see&quot; gives objective quality assessment of code
Summary: Key Points Reviews help to find faults in development and test documentation, and should be applied early Types of review: informal, walkthrough, technical / peer review, Inspection Static analysis can find faults and give information about code without executing it Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6

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ISTQB Foundation - Chapter 3

  • 1. Static Testing 1 Principles 2 Lifecycle 4 Dynamic test techniques 3 Static testing 5 Management 6 Tools Software Testing
  • 2. Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
  • 3. People techniques individual: desk-checking, data-stepping, proof-reading group: Reviews (informal & formal): for consensus Walkthrough: for education Inspection (most formal): to find faults Static techniques do not execute code
  • 4. Benefits of reviews Development productivity improvement Reduced development timescales Reduced testing time and cost Lifetime cost reductions Reduced fault levels Improved customer relations etc.
  • 5. Reviews are cost-effective 10 times reduction in faults reaching test, testing cost reduced by 50% to 80% Freedman & Weinberg, Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections & Technical Reviews reduce faults by a factor of 10 Yourdon, Structured Walkthroughs 25% reduction in schedules, remove 80% - 95% of faults at each stage, 28 times reduction in maintenance cost, many others Gilb & Graham, Software Inspection
  • 6. What can be Inspected? policy, strategy, business plans, marketing or advertising material, contracts system requirements, feasibility studies, acceptance test plans test plans, test designs, test cases, test results system designs, logical & physical software code user manuals, procedures, training material Anything written down can be Inspected
  • 7. What can be reviewed? anything which could be Inspected i.e. anything written down plans, visions, “big picture”, strategic directions, ideas project progress work completed to schedule, etc. “Should we develop this” marketing options
  • 8. What to review / Inspect? Tests Tests Tests Tests Requirements Design Code Functions Integration T Unit Test Accept. Test System Test
  • 9. Costs of reviews Rough guide: 5%-15% of development effort half day a week is 10% Effort required for reviews planning (by leader / moderator) preparation / self-study checking meeting fixing / editing / follow-up recording & analysis of statistics / metrics process improvement (should!)
  • 10. Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
  • 11. Types of review of documents Informal Review undocumented widely viewed as useful and cheap (but no one can prove it!) A helpful first step for chaotic organisations. Technical Review: (or peer review) includes peer and technical experts, no management participation. Normally documented, fault-finding. Can be rather subjective. Decision-making Review: group discusses document and makes a decision about the content, e.g. how something should be done, go or no-go decision, or technical comments
  • 12. Types of review of documents Walkthrough author guides the group through a document and his or her thought processes, so all understand the same thing, consensus on changes to make Inspection: formal individual and group checking, using sources and standards, according to generic and specific rules and checklists, using entry and exit criteria, Leader must be trained & certified, metrics required
  • 13. Reviews in general 1 Objectives / goals validation & verification against specifications & standards achieve consensus (excluding Inspection) process improvement (ideal, included in Inspection)
  • 14. Reviews in general 2 Activities planning overview / kickoff meeting (Inspection) preparation / individual checking review meeting (not always) follow-up (for some types) metrics recording & analysis (Inspections and sometimes reviews)
  • 15. Reviews in general 3 Roles and responsibilities Leader / moderator - plans the review / Inspection, chooses participants, helps & encourages, conducts the meeting, performs follow-up, manages metrics Author of the document being reviewed / Inspected Reviewers / Inspectors - specialised fault-finding roles for Inspection Managers - excluded from some types of review, need to plan project time for review / Inspection Others: e.g. Inspection/ review Co-ordinator
  • 16. Reviews in general 4 Deliverables Changes (edits) in review product Change requests for source documents (predecessor documents to product being reviewed / Inspected) Process improvement suggestions to the review / Inspection process to the development process which produced the product just reviewed / Inspected Metrics (Inspection and some types of review)
  • 17. Reviews in general 5 Pitfalls (they don’t always work!) lack of training in the technique (especially Inspection, the most formal) lack of or quality of documentation - what is being reviewed / Inspected Lack of management support - “lip service” - want them done, but don’t allow time for them to happen in project schedules Failure to improve processes (gets disheartening just getting better at finding the same thing over again)
  • 18. Inspection is different the document to be reviewed is given out in advance typically dozens of pages to review instructions are &quot;please review this&quot; some people have time to look through it and make comments before the meeting (which is difficult to arrange) the meeting often lasts for hours &quot;I don't like this&quot; much discussion, some about technical approaches, some about trivia don't really know if it was worthwhile, but we keep doing it Reviews vs. Inspection A typical review? chunk or sample training, roles entry criteria to meeting, may not be worth holding Rule violations, objective, not subjective no discussion, highly focused, anti-trivia only do it if value is proven (continually) not just product, sources 2 max., often much shorter
  • 19. Inspection is more and better entry criteria training optimum checking rate prioritising the words standards process improvement exit criteria quantified estimates of remaining major faults per page typical review early Inspection mature Inspection effectiveness return on investment 10 - 20% unknown 30 - 40% 6 - 8 hrs / Insp hr 80 - 95% 8 - 30 hrs / Insp hr
  • 20. The Inspection Process Software Development Stage . . Planning Kick off Ind Chk Meet Edit Change Request Process Improvement Entry Next Software Development Stage Exit
  • 21. At first glance .. Here’s a document: review this (or Inspect it)
  • 22. Reviews: time and size determine rate Time Checking Rate Size 2 hrs? 100 pages? 50 pages per hour Checking Rate
  • 23. Review “Thoroughness”? ordinary “review” - finds some faults, one major, fix them, consider the document now corrected and OK major minor minor
  • 24. Inspection: time and rate determine size Time Checking Rate Size 2 hrs? Optimum: 1 page * per hour 2 pages (at optimum rate) Size * 1 page = 300 important words
  • 25. Inspection Thoroughness Inspection can find deep-seated faults: all of that type can be corrected but needs optimum checking rate
  • 26. Inspection surprises Fundamental importance of Rules democratically agreed as applying define major issues / faults Slow checking rates Strict entry & exit criteria Fast logging rates Amount of responsibility given to author
  • 27. Contents Reviews and the test process Types of review Static analysis ISEB Foundation Certificate Course Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6
  • 28. What can static analysis do? A form of automated testing check for violations of standards check for things which may be a fault Descended from compiler technology a compiler statically analyses code, and “knows” a lot about it, e.g. variable usage; finds syntax faults static analysis tools extend this knowledge can find unreachable code, undeclared variables, parameter type mis-matches, uncalled functions & procedures, array bound violations, etc. Remember: static techniques do not execute the code
  • 29. Data flow analysis This is the study of program variables variable defined* where a value is stored into it variable used where the stored value is accessed variable is undefined before it is defined or when it goes out of scope *defined should not be confused with declared x = y + z IF a > b THEN read(S) x is defined, y and z are used a and b are used, S is defined
  • 30. Data flow analysis faults n := 0 read (x) n := 1 while x > y do begin read (y) write( n*y) x := x - n end Data flow anomaly: n is re-defined without being used Data flow fault: y is used before it has been defined (first time around the loop)
  • 31. Control flow analysis Highlights: nodes not accessible from start node infinite loops multiple entry to loops whether code is well structured, i.e. reducible whether code conforms to a flowchart grammar any jumps to undefined labels any labels not jumped to cyclomatic complexity and other metrics
  • 32. Unreachable code example Macro definitions (different for different platforms the code runs on) Buffsize: 1000 Mailboxmax: 1000 IF Buffsize < Mailboxmax THEN Error-Exit ENDIF Static Analysis finds the THEN clause unreachable, so will flag a fault
  • 33. Cyclomatic complexity cyclomatic complexity is a measure of the complexity of a flow graph (and therefore the code that the flow graph represents) the more complex the flow graph, the greater the measure it can most easily be calculated as: complexity = number of decisions + 1
  • 34. Which flow graph is most complex? 1 2 3 5 What is the cyclomatic complexity?
  • 35. Example control flow graph Result = 0 Right = 0 DO WHILE more Questions IF Answer = Correct THEN Right = Right + 1 ENDIF END DO Result = (Right / Questions) IF Result > 60% THEN Print &quot;pass&quot; ELSE Print &quot;fail” ENDIF do if r=r+1 end init if res pass fail end Pseudo-code:
  • 36. Other static metrics lines of code (LOC) operands & operators (Halstead’s metrics) fan-in & fan-out nesting levels function calls OO metrics: inheritance tree depth, number of methods, coupling & cohesion
  • 37. Limitations and advantages Limitations: cannot distinguish &quot;fail-safe&quot; code from programming faults or anomalies (often creates overload of spurious error messages) does not execute the code, so not related to operating conditions Advantages: can find faults difficult to &quot;see&quot; gives objective quality assessment of code
  • 38. Summary: Key Points Reviews help to find faults in development and test documentation, and should be applied early Types of review: informal, walkthrough, technical / peer review, Inspection Static analysis can find faults and give information about code without executing it Static testing 1 2 4 5 3 6

Editor's Notes

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