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Presented by
Aliaa Monier
Test planning
Test planning
Test planning

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The document outlines the software testing life cycle (STLC) which is a systematic and planned process for testing software. The STLC includes requirement analysis to define what will be tested, test planning to identify activities, resources and schedules, test case development to detail test cases and data, test execution to run test cases and log results, and test cycle closure to generate reports and complete testing.

Test Plan Simplicity
Test Plan SimplicityTest Plan Simplicity
Test Plan Simplicity

This document discusses simplifying test plans by removing unnecessary information and keeping them dynamic. It recommends including only essential information like test ownership, the system configuration under test, definition of done, identified risks, test activities, and a dynamic test schedule. The test plan should evolve continuously through a self-learning loop to improve test scope based on lessons learned. Static information can be moved to other documents to keep the test plan focused on guiding the test project.

test plantestrisk matrix
Software Testing Life Cycle
Software Testing Life CycleSoftware Testing Life Cycle
Software Testing Life Cycle

The document describes the key stages of the software testing life cycle (STLC), including contract signing, requirement analysis, test planning, test development, test execution, defect reporting, and product delivery. It provides details on the processes, documents, and activities involved in each stage. Risk analysis and bug/defect management processes are also summarized. Various test metrics and bug tracking tools that can be used are listed.

Test planning
Test planning
• To identify what is being tested.
• To determine the overall test effort.
• Used as the basis for test coverage.
Define test items
Why to identify test items
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

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Test Management introduction
Test Management introductionTest Management introduction
Test Management introduction

The document discusses test management for software quality assurance, including defining test management as organizing and controlling the testing process and artifacts. It covers the phases of test management like planning, authoring, execution, and reporting. Additionally, it discusses challenges in test management, priorities and classifications for testing, and the role and responsibilities of the test manager.

Bug reporting and tracking
Bug reporting and trackingBug reporting and tracking
Bug reporting and tracking

The document discusses defect reporting and tracking. It defines a software bug and explains that once a tester identifies a defect, they generate a formal defect report. The report includes information like a unique ID, project name, summary, steps to reproduce, actual and expected results. A bug goes through different statuses in its lifecycle from new to closed. Developers analyze and fix bugs, while testers verify fixes and may reopen bugs. Bug tracking systems help teams manage large numbers of defects by keeping track of key details for each bug report.

qaqcsoftware testing
Software testing life cycle
Software testing life cycleSoftware testing life cycle
Software testing life cycle

The process of testing a software in a well planned and systematic way is known as software testing life cycle(STLC).

stlctesting phases descriptionsoftware testing life cycle
Verifiable: they have an observable, measurable
Items to be tested should be:
The home page needs to load fast.
 Home page loading time will take maximum 10 sec
once Home page link is clicked.
- Hierarchy of features to be tested , which
can be grouped by :
 Use case
 Business case
 Type of test (functional, performance, etc.)
- Each use case should derive at least one
test item.
Patrons of the library can search library catalog online to locate various
resources - books, periodicals, audio and visual materials, or other
items under control of the library. Patrons may reserve or renew item,
provide feedback, and manage their account.
Online public access catalog
Why not to include some features in testing:
• Not to be included in this release of the
• Low risk, has been used before and is
considered stable.
• OOB component
• Will be tested by the client

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Software Testing Techniques: An Overview
Software Testing Techniques: An Overview Software Testing Techniques: An Overview
Software Testing Techniques: An Overview

Are you sure you're well versed with the intricate details of the techniques involved in software testing? Via this PPT, get some insight on static and dynamic software testing techniques, white box testing, and black box testing as well stay tuned for more!

black box testingwhite box testingdynamic software testing techniques

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. I hope this ppt will help u to learn about software testing.


The document discusses various aspects of software testing including definitions, principles, objectives, types and processes. It defines testing as "the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors". The key principles discussed are that testing shows presence of bugs but not their absence, exhaustive testing is impossible, early testing is beneficial, and testing must be done by an independent party. The major types of testing covered are unit testing, integration testing and system testing.

unit-4 software testing
Test planning
Risk assessment and establishing test priority
What is Risk?
Risk is a future uncertain event with a probability of occurrence and a potential for loss
why to assess risk:
• To ensure the most critical, significant, or
riskiest requirements for tests are
addressed as early as possible
• To ensure the test efforts are focused on
the most appropriate requirements for test
• To ensure that any dependencies
(sequence, data, etc.) are accounted for in
the testing
Budget Risk
Technical risks Programmatic

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Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document discusses software testing, outlining key achievements in the field, dreams for the future of testing, and ongoing challenges. Some of the achievements mentioned include establishing testing as an essential software engineering activity, developing test process models, and advancing testing techniques for object-oriented and component-based systems. The dreams include developing a universal test theory, enabling fully automated testing, and maximizing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of testing. Current challenges pertain to testing modern complex systems and evolving software.

Test Plan.pptx
Test Plan.pptxTest Plan.pptx
Test Plan.pptx

A test plan is a document that describes the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended software testing activities. It follows a strict structure defined by IEEE standards to ensure all aspects of testing are covered. A test plan identifies test items, features to be tested, approach, pass/fail criteria, deliverables, risks, staffing needs, schedule, and approvals. Developing thorough test plans is essential for efficient and effective software testing.

So you think you can write a test case
So you think you can write a test caseSo you think you can write a test case
So you think you can write a test case

This document provides guidance on writing effective test cases. It discusses that test cases are documentation that guide testing and serve as a record. Key components of a test case are test steps that provide clear instructions to testers, and expected results that describe how to verify the outcome. The document also outlines best practices like starting test case design after exploring the application, using clear and specific language, and providing supplemental materials like test data sheets to support testing. Maintaining test cases is important as applications evolve, requiring test cases to be revised as needed to continue supporting products.

test managementpnsqctest case
Assess Risk
Three steps to assessing risk and establishing
the test priorities
a - Identify and describe the risk magnitude
indicators that will be used, such as:
• H - High risk:
• M - Medium risk:
• L - Low risk:
b - For each item in your test items list , define
expected risks, select a risk magnitude indicator,
and justify (in a brief statement) the value you
Assess Risk
There are three perspectives that can be used for assessing risk:
• Effect - the consequence of a specified test item fails.
• Cause - an undesirable outcome caused by the failure of a test item
• Likelihood - the probability of a test item fails.
To assess risk by Effect, identify a condition, event, or action and try to
determine its impact.
Ask the question:
"What would happen if ___________?"
For example:
• "What would happen if while installing the new software, the
system runs out of disk space?"

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Software Testing or Quality Assurance
Software Testing or Quality AssuranceSoftware Testing or Quality Assurance
Software Testing or Quality Assurance

software testing is necessary to make sure the product or application is defect free, as per customer specifications. Software testing identifies fault whose removal increases the software Quality and Increases the software reliability.Testing effort is directly proportional to the complexity of the program.

smoke testingsoftware testing life cyclesanity testing
Unit testing
Unit testing Unit testing
Unit testing

Unit testing involves individually testing small units or modules of code, such as functions, classes, or programs, to determine if they are fit for use. The goal is to isolate each part of a program and verify that it works as intended, helps reduce defects early in the development process, and improves code design. Unit testing is typically done by developers to test their code meets its design before integration testing.

Presentation On Software Testing Bug Life Cycle
Presentation On Software Testing Bug Life CyclePresentation On Software Testing Bug Life Cycle
Presentation On Software Testing Bug Life Cycle

The document defines a bug as abnormal software behavior and discusses the bug lifecycle. It states bugs go through different states including new, open, assigned, test, verified, deferred, reopened, rejected, and closed. The states are part of a standardized process to ensure bugs are addressed and closed. Testers report bugs to programmers using problem report forms to fully explain how to reproduce the problem with a minimum number of steps so it can be understood and fixed.

Description Risk Mitigation
Insufficient disk
space during
H Installing the software provides the user with the
first impression of the product. Any undesirable
outcomes, such as those listed below would
degrade the user's system, the installed software,
and communicate a negative impression to the
• software is partially installed (some files,
some registry entries), which leaves the
installed software in an unstable condition, or
• the installation halts leaving the system in an
unstable state
Assessing risk by Cause is the opposite of by Effect.
Begin by stating an undesirable event or condition, and identify the set of
events that could have permitted the condition to exist. Ask a question such
"How could ___________ happen?”
For example:
• "How could an order being replicated?"
Description Risk
H  Replicated orders increase the company
overhead and diminish profits via the costs
associated with shipping, handling, and
 Possible causes include:
 Transaction that writes order to the
database replicated due to user
intervention, user enters order twice - no
confirmation of entry
 Transaction that writes order to the
database replicated due to non-user
intervention (recovery process from lost
Internet connection, restore of database)
Assessing risk by Likelihood is to determine the probability that a test item
will fail.
The probability is usually based on an external factors such as:
• Failure rate(s)
• Rate of change
• Complexity
• Origination / Originator
"Historically we've found many defects in the components used to implement
use cases 1, 10, and 12, and our customers requested many changes in use
case 14 and 19."

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Test Process
Test ProcessTest Process
Test Process

The document discusses various aspects of the software testing process including verification and validation strategies, test phases, metrics, configuration management, test development, and defect tracking. It provides details on unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and other test phases. Metrics covered include functional coverage, software maturity, and reliability. Configuration management and defect tracking processes are also summarized.

Testing techniques
Testing techniquesTesting techniques
Testing techniques

The document discusses various software testing techniques including black box testing, white box testing, and grey box testing. It provides details on specific techniques such as equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, statement coverage, condition coverage, function coverage, and cyclomatic complexity. The objective is to understand these techniques so they can be used effectively to test applications and find defects.

Test Planning
Test PlanningTest Planning
Test Planning

Test planning involves prescribing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule for testing activities. It helps identify items and features to be tested as well as risk items. Test planning should occur early in the project lifecycle to note any risk factors that could jeopardize testing and include a testing schedule. The purpose is to help those outside the test group understand how and why product validation will take place.

Description Risk
High failure
discovery rates
/ defect
densities in use
cases 1, 10, 12.
Requests in use
cases 14 and
Due to the previous high failure discovery rates and
defect density use cases 1, 10, and 12 are considered
high risk.
A high number of changes to these use cases
increases the probability of injecting defects into the
a - Identify and describe the operational profile
magnitude indicators that will be used, such as:
• H - Quite frequently used:
• M - Frequently used:
• L - Infrequently used:
b- For each item in you test items list, select an
operational profile magnitude indicator and
state your justification for the indicator value.
• Ordering items from the on-line catalog
• Customers inquiring about their order on-line after order is placed
• Item selection dialog
Description Operational Profile Factor Justification
Ordering items
from the catalog
This is the most common use case
executed by users.
a- Identify and describe the test priority
magnitude indicators that will be used,
such as:
• H - Must be tested.
• M - Should be tested, will test only after all
H items are tested
• L - Might be tested, but not until all H and
M items have been tested
b- For each item in you test items list, select a
test priority indicator and a state your

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02 test planning
02   test planning02   test planning
02 test planning

The document discusses test planning and outlines the key phases and activities in a test planning process. It emphasizes that an important part of planning is creating a test plan that is derived from an overall master test plan. The planning phase involves determining what will be tested based on business needs and risks, and managing the test process and different test types. It stresses the importance of coordination across test levels, phases, and types using a master test plan to avoid duplicative testing.

Applied Psych Test Design: Part A--Planning, development frameworks & domain/...
Applied Psych Test Design: Part A--Planning, development frameworks & domain/...Applied Psych Test Design: Part A--Planning, development frameworks & domain/...
Applied Psych Test Design: Part A--Planning, development frameworks & domain/...

The Art and Science of Applied Test Development. This is the first in a series of PPT modules explicating the development of psychological tests in the domain of cognitive ability using contemporary methods (e.g., theory-driven test specification; IRT-Rasch scaling; etc.). The presentations are intended to be conceptual and not statistical in nature. Feedback is appreciated.

Test planning & estimation
Test planning & estimationTest planning & estimation
Test planning & estimation

Test planning involves defining the scope, objectives, and activities for testing a project. It is done early in the project and produces a master test plan. Key activities include identifying what needs testing, assigning roles and resources, and defining entry and exit criteria. Estimating test effort can be done using metrics from past projects or by eliciting estimates from subject matter experts. Product characteristics, development processes, and expected test outcomes all impact the level of effort required for testing.

Consider the following :
• the risk magnitude indicator value you identified earlier
• the operational profile magnitude value you identified earlier
• contractual obligations (will the target-of-test be acceptable if a use case or
component is not delivered?)
Strategies for establishing a test priority include:
• Use the highest assessed factor
• Identify one assessed factor as being the most significant and use that factor's
value as the priority.
• Use a combination of assessed factors to identify the priority.
• Using a weighting schema where individual factors are weighed, and their values
and priority calculated based upon the weight.
• Ordering items from the on-line catalog
• Customers inquiring about their order on-line after order is placed
• Item Selection Dialog
Priority when the highest assessed value is used to determine priority:
Item Risk Operational
Contract Priority
items from
• Delivery of a third party product.
• New version of interfacing software
• Ability to use and understand a new
package/tool, etc.
• Extremely complex functions
• Modifications to components with a past
history of failure
• Poorly documented modules or change
• misunderstanding of the original
Example for common risks
Test planning

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Sop test planning
Sop test planningSop test planning
Sop test planning

The document discusses software test management and planning. It notes that errors found early in the development process are less costly to fix. A graph shows that errors discovered during maintenance are 368 times more expensive to fix than requirements errors. The document recommends optimizing the software process to find errors early. It also provides guidance on test planning, including designing for testability, defining metrics, covering all requirements with tests, and integrating the test plan into the project plan.

software testing
Test Planning_Arsala
Test Planning_ArsalaTest Planning_Arsala
Test Planning_Arsala

The document discusses test planning and documentation. It defines test planning as creating test cases and strategies to control and communicate testing. A test plan scope, approach, resources, schedule and identifies items to test. Objectives are to design verification, manage efforts, and find bugs. It recommends types of tests to cover and provides a template for test plans with components like lists, tables, and matrices.

Non functional requirements framework
Non functional requirements frameworkNon functional requirements framework
Non functional requirements framework

This document provides a framework for classifying and assigning responsibilities for non-functional requirements (NFRs) between a solution architect (SA) and business analyst (BA). It defines NFRs and outlines a taxonomy with high-level categories and more detailed sub-categories. The framework includes mapping NFR characteristics to stakeholders, mapping stakeholders to the SA and BA roles, and a responsibility assignment matrix (RACI) for NFRs. The goal is to provide guidance for distinguishing SA and BA responsibilities when addressing NFRs during a project.

Test Strategy
• Define Types of Testing which will be
used and their objectives
• Define which testing techniques will be
• Define Entrance Criteria
• Define suspension criteria and
resumption requirements
• Define Exit Criteria
• Define Testing Stages
Define Types of Testing which will
be used and their objectives
System testing
Security testingPerformance
Define Testing Stages
Clearly state the stage in which the test will be executed.
Application Stages
Components are
are Integrated
All System
are integrated
System will be
delivered to the
System testing
Performance testing
Security testing
Acceptance testing
How to decide which testing types will be used
Define which testing techniques will be used
For each testing types :
For each test item:
• specify how the test will be implemented
• who will execute it
• Which method(s) will be used to evaluate the results

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The document discusses test execution and reporting. It provides details on general test procedures including planning, execution, and evaluation. It describes preparing the test infrastructure by setting up systems, software, and standards. Test execution involves conducting individual test cases, verifying results against expected outcomes, and analyzing any variances. Reporting includes documenting test logs, creating incident reports for problems, and providing effective defect reports using a standardized template. Defects are then resolved by referring them to defect or change management processes.

Test plan
Test planTest plan
Test plan

This document outlines the test approach, scope, objectives, assumptions, and methodology for testing applications. It describes unit, integration, system, regression, and user acceptance testing. The primary objective is to ensure all requirements are met and the system functions as intended. The secondary objective is to identify and address all issues before release. Test deliverables include documents like the test approach, plan, and specifications as well as test cases, bug reports, and status reports.

Test plan
Test planTest plan
Test plan

This document presents a test plan for version 1.0 of the IIT official website. It outlines the test items, features to be tested, approach, environment, responsibilities, and schedule. The test items include the website and its modules like achievements, gallery, news, programs, batches, courses, faculty, exams, results, groups, profile, documents, attendance, projects, calendar, and alumni. Features to be tested include adding, modifying, and viewing albums in the gallery module. The test plan follows IEEE 829 standards and will test the website on different client platforms.

test plan documentcomplete test plantest plan
Define which testing techniques will be used
For each testing types :Functional testing
For each test item: Registeration Form
• Specify how the test will be implemented :
• Who will execute it :
 There will be a set of test cases, each representing the actions taken by the
actor when the test item is executed.
 A minimum of two test cases will be created for each test item; one test
case to reflect the positive condition and one to reflect the negative
(unacceptable) condition.
 QE / Automated Tool (For security/ performance testing : Tool / SME) , (For
Acceptancr : QE / Client)
• Which method(s) will be used to evaluate the results
 Test case execution :
Function was executed successfully and as desired
 Window Existence, or Object Data verification methods:(UI / Data)
Windows /data were displayed during test execution.
 Database reflection testing :
Database will be examined before the test and again after the test to verify
that the changes executed during the test are accurately reflected in the data.
Define Entrance Criteria
• Components are developed and unit tested
• Test environment is ready
• Testing tools are available
• Testing Resources are available
• All bugs are fixed (regression testing)
Define suspension and resumption requirements
If the number or type of defects reaches a point where the follow on testing has no value,
it makes no sense to continue the test; you are just wasting resources.
Testing after a truly fatal error will generate conditions that may be identified as defects
but are in fact ghost errors caused by the earlier defects that were ignored.

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TaaS(Testing as a Service) strategy

taassoftware testingtsaas
The Best Way to Outline a Sales Deck - Example for The Slideshare Blog
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"The Best Way to Outline a Sales Deck," was created as an exampled for an article featured on The Official SlideShare Blog. Once you review the example sales presentation, check out the SlideShare blog for more behind-the-scenes details on this presentation. If you want more presentation tips and tricks, visit the Ethos3 blog at: If you need help creating professional presentations, email us at: Ethos3 is a presentation design agency with premier PowerPoint and presentation designers. We can create the perfect presentation for you:

businesssalesbusiness services
An Introduction to Software Testing
An Introduction to Software TestingAn Introduction to Software Testing
An Introduction to Software Testing

Slides for the according talk at WordCamp Berlin, 2015

software testingtestingwordcamp
Why to define Exit Criteria?
 To identify acceptable product quality
 To identify when the test effort has been successfully implemented
A clear statement of exit criteria should include the following items:
 What is being tested (the specific test item)
 How is the measurement being made
 What criteria is being used to evaluate the measurement
Define Exit Criteria
 All planned test cases have been executed
 All identified defects have been addressed to an agreed upon resolution
 All planned test cases have been re-executed and all known defects have been
addressed as agreed upon, and no new defects have been discovered
Human resources (skills, knowledge, availability , training)
Test environment (Hardware and software requirements)
• Manage and plan the testing
• Design the tests and data
• Implement the tests and data
• (test cases creation and test data
• preparation)
• Execute testing and evaluate the results
• Manage and maintain the test
systems(Support team)
Identify human resources who can
do the following

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Test Life Cycle
Test Life CycleTest Life Cycle
Test Life Cycle

The document discusses the testing life cycle process. It involves testing activities from the beginning of a project through requirements, design, development, integration testing, system testing, and release. Key phases include test planning, case design, execution, and using various testing types and tools. An effective testing team has defined roles and responsibilities throughout the project life cycle.

IDEO's design thinking.
IDEO's design thinking. IDEO's design thinking.
IDEO's design thinking.

"IDEO의 디자인 Thinking" (Design Thinking from IDEO) "왜 IDEO는 혁신적인가?" 혁신의 상징, 거대기업들이 끊임없이 배우고자 하는 창의적 사고. 그 중심에는 'Design Thinking'이 있습니다. IDEO의 ���례들과 디자인Thinking의 프로세스를 알아보세요! 창의적인 1%의 비밀노트, Beecanvas 페이스북페이지에서 만나보세요! - 슬라이드쉐어에서도 만나보실 수 있습니다. - 모든 아이디어 발상 테크닉들을 페이지에서 만나보세요! 사진 출처 : - Stilte na de brainstorm Impact Hub Amsterdam 원작자 플리커 : - MVO Nederland 참고 :, OPENIDEO

Design Thinking - Bootcamp
Design Thinking - BootcampDesign Thinking - Bootcamp
Design Thinking - Bootcamp

This document provides an excerpt from slides for a 2-3 day professional training on design thinking and innovation management. The slides cover the basics of design thinking, including its origins and nature, how it is portrayed in the media, and how it relates to strategic thinking. Design thinking is presented as a way to take an outside-in perspective focused on customer needs and experiences to drive value creation and innovation. The training is intended to help participants better understand design thinking and apply it to innovating without unrealistic expectations. The facilitator also provides strategy advisory and training on other topics beyond design thinking.

bootcampdesign methodsinnovation
Team Leader
Testing team Client
User Acceptance test
Unit testing
System Design
Test Cases Creation
Test Cases Review
Screen prototype
Regression testing
Who is in charge?
Identify non-human resource needs (Test environment)
Two different physical environments are recommended
• The application-under-test.
• The client O/S.
• The server O/S.
• Internet Browser
• Bugs Tracking system
• Test case repository tool
• Database management tool
• Microsoft office , Outlook
Software Needed
Minimum software needed:
Additional software needed:
Data can be used as:
 Input (creating or supporting a test condition)
 Output (to be compared to an expected result).
• What software tools will be used,
• by whom,
• and what information or benefit will be gained by the use of each tool.

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Software Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing FundamentalsSoftware Testing Fundamentals
Software Testing Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts and processes. It discusses the importance of testing in the software development lifecycle and defines key terms like errors, bugs, faults, and failures. It also describes different types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Finally, it covers quality assurance and quality control processes and how bugs are managed throughout their lifecycle.

ibm trainingsdlc
Quality Assurance and Software Testing
Quality Assurance and Software TestingQuality Assurance and Software Testing
Quality Assurance and Software Testing

The document provides an overview of quality assurance and software testing processes. It describes key concepts like requirements gathering, test planning, test case development, defect reporting, retesting and sign off. It also covers quality standards, software development life cycles, testing methodologies, documentation artifacts, and project management structures.

The role of Design Thinking
The role of Design ThinkingThe role of Design Thinking
The role of Design Thinking

I gave a talk on the role of Design Thinking to leaders in the financial industry. The focus was on user centric thinking to innovate financial products and digital services. (all case material is removed)

digital servicesdesign thinkingdigital
Test planning
• Test plan document.
• Test cases.
• Test Data
• Traceability matrix
• Build status report
• Release notes
• Test design specifications.
• Output of testing tools. (Performance-security - automation - Reports)
Why to create a test schedule:
Creating a schedule includes:
• Estimate test effort
• Generate test schedule
To identify and communicate test effort,
schedule, and milestones
Software testing estimation methods:
 Percentage of development effort.
 Experience Based.
 Work Breakdown Structure.
 Delphi technique
 Three-point estimation
Why to estimate
To avoid the exceeding timescales and overshooting budgets

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Software testing ppt
Software testing pptSoftware testing ppt
Software testing ppt

Testing is the process of identifying bugs and ensuring software meets requirements. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check specification, functionality, and performance. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate requirements are met, and validate quality with minimal cost. Testing follows a life cycle including planning, design, execution, and reporting. Different methodologies like black box and white box testing are used at various levels from unit to system. The overall goal is to perform effective testing to deliver high quality software.

ISTQB foundation level - day 2
ISTQB foundation level - day 2ISTQB foundation level - day 2
ISTQB foundation level - day 2

The document provides an agenda for Day 2 of an ISTQB Foundation Level training which includes the following topics: test design techniques like test analysis, test design, equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, use case testing and experience-based testing. It also discusses test management topics like test leader and tester roles and responsibilities, test plan vs test strategy, estimation techniques, configuration management, risk based testing, exploratory testing and defect management. The last sections provide overviews of tool support for testing and an exercise on classifying different types of triangles based on side lengths.

istqb foundationistqbistqb ppt
Software testing introduction
Software testing introductionSoftware testing introduction
Software testing introduction

A presenetation on basics of software testing, explaining the software development life cycle and steps invovled in it and detials about each step from the testing point of view.

 Reading / analyzing and reviewing Requirements.
 Test design (Test cases creation , test data
 Test implementation ( Recording test cases)
 Test Execution
 Re-testing(Issues)
 Regression testing
 Integration testing
 User acceptance testing
 Performance / security testing
 Compatibility testing(Across different browsers , OS..)
 Language testing
Estimates should include estimates for:
Generate test schedule
A test project schedule can be built from the work estimates and
resource assignments.
It is always best to tie all test dates directly to their related
development activity dates.
To organize and communicate to others the test-planning information.
Prior to generating the test plan, a review of all the existing project information should be
done to ensure the test plan contains the most current and accurate information.
The test plan should be distributed to at least the following:
• all test roles
• developer representative
• Project Leader
• client representative
Who can approve the process as complete
and allow the project to proceed to the next

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The document discusses various concepts related to software testing such as testing types (unit testing, integration testing, etc.), test case design techniques (equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, etc.), test documentation (test plan, test cases, test procedures, etc.), software quality models (CMM, ISO), and the software development life cycle (waterfall model, iterative model, etc.). It provides definitions and explanations of key terms to understand software testing processes and methodologies.

Unit 3 for st
Unit 3 for stUnit 3 for st
Unit 3 for st

- Software testing is usually carried out at different levels including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. - Unit testing focuses on testing individual software components in isolation. Integration testing checks for defects in component interactions. System testing evaluates attributes of the entire system like usability, reliability, and performance. Acceptance testing shows that software meets client requirements. - Testing object-oriented software requires strategies to test components and their interactions, as well as issues like inheritance. Testing procedural code focuses on generating input data to pass to functions.

L software testing
L   software testingL   software testing
L software testing

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts and best practices. It defines key terms like errors, defects, and failures. It describes different testing approaches like black box and white box testing. It also outlines different testing levels from unit to system testing. The document emphasizes that testing aims to find defects, but it's impossible to test all possibilities. It stresses the importance of test planning, test cases, defect reports, and regression testing with new versions.

Test planning
Types of test Plan
Project Information Software Information
Create details
test plan
Create Master
test plan
Master test
Details test
Master test
Unit test
test plan
test plan
test plan
Test planning

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Load testing web based applications

Load testing involves testing a web application under heavy user loads to determine its performance capabilities and identify bottlenecks. The key steps of load testing include: 1) identifying critical usage scenarios and performance metrics, 2) designing workload models to simulate real user loads, and 3) running tests at increasing loads while measuring performance metrics. Analyzing the results helps determine if performance meets objectives and identifies areas for improvement. The goal is to ensure applications can handle anticipated peak user loads.

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The document provides an introduction to Oracle Application Testing Suite. It discusses the FMStocks sample application that will be used for testing purposes. It covers various testing concepts such as test planning, requirements, cases, strategies and approaches like functional testing.

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software testingsoftware testing
software testing

This document discusses various topics related to software testing including: 1. The objectives of software testing are to find errors and improve quality. Testing involves executing software under controlled conditions to evaluate results. 2. Test cases validate requirements and check for pass/fail outcomes. Test suites contain related test cases. Test scenarios ensure end-to-end business process flows are tested. 3. Testing principles include traceability to requirements, early planning, starting with small tests, and using independent third parties. Both manual and automation testing methods are discussed.


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Test planning

  • 8. • To identify what is being tested. • To determine the overall test effort. • Used as the basis for test coverage. Define test items Why to identify test items Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
  • 9. Verifiable: they have an observable, measurable outcome. Items to be tested should be: Example: The home page needs to load fast.  Home page loading time will take maximum 10 sec once Home page link is clicked.
  • 10. Output: - Hierarchy of features to be tested , which can be grouped by :  Use case  Business case  Type of test (functional, performance, etc.) Note: - Each use case should derive at least one test item.
  • 11. Patrons of the library can search library catalog online to locate various resources - books, periodicals, audio and visual materials, or other items under control of the library. Patrons may reserve or renew item, provide feedback, and manage their account. Online public access catalog
  • 12. Why not to include some features in testing: • Not to be included in this release of the Software. • Low risk, has been used before and is considered stable. • OOB component • Will be tested by the client
  • 14. Risk assessment and establishing test priority What is Risk? Risk is a future uncertain event with a probability of occurrence and a potential for loss
  • 15. why to assess risk: • To ensure the most critical, significant, or riskiest requirements for tests are addressed as early as possible • To ensure the test efforts are focused on the most appropriate requirements for test • To ensure that any dependencies (sequence, data, etc.) are accounted for in the testing
  • 16. RiskTypes Schedule Risk Budget Risk Operational Risks Technical risks Programmatic Risks Wrongtimeestimation Resourcesarenottrackedproperly Failuretoidentifycomplexfunctionalities Wrongbudgetestimation Costoverruns Projectscopeexpansion Failuretoresolvetheresponsibilities Nopropersubjecttraining Nocommunicationinteam Continuouschangingrequirements Difficultprojectmodulesintegration Runningoutoffund Marketdevelopment Changingcustomerproductstrategy andpriority
  • 17. Assess Risk Determine operational profile Establish test priority Three steps to assessing risk and establishing the test priorities
  • 18. a - Identify and describe the risk magnitude indicators that will be used, such as: • H - High risk: • M - Medium risk: • L - Low risk: b - For each item in your test items list , define expected risks, select a risk magnitude indicator, and justify (in a brief statement) the value you selected. Assess Risk
  • 19. There are three perspectives that can be used for assessing risk: • Effect - the consequence of a specified test item fails. • Cause - an undesirable outcome caused by the failure of a test item • Likelihood - the probability of a test item fails.
  • 20. Effect To assess risk by Effect, identify a condition, event, or action and try to determine its impact. Ask the question: "What would happen if ___________?" For example: • "What would happen if while installing the new software, the system runs out of disk space?"
  • 21. Description Risk Mitigation Factor Justification Insufficient disk space during install Example H Installing the software provides the user with the first impression of the product. Any undesirable outcomes, such as those listed below would degrade the user's system, the installed software, and communicate a negative impression to the user: • software is partially installed (some files, some registry entries), which leaves the installed software in an unstable condition, or • the installation halts leaving the system in an unstable state
  • 22. Cause Assessing risk by Cause is the opposite of by Effect. Begin by stating an undesirable event or condition, and identify the set of events that could have permitted the condition to exist. Ask a question such as: "How could ___________ happen?” For example: • "How could an order being replicated?"
  • 23. Example Description Risk Mitigation Factor Justification Replicated orders H  Replicated orders increase the company overhead and diminish profits via the costs associated with shipping, handling, and restocking.  Possible causes include:  Transaction that writes order to the database replicated due to user intervention, user enters order twice - no confirmation of entry  Transaction that writes order to the database replicated due to non-user intervention (recovery process from lost Internet connection, restore of database)
  • 24. Likelihood Assessing risk by Likelihood is to determine the probability that a test item will fail. The probability is usually based on an external factors such as: • Failure rate(s) • Rate of change • Complexity • Origination / Originator Example: "Historically we've found many defects in the components used to implement use cases 1, 10, and 12, and our customers requested many changes in use case 14 and 19."
  • 25. Example Description Risk Mitigation Factor Justification High failure discovery rates / defect densities in use cases 1, 10, 12. Change Requests in use cases 14 and 19. H H Due to the previous high failure discovery rates and defect density use cases 1, 10, and 12 are considered high risk. A high number of changes to these use cases increases the probability of injecting defects into the code.
  • 26. a - Identify and describe the operational profile magnitude indicators that will be used, such as: • H - Quite frequently used: • M - Frequently used: • L - Infrequently used: b- For each item in you test items list, select an operational profile magnitude indicator and state your justification for the indicator value. Determine Operational Profile
  • 27. Examples: • Ordering items from the on-line catalog • Customers inquiring about their order on-line after order is placed • Item selection dialog Description Operational Profile Factor Justification Ordering items from the catalog This is the most common use case executed by users. H
  • 28. a- Identify and describe the test priority magnitude indicators that will be used, such as: • H - Must be tested. • M - Should be tested, will test only after all H items are tested • L - Might be tested, but not until all H and M items have been tested b- For each item in you test items list, select a test priority indicator and a state your justification. Establish Test Priority
  • 29. Consider the following : • the risk magnitude indicator value you identified earlier • the operational profile magnitude value you identified earlier • contractual obligations (will the target-of-test be acceptable if a use case or component is not delivered?) Strategies for establishing a test priority include: • Use the highest assessed factor • Identify one assessed factor as being the most significant and use that factor's value as the priority. • Use a combination of assessed factors to identify the priority. • Using a weighting schema where individual factors are weighed, and their values and priority calculated based upon the weight.
  • 30. Examples: • Ordering items from the on-line catalog • Customers inquiring about their order on-line after order is placed • Item Selection Dialog Priority when the highest assessed value is used to determine priority: Item Risk Operational Profile Contract Priority Ordering items from catalog H H H Customer Inquiries L L L Item Selection Dialog L H L H L H
  • 31. • Delivery of a third party product. • New version of interfacing software • Ability to use and understand a new package/tool, etc. • Extremely complex functions • Modifications to components with a past history of failure • Poorly documented modules or change requests • misunderstanding of the original requirements. Example for common risks
  • 33. Test Strategy • Define Types of Testing which will be used and their objectives • Define which testing techniques will be used • Define Entrance Criteria • Define suspension criteria and resumption requirements • Define Exit Criteria • Define Testing Stages
  • 34. Define Types of Testing which will be used and their objectives Integration Testing Acceptance testing System testing Regression Testing Functional Testing Security testingPerformance testing
  • 35. Define Testing Stages Clearly state the stage in which the test will be executed. Application Stages Individual Components are implemented Individual Components are Integrated All System Components are integrated System will be delivered to the Client FunctionalTesting System testing IntegrationTesting RegressionTesting Performance testing Security testing Acceptance testing Testingtypes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y How to decide which testing types will be used
  • 36. Define which testing techniques will be used For each testing types : For each test item: • specify how the test will be implemented • who will execute it • Which method(s) will be used to evaluate the results
  • 37. Define which testing techniques will be used For each testing types :Functional testing For each test item: Registeration Form • Specify how the test will be implemented : • Who will execute it :  There will be a set of test cases, each representing the actions taken by the actor when the test item is executed.  A minimum of two test cases will be created for each test item; one test case to reflect the positive condition and one to reflect the negative (unacceptable) condition.  QE / Automated Tool (For security/ performance testing : Tool / SME) , (For Acceptancr : QE / Client)
  • 38. • Which method(s) will be used to evaluate the results  Test case execution : Function was executed successfully and as desired  Window Existence, or Object Data verification methods:(UI / Data) Windows /data were displayed during test execution.  Database reflection testing : Database will be examined before the test and again after the test to verify that the changes executed during the test are accurately reflected in the data.
  • 39. Define Entrance Criteria • Components are developed and unit tested • Test environment is ready • Testing tools are available • Testing Resources are available • All bugs are fixed (regression testing)
  • 40. Define suspension and resumption requirements Example: If the number or type of defects reaches a point where the follow on testing has no value, it makes no sense to continue the test; you are just wasting resources. Testing after a truly fatal error will generate conditions that may be identified as defects but are in fact ghost errors caused by the earlier defects that were ignored.
  • 41. Why to define Exit Criteria?  To identify acceptable product quality  To identify when the test effort has been successfully implemented A clear statement of exit criteria should include the following items:  What is being tested (the specific test item)  How is the measurement being made  What criteria is being used to evaluate the measurement Define Exit Criteria
  • 42. Example  All planned test cases have been executed  All identified defects have been addressed to an agreed upon resolution  All planned test cases have been re-executed and all known defects have been addressed as agreed upon, and no new defects have been discovered
  • 43. IDENTIFY THE RESOURCES NECESSARY TO TESTING Human resources (skills, knowledge, availability , training) Test environment (Hardware and software requirements) Tools Data
  • 44. • Manage and plan the testing • Design the tests and data • Implement the tests and data • (test cases creation and test data • preparation) • Execute testing and evaluate the results • Manage and maintain the test systems(Support team) Identify human resources who can do the following
  • 45. Team Leader - Development Project Manager Development Team Testing team Client User Acceptance test System/Integration testing Unit testing System Design Reviews Test Cases Creation Test Cases Review Screen prototype reviews Regression testing Define RESPONSIBILITIES Who is in charge? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
  • 46. Identify non-human resource needs (Test environment) Two different physical environments are recommended Implementation Environment Execution Environment
  • 47. • The application-under-test. • The client O/S. • The server O/S. • Internet Browser • Bugs Tracking system • Test case repository tool • Database management tool • Microsoft office , Outlook Software Needed Minimum software needed: Additional software needed:
  • 48. Data can be used as:  Input (creating or supporting a test condition)  Output (to be compared to an expected result). • What software tools will be used, • by whom, • and what information or benefit will be gained by the use of each tool. Tools Data
  • 50. • Test plan document. • Test cases. • Test Data • Traceability matrix • Build status report • Release notes • Test design specifications. • Output of testing tools. (Performance-security - automation - Reports)
  • 51. CREATING SCHEDULE Why to create a test schedule: Creating a schedule includes: • Estimate test effort • Generate test schedule To identify and communicate test effort, schedule, and milestones
  • 52. Software testing estimation methods:  Percentage of development effort.  Experience Based.  Work Breakdown Structure.  Delphi technique  Three-point estimation Why to estimate To avoid the exceeding timescales and overshooting budgets
  • 53.  Reading / analyzing and reviewing Requirements.  Test design (Test cases creation , test data preparation....)  Test implementation ( Recording test cases)  Test Execution  Re-testing(Issues)  Regression testing  Integration testing  User acceptance testing  Performance / security testing  Compatibility testing(Across different browsers , OS..)  Language testing Estimates should include estimates for:
  • 54. Generate test schedule A test project schedule can be built from the work estimates and resource assignments. It is always best to tie all test dates directly to their related development activity dates.
  • 55. GENERATE TEST PLAN To organize and communicate to others the test-planning information. Prior to generating the test plan, a review of all the existing project information should be done to ensure the test plan contains the most current and accurate information. The test plan should be distributed to at least the following: • all test roles • developer representative • Project Leader • client representative
  • 56. APPROVAL Who can approve the process as complete and allow the project to proceed to the next level
  • 58. Types of test Plan Project Information Software Information Create details test plan Create Master test plan Master test plan Details test plan
  • 59. Master test plan Unit test plan Acceptance test plan Integration test plan System test plan

Editor's Notes

  1. Manage Account: - Create Account - Delete Account Search: - Search by book name - Search by Editor - Search by Publisher - Search by year Reserve item:
  2. Notes: - Select one perspective, identify a risk magnitude indicator and justify your selection. - It is not necessary to identify an indicator for each risk perspective. - It is recommended that, if a low indicator was identified, try evaluating the item from a different risk perspective to ensure the item is really a low risk.
  3. Failure discovery rate and / or density: The probability of a failure increases as the failure discovery rates or density increases. Defects tend to congregate, therefore, as the rate of discovery or the number of defects (density) increases in a use case or component, the probability of finding another defect also increases. Discovery rates and density from previous releases should also be considered when assessing risk using this factor, as previous high discovery rates or densities indicate a high probability of additional failures. Rate of change The probability of a failure increases as the rate of change to the use case or component increases. Therefore, as the number of changes increases, so too does the probability that a defect has been introduced. Every time a change is made to the code, there is the risk of "injecting" another defect in it. Complexity The probability of a failure increases as the measure of complexity of the use case or component increases. Origination / Originator Knowledge and experience of where the code originated and by whom can increase or decrease the probability of a failure. The use of third party components typically decreases the probability of failure. However, this is only true if the third party component has been certified (meets your requirements, either through formal test or experience). The probability of failure typically decreases with the increased knowledge and skills of the implementer. However, such factors as the use of new tools, technologies, or acting in multiple roles may increase the probability of a failure even by the best team members.
  4. The operational profile indicator you select should be based upon the frequency a use case or component is executed, including: the number of times ONE actor (or use case) executes the use case (or component) in a given period of time, or the number of ACTORS (or use cases) that execute the use case (or component) Typically, the greater the number of times a use case or component is used, the higher the operational profile indicator.
  5. Example 2 All planned test cases have been executed. All identified defects have been addressed to an agreed upon resolution. All Severity 1 or 2 defects have been resolved (status = verified or postponed). All high priority test cases have been re-executed and all known defects have addressed as agreed upon, and no new defects have been discovered. Example 3 All high priority test cases have been executed. All identified defects have been addressed to an agreed upon resolution. All Severity 1 or 2 defects have been resolved (status = fixed or postponed). All high priority test cases have been re-executed and all known defects have addressed as agreed upon, and no new defects have been discovered.
  6. human resources (such as availability or need for non-test resources to support / participate in test) (SMEs) constraints, (such as equipment limitations or availability, or the need / lack of special equipment) - (barcode testing) / (Labs) special requirements, such as test scheduling or access to systems(Server which can't be accessed or down at specific time) Examples: Testing databases will require the support of a database designer / administrator to create, update, and refresh test data.(Like BI / Oracle team in Syngenta) , so we need to raise this issue in the test plan in case the database is locked. System performance testing will use the servers on the existing network (which supports non-test traffic). Testing will need to be scheduled after hours to ensure no non-test traffic on the network.
  7. Development deliverable: Infrastructure Design Document : (Network Architecture) Database Design Document Front-End/Middle Tier Design Document.
  8. we take some consideration when estimating time for project: - productivity and skill / knowledge level of the human resources working on the project
  9. Software testing estimation methods: Percentage of development effort metho. Experience Based: - Metrics collected from previous tests. - You already tested similar application in previous project. - Inputs are taken from Subject Matter experts who know the application (as well as testing) very well. Work Breakdown Structure: - By breaking down the test project into small pieces. - Modules are divided into sub-modules. - Sub modules are further divided into functionalities - Functionalities are divided in sub-functionalities(Tasks) - Estimate the duration of each task. Delphi technique: - Same as WBS. - Each task is allocated to each team member. - Then team member gives estimate to complete the task. - Average estimate is taken. Three-point estimation: - Same as WBS. - Three types of estimation are done on each task Optimistic Estimate (Best case scenario in which nothing goes wrong and all conditions are optimal.) = a Most Likely Estimate (most likely duration and there may be some problem but most of the things will go right.) = m Pessimistic Estimate (worst case scenario which everything goes wrong.) = b Formula to find Value for Estimate (E) = a + (4*m) + b / 6