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How do you unlock growth for your business?
By starting with a deep understanding of your current users.
How Most People Think About Growth

• Get more people to my website
• Low conversion rate so send even more people

Twitter @SeanEllis
But Some Getting Smarter
• A/B test to improve conversions
Test 10 things and 1 will be better than other 9

• Random testing is time consuming and
rarely makes meaningful improvements

Twitter @SeanEllis
Better Approach:
Start With Two Questions
What do visitors want?
What’s stopping them
from getting it?

Twitter @SeanEllis

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[WMD2016] GrowthHackers >> Sean Ellis "Make your marketing team agile or die" [WMD2016] GrowthHackers >> Sean Ellis "Make your marketing team agile or die"
[WMD2016] GrowthHackers >> Sean Ellis "Make your marketing team agile or die"

1. The document discusses how sustaining growth requires marketing teams to become more agile to quickly seize new opportunities, but keeping a large team agile as it grows is difficult. 2. It recommends companies make growth a company-wide effort by creating a cross-functional growth team. 3. The key to growth is finding leverage by analyzing your growth model and testing high-impact opportunities related to acquisition, activation, retention, and referral.

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Grow with CRO - 7 Ways CRO is a Growth Driver for Your Business
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Grow with CRO - 7 Ways CRO is a Growth Driver for Your Business

This presentation, from the Conversion Conference in Chicago, highlights seven ways that conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps online businesses growth, including actionable tips to get the most out of your CRO efforts.

marketinggrowth hackingconversion rate optimization
SaaSFest 2015 - "Improve Your Retention with this One Change" by David Cancel...
SaaSFest 2015 - "Improve Your Retention with this One Change" by David Cancel...SaaSFest 2015 - "Improve Your Retention with this One Change" by David Cancel...
SaaSFest 2015 - "Improve Your Retention with this One Change" by David Cancel...

Retention isn't a one off tactic or even a series of tactics; it's a core aspect of grinding through a framework with a completely aligned team. David Cancel, CEO of Driftt, walks through how they think about aligning the entire team around specific values to ensure that retention (and frankly the rest of the SaaS business) can come out on top.

profitwellsaas retentionprice intelligently
Figuring Out
What Visitors Want

• Referring keyword data (getting harder)
• Path analysis (what links are they actually clicking?)
• Ask them…

Twitter @SeanEllis
Asking Visitors
What They Want
During visit via site survey
After visit via follow up conversation
or survey
• Can only ask those who actually
• Ask “What were you originally
looking for?” and “why?”
• Worth having lots of conversations
about this

Twitter @SeanEllis
What’s Stopping Conversions?
• You don’t have what they want
• Bad job communicating that you have what they want
• Something about your solution is scary
• Something about the website is confusing
• Something on the website is broken

Twitter @SeanEllis
How to Identify Conversion Issues
• Path analysis in analytics
Where do they abandon?
Study that spot

• Ask them via exit survey
“Is something preventing you
from checking out?”
Example: Why we had 97% drop off
at download

Twitter @SeanEllis

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[WMD 2016] Advisor to Pocket, Airbnb, Darby Smart; Former Growth Lead at Pin...
[WMD 2016] Advisor to Pocket, Airbnb, Darby Smart;  Former Growth Lead at Pin...[WMD 2016] Advisor to Pocket, Airbnb, Darby Smart;  Former Growth Lead at Pin...
[WMD 2016] Advisor to Pocket, Airbnb, Darby Smart; Former Growth Lead at Pin...

The document discusses improving user retention through constant product improvements, onboarding and education, emails, notifications, customer service, new platforms and products. It emphasizes focusing on reducing friction in the core product over adding new features. It provides examples from Pinterest and Grubhub of how they improved retention through localizing recommendations, lowering fees, and optimizing the multi-platform experience. The document advises testing engagement strategies like promotions carefully and designing loyalty programs to drive profits rather than costs. Overall it stresses the importance of understanding what causes users to reject a product and embracing that feedback to enhance retention.

growth hacking500strong500startups
Growth Hacking Paris with Sean Ellis from!
Growth Hacking Paris with Sean Ellis from!Growth Hacking Paris with Sean Ellis from!
Growth Hacking Paris with Sean Ellis from!

We had the immense pleasure to welcome @SeanEllis, the CEO and co-founder of, at TheFamily. Sean is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and startup advisor. He's also known for popularizing the term product/market fit, and coining the term "growth hacking" in 2010. The event was packed and he gave us tons of good tips. 

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The Growth Hacker's Playbook
The Growth Hacker's PlaybookThe Growth Hacker's Playbook
The Growth Hacker's Playbook

This document discusses growth hacking strategies and tactics. It defines growth hacking as using psychology, engineering, and testing to drive repeatable and measurable results. Some key growth hacking tactics discussed include A/B testing important tasks or functions, writing hypotheses for tests, ensuring a control group, focusing on product, content, personal interaction, on-site promotion, and technical touches. The document provides examples for each category and emphasizes testing everything, learning from failures, and starting with high impact areas.

digital marketingstartupsmarketing
Conversion Issues Through
Usability Tests

When are people confused, nervous, skeptical, frustrated?
Example of frustration (video motivated developers)

Twitter @SeanEllis
Might Lack Need/Solution Fit
• Unqualified visitors
Best if “must have” solution for critical need

• May completely lack product/market fit

Twitter @SeanEllis
If Need/Solution Fit, Then…
Build Desire, Reduce Friction

Desire – Friction = Conversion Rate

Twitter @SeanEllis
How Do You Build Desire?

A/B test landing pages
Highlight product benefit in context to
what visitor wants.

Twitter @SeanEllis

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Balancing the connection between product, support, and development can be hard enough. Yet, communicating those changes to existing customers for adoption can be even harder. Sonciary Honnoll takes us through how Promoboxx bridges this gap to ensure feature development coincides with real retention improvement in their product.

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Everyone's talking about being data-driven conversion optimization, but what does it actually mean? How do you actually do it? ConversionXL Founder Peep Laja delivers the ultimate framework and how-to guide. Visit:

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The document discusses growth hacking, which is an experimental approach to marketing technology startups. It focuses on testing all available growth levers like user-get-user programs, leveraging massive platforms, optimizing onboarding, and using product features to drive growth. The key aspects of growth hacking are running experiments to understand what drives growth, prioritizing tests, analyzing results, and optimizing based on insights. Dropbox is given as an example of a company that used growth hacking techniques like a referral program to grow to 300 million users without traditional marketing.

marketing strategyanalyticsmarketing technology
Be Sure to Maintain Desire
• Attention spans are short, front load AHA
moments until key benefit delivered
• How do you identify AHA moments?
Think out loud testing

Twitter @SeanEllis
Plan Your Initial Tests
• Recommend starting with 10 tests
4 messaging tests to optimize need/solution match
4 tests to address points of
confusion, fear, breakage, etc.
2 tests that front load AHA moments

Twitter @SeanEllis
Double Down
• Focus early testing in the area that yielded
biggest improvements in actual sales.
Helps drive organizational support for process
Quickly reduces wasted bounces

Twitter @SeanEllis
Continuous Process
Accelerates Growth
• Optimization is a never-ending process.
• Every improvement makes marketing easier.


Twitter @SeanEllis


Test &

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Startups require a very different marketing approach than established companies. This slide deck from the first marketer at Dropbox, LogMeIn, Lookout and others explains how you prioritize your marketing efforts in a startup. It starts by give you a way to determine startup’s growth potential or if it's even growable at all. It then explains why stacking the odds is critical for reaching your startup’s growth potential and tells you how to stack the odds for growth. Finally it shares a case study explaining how a startup overcame growth frustrations to become worth more than one billion dollars today.

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The Biggest Growth Opportunity is Right Under Your Nose

  • 1. How do you unlock growth for your business? By starting with a deep understanding of your current users.
  • 2. How Most People Think About Growth • Get more people to my website • Low conversion rate so send even more people Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 3. But Some Getting Smarter • A/B test to improve conversions Test 10 things and 1 will be better than other 9 • Random testing is time consuming and rarely makes meaningful improvements Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 4. Better Approach: Start With Two Questions What do visitors want? What’s stopping them from getting it? Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 5. Figuring Out What Visitors Want • Referring keyword data (getting harder) • Path analysis (what links are they actually clicking?) • Ask them… Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 6. Asking Visitors What They Want During visit via site survey After visit via follow up conversation or survey • Can only ask those who actually convert • Ask “What were you originally looking for?” and “why?” • Worth having lots of conversations about this Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 7. What’s Stopping Conversions? • You don’t have what they want • Bad job communicating that you have what they want • Something about your solution is scary • Something about the website is confusing • Something on the website is broken Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 8. How to Identify Conversion Issues • Path analysis in analytics Where do they abandon? Study that spot • Ask them via exit survey “Is something preventing you from checking out?” Example: Why we had 97% drop off at download Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 9. Conversion Issues Through Usability Tests When are people confused, nervous, skeptical, frustrated? Example of frustration (video motivated developers) Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 10. Might Lack Need/Solution Fit • Unqualified visitors Best if “must have” solution for critical need • May completely lack product/market fit Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 11. If Need/Solution Fit, Then… Build Desire, Reduce Friction Desire – Friction = Conversion Rate Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 12. How Do You Build Desire? A/B test landing pages Highlight product benefit in context to what visitor wants. Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 13. Be Sure to Maintain Desire • Attention spans are short, front load AHA moments until key benefit delivered • How do you identify AHA moments? Think out loud testing Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 14. Plan Your Initial Tests • Recommend starting with 10 tests 4 messaging tests to optimize need/solution match 4 tests to address points of confusion, fear, breakage, etc. 2 tests that front load AHA moments Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 15. Double Down • Focus early testing in the area that yielded biggest improvements in actual sales. Helps drive organizational support for process Quickly reduces wasted bounces Twitter @SeanEllis
  • 16. Continuous Process Accelerates Growth • Optimization is a never-ending process. • Every improvement makes marketing easier. Understand Visitors Twitter @SeanEllis Prioritize Tests Test & Analyze
  • 17. UserTesting Enterprise Accelerated learning + deep insights + your target audience