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You’ve got an idea. Now what?
Product Ideation & Customer Development

Hiten Shah
Startup Roots - Pier 38, San Francisco, CA • June 30, 2010
The Startup Pyramid
        The Race to the Top


       Transition to Growth

       Product / Market Fit

 Sean Ellis:
Product / Market Fit

•   Low burn, focused on product, no VPs / sales people
•   Customer Development (Steve Blank, Four Steps)
•   Minimum Viable Product (Eric Ries, The Lean Startup)

•   Pivots (Eric Ries, The Lean Startup)

“…the life of any startup can be divided into two parts –
 before product/market fit and after product/market fit.”
    Marc Andreesen, Founder of Netscape
Customer Development

•   It’s all about learning and discovery
•   Outlined by Steve Blank in Four Steps to the Epiphany

        Customer    STOP
                                   Customer     STOP
                                                       Customer   STOP
                                                                           Scale   STOP

        Discovery                  Validation          Creation          Company


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7 steps of product discovery
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7 steps of product discovery

Discovering the right product is a vital part of a product development process. To do that effectively best product teams use a Product Discovery process. It answers the question of what product to build. Done right it helps you build products customers would love.

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How to Think Big, Start Small and Fail Fast by Google PM Lead
How to Think Big, Start Small and Fail Fast by Google PM LeadHow to Think Big, Start Small and Fail Fast by Google PM Lead
How to Think Big, Start Small and Fail Fast by Google PM Lead

Main takeaways: - Thinking big: expand your ideas and understand today and dream up tomorrow. This will take your company/product into the future - Start small: it's time to go into validation stage, organize your ideas into a roadmap that starts small and builds more value over time -Failing fast: learn from your failures and do it fast (if you never failed, you probably did not aim high enough)

product managementpmproduct
Testing Your MVP
Testing Your MVPTesting Your MVP
Testing Your MVP

The document discusses testing minimum viable products (MVPs) for startups. It begins by providing examples of products that failed despite large investments and outlines common reasons for failure. It then defines the context of a startup as experimentation to validate business models through frequent customer feedback. The document describes the three stages of a startup and emphasizes that learning is progress. It advocates for building an MVP, which is the fastest way to test business hypotheses with minimum effort. The rest of the document provides examples of how to test MVPs to validate problems, solutions, and product-market fit with low-cost experiments like landing pages, surveys, prototypes, and pre-orders.

minimum viable productstartuplean startup
Minimum Viable Product

•    Coined by Eric Ries as part of The Lean Startup
•    Lean Startups are a series of MVP’s
•    Each designed to answer a specific question (hypothesis)

    “ The minimum viable product (MVP) is often an ad on
      Google. Or a PowerPoint slide. Or a dialog box. Or a landing
      page. You can often build it in a day or a week.”
     Nivi, Venture Hacks
“ If Apple can launch a smartphone without Find or Cut-and-
  Paste, what can you cut out of your product requirements?”
 Lance Glasser, former CTO KLA-Tencor
“ The first version of Gmail was literally written in a day”
 Paul Buchheit, Google / Friendfeed / Facebook
Product Ideation and Customer Development

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My hypothesis is that twitter power users have
   a problem tweeting interesting things.
4,900+ tweets & 24,000+ followers
Product Ideation and Customer Development
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The customer journey map documents the various stages a customer goes through when engaging with a company from awareness to advocacy. It outlines the key stages as awareness, consideration, decision, delivery & use, and advocacy. At each stage it describes the customer activities, goals, and touchpoints. The business goals are to increase awareness, website visitors, conversion rate, and deliver orders to ultimately have customers advocate for the business.

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10 steps to product/market fit
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10 steps to product/market fit

This document outlines 10 steps to achieving product/market fit according to Ash Maurya: 1. Validate your problem and solution by building an MVP and getting early customer feedback. 2. Formulate an implementation strategy and focus on early adopters to define your business model. 3. Continuously measure key metrics like acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referrals through a feedback loop with customers. 4. Identify your engine of growth whether it's paid, sticky, or viral and ignore other metrics to focus on scaling one thing at a time. The process focuses on learning through experiments rather than long-term planning.

running leanlean startup
1 day
     1 developer
7,500 Twitter followers
Minimum Viable Product - Landing Pages

     Landing Page   Call to Action   Survey
Landing Page
Call to Action

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Google analytic best website performance checker tool, get complete guide information on website with Google analytics tool for better results and for complete check on information.

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CrazyEgg Heatmap =)
I L ve Surveys
Market Intelligence

What are you up against?

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productproduct managementproduct school
Market Intelligence

Straight from the horse’s mouth!
Idea Validation

People will tell you what they want,
       you just have to ask!
Idea Validation
Qualifying Leads

Use key questions to filter your respondents

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PPC or Pay Per Click advertising is the Key to Amazon (on platform visibility) and success. Key things covered in this presentation. -Power PPC strategies to drive sales. -Understanding Keywords and the role they play with PPC. -How to use PPC to get your advertising to show almost anywhere! -How to budget, tune and manage your campaigns. -How to spend less and achieve more. -We will offer you real products, real campaigns, real results and the differing strategies to employ depending upon the type of product you sell -Broad Match, Phrase Match, Exact Match demystified, bid+ explained, competing keywords, competing products, click fraud and more tabled and dealt with.

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Hiten Shah the lean-startup-sxsw
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The document discusses how KISSinsights used customer development to validate their original hypothesis that product managers struggle with doing fast, effective, and frequent customer research. They conducted phone interviews, user tests, and an MVP website to learn that people are not doing customer research, want private feedback and targeting, and it requires developer involvement and is a constant pain. Based on what they learned, KISSinsights built a freemium on-site customer feedback tool that is easy to install and provides private feedback and understandable reporting.

Lead Generation

People want to help you. They really do.
Product Ideation and Customer Development
1 week
      1 developer
Saved 2+ hours per week
What’s next?

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The document discusses how startups should focus on creating useful content from the beginning, rather than just thinking of content as a secondary "marketing" activity. It provides examples of startups that failed and succeeded at content marketing. Successful startups like Dollar Shave Club, WePay, and BufferApp focused on producing popular, shareable content that drove search traffic and links to their sites. The document outlines steps startups can take to create valuable content, such as focusing on their audience, researching competitors, prioritizing content topics, and using interns to produce difficult content.

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This document provides 10 secrets for quickly validating a product idea with real customers before building it out fully. The secrets include: 1) Writing down the product concept and assumptions; 2) Deciding to test assumptions like a scientist; 3) Finding people with the problem; 4) Starting validation with your own network; 5) Interviewing people and asking open-ended questions; 6) Finding the value proposition; 7) Recognizing that liking an idea differs from buying; 8) Challenging customers politely; 9) Having fun validating before fully building the product. The overall message is that validation is easier than full product development.

startup weekendproduct managementlean startup
•   Landing Pages
    •   CSS/HTML, Performable, Google Sites,, etc...

•   Survey Creation and Data Collection
    •   Wufoo, SurveyMonkey, FormStack, SurveyGizmo, etc...

•   Traffic Sources
    •   AdWords, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Craigslist, Forums, etc...

•   Analytics
    •   Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, ChartBeat, CrazyEgg etc...
Thank You!

       Go to

25% Discount Code : LEAN

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Product Ideation and Customer Development

  • 1. You’ve got an idea. Now what? Product Ideation & Customer Development Hiten Shah Startup Roots - Pier 38, San Francisco, CA • June 30, 2010
  • 2. The Startup Pyramid The Race to the Top Growth Transition to Growth Product / Market Fit Sean Ellis:
  • 3. Product / Market Fit • Low burn, focused on product, no VPs / sales people • Customer Development (Steve Blank, Four Steps) • Minimum Viable Product (Eric Ries, The Lean Startup) • Pivots (Eric Ries, The Lean Startup) “…the life of any startup can be divided into two parts – before product/market fit and after product/market fit.” Marc Andreesen, Founder of Netscape
  • 4. Customer Development • It’s all about learning and discovery • Outlined by Steve Blank in Four Steps to the Epiphany Customer STOP Customer STOP Customer STOP Scale STOP Discovery Validation Creation Company Pivot
  • 5. Minimum Viable Product • Coined by Eric Ries as part of The Lean Startup • Lean Startups are a series of MVP’s • Each designed to answer a specific question (hypothesis) “ The minimum viable product (MVP) is often an ad on Google. Or a PowerPoint slide. Or a dialog box. Or a landing page. You can often build it in a day or a week.” Nivi, Venture Hacks
  • 6. “ If Apple can launch a smartphone without Find or Cut-and- Paste, what can you cut out of your product requirements?” Lance Glasser, former CTO KLA-Tencor
  • 7. “ The first version of Gmail was literally written in a day” Paul Buchheit, Google / Friendfeed / Facebook
  • 9. My hypothesis is that twitter power users have a problem tweeting interesting things.
  • 10. 4,900+ tweets & 24,000+ followers
  • 13. 1 day 1 developer 7,500 Twitter followers
  • 14. Minimum Viable Product - Landing Pages Landing Page Call to Action Survey
  • 19. I L ve Surveys
  • 20. Market Intelligence What are you up against?
  • 21. Market Intelligence Straight from the horse’s mouth!
  • 22. Idea Validation People will tell you what they want, you just have to ask!
  • 24. Qualifying Leads Use key questions to filter your respondents
  • 25. Lead Generation People want to help you. They really do.
  • 27. 1 week 1 developer Saved 2+ hours per week
  • 29. Tools • Landing Pages • CSS/HTML, Performable, Google Sites,, etc... • Survey Creation and Data Collection • Wufoo, SurveyMonkey, FormStack, SurveyGizmo, etc... • Traffic Sources • AdWords, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Craigslist, Forums, etc... • Analytics • Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, ChartBeat, CrazyEgg etc...
  • 30. Thank You! Go to 25% Discount Code : LEAN