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Startups – How to Build Out
        Your Early Team

Lessons from Both Sides
of the Table

 Mark Suster

 Startup Grind, February 2013

 Ex software developer

                           BuildOnline

                           Koral /
Both Sides Of The Table

                           VC at GRP Partners
When You First Start

  “Co Founders”
My Priorities When Funding Early-Stage



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Lean canvas introduction
Lean canvas introductionLean canvas introduction
Lean canvas introduction

1. The document introduces the Lean Canvas template for startups, which helps outline key elements of a business like customer problems, solution, unique value proposition, key metrics, and unfair advantage. 2. It emphasizes the importance of understanding customer jobs and problems rather than focusing on solutions, having a clear path to reach customers to prevent failure, and iterating business plans until finding one that works. 3. Resources like websites and blogs on the Lean Startup methodology and Lean Canvas tool are provided for additional information on validating business ideas quickly through a continuous cycle of building, measuring, and learning.

ash mauryalean canvas introductionlean canvas
A KPI framework for startups
A KPI framework for startupsA KPI framework for startups
A KPI framework for startups

KPIs play a different role in startups than mature businesses. In startups, KPIs should focus on measuring progress towards achieving product-market fit rather than traditional metrics like customer acquisition and retention. To develop startup KPIs, companies first identify key success factors that drive product-market fit, then establish one or a few KPIs to measure each success factor. Good startup KPIs are relevant, responsive, easy to understand, and part of a broader analytics effort to inform ongoing product development.

Business Model for Startups
Business Model for StartupsBusiness Model for Startups
Business Model for Startups

The document discusses the differences between a business plan and a business model. A business plan collects untested hypotheses about a business, while a business model diagrams the flows between a company and its customers. The document explains that a business plan should contain hypotheses about key areas like market size, customers, sales, and financing, as well as plans to test and execute those hypotheses. It emphasizes that the goal of a business model is to diagram all aspects of how a business works to create profits.

startupsteve blankbusiness plan
Why is the Team So Important?

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                            Shit happens.
                             Shit happens.
                             Great teams
                              Great teams
                           adversity better
                            adversity better

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The Co-founder Mantra is a Sacred Cow in Silicon
           Valley – I Believe It’s Overplayed
The Reality is That Over Time Many Founders Fight
Huge Premium for Taking First Leap. Can Hire
Cofounders with Large Equity & Keep Creative Control

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Join Tomasz Tunguz, Managing Director with Redpoint Ventures as he takes you through a quantitive analysis of 600 Freemium Soon companies.

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SaaS businesses are extremely sensitive to a small number of important variables. If you are running a SaaS company, understanding how these variables drive your business model is crucial to long-term success. In this talk, David Skok, author of the now famous SaaS Metrics 2.0 blog post will talk through those key metrics and their impact on the overall SaaS business model.

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Lecture 1: Business Model & Customer Development
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Lecture 1: Business Model & Customer Development

The document summarizes the key concepts from the Lean LaunchPad course, including business models, customer development, and pivoting. It explains that a business model describes all parts of a company necessary to make money. It then discusses customer development as a process involving customer discovery, validation, and creation to iteratively build a business model through pivoting based on customer feedback. The goal is to identify a repeatable and scalable business model in the search for a startup idea.

business modelsteve blanknsf
But I Know You’re Going to All Want Co-Founders So
    Just Make Sure You Understand Prenuptials
And Be Careful About Having Too Many Co-Founders:
     It’s the Largest Dilution You’ll Ever Face
I Think VCs Care More About Not Having a Single-
 Point-of-Failure than Exact Cofounder Founding
              Situation or Economics
Seed to A

“Building the Early Team”

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Business plan vs Lean Canvas

Business plans take too long to write, are seldom updated, and almost never read by others but documenting your hypotheses is key. Lean Canvas solves this problem using a 1-page business model that takes under 20 minutes to create, will be read by more people, and lets you focus on building your business - faster.

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The Science behind Viral marketing
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The Science behind Viral Marketing is a look at the key factors that drive growth in viral marketing. (Hint, the most important factor is not the one everyone expects.) It also looks at what is needed to get virality to work, and how to create and optimize viral marketing campaigns or viral products. One part of the presntation shows the key formulae behind viral marketing. Suitable for marketers or for product designers.

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SaaS GTM Blueprint
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Exploit the SaaS window of opportunity. What are the barriers to moving to the cloud? Platform, Processes or People? Clearly at least to some degree all 3 play a role in a successful migration. As with any change initiative getting people fully on board and sharing a common vision of the future is vital and that means migrating mindsets and behaviours to ensure successful deployment and effective usage across the organsation.

Configuration of My Ideal Founding Team: CEO
                  Plus 4-5 Engineers
                                                                 Financially numerate
                                                   CEO           Product management
                                                                 Ability to lead / hire

                           CTO //

        eng                   eng
                               eng                   eng
Pet Peeves for Me

       Don’t outsource your tech development

       Don’t have a consulting firm build your core product

       Don’t have tons of business people before you have
        product completed

       Don’t overplay your advisory board. (I just care about
        your investors & management)
Don’t Hire People All Like Yourself. Diversity
          in Startup Teams Matters
Product Management: One of Most Underrated
         but Important Skills in a Startup

          design //
           design                      PM
                                        PM                  customer

 Solve functional problems    Capture requirements

 Architecture                 Test value / determine
                                whether customer will pay
 Performance
                               Competitor reviews
 Which tech stack to use?
                               Prioritizing roadmap
 Usability / process flows

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Describes the steps required to build a Sales and Marketing Machine that is predictable, scalable, automated, well instrumented, and cost efficient. This was a presentation that I gave at the Lean Startup Circle in Boston on March 24th, 2011.

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Startup Pitch Decks
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This document provides tips and guidance for creating an effective startup pitch deck. It discusses the purpose of a pitch deck, sample deck structure and slide content, tips for each slide, common mistakes to avoid, and next steps after completing the deck. The overall goals are to get meetings with investors, move forward in the fundraising process, and ultimately raise capital. Building an effective pitch deck is positioned as an important exercise that will help founders articulate their opportunity and address key questions.

nycmediaventure capital
Many Investors Will Tell You to Bring on
   Experienced Team Early. Don’t.
Hire People Who Punch Above Their Weight Class
Your First Sales Reps Should Be Evangelical &
         Consultative (versus relationship managers)

Engineering needs three distinct management skills:
      people, process, & technology leadership

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The document summarizes Steve Blank's presentation on the startup path and customer development process. It provides an overview of Blank's background and books that influenced his work. It then outlines the four steps of the customer development process - customer discovery, validation, creation, and growth. The presentation concludes by discussing how Blank teaches entrepreneurs to test hypotheses about their business model in his Lean LaunchPad class over 8 weeks.

steve blankbusiness modelstartup
48 hours customer development
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48 hours customer development

This document discusses different types of startups and businesses. It begins by distinguishing between small businesses, which serve known customers with known products to generate revenue under $1 million, and scalable startups, which aim to solve unknown customer problems and build large companies generating over $100 million annually. It then describes the three types of markets that startups can enter: existing markets with known customers and products, new or emerging markets with unknown customer needs, and disruptive markets that require new technologies or business models. Depending on the market type, startups must approach customer development, sales, marketing, and business development differently. The document emphasizes that startups are temporary organizations that search for a scalable and repeatable business

steve blankpivotcustomer development
Product Market Fit
Product Market FitProduct Market Fit
Product Market Fit

Getting to Know Product Market Fit. Knowing what is product market fit? How to get product market fit and also how to measure that?

productmarketproduct market fit
Many Startups Have Too Many C’s. They Are Usually a
Fudge For Co-Founders to Feel Good About 1 Founder
                  Becoming CEO
Functional Responsibilities Help Better Divide
         Work & Make People Accountable.


     VP          VP
                  VP       VP
                            VP              VP
                                             VP         VP
                                                         VP        VP
 Engineering   Product
                Product   Sales
                           Sales          Marketing
                                          Marketing   Finance
                                                       Finance   Biz Dev
                                                                  Biz Dev

 I am reluctant to see “president” or “COO”
A to B Round
(when you’re ready to
Most Founders Get Bogged Down in Minutiae. You
  Can Get Huge Benefit from an Office Manager who
                Doubles as an Admin

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10 Steps to Product/Market Fit
10 Steps to Product/Market Fit10 Steps to Product/Market Fit
10 Steps to Product/Market Fit

The 10 steps to product/market fit are: 1) Document your initial business plan or "Plan A". 2) Identify and tackle the riskiest parts of your business model first. 3) Understand that startups go through three stages - problem/solution fit, product/market fit, and scaling. Focus on validated learning through experiments and pivots before trying to optimize or scale. 4) Focus on the right key metrics like acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referrals that provide valuable insights before achieving product/market fit. 5) Formulate specific and testable hypotheses about what will drive customer acquisition. 6) Architect your product and processes for speed and

startup company
Product Market Fit
Product Market FitProduct Market Fit
Product Market Fit

1. The document discusses the concepts of product/market fit and how to achieve it through building minimum viable products and getting user feedback. 2. It emphasizes the importance of developing something with real customers in mind from the beginning and continuously learning through iteration. 3. Key steps discussed are defining the market, creating an initial product idea, conducting user interviews, building a minimum viable product, measuring user retention and flow, and being willing to pivot the product or business model as needed based on what is learned.

Startup Team Management
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Startup Team Management

The document discusses best practices for startup team management and development based on the teachings of Steve Blank. It addresses that a startup team should be minimal, including only roles necessary to validate a repeatable and scalable business model. The CEO is responsible for all other functions until a business model is proven. An ideal tech startup team includes a designer, engineer, and developer, with the CEO handling additional responsibilities. The document also outlines the four stages of team development and provides tools and methods for customer development, validation, and pivoting as needed based on customer feedback.

startup metricsstartup piratesgdansk
Hire a VP of Finance – Look for Somebody Who Can
    Help with Ops, Legal, HR, Office Space, etc
Board Construction
       Limit number of VCs on the board
       Be very careful about board observers. They are the
        equivalent of board members.
       Limit management officially on the board – makes
        changes over time too difficult.
       You can assign your founder seats to startup ceos if
        you’re worried about control (you control seat)
       Strong industry independents on board – but make
        them write small checks to be committed.
</Good Luck>

Mark Suster

Startup Grind , February 2013

@msuster ;

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Final startup grind

  • 1. Startups – How to Build Out Your Early Team Lessons from Both Sides of the Table Mark Suster Startup Grind, February 2013 @msuster
  • 2.  Ex software developer (‘91)  BuildOnline (’99)  Koral / Both Sides Of The Table (’05)  VC at GRP Partners (‘07)
  • 3. When You First Start “Co Founders”
  • 4. My Priorities When Funding Early-Stage Product Market Team
  • 5. Why is the Team So Important? Departures Departures Staff Staff FF En undin En undin r vvrr i i oo gg nm meer toom n nmeen nt t Cusstctioon Cu a cti Reea R Shit happens. Shit happens. Great teams Great teams handle handle adversity better adversity better AA M bblil M ii onn Disasters Disasters tiitio oo tiy nn ty ti ee too PR eet titi t PR pp zeze m oom CC
  • 6. The Co-founder Mantra is a Sacred Cow in Silicon Valley – I Believe It’s Overplayed
  • 7. The Reality is That Over Time Many Founders Fight
  • 8. Huge Premium for Taking First Leap. Can Hire Cofounders with Large Equity & Keep Creative Control
  • 9. But I Know You’re Going to All Want Co-Founders So Just Make Sure You Understand Prenuptials
  • 10. And Be Careful About Having Too Many Co-Founders: It’s the Largest Dilution You’ll Ever Face
  • 11. I Think VCs Care More About Not Having a Single- Point-of-Failure than Exact Cofounder Founding Situation or Economics
  • 12. Seed to A “Building the Early Team”
  • 13. Configuration of My Ideal Founding Team: CEO Plus 4-5 Engineers  Financially numerate CEO CEO  Product management  Ability to lead / hire CTO // CTO Senior Senior Architect Architect eng eng eng eng eng eng
  • 14. Pet Peeves for Me  Don’t outsource your tech development  Don’t have a consulting firm build your core product  Don’t have tons of business people before you have product completed  Don’t overplay your advisory board. (I just care about your investors & management)
  • 15. Don’t Hire People All Like Yourself. Diversity in Startup Teams Matters
  • 16. Product Management: One of Most Underrated but Important Skills in a Startup design // design PM PM customer customer eng eng  Solve functional problems  Capture requirements  Architecture  Test value / determine whether customer will pay  Performance  Competitor reviews  Which tech stack to use?  Prioritizing roadmap  Usability / process flows
  • 17. Many Investors Will Tell You to Bring on Experienced Team Early. Don’t.
  • 18. Hire People Who Punch Above Their Weight Class aptitude/
  • 19. Your First Sales Reps Should Be Evangelical & Consultative (versus relationship managers) Not Not
  • 20. Engineering needs three distinct management skills: people, process, & technology leadership
  • 21. Many Startups Have Too Many C’s. They Are Usually a Fudge For Co-Founders to Feel Good About 1 Founder Becoming CEO
  • 22. Functional Responsibilities Help Better Divide Work & Make People Accountable. CEO CEO VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP Engineering Engineering Product Product Sales Sales Marketing Marketing Finance Finance Biz Dev Biz Dev I am reluctant to see “president” or “COO”
  • 23. A to B Round (when you’re ready to scale)
  • 24. Most Founders Get Bogged Down in Minutiae. You Can Get Huge Benefit from an Office Manager who Doubles as an Admin
  • 25. Hire a VP of Finance – Look for Somebody Who Can Help with Ops, Legal, HR, Office Space, etc
  • 26. Board Construction  Limit number of VCs on the board  Be very careful about board observers. They are the equivalent of board members.  Limit management officially on the board – makes changes over time too difficult.  You can assign your founder seats to startup ceos if you’re worried about control (you control seat)  Strong industry independents on board – but make them write small checks to be committed.
  • 27. </Good Luck> Mark Suster Startup Grind , February 2013 @msuster ;