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SEO split tests
you should be running
Will Critchlow / @willcritchlow
Robert Liston famously:
Carried out an operation with
a 300% mortality rate Via: reddit
He amputated:
1. The patient’s leg
2. His assistant’s fingers Via: reddit
Both of them died,
along with a bystander
Via: reddit

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Google is transitioning its search algorithms to be based on machine learning, including RankBrain. This will make algorithms more winner-take-all, rewarding sites that perform well according to signals like click-through rate (CTR) and engagement. The document provides five strategies for SEOs to survive this change: 1) Use tools to identify "donkey" pages with low CTR and convert them to "unicorns" with high CTR through headline testing. 2) Leverage social media ads and remarketing to increase brand awareness and CTR. 3) Monitor engagement signals like bounce rate. 4) Promote inspirational brand content through Facebook ads. 5) Delete poor performing pages to avoid negative impact. The key is focusing

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SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs
SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your LogsSearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs
SearchLove London 2016 | Dom Woodman | How to Get Insight From Your Logs

In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend £1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

SearchLove San Diego 2017 | Rob Bucci | Snooping Into Google's Insights on Se...
SearchLove San Diego 2017 | Rob Bucci | Snooping Into Google's Insights on Se...SearchLove San Diego 2017 | Rob Bucci | Snooping Into Google's Insights on Se...
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Google is telling us what our customers are looking for; they've spent billions doing the research. All we have to do is pay attention. In this session, Rob will provide a guide for how you can take cues from Google, and create better strategies for gaining the attention of your customers at each stage of the purchase funnel.

statgoogledigital marketing
Before germ theory, 25-50% of
patients died from infections
(Speed also used to be a prized
surgical skill pre-anaesthetic)
It wasn’t always confidence-inspiring
Liston could amputate a leg
in 2 ½ minutes
Liston could amputate a leg
in 2 ½ minutes
(but in his enthusiasm he once cut off the patient’s testicles too)
I’ll be your doctor today.”
Confidence inspiring stuff

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We have been trained and encouraged to focus on p-values and statistical significance in every aspect of testing, from PPC to CRO. In this talk, Richard is going to challenge your preconceptions, show how scientific accuracy isn't necessarily the same as commercial success, and demonstrate strategies that are better than waiting for your variation to be declared a winner by your testing platforms. The way you approach data-driven decision-making will never be the same.

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Jono Alderson - Structured Data for Content Marketing
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Jono Alderson - Structured Data for Content Marketing

These slides were presented at the Semrush webinar "Structured Data for Content Marketing". Video replay and transcript are available at

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3 New Techniques for the Modern Age of SEO
3 New Techniques for the Modern Age of SEO3 New Techniques for the Modern Age of SEO
3 New Techniques for the Modern Age of SEO

Tom talks about three areas that will effect SEO over the coming months and years. SEO split-testing is something that is immediately actionable for most SEOs. Machine Learning is something SEOs shouldn't learn, but should understand enough so they can leverage ML based platforms. Finally, Hub & Spoke business and technology architectures will mean SEOs may want to start thinking about optimisations being an input or output method, so they can apply previous learnings to new technology channels.

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The “Liston” of site migrations
Step 1: fail to put redirects in place
The “Liston” of site migrations
Step 2: rel=canonical every page to the homepage
Good for the patientBad for the patient
Good for the patientBad for the patient
Mercury for syphilis

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Mobile is becoming an increasingly important traffic channel, and given recent developments like app indexation and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), as well as the addition of new types of devices like wearables and smart tech, understanding how it fits into the bigger search marketing picture is more crucial than ever. This session will take a look at the history of mobile search, how mobile search behaviour has impacted on desktop search, the growing significance of app content and developments such as AMP and app streaming within the search marketing landscape, and some thoughts on where the future of search is heading.

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Next Era of SEO: A Guide to SEO Split-Testing
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Next Era of SEO: A Guide to SEO Split-Testing

SEO focused A/B Testing or Split-Testing is fast becoming an important new technique for digital marketers. This deck explains why it is important, and how you can do it.

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Will Critchlow | The Emerging Future of Search
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Will is going to discuss the ways that Distilled believes search is fundamentally changing, including compound queries, implicit search signals, user signals as a ranking factor, the move from keywords to intents, and the drive towards data-driven search.

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Good for the patientBad for the patient
Mercury for syphilis
Not washing hands
Good for the patientBad for the patient
Mercury for syphilis
Not washing hands Garlic + Onion
Of course a lot of deliberate things were
neither harmful nor beneficial
Cargo cult:
During WW2, Pacific islanders who had never seen
manufactured equipment saw modern military
planes bring cargo to their remote islands.
Read Richard Feynman’s speech

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Machine learning is a concept that has is turning science fiction into real technology today. However, the applications of this technology seem daunting to marketers. In this talk, Mike King shares how marketers can take advantage of machine learning using ready made tools and tactics without knowing how to code.

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The inbounder London - 2. May 2017 Tom Anthony
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This document discusses new techniques for SEO in the modern age. It covers the importance of data-driven approaches like split testing over following best practices. Machine learning is becoming more important for SEO due to its use in search algorithms. A hub and spoke content model is proposed to manage content across multiple platforms. Split testing and machine learning are positioned as essential SEO techniques, with the recommendation to learn categories of machine learning rather than trying to learn the techniques directly.

How to spot a bad link
How to spot a bad linkHow to spot a bad link
How to spot a bad link

This document discusses how to identify and manage risky links that could lead to search engine penalties. It notes that before 2012, many links did not count towards rankings but Penguin changed that by targeting "unnatural" links. The key points made are: audit all current and planned links for risk factors like high anchor text repetition, low-quality domains, unnatural linking patterns; risky links should be removed while balancing with adding new, natural links; if penalized, wait for reconsideration requests and be cautious about changing too much at once like redirecting to new domains. Managing link risk carefully is now essential for rankings.

linkrisk link seo link building
Cargo cult:
After the war, cults developed that tried to recreate
the conditions that “brought” the planes
(runways, control towers, military uniforms)
without understanding what had really happened.
Read Richard Feynman’s speech
Do we have our own cargo cults?
Do you recommend changing h2 to h1?
Do you have a good reason why?
Even if it does help, does it help enough to be worth it?
Let’s start washing our hands

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Analytics Horror Stories - BrightonSEO 2016
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The document discusses common issues and mistakes seen with Google Analytics implementations and use. It provides examples of scenarios where analytics were not being used properly or data was missing due to technical problems. The key recommendations are to work with analytics experts on implementations, have a data plan for any site changes, test all data, don't delete or duplicate analytics setups, and understand the limitations and error margins of analytics data.

Page rank
Page rankPage rank
Page rank

PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search results. It works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a website's importance. Websites that receive more links from other important websites are considered more important under this system. The key principles are that links from websites like .edu and .gov domains carry more weight, spam websites can hurt a site's ranking, and it is better to receive a few links from high-quality sites than many links from low-quality sites. While the full details of Google's ranking systems are not known, the basic concept of PageRank focusing on link analysis remains an important part of how Google evaluates websites.

BrightonSEO 5 Critical Questions Your Log Files Can Answer September 2016
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BrightonSEO 5 Critical Questions Your Log Files Can Answer September 2016

Combining Web Crawler Data with Server Logs to highlight Crawl Budget opportunities. Get Google crawling and indexing more of your pages in Organic Search Results!

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The scientific method
Step 1:
Generate hypotheses
In medicine, old wives tales are a great place to start. Looking at things that appear to work, but we have
no idea why is a good source of hypotheses.
A great example is this 1,000-year-old “spell” that included garlic, onion and cow’s stomach, and turned
out to kill MRSA.
I guess the SEO equivalent is to ask the old timers.
In all areas of science, you are at an advantage if you can figure from first principles. Richard Feynman
famously used to draw what became known as “Feynman diagrams” to understand sub-atomic
interactions through thought experiments alone.
The SEO equivalent is to stay abreast of information retrieval and ML papers and formulate hypotheses
based on an understanding of how the algorithm likely works.
Finally, you can go mining the data.
The obvious SEO equivalent is the various correlation studies into ranking factors.
In both medicine and SEO, you obviously have to be wary of spurious correlations. Blindly mining data
can get arbitrarily high correlations (the example above has a correlation of 0.993!).

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From past experiences with data, Dave knows relying on your gut can be a mistake. Instead, we need to take comfort in the validation of solid data to ensure we’re making profitable decisions. Sharing real client examples, Dave will run through the essential steps: how to decide on a hypothesis, create conditions, and gather data.

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Art, virtual snowballs and the feels - BrightonSEO

We want links and coverage and social shares. So we make stuff. Stuff that’s supposed to get us those things. But it doesn’t always work out, and it can be tough to figure out why. Hannah shares what she’s learned about creative content and provides tips and insights on how to improve your own creative processes.

The scientific method
Step 2:
Try things in the lab
Problem: results may not hold, or may come with new side effects
In the SEO space, this is work like that done by
IMEC labs.
It involves attempting to run controlled
experiments on test domains and / or with
volunteer participants. The outcomes are
normally not improved rankings or traffic that
participants care about.
Potential pitfalls
What works in tests may not work in the real world
Source: National Institutes of Health

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Presented on September 2, 2016 at Brighton SEO (in the UK). Taking a bit of a break from my typical Local SEO talks, this presentation shares info and tips on Facebook ads (or adverts, as they call them in the UK). Learn about the different ad types, how to build ads, how to create Custom Audiences, and how to use demographic targeting. The presentation ends with some tips on Local Awareness ads, the best way to run local ads to gain more awareness in your immediate area.

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Humanising Search - Jimisha Thakrar
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1. The document discusses how search has evolved from keyword-focused to intent-focused as search engines have developed the ability to understand natural language and personalize search results. 2. It provides examples of how linguistic analysis can help determine user intent for both text and voice searches, which tend to be longer queries that provide more context. 3. The document argues that SEO must also evolve to focus on intent, personalization, and creating actionable experiences for users if they are to remain relevant as search continues to become more conversational.

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BrightonSEO - How to create an international blog to boost your SEO
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The document outlines Marcin Chirowski's presentation on creating an international blog to boost SEO. It discusses the problems with a static website and poor content, and provides a 7 step process to plan content around audiences, build systems and scale with tracking to measure results. Key steps include defining goals and audiences, creating fresh content through local copywriters and editors, and tracking KPIs over the long term. Common pitfalls discussed are lack of long term commitment and low internal buy-in without results.

Do you recommend http → https migrations?
All else being equal, secure is better. All else is never equal.
Side effects may include ranking fluctuations, traffic drops, difficult conversations with your boss.
Side effects
may include headache, nausea, vomiting, death, dizziness, dysentery, cardiac
arrhythmia, mild heart explosions, varicose veins, darkened stool, darkened
soul, lycanthropy, trucanthropy, more vomiting, arteriosclerosis,
hemorrhoids, mild discomfort, vampirism, spontaneous dental hydroplosion,
sugar high, even more vomiting, and mild rash.
The scientific method
Step 3:
Gold standard scientific trials
TL;DR scurvy bad, science hard
You should read the story of one of the first controlled scientific experiments that proved lemons could
cure scurvy (in 1747!). The incredible story of how the discovery supported British naval supremacy, and
then how compounding errors involving the colonial supply-chain, faster steam-powered ships, and polar
bear offal led to the loss of the knowledge, the death of polar explorers, and the eventual rediscovery of
vitamin C.
Source: idlewords
How SEO split tests work

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The document discusses the psychology behind successful content and marketing. It notes that most purchasing decisions have both conscious and unconscious components. It emphasizes understanding the target audience, their motivations, needs, desires and perspective in order to create content they cannot resist and that they can relate to and recognize themselves in. The document encourages finding shared values and a common enemy with the audience and providing context that guides them.

Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stageBest practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage
Best practice is not enough #brightonSEO @Linkdex #SEOnow stage

Think back to the last time you applied for a job. It doesn’t matter if you work in-house or agency side – it’s likely that there was a line in your job spec that read “a good understanding of best practice”. But when you turned up on your first day at work, knowing the best thing to do in every situation that might arise I doubt you were surprised to find out that the best thing to do couldn’t be done. The website wasn’t built that way. The client won’t sign that off. That’ll never get past legal. So you need to come up with the second best thing to do. That’s not part of best practice. Opinions come to a head and nothing gets done because businesses are mistaken in their opinion that doing nothing is fine if the best thing can’t be done. But best practice is a misnomer anyway. When we say best practice what we really mean is standard practice. If all you ever implement is standard practice that’s all you’ll be. Standard. If you can’t even reach standard your business deserves to fail. Where does best practice even come from though? People treat it as if it’s some kind of bible handed down from the gatekeepers – the guys who can shut off your revenue. Best practice is actually more like Wikipedia than a bible. It’s populated by everyone who works in the industry and most of it is factually incorrect. You should get 0 points for referencing it. The only things in there that actually do come from the channel owners are loaded with bias. Contributions from experts are self-serving and so many pat each other and themselves on the back that received wisdom becomes perceived fact. But if neither are reliable – and if what everyone is doing is the same thing – isn’t there a chance that doing something, anything different could drive better results than best practice? I would always overrule an expert if the data says otherwise. If we know our customers want X and the channel owners want Y, we should spend our time getting X to work with Y and not the other way around. Staff are fearful that deliberately setting out to do something that isn’t best practice will result in an automatic dismissal. I’m not saying it won’t. As a result, people will wait months or years for best practice to be implemented because it’s safe. The channel owners told us to do it. The experts concurred. Businesses spend a lot of money and a lot of time being average because nobody gets sacked for being average. After all – it’s in the job description.

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SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow
SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow
SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow
You might have seen @TomAnthonySEO tweeting
about the platform we’ve built to make this easy

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SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow
Excuse a brief diversion into geeky
Instead of comparing the performance of the control pages directly with the variant pages, we build a
forecast of what’s called the counterfactual which is an estimate of what would have happened if we hadn’t
made the change. We use the control group to make a counterfactual forecast that takes into account
seasonality and site-wide changes.
The black line on the chart above is the actual organic traffic to the variant pages. The blue line is the
More: Distilled blog post and free forecasting tool
It’s easiest to analyse the results by looking at the cumulative difference over time between the actual
organic traffic and the counterfactual.
The pale blue area is the 95% confidence interval.
We can see a (statistically) zero effect for an initial time while Google crawls and indexes the test,
followed by steady growth. A couple of weeks in, the confidence interval goes above zero and we have a
winning test.
More: Distilled blog

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The document discusses building viral web toys quickly by following an agile process. It recommends having a team that includes a manager, writers, coders, an artist, and UI designer. The process involves getting an idea, drawing it, proving it works technically, aligning deliveries, building it, testing it, launching it, fixing issues, and then starting the next project. It emphasizes moving fast, dividing labor, prioritizing speed over perfection, and being willing to fail quickly and learn from mistakes in order to continuously build and launch new digital content.

How to Build Business Cases for SEO Fixes
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Keywords Aren't Dead. Debunking SEO Myths. Brighton SEO 2016
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Keywords Aren't Dead, That's Bull - Debunking The Myths. Brighton SEO September 2016 talk from Laura Hogan. Understand the five common myths surrounding the use of keywords within SEO and just why they're wrong! From anchor text, to keyword research and URL structure; learn why keywords are as vital as ever in today's SEO strategy.

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It’s easiest to analyse the results by looking at the cumulative difference over time between the actual
organic traffic and the counterfactual.
The pale blue area is the 95% confidence interval.
We can see a (statistically) zero effect for an initial time while Google crawls and indexes the test,
followed by steady growth. A couple of weeks in, the confidence interval goes above zero and we have a
winning test.
More: Distilled blog
Hashtag winning
Further reading for those interested:
● Predicting the present with Bayesian structural time series [PDF]
● Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time series [PDF]
● CausalImpact R package
● Finding the ROI of title tag changes
More: Distilled blog
What should you be testing?
One of the easiest tests to run is
the addition of structured data -
we recommend via

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The document discusses three things white hat link builders can learn from past spammy tactics. First, quantity matters - you need to contact many sites to get a few links, so play the numbers game sensibly. Second, employ multiple link building tactics like content marketing, image distribution, and contributing to publications. Third, find quicker wins through local/regional press and freelance journalists who may link more easily. The overall message is to use a variety of link acquisition strategies while prioritizing quality over spam.

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We got one of the fastest and clearest uplifts we have seen so far with
the addition of structured data to detail pages. This chart shows the
uplift from adding location-based data to individual property pages.
your organic
Advert testing plays a huge part
in PPC. Looking at typical meta
descriptions, it appears it’s
rarely a priority in organic.
More: Distilled blog
This is the chart I showed you earlier when I was describing the statistics.
It’s actually an uplift from improved clickthrough rate. We didn’t detect
an accompanying ranking improvement during this experiment.

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Make your
site mobile
I’ve spent a lot of time trying to
persuade people to do this
without data to back me up.
Now I’m going to carry on with
More: @TomAnthonySEO
This chart shows the uplift from making a bunch of category pages
mobile-friendly (with some simple responsiveness) on a holiday site.
Just to help prove that these are real uplifts, we ran a “null” test
designed to have no impact
...and there are tons of tests where we
don’t have pretty charts we can share yet

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The document discusses key principles that should guide Christian relationships according to the writer: trust, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, caring, and respect. It argues trust is most important as it forms the foundation of the relationship. Tolerance involves being patient with others' problems or past relationships. Understanding also plays a key role. The writer believes applying these principles could help Christian couples navigate difficult situations through understanding, forgiveness and respect. However, the response notes not all Christian couples may respond in the same way.

versus flat
We know Google in particular is
paying more attention to CSS
and JS. How much difference
does it make it content is visible
initially on page load?
You might want to test both
adding and removing additional
content on category pages.
This would test the benefit of
additional text vs. increased
focus and possibly-improved
usage metrics.
How much difference does it
make if you add breadcrumbs to
product pages?
Note: this introduces the
complexity of testing internal
linking. I’ll come back to this.
vs. noindex
We’ve often argued about the
best ways of keeping certain
pages and page-types out of the
Argue with data.

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This document discusses a group focused on helping youth from the Jane and Finch neighborhood in Toronto dealing with mental health issues. Jane and Finch is a high-risk area known for gangs and crime, with a high proportion of youth, low-income families, and immigrants. The group aims to support these at-risk youth struggling with mental health in one of Canada's most challenging communities.

Write Me An Essay By Absolute Essays - Issuu
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The document provides instructions for requesting essay writing help from the website It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with valid email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund offered for plagiarized work. The process aims to match customers with qualified writers to meet their needs.

Text Evidence Sentence Starters
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Text Evidence Sentence Starters

The document provides instructions for students to request writing assistance on the website, outlining a 5-step process: students create an account, submit a request form with instructions and deadline, writers bid on the request and students select a writer, the writer completes the paper and students can request revisions if needed, and students can request assistance on multiple assignments while ensuring original and high-quality content.

We have all kinds of keyword-targeting test ideas
● Simpler messaging
○ (what happens if you have less keyword targeting?)
● Timely keywords
○ (what happens if you add "2016" in appropriate places?)
Argue with data
We’re running tests like these right now
Follow @distilled to hear the results first
If you’re going to implement split-testing,
there are some things you should know
You can’t assume traffic equality
between “buckets” of pages
This is why we build a counterfactual comparison using control pages.

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This document discusses different types of evidence that can be used to support arguments and claims. It begins by defining evidence and explaining that persuasive texts must include very specific, credible evidence such as statistical data, analogies, quotations, testimonials, or anecdotal examples. The document then examines different types of evidence in more detail, including statistical evidence, testimonial evidence, anecdotal evidence, analogical evidence, and physical evidence. It provides examples and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each type. The document emphasizes that the strongest evidence comes from systematic reviews and meta-analyses of multiple research studies.

claims and evidence
Different pages can have different
For example, “roses” pages on valentine’s day. You need to cut outliers.
One site I looked at had 72<html> tags on
a single page
You’ll find some of your work more sensitive to amusingly broken
We’re not quite sure how to model
cross-section impacts
This will be needed for testing internal linking structures, for example.
You may detect unexplained
In medicine, this would be things like the placebo effect with no known

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- The document discusses different types of evidence that can be used to support arguments and claims, including statistical evidence, testimonial evidence, anecdotal evidence, and research studies. - Statistical evidence uses numbers and data, testimonial evidence relies on individual accounts and endorsements, anecdotal evidence cites specific observations or examples, and research studies can provide stronger evidence through systematic reviews and meta-analyses of multiple studies. - Each type of evidence has strengths and limitations depending on the claim. Statistical and research evidence may be stronger, but anecdotes and testimonials can still have value when used carefully and supplemented with other evidence.

arguments and evidenceclaims and evidenceevaluating claims and evidence
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The document discusses gun control in the United States. It notes that gun violence victims are high in the US compared to other countries, and there have been many political debates around controlling access to guns. The history of gun laws in the US is reviewed, including bans on assault weapons and mandatory waiting periods. For gun violence prevention, the document argues the US government should pass new laws requiring universal background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, making gun trafficking a federal crime, and providing more law enforcement officers.

Essay On Breast Cancer
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Breast Cancer Information Essay Free Essay Example. Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays .... essay examples: Breast Cancer Essay. Breast cancer essay thesis writing. An Introduction to Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer | Cancer.

We may find that things that “shouldn’t” work, in fact do drive uplifts.
We can speculate that the continuing benefit of changing 302s to 301s (despite Google’s insistence that
302s don’t lose PageRank) is to do with them losing other link signals, but we don’t really know.
I’m not sure this matters.
It’s changing the way we make
The big one:
Business cases
I wrote more about this in my better business documents post
But I’m also seeing more subtle impacts on my recommendations:
● You can recommend small tweaks and see the benefits compound
● You can test wild hypotheses with unknown upsides
● You can try things that might have a downside (more focused targeting, less copy, etc.)
And that’s even before you get the benefits of testing clickthrough rate, and the benefits of pretty charts
to show the boss highlighting the impact of your work!
More: blog post

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The document discusses the theory of plate tectonics, which explains many geological phenomena including mountain formation, earthquakes, and continental drift. Originally proposed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century, plate tectonic theory was widely accepted after the 1960s when scientists discovered evidence that the Earth's crust is composed of plates that slowly move across the planet's surface. The theory revolutionized understanding of geological processes and landform creation.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a paper writing request to the website It involves a 5-step process: 1) create an account, 2) complete a request form providing instructions and deadline, 3) writers will bid on the request and the client chooses one, 4) the client reviews the paper and pays upon approval, 5) the client can request revisions until satisfied. The purpose is to outline the process for clients to receive original, high-quality content writing assistance from the website.

Our work is so much easier than
But still, let’s move past
“cut the leg off as fast as you can”
SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow
PS - We’re hiring:

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The document discusses correlation versus causality in experimental design. It provides examples of different types of experimental designs including randomized controlled trials, natural experiments, before-after designs, and differences-in-differences designs. It emphasizes the importance of randomness, control groups, and understanding the outcome variable when analyzing experimental data. Key considerations include whether the outcome is continuous or categorical and choosing the appropriate statistical tests accordingly. The document also discusses examples of experiments in various contexts like economics, policy, and online settings.

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● Operating chair - Peter Pelisek
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● Air drop - Wikipedia
● Test tubes - ironpoison
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● Pills - ashleyrosex
● Stethoscope - proimos
● Old wives’ tale - Jon Bunting, pgillard and John
Image credits
● Richard Feynman - Juana la loca, dullhunk and
● Spurious correlation - Tyler Vigen
● Lemon, lime, polar bear - abhijittembhekar,
libraryman, ucumari
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SEO split tests you should run - Will Critchlow

  • 1. SEO split tests you should be running Will Critchlow / @willcritchlow BrightonSEO
  • 2. Robert Liston famously: Carried out an operation with a 300% mortality rate Via: reddit
  • 3. He amputated: 1. The patient’s leg 2. His assistant’s fingers Via: reddit
  • 4. Both of them died, along with a bystander Via: reddit
  • 5. Before germ theory, 25-50% of patients died from infections (Speed also used to be a prized surgical skill pre-anaesthetic) It wasn’t always confidence-inspiring
  • 6. Liston could amputate a leg in 2 ½ minutes
  • 7. Liston could amputate a leg in 2 ½ minutes (but in his enthusiasm he once cut off the patient’s testicles too)
  • 8. “Welcome. I’ll be your doctor today.” Confidence inspiring stuff
  • 9. The “Liston” of site migrations Step 1: fail to put redirects in place
  • 10. The “Liston” of site migrations Step 2: rel=canonical every page to the homepage
  • 11. Good for the patientBad for the patient Accidental Deliberate
  • 12. Good for the patientBad for the patient Accidental Deliberate Mercury for syphilis
  • 13. Good for the patientBad for the patient Accidental Deliberate Mercury for syphilis Not washing hands
  • 14. Good for the patientBad for the patient Accidental Deliberate Mercury for syphilis Not washing hands Garlic + Onion
  • 15. Of course a lot of deliberate things were neither harmful nor beneficial
  • 16. Cargo cult: During WW2, Pacific islanders who had never seen manufactured equipment saw modern military planes bring cargo to their remote islands. Read Richard Feynman’s speech
  • 17. Cargo cult: After the war, cults developed that tried to recreate the conditions that “brought” the planes (runways, control towers, military uniforms) without understanding what had really happened. Read Richard Feynman’s speech
  • 18. Do we have our own cargo cults?
  • 19. Do you recommend changing h2 to h1? Do you have a good reason why? Even if it does help, does it help enough to be worth it?
  • 21. The scientific method Step 1: Generate hypotheses
  • 22. In medicine, old wives tales are a great place to start. Looking at things that appear to work, but we have no idea why is a good source of hypotheses. A great example is this 1,000-year-old “spell” that included garlic, onion and cow’s stomach, and turned out to kill MRSA. I guess the SEO equivalent is to ask the old timers.
  • 23. In all areas of science, you are at an advantage if you can figure from first principles. Richard Feynman famously used to draw what became known as “Feynman diagrams” to understand sub-atomic interactions through thought experiments alone. The SEO equivalent is to stay abreast of information retrieval and ML papers and formulate hypotheses based on an understanding of how the algorithm likely works.
  • 24. Finally, you can go mining the data. The obvious SEO equivalent is the various correlation studies into ranking factors. In both medicine and SEO, you obviously have to be wary of spurious correlations. Blindly mining data can get arbitrarily high correlations (the example above has a correlation of 0.993!).
  • 25. The scientific method Step 2: Try things in the lab Problem: results may not hold, or may come with new side effects
  • 26. In the SEO space, this is work like that done by IMEC labs. It involves attempting to run controlled experiments on test domains and / or with volunteer participants. The outcomes are normally not improved rankings or traffic that participants care about.
  • 28. What works in tests may not work in the real world Source: National Institutes of Health
  • 29. Do you recommend http → https migrations? All else being equal, secure is better. All else is never equal. Side effects may include ranking fluctuations, traffic drops, difficult conversations with your boss. Side effects may include headache, nausea, vomiting, death, dizziness, dysentery, cardiac arrhythmia, mild heart explosions, varicose veins, darkened stool, darkened soul, lycanthropy, trucanthropy, more vomiting, arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids, mild discomfort, vampirism, spontaneous dental hydroplosion, sugar high, even more vomiting, and mild rash.
  • 30. The scientific method Step 3: Gold standard scientific trials
  • 31. TL;DR scurvy bad, science hard You should read the story of one of the first controlled scientific experiments that proved lemons could cure scurvy (in 1747!). The incredible story of how the discovery supported British naval supremacy, and then how compounding errors involving the colonial supply-chain, faster steam-powered ships, and polar bear offal led to the loss of the knowledge, the death of polar explorers, and the eventual rediscovery of vitamin C. Source: idlewords
  • 32. How SEO split tests work
  • 36. You might have seen @TomAnthonySEO tweeting about the platform we’ve built to make this easy
  • 38. Excuse a brief diversion into geeky details
  • 39. Instead of comparing the performance of the control pages directly with the variant pages, we build a forecast of what’s called the counterfactual which is an estimate of what would have happened if we hadn’t made the change. We use the control group to make a counterfactual forecast that takes into account seasonality and site-wide changes. The black line on the chart above is the actual organic traffic to the variant pages. The blue line is the counterfactual. More: Distilled blog post and free forecasting tool
  • 40. It’s easiest to analyse the results by looking at the cumulative difference over time between the actual organic traffic and the counterfactual. The pale blue area is the 95% confidence interval. We can see a (statistically) zero effect for an initial time while Google crawls and indexes the test, followed by steady growth. A couple of weeks in, the confidence interval goes above zero and we have a winning test. More: Distilled blog
  • 41. It’s easiest to analyse the results by looking at the cumulative difference over time between the actual organic traffic and the counterfactual. The pale blue area is the 95% confidence interval. We can see a (statistically) zero effect for an initial time while Google crawls and indexes the test, followed by steady growth. A couple of weeks in, the confidence interval goes above zero and we have a winning test. More: Distilled blog Hashtag winning
  • 42. Further reading for those interested: ● Predicting the present with Bayesian structural time series [PDF] ● Inferring causal impact using Bayesian structural time series [PDF] ● CausalImpact R package ● Finding the ROI of title tag changes More: Distilled blog
  • 43. What should you be testing?
  • 44. Add structured data One of the easiest tests to run is the addition of structured data - we recommend via JSON-LD.
  • 46. We got one of the fastest and clearest uplifts we have seen so far with the addition of structured data to detail pages. This chart shows the uplift from adding location-based data to individual property pages.
  • 47. Improve your organic “adverts” Advert testing plays a huge part in PPC. Looking at typical meta descriptions, it appears it’s rarely a priority in organic.
  • 48. More: Distilled blog This is the chart I showed you earlier when I was describing the statistics. It’s actually an uplift from improved clickthrough rate. We didn’t detect an accompanying ranking improvement during this experiment.
  • 49. Make your site mobile friendly I’ve spent a lot of time trying to persuade people to do this without data to back me up. Now I’m going to carry on with data.
  • 50. More: @TomAnthonySEO This chart shows the uplift from making a bunch of category pages mobile-friendly (with some simple responsiveness) on a holiday site.
  • 51. Just to help prove that these are real uplifts, we ran a “null” test designed to have no impact
  • 52. ...and there are tons of tests where we don’t have pretty charts we can share yet
  • 53. Tabbed versus flat We know Google in particular is paying more attention to CSS and JS. How much difference does it make it content is visible initially on page load?
  • 54. Additional content You might want to test both adding and removing additional content on category pages. This would test the benefit of additional text vs. increased focus and possibly-improved usage metrics.
  • 55. Breadcrumbs How much difference does it make if you add breadcrumbs to product pages? Note: this introduces the complexity of testing internal linking. I’ll come back to this.
  • 56. Canonicals vs. noindex We’ve often argued about the best ways of keeping certain pages and page-types out of the index. Argue with data.
  • 57. We have all kinds of keyword-targeting test ideas ● Simpler messaging ○ (what happens if you have less keyword targeting?) ● Timely keywords ○ (what happens if you add "2016" in appropriate places?) Argue with data
  • 58. We’re running tests like these right now Follow @distilled to hear the results first
  • 59. If you’re going to implement split-testing, there are some things you should know
  • 60. You can’t assume traffic equality between “buckets” of pages This is why we build a counterfactual comparison using control pages.
  • 61. Different pages can have different seasonality For example, “roses” pages on valentine’s day. You need to cut outliers.
  • 62. One site I looked at had 72<html> tags on a single page You’ll find some of your work more sensitive to amusingly broken HTML
  • 63. We’re not quite sure how to model cross-section impacts This will be needed for testing internal linking structures, for example.
  • 64. You may detect unexplained phenomena In medicine, this would be things like the placebo effect with no known pathway.
  • 65. We may find that things that “shouldn’t” work, in fact do drive uplifts. We can speculate that the continuing benefit of changing 302s to 301s (despite Google’s insistence that 302s don’t lose PageRank) is to do with them losing other link signals, but we don’t really know. I’m not sure this matters.
  • 66. It’s changing the way we make recommendations
  • 67. The big one: Business cases I wrote more about this in my better business documents post
  • 68. But I’m also seeing more subtle impacts on my recommendations: ● You can recommend small tweaks and see the benefits compound ● You can test wild hypotheses with unknown upsides ● You can try things that might have a downside (more focused targeting, less copy, etc.) And that’s even before you get the benefits of testing clickthrough rate, and the benefits of pretty charts to show the boss highlighting the impact of your work! More: blog post
  • 69. Our work is so much easier than theirs
  • 70. But still, let’s move past “cut the leg off as fast as you can”
  • 72. @willcritchlow PS - We’re hiring:
  • 74. ● Surgeons - Phalinn Ooi ● Operating chair - Peter Pelisek ● Potions - Sam Simpson ● Old operating theatre - Uglix ● Searchmetrics rankings drop - img_eisy ● Air drop - Wikipedia ● Test tubes - ironpoison ● Syringes - ad-vantage ● Pills - ashleyrosex ● Stethoscope - proimos ● Old wives’ tale - Jon Bunting, pgillard and John Davey Image credits ● Richard Feynman - Juana la loca, dullhunk and jkannenberg ● Spurious correlation - Tyler Vigen ● Lemon, lime, polar bear - abhijittembhekar, libraryman, ucumari ● Blackboard - arenamontanus ● Facepalm - brandongrasley ● Buckets - mamarazzi ● Rose - alicelingching ● Girders - JFB119 ● Ghost - daveallday ● Bezos - jurvetson