SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Is growth that important?
Growth Hacking and Full Stack Marketing for Startups by Patrick Vlaskovits (@Pv) and Casey Armstrong (@CaseyA)
Thanks to our hosts: Wayra, NDRC, Rainmaking Loft, Rockstart, Hub:raum, Werk1, Sektor5, Design Terminal, and Beta-i. Also, thanks to our partners, including GrowthTribe, Growth
Hack Spain, Faber Ventures, Thousand Seeds, Startup Amsterdam, Hackers/Founders London, Lean Startup Circle Madrid, Growth Hacking Belgium, Berlin Lean Startup, Lean Startup
Circle London, The Happy Startup School, IE Business School, comSysto, Lean Startup Meetup Munich, Bullet, and StartupShip.
ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
The origins of growth hacking with Patrick Vlaskovits, Sean Ellis, and Hiten Shah.
Earl Tupper

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Social media strategy
Social media strategySocial media strategy
Social media strategy

Starbucks' social media priorities for 2016-2017 are to increase engagement and followers. Three strategies will support this: increasing shares/likes/comments; encouraging online conversations; and publishing interactive content. Instagram receives the most interactions per post. Facebook and Twitter are the top traffic drivers but LinkedIn and Pinterest drive little traffic. The objectives are to increase comments/mentions replies and followers across platforms. Key messages are being social, responsible drinks, seasonal themes, and fun connections. Engagement and followers will be measured quarterly.

coffeesocial media marketing
MozCon 2022: Why Real Expertise is the Most Important Ranking Factor of Them ...
MozCon 2022: Why Real Expertise is the Most Important Ranking Factor of Them ...MozCon 2022: Why Real Expertise is the Most Important Ranking Factor of Them ...
MozCon 2022: Why Real Expertise is the Most Important Ranking Factor of Them ...

This document discusses the importance of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) as ranking factors in Google search. It provides examples of websites that demonstrate real expertise through in-depth coverage of a niche from authors with credible qualifications. Real expertise involves focusing on one topic, transparently displaying author credentials, offering objective advice backed by first-hand experience, and having other authoritative sources link to the site and its contributors. Google's goal is to elevate information from true experts over other factors.

marketingseosearch engine optimization
12 Steps to Effective Growth Hacking (
12 Steps to Effective Growth Hacking ( Steps to Effective Growth Hacking (
12 Steps to Effective Growth Hacking (

Do you consider growth hacking to be a fluffy concept and practice? Are you unsure how to crack the code on how to get started? Good news ahead. We have broken down the process in 12 effective steps that will help you kick off your growth (hacking) efforts. Let's get started!

corporatetestingdigital marketing
The Graveyard of Good Ideas
How penicillin, which is credited with saving over 100,000,000 lives, didn’t immediately go “viral” so what hope is
there for your product?
Some innovative startups do succeed.
The Medium is the Message

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From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learnedFrom Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned

Drew Houston and Adam Smith discuss how their startups Dropbox and Xobni reached 2 million users in 2 years through focusing on product-market fit, learning from early users, and designing viral features. They emphasize the importance of talking to potential users early, generating buzz through scarcity and word of mouth, and optimizing the user funnel through metrics to understand what drives acquisition and retention.

startupy combinatorxobni
Social media-monitoring-digital-marketing-paathshala
Social media-monitoring-digital-marketing-paathshalaSocial media-monitoring-digital-marketing-paathshala
Social media-monitoring-digital-marketing-paathshala

The document provides an overview of social media monitoring and listening tools. It discusses why listening is important, as social media allows people to share interests and insights freely. The document then outlines some basic free tools for monitoring platforms like Twitter, blogs, forums and more. It suggests tools for getting a general snapshot, real-time Twitter insights, Twitter-specific searches, blog searches, forum comments, and bookmarking findings. The goal is to get a well-rounded picture of online conversations around topics, brands and competitors using these free basic tools.

social media-monitoring-digital-marketing-paathsha
Acquire New Users with Better Activation
Acquire New Users with Better ActivationAcquire New Users with Better Activation
Acquire New Users with Better Activation

Growth hacking techniques startups are using to onboard and activate new users. Learn more at

internet marketinglean marketingmarketing
The Handicap of Selling Innovation
Innovation does a violence that creates disconnect.
Without context = ‘What is this? Why do I need it?’
Projection = ‘Are you saying I’m stupid?’
Risk = ‘What if it doesn’t work?’
Your Product
Your Channel
Evolve like the orchid and the orchid fly.
Hacking Growth in 1948
Evolution from Medium to Channel
0) The Hyped Next Big Thing
1) The Wild Wild West
2) The Hockey Stick
3) Tragedy of the Commons
4) Governance & Civilization

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12 Key Levers of SaaS Success
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12 Key Levers of SaaS Success

David Skok, General Partner at Matrix Partners, provides a simple model to understand a SaaS businesses, as well as the key levers founders, can leverage to drive SaaS success.

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Demo Deck Example - The Blueprint Training
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The Blueprint Training's platform demo deck. This is the deck we use to pitch sales prospects via calls.

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Beyond Pride: Making Digital Marketing & SEO Authentically LGBTQ+ Inclusive -...
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Beyond Pride: Making Digital Marketing & SEO Authentically LGBTQ+ Inclusive presented at Brighton SEO by Cameron Wildridge

digital marketingseoinclusion
Bound your losses.
The Innovation Spectrum
Growth Hacking vs
The Medium is the
The Medium is The Message
The medium resolves and rewards.
Without context = ‘What is this? Why do I need it?’
Projection = ‘Are you saying I’m stupid?’
Risk = ‘What if it doesn’t work?’

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Inbound Marketing 101
Inbound Marketing 101Inbound Marketing 101
Inbound Marketing 101

A presentation I gave on July 10, 2009 for members of the Cape Cod Technology Council in Hyannis, MA. I gave an overview of inbound marketing, then got into the details of SEO, blogging, social media and measurement of the marketing and sales funnel.

Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023
Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023
Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Follow in 2023

2023 is here and it's time to take your social media marketing strategy to new heights. From Tiktok's domination to the growing popularity of live videos, our article covers the top social media marketing trends you need to know to stand out in this crowded space. Keep your brand ahead of the curve by checking this presentation. Full blog here -

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Growth engine for saas startups
Growth engine for saas startupsGrowth engine for saas startups
Growth engine for saas startups

Learn how to build the growth engine for your startup. Saas Lifecycle stages. Product Market Fit, Different perspectives for Marketing funnel, AARRR framework, lead generation, lead nurturing & what tools to use

ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
The Eagles in the 70s & 80s
ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
Contour Cameras vs. GoPro
ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
Tim Ferris + BitTorrent

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SEJ Summit 2017: Engaging Content Marketing For Boring Industries by Mindy We...
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Presenter: Mindy Weinstein of Market Mind Shift Description: Mindy breaks down three vital things in content marketing: how to develop interesting real-life stories, how to keep your eyes open for inspiration, and how to focus on being practical and personal. Let’s get started!

Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m

There are seven key stages in a startup’s evolution from $0m to $50m in revenue. Understanding where you are in that evolution, and how to act at each stage is critical for success, as what is appropriate at one stage is not appropriate at another stage. David will lay out the roadmap, and detail the keys to success at each stage. The talk is aimed at technical/product founders plus their sales, marketing & product executives who are responsible for the go-to-market strategy for their company.

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Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines
Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable HeadlinesClickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines
Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines

We looked at some of the top performing content on social media, from some of the top publications on the web. From this, we were able to figure out the recipe for crafting a click-worthy title. Here is what we learned...

content marketingbloggingsocial media marketing
ADD origins of Growth
Hacking slide
Chili’s + Instagram
Your product?
Apple products
Home parties
Your channel?
Luxury stores
Apple retail stores
3D Printing
Internet of Things & Wearables
Driverless cars
Patrick Vlaskovits (@Pv)

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Expert SEO & Google Algorithm Predictions For 2023
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Expert SEO & Google Algorithm Predictions For 2023

2022 has been a whirlwind of a year for the SEO industry, and there’s no sign of slowing down. This year alone, Google dropped eight confirmed and several unconfirmed updates – leaving many businesses scrambling to keep up. With so much volatility, how can you adapt your SEO strategy to keep it fresh and relevant? How will this year’s algorithm changes affect your 2023 SEO strategy? How can you prepare for Google’s next move and get ahead of the curve? In our next webinar, Pat Reinhart, VP of Customer Success at Conductor, discusses how to handle frequent algorithm changes and market shifts. We’ll recap the biggest SEO insights of this year, share some expert predictions based on 2022’s algorithm updates, and uncover what next year may hold. Key Takeaways: What a crazy 2022 for Google means for 2023. How the growth of social media search will impact strategy in 2023. What the popularity of visual search will mean going forward. If you struggled keeping up with this year’s constant changes, the SEO predictions you’ll discover in this webinar could be a game-changer for your business. Are you ready to optimize your SEO strategy to stay competitive in 2023?

Think Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth HackerThink Like A Growth Hacker
Think Like A Growth Hacker

This document discusses the concept of a growth hacker and strategies for sustainable growth. A growth hacker focuses on scalable growth through experiments and data analysis. Their goal is viral and repeat growth through word of mouth, embedded social features, paid advertising, and recurring use. The document provides examples of how companies achieve growth through these channels and outlines psychological factors that influence word-of-mouth sharing. It emphasizes thinking like a growth hacker by constantly considering growth opportunities across communication platforms.

digital marketinggrowth hacker
100+ Growth Hacks & What Is Growth Hacking?
100+ Growth Hacks & What Is Growth Hacking?100+ Growth Hacks & What Is Growth Hacking?
100+ Growth Hacks & What Is Growth Hacking?

I was very excited and honored to present a 3-hour workshop at the Viterbi Hacker House at USC, which is where I went to college, around growth hacking and marketing for startups. Always fun connecting with students and being able to give back to my school. We answered: Is growth that important? What is growth hacking? How do I get started with marketing and growth hacking? How do I prioritize everything? What is product/market fit? What is the customer lifecycle? Why do growth hacks fall into either acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, or referral buckets? What are growth hacking and marketing examples from work? What are 100+ examples of growth hacks at each stage? How can they implement some of these today? Including onstage breakdowns of USC companies, including and I know I’ll forget some tools, people, and resources, but.... Tools I mentioned you should check out: Google Analytics Qualaroo MailChimp Zapier IFTTT LeadIn KISSmetrics CrazyEgg SumoMe Gumroad BuiltWith Kimono PrimeLoop PerfectAudience Odesk Connectifier Rapportive Buffer People I mentioned who you should follow (in no particular order): Patrick Vlaskovits Neil Patel Hiten Shah Sean Ellis Samuel Hulick Morgan Brown Taylor Miles Paul Graham Dave McClure Geoff Ralston Marc Andreesen Bing Gordon Gabriel Weinberg Justin Mares Brian Balfourr Zack Onisko Greg Isenberg Maud Pasturaud Annie Cushing Thomas Knoll Ivan Kirigin Noah Kagan Andy Johns Elliot Shmukler Iris Shoor Brian Dean Jimmy Daly Ramit Sethi Brendon Burchard Jeff Walker Robert Cialdini Resources I mentioned: (definitely forgetting many, but a good start....) Startup = Growth: Startup Priorities: Blake Masters’ Notes: Andy Johns’ Answers on Quora: Find A Growth Hacker For Your Startup: The Only Thing That Matters: Developer Content Marketing & Growth Hacking: Gaining Early Traction by Doing Things that Don't Scale: Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence: Startup Metrics for Pirates: Traction vs. Growth: AirBNB Growth: Getting Launch Press for Your Startup: Mobile Popups: TripAdvisor’s Unfair Email Marketing Advantage: How to Gather 100,000 Emails in One Week: The Medium Is The Message: Daily Growth Strategies: User Onboarding: Hitenism: Backlinko: GrowthHackers:

Today’s Agenda
Case Study
Detailed Walk-through
Related Growth Hacks
Tools & Takeaways
DIY & Do-it-Today.
No experts needed.
Low risk.
Growth Hacking Perks: Amazon Web Services, Stripe, GrowthHacker.TV, CrazyEgg,
BuzzSumo, Intercom, FreshBooks, UserVoice, Wistia, CodeShip, Vero, GeckoBoard, Mention,
Balsamiq, ConvertKit, Iubenda, Bidsketch, Drip, Boomerang, StickerMule, Sniply, The
Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development, Traction, Become a Technical Marketer, and

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Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

This document discusses growth hacking strategies used by early internet companies like Hotmail to achieve rapid growth. It defines growth hacking as a set of tactics and best practices for acquiring, activating, and retaining users. Some key tactics discussed include viral growth, A/B testing landing pages, optimizing the user lifecycle funnel, and identifying bottlenecks. The document provides examples of notable growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Path, and Eventbrite.

startupslean startupmarketing
Growth Hacking With APIs
Growth Hacking With APIsGrowth Hacking With APIs
Growth Hacking With APIs

A major convergence is happening on the web that could disrupt the traditional rules of business and it's no surprise it's being driven by data. With cloud hosting available for pennies on the dollar, over 10,000+ APIs in 2015 available to the public and an estimated 60% of internet traffic compromised of bots, getting data is easier (and cheaper) than ever before. This environment is an ideal opportunity for savvy startups, agencies and businesses looking to take advantage of the wealth of data available. The barrier to entry has been removed and those who act quickly will capitalize, compete and even disrupt in ways we can only imagine. In this presentation, find out the best APIs, processes and technology that you can leverage to get an unfair advantage over your competition in 2015 and beyond.

databusiness intelligencebig data
Growth Hacking Basics
Growth Hacking BasicsGrowth Hacking Basics
Growth Hacking Basics

This document discusses growth hacking strategies and examples. It defines growth hacking as leveraging non-traditional marketing tactics to unlock exponential growth. Examples discussed include Airbnb integrating with Craigslist, BranchOut using Facebook integration, and LivingSocial growing their Facebook app virally. The document advocates obsessing over data, thinking creatively, being curious, and getting hands-on with product and code. It provides categories of growth hacks like platform integrations, viral growth, and analytics-driven insights.

user acquisitionstartupsentrepreneurship
Casey Armstrong (@CaseyA)
Zero to Hero
100s of signups per month -> 100s of signups per day
Innovative Products -> Innovative Marketing
2 sales from 16,668 visitors

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19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing
19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing
19 Growth Hacker Quotes: Thoughts on the Future of Marketing

Adapted from "Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and Advertising" by Ryan Holiday. "Everything you thought you knew about marketing is obsolete. We can see the incontrovertible evidence right in front of us. A new generation of multibillion dollar brands—Facebook, Twitter, AirBnb, Evernote, and countless others—have been built without spending a dime on traditional marketing techniques. No press releases, no PR firm, no Madison Avenue, no billboards in Times Square. It wasn’t luck that took them from tiny start-ups to massive success. They have a new strategy. It’s called Growth Hacking. And it works. A Growth Hacker is someone who rejects what “marketing” is supposed to be and replaces it only with tools that are testable, trackable, and scalable. Growth Hackers rely on inexpensive tactics like e-mail, pay-per-click ads, blogs, and platform APIs. They chase real results in a field that was dominated by gut instincts for nearly a century. They reject the traditional marketing worship of all things big: big budgets, big campaigns, big opening weekends. Instead, they embrace the opposite: taking a start-up from nothing to something, launching a Kickstarter project, building something that truly spreads. Growth Hacker Marketing offers both a new mindset and a new set of rules. Bestselling author Ryan Holiday, the former director of marketing for American Apparel, will convince you of the urgency of this awakening. He shows why the game has changed forever and what to do about it—whether you are an aspiring marketer, an entrepreneur, or a Fortune 500 senior executive."

marketingquotesryan holiday
The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017
The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017
The Definitive Guide to Customer Success 2017

The Customer Success movement has taken the SaaS industry by storm, even requiring an updated SaaS Business Model definition. But what exactly is Customer Success? Is it an organizational mindset? Is it a corporate strategy? Is it a set of tactics designed to produce happy, successful customers that in turn creates success for you, the SaaS vendor? The answer is... all of the above. In this guide I've enumerated 17 key elements of Customer Success for SaaS companies. I hope it helps you reach your goals.

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Major Keys to Wordpress Speed
Major Keys to Wordpress SpeedMajor Keys to Wordpress Speed
Major Keys to Wordpress Speed

This is an overview of some of the latest tools and considerations to achieve better load times in Wordpress that I presented at the Pubcon Austin regional conference.

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Email #0: Weekly Tips
Email #0: Response
Email #1: Survey
Email #1: Response
Email #4: Pre-Launch
Email #4: Response
Email #6: Launch
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Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel OptimizationUltimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization

The document provides tips and strategies for optimizing the user funnel, from acquiring first users to optimizing retention. It emphasizes testing optimizations through small experiments and using data to identify bottlenecks. Key recommendations include focusing first on learning rather than the funnel, using blogs and social media to acquire early users, and segmenting users to improve activation, onboarding and retention.

internet marketingfunnel optimizationacquisition
Catching Fireflies: Measuring The Value of Content
Catching Fireflies: Measuring The Value of ContentCatching Fireflies: Measuring The Value of Content
Catching Fireflies: Measuring The Value of Content

This document contains a list of 15 links to articles about measuring the return on investment (ROI) for content marketing. It discusses topics like content ROI calculators, why content marketing fails, different types of content metrics, using analytics for content strategy, proving and measuring content marketing ROI, and getting SEO ROI from content. It also includes contact information for Steve Floyd, the founder and CEO of AXZM, who believes content should be one of the first things addressed in digital marketing projects rather than an afterthought.

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Framework Thinking - 7 Frameworks To Skyrocket Your Career
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Framework Thinking - 7 Frameworks To Skyrocket Your Career

Discover how to leverage frameworks to become more effective and gain influence in your organization. Learn more about Framework thinking here:

crointernet marketingbusiness
Robert Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence
1. Reciprocity
2. Commitment & Consistency
3. Social Proof
4. Authority
5. Liking
6. Scarcity
Robert Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence
1. Reciprocity: Free weekly tips => returning the favor.
2. Commitment & Consistency: Surveying people on what they want and
delivering exactly that.
3. Social Proof: People like seeing others like them doing what they are doing.
4. Authority: People following the proven leader.
5. Liking: Getting people to like you by over-delivering & providing them value.
6. Scarcity: Limited-time only on pricing and products.
Layering Psychology Triggers
1. Survey
Reciprocity + Commitment
2. Pre-Launch
Reciprocity + Commitment + Consistency + Social Proof +
Authority + Liking + Scarcity
3. Launch
Reciprocity + Commitment + Consistency + Social Proof +
Authority + Liking + Scarcity
4. End Launch
Scarcity (no more discount + no more bonuses)
Optimizing Growth

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Marketing to Developers
Marketing to DevelopersMarketing to Developers
Marketing to Developers

Marketing to marketers is easy. Marketing to end users is easy. Marketing to developers is hard. Really hard. Developers are the worst customers, and the best evangelists. If they love your product, they'll tell all of their developer friends. If they don't like your product, they'll bombard you with emails and support requests for things they think should exist. Developers are difficult, marketing to them shouldn't be.

business developmentmarketingdevelopers
Startup Content Marketing - Distilled Meetup
Startup Content Marketing - Distilled MeetupStartup Content Marketing - Distilled Meetup
Startup Content Marketing - Distilled Meetup

The document discusses how startups should focus on creating useful content from the beginning, rather than just thinking of content as a secondary "marketing" activity. It provides examples of startups that failed and succeeded at content marketing. Successful startups like Dollar Shave Club, WePay, and BufferApp focused on producing popular, shareable content that drove search traffic and links to their sites. The document outlines steps startups can take to create valuable content, such as focusing on their audience, researching competitors, prioritizing content topics, and using interns to produce difficult content.

The Biggest Growth Opportunity is Right Under Your Nose
The Biggest Growth Opportunity is Right Under Your NoseThe Biggest Growth Opportunity is Right Under Your Nose
The Biggest Growth Opportunity is Right Under Your Nose

These slides were used for a webinar about driving growth by improving the conversion performance of your website. The slides focus on identifying why someone visits your website and uncovering the key issues that prevent conversions. The webinar was presented by Qualaroo CEO Sean Ellis and UserTesting CEO Darrell Benatar about

conversion rate optimizationmarketinginternet marketing
Casey Armstrong (@CaseyA)
2 sales from 16,668 visitors = 0.012%
978 sales from 10,881 visitors = 8.988%
Full Stack Marketing
1. Acquisition
2. Activation
Psychology + CRO
3. Retention
Email Marketing + Storytelling + Content Marketing
4. Referral
Psychology + Email Marketing + Storytelling
5. Revenue
CRO + Analytics
1. Structure: Survey, Pre-launch, Launch, Post-
2. Layer Triggers: Reciprocity, Commitment &
Consistency, Social Proof, Authority, Liking,
3. Test, Track, and Automate

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How Did BuzzFeed Harvest One Million Email Subscribers?
How Did BuzzFeed Harvest One Million Email Subscribers?How Did BuzzFeed Harvest One Million Email Subscribers?
How Did BuzzFeed Harvest One Million Email Subscribers?

How exactly did Buzzfeed managed to accumulate 1 million subscribers in 2014 alone? We have unpacked 20 steps the media news company took to reach this staggering number which looks set to be far higher in 2015.

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[500DISTRO] Going for Global: 5 Guerrilla Tactics When the Slick Stuff Fails
[500DISTRO] Going for Global: 5 Guerrilla Tactics When the Slick Stuff Fails	[500DISTRO] Going for Global: 5 Guerrilla Tactics When the Slick Stuff Fails
[500DISTRO] Going for Global: 5 Guerrilla Tactics When the Slick Stuff Fails

The document summarizes 5 guerrilla tactics for growth when traditional marketing fails: 1) Talk to potential users directly through events and local advertising. 2) Launch products all at once with stunts, parties and press. 3) Find influencers among existing users to invite friends. 4) Study user data to gain insights on effective demographics. 5) Continuously analyze data from different growth experiments, both successful and unsuccessful.

SaaS Metrics: The Secret to Subscription Success
SaaS Metrics: The Secret to Subscription SuccessSaaS Metrics: The Secret to Subscription Success
SaaS Metrics: The Secret to Subscription Success

This document discusses key metrics for Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses including Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), churn rate, customer lifetime value (LTV), and others. It defines each metric, how it is calculated, and why it is important to measure. The document advocates measuring these metrics to better understand customer acquisition, retention, and revenue over time in order to improve the business. It provides examples of how leading SaaS companies use these metrics to manage and grow their subscriptions.

Tools & Takeaways
Survey: Google Forms
Pop-up Tool: Qualaroo
Payment: Gumroad
API: Zapier
Email Automation: Mailchimp
Analytics: GA & Google Docs
American Airlines

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Startup Growth: Up and to the Right
Startup Growth: Up and to the RightStartup Growth: Up and to the Right
Startup Growth: Up and to the Right

The document outlines six principles for sustainable growth: 1) Growth is a methodical process that requires testing different growth levers, not "silver bullets." 2) Growth involves optimizing the entire customer funnel, from acquisition to activation to retention and revenue. Companies need an advantage in other parts of the funnel besides just acquisition. 3) Sustainable growth comes from optimizing the long-term retention and lifetime value of customers, not just short-term gains. 4) All users have a cost, whether direct acquisition costs or indirect costs of employees' time, so companies must understand costs and benefits. 5) Companies need to know if they are in the traction stage, focusing on product-

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Startup Metrics (Ignite Velocity)
Startup Metrics (Ignite Velocity)Startup Metrics (Ignite Velocity)
Startup Metrics (Ignite Velocity)

Startup Metrics for Pirates / Startup Metrics 101, presented at Ignite / Velocity Conference (June 2008)

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What Made WhatsApp Worth $19 Billion?
What Made WhatsApp Worth $19 Billion?What Made WhatsApp Worth $19 Billion?
What Made WhatsApp Worth $19 Billion?

When WhatsApp sold to Facebook for $19 Billion people were stunned. What makes this messaging app worth $19 billion? We dove deep into WhatsApp's growth engine to understand how its grown so fast and what makes it so valuable to Facebook.

startup marketinggrowthfacebook
Partnerships aren’t win-win.
Win-win-win. They. You. Shared audience.
Partners want to help you, help them,
help you.
ScreenFlow + Flowtility
Pitch a potential partner via

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Product Ideation and Customer Development
Product Ideation and Customer DevelopmentProduct Ideation and Customer Development
Product Ideation and Customer Development

This document discusses the importance of product/market fit and customer development for startups. It recommends focusing on building a minimum viable product (MVP) to test hypotheses and pivot if needed, using tools like landing pages, surveys, and analytics to gather customer feedback and validate ideas before fully developing the product. The goal is to achieve product/market fit with low costs through a series of MVPs and customer input.

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How to Focus on Inbound Marketing Using Content + Social Media, by Shelly Kramer
How to Focus on Inbound Marketing Using Content + Social Media, by Shelly KramerHow to Focus on Inbound Marketing Using Content + Social Media, by Shelly Kramer
How to Focus on Inbound Marketing Using Content + Social Media, by Shelly Kramer

Shelly Kramer Y'all Connect Presented by Alabama Power July 23, 2013 Birmingham, Alabama Content marketing and social media are the cornerstones of any inbound marketing (and integrated marketing) strategy. As brands and agencies rush to create branded content, they are often realizing that great content alone isn’t enough. Some 76 percent of marketers who have strategic SEO campaigns in place also invest in the development of branded content as part of an inbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing has been predicted to eclipse any other kind of marketing efforts by 2015 (and we think that sooner is probably a safe bet). So if you want to know more about using content marketing and a solid content strategy paired with the power of social media channels to get eyeballs to your content, this is the session for you. Takeaways: • Learn how high growth companies (large and small) are using inbound marketing to drive leads and sales in both B2B and B2C markets. • The Power of Data: How to use analytics to drive your content and social strategies. • Tactics for identifying your most effective corporate assets and strategies for using them. • How to utilize your internal resources to help create effective content. • Learn how to give your content legs (and make your team feel like they’re a bunch of superstars). • Tracking and Measurement. Data is a critical component of the social and content marketing efforts. Learn how to create monthly reports that will help you monitor and track the effectiveness of your efforts and use this data to guide your strategy moving forward.

Growth Hacking for Early Age Startups
Growth Hacking for Early Age StartupsGrowth Hacking for Early Age Startups
Growth Hacking for Early Age Startups

Growth Hacking skills will help you beat your competition and keep growing! Rohan runs you through some of the case studies, learnings and tricks he has learned along the way as a Growth Hacker.

Email Pitch Template
● Be specific in your ask.
● WIIFM: What’s In It For Me?
● Provide context for others.
● Remind: Shared audience.
● Reduce risk and winners win.
American Airlines + The Lean Entrepreneur = Book Tour
Growth Hacking Workshops Across Europe
Tweaking the Message to
Better Fit The Medium

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Marketers Guide to Growth Spurts
Marketers Guide to Growth SpurtsMarketers Guide to Growth Spurts
Marketers Guide to Growth Spurts

How do some businesses manage to grow and scale like rocket ships and other companies can barely get someone to share their content? This presentation will go through the key components of a growth strategy that are leveraged by some of the most successful brands online. It will discuss audience acquisition tactics that businesses of all sizes can use to ensure the work they're doing leads to continual growth spurts.

content marketingmarketinggrowth hacking
Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps
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Grow Hack Athens Pt.1: Growth Hacking For Web Apps

This is the first part of the Grow Hack Athens presentation by GrowthRocks, entitled GrowHackAthens: Growth Hacking For Web Apps.

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Generate More Leads Through Social Media
Generate More Leads Through Social Media Generate More Leads Through Social Media
Generate More Leads Through Social Media

On August 5th, ContentMX presented at ChannelCon, hosted by CompTIA on how to 'generate more leads through social media'. Many solution providers often think of social media as a way to build brand awareness, but not as a lead generation tool. If you haven’t tried using social media for lead generation, your business may be missing out on a lucrative marketing channel. Learn how to develop a strategy to generate and track social media leads.

social sellingcontent marketingcomptia
How would you find?
Casey’s email addresses &
phone number.
Connectifier on Twitter
Connectifier on Meetup

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Social Media in the Era of Inbound Marketing
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Social Media in the Era of Inbound Marketing

1. The document discusses strategies for using social media and inbound marketing to engage prospects and generate sales leads. It provides tips for finding prospects on various social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as tools for automating content distribution and prospect follow up. 2. The focus is on engaging with prospects before they become active buyers by participating in their online communities and customizing approaches. It also stresses the importance of publishing valuable content to attract prospects. 3. Additional topics covered include mapping the sales and buying processes, creating customer profiles, content planning and distribution, and common content marketing mistakes to avoid.

Growth hacking course
Growth hacking courseGrowth hacking course
Growth hacking course

This is a short course on all of the major pieces of the Growth Hacking process (Attracting traffic, activating them, retaining them, and optimizing for conversion). The materials have been accumulated from well-known growth hackers like Andrew Chen and Sean Ellis.

andrew chensean ellisgrowth hacker
Zero to Hero: Marketing for Startups and Growing Companies
Zero to Hero: Marketing for Startups and Growing CompaniesZero to Hero: Marketing for Startups and Growing Companies
Zero to Hero: Marketing for Startups and Growing Companies

This document provides an overview of marketing strategies for startups and growing companies. It begins with an introduction comparing modern marketing approaches to past approaches. The bulk of the document then covers various digital marketing tactics, including search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, and tracking results. It emphasizes following the buyer's journey with content and offers. The presentation concludes by recommending allocating 10 hours per week to marketing and building an online portfolio and audience before launching products.

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Labnol’s Gmail Mail Merge
Email Pitch Recap
● Be specific in your ask.
● WIIFM: What’s In It For Me?
● Provide context for others.
● Remind: Shared audience.
● Reduce risk and winners win.
Tools & Takeaways
● Connectifier
● Rapportive
● SideKick by Hubspot
● Email4Corporations

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Seattle Startup Week: Sales & Marketing on a Shoestring Budget
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This document provides guidance and best practices for startups developing sales and marketing strategies. It recommends understanding customers and objectives before planning, using existing resources, reviewing priorities weekly, firing many "bullets" or initiatives, and managing sales actively. Common startup mistakes include hiring sales leadership too soon, spending on marketing too early, building processes that don't match customer buying behaviors, selling beyond early adopters, and building sales teams too fast.

Revitilize Your Business With Social Media
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Revitilize Your Business With Social Media

This document discusses the benefits of social media for businesses and provides tips for getting started with social media marketing. It notes that social media can increase sales, brand awareness, and lead generation. It then gives advice on setting goals, learning social media etiquette, engaging customers on sites like Facebook and Twitter, monitoring brand presence, and measuring results.

helen levinsonsocial media
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Web 2010 Discover Ten Strategies Defining Your Business Future

The document outlines 10 strategies for defining a business's future in 2010 according to Jay Berkowitz. The strategies are: 1) Micro Communications, 2) Virtualization, 3) Free!, 4) Social Search, 5) Customer Service as the New Marketing Department, 6) Disintermediation - Part II, 7) Super Widgetization, 8) Video, 9) Personal Branding, and 10) Semantic Web/Web 3.0. Each strategy is accompanied by business applications and advanced tactics for implementation.

SEO + Content Marketing
SEO Is Everywhere
Amazon is a search engine.
Slideshare is a search engine.

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Content Marketing: What, Why and How to Kick Butt at It, by Shelly Kramer
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Content Marketing: What, Why and How to Kick Butt at It, by Shelly Kramer

This document provides an overview of content marketing and inbound marketing strategies. It discusses how traditional marketing uses interruptive tactics like ads while inbound marketing focuses on creating helpful content over time. It emphasizes using data to inform strategy and creating content like blogs, videos and social media posts to attract potential customers. The document also covers best practices for writing content, optimizing it for search engines, and distributing it across channels to generate leads and traffic.

marketingalabamayall connect is a search engine.
Eventbrite is a search engine.
Yelp is a search engine.
Onsite SEO: Focus on what you
control to set yourself up for success.
Clean Up Your House

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SMU MBA Social Media Strategy

Digital Space Consulting is a digital agency that provides social media strategy, content creation, and analytics services. They help brands connect with customers and empower them through research and engagement. The document provides tips on building a social media strategy, including listening to conversations, becoming active on key platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, sharing valuable content, and measuring results. It emphasizes starting simply by optimizing profiles, engaging with others, and staying connected to industry conversations.

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SMU Starting a Business
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SMU Starting a Business

Digital Space Consulting provides digital marketing and social media consulting services. They have over 10 years of experience in content creation, communications, and analytics. The document provides tips on building a social media strategy, including establishing profiles on key platforms like LinkedIn, engaging with others, and sharing useful content to build expertise. It also outlines tools for curating content, managing social media efforts, and measuring results. The overall advice is to start small by being helpful, build expertise over time, and focus on adding value through social interactions.

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Marketing Outside the Box_Veterans Business Connection 11-4-15

As a seasoned business owner, keeping your marketing lively is vital to your business growth. Today we’ll discuss the top five or six things you need to do – and can do right away - to grow your business, from networking beyond your comfort zone to lead generation with social media and content marketing.

twitterfacebookdigital advertising
Google Webmaster Tools: Find opportunities on keywords you are
already ranking for.
Google Keyword Planner
Google Analytics + GWT + Keyword Planner
Title, Header, URL, Content, Alt-text, Internal Linking, Meta Description
Recap & Next Steps:
0. Fundamentals: Start with what you control, including CTAs.
1. Google Webmaster Tools: Find queries you rank for.
2. Google Keyword Planner: Research search volume.
3. Google Analytics: Find organic landing pages that convert.
4. Onsite SEO: Optimize each page for a specific keyword
targeting title, header, content, alt-text, URL & internal

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How to do a social media content marketing storyboard
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How to do a social media content marketing storyboard

Making a social media content plan starting with the basics of integrated marketing communications, digital marketing and moves into developing a strategic content plan. Presented at Social Media Camp's October 19, 2013 Bootcamp

digital marketingcontent managementsocial media strategy
Social Media Marketing in 2016
Social Media Marketing in 2016Social Media Marketing in 2016
Social Media Marketing in 2016

If you are a brand without Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr & Weekly video content on Youtube. Sorry! You are behind the times, it’s not 2013, it’s 2016 soon

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Tackling the Tip of the Iceberg: Get Marketing Savvy October 15, 2015
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Tackling the Tip of the Iceberg: Get Marketing Savvy October 15, 2015

The document provides information and tips about developing a social media strategy. It discusses determining goals for social media use, selecting relevant platforms, creating content, and measuring results. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest are addressed. The document emphasizes developing a social media presence, engaging with audiences, and tracking key metrics like leads and sales to evaluate return on investment.

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The superpowers of naming things.
The superpowers of hooks.
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The superpowers of naming things + hooks + data.

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

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eg The Brilliant Blunder
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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Public Excel Data + ThemeForest + Envato
BuzzSumo: Set yourself up for success. What types of posts are
people sharing and who are the influencers.
BuzzSumo + Data + Infographics
Find publicly available data, such as GitHub Archive.

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Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
Growth Hacking and Full Stack Marketing For Startups
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Growth Hacking and Full Stack Marketing For Startups
Recap & Next Steps
● Scaleable SEO
● Public data that is not online
● Hooks: Man Bites Dog
● Set yourself up for success
● Data-driven content
● Creative “blog” posts

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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Tools & Takeaways
SEO & Content: BuzzSumo, SEMrush
Data Sources: Github Archive,
BuiltWith, NerdyData
Webscrapers:, Kimono,
Paid Marketing
Google Grants FTW
Find keywords you can bid on for a specific amount of money.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

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Find similar keywords for a specific amount.
Test dynamic keyword insertion for higher CTRs.
Twitter Event Ads: Hashtag Arbitrage
New Advertising Platforms + Teams

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Not so much to say

Facebook or Twitter IDs
Remarketing: You already spent so much time and money to get
people to your site.
Growth Hacking and Full Stack Marketing For Startups
Recap & Next Steps
● Google Grants
● Event-based Twitter Ads
● New Ad Platforms ⇐ Reach out to their team
● Research competitor & name brand ads
● Custom “partner ads”
● Dynamic Keyword Insertion
● Retargeting

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(probably violates TOS)
Social Search Scrape
Site Scrape
Email Harvest
Full Contact Lookup
Automated Emails
Local Search Hacking
Exact Match Domains
Custom Scalable Content

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Company Pages
Comparison Tables
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Brownie Wise aka Growth Hacker

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