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Testing with a Growth Model
Using a Growth Model for more
Effective High Tempo Testing
Testing Drives Growth
Twitter boosts testing tempo 20X GH boosts testing tempo 10X
High Tempo Testing Process
Analyze Growth Model First

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How to find product market fit
How to find product market fitHow to find product market fit
How to find product market fit

This document outlines steps to find product-market fit, including defining early adopters and determining the best segments to target. It introduces the FOCUS framework, which provides concrete steps to validate goals through product delivery at scale. These steps include finding early adopters, offering tests, currency tests, utility tests, and scaling. The document also describes exercises to declare validation victories, generate new product ideas, role-play customer segments, and score segments to determine which to initially target. The overall aim is to provide a clear path and tools to efficiently test ideas and reach product-market fit.

Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets

Growth hacking is a set of tactics and best practices used to optimize user growth and movement through the user lifecycle stages of acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. The document outlines Hotmail's viral growth strategy of adding "PS: I love you" messages to emails, discusses mapping the user journey and measuring conversions at each stage, and provides examples of growth hacking tactics like incentivizing referrals and optimizing landing pages through A/B testing.

hacking secretsgrowth hacking
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learnedFrom Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned

Drew Houston and Adam Smith discuss how their startups Dropbox and Xobni reached 2 million users in 2 years through focusing on product-market fit, learning from early users, and designing viral features. They emphasize the importance of talking to potential users early, generating buzz through scarcity and word of mouth, and optimizing the user funnel through metrics to understand what drives acquisition and retention.

startupy combinatorxobni
Establish a North Star Metric
•  Provides lens for measuring sustainable growth
•  Should be correlated with value delivered to customers
•  Examples: Airbnb nights booked, Facebook DAUs
Understand Your Growth Model
Relationship between variables that move your
North Star Metric
•  Acquisitio - Sources and motivation to try
•  Ac - Aha moment
•  - “Must have” experience
•  - User-get-user loops
Build Your Growth Model
(Aha Moment)
(North Star
(Core Benefit)
LinkedIn Example Growth Model*
SEO Int’l expansion Invites
(Aha Moment)
Create profile,
4+ connections
Stay connected
with work people
(North Star
(Core Benefit)

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How To Have Ideas
How To Have IdeasHow To Have Ideas
How To Have Ideas

Slides from #BrightonSEO Sept 2015 and #Mozinar October 2015 Practical thinking skills and brainstorming techniques that will drastically improve your idea generation for content. Get the free ebook here:

design thinkingonline marketingideas
Creating great decks: The Origins, the "Why", and 12 Tips to Make Yours Better.
Creating great decks: The Origins, the "Why", and 12 Tips to Make Yours Better.Creating great decks: The Origins, the "Why", and 12 Tips to Make Yours Better.
Creating great decks: The Origins, the "Why", and 12 Tips to Make Yours Better.

A big part of what we do is in the story we tell and how it’s presented. You’re probably thinking… decks, decks, and more decks. We hate em’, yet we love the good ones. There’s a certain formula that is used for every impactful story, speech, slide, and keynote. In this presentation we take a step back and really try to look at the elements of an impactful presentation. We've codified all of what goes into making a great deck, starting with the origins, the why, and ending with few tips to help elevate yours for whatever purposes they serve.

Minimum viable product
Minimum viable productMinimum viable product
Minimum viable product

This document provides steps to create a minimum viable product (MVP): 1. Build a prototype (e.g. landing page, video, basic app) to test hypotheses and ideas with minimal effort. Tools include Google Forms, Balsamiq, LaunchRock, WordPress. 2. Expose the prototype to customers and measure behaviors and data using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KissMetrics. Track metrics regularly to determine if the idea is worth pursuing. 3. Analyze customer data and behaviors to develop new hypotheses and ideas. Prioritize next steps and features using tools like Google Sheets and Trello. Determine if raising money to build the next iteration is needed.

mvplean startupstartup weekend
What’s Your “Aha Moment”?
•  Elements of an “aha moment”
–  First taste of core benefit
–  Achievable on first visit
–  Significantly increases likelihood of revisit
•  If NO “aha moment” reached on 1st visit, unlikely
to ever see prospect again
Growth Model for GrowthHackers*
Unique growth
insights from
(North Star
Card hops
Sharing a
great idea
(Aha Moment)
(Core Benefit)
Analyze to Find Leverage in Model
Unique growth
insights from
testing Card hops
ReferralSharing a
great idea
(Aha Moment)
(North Star
(Core Benefit)
“Activation” Growth Objective

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Planning for Omnichannel Success
Planning for Omnichannel SuccessPlanning for Omnichannel Success
Planning for Omnichannel Success

This document discusses omnichannel and how to plan for omnichannel success with Magento 2. It defines omnichannel as providing customers a seamless shopping experience across channels like online, mobile, in-store, and telephone. To develop an omnichannel strategy, it recommends defining customer personas, brand identity, and channels. It also discusses devising an omnichannel solution by integrating systems like ERP, CRM, POS, payments and analytics to get a single customer view across all touchpoints. Magento 2 is presented as a platform that can power omnichannel experiences across websites, in-store, and telephone interactions through its modern architecture.

Building a Lean Startup
Building a Lean StartupBuilding a Lean Startup
Building a Lean Startup

This document discusses key concepts of lean startups including minimum viable product, product/market fit, continuous deployment, freemium business models, the five whys technique, and A/B testing. It provides a case study comparing two startups - BoxCloud and CloudFire - that used different lean startup techniques. The document emphasizes that startups should focus on getting customer feedback, rapidly iterating their product, measuring the right metrics like acquisition and activation, and optimizing for product/market fit above all else.

startup metricslean startupmvp
The Lean Startup
The Lean StartupThe Lean Startup
The Lean Startup

This is part of the deck I used in the Lean Startup Workshop here in the Philippines. Know how to start up a company in a lean, cost-efficient way.

startup companystartupsstartup
Deeper Understanding of Problem
No ideas added yet
High Tempo Testing Process
Generate Ideas in Leverage Area
Majority of new ideas should be in leverage area
Formalize ideas in Experiment Doc
•  Include hypothesis, research, target lever
ICE Score 1 - 10
I - Impact
C - Confidence
E - Ease

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Startup Metrics for Pirates
Startup Metrics for PiratesStartup Metrics for Pirates
Startup Metrics for Pirates

This is a 5-step model for creating a metrics framework for your business & customers, and how to apply it to your product & marketing efforts. The "pirate" part comes from the 5 steps: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, & Revenue (AARRR!)

Design Sprint
Design SprintDesign Sprint
Design Sprint

This document outlines the steps of a Design Sprint process to boost creativity and manage a design project. It includes: 1) Understanding the problem through stakeholder presentations on goals, technology, and user needs. Mapping the project scope and outcomes. 2) Defining the focus by identifying the business opportunity, customer, problem, and value proposition. Researching through user data collection. 3) Diverging through individual idea sketching to generate solutions regardless of feasibility. Translating learnings into opportunities. 4) Prototyping key moments like screens, interactions, and use cases to test ideas without large investments. 5) Validating ideas through feedback from showing prototypes and discussing different design

googledesigndesign thinking
Aatif Awan, Head of Growth LinkedIn - Growth Hacking is Dead. Long Live Growth.
Aatif Awan, Head of Growth LinkedIn - Growth Hacking is Dead. Long Live Growth. Aatif Awan, Head of Growth LinkedIn - Growth Hacking is Dead. Long Live Growth.
Aatif Awan, Head of Growth LinkedIn - Growth Hacking is Dead. Long Live Growth.

LinkedIn's Head of Growth, Aatif Awan discusses how to think about Growth from first principles instead of worrying about Growth Hacking. He shares insights from growing LinkedIn to 380 million professionals that can help you create the right Growth culture, team and processes. Visit:

High Tempo Testing Process
Team Members Nominate Ideas
Filter to focus area Sort by ICE score
Quick Team Nomination Pitches
High Tempo Testing Process

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Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.
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Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.

Everything you need to know about Startup Product Metrics. This is a slideshare exclusive. The full 8hour workshop deck. #iCatapult Workshop - 2013-08-12 Links:

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Innovations Accelerated - Design Sprint
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Innovations Accelerated - Design Sprint

New York Bestseller Jake Knapp’s book, Sprint, explores how companies and teams can replicate Google’s sprint process to solve a problem within five days. So how does a design sprint actually work, and how can you use a sprint to devise effective solutions in such a short period of time? Enhance your productivity through design sprints, you’ll learn: - What is a Design Sprint - Design sprint case studies and success stories - How you can run a design sprint effectively

design thinkingdesigndesign doing
Training manual - customer development
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Training manual - customer development

The document provides a training manual on customer development with 14 rules or guidelines. Some of the key points covered in the rules include: conducting customer development outside the company by talking to potential customers to learn facts; pairing customer development with agile development to iterate based on customer feedback; embracing failure as part of the learning process through experiments and pivots; using a business model canvas to track hypotheses and iterate based on customer validation or rejection; and focusing on passion and speed in decision making. The overall message is that customer development is about turning hypotheses into facts through customer validation, which requires getting outside the building to interact with potential customers.

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Launch and Manage Testing
Integrate Your Testing Tools
Analyze Results
Analyze Results

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Growth Hacking Roadmap
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Growth Hacking Roadmap

The growth hacking roadmap that summarizes how startups can maximize the growth of their most valuable customers. It also summarizes the actionable analytics growth hackers should be using including cohort analysis, user testing and key performance indicators.

growth hackinglean canvasproduct/market fit
Lean startup, customer development, and the business model canvas
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Lean startup, customer development, and the business model canvas

The document discusses key concepts in lean startup methodology, including building business models focused on customer development rather than business plans, developing minimum viable products to test hypotheses, and using an iterative build-measure-learn process. It provides examples of how startups should focus on building products that solve customer pains and create gains rather than features, and emphasizes conducting customer interviews to gather evidence and test hypotheses about the business model.

Intro to Facebook Ads
Intro to Facebook AdsIntro to Facebook Ads
Intro to Facebook Ads

Ximena Sanchez gave an introductory presentation on using Facebook ads. The presentation covered key topics like: 1) Setting up campaigns with clear objectives like awareness, consideration, or conversions. 2) Using the Facebook pixel and custom audiences to properly target ads. Lookalike audiences were discussed as a way to expand targeting. 3) Optimizing bids and understanding how the auction system works. Testing different bid types and objectives was recommended. 4) Developing effective creative assets that capture attention and are optimized for Facebook. Testing new creatives regularly was advised. 5) Discussing prospecting strategies to reach new audiences alongside retargeting past visitors or those showing interest. Segmenting

digital marketingfacebookfacebook marketing
Organize Learning
Repeat Process
Monitor Key Testing Inputs
Weekly Growth Meeting Agenda
15 min: KPI review & update focus area
10 min: Review last week’s testing sprint
15 min: Key lessons learned from analyzed tests
15 min: Select next tests via nominations
5 min: Check growth of idea backlog

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The Essentials of Community Building by Mack Fogelson
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Community building is not about social media. It’s about people. It’s not about how many followers you have. It’s about truly becoming a valuable brand and then building an engaged audience around it. This deck walks through three of the biggest building blocks of community: the tools, the process, and the measurement.

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SQL Tutorial for Marketers
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Technical marketers are in high demand and low supply. Being able to dive into data on your own, with no help from engineering, makes you a much better marketer. This is why SQL is so powerful - it allows you to see any data you want about anything your customers do. Knowing how to use SQL is literally a marketing superpower. In this SQL tutorial specifically for marketers, I've pulled together SQL query basics that any marketer or data analyst will need to dig into their customer analytics. This course is the best resource for marketers, growth hackers and product managers who want to get more technical and learn SQL. It's what I wish existed when I was going through tutorial after tutorial, sifting through lots of information that didn't apply to me and trying to learn on my own. SQL is simple enough that - just by learning a few concepts I cover above - you'll be able to use it for any kind of data analysis, cohort analysis or campaign breakdown. Want more information? Check out resources on my blog -

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Wireframes - a brief overview
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Wireframes - a brief overview

Wireframes provide guidance for product development by extracting ideas from concepts and generating discussion. They keep designs loose enough for revisions while managing risks. There are two main types: low-fidelity sketches created with paper/pencil, and high-fidelity digital prototypes. Lo-fi wireframes aid brainstorming and guidance, while hi-fi are suited to explaining details to clients. Both should avoid unnecessary images or colors to focus on functionality. Effective wireframing breaks tasks into individual flows that can then be prototyped using tools like POP to test designs iteratively at low cost.

Manage High Tempo Testing
1) Team Ideation 2) Prioritize Testing 3) Capture Learning
Try GrowthHackers Projects Free
GrowthHackers Projects

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Sean Ellis
Product Driven Growth from Lean Product Meetup
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Product Driven Growth from Lean Product Meetup
Sean Ellis
Unlocking Advocacy With Effective Customer Onboarding
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Unlocking Advocacy With Effective Customer Onboarding
Synbio london 040214
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Stanford University
An Experimentation Framework: How to Position for Triple Digit Growth
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Hooked - Creating Habit-Forming Products
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Rajeev Soni
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Paula Marques
Busting the Myth of Growth Hacking Magic
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Sean Ellis
[Webinar] Scaling experimentation: 5 key pillars of maturity by Nick So
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Chris Goward
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Blazing the Trail from Solo Admin to Center of Excellence
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Blazing the Trail from Solo Admin to Center of Excellence
Salesforce Admins

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Startupfest 2015: SEAN ELLIS ( - "How to" Stage
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[Webinar] Scaling experimentation: 5 key pillars of maturity by Nick So
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Growth Hacking Paris with Sean Ellis from!
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Using Your Growth Model to Drive Smarter High Tempo Testing

  • 1. Testing with a Growth Model Using a Growth Model for more Effective High Tempo Testing
  • 2. Testing Drives Growth Twitter boosts testing tempo 20X GH boosts testing tempo 10X
  • 3. High Tempo Testing Process Analyze IdeasPrioritize Test
  • 4. Analyze Growth Model First Analyze IdeasPrioritize Test
  • 5. Establish a North Star Metric •  Provides lens for measuring sustainable growth •  Should be correlated with value delivered to customers •  Examples: Airbnb nights booked, Facebook DAUs
  • 6. Understand Your Growth Model Relationship between variables that move your North Star Metric •  Acquisitio - Sources and motivation to try •  Ac - Aha moment •  - “Must have” experience •  - User-get-user loops Acquisition Activation Retention Referral
  • 7. Build Your Growth Model ? (Aha Moment) ? ? (North Star Metric) ? Acquisition Activation Retention Referral Revenue ? *simplified (Core Benefit)
  • 8. LinkedIn Example Growth Model* SEO Int’l expansion Invites (Aha Moment) Create profile, 4+ connections Stay connected with work people (North Star Metric) Profile connections Acquisition Activation Retention Referral Revenue Invites *simplified (Core Benefit)
  • 9. What’s Your “Aha Moment”? •  Elements of an “aha moment” –  First taste of core benefit –  Achievable on first visit –  Significantly increases likelihood of revisit •  If NO “aha moment” reached on 1st visit, unlikely to ever see prospect again
  • 10. Growth Model for GrowthHackers* Invites (invites) Unique growth insights from testing (North Star Metric) Card hops SlideShareAcquisition Activation Retention Referral Revenue Twitter Sharing a great idea (Aha Moment) *simplified (Core Benefit)
  • 11. Analyze to Find Leverage in Model (invites) Unique growth insights from testing Card hops Acquisition Activation Retention ReferralSharing a great idea (Aha Moment) InvitesSlideShare Twitter (North Star Metric) Revenue (Core Benefit)
  • 13. Deeper Understanding of Problem No ideas added yet
  • 14. High Tempo Testing Process Analyze IdeasPrioritize Test
  • 15. Generate Ideas in Leverage Area Majority of new ideas should be in leverage area Activation
  • 16. Formalize ideas in Experiment Doc •  Include hypothesis, research, target lever ICE Score 1 - 10 I - Impact C - Confidence E - Ease
  • 17. High Tempo Testing Process Analyze IdeasPrioritize Test
  • 18. Team Members Nominate Ideas Filter to focus area Sort by ICE score
  • 20. High Tempo Testing Process Analyze IdeasPrioritize Test
  • 21. Launch and Manage Testing
  • 28. Weekly Growth Meeting Agenda 15 min: KPI review & update focus area 10 min: Review last week’s testing sprint 15 min: Key lessons learned from analyzed tests 15 min: Select next tests via nominations 5 min: Check growth of idea backlog
  • 29. Manage High Tempo Testing 1) Team Ideation 2) Prioritize Testing 3) Capture Learning Try GrowthHackers Projects Free GrowthHackers Projects