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Web Technologies

          Bryan Bibat
    freelance software engineer
...actually, they're not really that new.
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

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Cloud computing ft
Cloud computing ftCloud computing ft
Cloud computing ft

Cloud computing involves accessing computing resources such as software, storage, and servers over the internet. Key characteristics include storing data on remote servers accessed via the web, and accessing applications from any device. There are three main types of cloud services - Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Major advantages include lower costs, improved performance, and unlimited storage capacity.

Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources such as servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and more over the Internet ("the cloud"). It enables companies to scale up as needed and pay only for resources used. Key aspects include virtualization, utility computing, and service-oriented architecture. Details are abstracted from consumers, who no longer need expertise in or control over the underlying technology infrastructure. Cloud computing provides dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources delivered over the Internet.

AWS Customer Presentation- Melrose
AWS Customer Presentation- MelroseAWS Customer Presentation- Melrose
AWS Customer Presentation- Melrose

This document discusses options for providing service continuity for an organization's IT systems and data. It considers a traditional on-premise setup with purchased hardware hosted in a local or mid-tier data center versus an AWS setup with instances and storage rented from Amazon data centers. The AWS option provides quick deployment, low initial costs savings of 80%, and on-demand scalability. Challenges include security concerns and reliance on internet connectivity. Future plans include expanding the AWS continuity project to additional offices and evaluating more applications and servers moving to AWS.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Cloud Computing
can mean many things

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Getting Started on Edge Computing with AWS IoT Greengrass
Getting Started on Edge Computing with AWS IoT GreengrassGetting Started on Edge Computing with AWS IoT Greengrass
Getting Started on Edge Computing with AWS IoT Greengrass

This document provides an agenda for a presentation on edge computing with AWS Greengrass. It will begin with a review of IoT and edge computing concepts. It will then cover AWS Greengrass services like running Lambda functions and connectors at the edge, machine learning inference, streaming data to AWS, and secrets management. A demo will show setting up a Greengrass group, installing the core on a device, and running a use case.

Cloud platform comparison
Cloud platform comparison Cloud platform comparison
Cloud platform comparison

AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure are three major cloud platforms that provide on-demand access to computing resources and services over the internet. They differ in their availability zones, market share, popularity, number of worldwide users, services offered, historical downtime, pricing and billing styles, and startup discount programs. For example, AWS has the largest market share and user base while Azure and Google Cloud offer startup programs like AWS Activate, Google Cloud for Startups, and Microsoft for Startups to provide discounted credits and support.

cloud computingaws compareaws vs azure vs gcloud
Cloud Computing - Why it is so popular
Cloud Computing - Why it is so popularCloud Computing - Why it is so popular
Cloud Computing - Why it is so popular

A general discussion on Cloud Computing, and why it is so popular. Target audience is anyone who is just starting out with could computing. This presentation was given at Neo4j - Graph Workshop Series in association with Rootalpha, a Microsoft Recognized startup.

cloudcloud computingaws
Cloud = Internet
Cloud Computing
can mean many things
Software as a Service
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

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cloud storage
cloud storagecloud storage
cloud storage

This document discusses cloud storage, including its history, definition, advantages, disadvantages, and major cloud service providers. Cloud storage allows users to store and access their files from any device with an internet connection. It offers benefits like universal access, easier collaboration, increased reliability, and lower costs compared to traditional storage methods. However, it also has disadvantages like requiring an internet connection and potential security and data loss issues. Popular cloud service providers mentioned include Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, and Mozy, each offering various amounts of free storage and features.

cloud storagecloud computingcomputer

This document discusses leveraging Ajax frameworks like Dojo to build IBM Lotus Domino web applications. It introduces Ajax, how it allows asynchronous data loading to improve performance and the user experience over traditional full-page loads. It also covers using JSON with Domino views to asynchronously load view data without reloading the entire page. The document recommends Dojo as an Ajax framework that can be used to build Ajax capabilities into Domino web apps for better user interfaces and performance.

Cloud Computing: What it Means/Does/Costs and Why You Should Care
Cloud Computing: What it Means/Does/Costs and Why You Should CareCloud Computing: What it Means/Does/Costs and Why You Should Care
Cloud Computing: What it Means/Does/Costs and Why You Should Care

At the 2008 DETC conference, David Nelson told us "Computers, as we know them, will disappear". By now, everyone has read the headlines and heard the exhortations about how Cloud Computing (running our applications and storing our data on the web) will transform our lives. But just what are these applications that will lead us into this exciting new paradigm? This session will spotlight a number of the hottest web-based applications, including a description and example of "The Virtual Office, for Virtually Nothing". Come learn how to separate fact from fiction, and determine for yourself if the promise of cloud computing is finally coming true!

detc denver workshop 2010
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Infrastructure as a Service

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Cloud Computing World Forum Chairmans Introduction
Cloud Computing World Forum Chairmans IntroductionCloud Computing World Forum Chairmans Introduction
Cloud Computing World Forum Chairmans Introduction

The document discusses an upcoming cloud computing conference. It provides objectives for attendees such as gaining industry perspectives, learning about cloud integration best practices, and discovering why cloud computing benefits small and medium businesses. It also outlines what Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Software as a Service are and how the New York Times used Amazon Web Services to convert millions of articles to PDF. Contact information is provided for the conference organizer.

Concepts of cloud computing
Concepts of cloud computingConcepts of cloud computing
Concepts of cloud computing

This presentation covers all basic topics regarding cloud computing. i hope after reading this u all will be in position of becoming familiar with this vast topic of research.........

cloudcloud computingcomputing
Automatski - The Internet of Things - Massively Distributed Realtime Machine ...
Automatski - The Internet of Things - Massively Distributed Realtime Machine ...Automatski - The Internet of Things - Massively Distributed Realtime Machine ...
Automatski - The Internet of Things - Massively Distributed Realtime Machine ...

This document provides information about Automatski Corp, an Internet of Things company that offers a machine learning and distributed stream processing platform. It lists the contact information for the founder and director of sales. It then outlines the key capabilities of the platform, such as machine learning, distributed processing, microservices architecture and reactive programming. The rest of the document categorizes the types of machine learning algorithms, functions and techniques supported. It also lists some potential applications and industries that could benefit from the platform. In the end, it provides brief biographies of the founders and refers the reader to the company website for more details.

machine learningiotmoa
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
waiting + installation time?
internet connection?
What if we use Cloud

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Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources over the internet rather than local devices, allowing users to access services and data from anywhere. It provides advantages like lower costs, improved performance, unlimited storage, and universal access to documents, though requires a constant internet connection and may be slower for large data transfers. Popular cloud computing services are offered by companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, and Google.

Aws demo
Aws demoAws demo
Aws demo

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform offering computing services like servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics and more over the internet. AWS is offered by Amazon and has data centers located across multiple geographical regions worldwide. AWS provides services for compute, storage, databases, networking, deployment, analytics, machine learning and more. Customers pay for only the resources they use.

Cloud Computing
Cloud ComputingCloud Computing
Cloud Computing

The document discusses cloud computing, defining it as using the network of server farms around the world as a computing utility. It notes the benefits of cloud computing include economies of scale that make it cheaper and faster to scale operations. While some myths exist around cloud computing being expensive, hard to use, or unreliable, its pros actually include being able to scale on demand, lower entry costs, and spread reliability risks. The document recommends businesses determine where they have waste that could be solved externally and how cloud computing could help lower IT costs and allow faster scaling, while noting it cannot make a business inherently cooler or solve all problems. It provides examples of companies using cloud computing and suggests places to start when getting involved in the cloud.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
minimal purchasing time,
electricity and network handled
            by Amazon
What if FaceTwiTubr
     takes off?

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Drupal and Microsoft
Drupal and MicrosoftDrupal and Microsoft
Drupal and Microsoft

Microsoft operates two Open Source Technology Centers focused on Linux distributions and virtualization interoperability. Microsoft has contributed code to Linux, is a sponsor of Apache and contributor to projects like Hadoop, and has employees working on PHP. Microsoft provides tools and resources to support open source technologies like PHP, Drupal, and supports non-profits building with Drupal through sponsored projects. Microsoft offers free development software and tools to help people build websites.

Cloud Camp Antwerpen
Cloud Camp AntwerpenCloud Camp Antwerpen
Cloud Camp Antwerpen

How we got used to Cloud Computing. A presentation targeted for a 5 min. intervention at CloudCamp Antwerpen of April 2009

Modern Web Development (2018)
Modern Web Development (2018)Modern Web Development (2018)
Modern Web Development (2018)

The document provides a summary of modern web development topics covered in 3 sentences or less: Modern Web Development topics covered include the infrastructure of the internet, client-server communication models, the need for server-side programs, web architecture patterns, JavaScript's central role, front-end frameworks, cloud computing models, microservices architecture, and containers. Web development has become more complex with client-side logic, front-end frameworks, and the rise of cloud, microservices, and containers, which allow for more modular and scalable application development. Future trends discussed include progressive web apps, microservices architecture, and containers as a lightweight deployment mechanism for microservices.

webweb development
What if FaceTwiTubr
 doesn't take off?
Video, Music,
 Offline Storage,
Document Editing,
Drag and Drop, etc.

don't mix

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[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석 [판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석

The document discusses how Obama For America (OFA) built their technology infrastructure for the 2012 election using Amazon Web Services (AWS), describing how they developed over 200 applications including websites and mobile apps to process hundreds of terabytes of data on thousands of AWS servers while handling spikes of hundreds of thousands of concurrent users. It outlines the technologies and services used by OFA like EC2, S3, DynamoDB, and Redshift as well as the challenges of building such a large system on a compressed budget and timeline.

Lightbend Fast Data Platform
Lightbend Fast Data PlatformLightbend Fast Data Platform
Lightbend Fast Data Platform

Lightbend Fast Data Platform - A Technical Overview Dean Wampler, O’Reilly author and Big Data Strategist in the office of the CTO at Lightbend discusses practical tips for architecting stream-processing applications and explains how you can tame some of the complexity in moving from data at rest to data in motion.

The Modern Tech Stack: Data Analytics in the Cloud for Developers and Founders
The Modern Tech Stack: Data Analytics in the Cloud for Developers and FoundersThe Modern Tech Stack: Data Analytics in the Cloud for Developers and Founders
The Modern Tech Stack: Data Analytics in the Cloud for Developers and Founders

You have lots of data, and you are probably thinking of using the cloud to analyze it. But how will you move data into the cloud? In which format? How will you validate and prepare the data? What about streaming data? Can data scientists discover and use the data? Can business people create reports via drag and drop? Can operations monitor what’s going on? Will the data lake scale when you have twice as much data? Is your data secure? In this session, we address common pitfalls of building data lakes and show how AWS can help you manage data and analytics more efficiently.

awscloud technologysoftware development

  = good replacement for
Flash, Java, Silverlight, etc.
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Rediscovery of

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Oportunidades em um mercado que não respeita tradição, apenas inovação
Oportunidades em um mercado que não respeita tradição, apenas inovaçãoOportunidades em um mercado que não respeita tradição, apenas inovação
Oportunidades em um mercado que não respeita tradição, apenas inovação

This document discusses the evolution of technology and its impact on people's lives. Computers were originally used for specific tasks and IT ensured infrastructure worked, with a clear divide between professional and personal lives. Now over 3 billion people use internet-connected devices, with 212 billion sensors and things connecting by 2020. This has created a always-connected world where people use technology for work, home, and anywhere. The document outlines Microsoft's focus on universal apps, cloud services, and technologies like Azure to support different development scenarios and industries. It provides opportunities for developers, startups, and transforming lives through technology.

Programming Amazon Web Services
Programming Amazon Web ServicesProgramming Amazon Web Services
Programming Amazon Web Services

This document discusses programming and deploying applications on Amazon Web Services. It begins with an overview of how the meaning of programming has changed over time as apps and the internet emerged. It then covers deploying a sample chat application to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, which automatically provisions infrastructure including load balancing, auto scaling, and storage on S3. The document also discusses other AWS services like DynamoDB, SQS, and how AWS is a set of building blocks that can be used to build scalable applications without worrying about infrastructure management.

startupcontinuous deploymentcloudformation
DevDays 2011- Let’s get ready for the cloud: Building your applications so th...
DevDays 2011- Let’s get ready for the cloud: Building your applications so th...DevDays 2011- Let’s get ready for the cloud: Building your applications so th...
DevDays 2011- Let’s get ready for the cloud: Building your applications so th...

This document provides an overview and agenda for a talk on getting ready for the cloud. It discusses different cloud deployment models including pure on-premises, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). It also covers cloud concepts like virtualization, worker roles, and design best practices for the cloud like loosely coupled and single responsibility principles. Demo applications are shown to illustrate how solutions can be structured for the cloud.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

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Aws cloud big data trends
Aws cloud big data trendsAws cloud big data trends
Aws cloud big data trends

The document discusses trends in AWS cloud, big data, Hadoop, and Kubernetes. It covers topics like data lakes, modern principles for infrastructure like event-driven architectures and serverless computing. It also discusses how these principles can be applied to Hadoop on-premises systems as well as in the cloud using AWS services. Kubernetes is mentioned as a platform for running big data workloads. Contact information is provided at the end.

big datacloudcloud computing
Jumpstart Azure
Jumpstart AzureJumpstart Azure
Jumpstart Azure

Introduction to Microsoft Azure. Covers the change to a cloud development paradigm. Motivations for the change, Pricing structures, and an exercise in IT portfolio evaluation.

Intel AppUp Day Bologna
Intel AppUp Day BolognaIntel AppUp Day Bologna
Intel AppUp Day Bologna

This document discusses the potential for cross-platform web applications using HTML5. It notes that HTML5 provides rich features like geolocation, audio/video playback, web sockets and more that allow web apps to have native-like experiences. It also discusses challenges around browser support and the need for wrappers to access native device capabilities. Finally, it suggests that HTML5 is becoming a reality that developers need to start working with in applications.

(define (length items)
  (define (length-iter a count)
    (if (null? a)
        (length-iter (cdr a) (+ 1 count))))
  (length-iter items 0))
Functional Languages
concise yet powerful code

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Kansas City DC/OS Meetup December 2016
Kansas City DC/OS Meetup December 2016Kansas City DC/OS Meetup December 2016
Kansas City DC/OS Meetup December 2016

This document summarizes a meetup about DC/OS, an open source distributed operating system that helps deploy, manage and monitor applications across data centers and cloud platforms. The meetup covered DC/OS's capabilities for big data, microservices and resiliency. It discussed the organization's journey with DC/OS since 2015 and milestones achieved, including production use since May 2016. The meetup provided install instructions for DC/OS on various platforms and encouraged questions from the community.

cloud computingdcoskansas city
Introduction to cloud computing - za garage talks
Introduction to cloud computing -  za garage talksIntroduction to cloud computing -  za garage talks
Introduction to cloud computing - za garage talks

This document provides an introduction to cloud computing, including definitions, examples of existing cloud applications, benefits, and limitations. It discusses key cloud concepts like infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Popular cloud platforms like Amazon AWS, Google App Engine, and Windows Azure are briefly introduced. Potential concerns with security, data control, and migration are also outlined. The presentation aims to explain cloud computing fundamentals and tradeoffs for developers and startups.

cloudcomputing googleappengine windowsazure aws am
C# Client to Cloud
C# Client to CloudC# Client to Cloud
C# Client to Cloud

The document discusses the three phases of major galactic civilizations: survival, inquiry, and sophistication. It then summarizes Mark Slodge's presentation on using C# for cloud to mobile applications. The presentation covers using C# for the cloud backend, clients on various platforms, and communication between the cloud and clients. It provides examples of applications built with C# and Azure and discusses technologies like Mobile Services.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Concurrent Languages
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
multi-core processors

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Real World Modern Development Use Cases with RackHD and Adobe
Real World Modern Development Use Cases with RackHD and AdobeReal World Modern Development Use Cases with RackHD and Adobe
Real World Modern Development Use Cases with RackHD and Adobe

Adobe and the Dell EMC RackHD team provide an overview on how Adobe is modernizing their datacenters using public and private clouds enabled by infrastructure as code technologies to abstract their infrastructure for application deployments and improve operational efficiencies.

adobe rackhd
Hybrid Cloud Service on the ThinkFree Mobile Android Platform
Hybrid Cloud Service on the ThinkFree Mobile Android PlatformHybrid Cloud Service on the ThinkFree Mobile Android Platform
Hybrid Cloud Service on the ThinkFree Mobile Android Platform

This document discusses the history and evolution of cloud computing from mainframes to client/server systems to today's cloud computing era. It outlines the shift from vertical integration by large technology companies to a more horizontal, service-driven model provided by companies like Salesforce, Microsoft, and Amazon. The rest of the document focuses on ThinkFree's hybrid cloud and mobile office solutions, providing case studies of organizations using ThinkFree across various deployment scenarios from public to private clouds to mobile access.

androidhybrid cloudthinkfree
Html5 workshop part 1
Html5 workshop part 1Html5 workshop part 1
Html5 workshop part 1

HTML5 is the new standard for HTML that provides many new features and capabilities. It is a collaboration between the W3C and WHATWG to develop the next generation of HTML. Some key features of HTML5 include new multimedia elements like <video> and <audio>, local storage options, offline capabilities, and improved graphics capabilities. HTML5 aims to make web development easier across browsers and devices with a single code base.

htmlhtml5 sessionhtml5
millions of requests

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agile microservices @scaibo
agile microservices @scaiboagile microservices @scaibo
agile microservices @scaibo

The document discusses agile microservices and their advantages over monolithic architectures. It describes how to decompose a monolithic real estate management application into independent microservices for properties, facilities, and engineering. Microservices allow for improved independence, speed of development, automation, and use of different technologies. Inter-service communication can occur over REST, HTTP, or AMQP, while an API gateway pattern hides service complexity from clients. Cloud computing platforms like Docker and Convox can deploy and manage containerized microservices. The Internet of Things connects physical devices to these services over protocols like MQTT and WebSocket.

Azure And Silverlight
Azure And SilverlightAzure And Silverlight
Azure And Silverlight

This document discusses Azure and Silverlight. It provides an overview of Azure as an operating system for the cloud that manages hardware and allows developers to focus on writing services. It also summarizes Silverlight as a technology for building rich internet applications using .NET that can run on different platforms. The document includes two demos, one showing a basic "Hello World" Azure application and another showing a Silverlight application running on Azure.

AWS Summit 2013 | India - Web, Mobile and Social Apps on AWS, Kingsley Wood
AWS Summit 2013 | India - Web, Mobile and Social Apps on AWS, Kingsley WoodAWS Summit 2013 | India - Web, Mobile and Social Apps on AWS, Kingsley Wood
AWS Summit 2013 | India - Web, Mobile and Social Apps on AWS, Kingsley Wood

This document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and best practices for building scalable applications in the cloud. It discusses using AWS services like S3, CloudFront, Route53, EC2, ELB, Auto Scaling, RDS and DynamoDB. The key recommendations are to offload static content, cache content at the edge, avoid duplicating code/assets, load balance from the start, implement auto scaling correctly, leverage database services, and test/optimize applications. The goal is to build highly scalable and reliable applications that can grow from a startup to support millions of users globally.

awssummit2013indiaawscloud computing
Web doesn't need ACID
     all the time
Not only SQL
Non-Relational DBMS
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

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Clouds Infrastructure Administration
Clouds Infrastructure Administration Clouds Infrastructure Administration
Clouds Infrastructure Administration

The document discusses the experience and qualifications of M Viknaraj related to cloud infrastructure and Microsoft technologies. It includes over 17 years of experience in IT and networking, specializing in Microsoft server infrastructure, cloud infrastructure, Office 365, and virtualization. It also provides information on cloud computing concepts like infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, virtual machines, and data centers.

azureazure administratorcloud computing
Hd 10 japan
Hd 10 japanHd 10 japan
Hd 10 japan


Static Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in RubyStatic Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in Ruby

This document discusses options for building static sites in Ruby. It outlines pros of using Jekyll, such as being well-known and having many plugins, but notes some missing features like asset precompilation and LiveReload. Alternatives to Jekyll are presented, including Middleman and using Sinatra for semi-static sites. The document concludes by thanking the audience.

     Soft State,
Eventual Consistency
= better performance than
  RDBMS in certain cases
Latest Trends in
  Open Source
Web Technologies

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So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...

The document discusses considerations for teaching Ruby on Rails. It notes that students come with a wide range of experience, from true beginners to veteran developers, and the content must be tailored accordingly. Managing student expectations is important, as the hype around Rails can raise expectations that are difficult to meet for beginners. Follow-through after initial lessons is also key to student retention, such as providing a roadmap for further learning.

teachingweb developmentruby on rails
Git Basics (Professionals)
 Git Basics (Professionals) Git Basics (Professionals)
Git Basics (Professionals)

Slides from DevCon Git Code Camp for Professionals, 15 March 2014

Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0

Supporting slides for my talk on how to Upgrade from Ruby 1.9.3 to Ruby 2.1, Rails 3.2 to 4.0, Bootstrap 2.3 to 3.0

twitter bootstrapruby on railsruby
Free and Open Source
Free, as in "free beer"
Free, as in "free speech"
FOSS has gained even
 more traction lately

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Version Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for BeginnersVersion Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for Beginners

This document provides instructions on installing and using basic version control functionality with Git. It covers downloading and verifying Git installation, initializing and committing to a Git repository, viewing commit history and file status, staging and unstaging files, reverting and resetting commits, and tagging commits. The key points are initializing a Git repository, making commits to track changes over time, and various commands to move between commits, view history, and recover from mistakes.

Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*

The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of the Rails web framework from 2006 to 2013. It discusses how Rails initially aimed to make web development "easy" but this led to issues with code quality. It then outlines how conventions and best practices developed over time to structure Rails applications according to the MVC pattern and provide guidance on testing, deployment and other aspects of developing with Rails. The document also notes that many advanced Rails topics were not covered.

ruby on railsruby
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)

The document discusses what future IT students should know about their field of study and career. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses developing strong problem-solving, communication, and social skills which are more important than specific technical skills. Companies hire based on an individual's ability to solve problems rather than their particular degree. The document advises students to gain experience through projects, explore new technologies, and collaborate with others to prepare for an ever-changing career where adaptability is key.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
All of the above are
heavily influenced by
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
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Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)

This document provides advice for IT undergrads on things they should know but often don't. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses that the most important language for undergrads to know is SQL. It also notes that employers hire programmers based on their problem-solving skills rather than specific languages. Undergrads should focus on learning fundamentals in college and exploring outside projects as soft skills and adaptability are crucial for success in the real world of constantly changing requirements and impossible deadlines.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to LearningFrom Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning

From Novice to Expert discusses a pragmatic approach to learning based on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. The model describes five stages from novice to expert: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. As individuals progress through these stages, their decision making shifts from relying solely on rules to developing intuition through experience. The document suggests applying this framework to understand the different needs of developers at various experience levels.

information technologysoftware developmentsoftware engineering
Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8

The document discusses Java 8 lambda expressions and how they can be used to filter, map, and reduce collections. It provides examples of filtering a list of employees to only those over age 60, mapping a list of employees to a list of their full names, and reducing a list of employees to calculate their total salary. It notes how lambda expressions allow bulk data operations on collections in a similar manner to SQL queries.

javafunctional programming
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Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

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Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCupPreparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

The document provides tips for preparing for a hackathon event called the WebGeek DevCup. It recommends preparing your application framework ahead of time by choosing technologies and setting up modules like authentication, but not completing the full application. It also suggests preparing your development environment, using version control, potentially deploying code, and ensuring good team communication and self-care during the event. The goal is to minimize time spent on setup during the hackathon in order to focus on coding the full application within the limited timeframe.

Productive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with VimProductive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with Vim

This document provides tips for using the Vim text editor. It begins with an overview of Vim, describing it as an old but common text editor present on many Unix systems. It then provides 9 tips for using Vim, including using insert mode only when needed, using motions beyond just "i" to enter insert mode, using normal mode for faster navigation, learning text manipulation commands, combining commands with motions, using visual mode to select text, splitting screens and tabs, using plugins, and learning something new each day. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing links to the author's GitHub, Twitter, and personal website.

Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

The document provides examples of how to perform common programming tasks in Ruby and Ruby on Rails compared to other languages like C#. It shows how Ruby and Rails allow doing more with less code through features like hashes, object oriented programming, metaprogramming, and the MVC framework. The examples include creating hashes, binary trees, class hierarchies, adding methods to numbers, and defining behavior for different instances. It also provides a Rails example for a Twitter clone app and lists resources for learning Ruby and Rails.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Thank you for listening! | @bry_bibat

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