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Rails is Easy
Rails is Easy

Rails is Easy


for experienced web developers
The Rails Code Camp is not for complete
beginners, each participant must have at
least some programming background and
familiarity with model-view-controller

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A guide to getting started with WebdriverIO
A guide to getting started with WebdriverIOA guide to getting started with WebdriverIO
A guide to getting started with WebdriverIO

"A guide to getting started with WebdriverIO" presentation by Nilenth Selvaraja in Colombo Selenium Meetup December 2018

automationwebdriverioweb automation
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?
Angular 2 vs React. What to chose in 2017?

The number of web development frameworks and libraries based on JavaScript continue increasing. The most popular client-side technologies are Angular and React, but you might ask - What should I use?

Bolts  Bolts

- Bolts is a library for asynchronous programming and tasks like JavaScript promises. It allows data changes to automatically propagate through a system using functional reactive programming (FRP). - A task represents an asynchronous operation that may complete at some point in the future. Properties allow tracking the last value of a data sequence. Tasks and properties are part of FRP. - Bolts provides features like chaining tasks together using continueWithBlock:, canceling tasks, and coordinating multiple dependent tasks. It aims to tame asynchronous programming beyond just promises.

The Rails Code Camp is not for complete
beginners, each participant must have at
least some programming background and
familiarity with model-view-controller

We aren't joking.
And yeah, you'll probably be
screwed if you also lied
about installing Rails 4.0.
We need you to focus
in the next 2 hours.
Rails is Easy


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Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016
Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016
Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016

This document outlines how to manage a local WordPress community, including both online and offline aspects. It discusses establishing an online presence through blogs, forums, documentation and translations. It also covers growing an offline community through meetups and conferences. Specific recommendations are provided for keeping translations up to date, managing plugin and theme translations through, moderating support forums politely, developing documentation, and organizing WordPress meetups. The overall goal is to build and nurture a thriving local WordPress community.

Blazor - An Introduction
Blazor - An IntroductionBlazor - An Introduction
Blazor - An Introduction

Blazor is a new web framework that allows web applications to be written in C# instead of JavaScript. It uses WebAssembly to run .NET code directly in the browser. Developers write Blazor apps using Razor components with HTML and C# code. At runtime, the Blazor runtime compiles the Razor components to WebAssembly, which generates the app's rendering tree and updates the DOM efficiently as the app runs. Blazor provides a way to build interactive client-side web UI using .NET instead of JavaScript. core 2
Alexander Mostovenko "'Devide at impera' with GraphQL and SSR"
Alexander Mostovenko "'Devide at impera' with GraphQL and SSR"Alexander Mostovenko "'Devide at impera' with GraphQL and SSR"
Alexander Mostovenko "'Devide at impera' with GraphQL and SSR"

The story is about how and why we decided to separate our frontend from a big python monolith. Why we decided to separate and why we have used Node.js for server rendering? What was the migration strategy (rewrite from scratch - was not an option)? What was the value of GraphQL? What are the results for developers and business?

History Lesson
2006 – 2009

Rise of Rails
2006 – 2009


2006 – 2009

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JS digest. April 2018
JS digest. April 2018JS digest. April 2018
JS digest. April 2018

This document is a JavaScript digest from April 2018. It provides summaries and links for topics including the V8 release v6.6, what to expect in Node.js 10, using const and let, CSS Grid layouts, and libraries like Pico.js and filepond. It also explores differences between classes and factory functions, and links versus buttons.

javascriptjavascript librariesjs
Hands on Gradle
Hands on GradleHands on Gradle
Hands on Gradle

This document provides an overview of Gradle, an open-source build automation tool. It discusses why build systems are useful, common build options like Ant and Maven, and what makes Gradle unique. Key features of Gradle highlighted include its task-based build flow, robust dependency management, flexibility, and support for plugins. Examples are provided for basic Gradle usage and building Java, web, and Android projects with Gradle.

React Native for ReactJS Devs
React Native for ReactJS DevsReact Native for ReactJS Devs
React Native for ReactJS Devs

This document introduces React Native, which allows developers to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android from JavaScript. React Native uses React to construct mobile user interfaces and allows sharing of code across platforms. It renders native UI components rather than webviews, supports flexbox layout, and exposes platform APIs. Developers can build full-stack universal apps that share code between web and mobile using React Native and tools like Redux. It provides benefits like hot reloading, native performance, and the ability to add it incrementally to existing apps.

reactsoftware developmentreact-native
2006 – 2009


Easy to Write
Easy to Deploy

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Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend
Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontendAndrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend
Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend

The document discusses optimizing a frontend build process. It recommends using Webpack or Rollup as the module bundler and decomposing the build into separate steps like compiling assets, JavaScript, and styles. It also suggests using tools like Babel, TypeScript, and PostCSS loaders to optimize builds and provides examples of build processes for frameworks like Angular and React. Optimization techniques mentioned include using HappyPack, thread-loader, and hard-source-webpack-plugin to parallelize and cache work to speed up builds.

Open source libraries and tools
Open source libraries and toolsOpen source libraries and tools
Open source libraries and tools

This document provides an overview of open source tools and libraries that can be used for .NET projects. It lists many popular options for IDEs, source control, package management, continuous integration servers, metrics, build scripts, ORM, IoC containers, database management, APIs, unit testing, mocking, acceptance testing, application automation, HTTP libraries, JSON, JavaScript libraries, routing, JavaScript MVC frameworks, view engines, roles and access, CoffeeScript, SASS/LESS, CSS libraries, and Visual Studio extensions. framework
JHipster Conf 2018 : Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with Ope...
JHipster Conf 2018 : Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with Ope...JHipster Conf 2018 : Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with Ope...
JHipster Conf 2018 : Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with Ope...

The document discusses connecting JHipster applications to APIs using OpenAPI and gRPC. It provides an overview of SOA protocols like REST and compares gRPC to HTTP-JSON. gRPC offers features like bidirectional streaming, deadline propagation, and cancellation propagation. The JHipster generator-jhipster-grpc module allows generating gRPC services in JHipster apps and uses the reactive-grpc library. The presentation explores documenting APIs with Swagger/OpenAPI, generating clients from OpenAPI specs, and implementing API-first development.

Easy to Write WRONG
Easy to Deploy WRONG
Rails is Easy*

Templating Language?
Templating Language?
Programming Language?

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2016-05-12 DCRUG React.rb
2016-05-12 DCRUG React.rb2016-05-12 DCRUG React.rb
2016-05-12 DCRUG React.rb

Presentation on React.rb, which is Opal + ReactJS. I did several interactive demos, but have linked to some resources. References: inline-reactive-ruby figwheel Code for this: WIP White Elephant App:

Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Ionic Framework and Angular
Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Ionic Framework and AngularCross-Platform Mobile Development with Ionic Framework and Angular
Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Ionic Framework and Angular

AngularJS is great for creating web and mobile apps with solutions like the Ionic Framework. We are starting the journey of covering Angular from the beginning. This presentation is a part of a series that explores AngularJS through talks and workshops. We will also extend this to Ionic, which leverages Angular and Cordova, to build Mobile Apps. Angular is the foundation to Ionic, a mobile platform development tool. Get familiar with Angular, to do more with Ionic, we will show you how. Resources: Ionic Framework AngularJS Gulp Grunt Bower NodeJS

Strangers In The Night: Ruby, Rack y Sinatra - Herramientas potentes para con...
Strangers In The Night: Ruby, Rack y Sinatra - Herramientas potentes para con...Strangers In The Night: Ruby, Rack y Sinatra - Herramientas potentes para con...
Strangers In The Night: Ruby, Rack y Sinatra - Herramientas potentes para con...

Strangers In The Night discusses a Ruby web development conference called "Gem Talk" held in Las Palmas on November 5th, 2010. The talk was given by Alberto Perdomo and covered various Ruby web servers, frameworks, and middleware that can be used to build web applications and services. It also provided an overview of the Sinatra microframework, highlighting features like routes, templates, errors and testing. Examples of real-world Sinatra applications were shown to demonstrate its use for small sites, services and modular applications.

Templating Language?
Programming Language?
Web Interface?
Easy to Write WRONG

and programmers were writing
No structure
Single pages doing many things
Common Layers in an
Information System Logical Architecture

Presentation Layer
Application Layer
Business Layer
Infrastructure Layer
Presentation Layer?
Application Layer?
Business Layer?
Infrastructure Layer?

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Angular, ASP.NET Core, and Visual Studio Code - Oh My!
Angular, ASP.NET Core, and Visual Studio Code - Oh My!Angular, ASP.NET Core, and Visual Studio Code - Oh My!
Angular, ASP.NET Core, and Visual Studio Code - Oh My!

Discover what it takes to make an Angular, ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio Code explaining the pieces on which to focus and those to initially ignore. corevisual studio code
React UI Development: Introduction to "UI Component as API"
React UI Development: Introduction to "UI Component as API"React UI Development: Introduction to "UI Component as API"
React UI Development: Introduction to "UI Component as API"

This document summarizes a talk on developing user interfaces as independent components using React. It introduces the concept of "UI Component as API" where components are developed independently from applications using React and tools like Storybook. Components are developed as pure functions and tested using snapshot testing in Storybook. This allows different teams to work independently on isolated layers while still providing documentation and testing for components.

HackConf2015 - Ruby on Rails: Unexpected journey
HackConf2015 - Ruby on Rails: Unexpected journeyHackConf2015 - Ruby on Rails: Unexpected journey
HackConf2015 - Ruby on Rails: Unexpected journey

The document discusses Ruby on Rails, an open-source web application framework written in Ruby. It covers topics like Ruby, Rails, the MVC framework, controllers, models and views. The presentation introduces Ruby on Rails as an unexpected journey and lists various sponsors. It also provides contact information for the presenter and links to learn more about Ruby on Rails.

workshoprubyworkshop ruby on rails
All the patterns in the world...
Easy to Write WRONG

and programmers were writing
No structure
Single pages doing many things

With structure

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Trabalho linguagem python
Trabalho linguagem  pythonTrabalho linguagem  python
Trabalho linguagem python

O documento descreve a história e características da linguagem de programação Python. Começa explicando que as linguagens de programação surgiram antes dos computadores e evoluíram para permitir a comunicação entre humanos e máquinas. Em seguida, detalha a criação do Python em 1991, seu código aberto e comunitário, e características como ser de alto nível, interpretada e multiplataforma.

linguagem programaçãosenaipython
Trabalho de Paradigmas Da Linguagem De Programação - Python
Trabalho de Paradigmas Da Linguagem De Programação - PythonTrabalho de Paradigmas Da Linguagem De Programação - Python
Trabalho de Paradigmas Da Linguagem De Programação - Python

O documento apresenta uma introdução à linguagem de programação Python, descrevendo sua história, popularidade e usos. Também define os principais tipos de dados em Python como números, strings, booleanos e funções básicas como print, input, if/else e while. Por fim, aborda conceitos como funções e programação modular em Python.

Tfs ile duzenli proje gelistirme
Tfs ile duzenli proje gelistirmeTfs ile duzenli proje gelistirme
Tfs ile duzenli proje gelistirme
With structure
Too Complicated
XML Everywhere!

With structure
With structure
Reasonably Complicated

Recommended for you

Rails course day 8
Rails course day 8Rails course day 8
Rails course day 8

TDD is very important practice and in this class we practice both TDD and BDD using rspec and cucumber

Ruby on Rails Meets Enterprise Applications
Ruby on Rails Meets Enterprise ApplicationsRuby on Rails Meets Enterprise Applications
Ruby on Rails Meets Enterprise Applications

The document discusses connecting a Ruby on Rails application to an SAP system. It describes SAP systems and some major companies that use SAP. It then outlines the development process for connecting a Rails application to SAP, including two iterations that took two weeks each with one programmer and incorporated more Rails and Ruby functionality over time. Code examples are provided for interacting with SAP via Rails.

Rails course day 2
Rails course  day 2Rails course  day 2
Rails course day 2

This document provides an agenda for Day 2 of a Ruby on Rails course. It discusses inspecting scaffolded Rails applications and covers routes, controllers, migrations, models, views, and basic Rails commands. Routes define how code is triggered by HTTP requests. Controllers are at the center of the MVC framework and delegate tasks. Migrations track database schema changes over time to allow rolling back changes. Models represent application data and include validations and ORM functionality. Views use ERB syntax and partials to render application interfaces.

Best Practices

Rails is Easy*
Best Practices

Web Application Structure

web server

app server

Recommended for you

Rails course day 6
Rails course day 6Rails course day 6
Rails course day 6

Nowadays almost there's no real application without solid authentication and authorization. And almost every web app now either consumes or provides an API. In this class we are using Devise gem to do the Authentication cancancan for authorization and rabl for APIs

CSA on Rails: a practical case-study
CSA on Rails: a practical case-studyCSA on Rails: a practical case-study
CSA on Rails: a practical case-study

1) The document discusses a case study of using Ruby on Rails (ROR) to build a content management system (CMS) for the website of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA), a French regulatory authority. 2) A single in-house developer with project management and usability experience, assisted by an external ROR consultant, built the full-featured CMS over 9 months for under 10,000 euros. 3) The project demonstrated that ROR is a flexible and powerful framework that allowed empowering the user to build a customized solution, though testing was not fully completed and internal development required specific conditions to succeed.

SDN Mentor Hands On - Exercise 2
SDN Mentor Hands On - Exercise 2SDN Mentor Hands On - Exercise 2
SDN Mentor Hands On - Exercise 2

The document provides an overview of Flex components and frameworks. It discusses that Flex is an open source framework for building rich internet applications that run across browsers and operating systems. It allows for creating reusable UI components in MXML or ActionScript and integrating with other technologies like Java via BlazeDS. The document also provides examples of using MXML and ActionScript to define and extend components.

Web Application Structure
Web Application Structure
MVC Web App Structure
MVC Model 2 Structure

Recommended for you


This document outlines the agenda for a Rails 101 course, including introductions about the instructor and expected experience levels of students. It discusses what Rails is, how to get it installed, and provides a crash course on Ruby and git. It describes how to generate a scaffold for a basic Rails app and assigns students to make minor modifications to the generated scaffold as their first assignment. The goal is for students to get hands-on experience with a Rails project in a professional environment.

Ruby: Fun, Productive and Open Source
Ruby: Fun, Productive and Open SourceRuby: Fun, Productive and Open Source
Ruby: Fun, Productive and Open Source

The document appears to be a slide presentation on Ruby programming. It introduces Ruby as an interpreted, object-oriented language that is interactive and deals with objects and their interactions. It then provides an example Ruby class called Greeter that takes a name as a parameter, capitalizes it, and outputs a greeting message. This demonstrates how Ruby uses classes and objects to represent real-world things and their behaviors through methods.

[Srijan Wednesday Webinar] Rails 5: What's in It for Me?
[Srijan Wednesday Webinar] Rails 5: What's in It for Me?[Srijan Wednesday Webinar] Rails 5: What's in It for Me?
[Srijan Wednesday Webinar] Rails 5: What's in It for Me?

Take a look at what Rails 5 has in store for you. We go through all the new features and improvements across development, testing, caching and much more. So let's dive in.

railsrorruby on rails
MVC Web App Structure


app server
MVC Web App Structure

app server
MVC Web App Structure
MVC Web App Structure


Recommended for you

Rails course day 4
Rails course day 4Rails course day 4
Rails course day 4

This class was all about RESTful nature of rails applications. We also practiced on nested controllers and views conventions.

Ruby and Docker on Rails
Ruby and Docker on RailsRuby and Docker on Rails
Ruby and Docker on Rails

This document summarizes Muriel Salvan's presentation on Docker and cargo transport. It discusses how Docker can be used to containerize applications and services, create images from Dockerfiles, run containers from images, and deploy images to registries for sharing. Examples are given on building Ruby and Rails images, running a clustered Rails application in containers, and using a proxy container to load balance requests. Performance benefits of Docker are highlighted such as faster launch times and consistent memory usage across containers.

Rails 5 All topic Notes
Rails 5 All  topic NotesRails 5 All  topic Notes
Rails 5 All topic Notes

The document provides notes on Rails including how to generate a new Rails project, controller, and model, how to perform migrations to create or modify database tables, how to configure the database and routes, and an overview of how the Rails framework handles requests using controllers to interface with models and the database and return responses. It also defines CRUD as an acronym for create, read, update, and delete operations on data and describes Active Record as a layer that maps business objects to database tables.

rails revisionrails 5.0rails 5 notes
MVC Web App Structure

MVC Web App Structure


MVC Web App Structure


MVC Web App Structure



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Rails view chapte 5 - form
Rails view   chapte 5 - formRails view   chapte 5 - form
Rails view chapte 5 - form

The document discusses various Rails form helpers and gems including form_for, simple_form, nested_form, and building custom form builders. Simple_form adds clean and semantic forms while nested_form handles forms for nested attributes. A custom form builder can be created by inheriting from ActionView::FormBuilder to add custom methods like field_item.

ruby on rails
URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5
URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5
URUG Ruby on Rails Workshop - Sesssion 5

This document provides an overview and instructions for a Ruby on Rails workshop. It introduces the presenter and discusses Rails frameworks. It then covers topics like data handling, using Git and the server log, named scopes, click-to-sort columns, and search functionality. Code examples and implementation hints are provided for tasks like adding sort order icons, search forms, and search result filtering.

Ionic Hybrid Mobile Application
Ionic Hybrid Mobile ApplicationIonic Hybrid Mobile Application
Ionic Hybrid Mobile Application

The document discusses Ionic, an open source framework for developing hybrid mobile apps using HTML5. It provides an agenda that covers why hybrid apps may not be ideal, an introduction to Ionic and AngularJS, a quick start guide to creating an Ionic app including installation, building a small app, and tips. Resources for further learning about Ionic and AngularJS are also listed. The presentation aims to explain what Ionic is, how to get started building Ionic apps, and take questions from the audience.

MVC Web App Structure



MVC Web App Structure



MVC Web App Structure



MVC Web App Structure




Recommended for you

Rails course day 5
Rails course day 5Rails course day 5
Rails course day 5

Rails have a nice template engine called erb and it's cool however haml is super cool and in this class we practiced using haml along with bootstrap while understanding partials and helpers.

Jaoo Michael Neale 09
Jaoo Michael Neale 09Jaoo Michael Neale 09
Jaoo Michael Neale 09

The document provides an overview of using JBoss Application Server to run Ruby on Rails applications. It discusses installing JRuby, Rails, the JBoss-Rails deployer and support libraries. These allow Rails applications to be deployed to JBoss and take advantage of features like JDBC database connectivity. Steps covered include creating a sample Rails application, setting up the database, deploying the application to JBoss using Rake tasks, and generating models. The goal is to demonstrate how to set up the necessary components and deploy a basic Rails application on JBoss Application Server.

Road to sbt 1.0 paved with server
Road to sbt 1.0   paved with serverRoad to sbt 1.0   paved with server
Road to sbt 1.0 paved with server

The document discusses the history of build tools and outlines a roadmap for sbt 1.0 focused on stability and modularization. It introduces sbt-server as a way to centralize build tasks and allow multiple clients to interact with the build. Key points of the sbt-server design include running tasks in a centralized queue, handling reconnects, using a versioned protocol for communication, and supporting background jobs and input. The document also discusses bringing existing sbt plugins onto sbt-server without breaking functionality.

sbt scala saladays
MVC Web App Structure



MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure





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Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora
Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - LinagoraAngular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora
Angular (v2 and up) - Morning to understand - Linagora

Slides of the talk about Angular, at the "Matinée Pour Comprendre" organized by Linagora the 22/03/17. Discover what's new in Angular, why is it more than just a framework (platform) and how to manage your data with RxJs and Redux.


This document provides an overview of Angular 2.0 including motivations for its development, key features and performance improvements. Some of the main points covered include: - Angular 2.0 is being built for future browsers and aims to be 5-10x faster than Angular 1.x through optimizations like unidirectional data flow. - It focuses on improved productivity with simpler concepts and syntax using TypeScript. - It supports new standards like ECMAScript 6 and is cross-platform for web, mobile and native apps. - Preparing for Angular 2.0 involves learning TypeScript and tools like Visual Studio Code. - Components are a fundamental building block with directives, templates and data

Web servicesoverview
Web servicesoverviewWeb servicesoverview
Web servicesoverview

The document provides an overview and introduction to web services. It discusses installing Tomcat and Apache Axis to develop and deploy sample web services. It also covers designing client applications to use existing web services like those from Google and Amazon. Key topics introduced include SOAP, WSDL, and how web services provide a clean separation between capabilities and user interfaces, allowing capabilities to be accessed programmatically.

web service
MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure






MVC Web App Structure





Recommended for you

Web servicesoverview
Web servicesoverviewWeb servicesoverview
Web servicesoverview

This document provides an overview of web services and introduces key concepts. It discusses how web services provide a clean separation between capabilities and user interfaces, allowing companies to expose capabilities through standardized APIs. The document then covers basic web service architectures and terminology, including the roles of XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. It also provides an example WSDL definition for a sample job submission web service.

Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction
 Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction
Angular - Chapter 1 - Introduction

AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. And it all happens within the browser, making it an ideal partner with any server technology.

angularwebstack academy bangalorefullstack web developer
Road to sbt 1.0: Paved with server (2015 Amsterdam)
Road to sbt 1.0: Paved with server (2015 Amsterdam)Road to sbt 1.0: Paved with server (2015 Amsterdam)
Road to sbt 1.0: Paved with server (2015 Amsterdam)

The document provides a history of build tools and a roadmap for sbt 1.0. It discusses modularizing sbt into components to improve stability and introduce an sbt server for centralized build execution. The sbt server design allows clients to connect as events, handle input, and run background jobs. Existing plugins can try the sbt server APIs without breaking functionality. The roadmap includes improving interaction, meta-projects, and killing bad states to complete the sbt server.

MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




Rote Memorization Time!

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The Ember.js Framework - Everything You Need To Know
The Ember.js Framework - Everything You Need To KnowThe Ember.js Framework - Everything You Need To Know
The Ember.js Framework - Everything You Need To Know

All Things Open 2014 - Day 2 Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 Yehuda Katz Founder of Tilde Front Dev 1 The Ember.js Framework - Everything You Need To Know

all things openopen sourceato2014
IOT strategy
IOT strategyIOT strategy
IOT strategy

We design our application with IoT in mind using a UI framework that supports all screens like web, phones, and tablets. The framework is AngularJS and the backend API can be written in languages like Java, NodeJS, or PHP. The document discusses project structure for components, shared code, and assets. It also discusses strategies for building scalable microservices using cloud services and platforms like AWS, Google, and Azure. The takeaways are learning AngularJS fundamentals, separating code into a clean API, and creating microservices with endpoints.

cloud computingarchtectureprogramming
Optimizing Spark Deployments for Containers: Isolation, Safety, and Performan...
Optimizing Spark Deployments for Containers: Isolation, Safety, and Performan...Optimizing Spark Deployments for Containers: Isolation, Safety, and Performan...
Optimizing Spark Deployments for Containers: Isolation, Safety, and Performan...

Developers love Linux containers, which neatly package up an application and its dependencies and are easy to create and share. However, this unbeatable developer experience hides some deployment challenges for real applications: how do you wire together pieces of a multi-container application? Where do you store your persistent data if your containers are ephemeral? Do containers really contain and isolate your application, or are they merely hiding potential security vulnerabilities? Are your containers scheduled across your compute resources efficiently, or are they trampling on one another? Container application platforms like Kubernetes provide the answers to some of these questions. We’ll draw on expertise in Linux security, distributed scheduling, and the Java Virtual Machine to dig deep on the performance and security implications of running in containers. This talk will provide a deep dive into tuning and orchestrating containerized Spark applications. You’ll leave this talk with an understanding of the relevant issues, best practices for containerizing data-processing workloads, and tips for taking advantage of the latest features and fixes in Linux Containers, the JDK, and Kubernetes. You’ll leave inspired and enabled to deploy high-performance Spark applications without giving up the security you need or the developer-friendly workflow you want.

spark summit eastapache spark
Getting Started with Rails 4
Hello Rails!
MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure





Recommended for you

Web Development Today
Web Development TodayWeb Development Today
Web Development Today

This document provides best practices for building modern web applications. It discusses choosing server-side technologies like the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is a common and advantageous option. It also covers the Model-View-Controller design pattern, which separates an application into these components. Models manage data, Views handle presentation, and Controllers process user input and pass data between Models and Views. The document recommends unobtrusive JavaScript, CSS for layout, and implementing AJAX after non-script functionality is established on the client-side. Overall, it outlines strategies for architecting robust and maintainable web applications.

Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus
Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobusPractical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus
Practical WebAssembly with Apex, wasmRS, and nanobus

This All Things Open 2022 talk shows how to use current-gen WebAssembly to build complex applications out of components.

Manchester Expert Talks (April 2017) - Breaking Down Your Build: Architectura...
Manchester Expert Talks (April 2017) - Breaking Down Your Build: Architectura...Manchester Expert Talks (April 2017) - Breaking Down Your Build: Architectura...
Manchester Expert Talks (April 2017) - Breaking Down Your Build: Architectura...

Structuring your codebase without the build pipeline in mind may lead to a situation where your changes force rebuilding things that don’t really need to be rebuilt. In this talk I’ll go through different scenarios that create this effect, showing ways in which the situation can be fixed.

continuous integrationautomated build
MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




Getting Up and Running

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Don't screw it up! How to build durable API
Don't screw it up! How to build durable API Don't screw it up! How to build durable API
Don't screw it up! How to build durable API

This is a talk I gave at IPC 2014 in Munich. It's about how to build durable web apis based on the experience gained at Namshi while we were developing our SOA architecture

Ruby'izing iOS development
Ruby'izing iOS developmentRuby'izing iOS development
Ruby'izing iOS development

RubyMotion is a toolchain for developing native iOS applications using the Ruby language. It compiles Ruby code into optimized machine code for iOS. RubyMotion allows developers to use Ruby while also having direct access to the full native iOS API like Objective-C. It provides a way to code iOS apps in Ruby without needing to learn Objective-C or Cocoa Touch.

rubymotion gogaruco

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on TorqueBox, which allows running Ruby on Rails applications with enterprise capabilities by running them on the JBoss application server. The presentation covers how Rails applications can be deployed on TorqueBox to gain access to services like the web container, message bus, and databases. It also discusses how additional features like scheduled jobs, asynchronous task queues, and SOAP endpoints can be integrated by following Rails-like conventions.

MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




Representational State
Transfer (REST)
Prefix Verb
posts GET
new_post GET
edit_post GET
post GET

URI Pattern

MVC Web App Structure





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"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...
"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie..."How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...
"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...

At some point, we reached the limit of the existing build process in the Grammarly Editor monorepo. Build tools required too much time to support, and each new package increased build time and made dependency management harder. To move further, we had to rethink the architecture of the build process. Our solution: We switched to Bazel. In this talk, I will share our findings and how we made the architecture of the build process scalable and predictable.

C# 4.0 - Whats New
C# 4.0 - Whats NewC# 4.0 - Whats New
C# 4.0 - Whats New

This document summarizes new features in Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4.0, and C# 4.0. Key updates include improved tooling for cloud, parallel, and TDD development in Visual Studio 2010. .NET 4.0 features enhancements to the base class library like code contracts and parallel extensions. New C# 4.0 features are dynamic lookup, named and optional arguments, improvements for COM interop, and variance support through out and in keywords. The presenter encourages attendees to try the Visual Studio 2010 CTP and familiarize themselves with these new technologies.

Viridians on Rails
Viridians on RailsViridians on Rails
Viridians on Rails

The document discusses software as a service (SAAS) and why the company Viridian chose to use the Ruby on Rails web application framework. It notes that Rails allows for lower entry costs than other options due to reduced server maintenance needs and flexibility. It also summarizes some key advantages of Rails like its convention over configuration approach and support for modern technologies. The document provides resources for learning Rails including dev environments, tutorials, and open source projects to review.

MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




ActiveRecord models have, by
default, a integer primary key "id"
and two timestamps "created_at"
and "updated_at".
All three are automatically
managed by ActiveRecord.

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So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...

The document discusses considerations for teaching Ruby on Rails. It notes that students come with a wide range of experience, from true beginners to veteran developers, and the content must be tailored accordingly. Managing student expectations is important, as the hype around Rails can raise expectations that are difficult to meet for beginners. Follow-through after initial lessons is also key to student retention, such as providing a roadmap for further learning.

teachingweb developmentruby on rails
Git Basics (Professionals)
 Git Basics (Professionals) Git Basics (Professionals)
Git Basics (Professionals)

Slides from DevCon Git Code Camp for Professionals, 15 March 2014

MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure





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Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0

Supporting slides for my talk on how to Upgrade from Ruby 1.9.3 to Ruby 2.1, Rails 3.2 to 4.0, Bootstrap 2.3 to 3.0

twitter bootstrapruby on railsruby
Version Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for BeginnersVersion Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for Beginners

This document provides instructions on installing and using basic version control functionality with Git. It covers downloading and verifying Git installation, initializing and committing to a Git repository, viewing commit history and file status, staging and unstaging files, reverting and resetting commits, and tagging commits. The key points are initializing a Git repository, making commits to track changes over time, and various commands to move between commits, view history, and recover from mistakes.

Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)

The document discusses what future IT students should know about their field of study and career. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses developing strong problem-solving, communication, and social skills which are more important than specific technical skills. Companies hire based on an individual's ability to solve problems rather than their particular degree. The document advises students to gain experience through projects, explore new technologies, and collaborate with others to prepare for an ever-changing career where adaptability is key.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
MVC Web App Structure




When a controller renders a view,
all instance variables (e.g. @foo) are
cloned inside the view
MVC Web App Structure




MVC Web App Structure





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Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)

This document provides advice for IT undergrads on things they should know but often don't. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses that the most important language for undergrads to know is SQL. It also notes that employers hire programmers based on their problem-solving skills rather than specific languages. Undergrads should focus on learning fundamentals in college and exploring outside projects as soft skills and adaptability are crucial for success in the real world of constantly changing requirements and impossible deadlines.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to LearningFrom Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning

From Novice to Expert discusses a pragmatic approach to learning based on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. The model describes five stages from novice to expert: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. As individuals progress through these stages, their decision making shifts from relying solely on rules to developing intuition through experience. The document suggests applying this framework to understand the different needs of developers at various experience levels.

information technologysoftware developmentsoftware engineering
Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8

The document discusses Java 8 lambda expressions and how they can be used to filter, map, and reduce collections. It provides examples of filtering a list of employees to only those over age 60, mapping a list of employees to a list of their full names, and reducing a list of employees to calculate their total salary. It notes how lambda expressions allow bulk data operations on collections in a similar manner to SQL queries.

javafunctional programming
MVC Web App Structure





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Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCupPreparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

The document provides tips for preparing for a hackathon event called the WebGeek DevCup. It recommends preparing your application framework ahead of time by choosing technologies and setting up modules like authentication, but not completing the full application. It also suggests preparing your development environment, using version control, potentially deploying code, and ensuring good team communication and self-care during the event. The goal is to minimize time spent on setup during the hackathon in order to focus on coding the full application within the limited timeframe.

Productive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with VimProductive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with Vim

This document provides tips for using the Vim text editor. It begins with an overview of Vim, describing it as an old but common text editor present on many Unix systems. It then provides 9 tips for using Vim, including using insert mode only when needed, using motions beyond just "i" to enter insert mode, using normal mode for faster navigation, learning text manipulation commands, combining commands with motions, using visual mode to select text, splitting screens and tabs, using plugins, and learning something new each day. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing links to the author's GitHub, Twitter, and personal website.

Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

The document provides examples of how to perform common programming tasks in Ruby and Ruby on Rails compared to other languages like C#. It shows how Ruby and Rails allow doing more with less code through features like hashes, object oriented programming, metaprogramming, and the MVC framework. The examples include creating hashes, binary trees, class hierarchies, adding methods to numbers, and defining behavior for different instances. It also provides a Rails example for a Twitter clone app and lists resources for learning Ruby and Rails.

MVC Web App Structure




We've barely scratched the surface of Rails.

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Latest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web TechnologiesLatest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web Technologies

This document summarizes several latest trends in web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and LISP, NoSQL databases, and functional and concurrent languages. Cloud computing allows minimal hardware purchasing through services like AWS while HTML5 expands web capabilities beyond Flash. Programming languages like JavaScript and LISP are being rediscovered for their power and conciseness. NoSQL databases provide an alternative to relational databases for high performance needs.


Virtualization allows users to create virtual machines on their computers. This allows them to run multiple operating systems at once, try out different operating systems without dual booting, and simulate multiple servers or cloud environments. Popular virtualization programs include Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Player, both of which are free to use. Virtualization is useful for web development and getting familiar with cloud computing platforms commonly used in industry.

Some Myths in Software Development
Some Myths in Software DevelopmentSome Myths in Software Development
Some Myths in Software Development

Developers are knowledge workers, not just encoders or typists. Coding is just a small part of software development, which is primarily about understanding people and business needs. Modern programming requires knowledge of multiple languages and technologies, and developers will use existing packages rather than writing all code themselves.

Normally this takes 2 days to understand
Normally this takes 2 days to understand,
even more if self-study
What we haven't covered:
What we haven't covered:

Associations - table joins made simple

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Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web TechnologiesLatest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

The document discusses several latest trends in open source web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and Lisp, NoSQL databases, and free and open source software gaining more traction. Specifically, it covers how cloud computing can reduce costs by having infrastructure handled by providers like Amazon, HTML5 becoming a replacement for technologies like Flash, and how functional programming languages allow for concise yet powerful code.

web design and development
What it takes to be a Web Developer
What it takes to be a Web DeveloperWhat it takes to be a Web Developer
What it takes to be a Web Developer

Web developers require a passion for continuous learning across the fields of web design, software engineering, domain knowledge, and infrastructure. To succeed, they must stay up-to-date with new tools and methodologies through online resources and by building their skills in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and frameworks like Ruby on Rails.

software engineeringweb design and development
Ruby and Rails by example
Ruby and Rails by exampleRuby and Rails by example
Ruby and Rails by example

This document provides examples of how to perform common tasks in Ruby and Ruby on Rails using less code compared to other languages like C#. It begins with an overview of Ruby's simplicity and complexity. Several examples are given that show how to create hashes, print output, build binary trees, define classes and modules, call methods, perform calculations, sort and select data, define instance behaviors, and include modules. The document concludes by providing examples of generating a basic Twitter clone app in Rails and scaling it up.

ruby on railsruby
What we haven't covered:

Associations - table joins made simple(?)
What we haven't covered:

Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
What we haven't covered:
Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
Testing - code that tells you what's broken
What we haven't covered:
Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
Testing - code that tells you what's broken
Asset Pipeline - serve compressed and up-todate assets in production

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Ruby on Rails
Ruby on RailsRuby on Rails
Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented, and functional. It focuses on simplicity and emphasizes programmer productivity. Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on Ruby that follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern. It aims to make web development faster and easier through its conventions, including generating scaffolding for basic CRUD operations on models.

before you leap
before you leapbefore you leap
before you leap

This document provides advice for web developers considering freelancing. It recommends (1) thoroughly researching the pros and cons of freelancing and one's skills before starting, (2) creating a detailed plan with short and long-term goals and determining one's strengths and weaknesses, and (3) ensuring financial stability by saving enough money to cover expenses for 6 months in case of inconsistent work.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdfWhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf

Profile portofolio

What we haven't covered:
Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
Testing - code that tells you what's broken
Asset Pipeline - serve compressed and up-todate assets in production
Deployment - deploy with only one command
What we haven't covered:
Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
Testing - code that tells you what's broken
Asset Pipeline - serve compressed and up-todate assets in production
Deployment - deploy with only one command
Ruby itself!!!
What we haven't covered:
Associations - table joins made simple(?)
Gems - plugins, libraries, and Bundler
Testing - code that tells you what's broken
Asset Pipeline - serve compressed and up-todate assets in production
Deployment - deploy with only one command
Ruby itself!!!
and so on...
What we haven't covered:
Rails Culture

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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces

An invited talk given by Mark Billinghurst on Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces. This was given on July 2nd 2024 as part of the 2024 Summer School on Cross Reality in Hagenberg, Austria (July 1st - 7th)

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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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The personalities
Rails Culture
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Our attitude towards code
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The personalities
Our attitude towards code
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Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf
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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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The personalities
Our attitude towards code
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How the hell does a "slow" framework that
doesn't work well on Windows get such a high
market demand for developers?!?!
Cheat Sheets:

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