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Preparing for the
WebGeek DevCup

       Bryan Bibat
   pangkaraniwang developer
6 Hours
Do everything that you can
   do before the event

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GOTO Amsterdam 2016 - The DevOps Disaster
GOTO Amsterdam 2016 - The DevOps DisasterGOTO Amsterdam 2016 - The DevOps Disaster
GOTO Amsterdam 2016 - The DevOps Disaster

The document outlines 10 ways to fail at DevOps by misunderstanding its core principles. DevOps is not about adding specialized teams or roles, enforcing tools or processes, or attaining certifications. Rather, DevOps is about culture change through collaboration between teams, embracing failure to improve, and giving developers freedom and responsibility.

Pavel Nikolov: Inspire
Pavel Nikolov: InspirePavel Nikolov: Inspire
Pavel Nikolov: Inspire

Pavel Nikolov is the CEO of ApiHawk Technologies, a premium software development company based in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has over 15 years of experience working with technologies like PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery, and more. Nikolov believes that learning to code is beneficial for several reasons: it is creative, promotes logical and abstract thinking, helps future-proof careers as software continues to replace jobs, and allows one to transform their computer into a powerful tool rather than just an appliance. He recommends choosing a programming language to learn, practicing consistently, contributing to open source projects, and networking to help advance one's coding skills and career prospects.


The document discusses the concept of "fail fast" in software development. It advocates for failing immediately when errors are encountered rather than failing silently, which can lead to bugs appearing unexpectedly later on. It recommends using assertions to validate conditions and ensure failures occur early in development. Debugging is identified as the most annoying part of software work, and failing fast is presented as a solution to reduce debugging time by catching errors sooner.

according to the rules:
No Offsite Development:

   All development must be
performed on-site between the
 aforementioned start and end
       times for the event.
No Offsite Development:

  We don’t allow teams to re-
purpose an existing app, add a
 feature, then flog their badly
   disguised demo as a hack.

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I Smell A RAT- Rapid Application Testing
I Smell A RAT- Rapid Application TestingI Smell A RAT- Rapid Application Testing
I Smell A RAT- Rapid Application Testing

This document discusses various techniques for rapid application testing (RAT) such as unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing, system testing, regression testing, performance testing, and test-driven development. It emphasizes automating test plans and test execution to allow tests to be run multiple times for little additional cost. The goal of testing is to balance cost and risk by reusing automated tests that are fast and good predictors of issues while throwing more tests at critical areas.

ibm lotus notestest
How to Get Started with Cypress
How to Get Started with CypressHow to Get Started with Cypress
How to Get Started with Cypress

Cypress has been gaining popularity during last couple of years. This tool aims to redefine a lot of established concepts that were present in end-to-end testing. Starting with Cypress feels like taking on a totally new testing journey. To be honest, it IS a different journey, but an exciting one. In this webinar, Cypress Ambassador Filip Hric, walks you through the first steps of how to start working with Cypress. Take away a solid understanding of what this tool can and cannot do for you.

#software testing#test automation#testing framework
Pain Driven Development by Alexandr Sugak
Pain Driven Development by Alexandr SugakPain Driven Development by Alexandr Sugak
Pain Driven Development by Alexandr Sugak

The document outlines four pains experienced by developers when using traditional .NET development approaches: 1) Reliance on "magic" frameworks that can cause unexpected errors, 2) Builds that fail due to unpredictable dependencies, 3) Long edit-compile-test cycles, and 4) Rapid obsolescence of skills as technologies change. It proposes four guiding principles to address these pains: 1) Using direct queries over ORM "magic", 2) Ensuring predictable, reproducible builds and environments, 3) Shortening feedback loops through techniques like hot reloading, and 4) Focusing on reusable skills rather than specific technologies. The overall message is that prioritizing business needs over technical wizardry and automation can help developers work more efficiently

software development
Languages & Tools:

  Applications may be assembled
  using any mix of programming
languages, application frameworks,
      and development tools.
You cannot pre-build an app,
but you can pre-build a framework.
app that does nothing
Rest of this talk:
    Preparing your App/Framework
       Preparing everything else

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Selenium conference, 2016
Selenium conference, 2016Selenium conference, 2016
Selenium conference, 2016

Slide deck from the talk I gave at the conference 1. QuickView for test data-> quick feedback 2. Automating everything on top of open-source tools like Selenium, Appium, jenkins etc. 3. Pain points and work arounds specially for Mobile App Test Automation

automation framework designquality assurancejenkins
html5 & phonegap
html5 & phonegaphtml5 & phonegap
html5 & phonegap

PhoneGap allows developers to write native mobile applications using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides a framework to package web apps so they can be deployed and run as native mobile applications on different platforms. Some key benefits of PhoneGap include being able to code apps once and deploy them across platforms, having a simpler development interface than native mobile development, and being able to leverage web development skills. The document provides information on installing PhoneGap, creating new PhoneGap projects, deploying to different mobile platforms, and dealing with common issues that come up.

Something drupal this way comes
Something drupal this way comesSomething drupal this way comes
Something drupal this way comes

Drupal 8 offers several new features and improvements including built-in views, configuration management using YAML files, improved accessibility and mobile friendliness, and a transition to Symfony and Twig. The learning curve for Drupal 8 may involve stages of shock, denial, anger and depression before reaching acceptance. Developers are encouraged to get involved with the ongoing development through the core mentoring program to learn Drupal 8 early.

For professional developers:
     nothing new here!
App Prep

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Question 6
Question 6 Question 6
Question 6

Throughout making his film, the author learned about different technologies. He set up a blogger to upload coursework. He used Slideshare to easily post Word and PowerPoint documents to his blogger. He also used After Effects to create a better title than Premier Pro alone. Premier Pro allowed him to quickly edit clips together. Lastly, he used YouTube for film research and After Effects tutorials. Overall, experimenting with different technologies helped produce his final media film.

Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)
Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)
Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)

◦If you lost Eclipse, could you still produce quality code? If Visual Studio or IntelliJ don't provide you with a specific tool, are you still able to use it comfortably? If you're troubled by these questions, don't worry because you are not the only one! Over the years, developers tend to forget their roots and grow overly comfortable with their IDE. But, it's not the IDE that makes us developers, it's our mad coding skills and software knowledge! In this session David will bring you back to the days where a text editor was just a text editor, and command line was king and go through creating, building, deploying an application without an IDE.

Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...
Shifting landscape of mobile automation, and the future of Appium - Jonathan ...

The document summarizes the shifting landscape of mobile test automation over the past 5 years. It discusses the major open source and proprietary frameworks for iOS and Android testing, including Appium, Espresso, XCUITest, EarlGrey, Detox, and others. It provides an overview of each framework's capabilities and adoption. It also envisions where mobile automation may be headed in the next 5 years, such as supporting new form factors, platforms, and types of testing beyond functional testing.

appiumtest automationapp testing
Third-party APIs?
doesn't matter
     (had app)
Choose what you are
  comfortable with

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How QCLean Works? Introduction to Browser Extensions
How QCLean Works? Introduction to Browser ExtensionsHow QCLean Works? Introduction to Browser Extensions
How QCLean Works? Introduction to Browser Extensions

QCLean is a browser extension that removes ads, suggested pages, and posts from Facebook news feeds for various browsers. It has over 30,000 users worldwide and has been available since 2013. It works by using content scripts to select and remove certain elements from pages as they load. Over time, it has improved how it identifies ads by observing changes to page structure and using APIs to update classified elements. It is open source and available on Chrome and Firefox extension stores.

Justin Ison
Justin IsonJustin Ison
Justin Ison

The document discusses automating exploratory testing by creating an app crawler that can emulate user interactions, test across different platforms, languages, resolutions and orientations. Some key points: - Automated exploratory testing is needed due to shorter release cycles and less manual testing time. - The author created an app crawler that can capture elements, images, errors, exceptions, performance data and replay tests across platforms. - Challenges include handling authentication, detecting unique locators, and rescuing apps that get stuck. - The crawler detects languages, monitors logs and exceptions, and uses Applitools for image validation to further automate the process. - The goal is to help fill quality gaps

codefest 2017
iOS Scroll Performance
iOS Scroll PerformanceiOS Scroll Performance
iOS Scroll Performance

This presentation by Kyle Sherman, LinkedIn iOS Developer for the SlideShare iOS app, goes over fixing issues with jittery scroll performance in iOS applications. The presentation goes over the basics of using Instruments to measure and fix problems, tips for using Instruments, and a concrete example from the new LinkedIn iOS flagship application.

mobile application developmentappleios
less time Google-ing
  more time coding
Once you've decided...
Build your "framework"
your framework must:
       run on a web server

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Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6

Tyrell learned how to use Photoshop, Powtoon, and Prezi through constructing this project, as they had no prior experience with these technologies. They gained skills in editing photos, adding fonts, and creating animations. Completing the project increased Tyrell's knowledge of these software and allowed them to design the front cover, contents page, and double page spread of a magazine.

Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters
Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and mattersOpen NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters
Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters

Christian Güdemann discusses OPENNTF and open source collaboration. He addresses common myths about open source like code being of poor quality or unsupported. Open source identifies problems and creates communities to solve them. Contributing features or fixes to IBM products is now easier through open source with OPENNTF. Resources listed include the OPENNTF, CollaborationToday, and XPages websites and YouTube, Twitter, and GitHub pages for OPENNTF.

openntfopen sourceextlib
Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*

The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of the Rails web framework from 2006 to 2013. It discusses how Rails initially aimed to make web development "easy" but this led to issues with code quality. It then outlines how conventions and best practices developed over time to structure Rails applications according to the MVC pattern and provide guidance on testing, deployment and other aspects of developing with Rails. The document also notes that many advanced Rails topics were not covered.

ruby on railsruby
your framework must:
       run on a web server
  not have errors when browsed
your framework must:
         run on a web server
    not have errors when browsed
  connect to a database, if needed
your framework must:
         run on a web server
    not have errors when browsed
  connect to a database, if needed
        not do anything else
          (dummy programs are ok)
Feel free to add modules found
      in other frameworks

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Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)
Ruby and Rails by Example (GeekCamp edition)

The document provides examples of how to perform common programming tasks in Ruby and Ruby on Rails compared to other languages like C#. It shows how Ruby and Rails allow doing more with less code through features like hashes, object oriented programming, metaprogramming, and the MVC framework. The examples include creating hashes, binary trees, class hierarchies, adding methods to numbers, and defining behavior for different instances. It also provides a Rails example for a Twitter clone app and lists resources for learning Ruby and Rails.

Rails by example
Rails by exampleRails by example
Rails by example

For a demo to some colleagues, I created a Ruby on Rails demonstration. This presentation is used to show concepts, and illustrate the case. See for the full story.

Ruby on Rails and the Semantic Web
Ruby on Rails and the Semantic WebRuby on Rails and the Semantic Web
Ruby on Rails and the Semantic Web

Slides for lightning talk, providing short introduction to the Semantic Web, and outlining current initiatives to work with semantic web technologies within the Ruby on Rails framework.

microdataruby on railssemantic web
Framework Modules

Front End Design Frameworks
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Framework Modules

   Page Templating

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Static Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in RubyStatic Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in Ruby

This document discusses options for building static sites in Ruby. It outlines pros of using Jekyll, such as being well-known and having many plugins, but notes some missing features like asset precompilation and LiveReload. Alternatives to Jekyll are presented, including Middleman and using Sinatra for semi-static sites. The document concludes by thanking the audience.

Ruby On Rails Tutorial
Ruby On Rails TutorialRuby On Rails Tutorial
Ruby On Rails Tutorial

This document provides an introduction and overview of Ruby on Rails, including what it is, its key features and benefits, and how to get started building a basic web application with Rails. Some of the key points covered include Rails' emphasis on productivity through conventions over configuration, scaffolding, and its implementation of the MVC framework and full-stack capabilities. Examples are also given of generating a controller and view to output basic text and dynamic content.

Ruby on Rails 101 - Presentation Slides for a Five Day Introductory Course
Ruby on Rails 101 - Presentation Slides for a Five Day Introductory CourseRuby on Rails 101 - Presentation Slides for a Five Day Introductory Course
Ruby on Rails 101 - Presentation Slides for a Five Day Introductory Course

An updated version is available at Chapters: * Rails Introduction * Ruby * Migrations * ActiveRecord Basics * ActionController Basics * ActionView Basics * Testing * ActiveRecord Associations * ActiveRecord Validations * ActiveRecord Callbacks * ActionView Forms * Filters * Caching * AJAX * Routing * REST * ActionMailer * Plugins * ActiveSupport * Rails 2.0 * Deployment * Resources * Parting Words of Advice

Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Framework Modules


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Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)

The document discusses what future IT students should know about their field of study and career. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses developing strong problem-solving, communication, and social skills which are more important than specific technical skills. Companies hire based on an individual's ability to solve problems rather than their particular degree. The document advises students to gain experience through projects, explore new technologies, and collaborate with others to prepare for an ever-changing career where adaptability is key.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0

Supporting slides for my talk on how to Upgrade from Ruby 1.9.3 to Ruby 2.1, Rails 3.2 to 4.0, Bootstrap 2.3 to 3.0

twitter bootstrapruby on railsruby
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...

The document discusses considerations for teaching Ruby on Rails. It notes that students come with a wide range of experience, from true beginners to veteran developers, and the content must be tailored accordingly. Managing student expectations is important, as the hype around Rails can raise expectations that are difficult to meet for beginners. Follow-through after initial lessons is also key to student retention, such as providing a roadmap for further learning.

teachingweb developmentruby on rails
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Framework Modules

Framework Modules


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Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)
Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)

This document provides advice for IT undergrads on things they should know but often don't. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses that the most important language for undergrads to know is SQL. It also notes that employers hire programmers based on their problem-solving skills rather than specific languages. Undergrads should focus on learning fundamentals in college and exploring outside projects as soft skills and adaptability are crucial for success in the real world of constantly changing requirements and impossible deadlines.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
Version Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for BeginnersVersion Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for Beginners

This document provides instructions on installing and using basic version control functionality with Git. It covers downloading and verifying Git installation, initializing and committing to a Git repository, viewing commit history and file status, staging and unstaging files, reverting and resetting commits, and tagging commits. The key points are initializing a Git repository, making commits to track changes over time, and various commands to move between commits, view history, and recover from mistakes.

Ruby On Rails Introduction
Ruby On Rails IntroductionRuby On Rails Introduction
Ruby On Rails Introduction

Introduction to Ruby on Rails by Rails Core alumnus Thomas Fuchs. Originally a 3-4 hour tutorial, 150+ slides about Rails, Ruby and the ecosystem around it.

Apart from framework setup,
 your biggest potential time
      waster would be...
Machine Prep
Install everything
Don't expect the Wi-Fi to be
   flawless on the event

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Passing The Joel Test In The PHP World
Passing The Joel Test In The PHP WorldPassing The Joel Test In The PHP World
Passing The Joel Test In The PHP World

The document discusses Joel Spolsky's "Joel Test" which evaluates software development teams. It applies the test's 12 questions to PHP teams and provides recommendations. Key points include using source control, continuous integration, bug tracking, specifications, estimating tasks, and providing developers with resources to do their jobs.

iPhone App from concept to product
iPhone App from concept to productiPhone App from concept to product
iPhone App from concept to product

This document provides tips and tools for developing an iPhone app from concept to product release. It covers conceptualizing the app idea, designing interfaces with tools like Balsamiq and Photoshop, developing with considerations for APIs, push notifications, and testing, distributing beta versions through services like TestFlight, monitoring performance on the App Store, and responding to user reviews. The overall process progresses from Concept to Design to Develop to Beta testing to Release.

W make104
W make104W make104
W make104

This document provides an introduction and overview of the MIT App Inventor platform for developing Android apps without coding. It discusses who the tool is for, including educators, non-programmers, advanced programmers, and prototyping. It also covers the system requirements, including supported hardware, software, having a Google account, and ensuring Java is up to date. The document provides a high-level "Hello World" example and discusses distributing created apps.

Make sure everyone in your
team is able to execute and
    develop your app
Possible option:

Virtual Environments
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

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Java And Community Support
Java And Community SupportJava And Community Support
Java And Community Support

A talk given early in 2003 by William Grosso at CSU Sonoma. At the end of 2008, it stands up remarkably well.

Keynote- We're going wrong: Choosing the web's future. Peter Paul Koch
Keynote- We're going wrong: Choosing the web's future. Peter Paul KochKeynote- We're going wrong: Choosing the web's future. Peter Paul Koch
Keynote- We're going wrong: Choosing the web's future. Peter Paul Koch

From FOWA London 2015 Web developers and browser vendors are trying too hard to emulate native apps; in vain, PPK says, because we can't out-native native. Meanwhile this quest for native emulation has a host of undesirable by-effects: too many new browser features that need too many new (and not always performant) tools to create polyfills, which cause too many people to think they only need to understand the tools in order to be a web developer. We're going wrong. We should take some time to figure out what the web is for, how we can have a successful web ecosystem next to, but not in competition with, native ecosystems, and how we should explain what web development is to Java developers and others who come from a non-web background. We need time to think.

native appsbrowserweb
DeKnowledge - Try us
DeKnowledge - Try usDeKnowledge - Try us
DeKnowledge - Try us

Lean Software Development by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeKnowledge is the leading provider of project management certifications training workshops and consultancy. In addition to our open enrollment certifications training workshops, we also offer a wide range of management, leadership and technical based courses that can be tailored to fit your organization's needs. With offices in the USA, The Netherlands and India, we work with clients in USA, Europe, South Africa and Asia. Our mission is to help companies manage their projects/programs more effortlessly and efficiently. We do this by collaborating with our clients in the areas of portfolio/program and project management training workshops and consultancy.

lean software developmentproject management workshop
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Once you can run the app, go
install whatever you want in
         your machine
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

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YOOX Launch & Learn - Javascript as a programming language
 YOOX Launch & Learn - Javascript as a programming language YOOX Launch & Learn - Javascript as a programming language
YOOX Launch & Learn - Javascript as a programming language

This document discusses Javascript as a programming language. It covers several topics: 1. The author introduces himself as a frontend developer and meetup organizer. 2. It emphasizes that Javascript is a serious programming language, not just jQuery, and discusses how performance, user experience, and money rely on Javascript. 3. It argues the importance of having a strategy for managing Javascript codebases, especially as projects and teams grow larger. Continuous integration is presented as an important practice for maintaining code quality and avoiding issues during development.

test driven developmentjavascript
Automated tests
Automated testsAutomated tests
Automated tests

There are many types of automatic tests, testing tools, libraries and approaches. Automatic tests can save you a lot of stress but can also became a kind of a nightmare. This presentation is an overview of what's available and how to use and not to use them to make them really useful. Examples taken from PHP world. You might be surprised how many tools is available.

software testingtddbehat
Creating mLearning With Your Existing Toolkit
Creating mLearning With Your Existing ToolkitCreating mLearning With Your Existing Toolkit
Creating mLearning With Your Existing Toolkit

People often think mobile applications only consist of dedicated software development tools and techniques used by traditional computer scientists that can often be arcane or require very specific tools and platform-specific APIs. And sometimes we must redevelop applications several times to hit all target platforms, which can be very time consuming and expensive. But most modern platforms are quite capable of providing very powerful and engaging experiences using Web based APIs and manipulating the DOM via Javascript. This may be a far more accessible toolkit for your development team and it could accelerate your development efforts.

Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Have a backup internet
Make sure everyone in your
team is able to execute and
    develop your app
Revision Control

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Why do mobile projects (still) fail - September 2014 edition
Why do mobile projects (still) fail - September 2014 editionWhy do mobile projects (still) fail - September 2014 edition
Why do mobile projects (still) fail - September 2014 edition

My talk around the reasons mobile projects fail and what you can do to prevent some of the pitfalls. This talk doesn't talk about code or deep dive technical development - but about the "other" problems that can befall a mobile project - especially in large organizations.

mobile project managementmobilemobile development
Continuous integration
Continuous integrationContinuous integration
Continuous integration

Continuous integration (CI) aims to improve software quality and reduce delivery time by implementing continuous quality control processes like running automated unit, integration, and acceptance tests. CI helps teams be more efficient by quickly identifying issues and getting feedback. Key principles of CI include having a single code repository, automating builds and testing, publishing the latest build daily, and getting builds into production to enable fast feedback. Automating builds is important to ensure consistency across environments and allow issues to be identified and addressed early during development rather than in production.

Agile Software Development for Non-Developers
Agile Software Development for Non-DevelopersAgile Software Development for Non-Developers
Agile Software Development for Non-Developers

A Crash Course Introduction into the world of Agile Software Development for people with a sparse or non-existent background in Software Development. I held this presentation as a Brownbag session at ThoughtWorks Hamburg. The TDD part included a live coding session and the part about Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery was backed with an example of a real Continuous Integration Server that worked on the results from the TDD live coding session.

agilesoftware developmentcontinuous delivery
"If it's not in version control, it
          doesn't exist."
The Joel Test

1. Do you use source control?
Also proves you didn't cheat
Doesn't matter what you choose
    as long as you use one

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Google App Inventor
Google App InventorGoogle App Inventor
Google App Inventor

I built an application and made this presentation for a class of mine. I wanted to demonstrate how easy Google App Inventor can be to use in building personal apps as well as introducing others to the world of application programing. Your comments and questions are very welcome!

how togoogle app inventorandroid apps
Continuous Integration
Continuous IntegrationContinuous Integration
Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice where developers integrate code changes daily with the main codebase. It helps reduce risks in software development by catching bugs early, improving team cohesion, and increasing code quality. To implement CI, teams should commit code changes frequently, have an automated build that runs tests on each change, and monitor build metrics to identify issues quickly. CI can help teams build better software faster and with more confidence.

TxJS 2011
TxJS 2011TxJS 2011
TxJS 2011

This document provides an overview of building mobile applications using PhoneGap. It discusses how PhoneGap works by instantiating a chromeless browser and implementing a bridge to allow calling native device APIs from JavaScript. It also covers topics like plugins, debugging mobile apps, performance considerations, and the PhoneGap API for accessing device features like the camera, contacts, and geolocation. The document advocates for a mobile-first approach using modern web standards and technologies when building apps with PhoneGap.

Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Share your code.

Don't worry about people
       copying it.

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Pair Programming Presentation
Pair Programming PresentationPair Programming Presentation
Pair Programming Presentation

The document discusses pair programming, an agile software development technique where two programmers work together at one workstation. They take turns between "driver" and "observer" roles, with the driver writing code and the observer reviewing each line of code as it is typed. Scientific studies have found that pair programming reduces errors by 15-50% and decreases testing/debugging time, though it increases overall effort by 15-60%. The document addresses common misunderstandings about pair programming and describes different pairing practices and techniques for remote pair programming.

pair programming roger guilherme
How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development, by Sven Peters
How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development, by Sven PetersHow To Do Kick-Ass Software Development, by Sven Peters
How To Do Kick-Ass Software Development, by Sven Peters

The document discusses how to do kick-ass software development through agile practices like using Java, improving as a team, collaborating well, automating tasks, and building a kick-ass culture. It emphasizes delivering high quality software quickly through a co-located team with simple workflows, chat for communication, continuous integration, handling flaky tests, and deploying with a single button press. The overall message is that focusing on developer happiness, customer satisfaction, and continual improvement will result in kick-ass software development.

geekoutgeekout 2013sven peters
Introduction To Software Engineering
Introduction To Software EngineeringIntroduction To Software Engineering
Introduction To Software Engineering

The importance of software since there is were the motivation for software engineering lies and then and introduction to software engineering mentioning the concept and stages of development and working in teams

Making your app available on
the internet is optional, but will
       help in the judging
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
The Joel Test

2. Can you make a build in one step?

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Quick win ways to mitigate feature creep
Quick win ways to mitigate feature creepQuick win ways to mitigate feature creep
Quick win ways to mitigate feature creep

A software, undergoes countless brainstorm sessions, rigorous testing in IT environment management and then comes to the production. The task of adding more features to software is like a maze game. The end question that leaves everybody wondering is “How the hell did this functionality come here?”. Famous by various other terms like, “Scope creep”, “requirement creep”, refers to unforeseen requests for the addition of features that are not listed in the project scope.

enov8it test environment managementtest data management
Introduction to software Engineering
Introduction to software EngineeringIntroduction to software Engineering
Introduction to software Engineering

Software is ubiquitous in modern society and can have huge impacts, both positive and negative. However, simply programming a software is not enough - software engineering principles must be followed to develop reliable, high-quality software that meets customer needs. Some common software development issues include not fulfilling customer requirements, being difficult to improve or extend, and lacking documentation. Following a systematic process involving requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance can help address these issues and produce software delivered on time and budget that works as intended.

Hd 10 japan
Hd 10 japanHd 10 japan
Hd 10 japan


Option 1:

Use push-based hosting
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

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Git Basics (Professionals)
 Git Basics (Professionals) Git Basics (Professionals)
Git Basics (Professionals)

Slides from DevCon Git Code Camp for Professionals, 15 March 2014

From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to LearningFrom Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning
From Novice to Expert: A Pragmatic Approach to Learning

From Novice to Expert discusses a pragmatic approach to learning based on the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition. The model describes five stages from novice to expert: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. As individuals progress through these stages, their decision making shifts from relying solely on rules to developing intuition through experience. The document suggests applying this framework to understand the different needs of developers at various experience levels.

information technologysoftware developmentsoftware engineering
Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Lambda Expressions in Java 8

The document discusses Java 8 lambda expressions and how they can be used to filter, map, and reduce collections. It provides examples of filtering a list of employees to only those over age 60, mapping a list of employees to a list of their full names, and reducing a list of employees to calculate their total salary. It notes how lambda expressions allow bulk data operations on collections in a similar manner to SQL queries.

javafunctional programming
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Option 2:

Deploy Automation Tools
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

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Productive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with VimProductive text editing with Vim
Productive text editing with Vim

This document provides tips for using the Vim text editor. It begins with an overview of Vim, describing it as an old but common text editor present on many Unix systems. It then provides 9 tips for using Vim, including using insert mode only when needed, using motions beyond just "i" to enter insert mode, using normal mode for faster navigation, learning text manipulation commands, combining commands with motions, using visual mode to select text, splitting screens and tabs, using plugins, and learning something new each day. It concludes by thanking the reader and providing links to the author's GitHub, Twitter, and personal website.

Latest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web TechnologiesLatest Trends in Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Web Technologies

This document summarizes several latest trends in web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and LISP, NoSQL databases, and functional and concurrent languages. Cloud computing allows minimal hardware purchasing through services like AWS while HTML5 expands web capabilities beyond Flash. Programming languages like JavaScript and LISP are being rediscovered for their power and conciseness. NoSQL databases provide an alternative to relational databases for high performance needs.


Virtualization allows users to create virtual machines on their computers. This allows them to run multiple operating systems at once, try out different operating systems without dual booting, and simulate multiple servers or cloud environments. Popular virtualization programs include Oracle VirtualBox and VMware Player, both of which are free to use. Virtualization is useful for web development and getting familiar with cloud computing platforms commonly used in industry.

Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup
one command:

 cap deploy
Preparing for the WebGeek DevCup

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Some Myths in Software Development
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Some Myths in Software Development

Developers are knowledge workers, not just encoders or typists. Coding is just a small part of software development, which is primarily about understanding people and business needs. Modern programming requires knowledge of multiple languages and technologies, and developers will use existing packages rather than writing all code themselves.

Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web TechnologiesLatest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies
Latest Trends in Open Source Web Technologies

The document discusses several latest trends in open source web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and Lisp, NoSQL databases, and free and open source software gaining more traction. Specifically, it covers how cloud computing can reduce costs by having infrastructure handled by providers like Amazon, HTML5 becoming a replacement for technologies like Flash, and how functional programming languages allow for concise yet powerful code.

web design and development
What it takes to be a Web Developer
What it takes to be a Web DeveloperWhat it takes to be a Web Developer
What it takes to be a Web Developer

Web developers require a passion for continuous learning across the fields of web design, software engineering, domain knowledge, and infrastructure. To succeed, they must stay up-to-date with new tools and methodologies through online resources and by building their skills in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and frameworks like Ruby on Rails.

software engineeringweb design and development
Everything's prepped except the
     most important part...
Team Prep
Communication is key!
       (yes it's cliche)
asset creation and integration,

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Ruby and Rails by example
Ruby and Rails by exampleRuby and Rails by example
Ruby and Rails by example

This document provides examples of how to perform common tasks in Ruby and Ruby on Rails using less code compared to other languages like C#. It begins with an overview of Ruby's simplicity and complexity. Several examples are given that show how to create hashes, print output, build binary trees, define classes and modules, call methods, perform calculations, sort and select data, define instance behaviors, and include modules. The document concludes by providing examples of generating a basic Twitter clone app in Rails and scaling it up.

ruby on railsruby
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on RailsRuby on Rails
Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language that is interpreted, object-oriented, and functional. It focuses on simplicity and emphasizes programmer productivity. Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built on Ruby that follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern. It aims to make web development faster and easier through its conventions, including generating scaffolding for basic CRUD operations on models.

before you leap
before you leapbefore you leap
before you leap

This document provides advice for web developers considering freelancing. It recommends (1) thoroughly researching the pros and cons of freelancing and one's skills before starting, (2) creating a detailed plan with short and long-term goals and determining one's strengths and weaknesses, and (3) ensuring financial stability by saving enough money to cover expenses for 6 months in case of inconsistent work.

asset creation and integration,
      conflict resolution,
asset creation and integration,
      conflict resolution,
    bug finding and fixing,
asset creation and integration,
      conflict resolution,
    bug finding and fixing,
 feature creation and pruning,
asset creation and integration,
      conflict resolution,
    bug finding and fixing,
 feature creation and pruning,

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Sowing the Seeds
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From Doghouses to Skyscrapers
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From Doghouses to Skyscrapers

The document provides advice for preparing a career in IT. It recommends first asking yourself why you want to pursue IT, as having a passion for the field rather than just the money will lead to greater success and satisfaction. Second, it suggests building a portfolio of projects to demonstrate skills and experience to potential employers. Establishing an online presence through a personal website or contributing to local communities can help showcase abilities and get noticed.

Haml & Sass presentation
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Haml & Sass presentation

The document discusses the benefits of using Ruby and Rails for web development compared to other technologies like Java. It highlights how Ruby and Rails allow for more concise and readable code through features like Haml for HTML, Sass for CSS, and conventions like MVC frameworks. Examples are given of how common tasks like creating a blog with entries can be done in fewer lines of code in Ruby on Rails compared to other languages.

No ideal group composition -
 work with what you have
Mostly devs?
Focus on the functionality. Take
risks in experimental technology.
Mostly designers?
 Limit features but polish them.
Focus on making your app usable.
Don't forget the basics!

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing SystemsMitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

How RPA Help in the Transportation and Logistics Industry.pptx
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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Widya Salim and Victor Ma will outline the causal impact analysis, framework, and key learnings used to quantify the impact of reducing Twitter's network latency.

Problems are easier to fix
  in design than in code
Your software project is
  running very late,
   what do you do?
Your software project is running
   very late, what do you do?

A. Add more people to the project

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Java Servlet programs

Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

patentspatent applicationpatent prosecution
Your software project is running
   very late, what do you do?

A. Add more people to the project
   B. Make people work harder
Your software project is running
   very late, what do you do?

A. Add more people to the project
   B. Make people work harder
   C. Cut unnecessary features
If you answered A or B,

I have bad news for you
Your software project is running
   very late, what do you do?

A. Add more people to the project
   B. Make people work harder
   C. Cut unnecessary features

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Get some sleep
Bring a jacket
Say no to drugs...

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Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
...or whatever floats your boat
Remind yourself
 to take breaks

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
about others and about yourself
Thank you for listening! | @bry_bibat
For the bored,
here's me doing a dry run:
       (2 hours, 1 app)

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Thank you for listening! | @bry_bibat

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