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      Bryan Bibat
 freelance software engineer
Hardware Virtualization

           Bryan Bibat
      freelance software engineer

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Why linux
Why linuxWhy linux
Why linux

The document discusses installing the Fedora operating system. It provides step-by-step instructions for installing Fedora, including selecting installation media, choosing a language, partitioning drives for boot, swap and root partitions, customizing packages, creating a user, and finishing installation. Screenshots are included showing the installation process.

linuxwindowlinux v/s windows
Why linux
Why linuxWhy linux
Why linux

The document discusses installing the Fedora operating system. It provides step-by-step instructions for installing Fedora, including selecting installation media, choosing a language, partitioning drives for boot, swap and root partitions, customizing packages, creating a user, and finishing installation. Screenshots are included showing the installation process.

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Hackersuli Minecraft hackeles kezdoknek
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Hackersuli Minecraft hackeles kezdoknek

This document discusses hacking in Minecraft. It provides an overview of Minecraft's history and the author's history playing the game. It then covers topics like decompiling Minecraft, running your own server, scanning for servers like LiveOverflow, connecting to LiveOverflow, using mods like Fabric and mixins, coordinate exploits from 2018, and the 2021 Log4Shell vulnerability. The document concludes by discussing X-ray mods and expressing concern that Minecraft taught players it is okay to run random JAR files from servers.

medyo nosebleed
Hardware Virtualization
    para sa masa

           Bryan Bibat
      freelance software engineer
trying hard naman ngayon
Virtualization for the
 Average Developer

          Bryan Bibat
     pangkaraniwang developer

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Breizhcamp: Créer un bot, pas si simple. Faisons le point.
Breizhcamp: Créer un bot, pas si simple. Faisons le point.Breizhcamp: Créer un bot, pas si simple. Faisons le point.
Breizhcamp: Créer un bot, pas si simple. Faisons le point.

S’il est possible de créer un bot en quelques minutes, construire des assistants interactifs professionnels représente un réel challenge : assez vite, nous voilà confrontés à des patterns de développements avancés, des enjeux d’architecture propres aux API Web. Sans compter les compétences spécifiques au domaine des bots. Au cours de cette session, nous présenterons le code de bots permettant de gérer des interactions Chat et Voix, et explorerons les défis rencontrés lors de la construction de ces bots : stockage des contextes, approches NLP, scopes OAuth, meta-données. Nous présenterons ensuite les tendances actuelles en terme d’architecture : plateformes de bots, exécution de bots sous forme de micro-fonctions / serverless… Depuis un an, j'interviens sur la mise en place de bots, et ai pu coder un framework de bots en nodejs, et tester quelques framewokrs de bots. Ce talk est un retour d'expérience. Le support est en anglais et au format 4/3.

nodejsivrvoice machine
Making Security Invisible
Making Security InvisibleMaking Security Invisible
Making Security Invisible

This talk will cover the problems currently with why applications are not being sandboxed to lessen the attack surface. Mostly this is based upon the existing tools being not user friendly and requiring a low level knowledge of syscalls that is hard to find in application developers. Seccomp is one of these tools. It defines syscall filters that allow an application to define what syscalls it allows or denies. It is commonly used in the highly-regarded Chrome sandbox. Integrating things like seccomp filters into programming languages at build time could allow for creating a perfect set of filters based off the application code. In practice, some try to mock this behavior at runtime but it often fails due to certain functions not being called during testing and missing specific syscalls. Therefore causing the user to turn it off completely. By integrating it into the code at build time we can ensure that all the syscalls are accounted for. This talk will also show a proof of concept with this in Golang.

Microsoft loves PHP. Seriously.
Microsoft loves PHP. Seriously.Microsoft loves PHP. Seriously.
Microsoft loves PHP. Seriously.

This document summarizes Microsoft's efforts to support and contribute to open source software and PHP development. It discusses tools Microsoft has created to help PHP work well on Windows, such as FastCGI, IIS 7, PHP Manager, and a SQL Server driver for PHP. It also introduces WebMatrix, a new web development tool from Microsoft for creating and publishing PHP websites. The document aims to show Microsoft's desire to work with the open source community and provide positive contributions.

short demo
creating virtual (fake) machines

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Rome 2017: Building advanced voice assistants and chat bots

If it takes minutes to code a simple bot, building professional bots represents quite a challenge. Soon you realize you need serious programming and API architecture experience but also “Bot” specific skills. In this session, we'll first show the code of advanced Chat and Voice interactions, and then explore the challenges faced when building advanced Bots (Context storage, NLP approaches, Bot Metadata, OAuth scopes), and discuss interesting opportunities from latest industry trends (Bot platforms, Serverless, Microservices). This talk is about showing the code and sharing lessons learned.

microservicesbotschat bots
UI Beyond the Browser - Software for Hardware Projects
UI Beyond the Browser - Software for Hardware ProjectsUI Beyond the Browser - Software for Hardware Projects
UI Beyond the Browser - Software for Hardware Projects

Hardware is becoming easier to design and manufacture, approaching the ease of software. This presentation: - takes you on a tour of the changes in hardware - a crash course in building circuits - teaches the basics of using and programming Arduino - introduces Javascript libraries for controlling hardware and robots - how to get involved with hardware projects If you'd like me to present this or similar content at your event, please contact me: peter at pchristensen dot com

Raspberry PI
Raspberry PIRaspberry PI
Raspberry PI

The document discusses the Raspberry Pi, a small, inexpensive computer that can run various operating systems like Raspbian, Arch Linux, and Windows 10 IoT Core. It has 40 GPIO pins that allow users to connect external circuits and boards to control them using code. Example projects built with Raspberry Pi are described, such as a home media server, baby monitor, network-wide ad blocker, customized picture frame, automated pet feeder, and more.

1. Because you can
4-core processor:

most modern OSs are

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Building your own RC Car with Raspberry Pi
Building your own RC Car with Raspberry PiBuilding your own RC Car with Raspberry Pi
Building your own RC Car with Raspberry Pi

In this presentation we talk about basic concepts of Internet of Things, Java for Embedded, Android, Raspberry Pi and a practical workshop how to create your own IoT RC Car - Brasilino - and rent it.

javaraspberry piiot
How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?
How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?
How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?

Let’s assume you’ve already had every *Docker 101 tutorial* for breakfast. You’re now ready to take that brilliantly crafted application into production. But wait… first you need to test your container-based microservices architecture. What does the whole DevOps workflow look like? What about performance and security? And last but not least; how the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale? Let Daniël guide you through the wonderful world of container-based development and running microservice architectures at scale. By attending the talk, you’ll gain insight into how to bootstrap and dive straight into learning what DevOps workflow should look like when using containers.

How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?
How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?
How the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale?

Let’s assume you’ve already had every *Docker 101 tutorial* for breakfast. You’re now ready to take that brilliantly crafted application into production. But wait… first you need to test your container-based microservices architecture. What does the whole DevOps workflow look like? What about performance and security? And last but not least; how the hell do I run my microservices in production, and will it scale? Let Daniël guide you through the wonderful world of container-based development and running microservice architectures at scale. By attending the talk, you’ll gain insight into how to bootstrap and dive straight into learning what DevOps workflow should look like when using containers.

microservicesdockerdocker image
mahirap mag-dual-boot.
2. Trying out *nix

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Hardware is becoming easier to design and manufacture, approaching the ease of software. This presentation: - takes you on a tour of the changes in hardware - a crash course in building circuits - teaches the basics of using and programming Arduino - introduces Javascript libraries for controlling hardware and robots - how to get involved with hardware projects If you'd like me to present this or similar content at your event, please contact me: peter at pchristensen dot com

Introduction about mozilla
Introduction about mozillaIntroduction about mozilla
Introduction about mozilla

The document discusses the different versions of the Firefox browser that Mozilla offers, including Firefox Quantum for regular desktop use, Firefox Quantum Developer Edition for developers, Firefox Nightly for unstable testing, Firefox Focus for private browsing, and Firefox Reality for virtual reality. It also lists developer resources Mozilla provides beyond the browser, such as MDN and Mozilla Hacks, and highlights innovations like the Rust programming language and WebAssembly.

VN Tech Seminor Vol.1
VN Tech Seminor Vol.1VN Tech Seminor Vol.1
VN Tech Seminor Vol.1

This document discusses support technologies for development infrastructure in Vietnam. It introduces provisioning tools, virtual machines, and other serverside technologies that can help build and maintain development environments more efficiently. Specifically, it covers: - Provisioning tools like Chef and Ansible that allow infrastructure to be coded and reproduced automatically. - Virtual machines like Vagrant and Docker that provide isolated environments for applications without the overhead of full virtual machines. - Other technologies like chatbots and continuous integration tools that can enhance development processes. In conclusion, these technologies allow infrastructure maintenance to be less tiresome and costly when used to automate environment setup and testing.

"40% of developers still
    use Windows"
             - some random guy
∴ 60% of developers use
   Linux / OSX / Unix
open up your horizons
3. For web development

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Linux is well-suited for web development for several reasons: 1) It allows developers to test sites on a local server with the same setup as live hosting, 2) It avoids security issues like viruses that affect Windows and Mac, allowing developers to focus on work, 3) Popular open source tools exist for tasks like image editing, sound recording, and vector graphics.

Vagrant - Team Development made easy
Vagrant - Team Development made easyVagrant - Team Development made easy
Vagrant - Team Development made easy

Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machine environments in development. It allows developers to easily create and configure consistent development environments across different machines. Vagrant uses virtualization technologies like VirtualBox to run virtual machines and then configure them automatically by reading a Vagrantfile configuration. This allows developers to have matching environments for things like databases, servers, and runtimes without having to manually install and configure them locally.

developmentvagrantvirtual machine
Hd 10 japan
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Hd 10 japan


∴ 60% of developers use
   Linux / OSX / Unix
4. Simulating multiple

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Static Sites in Ruby

This document discusses options for building static sites in Ruby. It outlines pros of using Jekyll, such as being well-known and having many plugins, but notes some missing features like asset precompilation and LiveReload. Alternatives to Jekyll are presented, including Middleman and using Sinatra for semi-static sites. The document concludes by thanking the audience.

So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...
So You Want to Teach Ruby and Rails...

The document discusses considerations for teaching Ruby on Rails. It notes that students come with a wide range of experience, from true beginners to veteran developers, and the content must be tailored accordingly. Managing student expectations is important, as the hype around Rails can raise expectations that are difficult to meet for beginners. Follow-through after initial lessons is also key to student retention, such as providing a roadmap for further learning.

teachingweb developmentruby on rails
Git Basics (Professionals)
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Git Basics (Professionals)

Slides from DevCon Git Code Camp for Professionals, 15 March 2014

4.1 Simulating servers
4.2 Getting to know the
Cloud Computing (IaaS)
How do I get started with

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Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0

Supporting slides for my talk on how to Upgrade from Ruby 1.9.3 to Ruby 2.1, Rails 3.2 to 4.0, Bootstrap 2.3 to 3.0

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Version Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for BeginnersVersion Control with Git for Beginners
Version Control with Git for Beginners

This document provides instructions on installing and using basic version control functionality with Git. It covers downloading and verifying Git installation, initializing and committing to a Git repository, viewing commit history and file status, staging and unstaging files, reverting and resetting commits, and tagging commits. The key points are initializing a Git repository, making commits to track changes over time, and various commands to move between commits, view history, and recover from mistakes.

Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*Rails is Easy*
Rails is Easy*

The document provides an overview of the history and evolution of the Rails web framework from 2006 to 2013. It discusses how Rails initially aimed to make web development "easy" but this led to issues with code quality. It then outlines how conventions and best practices developed over time to structure Rails applications according to the MVC pattern and provide guidance on testing, deployment and other aspects of developing with Rails. The document also notes that many advanced Rails topics were not covered.

ruby on railsruby
Thank you for listening! | @bry_bibat

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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
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