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agile microservices
Ciro Donato Caiazzo
AL Lavoro International
Milano, November 16, 2016
about me
CTO & Software Architect @SCAIBO
SCAI Consulting s.r.l.
in the next 40 minutes I will talk about...
 microservices @scaibo
 the sometimes (evil) monolith
 building microservices
 cloud computing solutions
 internet of things
microservices @scaibo
the sometimes (evil) monolith
the sometimes (evil) monolith
User interface
Business logic
Persistence database
the sometimes (evil) monolith : Features
 Simple to develop, test, deploy, scale… for small applications
 Application puts all its functionality into a single process
 Application scales by replicating the monolith on multiple servers
if an application becomes large and complex?
the sometimes (evil) monolith
User interface
Business logic
User interface
Business logic
a real case:
Real estate management platform (I)
User interface
Persistence database
a real case:
Real estate management platform (II)
User interface
Persistence database
a real case:
Real estate management platform (III)
User interface
Persistence database
a real case:
Real estate management platform (then?)
User interface
Persistence database
then? Problem!
 possible constraints on technology stack
 one change can affect the entire system
 one change in one component requires the deploy of the entire system
 difficult integration between cross-functional teams
 few release (more UI tests & QA work)
building microservices
decomposing applications into services
 Divide an application in components
 Each component is built as a service
 Each service is a unit of software that is indipendently upgradable and deployable
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
User interface
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
property UI
facility UI
engineering UI
microservices: Rules
 a service should have a small set of responsibility
 a service should be developed in small time (max 2 weeks)
 a service should be isolated from others (isolation for storage and deploy environment)
microservices: Rules
 a service should model a single and well defined part of the business domain
microservices: Benefits
 Simplicity
 each service is relative small
 it is simple for a developer to understand the business logic
 a service can eventually be redesigned very quickly.
microservices: Benefits
 Independence
 each service can be released without affect the others
 problem on a service (like memory leak) does not affect the others
 Independent deploy
microservices: Benefits
 Speed
 release early & release often
 less coordination between developers
 cross-functional teams can work in parallel reducing the integration problems
microservices: Benefits
o a service can be built with different technologies, in terms of
 platform & programming languages (.NET, Java, NodeJS, …)
 Database (Oracle, Sql Server, MongoDb, Cassandra, …)
 …but it is not true for the communication protocol : HTTP, AMQP, MQTT
microservices: Benefits
 Automation
 each service has a build on the Continuous integration server
 it is more simple to automate the continuous delivery & deploy
 blue green deploy for each service
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
User interface
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
User interface
databaseHow to manage
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
User interface
Between clients & services
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
serviceBetween services
a real case:
Real estate management in microservices
serviceBetween services
microservices: a more complex scenario
User interface
microservices: a more complex scenario
 Granularity
 each client should know each service in details
 Localization
 each client should know the location of each service
 Complexity
 business logic to build and manage more complex objects at the client level
API Gateway pattern
User interface
mobile interface MQTT
API Gateway
 Benefits
 hide to the clients how services are structured
 encapsulation of multiple requests for multiple services
 API optimization for each client
 Drawbacks
 increase in complexity
 require an additional network hop
cloud computing solutions
cloud computing solutions
 Software as a Service (SAAS)
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
 Container as a Service (CAAS)
cloud computing solutions
 Software as a Service (SAAS)
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
 Container as a Service (CAAS)
cloud computing solutions
 Software as a Service (SAAS)
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
 Container as a Service (CAAS)
cloud computing solutions
 Software as a Service (SAAS)
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
 Container as a Service (CAAS)
cloud computing solutions
 Software as a Service (SAAS)
 Platform as a Service (PAAS)
 Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
 Container as a Service (CAAS)
docker: Build, Ship, Run
 A CAAS technology to build lightweight containers
how does Docker work?
Host OS
Guest OS Guest OS
Middleware Middleware
Host OS
Docker engine
Docker image Docker image
Virtualization Container
how does Docker work?
 Build a container reading the instructions in Dockerfile
 Configure and orchestrate one or more containers in docker-compose
 An open source tool to deploying, managing and monitoring applications in cloud infrastructure
convox: Rack
 A rack is a structure to create and manage all the infrastructure needed to run and monitor your
 In a rack you can create and define each service to build your microservices using docker
internet of Things
everything is connected
IoT architecture
API Gateway
engineering service
agile microservices @scaibo
Thank you

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The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive ComputingThe Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing
The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing

agile microservices @scaibo

  • 1. agile microservices @scaibo By Ciro Donato Caiazzo AL Lavoro International Milano, November 16, 2016
  • 2. about me CIRO DONATO CAIAZZO CTO & Software Architect @SCAIBO SCAI Consulting s.r.l. @CyrusD87
  • 3. in the next 40 minutes I will talk about...  microservices @scaibo  the sometimes (evil) monolith  building microservices  cloud computing solutions  internet of things
  • 6. the sometimes (evil) monolith browser load balancer User interface Business logic Persistence database
  • 7. the sometimes (evil) monolith : Features  Simple to develop, test, deploy, scale… for small applications  Application puts all its functionality into a single process  Application scales by replicating the monolith on multiple servers if an application becomes large and complex?
  • 8. the sometimes (evil) monolith browser load balancer User interface Business logic Persistence database User interface Business logic Persistence …
  • 9. a real case: Real estate management platform (I) browser load balancer User interface property module Persistence database
  • 10. a real case: Real estate management platform (II) browser load balancer User interface property module Persistence database facility module
  • 11. a real case: Real estate management platform (III) browser load balancer User interface property module Persistence database facility module engineering module
  • 12. a real case: Real estate management platform (then?) browser load balancer User interface property module Persistence database facility module engineering module
  • 13. then? Problem!  possible constraints on technology stack  one change can affect the entire system  one change in one component requires the deploy of the entire system  difficult integration between cross-functional teams  few release (more UI tests & QA work)
  • 15. decomposing applications into services  Divide an application in components  Each component is built as a service  Each service is a unit of software that is indipendently upgradable and deployable
  • 16. a real case: Real estate management in microservices User interface property service facility service engineering service database database database
  • 17. a real case: Real estate management in microservices property UI property service facility service engineering service database database database facility UI engineering UI
  • 18. microservices: Rules  a service should have a small set of responsibility  SINGLE RESPONSIBILITY PRINCIPLE  a service should be developed in small time (max 2 weeks)  a service should be isolated from others (isolation for storage and deploy environment)
  • 19. microservices: Rules  a service should model a single and well defined part of the business domain  DOMAIN DRIVEN DESIGN
  • 20. microservices: Benefits  Simplicity  each service is relative small  it is simple for a developer to understand the business logic  a service can eventually be redesigned very quickly.
  • 21. microservices: Benefits  Independence  each service can be released without affect the others  problem on a service (like memory leak) does not affect the others  Independent deploy
  • 22. microservices: Benefits  Speed  release early & release often  less coordination between developers  cross-functional teams can work in parallel reducing the integration problems
  • 23. microservices: Benefits o a service can be built with different technologies, in terms of  platform & programming languages (.NET, Java, NodeJS, …)  Database (Oracle, Sql Server, MongoDb, Cassandra, …)  …but it is not true for the communication protocol : HTTP, AMQP, MQTT
  • 24. microservices: Benefits  Automation  each service has a build on the Continuous integration server  it is more simple to automate the continuous delivery & deploy  blue green deploy for each service
  • 25. a real case: Real estate management in microservices User interface property service facility service engineering service database database database
  • 26. a real case: Real estate management in microservices User interface property service facility service engineering service database database databaseHow to manage interactions?
  • 27. a real case: Real estate management in microservices User interface property service facility service engineering service database database database Between clients & services REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP)
  • 28. a real case: Real estate management in microservices property service facility service engineering serviceBetween services REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP)
  • 29. a real case: Real estate management in microservices property service facility service engineering serviceBetween services AMQP
  • 30. microservices: a more complex scenario User interface facility service property service engineering service REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP) AMQP AMQP
  • 31. microservices: a more complex scenario  Granularity  each client should know each service in details  Localization  each client should know the location of each service  Complexity  business logic to build and manage more complex objects at the client level
  • 32. API Gateway pattern User interface facility service property service engineering service REST (HTTP) REST (HTTP) AMPQ AMQP AMQP API Gateway REST (HTTP) mobile interface MQTT AMQP
  • 33. API Gateway  Benefits  hide to the clients how services are structured  encapsulation of multiple requests for multiple services  API optimization for each client  Drawbacks  increase in complexity  require an additional network hop
  • 35. cloud computing solutions  Software as a Service (SAAS)  Platform as a Service (PAAS)  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)  Container as a Service (CAAS)
  • 36. cloud computing solutions  Software as a Service (SAAS)  Platform as a Service (PAAS)  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)  Container as a Service (CAAS)
  • 37. cloud computing solutions  Software as a Service (SAAS)  Platform as a Service (PAAS)  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)  Container as a Service (CAAS)
  • 38. cloud computing solutions  Software as a Service (SAAS)  Platform as a Service (PAAS)  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)  Container as a Service (CAAS)
  • 39. cloud computing solutions  Software as a Service (SAAS)  Platform as a Service (PAAS)  Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)  Container as a Service (CAAS)
  • 40. docker: Build, Ship, Run  A CAAS technology to build lightweight containers
  • 41. how does Docker work? Server Host OS Hypervisor Guest OS Guest OS Middleware Middleware AppApp Server Host OS Docker engine Docker image Docker image Virtualization Container
  • 42. how does Docker work?  Build a container reading the instructions in Dockerfile  Configure and orchestrate one or more containers in docker-compose
  • 43. convox  An open source tool to deploying, managing and monitoring applications in cloud infrastructure   
  • 44. convox: Rack  A rack is a structure to create and manage all the infrastructure needed to run and monitor your applications  In a rack you can create and define each service to build your microservices using docker
  • 47. IoT architecture IoT Gateway API Gateway property service facility service engineering service AMQP device device gateway MQTT HTTP AMQP WebSocket