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C# Client to Cloud

C# - Cloud to Mobile
Survival, Inquiry, Sophistication
Survival, Inquiry, Sophistication

1. How can we eat?
2. Why do we eat?
3. Where shall we have lunch?

             “The History of every major Galactic Civilization tends to pass through three
             distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication,
             otherwise known as the How, Why, and Where phases. For instance, the first
             phase is characterized by the question 'How can we eat?' the second by the
             question 'Why do we eat?' and the third by the question 'Where shall we have

     ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Survival to Sophistication

        486 – 100MHz               2 Cores – 1.5GHz
      “Optimal” 8 MB RAM               1 GB RAM
         13 floppy disks             OTA Upgrade
      “Max” 2GB Hard Disk     32GB Flash Disk + 7GB online
    28.8k US Robotics Modem     4G, WiFi, NFC, BlueTooth
             £1200                       £400

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서버리스 IoT 백엔드 개발 및 구현 사례 : 윤석찬 (AWS 테크에반젤리스트)
서버리스 IoT 백엔드 개발 및 구현 사례 : 윤석찬 (AWS 테크에반젤리스트)서버리스 IoT 백엔드 개발 및 구현 사례 : 윤석찬 (AWS 테크에반젤리스트)
서버리스 IoT 백엔드 개발 및 구현 사례 : 윤석찬 (AWS 테크에반젤리스트)

AWS는 다양한 서비스 빌딩 블록을 이용하여, 고객의 요구에 따른 다양한 사물 인터넷(IoT) 서비스를 구축할 수 있습니다. 본 온라인 세미나에서는 AWS IoT 서비스의 주요 개념과 함께 일반적인 인터넷 기기 및 스마트 홈을 위한 IoT 서비스 구현 패턴을 알아봅니다. 이를 위해 데이터 상태 관리, 데이터 분석 및 자원 관리 등의 패턴을 통해 비용 효율적이고 확장 가능한 아키텍처를 살펴봅니다. AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB 등 서버리스 빌딩 블록과 AWS IoT를 연계한 iRobot의 아카텍처 사례를 함께 살펴봄으로서 IoT 기반 서비스 구현 및 이전에 통찰력을 얻으실 수 있습니다.

Kubernetes on AWS => EKS || CNCF Meetup Zurich, Feb 2019
Kubernetes on AWS => EKS || CNCF Meetup Zurich, Feb 2019Kubernetes on AWS => EKS || CNCF Meetup Zurich, Feb 2019
Kubernetes on AWS => EKS || CNCF Meetup Zurich, Feb 2019

This document summarizes a presentation about running Kubernetes on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). It discusses: 1. The core components of Kubernetes and how they are implemented in EKS, with the control plane managed by AWS and worker nodes managed by the user. 2. How to set up an EKS cluster by provisioning the control plane with AWS services and launching worker nodes across Availability Zones using Auto Scaling Groups. 3. How user authentication uses IAM and authorization uses Kubernetes RBAC, and how they are integrated between AWS and Kubernetes.

How datadog was born in and grew with the cloud
How datadog was born in and grew with the cloud How datadog was born in and grew with the cloud
How datadog was born in and grew with the cloud

Datadog was born in 2010 to provide infrastructure monitoring and was designed to help understand systems running in public clouds. As public clouds and containers grew in popularity between 2010-2018, Datadog expanded its offerings to include metrics, traces, logs, and synthetics to provide end-to-end visibility across customers' entire cloud native stacks. Datadog's products evolved alongside trends like the rise of Docker, Kubernetes, serverless computing, and managed services to maintain observability as customers' infrastructure became more distributed and dynamic.

On with some engineering…

C# Cloud
C# Clients
C# Cloud-Client Communication
C# Code
Real App Examples
Why C#?

Shared code across mobile and cloud
“low level”: compiles, typesafe, quick
Native performance
Native look and feel
Libraries: commercial and open – and nuget!
Generics, Linq, async/await and the future…
You already have: skills, tools, code
Hey Dude - Javascript – it’s Amazeballs


                       “Our biggest mistake was
                     betting too much on HTML5”
Why Azure?

Storage – lots of it
Connectivity – lots of it. Continuous. Global
Processing – lots of it. Scalable. Burstable.
Quick updateability
Toys – ACS, Queuing, CDN, TrafficManager,
Caching, Services, …

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Container Days - AWS Microservice Workshop
Container Days - AWS Microservice WorkshopContainer Days - AWS Microservice Workshop
Container Days - AWS Microservice Workshop

Hands-on Workshop presentation to create #Serverless #Microservices with Amazon Web Services using #AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB

awsapi gatewaydynamodb
중국에서의 AWS 활용 현황 및 유저그룹 활동 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017
중국에서의 AWS 활용 현황 및 유저그룹 활동 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017중국에서의 AWS 활용 현황 및 유저그룹 활동 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017
중국에서의 AWS 활용 현황 및 유저그룹 활동 - AWS Summit Seoul 2017

This document provides an overview of the AWS User Group Shanghai (AWSUGSH), including: 1) A brief introduction of Becky Zhang, the lead of AWSUGSH. 2) Statistics on China's internet status and the public cloud market in China, which is growing at 44.2% annually. 3) Details on the establishment and history of AWSUGSH since 2015, including its events and 1100+ registered members in the Shanghai region. 4) Plans for future collaboration between Chinese and Korean AWS user groups in areas like gaming, VR/AR, e-commerce, big data, artificial intelligence and live video.

01620aws summit seoul 2017day1 track7
AWS Direct Connect 및 VPN을 이용한 클라우드 아키텍쳐 설계:: Steve Seymour :: AWS Summit Seou...
AWS Direct Connect 및 VPN을 이용한 클라우드 아키텍쳐 설계:: Steve Seymour :: AWS Summit Seou...AWS Direct Connect 및 VPN을 이용한 클라우드 아키텍쳐 설계:: Steve Seymour :: AWS Summit Seou...
AWS Direct Connect 및 VPN을 이용한 클라우드 아키텍쳐 설계:: Steve Seymour :: AWS Summit Seou...

5월 17일 서울COEX에서 열린 AWS Summit Seoul 2016에서 Steve Seymour가 발표하신 "AWS Direct Connect 및 VPN을 이용한 클라우드 아키텍쳐 설계" 발표자료입니다.

cloud architectureamazon web servicessteve seymour

Azure is:

Azure is not:
Examples: Faster Solutions Lottery Results


                Web Role                Worker Role

Demo: Code


             Website   Azure     SQL
                       Storage   Azure
Storage: SQL via EF Code First

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Getting Started with Serverless and Container Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless and Container ArchitecturesGetting Started with Serverless and Container Architectures
Getting Started with Serverless and Container Architectures

Serverless architectures let you build and deploy applications and services with infrastructure resources that require zero administration. In the past, you had to provision and scale servers to run your application code, install and operate distributed databases, and build and run custom software to handle API requests. Now, AWS provides a stack of scalable, fully-managed services that eliminates these operational complexities. In this session, you will learn about the benefits of serverless architectures and the basics of the serverless stack AWS provides. We will also walk through how you can use serverless architectures for everything from data processing to mobile and web backends.

cloud kataeventsaws
Introduction to Serverless
Introduction to ServerlessIntroduction to Serverless
Introduction to Serverless

This document discusses serverless computing and AWS Lambda. It provides an overview of virtual machines, containers, and serverless/functions as a service. It describes how AWS Lambda works, including how to author functions using various programming languages. It also discusses how to integrate Lambda with other AWS services like API Gateway, Step Functions, S3, DynamoDB and more. It introduces the AWS Serverless Application Repository and AWS SAM for defining serverless applications.

rise2018developer workshopserverless
Flowcon (added to for CMG) Keynote talk on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is ...
Flowcon (added to for CMG) Keynote talk on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is ...Flowcon (added to for CMG) Keynote talk on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is ...
Flowcon (added to for CMG) Keynote talk on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is ...

Flowcon keynote was a few days before CMG, a few tweaks and some extra content added at the start and end. Opening Keynote talk for both conferences on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is doing Continuous Delivery

netflixossflowconcloud native
Storage: Azure Blob Uploads
Data Services: WCF oData
Data Services: Json ASP.Net MVC
Data Service: More Options

• Switch to ApiController – WebApi
• Consider Azure Mobile Services
• ‘Legacy’ WCF also fully supported *

 * well…. almost fully ;)

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AWS Innovate 2016 : Opening Keynote - Glenn Gore
AWS Innovate 2016 :  Opening Keynote - Glenn GoreAWS Innovate 2016 :  Opening Keynote - Glenn Gore
AWS Innovate 2016 : Opening Keynote - Glenn Gore

This document contains the agenda for the AWS Innovate conference. The keynote will be delivered by Glenn Gore from Amazon Web Services. There are multiple concurrent sessions offered throughout the day covering topics ranging from cloud migration strategies to building mobile apps to container management. Sessions are at various technical levels and include time for breaks, exhibits, and networking.

aws innovate 2016
이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...
이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...
이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...

KBS transformed its media platform to run on AWS over three stages from 2018 to 2020. The first stage focused on migrating existing services to AWS for cost savings and scalability. It reduced costs by 30-50% and improved scalability. The second stage added a CDN for live streaming and improved network capabilities. The third stage automated content production and distribution workflows using AWS MediaConvert and MediaFactory, reducing processing time by 20-40% while allowing remote, anytime editing. beNX discussed its media service architecture on AWS, addressing challenges of building the services, managing spikes in traffic, and implementing digital rights management and signed cookies for secure content delivery. Its next goals are adding live streaming capabilities using AWS MediaLive and Elemental

[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis
[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1]  Serverless  Real-Time Analysis[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1]  Serverless  Real-Time Analysis
[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis

This document discusses using serverless architecture for real-time analysis. It describes using API Gateway and Lambda functions to process streaming data from Kinesis and index it into Elasticsearch. The architecture provides real-time analysis at a low cost by automatically scaling Lambda as event volume increases and decreases. Key benefits of the serverless approach include flexible scaling, increased efficiency, simplified deployment and management, and focusing only on code.

Data Services: Size Matters

XML               JSON
                 JSON list of 100 pictures   Gzip JSON

58kB             21kB                        2kB
Recap: TweetPic Server

                                 Sophistication: Lots of C# Server
Server:                          technologies are available:
  Storage:                           nHibernate
   Code First Entity Framework       Lucene.Net
   Azure C# SDK                      MVC Async (+SignalR)
  Logic/Services:                    Azure - Access Signatures
   Custom C#                         OpenRasta
   Twitterizer                       Simple.Web
  Presentation:                      FubuMvc
   ASP.NET MVC (Json)                ASMX and WebForms
   WCF (oData)                       …
Survival: Simple TweetPic Client


        + C# CodeBehind
Survival: Simple TweetPic Client

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초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...
초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS  솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS  솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...
초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...

코로나가 장기화되면서 일상에 여러 변화가 오고있습니다. 그 중에서 비대면이 일상화되고 있는데요. 콘텐츠를 쉽고 빠르게 제작 및 처리하고 전송하고 싶을 때 하드웨어와 같은 과중한 업무는 AWS에 맡기고, 오직 뷰어를 기쁘게 하는데만 전념할 수 있도록 전세계 청중에게 Live/VOD 콘텐츠를 효율적으로 제공할 수 있는 방법을 Elemental 미디어 서비스 데모와 함께 알아봅니다.

AWS Lambda
AWS LambdaAWS Lambda
AWS Lambda

This document discusses building a serverless data pipeline using AWS Lambda to process data from Kinesis and DynamoDB and deliver it to Firehose and S3. It notes that the entire pipeline can be built with only 16 lines of code and requires zero servers while providing maximum performance and scalability.

aws-summit-nl-2016aws cloudaws
Serverless for Developers
Serverless for DevelopersServerless for Developers
Serverless for Developers

This document provides tips and patterns for building serverless applications. It discusses how serverless architectures can simplify operations by removing the need to manage servers. It then demonstrates how to design a media sharing application using serverless technologies like AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, DynamoDB, and API Gateway, driven by events. The document shows how the application architecture can be refined from an initial feature-based view to use specific serverless services and functions.

aws cloudserverlessaws
Inquiry: TweetPic Client

Service Consumption         Local Data/Services

Business Logic

UI Logic - ViewModels

Presentation - WP7 – XAML
Sophistication: TweetPic Clients

Service Consumption                 Local Data/Services

Business Logic

UI Logic - ViewModels

WP7 – XAML            Win8 – XAML   iOS – XIB/MT.D        Droid – AXML
Sophistication: Prove it - Test it
Sophistication: TweetPic clients

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Workshop AWS IoT @ IoT World Paris
Workshop AWS IoT @ IoT World ParisWorkshop AWS IoT @ IoT World Paris
Workshop AWS IoT @ IoT World Paris

The document discusses the architecture of the AWS IoT platform. It allows connected devices to interact securely with cloud applications and other devices. It includes device SDKs to connect and authenticate devices, a device gateway to communicate over MQTT and HTTP, authentication and authorization using certificates, a rules engine to route messages based on rules, and a device shadow for persistent device states. It also includes a device registry for identity management and the AWS IoT APIs. The platform securely connects millions of devices and applications with zero provisioning required.

amazon web servicescloud computinginfrastructure
AWS Lambda: Advanced Coding Session
AWS Lambda: Advanced Coding SessionAWS Lambda: Advanced Coding Session
AWS Lambda: Advanced Coding Session

This will be a more advanced scenario related session during which we'll talk about API Gateway authentication use cases, Amazon Kinesis Streams, Amazon Cognito and AWS CloudFormation.

coding sessionamazonaws lambda
Crossdev sdk/tools: devil's deception - Luciano Colosio
Crossdev sdk/tools: devil's deception - Luciano ColosioCrossdev sdk/tools: devil's deception - Luciano Colosio
Crossdev sdk/tools: devil's deception - Luciano Colosio
Declarative Presentation
C# App Stack

Data Access

Business Logic


Service Consumption         Local Data/Services

Business Logic

UI Logic

WP7                   iOS   Droid                 Win8
Examples: RunSat


                   Non Cloud
                   Web Site

Examples: SQLBits Conference App

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Creative R Profile
Creative R ProfileCreative R Profile
Creative R Profile

Creative R® Landscapes provides complete landscaping solutions and services. They have a team of experienced and creative professionals who aim to give each project a unique identity and vision with high professional standards. Their expertise includes planning, management, and executing landscaping projects in a cost-effective manner without compromising quality. Some of their completed projects include residential landscaping in Haveri, Mangalore, and Bangalore as well as commercial projects like parks, gardens, and factory landscaping.

Whymca Intro
Whymca IntroWhymca Intro
Whymca Intro
Uu no.25 tahun_2007
Uu no.25 tahun_2007Uu no.25 tahun_2007
Uu no.25 tahun_2007
Examples: Azure London Conference App

Azure Website based
  Service Download
  Twitter Authentication
  Checkin Scoreboards
  Photo Upload
Example: Azure London Conference App

                        Open source helps!
                        • Xamarin Mobile API
                        • Redth/Zxing control
                        • Reactive.Net
                        • …
Examples: Xbox Advertising Apps
Example: Xbox Advertising Apps

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MvvmCross Introduction
MvvmCross IntroductionMvvmCross Introduction
MvvmCross Introduction

The document provides an introduction to MvvmCross, which is a framework that implements the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern for .NET platforms. It discusses MVVM theory, .NET implementations of MVVM patterns like INotifyPropertyChanged, and how MvvmCross enables cross-platform development through features like portable class libraries, plugins, and interface-driven development. It also provides examples of code evolution using MvvmCross and showcases real-world applications that have been developed with it.

Développement d'applications mobiles
Développement d'applications mobilesDéveloppement d'applications mobiles
Développement d'applications mobiles

Quelle technologie pour quelle application mobile ? Matelli Services fait un tour d'horizon des types d'applications mobiles et des outils de développement existants.

C# - Azure, WP7, MonoTouch and Mono for Android (MonoDroid)
C# - Azure, WP7, MonoTouch and Mono for Android (MonoDroid)C# - Azure, WP7, MonoTouch and Mono for Android (MonoDroid)
C# - Azure, WP7, MonoTouch and Mono for Android (MonoDroid)

The document discusses using C# for cloud and mobile applications. It covers using C# for cloud services on Azure, building C# clients for mobile platforms, and enabling communication between C# cloud services and clients. Several example applications are presented that demonstrate these concepts in practice, including apps for photo sharing, conferences, advertising, and more. The document argues that C# is a good choice due to shared code, performance, tools/libraries, and existing C# skills. It also outlines different architectural approaches from simple to sophisticated for clients and servers.

Example: Xbox Advertising Apps
Examples: AzureApp
Mobile Services?

Data Access

Business Logic

 Azure Mobile Services

Service Consumption         Local Data/Services

Business Logic

UI Logic

WP7                   iOS   Droid                 Win8
Mobile Services?

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StrongLoop Overview
StrongLoop OverviewStrongLoop Overview
StrongLoop Overview

OpenSource API Server based on Node.js API framework built on supported Node.js platform with Tooling and DevOps. Use cases are Omni-channel API Server, Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) or Next Generation Enterprise Service Bus. Key functionality include built in enterprise connectors, ORM, Offline Sync, Mobile and JS SDKs, Isomorphic JavaScript and Graphical API creation tool.

node.jsmobile apidevops
Dystopia as a Service
Dystopia as a ServiceDystopia as a Service
Dystopia as a Service

Adrian Cockcroft discusses the challenges of building reliable cloud services in an imperfect environment. He describes Netflix's approach of using microservices, continuous delivery, and automation to create stability. Cockcroft also introduces NetflixOSS, an open source platform that provides libraries and tools to help other companies adopt this "cloud native" architecture. The talk outlines opportunities to improve portability and foster an ecosystem around NetflixOSS.

netflixosslinuxopen source
Netflix on Cloud - combined slides for Dev and Ops
Netflix on Cloud - combined slides for Dev and OpsNetflix on Cloud - combined slides for Dev and Ops
Netflix on Cloud - combined slides for Dev and Ops

This document contains slides from a presentation given by Adrian Cockcroft on Netflix's use of cloud computing on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The summary includes: 1) Netflix moved most of its infrastructure to AWS to leverage AWS's scale and features rather than building its own datacenters, as capacity growth was unpredictable and datacenters were inflexible. 2) Netflix uses many AWS services including EC2, S3, EBS, EMR and more. It deployed a large movie encoding farm on EC2, stores content on S3, uses EMR/Hadoop for log analysis, and a CDN for content delivery. 3) Netflix has learned that cloud tools don't always scale for large


C# Cloud
C# Clients
C# Cloud-Client Communication
C# Code
Real App Examples
For more inspiration:
winX dev -
Mono - xaminars from
mvvm -

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CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...
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CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...

This document provides an overview of a workshop on cloud native, capacity, performance and cost optimization tools and techniques. It begins with introducing the difference between a presentation and workshop. It then discusses introducing attendees, presenting on various cloud native topics like migration paths and operations tools, and benchmarking Cassandra performance at scale across AWS regions. The goal is to explore cloud native techniques while discussing specific problems attendees face.

cloud nativecloud computingcloud
Social Photos - My presentation at Microsoft Tech Day
Social Photos - My presentation at Microsoft Tech DaySocial Photos - My presentation at Microsoft Tech Day
Social Photos - My presentation at Microsoft Tech Day

Social Photos is an online social network for photographers and photo lovers. Users can take photos and share them on the network. Other users can like, dislike, or comment on photos. The network also integrates location-based features so photos can be listed near the location where they were taken. The social network is built using various Microsoft and non-Microsoft technologies integrated seamlessly. It uses technologies like Entity Framework, WCF data services, OData, and supports multiple client platforms like Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and web clients. mvciosrest
Running a business in the Cloud with AWS
Running a business in the Cloud with AWSRunning a business in the Cloud with AWS
Running a business in the Cloud with AWS

The document discusses the transition of LouderVoice, a customer reviews SaaS company, to cloud hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It outlines LouderVoice's current architecture using AWS services like EC2, EBS, RDS, Cloudfront and S3. It also introduces HushVine, a social TV platform being built using Node.js, MongoDB, and streaming APIs on AWS and other cloud platforms. Key points discussed include scaling challenges, costs considerations, and evaluating Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) vs Platform as a Service (PaaS) models.

awsamazon elastic compute cloudamazon web services

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Secure your critical workload on AWS
Secure your critical workload on AWSSecure your critical workload on AWS
Secure your critical workload on AWS

This document summarizes Harry Lin's presentation about securing critical workloads on AWS. The 3 main points are: 1) AWS provides security features at multiple layers including encryption, identity and access management, and auditing. Customers are responsible for security within their applications while AWS handles security of the cloud platform. 2) AWS services like CloudTrail, Config, and WAF can help customers with security monitoring, auditing changes, and blocking attacks. 3) A case study of an e-commerce company MyDress showed how moving to AWS improved availability during promotions and attacks while reducing costs compared to an on-premise infrastructure.

cloudwatchamazon web servicesaws cloud
AWS Startup Insights Kuala Lumpur
AWS Startup Insights Kuala LumpurAWS Startup Insights Kuala Lumpur
AWS Startup Insights Kuala Lumpur

This document discusses how startups can use cloud computing services to simplify building and running applications. It outlines the key jobs of startup founders, including product vision, business model, speed of execution, and talent. For technical founders, additional jobs around security, reliability, scalability, performance, and cost efficiency are discussed. The document then discusses how AWS services like EC2, S3, Lambda, API Gateway, Cognito, and Device Farm can help simplify development, mobile apps, IoT, analytics, and machine learning for startups. It provides examples of how different companies use these AWS services.

ITCamp 2012 - Alessandro Pilotti - Web API, web sockets and RSignal
ITCamp 2012 - Alessandro Pilotti - Web API, web sockets and RSignalITCamp 2012 - Alessandro Pilotti - Web API, web sockets and RSignal
ITCamp 2012 - Alessandro Pilotti - Web API, web sockets and RSignal

This document summarizes a presentation about building modern web sites with ASP.Net Web API, WebSockets, and SignalR. The presentation introduces these technologies and how they can be used to build single page applications with real-time functionality. It provides examples of using ASP.Net Web API to create RESTful APIs, SignalR for persistent connections and messaging, and WebSockets for bidirectional communication. The presentation demonstrates how these tools allow building applications that approach the usability of desktop applications.

itcamp 2012
Push Notifications

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Flowcon (added to for CMG) Keynote talk on how Speed Wins and how Netflix is ...
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이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...
이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...
이제는 말할 수 있다: KBS, beNX의 AWS 활용법 – 선영진 KBS 부장, 강진우 beNX 팀장, 강호성 beNX 엔지니어:: AW...
Amazon Web Services Korea
[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis
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[AWSKRUG&JAWS-UG Meetup #1] Serverless Real-Time Analysis
AWSKRUG - AWS한국사용자모임
초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...
초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS  솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...초보 개발자도 바로 따라할 수 있는 AWS 미디어 서비스를 이용한 Live/VOD 서비스 구축 – 현륜식 AWS  솔루션즈 아키텍트:: A...
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