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Static Sites in Ruby
Bryan Bibat
@bry_bibat |
Say you want to build a
simple site using Ruby...
Static Sites in Ruby
It's 2014, not 2007,

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My talk at odessa js 2019 about Pluggable Angular Application. How you can lazy load an external angular resource using SystemJS loader

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The number of web development frameworks and libraries based on JavaScript continue increasing. The most popular client-side technologies are Angular and React, but you might ask - What should I use?

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Third-Party APIs
(e.g. Disqus, Gist,
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This is a support presentation used by Daniel Chivescu (@iamdanchiv) during a WebdriverIO demo at the 24th Edition of the BucharestJS meetup.

JS digest. April 2018
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JS digest. April 2018

This document is a JavaScript digest from April 2018. It provides summaries and links for topics including the V8 release v6.6, what to expect in Node.js 10, using const and let, CSS Grid layouts, and libraries like Pico.js and filepond. It also explores differences between classes and factory functions, and links versus buttons.

javascriptjavascript librariesjs
Capybara + RSpec - ruby dsl-based web ui qa automation
Capybara + RSpec - ruby dsl-based web ui qa automationCapybara + RSpec - ruby dsl-based web ui qa automation
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The document discusses RSpec and Capybara, which are the most popular and stable tools for web UI automation testing in Ruby. RSpec is a BDD framework that serves as a testing and assertion tool. Capybara is a web driver wrapper that allows automating interactions like visiting pages, filling forms, and clicking elements. The document provides examples of setting up RSpec and Capybara and matching common interactions and selectors.

capybara; rspec; qa automation; ruby
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Static Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in Ruby

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WebdriverIO allows controlling browsers using code and integrates with BDD frameworks like Cucumber and Mocha. It manages Selenium and supports various browsers. Tests are written with Gherkin feature files, step definitions convert these to code, and page objects represent page elements. The browser API allows interacting with pages by URL, waiting for elements, clicking, and more. Challenges include maintaining matching versions as browsers and drivers update.

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Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016
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Managing a Local WordPress Community, WordCamp Europe 2016

This document outlines how to manage a local WordPress community, including both online and offline aspects. It discusses establishing an online presence through blogs, forums, documentation and translations. It also covers growing an offline community through meetups and conferences. Specific recommendations are provided for keeping translations up to date, managing plugin and theme translations through, moderating support forums politely, developing documentation, and organizing WordPress meetups. The overall goal is to build and nurture a thriving local WordPress community.

Hands on Gradle
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Hands on Gradle

This document provides an overview of Gradle, an open-source build automation tool. It discusses why build systems are useful, common build options like Ant and Maven, and what makes Gradle unique. Key features of Gradle highlighted include its task-based build flow, robust dependency management, flexibility, and support for plugins. Examples are provided for basic Gradle usage and building Java, web, and Android projects with Gradle.

Jekyll pros:
Jekyll pros:
well-known, standard for site generators
Jekyll pros:
well-known, standard for site generators
many plugins/frameworks (e.g. Octopress)
Static Sites in Ruby

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Bolts  Bolts

- Bolts is a library for asynchronous programming and tasks like JavaScript promises. It allows data changes to automatically propagate through a system using functional reactive programming (FRP). - A task represents an asynchronous operation that may complete at some point in the future. Properties allow tracking the last value of a data sequence. Tasks and properties are part of FRP. - Bolts provides features like chaining tasks together using continueWithBlock:, canceling tasks, and coordinating multiple dependent tasks. It aims to tame asynchronous programming beyond just promises.

Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend
Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontendAndrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend
Andrew Mykhaliuk - Sorry, I need to make a build for frontend

The document discusses optimizing a frontend build process. It recommends using Webpack or Rollup as the module bundler and decomposing the build into separate steps like compiling assets, JavaScript, and styles. It also suggests using tools like Babel, TypeScript, and PostCSS loaders to optimize builds and provides examples of build processes for frameworks like Angular and React. Optimization techniques mentioned include using HappyPack, thread-loader, and hard-source-webpack-plugin to parallelize and cache work to speed up builds.

React Native for ReactJS Devs
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React Native for ReactJS Devs

This document introduces React Native, which allows developers to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android from JavaScript. React Native uses React to construct mobile user interfaces and allows sharing of code across platforms. It renders native UI components rather than webviews, supports flexbox layout, and exposes platform APIs. Developers can build full-stack universal apps that share code between web and mobile using React Native and tools like Redux. It provides benefits like hot reloading, native performance, and the ability to add it incrementally to existing apps.

reactsoftware developmentreact-native
Jekyll pros:
well-known, standard for site generators
many plugins/frameworks (e.g. Octopress)
automatic Github Pages build
What's missing from
Static Sites in Ruby
What's missing from Jekyll

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Fast Slim Correct: The History and Evolution of JavaScript.
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Overview / extracts from presentations at conference about topics that were more interesting to me.

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The document discusses considerations for teaching Ruby on Rails. It notes that students come with a wide range of experience, from true beginners to veteran developers, and the content must be tailored accordingly. Managing student expectations is important, as the hype around Rails can raise expectations that are difficult to meet for beginners. Follow-through after initial lessons is also key to student retention, such as providing a roadmap for further learning.

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Middleman Demo
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Things IT Undergrads Should Know (But Don't)

This document provides advice for IT undergrads on things they should know but often don't. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses that the most important language for undergrads to know is SQL. It also notes that employers hire programmers based on their problem-solving skills rather than specific languages. Undergrads should focus on learning fundamentals in college and exploring outside projects as soft skills and adaptability are crucial for success in the real world of constantly changing requirements and impossible deadlines.

software developmentsoftware engineeringcomputer science
Spiritual mapping
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Spiritual mapping

This document provides an overview of spiritual mapping and the deployment of seers. It discusses a prophetic act over Negros Island covering it with prayer shawls, red cloth for protection, and blue cloth for open heavens. It encourages a word fast on 1 Corinthians 13 to focus on living in love. It analyzes the scripture in Numbers 13 about spying out the land of Canaan. Key places discussed include Egypt, the Negev desert, Hebron, and the Valley of Eshkol. The meanings of related words are explored. Uniting in love through Hebron is emphasized for experiencing the fruits of destiny like in Eshkol, though occupants like the Canaanites present opposition.

nihoplast daysschool of the prophets
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0
Upgrading to Ruby 2.1, Rails 4.0, Bootstrap 3.0

Supporting slides for my talk on how to Upgrade from Ruby 1.9.3 to Ruby 2.1, Rails 3.2 to 4.0, Bootstrap 2.3 to 3.0

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Static Sites in Ruby
Static Sites in Ruby
Thank you for listening!
Bryan Bibat
@bry_bibat |

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From Doghouses to Skyscrapers

The document provides advice for preparing a career in IT. It recommends first asking yourself why you want to pursue IT, as having a passion for the field rather than just the money will lead to greater success and satisfaction. Second, it suggests building a portfolio of projects to demonstrate skills and experience to potential employers. Establishing an online presence through a personal website or contributing to local communities can help showcase abilities and get noticed.

Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)
Things Future IT Students Should Know (But Don't)

The document discusses what future IT students should know about their field of study and career. It emphasizes that the goal of an IT degree is to learn how to solve human problems using computers. It stresses developing strong problem-solving, communication, and social skills which are more important than specific technical skills. Companies hire based on an individual's ability to solve problems rather than their particular degree. The document advises students to gain experience through projects, explore new technologies, and collaborate with others to prepare for an ever-changing career where adaptability is key.

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