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Successful Freelancing
    for WebGeeks
Successful Freelancing
    for WebGeeks
What is “success”?
Fame? Fortune?

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Danil panasenko job interview[1]
Danil panasenko job interview[1]Danil panasenko job interview[1]
Danil panasenko job interview[1]

The document discusses topics that may be of interest to employers during job interviews, such as an applicant's motivation, communication skills, flexibility, and stress management. It also lists some questions employers should avoid asking due to legal restrictions, such as those about age, family plans, disabilities, or religion. The document provides examples of illegal questions and suggests alternative legal questions employers could ask instead. It concludes by listing references used to compile the information about legal and illegal interview questions.

5 tools to develop a creative mindset
5 tools to develop a creative mindset5 tools to develop a creative mindset
5 tools to develop a creative mindset

Today, it is not the lack of knowledge that prevents many of us from coming up with successful solutions to our life problems, but it is the lack of creativity. Each of us lives a different lifestyle, this means we have to learn how to use the same knowledge in a creative way that fits our own lifestyle and to solve our daily life problems. Discover 5 tools to develop a creative mindset.

creativitypersonal developmentself-esteem
Find your true passion and do what you love to do
Find your true passion and do what you love to doFind your true passion and do what you love to do
Find your true passion and do what you love to do

There's no secret about success. Great business requires heart and dedication. Successful people win because they love what they do. Actually, your noble passion is your mission.

businessgoalsefective communication
If that's the case, then I'm not successful
No car
No fancy gadgets
  Not famous
But success is not that simple
before you leap

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#WAC2011 workshopdag: Neil Patel
#WAC2011 workshopdag: Neil Patel#WAC2011 workshopdag: Neil Patel
#WAC2011 workshopdag: Neil Patel

This document provides exercises and tips for getting the most out of a website, including getting back to basics testing, stopping copying competitors and instead focusing on user needs, prioritizing people over visitor numbers, satisfying users and communicating with transparency, creating a yearly plan, and showing concrete numbers rather than percentages. It encourages testing different approaches, lowering barriers to entry, and not getting ahead of proven results.

by BBP
1. communication methods pro forma(1)
1. communication methods pro forma(1)1. communication methods pro forma(1)
1. communication methods pro forma(1)

The document discusses various communication methods for evaluating advertising projects: 1. Mind maps, mood boards, style sheets, and layout plans were used to generate initial ideas. These methods allowed adding many ideas easily but may lack depth. 2. Brainstorming, group idea generation, and informal pitches provided additional ideas and feedback to refine concepts. Working with others improved ideas but some lost interest using others' concepts. 3. Formal proposals and sketches required thoroughly thinking through the project, but took more time and some found them difficult to complete. Overall, the low-effort initial methods were preferred for idea generation while feedback from others helped strengthen concepts.

The Third Way
The Third WayThe Third Way
The Third Way

The document discusses a "Third Way" perspective for achieving goals and moving past failures. It advocates setting clear goals and breaking them into manageable steps. It also recommends addressing self-doubt by gaining perspective on past failures using facts and discovering lessons learned ("PFD"). The Third Way approach involves regular coaching sessions to set goals, track progress, and use the PFD method to overcome obstacles from a neutral perspective.

before you leap
Understand Success
before you leap
stuff you have to do before you go freelance

                  Bryan Bibat
          Freelance Software Developer
Before everything else...

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Do What You Love (or your work life will totally suck)
Do What You Love (or your work life will totally suck)Do What You Love (or your work life will totally suck)
Do What You Love (or your work life will totally suck)

We’ve all been there: working jobs that we don’t like for “good money”, while having the nagging suspicion that we could be doing something so much more satisfying and fulfilling. This is an opportunity to get past fears and instead be inspired and excited about doing what you *really* want to be doing for work in your life.

How to Find your Passion and love your work every day? @CoachAkanksha
How to Find your Passion and love your work every day? @CoachAkankshaHow to Find your Passion and love your work every day? @CoachAkanksha
How to Find your Passion and love your work every day? @CoachAkanksha

7 step Guide to Discover your Passion. Follow this step by step process to understand what your passion is! @CoachAkanksha

Social Media Brand
Social Media BrandSocial Media Brand
Social Media Brand

Ryan Larimore outlines his goals of continuing to network in sports media and ultimately becoming a Detroit sports media mogul through various platforms like radio, newspapers, blogs, Twitter and Facebook. He discusses including writing samples and audio clips in his portfolio and objectives of being the best he can while maintaining a work-life balance. Larimore's career goals are to be the go-to guy for sports news locally and maintain being a journalist first while having a daily radio show. He acknowledges weaknesses in procrastination and motivation but opportunities in a new sports blog and gathering campus experience. Larimore's plan is to get himself out there without fear of failure and define success as doing his best both in work and other aspects of life while being

by Ryan
The “Fresh Grad” Question
Should I go freelance right after
      graduating college?
work for “the man” first

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The document discusses failing and failure. It defines failure as having a dream, wanting to change the world, putting your heart and soul into work, and sacrificing everything despite others saying it's impossible. The author notes that failing is part of succeeding, most startups fail, and innovating often involves failure according to Woody Allen. The document also discusses failures of the author's own companies or projects and lessons learned from each experience.

Litany of Unfinished Business
Litany of Unfinished BusinessLitany of Unfinished Business
Litany of Unfinished Business

This document discusses Robert Stephens' thoughts on unfinished business and ways to improve the retail shopping experience. It suggests that Google could build a retail store combining the wide product selection of Best Buy with Google's search functionality and algorithms. The document also includes sample questions from a pre-employment assessment focusing on curiosity and problem-solving.

7 ways how entrepreneurship can help you with your career
7 ways how entrepreneurship can help you with your career7 ways how entrepreneurship can help you with your career
7 ways how entrepreneurship can help you with your career

It is one thing to know what your strengths, talents, and passion are; but to apply them successfully into the real world to develop a successful career is another area of learning that you would have to learn and know. Discover 7 ways how entrepreneurship education can help you become successful in your career.

Of course there are exceptions.
And I encourage students to go
 freelance before graduating.
With that out of the way...
1. Do your homework.

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10 ways to motivate yourself to do homework
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10 ways to motivate yourself to do homework

Know how to get inspiration to carry out your homework assignments on time. Here are top 10 practical methods dedicated to keeping yourself motivated to do homework.

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Django BarCamp SF 2014: Technical Interviews for Beginners
Django BarCamp SF 2014: Technical Interviews for BeginnersDjango BarCamp SF 2014: Technical Interviews for Beginners
Django BarCamp SF 2014: Technical Interviews for Beginners

This is a talk/discussion I gave at Django BarCamp 2014 on basic hints and tips for beginners to technical interviews. If you want a more detailed talk, see

django barcamptechnical interviews
How to study effectively?
How to study effectively?How to study effectively?
How to study effectively?

How to study effectively using few important strategies. If you are a student and you like to know what the most effective way to study? This question comes to mind only a really intelligent student. In this video, I will tell you few essential approaches that are the necessity for a student to get a plus marks in very short time.

studystudytipsstudy effectively
• Why do I want to go freelance?
before you leap
• Pros and Cons of Freelancing
• Do I have the skills to go at it alone?

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Career choices and planning
Career choices and planningCareer choices and planning
Career choices and planning

The document provides career advice for university students, recommending that they gain internship experience in fields they may be interested in, pursue higher education such as a master's degree if desired, and consider working for the family business or getting additional private sector experience first if that option is available. It emphasizes the importance of networking, developing niche skills, and having clear goals for one's career path or education plans after graduating.

careercareer planning
5 ways to learn
5 ways to learn5 ways to learn
5 ways to learn

Discover 5 different ways to help you learn and grow. Each type of learning teaches you different knowledge that you might not aware of. Second, each type of learning provides you with a different format to apply your knowledge creativity and successfully. Third, each type of learning gives you a different experience to understand yourself and life more.

Got skills? Get Paid!
Got skills? Get Paid!Got skills? Get Paid!
Got skills? Get Paid!

Ever thought about a career as a freelance librarian? This presentation shows you how to think about your skills and interests and use them to pursue freelance careers outside of the traditional library career path.

freelance librarianshipinformation entrepreneursrecovering from layoff
2. Plan
• What are my short-term
  and long-term goals?
• What do I want?
• What don't I want?

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The Freelance Primer: Your First Year as a Freelancer
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The Freelance Primer: Your First Year as a Freelancer

Just going Solo or need to get back to the basics. This talk will get you a solid foundation and get you the right setup so that you can kick ass. * Why you ALWAYS get a deposit * How to get a business license and what form of business to choose * Don't be a cowboy, get input from the right people * Why you should clock your time, even if your aren't paid for it * Contracts matter - finding a template you can use * The IRS is watching: separate bank accounts and track your finances * Planing makes you real money: think about deductions and expenses now * Avoid the bad projects and evil clients with a project checklist * 6 months in the bank = freedom to define your terms * And so much more...

saleslean startupsmall business
Obstacles and Solutions of Freelancing
Obstacles and Solutions of FreelancingObstacles and Solutions of Freelancing
Obstacles and Solutions of Freelancing

The document defines freelancing and provides its history, modes of operation, payment methods, benefits and obstacles. Freelancing allows individuals to work independently for multiple clients without long-term commitments. It provides benefits like flexible hours, expanded market reach, and improved skills. However, freelancers may face obstacles like finding clients, low initial income, and late payments that can be addressed through strategies such as using freelance websites, focusing on fixed-price work, and clear communication.

oDesk Freelancer Manual
oDesk Freelancer ManualoDesk Freelancer Manual
oDesk Freelancer Manual

The oDesk Freelancer Manual is your comprehensive guide to online work success! Click "Save" to download today. From finding great jobs that fit your skills to increasing your earnings and getting stellar feedback, this guide to oDesk has you covered. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re already well on your way to success, the oDesk Freelancer Manual can give you the edge in landing more jobs and growing your business.

online workplacefreelancingonline employment
• What are my strengths and weaknesses?
Make the most of your strengths
 Work around your weaknesses
• What else do I need to succeed?
• Can I do part-time first?

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Linked in
Linked inLinked in
Linked in

This document provides tips for using LinkedIn to increase the visibility of personal and company profiles. It recommends creating a complete personal profile with recommendations and a strong network. It also suggests establishing a company presence on LinkedIn and promoting both profiles by engaging with the LinkedIn community and other online and offline methods.

Lib hero quest
Lib hero questLib hero quest
Lib hero quest

This document contains questions about characters from children's books like Horton and the Lorax, the Magic Tree House series, and book heroes. It asks the reader to click on links and find hidden items on the page to answer questions about the stories, characters, and a school library. The purpose seems to be an interactive quiz or scavenger hunt to engage children and get them thinking about different books and characters.

Making Connections, Building Relationships
Making Connections, Building RelationshipsMaking Connections, Building Relationships
Making Connections, Building Relationships

The document discusses the importance of networking and building relationships to support student success. It provides information about various programs and services that can help schools assist students, including: 1) partnerships to create new learning experiences and support Year 12 attainment; 2) career guidance services from the Career Centre; 3) workforce development centres providing career advice and workshops; and 4) programs to engage Aboriginal youth. Attendees are encouraged to make connections at the forum to help students through collaboration.

career development
3. Get your (financial) shit together
L'argent est un bon serviteur,
      mais un méchant maître.
(Money is a good servant, a dangerous master.)

           - Francis Bacon
• Know how much you spend in a month.
Multiply it by 6.

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Prezentace polsko cesko finska
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Prezentace polsko cesko finska

The document repeats the words Czech, Polish, and Finnish. It also contains lines that say "Days We Like Finland" and discusses Czech, Polish, and Finnish in a positive manner.

Zur Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen
Zur Weiterentwicklung von OrganisationenZur Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen
Zur Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen

Ein kleiner Mashup aus meinen anderen Präsentationen. Vorgetragen im Kulturhofkeller zu Villach, am 14.09.2011. Der Upload erfolgt zu Dokumentationszwecken, die Folien sprechen ohne Tonspur nicht für sich selbst. Hauptthema der Präsentation waren neue Anforderungen an Organisationen und wie diese sich verändern müssen, um stetigen Wandel zu leben. Die Aussagen sind bewusst plakativ gewählt, die meisten Infos folgen auf der Tonspur. Die Aussagen spiegeln nicht zwingend die Meinung meines Arbeitgebers wieder.

neue medienauthentizitätunternehmensentwicklung
Down Came the Construction Industry
Down Came the Construction IndustryDown Came the Construction Industry
Down Came the Construction Industry

The document discusses how 81% of construction projects in Oregon are awarded through exemptions from public bidding, favoring a small number of large contractors. It notes that in 2005, over $1.3 billion in public contracts went to just 7 contractors. This lack of available public projects is causing many other qualified contractors and subcontractors to go out of business. The document argues that exemptions allow favoritism and lack of transparency, and that more projects should be open to public bidding to allow fair competition.

That's how much you need to save.
• Frugal ≠ Cheap
Spend on what matters.
• Money = Time

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Iar speeches
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This document discusses the animal skinning process used in the fashion industry. It examines how animals are raised and killed for their fur and skin. Various photos and videos from organizations like PETA showcase the treatment of animals on fur farms and in slaughterhouses. The document aims to bring awareness to the inhumane practices of the fur trade and its environmental impacts through the use of multiple credible photo credits and sources.

Existential school
Existential schoolExistential school
Existential school

This document describes an existentialist school where students are able to choose their own subjects and activities. The purpose is to help students discover meaning in their own lives and build curiosity. There are no set classes or curriculum - students learn through self-directed means like field trips and discussions held in various outdoor settings. The school philosophy encourages treating students like adults who can make their own choices about learning.

Frsa flash 10 may
Frsa flash 10 mayFrsa flash 10 may
Frsa flash 10 may

This document provides a summary of upcoming events and activities at Fort Drum for the week of May 10, 2012. It includes Family Readiness Group meetings for various units happening between May 11-16. It also lists upcoming training opportunities through Army Community Service like Family Readiness Classes. Other sections provide information on chapel services, things to do around post, youth activities, single soldier events and recurring community events. The document aims to keep military families and soldiers informed of support resources and entertainment options available through Fort Drum.

• last thing...
Just... no.
Much better
Additional Resources

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Va laws internet safety
Va laws internet safetyVa laws internet safety
Va laws internet safety

This document provides information from a presentation on internet safety given to students. It discusses laws in Virginia related to computer use and harassment, as well as dangers of the internet like cyberbullying, sexting, and inappropriate messages. It provides strategies for safe internet use such as only interacting with known individuals, avoiding sharing personal information, and reporting any inappropriate behavior.

technologyinternet safety

This document contains profile information about Mr. Yasinthon O. Pothong. It provides his name, nickname, birthdate, age, school, blood type, career aspirations, favorite fiction books including Harry Potter and The Twilight Saga, favorite computer games like DotA and Ragnarok Online, and physics idols Dr. Burin Gumjadpai and Dr. Thiranee Khumlumlert. Contact information is also listed.

Welcome to jeopardy
Welcome to jeopardyWelcome to jeopardy
Welcome to jeopardy

This document introduces the quiz game Jeopardy, where contestants are given answers and must respond with the question. It provides the categories and points for a Jeopardy game board, including People, Fruit, Sports, Architecture, and Jobs. It then provides clues in the form of answers and prompts players to respond with the question. The clues cover topics like presidents, inventors, athletes, fruits, sports, landmarks and occupations.

jeopardy game
before you leap
Thank you for listening!
● Do your research. A lot of it.

● Set objectives and goals. Determine the

  best way to meet them.
● Get the money “problem” out of the way.

  | @bry_bibat

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Shift happens in gardens 2010
Shift happens in gardens 2010Shift happens in gardens 2010
Shift happens in gardens 2010

The document discusses the benefits of natural environments and gardens for well-being. It notes that a 1983 study found that patients recovered from gallbladder surgery more quickly when they had a view of trees rather than a wall. The document also discusses various community garden programs in the UK that engage people of different ages and backgrounds, and the benefits, challenges and strategies for developing such initiatives. It emphasizes connecting gardens to communities and exploring local garden areas.

Lesson 19
Lesson 19Lesson 19
Lesson 19

This lesson covers various techniques for organizing and formatting worksheets in Excel, including hiding and freezing rows and columns, adding and renaming worksheets, setting page layout options, and formatting cell contents through methods like conditional formatting and styles. Specific skills covered are sorting and filtering data, and saving workbooks in PDF and XPS formats to preserve formatting.

Time Management
Time ManagementTime Management
Time Management

The document discusses capitalizing on cultural capital by effectively managing time. It identifies common barriers to time management like procrastination, stress, and overcommitment. The document provides exercises to help readers complete a weekly schedule, identify time wasters, and set SMART goals with accountability partners to optimize time usage.

time management

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