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Building a Modern Web
Application in the Cloud
by Jesus Manuel Olivas / weKnow#TecNerd
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Jesus Manuel Olivas

Mexico + California

California + Mexico
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Presenters:David Lemphers Mon 7/13 | 5:00 PM-6:00 PM | 220-222 Attend this session to see how partners can take advantage of the Azure services to help advance their business. You will have the opportunity to learn about the basic partnering models, how partners can make money, scenarios by partner type (e.g., ISV, System Integrator, VAR) and hear from partners about their experiences in working with Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and .NET Services. (Session Title Change from: Azure Services Platform 101)

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> What is the Cloud?
> Benefits
> Providers and Services
> Tools
> PaaS
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The document discusses several latest trends in open source web technologies, including cloud computing, HTML5, programming languages like JavaScript and Lisp, NoSQL databases, and free and open source software gaining more traction. Specifically, it covers how cloud computing can reduce costs by having infrastructure handled by providers like Amazon, HTML5 becoming a replacement for technologies like Flash, and how functional programming languages allow for concise yet powerful code.

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What is the Cloud?
The cloud refers to software and
services that run on the Internet,
instead of locally on your computer.
Developing in the cloud enables
users to get their applications to
market quickly.
Hardware failures do not result in
data loss because of networked

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Runa is a SaaS startup that uses machine learning and big data techniques to dynamically insert personalized promotions on e-commerce merchants' websites in real-time. They capture activity data from every merchant page view and store it indefinitely as the number of merchants grows. Their tech challenges include handling the step function increase in data from adding merchants, batch processing for analytics, and real-time rule-based promotions. They initially prototyped on AWS for its flexibility and low costs, and have since incrementally added more scalable technologies like Hadoop, HBase, and Chef on AWS to handle their growing infrastructure needs.

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***** Cloud Masters Program: ***** This Edureka tutorial on "Introduction To Cloud” will introduce you to basics of cloud computing and talk about different types of Cloud provides and its Service models. Following is the list of content covered in this tutorial: 1. What is Cloud? 2. Uses of Cloud 3. Service Models 4. Deployment Models 5. Cloud Providers 6. Cloud Demo - AWS, Google Cloud, Azure Check out our Playlists, AWS : Google Cloud :

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How cloud computing has changed the enterprises forever
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Cloud computing delivers computing services over the internet, allowing data to be accessible from any device anywhere. It has changed enterprises by allowing companies to access resources easily without advanced planning or large expenditures. Cloud computing offers reduced costs by eliminating server maintenance costs, global reach by deploying applications worldwide, and quick access to resources by providing them in minutes instead of weeks. It has provided a level playing field for organizations of all sizes and allowed millions to access resources that previously would have been expensive or inaccessible.

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Cloud-computing uses remote
resources, saving organizations
the cost of managing servers.

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1. The cloud provides on-demand access to computing resources like servers, storage, databases, and applications over the internet. 2. Using the cloud provides flexibility, security, and enables innovation by allowing easy scaling of resources and focusing on building applications rather than infrastructure. 3. The cloud reduces the need for companies to purchase their own hardware and maintain their own data centers, instead paying only for the resources they use on a pay-as-you-go model.

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Software is evolving at a rapid pace, and new technologies like serverless allow us to build and operate applications in completely new ways. In this talk we will take a look at how we can leverage the cloud to build a modern application, different ways to pick components and why we should keep evolving our architecture.

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Cloud Computing is used for storing, accessing data and programs over the internet. It basically means that you no longer use computer’s hard drive to store or access data.

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Small firms often need a powerful solution to manage their accounting tasks. QuickBooks Cloud Hosting is one such solution. Check out these slides to know more.

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xiii Preface How can a company create an application that has truly global reach and that can scale rapidly to meet sudden, massive spikes in demand? Historically, companies had to invest in building an infrastructure capable of supporting such an application themselves and, typically, only large companies would have the resources available to risk such an enterprise. Building and managing this kind of infrastructure is not cheap, especially because you have to plan for peak demand, which often means that much of the capacity sits idle for much of the time. The cloud has changed the rules of the game. By making the infrastructure available on a “pay as you go” basis, creating a massively scalable, global application is within the reach of both large and small companies. The cloud platform provides you with access to capacity on demand, fault tolerance, distributed computing, data centers located around the globe, and the capability to integrate with other platforms. Someone else is responsible for managing and maintaining the entire infrastructure, and you only pay for the resources that you use in each billing period. You can focus on using your core domain expertise to build and then deploy your application to the data center or data centers closest to the people who use it. You can then monitor your applications, and scale up or scale back as and when the capacity is required. Yes, by locating your applications in the cloud you’re giving up some control and autonomy, but you’re also going to benefit from reduced costs, increased flexibility, and scalable computation and storage. This guide shows you how to do this.

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Moving apps to the cloud 3rd edition

How can a company’s applications be scalable and have high availability? To achieve this, along with developing the applications, you must also have an infrastructure that can support them. For example, you may need to add servers or increase the capacities of existing ones, have redundant hardware, add logic to the application to handle distributed computing, and add mechanisms to handle failover. You have to do this even if an application is in high demand for only short periods of time. Life becomes even more complicated (and expensive) when you start to consider issues such as network latency and security boundaries. The cloud offers a solution to this dilemma. The cloud is made up of interconnected servers located in various data centers. However, you see what appears to be a centralized location that someone else hosts and manages. By shifting the responsibility of maintaining an infrastructure to someone else, you’re free to concentrate on what matters most: the application. If the cloud has data centers in different geographical areas, you can move your content closer to the people who are using it most. If an application is heavily used in Asia, have an instance running in a data center located there. This kind of flexibility may not be available to you if you have to own all the hardware. Another advantage to the cloud is that it’s a “pay as you go” proposition. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to pay for it. When demand is high, you can scale up, and when demand is low, you can scale back. Yes, by moving applications to the cloud, you’re giving up some control and autonomy, but you’re also going to benefit from reduced costs, increased flexibility, and scalable computation and storage. This guide shows you how to do this. Who This Book Is For This book is the first volume in a series about Windows Azure. It demonstrates how you can adapt an existing, on-premises ASP.NET application to one that operates in the cloud. The book is intended for any architect, developer, or information technology (IT) professional who designs, builds, or operates applications and services that are appropriate for the cloud. Although applications do not need to be based on the Microsoft Windows operating system to work in Windows Azure or written using a .NET language, this book is written for people who work with Windows-based systems. You should be familiar with the Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Visual Studio, ASP.NET, and Microsoft Visual C#.

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Cloud computing allows users to access computer data and software over the internet rather than locally. It provides scalable computing resources and software as a service delivered via web browsers. Key benefits include scalability, device and location independence, lower costs due to pay-per-use models, reliability through multiple data centers, and not having to worry about software maintenance and hardware upgrades. A demonstration of Google Apps for Business was provided to illustrate cloud applications.

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