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Obama For America on AWS

Younjin Jeong
Solutions Architect
What am I talking about today?
What was OFA? Why is this relevant?
• Who did it?
• What did they build?

How did they do that?
• Technologies and Tradeoffs
• Services vs. Software

What did they learn from building something so big?
Full Disclosure
I work for AWS
AWS does not endorse
political candidates
Yes, I talk too much
So here’s the Idea
~30th biggest E-commerce operation, globally
~200 distinct new applications, many mobile
Hundreds of new, untested analytical approaches
Processing hundreds of TB of data on thousands of servers
Spikes of hundreds of thousands of concurrent users


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Real time data analytics - part 1 - backend infrastructure
Real time data analytics - part 1 - backend infrastructureReal time data analytics - part 1 - backend infrastructure
Real time data analytics - part 1 - backend infrastructure

Building a real time data analysis infrastructure is a challenging task that requires experienced engineers. With AWS services, you can do it in a matter of minutes, scale it easily to handle almost unlimited load, and keep it as a low cost infrastructure. This session is an opportunity to see a live demo on building an infrastructure using a combination of Amazon Kinesis, Redshift, DynamoDB, EMR and CloudSearch, to collect, process and share data.

tel-aviv 2014summitaws
Scala bay meetup 9.17.2015 - Presentation 1
Scala bay meetup 9.17.2015 - Presentation 1Scala bay meetup 9.17.2015 - Presentation 1
Scala bay meetup 9.17.2015 - Presentation 1

The document discusses Comcast's journey towards continuous delivery. It describes how Comcast has transitioned from a process where deployments were done by many humans over much time, to one where a single human and many machines can deploy changes much faster. It introduces "Gumby", a tool developed by Comcast to automate deployments across various cloud platforms like vSphere, Openstack, and EC2 using technologies like Puppet, Git, and Cloud-Init. Gumby started as an experiment using Play and Akka but was rewritten using Spray and Akka to scale deployments. It is now used to deploy around 60% of Comcast's X1 backend infrastructure.

scalascalabaycontinuous delivery
Sensors & Internet of Things: Backend Infrastructure at Dublin Websummit
Sensors & Internet of Things: Backend Infrastructure at Dublin WebsummitSensors & Internet of Things: Backend Infrastructure at Dublin Websummit
Sensors & Internet of Things: Backend Infrastructure at Dublin Websummit

In this talk from the Dublin Websummit 2014 AWS Technical Evangelist Danilo Poccia discusses using the AWS cloud to support Sensor-based Internet of Things applications. Includes a discussion of the architectural patterns for creating event processing applications and techniques for ensuring the security of IoT applications, using the AWS SDKs to integrate sensors with the cloud and techniques for building Geo-spacial applications on the AWS cloud.

awsamazon web servicesdanilo poccia
a few constraints…
~30th biggest E-commerce operation, globally
~200 distinct applications, many mobile
Hundreds of new, untested analytical approaches
Processing hundreds of TB of data on thousands of servers
Spikes of hundreds of thousands of concurrent users
Critically compressed budget
Less than a year to execute
Volunteer and near-volunteer development team
Core systems will be used for a single critical day
Constitutionally-mandated completion date

Built by guys and gals like these: Obama For America
Business as usual..

…for a technology startup

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DEV+OPS: How to automate infrastructure - Cloud Expo Europe 2016
DEV+OPS: How to automate infrastructure - Cloud Expo Europe 2016DEV+OPS: How to automate infrastructure - Cloud Expo Europe 2016
DEV+OPS: How to automate infrastructure - Cloud Expo Europe 2016

L'histoire de l'informatique jeune: En moins de 50 ans l'informatique a révolutionné l'industrie et la société. En conséquence, la façon dont nous, informaticiens, travaillons est encore "artisanale" par endroit. Si l'on considère les processus de développement aujourd'hui, nous pouvons parler d'usine logicielle. Les tâches fastidieuses peuvent être automatisées et ce du démarage d'un projet à l'intégration continue du service. Mais aujourd'hui tout le secteur de l'hébergement n'a pas encore complètement automatisé de façon similaire: industrialisé de bout en bout. La perte de productivité est phénoménale. Et c'est que ce Quentin ADAM va aborder au cours de cette conférence.

Lessons From Officeworks on Optimising Persistent Storage on AWS (Sponsored b...
Lessons From Officeworks on Optimising Persistent Storage on AWS (Sponsored b...Lessons From Officeworks on Optimising Persistent Storage on AWS (Sponsored b...
Lessons From Officeworks on Optimising Persistent Storage on AWS (Sponsored b...

Learn how Officeworks leverages NetApp’s Cloud Data Services to simplify storage and radically reduce costs. Greg Rose, Principal Systems Engineer at Officeworks, will share first-hand experience using Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS and Amazon S3 with NetApp Cloud Volumes. See how Officeworks instantly creates multi-protocol persistent storage volumes, clones data for easy Dev & Test, utilizes de-duplication to reduce volume sizes, and automatically tiers their data to Amazon S3. Leveraging Officeworks’ techniques with NetApp’s Cloud Volumes, you too will get the most from your cloud investments.

Real time data analytics - Part 2 - Sensors & Internet of Things
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Real time data analytics - Part 2 - Sensors & Internet of Things

The rise of open-source electronics platforms has enabled makers and developers to build devices capable of interacting with our environment. The processing power of those devices is limited, but they are often equipped with internet access which allows them to use AWS to provide more features or data processing capabilities to their users. Companies such as Dropcam for video capture, or Illumina for DNA sequencing, already produce devices that directly use AWS to offer much richer services. This session shows how to use an Intel Galileo board to interact with the AWS API. The board will collect sensor data that will be sent to the real-time data analytics backend built during part 1.

awssummittel-aviv 2014
Election Day – OFA Headquarters
So they built it all, and it worked
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
Typical Charts

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Docker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS CloudDocker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS Cloud

This document discusses deploying Docker containers on Amazon Web Services. It covers using AWS services like EC2, OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk that support Docker. It describes using the EC2 Container Service for container management and deploying containers across a cluster of EC2 instances. It also discusses the immutable server pattern of deploying to new infrastructure with each release rather than changing existing servers.

Docker on AWS
Docker on AWSDocker on AWS
Docker on AWS

This document discusses using Docker on AWS. It describes using Docker to deploy highly scalable applications across multiple AWS regions and availability zones. It also discusses using a private Docker registry hosted on EC2 and S3 to store custom Docker images. Finally, it summarizes using Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) for container management on AWS, including concepts like clusters, tasks, and container instances.

20180309 DLIもくもく会 Deep Learning on AWS
20180309 DLIもくもく会 Deep Learning on AWS20180309 DLIもくもく会 Deep Learning on AWS
20180309 DLIもくもく会 Deep Learning on AWS

This document contains information about machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies on AWS including: - Amazon SageMaker for building, training, and deploying machine learning models. - NVIDIA GPU instances for deep learning workloads on AWS. - Greengrass for deploying machine learning models on edge devices. - Conferences and events related to AI/ML and AWS in Japan.

awssagemakerdeep learning
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
The old approach, even from Amazon 
The old approach.. Might have some problems..

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AWS for web developers
AWS for web developersAWS for web developers
AWS for web developers

A brief introduction to Amazon Web Services from a web developer's perspective. You'll find out what EC2, VPC and S3 stand for, you'll also learn the purpose of security groups, resource isolation and why it all matters for your application. This is a part of Mirumee Talks — an engineering meetup that is free for everyone to come and enjoy. We love sharing what we know and what we are currently up to our in the techy trenches. Talk. Share. Learn.

awsamazon web servicessoftware development
Designing for elasticity on AWS - 9.11.2015
Designing for elasticity on AWS - 9.11.2015Designing for elasticity on AWS - 9.11.2015
Designing for elasticity on AWS - 9.11.2015

This document summarizes a presentation about designing applications for elasticity on AWS. It discusses key AWS concepts like scalability, security, and elasticity. It emphasizes designing applications according to service-oriented architecture principles like loose coupling, abstraction, and reusability. It provides recommendations for implementing elasticity on AWS using services like Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and CloudWatch. The presenter advocates automating configurations and leveraging free tier services like Route53, CloudFront, and different instance types to optimize costs.

best practicesinformation technologyaws
CS80A Foothill College Open Source Talk
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CS80A Foothill College Open Source Talk

Netflix is a large streaming company with over 75 million members and 42.5 billion hours watched in 2015. The company has thousands of microservices and many tens of thousands of virtual machines across 3 regions worldwide. Netflix open sources much of its cloud platform technologies to get feedback, collaborate with others, and improve proven open source projects for its scale and availability. Open sourcing also helps with recruiting and retention by allowing candidates and engineers to work on the same projects they could at Netflix. Netflix's open source offerings like Spring Cloud and container technologies are widely used both publicly and internally at other large companies.

open sourcenetflixoss
Cloud Computing Benefits
No Up-Front
Capital Expense

Low Cost

Pay Only for
What You Use


Easily Scale
Up and Down

Improve Agility &

OFA’s Infrastructure
Web-Scale Applications
500k+ IOPS DB Systems

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How to monitor unknown third party code? One of the hardest challenges we face running Clever Cloud, apart from the impressive scale we face with hundreds of new applications per week, is the monitoring of unknown tech stacks. The first goal of rebuilding the monitoring platform was to accommodate the immutable infrastructure pattern that generates lots of ephemeral hosts every minute. The traditional approach is to focus on VMs or hosts, not applications. We needed to shift this into an approach of auto-discovery of metrics to monitor, allowing third party code to publish new items. This talk explains our journey in building Clever Cloud Metrics stack, heavily based on Warp10 (Kafka/Hadoop/Storm based) to deliver developer efficiency and trustability to our clients applications.

monitoringimmutable infrastructuretime series database
Immutable Cloud Infrastruture as Code 101
Immutable Cloud Infrastruture as Code 101Immutable Cloud Infrastruture as Code 101
Immutable Cloud Infrastruture as Code 101

Cloud Native Night Mai 2019, Mainz: Vortrag von Alex Krause (@alex0ptr, Senior Softwareingenieur bei QAware) Join our Meetup: == Dokument bitte herunterladen, falls unscharf! Please download slides if blurred! == Abstract: Eine solide Cloud Infrastruktur ist die Basis für Cloud-Native Applikationen. Diese muss genau wie die Anwendung einfach zu ändern, dynamisch skalierbar, hochverfügbar und sicher sein. Diese Anforderungen führen zu komplexen Strukturen, die selten von einzelnen Personen verwaltet werden. Zusätzlich ist es wünschenswert die Änderungen und die Erfüllung der Anforderungen nachvollziehbar über unterschiedliche Umgebungen hinweg zu dokumentieren. Glücklicherweise ist Cloud-Infrastruktur hochgradig automatisierbar. In diesem technisch orientierten Vortrag kombinieren wir Infrastructure as Code und Immutable Infrastructure um eine produktionsreife Cloud-Infrastruktur aufzubauen. Insbesondere Cloud Einsteigern geben wir hierdurch Tools wie cloud-init, Packer und Terraform in die Hand um Standard-Architekturen auf AWS den eigenen Anstrich zu verpassen. Code:

immutable cloud infrastructurecode 101cloud 101
서버리스(Serverless) 웹 애플리케이션 구축하기
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서버리스(Serverless) 웹 애플리케이션 구축하기

This document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the services it offers for building serverless applications. It discusses AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB and other core services. It also summarizes approaches for structuring applications using these serverless computing services and development best practices like testing and deployment.

Services API
Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase
NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch
Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES
Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS
CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups
Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS
cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery
Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R
asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit
DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB
Data Stores
Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase
NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch
Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES
Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS
CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups
Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS
cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery
Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R
asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit
DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB
Development Frameworks
Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase
NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch
Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES
Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS
CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups
Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS
cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery
Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R
asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit
DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB

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How to deploy machine learning models in the Cloud
How to deploy machine learning models in the CloudHow to deploy machine learning models in the Cloud
How to deploy machine learning models in the Cloud

Developing and experimenting with machine learning models in Python is easy and well supported by robust and agile libraries such as scikit-learn, although efficiently deploying multi-model systems at scale is still a challenge in the data science field. This talk will focus on the main issues related to deploying machine learning models and how to make scikit-learn production-ready with minimal operational efforts, by means of Cloud Computing services, in particular Amazon Web Services. Prerequisites: basic Machine Learning understanding (modeling and training), minimal knowledge about scikit-learn and Python utilities such as Pandas and boto.

pythonmachine learningcloud computing
AWS re:Invent 2016 Fast Forward
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AWS re:Invent 2016 Fast Forward

We, as KKStream / KKTV / KKBOX, just kicked off the 1st sharing session inside our organization, introducing the event, the new services and potentially some of our insights and opinions. Let's keep fingers crossed for the following deeper sessions.

Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?
Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?
Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?

Is Multi-Cloud good or bad? How about Serverless? The answer to all these questions is Yes, sometimes. Whether you're new to all this or a long-time industry veteran, you'll surely come away from this approachable talk with a new understanding of cutting edge technology and actionable insights on how to make smart trade offs. Vancouver Cloud Summit 2024 (2024-04-22)


Ad Targeting
Ops Tools

Etc, etc, etc.
Technology Choice
Polyglot Development
Cloud Hosting

Expected Tradeoff
More Complex Ops

Diverse, App-centered

Less Infra Control,
More Complex Ops,
Fragility, Data Corruption

SOA, queue-based system

Dev Complexity, slower
system performance
Technology Choice
Cloud Hosting
Diverse, Appcentered Databases
SOA, queue-based
system integrations

Expected Tradeoff
More Complex

Build as little as
possible, rev-1 faster,
reuse dev skills

Less Infra Control,
More Complex
Ops, Fragility,
Data Corruption

Scale, Speed, Cost

Dev Complexity,
slower system

flexibility, and
substantially faster
in aggregate

Resilience, right
tools for the job
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석

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Why Scale Matters and How the Cloud is Really Different (at scale)
Why Scale Matters and How the Cloud is Really Different (at scale)Why Scale Matters and How the Cloud is Really Different (at scale)
Why Scale Matters and How the Cloud is Really Different (at scale)

This document discusses how various companies scale their services and applications on AWS to handle large user loads and data volumes. It provides examples of Animoto handling over 1 billion files saved per day and Airbnb having over 9 million guests. It then outlines an approach for scaling an application from 1 user to millions by starting with EC2 instances, adding services like S3, DynamoDB, ElastiCache and auto-scaling groups. The document emphasizes using AWS managed services to avoid re-inventing solutions for tasks like queuing, storage and databases.

amazon web servicesawsexecutivesummit2014india
AWS Customer Presentation - Conde Nast
AWS Customer Presentation - Conde NastAWS Customer Presentation - Conde Nast
AWS Customer Presentation - Conde Nast

Customer Presentation by Conde Nast at the AWS Cloud for the Enterprise Event in NYC on October 19, 2009

s3enterprise eventweb apps
CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...
CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...
CMG2013 Workshop: Netflix Cloud Native, Capacity, Performance and Cost Optimi...

This document provides an overview of a workshop on cloud native, capacity, performance and cost optimization tools and techniques. It begins with introducing the difference between a presentation and workshop. It then discusses introducing attendees, presenting on various cloud native topics like migration paths and operations tools, and benchmarking Cassandra performance at scale across AWS regions. The goal is to explore cloud native techniques while discussing specific problems attendees face.

cloud nativecloud computingcloud
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
No time to waste
This applies to lots of services!

You can mostly do
these on your own…

But do you have extra:
focus, expertise, time, research,
money, risk-tolerance, staff,

dedication to

innovate, operations coverage, scalability in design...
Looks pretty simple.

Inserts 7.5m records in DynamoDB, in 8 minutes

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Gluecon 2013 - NetflixOSS Cloud Native Tutorial Introduction
Gluecon 2013 - NetflixOSS Cloud Native Tutorial IntroductionGluecon 2013 - NetflixOSS Cloud Native Tutorial Introduction
Gluecon 2013 - NetflixOSS Cloud Native Tutorial Introduction

Same basic flow as the keynote, but with a lot more detail, and we had a lot more interactive discussion rather than a presentation format. See part 2 for some more specific detail and links to other presentations.

netflixossglueconcloud native
10 Pro Tips for Scaling Your Startup from 0-10M Users
10 Pro Tips for Scaling Your Startup from 0-10M Users10 Pro Tips for Scaling Your Startup from 0-10M Users
10 Pro Tips for Scaling Your Startup from 0-10M Users

The document discusses 10 tips for startups and developers to scale their applications from 0 to 10 million users on AWS. It provides examples of startups like Airbnb and Foursquare that were able to scale significantly using AWS services for computing, storage, databases, analytics and more. The tips include using AWS services to solve problems instead of doing it yourself, focusing on product over infrastructure, using auto-scaling and reserved instances to optimize costs as user base grows.

How to build a social network on serverless
How to build a social network on serverlessHow to build a social network on serverless
How to build a social network on serverless

This document discusses building a social network using serverless architecture. It describes how the company moved from monolithic architecture to microservices, events, and serverless functions. This reduced costs by 95% compared to EC2 and allowed 15x more production releases per month. It also discusses challenges of testing, monitoring, security and other aspects of building serverless systems at scale.

serverlessawsaws lambda
One thing that is difficult to prepare for…
No pressure…
They had this built for the previous 3
months, all on the East Coast.
They had this built for the previous 3
months, all on the East Coast.

We built this
part in 9 hours
to be safe.

Puppet +
Netflix Asgard +
CloudOpt +
DevOps =

Cross-Continent FaultTolerance On-Demand

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How to Migrate your Startup to AWS
How to Migrate your Startup to AWSHow to Migrate your Startup to AWS
How to Migrate your Startup to AWS

Amazon Web Services provides startups with the low cost, easy to use infrastructure needed to scale and grow any size business. Attend this session and learn how to migrate your startup to AWS and make the most out of the platform.

Getting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon RedshiftGetting Started with Amazon Redshift
Getting Started with Amazon Redshift

Traditional data warehouses become expensive and slow down as the volume of your data grows. Amazon Redshift is a fast, petabyte-scale data warehouse that makes it easy to analyze all of your data using existing business intelligence tools for 1/10th the traditional cost. This session will provide an introduction to Amazon Redshift and cover the essentials you need to deploy your data warehouse in the cloud so that you can achieve faster analytics and save costs. We’ll also cover the recently announced Redshift Spectrum, which allows you to query unstructured data directly from Amazon S3.

UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015
UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015
UnConference for Georgia Southern Computer Science March 31, 2015

I presented to the Georgia Southern Computer Science ACM group. Rather than one topic for 90 minutes, I decided to do an UnConference. I presented them a list of 8-9 topics, let them vote on what to talk about, then repeated. Each presentation was ~8 minutes, (Except Career) and was by no means an attempt to explain the full concept or technology. Only to wake up their interest.

[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
Replication across the continent..
So what did they learn?
Game Day: Practice failures so you know what to do.
Loose-Coupling: Ops easy, scale easy, test easy, fix easy…
Fail-Forward: features, quality, and focus are all critical.

HA in Depth: S3 static pages, de-coupled UI, jekyll/hyde
Cloud works.
What will you do next?

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Real World Azure - IT Pros
Real World Azure - IT ProsReal World Azure - IT Pros
Real World Azure - IT Pros

TechNet Events Presents – for the IT Professional In this session, we will discuss: Azure architecture from the IT professional’s point of view Why an IT operations team would want to pursue Azure as an extension to the data center Configuration, deployment and scaling Azure-based applications The Azure roles (web, web service and worker) Azure storage options Azure security and identity options How Azure-based applications can be integrated with on-premises applications How operations teams can manage and monitor Azure-based applications

(BDT201) Big Data and HPC State of the Union | AWS re:Invent 2014
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(BDT201) Big Data and HPC State of the Union | AWS re:Invent 2014

Leveraging big data and high performance computing (HPC) solutions enables your organization to make smarter and faster decisions that influence strategy, increase productivity, and ultimately grow your business. We kick off the Big Data and HPC track with the latest advancements in data analytics, databases, storage, and HPC at AWS. Hear customer success stories and discover how to put data to work in your own organization.

big data & hpcbig dataaws-reinvent
Understanding cloud costs with analytics
Understanding cloud costs with analyticsUnderstanding cloud costs with analytics
Understanding cloud costs with analytics

This document discusses cloud computing costs and analytics. It begins by providing background on cloud infrastructure and operations. It then discusses challenges in understanding and managing cloud costs. The document outlines the history and services of RightScale, a company that provides cloud cost analytics. It concludes by discussing RightScale's customers and culture.

cloud computingcloud cost managementsoftware engineering
Maybe look at some of their Ruby code?
Redshift runs on HS type instances

HS1.8XL: 128 Go RAM, 16 Coeurs, 16 To de contenu compressé, 2 Go/sec en lecture

HS1.XL: 16 Go RAM, 2 Coeurs, 2 To de contenu compressé
Extra Large Node

Single node
Cluster 2-32 Nodes (4 To – 64 To)

Eight Extra Large Node (HS1.8XL)
Cluster 2-100 Nodes (32 To – 1.6 Po)

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Scale, baby, scale!
Scale, baby, scale!Scale, baby, scale!
Scale, baby, scale!

- The document outlines strategies for scaling applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) from a single instance to support millions of users. - It describes starting with a single EC2 instance and database and scaling out by adding more instances, load balancers, and managed database services. - The document recommends leveraging serverless architectures using services like AWS Lambda and managed services to build highly scalable and available applications without having to manage servers.

Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes
Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with NotesYow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes
Yow Conference Dec 2013 Netflix Workshop Slides with Notes

This document provides an overview and agenda for a workshop on patterns for continuous delivery, high availability, DevOps and cloud native development using NetflixOSS open source tools and frameworks. The presenter introduces himself and his background. The content covers Netflix's architecture evolution from monolithic to microservices, how Netflix scales on AWS, and principles and outcomes that enable cloud native development. The workshop then dives into specific NetflixOSS projects like Eureka, Cassandra, Zuul and Hystrix that help with service discovery, data storage, routing and availability. Tools for deployment, configuration, cost analysis and developer productivity are also discussed.

Japanese Startup Use-Cases and Tech Deep Dive
Japanese Startup Use-Cases and Tech Deep DiveJapanese Startup Use-Cases and Tech Deep Dive
Japanese Startup Use-Cases and Tech Deep Dive

This document discusses how Japanese startups are using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides examples of architectures that startups are using on AWS to build scalable and reliable applications. It also describes some events for startup CTOs hosted by AWS to facilitate knowledge sharing. Finally, it shares real use cases of Japanese startups leveraging different AWS services like EC2, RDS, S3, CloudFront, and CloudSearch to build their applications and handle traffic bursts.


10 GigE


Amazon DynamoDB
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석

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AWS Summit - Atlanta
AWS Summit - Atlanta AWS Summit - Atlanta
AWS Summit - Atlanta

This document provides information about various AWS services for machine learning, analytics, databases, and data lakes. It discusses Amazon SageMaker as a fully managed service that allows developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy machine learning models at scale. It also mentions Amazon Redshift as a data warehousing service for complex queries on large datasets and Amazon S3 as the most popular choice for data lakes with unmatched scalability, availability, and security capabilities.

cloudcloud computingmachine learning
Innovation at Amazon & Voice of Customer 雲端創新應用規模化
Innovation at Amazon & Voice of Customer 雲端創新應用規模化Innovation at Amazon & Voice of Customer 雲端創新應用規模化
Innovation at Amazon & Voice of Customer 雲端創新應用規模化

This document provides an overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities. It discusses how AWS offers a full suite of AI and ML services including tools for computer vision, natural language processing, forecasting, and more. It also outlines AWS's machine learning infrastructure which includes optimized hardware, frameworks, and SageMaker for building, training, and deploying models. AWS aims to put machine learning in the hands of every developer and data scientist.

Serverless in production, an experience report (IWOMM)
Serverless in production, an experience report (IWOMM)Serverless in production, an experience report (IWOMM)
Serverless in production, an experience report (IWOMM)

AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but this new serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems - how do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you monitor them? What about logging and config management? And how do we start migrating from existing architectures? In this talk Yan and Domas will discuss solutions to these challenges by drawing from real-world experience running Lambda in production and migrating from an existing monolithic architecture.

serverlessawsaws lambda
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석
[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석








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The document summarizes the 2015 Amazon Web Services re:Invent conference. It highlights the growth in attendance from 9,000 to 19,000. It outlines new computing and database services announced as well as analytics, security, and management tools. Examples are given of how Netflix and a content management system benefited from migrating to AWS. Lessons learned focused on not all features transferring directly and the learning curve involved. The document encourages hands-on learning with AWS free services and attending next year's conference.

[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora 활용 사례 방법
[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora  활용 사례 방법[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora  활용 사례 방법
[D3T1S01] Gen AI를 위한 Amazon Aurora 활용 사례 방법

DBA들이 Aurora MySQL과 Amazon Bedrock서비스를 연동한 생성형 AI를 어떻게 업무에 활용할지에 대해서 예제를 통해서 살펴보고, Aurora PostgreSQL의 pgVector를 Vector DB로써 어떻게 활용할수 있는지에 대해서 알아봅니다

[D3T1S06] Neptune Analytics with Vector Similarity Search
[D3T1S06] Neptune Analytics with Vector Similarity Search[D3T1S06] Neptune Analytics with Vector Similarity Search
[D3T1S06] Neptune Analytics with Vector Similarity Search

최근 관심이 많은 GenAI RAG 를 위한 Vector Similarity Search를 2023년 re:invent에서 발표한 Neptune Analytics 를 통해 구현하여 Graph Query를 함께 할 수 있는 구성을 예제와 함께 설명합니다.

Thank you!

Younjin Jeong - AWS

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[판교에서 만나는 아마존웹서비스] Obama for America를 통해서 본 AWS에서의 데이터 분석

  • 1. Obama For America on AWS Younjin Jeong Solutions Architect
  • 2. What am I talking about today? What was OFA? Why is this relevant? • Who did it? • What did they build? How did they do that? • Technologies and Tradeoffs • Services vs. Software What did they learn from building something so big?
  • 3. Full Disclosure I work for AWS AWS does not endorse political candidates Yes, I talk too much
  • 4. So here’s the Idea ~30th biggest E-commerce operation, globally ~200 distinct new applications, many mobile Hundreds of new, untested analytical approaches Processing hundreds of TB of data on thousands of servers Spikes of hundreds of thousands of concurrent users FUN FUN FUN
  • 5. a few constraints… ~30th biggest E-commerce operation, globally ~200 distinct applications, many mobile Hundreds of new, untested analytical approaches Processing hundreds of TB of data on thousands of servers Spikes of hundreds of thousands of concurrent users Critically compressed budget Less than a year to execute Volunteer and near-volunteer development team Core systems will be used for a single critical day Constitutionally-mandated completion date NOT NOT
  • 7. Built by guys and gals like these: Obama For America
  • 8. Business as usual.. …for a technology startup
  • 9. Election Day – OFA Headquarters
  • 10. So they built it all, and it worked
  • 14. How?
  • 15. The old approach, even from Amazon 
  • 16. The old approach.. Might have some problems..
  • 17. Cloud Computing Benefits No Up-Front Capital Expense Low Cost Pay Only for What You Use Self-Service Infrastructure Easily Scale Up and Down Improve Agility & Time-to-Market Deploy
  • 20. 500k+ IOPS DB Systems
  • 22. Ingredients Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB
  • 23. Data Stores Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB
  • 24. Development Frameworks Ubuntu nginx boundary Unity jQuery SQLServer hbase NewRelic EC2 node.js Cybersource hive ElasticSearch Ruby Twilio EE S3 ELB boto Magento PHP EMR SES Route53 SimpleDB Campfire nagios Paypal CentOS CloudSearch levelDB mongoDB python securitygroups Usahidhi PostgresSQL Github apache bootstrap SNS cloudformation Jekyll RoR EBS FPS VPC Mashery Vertica RDS Optimizely MySQL puppet tsunamiUDP R asgard cloudwatch ElastiCache cloudopt SQS cloudinit DirectConnect BSD rsync STS Objective-C dynamoDB
  • 26. Technology Choice Polyglot Development Cloud Hosting Expected Tradeoff More Complex Ops Diverse, App-centered Databases Less Infra Control, performance More Complex Ops, Fragility, Data Corruption SOA, queue-based system integrations Dev Complexity, slower system performance
  • 27. Technology Choice Polyglot Development Cloud Hosting Diverse, Appcentered Databases SOA, queue-based system integrations Expected Tradeoff More Complex Ops Upside Build as little as possible, rev-1 faster, reuse dev skills Less Infra Control, performance More Complex Ops, Fragility, Data Corruption Scale, Speed, Cost Dev Complexity, slower system performance Scalability, serviceability, operational flexibility, and substantially faster in aggregate Heterogeneous Resilience, right tools for the job
  • 30. No time to waste
  • 31. This applies to lots of services! ELB ElastiCache RDS CloudSearch Route53 S3 CloudFront DynamoDB You can mostly do these on your own… But do you have extra: focus, expertise, time, research, money, risk-tolerance, staff, dedication to innovate, operations coverage, scalability in design...
  • 32. Looks pretty simple. Inserts 7.5m records in DynamoDB, in 8 minutes
  • 33. One thing that is difficult to prepare for…
  • 35. They had this built for the previous 3 months, all on the East Coast.
  • 36. They had this built for the previous 3 months, all on the East Coast. We built this part in 9 hours to be safe. AWS + Puppet + Netflix Asgard + CloudOpt + DevOps = Cross-Continent FaultTolerance On-Demand
  • 38. Replication across the continent..
  • 39. So what did they learn? Game Day: Practice failures so you know what to do. Loose-Coupling: Ops easy, scale easy, test easy, fix easy… Fail-Forward: features, quality, and focus are all critical. HA in Depth: S3 static pages, de-coupled UI, jekyll/hyde Cloud works.
  • 40. What will you do next?
  • 41. Maybe look at some of their Ruby code?
  • 43. AMAZON REDSHIFT Redshift runs on HS type instances HS1.8XL: 128 Go RAM, 16 Coeurs, 16 To de contenu compressé, 2 Go/sec en lecture HS1.XL: 16 Go RAM, 2 Coeurs, 2 To de contenu compressé
  • 44. Extra Large Node (HS1.XL) Single node Cluster 2-32 Nodes (4 To – 64 To) Eight Extra Large Node (HS1.8XL) Cluster 2-100 Nodes (32 To – 1.6 Po)
  • 53. Thank you! Younjin Jeong - AWS