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Jeff Wisniewski Web Services Librarian University of Pittsburgh [email_address] Fast & Easy Website Tune Ups
Roadmap Credibility Navigation Design Performance SEO SMO
It’s a Matter of Trust PHP example: <p>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date(&quot;Y&quot;) ?>My Library, My Town</p> JavaScript example:  <p>Copyright &copy; <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var d = new Date(); document.write(d.getFullYear()); </script> Regardless when the site was created update your  ©  !

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Advanced Web Development
Advanced Web DevelopmentAdvanced Web Development
Advanced Web Development

Copy of the slides from the Advanced Web Development Workshop presented by Ed Bachta, Charlie Moad and Robert Stein of the Indianapolis Museum of Art during the Museums and the Web 2008 conference in Montreal

Please dont touch-3.6-jsday
Please dont touch-3.6-jsdayPlease dont touch-3.6-jsday
Please dont touch-3.6-jsday

The document discusses various ways that web performance can be improved, including reducing the number of server requests, minimizing file sizes through compression and minification, leveraging caching, optimizing browser rendering through techniques like deferred parsing of JavaScript, and using tools to automate optimizations. It emphasizes that most of the end user response time is spent in the frontend and recommends starting performance improvements there.

Modelling Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx
Modelling  Web Performance Optimization - FFSUxModelling  Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx
Modelling Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx

Ideal web page performance How to maximize your content view with minimal attention span of your viewers? Impact of page performance on Business metrics Profiling a Http request Browser Architecture, Critical Rendering Path Applying FFSUx to get optimal webpage performance.

web performance optimizationbrowser rendering engineperformance tuning
Add Photos to Contacts Tim Simms Geology Librarian 41 Malachite Way Room 12-B
Content & navigation
Move Important Information … out of the “blindness zone”
Click here…NOT! Replace all instances of the phrase “click here”. Click here  for current articles.  becomes Current articles  are available here.

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DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge
DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the EdgeDeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge
DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge

Slides from my Edge SEO Deep Crawl webinar on February 27th 2019; in these slides I looked at what Edge SEO is, why we need it, and the conversations we need to have as Sapiens and organisations to prevent it's misuse.

edge seoseotechnical seo
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...

Ari Nahmani covers the latest in advanced technical SEO at SMX Munich (Muenchen) 2016. Discussions of the deprecated HTML snapshot, Javascript crawlability and indexing, new frameworks, prerendering, server side rendering,, isomorphic javascript, and other technical issues related to the future of protecting your index health.

pushstatehtml snapshotsmx
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
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BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

My talk from #BrightonSEO 2019, the twentieth edition. Building on my talk from TechSEO Boost 2018, my talk at Brighton explores the changes in #EdgeSEO and the future possibilities given the advent of Akamai Edge Workers, AWS Lambda capabilities and the prospect of Fastly's WASM solution.

seoedge seobrightonseo
Add Labels to Your Forms Why? Accessibility: Read by screen readers User friendly: Checkbox text (not just the checkbox itself) becomes clickable How? <label for=”affiliation&quot;>Affiliation: </label> <input type=”checkbox&quot; name=”affiliation” value=“cardholder”> <input type=”checkbox&quot; name=”affiliation” value=“visitor”>
… and While We’re Talking About Forms… Use radio buttons and check boxes appropriately: Radio buttons: list of two or more options that are  mutually exclusive  and the user must select exactly one choice.  Checkboxes are used when there are lists of options and the  user may select any number of choices , including zero, one, or several.
Web 2.0-ify Your Logo

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Html5 Fit: Get Rid of Love Handles
Html5 Fit:  Get Rid of Love HandlesHtml5 Fit:  Get Rid of Love Handles
Html5 Fit: Get Rid of Love Handles

According to the average web page is now larger than the original DOOM installation application. Today's obese web is leading to decreased user satisfaction, customer engagement and increased cost of ownership. Research repeatedly tells us customers want faster user experiences. Search engines reward faster sites with better rankings. Small, fast sites are cheaper to develop, maintain and operate. - Why has the web become obese? - What actions can developers and stakeholders do to combat their morbid obesity? - Are these actions expensive or hard to implement? This session reviews what customers want and how to identify your web site's love handles. More importantly you will learn simple techniques to eliminate the fat and create a healthy, maintainable, affordable web development lifestyle that produces the user experiences your customers want to engage with over and over.

Introduction to Web Programming - first course
Introduction to Web Programming - first courseIntroduction to Web Programming - first course
Introduction to Web Programming - first course

The document provides an introduction to a web programming course, outlining its objectives, what students will learn, and how they will be evaluated. Key points covered include: - Students will understand web applications and develop basic skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript. - Evaluation will be based on exam scores, lab work, and individual study demonstrating understanding and skills. - The course will cover the history of the web, how the HTTP protocol works, and core frontend technologies.

courseweb historyweb
High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5

Modern Web Apps should be focused, rich, and gorgeous, but they also need to be FAST. After all, being rich and beautiful isn't always enough! With web apps, faster is always better; nobody will ever complain that your site is too fast!

application cacheweb workersdata uri
Characteristics Small chunks of large sans-serif type Cheery colors Rounded edges
Be an Icon icon
Internet Librarian 2008

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With the emergence of heavy javascript / AJAX heavy frameworks and the growing popularity of things like AngularJS, Ember, Backbone.js, CanJS, and even JQuery; making sites and single page apps crawlable to search engines are becoming increasingly difficult. It doesn't have to be. This presentation takes a look at some of the largest and trending publishers and some of the AJAX features they employ.

Sq li
Sq liSq li
Sq li

This document discusses SQL injection techniques, including basics, advanced methods, and blind SQL injection. It begins with an overview of SQL injection and how websites interact with databases. It then demonstrates basic SQL injection to bypass authentication. Advanced techniques covered include finding database/table/column details and extracting data. Blind SQL injection is discussed for when errors are not displayed, requiring binary searching of ASCII character codes to extract information character by character.

Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

1. Definition of Web performance. 2. Why Important. 3. Webpage Rendering. 4. Browsers render. 5. Web Performance Rules. 6. Web Performance Tools. 7. Research

html css jsperformanceperformance tools
Smashing icons
The Need for Speed So, just how slow are you, and why? Install Firebug + Yslow in Firefox

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Fundamentals of web_design_v2
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This document provides an overview of various web development tools and technologies, including FTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, PHP, ASP, and content management systems. It discusses the purpose and basic usage of each tool. For example, it explains that FTP is used to transfer files between a local computer and web host, and that HTML is the underlying markup language that defines the structure and content of a web page. The document also provides learning resources and examples of text editors, FTP clients, and other tools.

The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
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Presentation given in WP Meetup in October 2019. Includes fresh new tips from summer/fall 2019! A Must read for all WordPress site owners and developers.

wordpresswebsite optimizationsoftware speed
HTML5 workshop, part 1
HTML5 workshop, part 1HTML5 workshop, part 1
HTML5 workshop, part 1

This document discusses HTML5 and related web technologies. It introduces HTML5 semantics like header, nav, article, section, aside, and figure. It demonstrates using these elements to mark up a simple web page. It also covers HTML5 features like video, canvas, and SVG for rich media, as well as JavaScript APIs and libraries for manipulating these elements. Finally, it addresses questions around browser support for HTML5 and ensuring websites will work across browsers.

Cache cache’ Why does cache matter? Empty cache=http requests=slower Full cache=fewer http requests=faster Exploit the users cache to speed up your site
For server admins Server configuration file Set certain file types to stay fresh/not expire Image file types, css, js files, pdfs Internet Librarian 2008
Add Expire headers When expire headers are set, the browser caches content from the server on the client side.  First-time visitors make lots of requests, the second time visitors visit the page, the browser uses the cached content.
For the rest of us… STEP 1: You should have a file called .htaccess in your server root. If not create one. STEP 2: Add the following code: <FilesMatch &quot;(pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$&quot;> Header set Expires &quot;Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT&quot; </FilesMatch>

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10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today

Web Performance is a serious issues these days. 80% of web performance issues are in the client. Many developers either do not realize what they are leaving on the table and how that affects the success of their application. These are 10 things any web developer can do in about 30-60 minutes to drastically increase page load times and thus increase the application's profitability.

html5css3mobile web
What is HTML 5?
What is HTML 5?What is HTML 5?
What is HTML 5?

Web Developers are excited to use HTML 5 features but sometimes they need to explain to their non-technical boss what it is and how it can benefit the company. This presentation provides just enough information to share the capabilities of this new technologies without overwhelming the audience with the technical details. "What is HTML5?" covers things you might have seen on other websites and wanted to add on your own website but you didn't know it was a feature of HTML 5. After viewing this slideshow you will probably give your web developer the "go ahead" to upgrade your current HTML 4 website to HTML 5. You will also understand why web developers don't like IE (Internet Explorer) and why they always want you to keep your browser updated to latest version. "I have seen the future. It's in my browser" is the slogan used by many who have joined the HTML 5 revolution.

html 5microdatahtml5
Web Performance, Scalability, and Testing Techniques - Boston PHP Meetup
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Web Performance, Scalability, and Testing Techniques - Boston PHP Meetup

I gave this talk on 4/27/11 at the Boston PHP Meetup Group. It covers both server side and client side optimizations, as well as monitoring tools and techniques.

phpweb developmentweb performance
Combine small images into image map Yahoo! High Performance research shows that a combining multiple smaller images into a single image speeds downloads due to fewer http requests  Internet Librarian 2008
Eliminate Inline Scripts In most cases calling scripts from external files will speed page download time, especially if these items are cached
Except…For your homepage In line scripts for your homepage making HTTP requests is MUCH more expensive than the size of the data coming down
Example External CSS Inline CSS Speed tested with:

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The document discusses best practices for improving web page performance. It begins by noting how slow pages negatively impact user experience and business metrics. It then outlines 14 best practices such as minimizing HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, gzipping components, optimizing images, and avoiding redirects. Additional best practices are also provided such as preloading components, minimizing DOM access, and keeping components under 25kb. Tools for measuring performance are also mentioned.

Decoding the Web
Decoding the WebDecoding the Web
Decoding the Web

The document provides an overview of key technical aspects of web design, including server-side technologies, client-side technologies like JavaScript and CSS, content management systems, and Web 2.0 features like social networking and Ajax. It discusses topics like browser market share, HTML, HTTP, popular web servers, programming languages, the document object model, CSS techniques, open-source CMS options, characteristics of Web 2.0 sites, the growth of social networking, Ajax goals and examples of its use, and popular Ajax frameworks.

Designing SharePoint 2010 for Business
Designing SharePoint 2010 for BusinessDesigning SharePoint 2010 for Business
Designing SharePoint 2010 for Business

A business owner nowadays needs to be able to attract and engage people to their website. In this session, learn to implement your company's brand on SharePoint 2010. During this session, we'll use the right tools to take a design from concept to a fully functioning SharePoint 2010 site. Based on real world experiences, this session is sure to give you some practical tips, tricks, and advice you can use immediately. Learn to leverage SharePoint 2010 tools to customize your experiences, and make them unique. You will be able to take this knowledge and deliver the best end to end experiences to your customers.

htmlmicrosoft sharepoint serverbusiness
Spring Cleaning Tidy your homepage
Thin Is In Is your CSS…bloated?
Don’t Make the Server Think! Change these: <a href=&quot;;> To these: <a href=&quot; / &quot;>

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Becoming a SharePoint Design Ninja
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Becoming a SharePoint Design Ninja

You are about to embark on a journey of becoming a SharePoint Designer Ninja. SharePoint has infiltrated within your company and you want to master the art of css, master pages and page layouts. Within this one hour session, I will teach you the countermeasures required to masterfully brand SharePoint to your will. During this session, we will brand a site from scratch with our bare hands and this will be the initiation into the SharePoint Design. At the end of this session, I’ll teach you legendary abilities of SharePoint Designers including invisibility, walking on water, and control over master page content placeholders. You’ll also be given some secrets from within the walls of the Oniwaban such as practical tips, tricks, and advice so that you too can one day become a SharePoint Design Ninja. http://www.kanwalkhipple.

user experience designsharepointmvpsharepoint2010
High Performance Websites
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High Performance Websites

This presentation is based on the original one from the author of the book ( 'Steve Souders' ), it's about his book titled 'High Performance Websites''

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Ajax to the Moon
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Ajax to the Moon

The document discusses various techniques for enabling offline functionality in Ajax applications, including browser storage options like cookies, Firefox offline storage, and Flash shared objects. It also covers approaches for pushing data from server to client like polling, asynchronous servlets, Comet, and piggybacking on other responses. The document concludes with considerations for optimizing Ajax performance such as data formats, bandwidth usage, and client-side processing.

Search Engine Optimization
Page Titles Google webmaster tools Site link > Diagnostics > Content analysis > Title tag analysis
Page Titles Global find and replace…rewrite page titles with the following format: Document title | Section name | Library/site name

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Site Manager rocks!
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Site Manager rocks!

Site Manager rocks! This presentation goes up to 11. Presentation I gave at the T44U conference in Dublin (12-13 November 2009).about our tops tips for using the Site Manager Web content management system ( Released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland Licence.

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These are my slides from my presentation for the Baton Rouge and New Orleans SharePoint user group meetings.

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Frederick Townes presented on optimizing websites for performance. He discussed working backwards from user experience, prioritizing the largest issues. Factors that can improve performance include front-end and back-end optimization, reducing payload size, caching, optimizing databases and runtime, reducing workload, and using content delivery networks. Key metrics to measure include page load time, time to first byte, and time on site. Common cases like JavaScript optimization and recommended plugins were also covered.

Be social, movable and mixable
Add Social Bookmarks Links
Turn Boring Old Contact Info Into Exciting hCards! Dreamweaver Microformats Extension /

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High Performance Ajax Applications
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High Performance Ajax Applications

Day 6 of 7-days "JavaScript and Rich User Interfaces" training for my colleagues. It covers ways how to speed up your application.

The Technical SEO Full Course how to do
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The Technical SEO Full Course how to do

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website to improve search engine rankings through both on-page and off-page factors. It focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website like XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, page speed, and structured data to help search engines better index and understand the site. Regular audits and optimization of these technical elements can positively impact how search engines view and rank a website.

seo technical
腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站

The document discusses techniques for optimizing website performance, including making fewer HTTP requests, leveraging browser caching with cache control headers, minimizing component sizes, optimizing asset delivery through techniques like sprites and concatenation, and following front-end performance best practices. It provides examples of how major sites implement various optimizations and shares results from experiments measuring the impact of optimizations on response times.

Harness the Awesome Power of the 3 Question Survey or Google Docs The questions: What is the purpose of your visit to our website today? Were you able to complete your task today? If you were not able to complete your task today, why not? P.S. ask for their email

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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站

The document discusses techniques for improving website performance, including: 1. Focusing on front-end optimizations as they account for 80-90% of response time. 2. Following the 80/20 rule - optimizing the 20% of code that affects 80% of response time like assets on the front-end. 3. Using techniques like image sprites, combined scripts and stylesheets, CDNs, caching, gzip compression, and reducing cookie sizes and HTTP requests to improve response times.

SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

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Sharepoint conference 3 - continental
Sharepoint conference 3 - continentalSharepoint conference 3 - continental
Sharepoint conference 3 - continental

This document summarizes two enterprise content management implementations at Continental Airlines - an internal document system and a customer-facing website content system. For the internal system, Continental developed a process to build a structured system where users can tag files with metadata to enable filtered searching. For the customer-facing system, Continental used SharePoint to reduce their content approval process from two months to two days by structuring metadata and workflows. SharePoint was also used to feed modular content to their website to allow for repurposing of content across channels.


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Fast and Easy Website Tuneups

  • 1. Jeff Wisniewski Web Services Librarian University of Pittsburgh [email_address] Fast & Easy Website Tune Ups
  • 2. Roadmap Credibility Navigation Design Performance SEO SMO
  • 4. It’s a Matter of Trust PHP example: <p>Copyright &copy; <?php echo date(&quot;Y&quot;) ?>My Library, My Town</p> JavaScript example: <p>Copyright &copy; <script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;> var d = new Date(); document.write(d.getFullYear()); </script> Regardless when the site was created update your © !
  • 5. Add Photos to Contacts Tim Simms Geology Librarian 41 Malachite Way Room 12-B
  • 7. Move Important Information … out of the “blindness zone”
  • 8. Click here…NOT! Replace all instances of the phrase “click here”. Click here for current articles. becomes Current articles are available here.
  • 9. Add Labels to Your Forms Why? Accessibility: Read by screen readers User friendly: Checkbox text (not just the checkbox itself) becomes clickable How? <label for=”affiliation&quot;>Affiliation: </label> <input type=”checkbox&quot; name=”affiliation” value=“cardholder”> <input type=”checkbox&quot; name=”affiliation” value=“visitor”>
  • 10. … and While We’re Talking About Forms… Use radio buttons and check boxes appropriately: Radio buttons: list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. Checkboxes are used when there are lists of options and the user may select any number of choices , including zero, one, or several.
  • 13. Characteristics Small chunks of large sans-serif type Cheery colors Rounded edges
  • 14.  
  • 15. Be an Icon icon
  • 17.  
  • 20. The Need for Speed So, just how slow are you, and why? Install Firebug + Yslow in Firefox
  • 21. Cache cache’ Why does cache matter? Empty cache=http requests=slower Full cache=fewer http requests=faster Exploit the users cache to speed up your site
  • 22. For server admins Server configuration file Set certain file types to stay fresh/not expire Image file types, css, js files, pdfs Internet Librarian 2008
  • 23. Add Expire headers When expire headers are set, the browser caches content from the server on the client side. First-time visitors make lots of requests, the second time visitors visit the page, the browser uses the cached content.
  • 24. For the rest of us… STEP 1: You should have a file called .htaccess in your server root. If not create one. STEP 2: Add the following code: <FilesMatch &quot;(pdf|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$&quot;> Header set Expires &quot;Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT&quot; </FilesMatch>
  • 25. Combine small images into image map Yahoo! High Performance research shows that a combining multiple smaller images into a single image speeds downloads due to fewer http requests Internet Librarian 2008
  • 26. Eliminate Inline Scripts In most cases calling scripts from external files will speed page download time, especially if these items are cached
  • 27. Except…For your homepage In line scripts for your homepage making HTTP requests is MUCH more expensive than the size of the data coming down
  • 28. Example External CSS Inline CSS Speed tested with:
  • 30. Spring Cleaning Tidy your homepage
  • 31. Thin Is In Is your CSS…bloated?
  • 32. Don’t Make the Server Think! Change these: <a href=&quot;;> To these: <a href=&quot; / &quot;>
  • 34. Page Titles Google webmaster tools Site link > Diagnostics > Content analysis > Title tag analysis
  • 35.  
  • 36. Page Titles Global find and replace…rewrite page titles with the following format: Document title | Section name | Library/site name
  • 37. Be social, movable and mixable
  • 38. Add Social Bookmarks Links
  • 39.  
  • 40. Turn Boring Old Contact Info Into Exciting hCards! Dreamweaver Microformats Extension /
  • 41.  
  • 42.  
  • 43.  
  • 44. Harness the Awesome Power of the 3 Question Survey or Google Docs The questions: What is the purpose of your visit to our website today? Were you able to complete your task today? If you were not able to complete your task today, why not? P.S. ask for their email
  • 45. Resources