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The Latest in
Technical SEO
Index Bloat &
Discovery: from
Facets to
Good Afternoon.
Ari	Nahmani
CEO	/	Founder
Kahena	Digital	Marketing
index bloat

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How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...
How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...
How Googlebot Renders (Roleplaying as Google's Web Rendering Service-- D&D st...

Roleplay as a fearless Technical SEO who must pass through Google's Web Rendering Service (WRS), a legendary construct, as part of a mission to protect site visibility. Panel: 'Think like a bot, rank like a boss' from BrightonSEO September 2019

The New Renaissance of JavaScript
The New Renaissance of JavaScriptThe New Renaissance of JavaScript
The New Renaissance of JavaScript

This document discusses various techniques for improving JavaScript rendering for SEO purposes, including: - Using automated tests to prevent JavaScript-related SEO errors before deployment. Unit and end-to-end tests can check for issues like missing tags. - Choosing an appropriate rendering technique depending on how often content changes, whether it be pre-rendering, server-side rendering, or dynamic rendering. - Leveraging universal JavaScript to avoid accidental cloaking issues and ensure consistency between what users and search engines see. Workarounds are discussed when universal JavaScript is not practical.

javascripttechnical seopwa
Clientside vs Serverside - SEO
Clientside vs Serverside  - SEOClientside vs Serverside  - SEO
Clientside vs Serverside - SEO

This document discusses the differences between client-side rendering and server-side rendering and their impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Client-side rendering means content is generated by JavaScript on the client-side/browser, so search engines cannot see it, negatively impacting SEO. Server-side rendering generates content on the server and sends fully rendered HTML to browsers, allowing search engines to index content. Isomorphic JavaScript is an alternative that renders content both client-side and server-side to improve performance and SEO. The document recommends determining whether to use server-side rendering or isomorphic JavaScript going forward to balance SEO and performance.

seosearch engine optimization
index bloat
crawl budget
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
web-tech > googlebot

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BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The EdgeBrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

My talk from #BrightonSEO 2019, the twentieth edition. Building on my talk from TechSEO Boost 2018, my talk at Brighton explores the changes in #EdgeSEO and the future possibilities given the advent of Akamai Edge Workers, AWS Lambda capabilities and the prospect of Fastly's WASM solution.

seoedge seobrightonseo
SEO Audit Checklist and Worksheet - over 90 SEO checkpoints!
SEO Audit Checklist and Worksheet - over 90 SEO checkpoints!SEO Audit Checklist and Worksheet - over 90 SEO checkpoints!
SEO Audit Checklist and Worksheet - over 90 SEO checkpoints!

Want to conduct a comprehensive SEO audit for your web site but didn't know how to get started? Download this SEO Audit worksheet - it's free, easy to use, and produces great results! Covering over 90 of the most common SEO mistakes that most web sites make, this SEO audit tool will help you learn the best practices of search engine optimization as well as where to focus your attention so that you can start realizing ROI for all your hard work. Have more SEO questions? Feel free to connect with me on Twitter at @jcolman -

Jamie Alberico — How to Leverage Insights from Your Site’s Server Logs | 5 Ho...
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Jamie Alberico — How to Leverage Insights from Your Site’s Server Logs | 5 Ho...

These slides were presented at the SEMrush webinar "How to Leverage Insights from Your Site’s Server Logs | 5 Hours of Technical SEO". Video replay and transcript are available at

log file analysisserver logsgoogle bot
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Today’s Session
• Technical SEO issues around e-commerce /
large site architecture
• Preventing index bloat & preserving crawl
budget as a core methodology
• Current solutions & upcoming threats (JS,
AJAX, new frameworks, pre-rendering)
Index Bloat Prevention

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Technical SEO Myths Facts And Theories On Crawl Budget And The Importance Of ...
Technical SEO Myths Facts And Theories On Crawl Budget And The Importance Of ...Technical SEO Myths Facts And Theories On Crawl Budget And The Importance Of ...
Technical SEO Myths Facts And Theories On Crawl Budget And The Importance Of ...

There are a lot of myths, facts and theories on crawl budget and the term is bandied around a lot. This deck looks to address some of those myths and also looks at some additional theories around the concepts of 'crawl rank' and 'search engine embarrassment'.

technical seoseosearch marketing
WordPress SEO & Optimisation
WordPress SEO & OptimisationWordPress SEO & Optimisation
WordPress SEO & Optimisation

This document outlines strategies for optimizing WordPress sites for search engine optimization (SEO) and increasing engagement. It recommends essential plugins like HeadSpace2 and Redirection to optimize titles, meta descriptions, and redirects. It also provides tips for internal linking, image optimization, clean permalinks, breadcrumbs, and robots.txt files. Additional sections cover promoting blogs through social media, guest posts and conversations to boost subscribers. Metrics and maintaining engagement through comments are also discussed.

Introduction to SEO and SEO for WordPress
Introduction to SEO and SEO for WordPressIntroduction to SEO and SEO for WordPress
Introduction to SEO and SEO for WordPress

A presentation on SEO, WordPress and SEO Tools from the Melbourne WordPress Meetup, October 2013. Presented by Chris Burgess, Peter Mead and Michael Jones.

Index Bloat Prevention
A bloated index =
if indexed URLS > “unique
Index Bloat Prevention
On an ecommerce site:
A bloated index =
if indexed URLS >
Index Bloat Prevention
On a ‘content’ site:
A bloated index =
if indexed URLS >
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016

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How to Optimize Your Website for Crawl Efficiency
How to Optimize Your Website for Crawl EfficiencyHow to Optimize Your Website for Crawl Efficiency
How to Optimize Your Website for Crawl Efficiency

During this webinar, Dawn will tell you about the major issues and errors that may block spiders from crawling your website and hurt website’s rankings.

digital marketingseo
Web Performance Optimisation
Web Performance OptimisationWeb Performance Optimisation
Web Performance Optimisation

The Need for Speed, a presentation at the Melbourne SEO Meetup on "Web Performance Optimisation and Why It Matters".

seoweb performance
SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side
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SEO for Large/Enterprise Websites - Data & Tech Side

There is a lot to cover about SEO for large websites/enterprise. In this talk we'll cover primarily the data analysis and the technical SEO side of things. In future presentations we'll look at more.

seobig dataenterprise
Index Bloat Prevention: Cannibalization
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016

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Search Engines and Flash: Secrets, Tricks, and Black Magic
Search Engines and Flash: Secrets, Tricks, and Black MagicSearch Engines and Flash: Secrets, Tricks, and Black Magic
Search Engines and Flash: Secrets, Tricks, and Black Magic

Adobe Flash is a binary format and has not always been accessible to search engine spiders (small bits of code that algorithmically determine a page’s content for rankings in search engines). SEO experts have developed several key workarounds and new technical developments have made new functionality available to search engines and developers alike. Duane Nickull, an Adobe Technical Evangelist, will showcase some advanced tips and tricks to give you the edge over the competition as well as share some secrets. Attendees will learn how to increase initial page rankings as well as monitor and increase dynamic page ranks.

What's Next for Page Experience - SMX Next 2021 - Patrick Stox
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What's Next for Page Experience - SMX Next 2021 - Patrick Stox

Patrick Stox gave a presentation at SMX Advanced discussing changes to page experience metrics since the last conference. He began by introducing himself and his background. He then covered updates to metrics like Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and changes to AMP requirements. Stox reviewed current page experience metrics and provided tips on optimizing Core Web Vitals like improving First Input Delay (FID), reducing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and lowering Largest Contentful Paint (LCP). He speculated that metrics may expand to consider all user interactions and page size. Stox closed by discussing challenges with Single Page Apps and potential future developments.

seotechnical seocore web vitals
Ad Fraud Blocking Analytics Webinar
Ad Fraud Blocking Analytics WebinarAd Fraud Blocking Analytics Webinar
Ad Fraud Blocking Analytics Webinar

This document discusses ad fraud and ad blocking. It begins with background on the rise of programmatic digital ad spending and fraud. It then defines the two main types of ad fraud as impression fraud and click fraud, both of which use bots. The document discusses how bots range in sophistication and why they are difficult to identify. It also addresses the impact of ad blocking and how fraud and blocking pollute analytics metrics. The document concludes with recommendations for advertisers to measure fraud directly and focus on metrics like conversions that cannot be easily faked.

botsadvertisingad blocking
Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Facets
Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Filters
Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Filters
<link	rel="canonical"	
href=”"	/>
• Basic Solution: Strip out the unnecessary
Solution: Filtering Out All Facet Params
– Avoids diluted / dupe URLs (request, not
– If you want/need specific parameters indexed
and exposed (size, color), need properly coded
canonical tag logic, recipe for major leak and
– Considerations w/ pagination & view-all page

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MAU Vegas 2016 — The Future of SEO
MAU Vegas 2016 — The Future of SEOMAU Vegas 2016 — The Future of SEO
MAU Vegas 2016 — The Future of SEO

Mobile Apps Unlocked Vegas 2016 Wednesday, May 5 Main Stage — 10:30am - 10:50am Mobile is, and has from its inception, been a unique digital animal. It’s been an area where organic search has played a de minimis impact on growth compared to other digital ecosystems, and yet, we all know that a growth model purely based on who spends the most is not sustainable, nor does it lead to great products. Will that change? If so, when and how? In this session we will explore these questions and more. Ethan Smith, Chief Growth Officer @ Yummly

Where the Wild Bots are OPSNY June 2016
Where the Wild Bots are OPSNY June 2016Where the Wild Bots are OPSNY June 2016
Where the Wild Bots are OPSNY June 2016

presentation on ad fraud and ad blocking, and the intersection with bots -- bots dont use ad blocking and their fraudulent activities mess up measurement and ROI

programmaticcybersecurityad fraud
BrightEdge Share15 - S302: Beyond the Algorithm – Advanced SEO & Technical Tr...
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BrightEdge Share15 - S302: Beyond the Algorithm – Advanced SEO & Technical Tr...

This document discusses technical SEO and how it relates to dynamic websites. It notes that technical SEO touches many areas like site architecture, content strategy, and results measurement. The key points are that Google can now crawl dynamic content and execute JavaScript, rendering the full DOM rather than just the HTML source. This means technical SEO remains important for performance, and is critical to the success of content campaigns on dynamic sites. Proper technical implementation allows dynamic and engaging content to be discoverable by search engines.

search algorithmseoadvanced seo
Crawl Budget: Facet Parameter URLs
Crawl Budget: Facet Parameter URLs
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
JS / AJAX Indexation

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Technical SEO
Technical SEOTechnical SEO
Technical SEO

Technical SEO presentation : optimisation on-page, basic set-up onsite and what you can learn from an SEO Audit. November 28, 2015 – Women in Digital Switzerland Meet ups – Lausanne

digital marketinglausanneweb agency
The New Rules of SEO: A Crash Course in Modern Search - Slides
The New Rules of SEO: A Crash Course in Modern Search - SlidesThe New Rules of SEO: A Crash Course in Modern Search - Slides
The New Rules of SEO: A Crash Course in Modern Search - Slides

This document summarizes the key points from a Webmarketing123 webinar on SEO best practices. The webinar covered the problems with outdated SEO strategies and introduced new rules for SEO success in 2015, including maintaining a clean link building strategy, optimizing for the Knowledge Graph, prioritizing social media, ensuring strong technical performance, and focusing on holistic content over exact keywords. Attendees were invited to ask questions during a live Q&A session.

digital marketingdigital marketing agencysearch engine optimization
The Science of Content Marketing
The Science of Content MarketingThe Science of Content Marketing
The Science of Content Marketing

While smart content creation is fundamental to marketing, the rise of digital has introduced unprecedented technical and analytical challenges. The modern marketer must please both humans and search engines with one killer content strategy to deliver a full sales pipeline. Flip through "The Science of Content Marketing" to get started.

seo companydigital marketingcontent marketing
Index Bloat VS Discovery: JS + AJAX
Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX
AJAX	Refinement	V1	=		
Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX
AJAX	Refinement	V1	- NO	URL	CHANGE,	
but	inactive,	different href=	URL	exists
AJAX Facet Refinements V1 (NO URL CHANGE)
– Theoretically no parameters exposed to bloat the
– Users can’t share refined / filtered content to
friends, no accurate bookmarking. (Terrible UX)
– Googlebot will still crawl hidden href=' or other JS
framework links like Angular: ng-href= (check
canonical logic!!)

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Agile and Technical SEO
Agile and Technical SEOAgile and Technical SEO
Agile and Technical SEO

Google is constantly evolving and a webmaster’s ability to react to changes is key to any successful SEO campaign. However, what happens when you can’t get technical SEO recommendations over the line? This session will focus on how you can be more Agile and implement technical SEO recommendations that add value.

SEO Audits
SEO AuditsSEO Audits
SEO Audits

This document discusses different types of SEO audits including relevance, authority, technical, and backlink audits. It provides questions to consider for each type of audit, such as checking if a website is authoritative compared to competitors or if there are any technical issues hindering search bots from crawling pages. Recommended free and paid tools are listed to help identify potential problems for each audit type.

Content marketing analytics: how to make your data work harder for your business
Content marketing analytics: how to make your data work harder for your businessContent marketing analytics: how to make your data work harder for your business
Content marketing analytics: how to make your data work harder for your business

Presentation from Search London - July 2014. The goal of our work is to understand the triggers behind new and existing customers content consumption and buying behaviour so we can plot the best course of action to drive demonstrable improvements in revenue. Here is a 3-step process to do that.

webhooksgoogle analyticsweb analytics
Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX
AJAX	Refinement	V2	=	
html	5 history.pushState()
Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX
html	5	history.pushState()
Consistent URL Signals - Navigation
Ideal consistency:
Navigation URLs =
Pushstate() URLs =
Canonical URLs =
XML Sitemap URLs =
Consistent URL Signals - Navigation
Ideal consistency:
Navigation URLs =
Pushstate() URLs ≠
Canonical URLs =
XML Sitemap URLs =

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The price of technical seo debt final
The price of technical seo debt   finalThe price of technical seo debt   final
The price of technical seo debt final

The document discusses technical SEO debt and how fixing technical issues can improve search engine rankings and website traffic. It provides examples of how John Doherty has helped clients by analyzing and addressing technical problems like poor information architecture, thin content, and redirects. He emphasizes using data to identify issues, estimating traffic and revenue impacts, and proposing targeted tests to convince executives. Test successes can then be used to gain approval for larger projects. The key message is that technical SEO matters for business goals and fixing debt sets sites up for ongoing traffic and revenue growth.

Technical SEO Face-Off
Technical SEO Face-OffTechnical SEO Face-Off
Technical SEO Face-Off

This document summarizes technical SEO issues and best practices for URL structures, redirects, duplicate and thin content. It provides guidance on properly handling redirects, avoiding cannibalization, structuring domains and URLs, and dealing with duplicate and thin content to avoid search engine penalties. Key recommendations include using 301 redirects, internal linking, and rewriting duplicate content rather than leaving it accessible to search engines.

smx munichseomozseo
Implementing SEO Strategies for Small Business Health Care Companies
Implementing SEO Strategies for Small Business Health Care CompaniesImplementing SEO Strategies for Small Business Health Care Companies
Implementing SEO Strategies for Small Business Health Care Companies

Learn how a small business can increase their SEO, ranking, and backlink profile through strategies you can implement right now.

home health careinbound marketingseo
Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX
Google	preferred	pushstate URL	version,	we	had	to	reinforce	
(via	normal	inline	href=‘’,	canonical,	xml	sitemap)
AJAX Facet Refinements V2 (PushState URL Change)
– Users can now share /bookmark the correct
– Added to browser history
– Still need to have consistent canonical structure
due to Googlebot crawling pushstate()
– Different hidden URL structure via AJAX facets
may require further unpredictable
canonicalization logic / further dev work
Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks
Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks

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40 Must-Use Powerful SEO Tools
40 Must-Use Powerful SEO Tools40 Must-Use Powerful SEO Tools
40 Must-Use Powerful SEO Tools

The document lists and describes 40 different digital marketing tools. It provides a brief description of each tool's purpose and capabilities. The tools cover a wide range of functions including website analytics, keyword research, link building, technical SEO, speed optimization, social media management, and email marketing. For each tool, the document indicates whether it is free or paid and provides a link to more information.

toolssearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Technical SEO Auditing: How healthy is your site?
Technical SEO Auditing: How healthy is your site? Technical SEO Auditing: How healthy is your site?
Technical SEO Auditing: How healthy is your site?

Will Nye, Senior Consultant at Builtvisible takes you through an introductory SEO site audit, making recommendations on improvements and providing guidance to affiliate site owners.

keywordsseowebsite audit
Technical SEO Audit Checklist
Technical SEO Audit ChecklistTechnical SEO Audit Checklist
Technical SEO Audit Checklist

At theMediaFlow we pride ourselves on being insanely detailed technical SEOs. We use a foundation checklist which is adapted from client to client and sector to sector; though in general we always tend to include the items explained here.

seoinformation architecturee-commerce seo
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks
What method exists
that we know still

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Link Building Fundamentals SMX West 2016
Link Building Fundamentals SMX West 2016Link Building Fundamentals SMX West 2016
Link Building Fundamentals SMX West 2016

The art & science of building links - Presentation content put together by Debra Mastaler, and Presentation given by Matt Siltala during SMX West on the Fundamentals of Link Building - Bootcamp session (Matt was filling in for Debra). This is a beginning presentation for those newer to link building and SEO.

How to Structure a Scalable SEO Strategy
How to Structure a Scalable SEO StrategyHow to Structure a Scalable SEO Strategy
How to Structure a Scalable SEO Strategy

Everybody knows that SEO is important, but preparing for an SEO campaign can seem intimidating and overwhelming. Where do you start? What is important? How will we succeed? Anybody who promises you fast and easy answers isn’t being forthright, but it is possible to win at SEO. In our next Web Clinic: How to Structure an SEO Strategy, I’ll be showing you how to structure your SEO strategy for long term success. On Tuesday, February 21st, we’ll be hosting Web Clinics all day about the proper implementation of an SEO strategy. Register to participate at 9AM PT, 11AM PT, or 1PM PT and set yourself up for SEO ranking success. During this Web Clinic, our Head of Operations Andrew Seidman will cover: Low-hanging fruit for ranking improvements How to develop an effective link building strategy The value of data attribution in SEO planning Plus, don’t miss our live analysis of member submitted websites, so be sure to submit your website during the Web Clinic!

digital marketingseo
Technical SEO and SEO Audits - Engage 2017 Portland - Bill Hartzer
Technical SEO and SEO Audits - Engage 2017 Portland - Bill HartzerTechnical SEO and SEO Audits - Engage 2017 Portland - Bill Hartzer
Technical SEO and SEO Audits - Engage 2017 Portland - Bill Hartzer

Bill Hartzer's Technical SEO and SEO Audits at the Engage 2017 conference held in Portland Oregon on March 9th, 2017. Bill talks about technical SEO and performing a technical SEO audit of your website

seo auditseo
Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
Google / Bing crawls with:
Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot

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Intergrating Search, Content and Social Media Marketing for B2B Businesses - ...
Intergrating Search, Content and Social Media Marketing for B2B Businesses - ...Intergrating Search, Content and Social Media Marketing for B2B Businesses - ...
Intergrating Search, Content and Social Media Marketing for B2B Businesses - ...

Ann Stanley is the co-founder and MD of data-driven digital marketing agency Anicca Digital, and has been working in online marketing since 2001. Ann, who is Google AdWords Accredited and a Chartered Marketeer regularly speaks at local, national and international events on a range of digital marketing topics. She specialises in providing practical tips on using AdWords, search engine optimisation, ecommerce marketing and marketing automation

social media marketingcontent marketingsearch engine marketing
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, ParisMigration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris
Migration Best Practices - Search Y 2019, Paris

My talk from SEARCHY 2019 in Paris covering best practices on how to successfully navigate through the various types of migrations (protocol migrations, frontend migrations, website migration, cms migration, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things technical SEO.

seotechnical seomigration
Summit Australia 2019 - PowerApp Portals - Andrew Ly & Lachlan Wright
Summit Australia 2019 - PowerApp Portals - Andrew Ly & Lachlan WrightSummit Australia 2019 - PowerApp Portals - Andrew Ly & Lachlan Wright
Summit Australia 2019 - PowerApp Portals - Andrew Ly & Lachlan Wright

The document provides an overview and introduction to PowerApp Portals. It discusses what PowerApp Portals are, the history and evolution from previous Microsoft portals solutions, the portal architecture including authentication options and integration with Common Data Service. It also covers how to deploy a first portal including provisioning, portal structure, and editing options. The document demonstrates customizing a portal through modifying templates, stylesheets, adding HTML/JavaScript, and using Liquid code. It concludes with best practices tips for portals.

summit australiadynamics365portals
Pre or Realtime
(to users & bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide?
‘Dumbed down’
HTML Template
3rd Party
Server side
(phantomJS /
headless browser)
(to bots)
Pre or Realtime
(to users & bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide?
‘Dumbed down’
HTML Template
3rd Party
(to bots)
Server side
(phantomJS /
headless browser)
Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
• Upon crawl of URL with _escaped_fragment_=,
serve ’dumbed down’ HTML version of page.
• Not pre-rendered, rather simplified.
• For example, on ecommerce à a view-all
category listing with no dynamic facets.
Amazing results from our clients.
Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide?
‘Dumbed down’
HTML Template
3rd Party
Pre or Realtime
(to users & bots)
(to bots)
Server side
(phantomJS /
headless browser)

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Modelling Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx
Modelling  Web Performance Optimization - FFSUxModelling  Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx
Modelling Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx

Ideal web page performance How to maximize your content view with minimal attention span of your viewers? Impact of page performance on Business metrics Profiling a Http request Browser Architecture, Critical Rendering Path Applying FFSUx to get optimal webpage performance.

web performance optimizationbrowser rendering engineperformance tuning
The Technical SEO Full Course how to do
The Technical SEO  Full Course  how to doThe Technical SEO  Full Course  how to do
The Technical SEO Full Course how to do

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website to improve search engine rankings through both on-page and off-page factors. It focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website like XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, page speed, and structured data to help search engines better index and understand the site. Regular audits and optimization of these technical elements can positively impact how search engines view and rank a website.

seo technical
SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm - Migrations Best Practices
SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm -  Migrations Best PracticesSEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm -  Migrations Best Practices
SEARCH Y - Bastian Grimm - Migrations Best Practices

1. The document provides best practices and guidance for migrating websites, with a focus on search engine optimization. It emphasizes thorough preparation, testing changes gradually, and post-migration monitoring to ensure no issues occur. 2. Key steps include preparing the site by fixing errors, gathering URLs, benchmarking performance, and testing changes. All internal links, files, headers and technical elements need to be updated. 3. During implementation, changes should be made gradually and thoroughly tested. Search console needs to be configured for the new site. Post-migration, redirects, errors and performance must be monitored closely.

search engine marketingsearch marketingseo
Indexing AJAX & JS: Pre-rendering
Upon crawl of URL with _escaped_fragment_=
1. – middleware via reverse proxy
that serves a pre-rendered, cached HTML
page to bots
2. Server side – the server pre-rendered the JS
in cached html pages to serve to bots or
does it in real-time (headless browser).
Indexing AJAX & JS:
Indexing AJAX & JS:
Indexing AJAX & JS: BromBone

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Technial SEO
Technial SEOTechnial SEO
Technial SEO

How to make your product/service found by Google. Technical SEO aims the crawling and indexing phase of your website. A list of top 10 technical seo topics for 2020 with a checklist you can go through, before publishing a website.

technical seoseowebsite development
iProspect - Tech SEO - Task - 17/12/2019
iProspect - Tech SEO - Task - 17/12/2019iProspect - Tech SEO - Task - 17/12/2019
iProspect - Tech SEO - Task - 17/12/2019

This is a deck I put together for a Technical SEO interview for iProspect in December 2019. The task comprised of two questions relating to JavaScript SEO and E-Commerce SEO for a specific product category. I have no affiliation with either the Body Shop or Asos and any data in the presentation was sourced from publicly available third party tools; it was a purely hypothetical and educational exercise. Several assumptions have also likely been made, and the contents of the deck merely reflects my thoughts looking from the outside in. Please don't take anything in the slides as gospel. Thanks for checking it out, Nick Samuel

seotechsearch engine optimization
Boost and SEO
Boost and SEOBoost and SEO
Boost and SEO

Concise presentation of Boost and SEO Module for optimizing performance in respect of speed,search engine optimization of any Drupal Website.

Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Prerender
Server side
(phantomJS /
headless browser)
Pre or Realtime
(to users & bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide?
‘Dumbed down’
HTML Template
3rd Party
(to bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side
Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side

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Hey Googlebot, did you cache that ?
Hey Googlebot, did you cache that ?Hey Googlebot, did you cache that ?
Hey Googlebot, did you cache that ?

Search engines have come a long way in understanding JavaScript, but issues with rendering and load times can still impact your crawl budget and prevent search engines from indexing valuable content! Finding the optimal solution that provides the best user experience, whilst also satisfying the bots can be a challenge. This talk will cover the differences between these solutions, a number of tools and metrics you can use, and other significant considerations to take into account when proposing a rendering solution to your developers.

Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor
Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan TaylorOptimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor
Optimization 2020 | Using Edge SEO For Technical Issues ft. Dan Taylor

This document discusses using edge computing technologies like content delivery networks (CDNs) to overcome technical barriers to SEO implementation and perform edge SEO. CDNs allow SEO implementations to be done serverlessly at the edge without touching origin source code. Examples of edge SEO include dynamically generating meta titles and tags, redirecting, AB testing, collecting pseudo server logs, and dynamically rendering JavaScript to resolve issues. Edge SEO provides benefits like speed, security, and enables implementations that may otherwise be restricted by platforms. Potential issues include impacting all requests and introducing latency, but recent developments have reduced these concerns.

edge seoedge seo dan tayloroptimization 2020
Search engine optimization (seo) from Endeca & ATG
Search engine optimization (seo) from Endeca & ATGSearch engine optimization (seo) from Endeca & ATG
Search engine optimization (seo) from Endeca & ATG

Search Engine optimization overview, techniques and features provided by Oracle products - Endeca search engine and ATG commerce platform.

Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side
Server side
(phantomJS /
headless browser)
Pre or Realtime
(to users & bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide?
‘Dumbed down’
HTML Template
3rd Party
(to bots)
Indexing AJAX & JS: Trust Googlebot
read	these	first…
Testing JS Indexation:

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by ASG
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JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstackJS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack

Вы уже слышали о JAMstack, который пришел на смену SSR и SPA? Подход, который оптимизирует веб приложения так, что они ограничены только скоростью вашего интернет соединения. Никаких просадок при рендере на клиенте, никаких падений серверов от нагрузки, только SEO-friendly приложения б��з проблем с масштабируемостью.

SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox

The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

seotechnical seojavascript
Validation & Testing:
Discovery vs Bloat
Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016
Testing: Fetch & Render JS / AJAX
Testing: Slice and Dice the Index
Advanced	Site	Operators –inurl:cat.jsp
-inurl:prod.jsp –inurl:store.jsp

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It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える
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It is not HTML5. but ... / HTML5ではないサイトからHTML5を考える

This document provides an overview of HTML5 technologies including HTML5 markup, microdata/RDFa, WebFonts, Canvas, MediaQueries, performance optimizations like SPDY and HTTP 2.0. It discusses specifications from the W3C and implementations by companies. Tools for testing responsive design, fonts and browser compatibility are also mentioned. The document is written in Japanese and references the author's blog for code samples.

Deep Crawl Webinar, Edge SEO with Dan Taylor
Deep Crawl Webinar, Edge SEO with Dan TaylorDeep Crawl Webinar, Edge SEO with Dan Taylor
Deep Crawl Webinar, Edge SEO with Dan Taylor

Dan Taylor has been credited with coining the term, Edge SEO, by Search Engine Land and presented research into the idea, and practical applications of Cloudflare Workers in SEO at TechSEO Boost 2018. In follow-up to this, Dan presented various webinars with companies and platforms on Edge SEO, one of these being Deep Crawl.

edge seoedge seo dan taylormarketing
DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge
DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the EdgeDeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge
DeepCrawl Webinar: Performing SEO on the Edge

Slides from my Edge SEO Deep Crawl webinar on February 27th 2019; in these slides I looked at what Edge SEO is, why we need it, and the conversations we need to have as Sapiens and organisations to prevent it's misuse.

edge seoseotechnical seo
Testing: Slice and Dice the Index
Advanced	Site	Operators inurl:size
inurl:cat.jsp -inurl:cid
Testing: Slice and Dice the Index
Advanced	Site	Operators inurl:pdp
intext:”write	a	review”
Testing: Automate Bloat + Discovery Check
Testing: Automate Bloat + Discovery Check

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Technical SEO Checklist For Developers.pdf
Technical SEO Checklist For Developers.pdfTechnical SEO Checklist For Developers.pdf
Technical SEO Checklist For Developers.pdf

Technical SEO Checklist For Developers. The information there might be helpful to you if you are trying to learn about technical SEO.

Presentation about html5 css3
Presentation about html5 css3Presentation about html5 css3
Presentation about html5 css3

This presentation about HTML5 and CSS3 presents with example and described valid points with simple example code and live preview.

Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010Make Web Not War 2010
Make Web Not War 2010

The document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for dynamic websites. It covers SEO principles of indexing, relevance and popularity. It provides information on search engine market shares in Quebec and the benefits of SEO for web developers. The document also discusses information architecture, link juice distribution, tools for SEO audits and recommendations for implementing SEO best practices.

nvimicrosoftweb not war
Testing: Search Analytics for Bloat / Discovery
Testing: Go To The Source: Server Logs!
Summing It Up
• Index Bloat, Crawl Budget, & Testing: Large sites are
prone to serious index bloat and wasted crawl budget.
Needs diligent testing and an OCD-like attention to detail
with the basics. Test often & automate!
• JS/AJAX: Pushstate(), JS Frameworks and AJAX present
both discovery and bloat challenges. Know the options:
short term fixes like HTML snapshot (G+B), and long term
re-designs with modern frameworks w/ built in server side
Ari	Nahmani
CEO	/	Founder
Kahena	Digital	Marketing

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The Wild West of Google Featured Snippets & Direct Answers - Ari Nahmani - SM...
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Ari Nahmani does a deep dive into on how to discover and optimize for Google Featured Snippets / Direct Answers.

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Ari Nahmani, CEO / Founder of Kahena Digital Marketing presenting at SMX Munich on ASO. The presentation covers metrics & KPIs, Organic discovery, and predictions for the future including app indexing, paid search and keyword data in the app stores, and better data.

SMX Israel 2014 - Ari Nahmani | Future Proof Link Earning: Automation, Accele...
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SMX Israel 2014 - Ari Nahmani | Future Proof Link Earning: Automation, Accele...

Ari Nahmani discusses various strategies for content marketing, seeding, and automation. He suggests seeding content on networks like StumbleUpon to gain views and links. Paid acceleration tactics like targeted ads can help content go viral faster. Automation using tools can help find journalists, manage image rights, and monitor keywords. The overall message is that content marketing requires an ongoing effort and experimentation with different tactics.

inbound marketingsemlink building
• Can You Now Trust Google To Crawl Ajax Sites?
• Search Engine Optimization Best Practices for AJAX URLs | Webmaster Blog
• We Tested How Googlebot Crawls Javascript And Here's What We Learned
• Prerender - AngularJS SEO, BackboneJS SEO, or EmberJS SEO
• SMX Munich Advanced Technical SEO Brainstorm - Google Docs
• Speakers | Search Marketing Expo &ndash; SMX Munich
• JavaScript + SEO: Better Together &mdash; Medium
• SEO AJAX Crawlability in a Responsive Publisher World
• SEO Strategies for JavaScript-Heavy Single Page Applications or AJAX Sites | Search Engine Watch
• The Basics of JavaScript Framework SEO in AngularJS - Builtvisible
• Can Search Engines Crawl Javascript?
• SEO and JS: New Challenges
• BromBone | SEO for your AngularJS, EmberJS, or BackboneJS website.
• DIY AngularJS SEO with PhantomJS (the easy way!) | Lawsonry
Image Credits:
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bigbrands1.jpg (570×383)
consistencydemotivator_large.jpeg (480×338)
04-godfather-keep-friend.jpg (518×300)
08bf7b.jpg (604×392)
the-17-craziest-cannibal-attacks-in-history-u2.jpg (520×272)
taxonomy-types-800x450.png (800×450)
wireframes-homecat.png (1000×460)
Check-yoself.jpg (800×1025)
Dangerous-Curve-Ahead-Sign-K-6513.gif (400×400)
crawlerserver2.png (884×445)
beach.png (1196×838)

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Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript Frameworks - SMX Munich 2016

  • 1. The Latest in Advanced Technical SEO Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Frameworks
  • 11. Today’s Session • Technical SEO issues around e-commerce / large site architecture • Preventing index bloat & preserving crawl budget as a core methodology • Current solutions & upcoming threats (JS, AJAX, new frameworks, pre-rendering)
  • 13. Index Bloat Prevention A bloated index = if indexed URLS > “unique pages”
  • 14. Index Bloat Prevention On an ecommerce site: A bloated index = if indexed URLS > sum(CAT+PDP+Static)
  • 15. Index Bloat Prevention On a ‘content’ site: A bloated index = if indexed URLS > sum(Articles+Static)
  • 18. Index Bloat Prevention: Cannibalization
  • 21. Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Facets
  • 22. Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Filters n1=bvAverageRating&prefn2=col orGroup&prefv3=LG&srule=sortin gNewArrival&prefv1=4&prefv2=RE D&prefn3=size
  • 23. Index Bloat Prevention: Sorts & Filters <link rel="canonical" href=”" /> • Basic Solution: Strip out the unnecessary parameters
  • 24. Solution: Filtering Out All Facet Params • PROS: – Avoids diluted / dupe URLs (request, not directive) • CONS: – If you want/need specific parameters indexed and exposed (size, color), need properly coded canonical tag logic, recipe for major leak and confusion. – Considerations w/ pagination & view-all page
  • 25. Crawl Budget: Facet Parameter URLs
  • 26. Crawl Budget: Facet Parameter URLs
  • 28. JS / AJAX Indexation
  • 29. Index Bloat VS Discovery: JS + AJAX
  • 30. Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX AJAX Refinement V1 = NO URL CHANGE
  • 31. Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX AJAX Refinement V1 - NO URL CHANGE, but inactive, different href= URL exists
  • 32. AJAX Facet Refinements V1 (NO URL CHANGE) • PROS: – Theoretically no parameters exposed to bloat the index • CONS: – Users can’t share refined / filtered content to friends, no accurate bookmarking. (Terrible UX) – Googlebot will still crawl hidden href=' or other JS framework links like Angular: ng-href= (check canonical logic!!)
  • 33. Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX AJAX Refinement V2 = html 5 history.pushState()
  • 34. Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX html 5 history.pushState()
  • 35. Consistent URL Signals - Navigation Ideal consistency: Navigation URLs = Pushstate() URLs = Canonical URLs = XML Sitemap URLs =
  • 36. Consistent URL Signals - Navigation Ideal consistency: Navigation URLs = Pushstate() URLs ≠ Canonical URLs = XML Sitemap URLs =
  • 37. Index Bloat Prevention: JS + AJAX Google preferred pushstate URL version, we had to reinforce (via normal inline href=‘’, canonical, xml sitemap)
  • 38. AJAX Facet Refinements V2 (PushState URL Change) • PROS: – Users can now share /bookmark the correct content – Added to browser history • CONS: – Still need to have consistent canonical structure due to Googlebot crawling pushstate() – Different hidden URL structure via AJAX facets may require further unpredictable canonicalization logic / further dev work
  • 39. Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks
  • 40. Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks
  • 44. Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks What method exists that we know still works?
  • 45. Indexing AJAX & JS Frameworks HTML SNAPSHOT
  • 46. <head> <meta name="fragment" content="!"> Google / Bing crawls with: _escaped_fragment_= Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
  • 47. Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
  • 48. Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot
  • 49. Pre or Realtime Rendered (to users & bots) Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide? HTML SNAPSHOT _escaped_fragment_= Trust Googlebot VALIDATE! Progressive Enhancement ‘Dumbed down’ HTML Template 3rd Party Service ( Server side (phantomJS / headless browser) Pre-Rendered (to bots)
  • 50. Pre or Realtime Rendered (to users & bots) Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide? HTML SNAPSHOT _escaped_fragment_= Trust Googlebot VALIDATE! Progressive Enhancement ‘Dumbed down’ HTML Template 3rd Party Service ( Pre-Rendered (to bots) Server side (phantomJS / headless browser)
  • 51. Indexing AJAX & JS: HTML Snapshot • Upon crawl of URL with _escaped_fragment_=, serve ’dumbed down’ HTML version of page. • Not pre-rendered, rather simplified. • For example, on ecommerce à a view-all category listing with no dynamic facets. Amazing results from our clients.
  • 52. Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide? HTML SNAPSHOT _escaped_fragment_= Trust Googlebot VALIDATE! Progressive Enhancement ‘Dumbed down’ HTML Template 3rd Party Service ( Pre or Realtime Rendered (to users & bots) Pre-Rendered (to bots) Server side (phantomJS / headless browser)
  • 53. Indexing AJAX & JS: Pre-rendering Upon crawl of URL with _escaped_fragment_= 1. – middleware via reverse proxy that serves a pre-rendered, cached HTML page to bots OR 2. Server side – the server pre-rendered the JS in cached html pages to serve to bots or does it in real-time (headless browser).
  • 54. Indexing AJAX & JS:
  • 55. Indexing AJAX & JS:
  • 56. Indexing AJAX & JS: BromBone
  • 57. Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Prerender
  • 58. Server side (phantomJS / headless browser) Pre or Realtime Rendered (to users & bots) Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide? HTML SNAPSHOT _escaped_fragment_= Trust Googlebot VALIDATE! Progressive Enhancement ‘Dumbed down’ HTML Template 3rd Party Service ( Pre-Rendered (to bots)
  • 59. Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side
  • 60. Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side
  • 61. Indexing AJAX & JS: Server Side
  • 62. Server side (phantomJS / headless browser) Pre or Realtime Rendered (to users & bots) Indexing AJAX & JS: How To Decide? HTML SNAPSHOT _escaped_fragment_= Trust Googlebot VALIDATE! Progressive Enhancement ‘Dumbed down’ HTML Template 3rd Party Service ( Pre-Rendered (to bots)
  • 63. Indexing AJAX & JS: Trust Googlebot read these first…
  • 64. Testing JS Indexation:
  • 67. Testing: Fetch & Render JS / AJAX
  • 68. Testing: Slice and Dice the Index Advanced Site Operators –inurl:cat.jsp -inurl:prod.jsp –inurl:store.jsp
  • 69. Testing: Slice and Dice the Index Advanced Site Operators inurl:size inurl:cat.jsp -inurl:cid
  • 70. Testing: Slice and Dice the Index Advanced Site Operators inurl:pdp intext:”write a review”
  • 71. Testing: Automate Bloat + Discovery Check
  • 72. Testing: Automate Bloat + Discovery Check
  • 73. Testing: Search Analytics for Bloat / Discovery
  • 74. Testing: Go To The Source: Server Logs!
  • 75. Summing It Up • Index Bloat, Crawl Budget, & Testing: Large sites are prone to serious index bloat and wasted crawl budget. Needs diligent testing and an OCD-like attention to detail with the basics. Test often & automate! • JS/AJAX: Pushstate(), JS Frameworks and AJAX present both discovery and bloat challenges. Know the options: short term fixes like HTML snapshot (G+B), and long term re-designs with modern frameworks w/ built in server side rendering.
  • 77. References: • Can You Now Trust Google To Crawl Ajax Sites? • Search Engine Optimization Best Practices for AJAX URLs | Webmaster Blog • We Tested How Googlebot Crawls Javascript And Here's What We Learned • Prerender - AngularJS SEO, BackboneJS SEO, or EmberJS SEO • SMX Munich Advanced Technical SEO Brainstorm - Google Docs • • Speakers | Search Marketing Expo &ndash; SMX Munich • JavaScript + SEO: Better Together &mdash; Medium • SEO AJAX Crawlability in a Responsive Publisher World • SEO Strategies for JavaScript-Heavy Single Page Applications or AJAX Sites | Search Engine Watch • The Basics of JavaScript Framework SEO in AngularJS - Builtvisible • Can Search Engines Crawl Javascript? • n_and_progressive_enhancement_in_a_nutshell • SEO and JS: New Challenges • BromBone | SEO for your AngularJS, EmberJS, or BackboneJS website. • DIY AngularJS SEO with PhantomJS (the easy way!) | Lawsonry •
  • 78. Image Credits: fat-american-1.jpg (1280×955) bigbrands1.jpg (570×383) consistencydemotivator_large.jpeg (480×338) 04-godfather-keep-friend.jpg (518×300) 4da1a1a23dba011a7ba6918986a6b818302b949ae694b27d559cf8e733 08bf7b.jpg (604×392) the-17-craziest-cannibal-attacks-in-history-u2.jpg (520×272) taxonomy-types-800x450.png (800×450) wireframes-homecat.png (1000×460) Check-yoself.jpg (800×1025) Dangerous-Curve-Ahead-Sign-K-6513.gif (400×400) crawlerserver2.png (884×445) beach.png (1196×838)