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The 5 most common reasons
for a slow WordPress site
– and how to fix them
Otto Kekäläinen
WP Meetup
October 2019 Edition
● A CEO who codes at
● Written WP themes and plugins,
contributed to WordPress Core,
MySQL, MariaDB, Debian,
Ubuntu, Linux kernel,
● Linux and open source advocate
Otto Kekäläinen
The 5 most common reasons for a
slow WordPress site
1. Unnecessarily large image files
2. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain
3. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2
4. Caches not working as they should
5. Code fetching too much external data before printing
out the WordPress HTML for visitors to see
1. Unnecessarily large
image files

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Find Site Performance from the server to WordPress. A look at how some good performance gains can be made in tuning MySQL and APC and getting the most of out W3 Total Cache.

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Automatic testing and quality assurance for WordPress plugins
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Talk given at WordCamp Jyväskylä 2018 WordPress plugins have a reputation of low quality. Help us prove them wrong. Start using automatic quality testing!

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Find WordPress performance bottlenecks with XDebug PHP profiling
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Find WordPress performance bottlenecks with XDebug PHP profiling

XDebug is a tool that allows developers to profile PHP applications to identify bottlenecks and anomalies. It works by instrumenting PHP code during execution and collecting metrics on runtime performance. The document provides instructions on installing XDebug, taking profiling samples of a WordPress site, and analyzing the results with Webgrind to identify expensive functions and optimize performance. With repeated profiling and analysis, developers can pinpoint specific code causing issues and refactor it for better efficiency.

wordpressdebuggingperformance profiling
Unnecessarily large image files
The pictures from modern mobile
phones are huge. A single image
from a 8 Mpix camera is easily 3
MB in size and 3840x2160 in
My laptop: 1920x1080
Iphone X: 2436x1125
On websites any image over
1000px per side is usually waste
of space.
Unnecessarily large image files
Check it yourself: press F12 to
open the developer console in a
See tab Network and check
image files Size and Time.
Unnecessarily large image files
Another tool:
Unnecessarily large image files
● Always use one of the image
sizes generated by
WordPress, never full size.
● Use open source
command-line tools like
optipng and jpegoptim to
optimize your images.
● There are also plugins that
send your images for
processing on a remote

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Pagespeed what, why, and how it works

This document discusses PageSpeed, a tool for just-in-time performance optimization of web pages. It provides automatic image compression and resizing, CSS and JavaScript minification, inline small files, caching, and deferring JavaScript among other optimizations. While most performance issues are well understood, not all websites are fast due to the tradeoff between speed and ease of maintenance. PageSpeed tools like mod_pagespeed can automate optimizations to improve performance without extra work from developers.

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An introduction to .htaccess and what this file can do to help with SEO. Redirects: - Mod_alias and mod_rewrite - Most common redirect types (domain migrations, subdomain to folder and folder renaming and how to deal with duplicate content). Indexing & Crawling: - Set HTTP headers for canonicals and meta robots for non-HTML files. Website speed: - Gzip and Deflate - Cache control

EasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx
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EasyEngine - Command-Line tool to manage WordPress Sites on Nginx

EasyEngine is a command-line tool for managing WordPress sites on Nginx. It aims to provide an easy and automated way to install, manage and optimize WordPress sites. Key features include automated installation of PHP, MySQL, Nginx and caching plugins. Sites can be created and managed through simple commands. EasyEngine uses conventions over configuration and file-based backups to make management simple. The roadmap includes improved debugging, monitoring, mail server support and a REST API.

Unnecessarily large image files
Smart server environments and
development tools take care of image
optimization automatically.
No path given as argument. Using default path.
Scanning for image files in
Found 9 images in total and 6 new images.
---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size-1568x2788.jpg ...
File size reduction: 360K --> 324K
Optimized image by: 10.3697 %
---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size-169x300.jpg ...
File size reduction: 16K --> 16K
Optimized image by: 7.47187 %
---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size.jpg ...
File size reduction: 868K --> 464K
Optimized image by: 46.6131 %
Optimized 6 images for a total of 463KiB saved!
Unnecessarily large image files
Remember to validate after changes!
2. Too many HTTP
requests and assets
loaded in vain
Too many HTTP requests and
assets loaded in vain
With the same web developer
console or tool
you can see how many HTTP
requests were made and the total
size of download:
● Uninstall unnecessary
● If you see a contact form
plugin load on every page,
report that as a bug to the
plugin author. It should load
it’s assets only on the page
where the contact form
actually is on.

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The document discusses various techniques for optimizing the front-end performance of websites, including minification, CSS sprites, domain sharding, image optimization, and HTTP caching. It provides examples and best practices for each technique to reduce file sizes, HTTP requests, and load times to improve user experience.

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Optimize wordpress

This presentation was presented on October 31, 2012 at BarCamp Tampa Bay, FL. It was made to discuss the basics of Optimizing your WordPress Site.

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This document discusses how to maintain large web applications over time. It describes how the author's team managed a web application with over 65,000 lines of code and 6,000 automated tests over 2.5 years of development. Key aspects included packaging full releases, automating dependency installation, specifying supported environments, and automating data migrations during upgrades. The goal was to have a sustainable process that allowed for continuous development without slowing down due to maintenance issues.

If you see this in
results then you know the
bandwidth of the visitor is
Since you can’t increase the
visitors’ bandwidth, you must
slim down your site contents.
Front page should below 100 HTTP requests and 1000
kb, but 30 req and 300 kb is often doable with some
smart design.
Too many HTTP requests and
assets loaded in vain
Don’t try to solve
performance issues
by installing more
Since WordPress 5.2 the core now has the Site Health page that also
recommends uninstalling all unused plugins and themes, which is always a
good practice!
Too many HTTP requests and
assets loaded in vain
Too many HTTP requests and
assets loaded in vain
What about minification and
concatenation = combining many
.js and .css files into one?
Ensure your site is server
with HTTP/2 which has
similar features built into
the protocol.
With modern browsers and
HTTP/2 the benefits of
minification and
concatenation is marginal.
Use your developer time on
something else!

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Optimizing your WordPress website

Presenter - Mary White Mary is the owner of MW for Designs ( and she teaches website design with Html, CSS , Dreamweaver and WordPress in the Johnson County Community College continuing education department. • Learn why you NEED to optimize your website • Learn how to check your website speed • Learn all the "small things" you can do to speed up your website • Discover the most useful WordPress plugins to optimize your website • Need more? Get some advanced tips to speed up your site • Learn basic maintenance techniques to KEEP your site running fast

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Gestione avanzata di WordPress con WP-CLI - WordCamp Torino 2017 - Andrea Car...

WP-CLI is a command line interface for managing WordPress installations. It allows users to perform tasks like installing plugins and themes, updating WordPress core, managing users, and more through commands instead of using the WordPress dashboard. The tool saves time by automating repetitive tasks and allowing bulk operations. Developers can extend WP-CLI's functionality by creating their own commands and packages.

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These slides are from my WordCamp Chicago presentation about creating a solid backup strategy to implement on your self-hosted WordPress site.

Extra tip: native lazy loading images
● Latest Chrome supports new <img> attribute loading=”lazy” that
postpones downloading the image until visitor scrolls down to it.
● For WordPress 5.x sites: wp plugin install --activate native-lazyload
3. Web servers that are
slow or lack HTTP/2
The front page of a fresh
WordPress installation
should load in under 300
ms when tested on
Click on the
request to see
details, and check
for HTTP/2.
Web servers that are slow or
lack HTTP/2
For developers: learn how to use
the command-line tool curl:
● Tests WordPress specifically
= HTML output of a site
● Shows headers as well.
● Does not cache, all redirects
et al are always really from
the server and not your
browser’s memory.
Web servers that are slow or
lack HTTP/2
curl -Ls -o
/dev/null -w '%{http_code}
200 0,341418
curl -ILs -H Pragma:no-cache
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 14:32:51 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 178
Connection: keep-alive

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The document discusses optimizing Perl code for easy maintenance. It suggests limiting the programming vocabulary to simpler and more common constructs to make the code easier to read, understand and debug. Specifically, it recommends always using strict and warnings, formatting code consistently with Perltidy, writing code for future readers rather than just oneself, following common conventions when possible, and avoiding obscure, complex or magical language features. It provides examples of features that should generally be avoided, such as formats, punctuation variables and indirect object syntax, to optimize Perl code for long-term maintainability.

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Talk given at WP Helsinki Meetup 7.11.2018 See also: * * * *

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Web servers that are slow or
lack HTTP/2
You get what you pay for with
hosting that costs only 2,95€ per
month. Don’t try to save 20 euros
in the wrong place, it won’t be
worth it once you get trouble!
A good hosting solution will not
only be much faster than
average, but also usually include
better technology (HTTP/2,
Redis caching, gzip
compression) and some
companies even offer upkeep
that covers monitoring, updates,
security and much more.
4. Caches not working as
they should
Caches not working as they should
Unfortunately the quality of many
WordPress plugins and themes
are low, and they do things that
bust the cache:
● emit cache denying headers
● set cookies for all visitors
HTTP caching is very important,
since when it works, the HTML
from WordPress/PHP does not
need to be fetched at all and
everything is much faster from
the server.
HTTP caching also happens in
the browser and what is fetched
from browser memory is very
quickly shown to the visitor!
Caches not working as they should
While also
shows cache headers and
statuses, using curl is invaluable
since you can make changes on
the server validate it in an instant:
Look for headers like:
● cache-control
● expires
● age
● set-cookie
Good read:
curl -ILs
HTTP/2 200
content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
vary: Accept-Encoding
expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate,

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Things I have learned over the years through experience of having to deliver code rapidly, with few defects and maximum functionality. I cover basic coding techniques, automated testing and sometimes I have enough time to review tools and code generation!

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The document discusses techniques for optimizing websites to load faster. It provides 12 tips for optimization including enabling GZIP compression, minifying JavaScript and CSS, optimizing image sizes and formats, reducing the number of requests, and combining files. Performance statistics are given showing how even small reductions in load times can significantly increase user engagement and sales.

JS digest. Decemebr 2017
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JavaScript news in December 2017 edition: + Kill Internet Explorer + Google Chrome 63 Released + How to Cancel Your Promise + Parcel + Turbo + Average Page Load Times for 2018 + Vulnerable JavaScript Libraries + New theming API in Firefox + Bower is dead + Extension Tree Style Tab: Reborn + React v16.2.0 + WebStorm 2017.3.1 + The Best JavaScript and CSS Libraries for 2017

javascriptjsinternet explorer
Caches not working as they should
Cookies imply that there is a
session and that the HTML page
contents is individually tailored,
thus no caching.
Cookies should not be used for
language selection or for storing
cookie consent info (sic!).
The old PHPSESSION cookies
should not be in use anywhere
On a WooCommerce site cookies
might make sense, since the
page might have a shopping cart
or a “Hello <name>” section that
is supposed to be shown to this
only one user.
Extra tip: test HTTP cache
● For Seravo’s customers: wp-check-http-cache
Caches not working as they should
Remember, caching is also good for the environment!
(Prevents excess CPU cycles from happening.)
5. Code is doing too much

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The presentation about how the site works on the Internet and what happens when you open it in your browser. What happens under the hood of the server and browser. How to measure the performance of the CS-Cart project simply and without technical knowledge :) And of course, why all the online-performance-testing services lie, or dont provides a clear view ;) --- Cloud hosting for CS-Cart, Multi-Vendor, WordPress, and Magento by Simtech Development - AWS and CS-Cart certified hosting provider free installation & migration | free 24/7 server monitoring | free daily backups | free SSL | and more...

Code is doing too much
Typically developers don’t test
their plugins with large amounts
of data and they work well on
small sites.
As sites grow, all problems related
to excess data manipulation
become visible.
External API calls in PHP typically
also block the entire site from
loading if the external API is down.
● Inject more data on a test
site and see how it behaves
● In code, don’t always fetch
everything from the
database. Remember
● Design code to do only what
is needed for the view,
nothing else.
Code is doing too much
Finding the code bottlenecks is
hard without proper tools.
● Code profiling
● XDebug on test sites
● Tideways on production
Code is doing too much
XDebug + Webgrind
More at:
Code is doing too much
More at:

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An overview of caching, optimization, and performance measurement tips. Presented to the Detroit WordPress Meetup on April 10, 2017.

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My slide deck from my session, AD113: Speed Up Your Applications with Nginx + PageSpeed, at MWLUG 2015 in Atlanta, GA at the Ritz-Carlton. For more, see: - -

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WordPress performance tuning

Slides from my speech about web apps performance. Images, CSS, JS optimization. PHP and HTTP server effects + caching. Performance profiling with, debugging with Xdebug.

Code is doing too much
The database is often the
performance bottleneck. See my
other talk on WordPress and
database optimization:
More in-depth code profiling tips
in my WordPress performance
Extra tip: test with network block
● For Seravo’s customers: wp-check-remote-failure
Thank you!
For more tips read blogs at (in English) or (suomeksi)
or sign up at
Premium hosting
and upkeep for

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This document provides best practices for WordPress applications, covering topics like caching, database reads/writes, search queries, maintainability, security, third-party code, teams, and workflows. It recommends tools and techniques to optimize performance, including using Redis for caching, Elasticsearch for complex queries, feature plugins, documentation, testing, linting, and managing dependencies with Composer.

implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
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implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow

This presentation is about implementing the performance as first approach in web development and a bit of real case study. Then implement the Lighthouse-CI in the development workflow to keep the site performance high.

Core Web Vitals Fixer
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Core Web Vitals Fixer; WordPress 90+ Speed Pack; Search Console Fixes; Traffic Recovery; Find out more here or visit the shop

seocore web vitalsux
0. Who is Otto and what is Seravo
a. Follow on Twitter to get slides
1. Too big image file sizes
a. Typical with modern mobile phones and on blogs
b. See it yourself in the developer console, page size should be <1MB
c. How to use to measure it
d. Optimize images with open source tools yourself or install a plugin - Seravo has wp-optimize-images
2. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain
a. Look at web developer console how many requests are made on every page
b. Remove excess cruft, remove unnecessary plugins. WP 5.2 health check helps!
c. Don’t try to solve speed issues by installing more plugins!
d. Forget minification and concatenation - ensure you have HTTP/2 instead
3. Slow web server, cheap hosting, lack of HTTP/2
a. Fast web server - WP out of the box should load in 200 ms
b. How to use curl to measure it
c. Browser developer console
d. Hosting should cost closer 30-50 euros per month
e. Good hosting takes automatically care of many server side things, like HTTP caching, Redis based object caching, HTTP/2, gzip compression etc
4. Cache busted
a. How to use curl to see cache headers
b. Avoid cookies set in vain
i. WooCommerce OK
ii. Cookie consent or WPML is not OK use case for cookies
5. Code is doing too much
a. XDebug
b. Tideways
c. Database size often the culprit, see my other talk
d. See my WC Europe talk. See you this year as well?
6. Software Architect tips
a. Blocking JavaScript
b. AMP - don’t do it
c. Progressive web applications - the future

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The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – extended edition

  • 1. The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site – and how to fix them Otto Kekäläinen @ottokekalainen WP Meetup October 2019 Edition
  • 2. ● A CEO who codes at ● Written WP themes and plugins, contributed to WordPress Core, MySQL, MariaDB, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux kernel, AppArmor… ● Linux and open source advocate Otto Kekäläinen
  • 3. The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site 1. Unnecessarily large image files 2. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain 3. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2 4. Caches not working as they should 5. Code fetching too much external data before printing out the WordPress HTML for visitors to see
  • 5. Unnecessarily large image files The pictures from modern mobile phones are huge. A single image from a 8 Mpix camera is easily 3 MB in size and 3840x2160 in dimensions. My laptop: 1920x1080 Iphone X: 2436x1125 On websites any image over 1000px per side is usually waste of space.
  • 6. Unnecessarily large image files Check it yourself: press F12 to open the developer console in a browser. See tab Network and check image files Size and Time.
  • 7. Unnecessarily large image files Another tool:
  • 8. Unnecessarily large image files Solution: ● Always use one of the image sizes generated by WordPress, never full size. ● Use open source command-line tools like optipng and jpegoptim to optimize your images. ● There are also plugins that send your images for processing on a remote server.
  • 9. Unnecessarily large image files Smart server environments and development tools take care of image optimization automatically. wp-optimize-images No path given as argument. Using default path. Scanning for image files in /data/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/uploads/ Found 9 images in total and 6 new images. ... ---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size-1568x2788.jpg ... File size reduction: 360K --> 324K Optimized image by: 10.3697 % ---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size-169x300.jpg ... File size reduction: 16K --> 16K Optimized image by: 7.47187 % ---> Optimizing otto-normal-full-size.jpg ... File size reduction: 868K --> 464K Optimized image by: 46.6131 % Optimized 6 images for a total of 463KiB saved!
  • 10. Unnecessarily large image files Remember to validate after changes!
  • 11. 2. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain
  • 12. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain With the same web developer console or tool you can see how many HTTP requests were made and the total size of download: Solution: ● Uninstall unnecessary plugins ● If you see a contact form plugin load on every page, report that as a bug to the plugin author. It should load it’s assets only on the page where the contact form actually is on.
  • 13. If you see this in results then you know the bandwidth of the visitor is saturated: Since you can’t increase the visitors’ bandwidth, you must slim down your site contents. Front page should below 100 HTTP requests and 1000 kb, but 30 req and 300 kb is often doable with some smart design. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain
  • 14. Don’t try to solve performance issues by installing more plugins!
  • 15. Since WordPress 5.2 the core now has the Site Health page that also recommends uninstalling all unused plugins and themes, which is always a good practice! Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain
  • 16. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain What about minification and concatenation = combining many .js and .css files into one? Ensure your site is server with HTTP/2 which has similar features built into the protocol. With modern browsers and HTTP/2 the benefits of minification and concatenation is marginal. Use your developer time on something else!
  • 17. Extra tip: native lazy loading images ● Latest Chrome supports new <img> attribute loading=”lazy” that postpones downloading the image until visitor scrolls down to it. ● For WordPress 5.x sites: wp plugin install --activate native-lazyload ● Read more at
  • 18. 3. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2
  • 19. The front page of a fresh WordPress installation should load in under 300 ms when tested on Click on the request to see details, and check for HTTP/2. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2
  • 20. For developers: learn how to use the command-line tool curl: ● Tests WordPress specifically = HTML output of a site ● Shows headers as well. ● Does not cache, all redirects et al are always really from the server and not your browser’s memory. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2 curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code} %{time_total}n' 200 0,341418 curl -ILs -H Pragma:no-cache HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: nginx Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 14:32:51 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 178 Connection: keep-alive Location:
  • 21. Web servers that are slow or lack HTTP/2 You get what you pay for with hosting that costs only 2,95€ per month. Don’t try to save 20 euros in the wrong place, it won’t be worth it once you get trouble! A good hosting solution will not only be much faster than average, but also usually include better technology (HTTP/2, Redis caching, gzip compression) and some companies even offer upkeep that covers monitoring, updates, security and much more.
  • 22. 4. Caches not working as they should
  • 23. Caches not working as they should Unfortunately the quality of many WordPress plugins and themes are low, and they do things that bust the cache: ● emit cache denying headers ● set cookies for all visitors HTTP caching is very important, since when it works, the HTML from WordPress/PHP does not need to be fetched at all and everything is much faster from the server. HTTP caching also happens in the browser and what is fetched from browser memory is very quickly shown to the visitor!
  • 24. Caches not working as they should While also shows cache headers and statuses, using curl is invaluable since you can make changes on the server validate it in an instant: Look for headers like: ● cache-control ● expires ● age ● set-cookie Good read: n-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Caching curl -ILs HTTP/2 200 content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 vary: Accept-Encoding expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
  • 25. Caches not working as they should Cookies imply that there is a session and that the HTML page contents is individually tailored, thus no caching. Cookies should not be used for language selection or for storing cookie consent info (sic!). The old PHPSESSION cookies should not be in use anywhere anymore! On a WooCommerce site cookies might make sense, since the page might have a shopping cart or a “Hello <name>” section that is supposed to be shown to this only one user.
  • 26. Extra tip: test HTTP cache ● For Seravo’s customers: wp-check-http-cache
  • 27. Caches not working as they should Remember, caching is also good for the environment! (Prevents excess CPU cycles from happening.)
  • 28. 5. Code is doing too much
  • 29. Code is doing too much Typically developers don’t test their plugins with large amounts of data and they work well on small sites. As sites grow, all problems related to excess data manipulation become visible. External API calls in PHP typically also block the entire site from loading if the external API is down. Solution: ● Inject more data on a test site and see how it behaves ● In code, don’t always fetch everything from the database. Remember “LIMIT N” in SQL, OK? ● Design code to do only what is needed for the view, nothing else.
  • 30. Code is doing too much Finding the code bottlenecks is hard without proper tools. Solution: ● Code profiling ● XDebug on test sites ● Tideways on production sites
  • 31. Code is doing too much XDebug + Webgrind More at:
  • 32. Code is doing too much More at:
  • 33. Code is doing too much The database is often the performance bottleneck. See my other talk on WordPress and database optimization: More in-depth code profiling tips in my WordPress performance talk:äläinen
  • 34. Extra tip: test with network block ● For Seravo’s customers: wp-check-remote-failure
  • 35. Thank you! For more tips read blogs at (in English) or (suomeksi) or sign up at
  • 36. Premium hosting and upkeep for WordPress HTTP/2 TESTED UPDATES 24/7 UPKEEP
  • 37. 0. Who is Otto and what is Seravo a. Follow on Twitter to get slides 1. Too big image file sizes a. Typical with modern mobile phones and on blogs b. See it yourself in the developer console, page size should be <1MB c. How to use to measure it d. Optimize images with open source tools yourself or install a plugin - Seravo has wp-optimize-images 2. Too many HTTP requests and assets loaded in vain a. Look at web developer console how many requests are made on every page b. Remove excess cruft, remove unnecessary plugins. WP 5.2 health check helps! c. Don’t try to solve speed issues by installing more plugins! d. Forget minification and concatenation - ensure you have HTTP/2 instead 3. Slow web server, cheap hosting, lack of HTTP/2 a. Fast web server - WP out of the box should load in 200 ms b. How to use curl to measure it c. Browser developer console d. Hosting should cost closer 30-50 euros per month e. Good hosting takes automatically care of many server side things, like HTTP caching, Redis based object caching, HTTP/2, gzip compression etc 4. Cache busted a. How to use curl to see cache headers b. Avoid cookies set in vain i. WooCommerce OK ii. Cookie consent or WPML is not OK use case for cookies 5. Code is doing too much a. XDebug b. Tideways c. Database size often the culprit, see my other talk d. See my WC Europe talk. See you this year as well? 6. Software Architect tips a. Blocking JavaScript b. AMP - don’t do it c. Progressive web applications - the future