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Advanced Web Development Software Strategies for Online Applications Rob Stein, Charlie Moad, Ed Bachta The Indianapolis Museum of Art
Purpose of Today’s Workshop You will leave today with  tools  and  techniques  for building their own  online applications . You will understand the overarching  concepts  and  strategies  behind building dynamic online applications and some  shortcuts  to accelerate your development
Outline Web App or Web Page Trends in Web Software Development BYO API’s Bite-sized Web Components Collaborative Development Drupal Bootcamp More…
Web Page or Web Application… What’s the Difference?

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Web application framework
Web application frameworkWeb application framework
Web application framework

This document discusses web application frameworks. It begins with a brief history of web development and the need for frameworks. It defines what a framework is and distinguishes frameworks from libraries. Popular Java, PHP, and ASP.NET frameworks are described, including Spring, Struts, Hibernate, CakePHP, Zend, and Drupal. The MVC design pattern is explained. Advantages of frameworks include code reuse, support for common tasks, and ability to upgrade features easily. Disadvantages include additional learning curves and potential performance issues.

Html Ppt
Html PptHtml Ppt
Html Ppt

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to define the structure and layout of web pages using a variety of tags and attributes. Some key points covered are: - HTML documents use tags like <html> enclosed in angle brackets to describe headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content. - Tags normally come in pairs with opening and closing tags. - HTML can be used to format text, add images and tables, create lists and forms, structure pages using divs and frames, and more. - CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is often used to define styles and layouts, separate from HTML content. - Forms allow users to enter data through

htmlhtml ppthtml example
Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5

The document is a presentation on HTML5 that covers: - What HTML5 is and why to use it - New HTML5 structural elements, forms, multimedia elements, and JavaScript APIs - Demonstrations of HTML5 features like Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Web Workers, and Web Sockets - How CSS3 enhances HTML5 with features like media queries, colors, animations and more - Strategies for implementing HTML5 into websites while maintaining compatibility

Web Pages are Built by Producers They convey a set amount of information The creator decides what the information is Generally the user consumes the content once
Web Apps are Driven by the User Information presented is dynamic and unknown before hand The user decides the information they want to see Web applications can be used many times by the same user.
Web Page
Web Application

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Learn html Basics
Learn html BasicsLearn html Basics
Learn html Basics

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. HTML uses tags to mark elements like headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more. When an HTML file is opened in a web browser, the browser displays the page using the tags to interpret the page's content and structure. Common HTML elements include headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists, tables, forms, and iframes. CSS can also be used to further define styles and visual presentation of HTML elements.

web marketingweb design and developmentweb design
Web Development using HTML & CSS
Web Development using HTML & CSSWeb Development using HTML & CSS
Web Development using HTML & CSS

A simple presentation for anyone who wish to get started with the basics of Web Development using HTML & CSS.

Web Development Presentation
Web Development PresentationWeb Development Presentation
Web Development Presentation

The document provides an overview of web development. It discusses how the web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and the initial technologies of HTTP, HTML, and URLs. It then explains how a basic web application works with a browser connecting to a web server to request and receive HTML files and other resources. The document also summarizes key concepts in web development including front-end versus back-end code, common programming languages and frameworks, database usage, and standards that allow interoperability across systems.

codesjsonweb development
Web Page
Web Application
The More Things Change The More They Stay the Same…

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Web Development Ppt
Web Development PptWeb Development Ppt
Web Development Ppt

HiddenBrains is an offshore web development company in india. We provide hiring services for php web development, web development, java programming, open source development, ecommerce solution, internet marketing and web design. Hire highly experienced web programmer and get customized web application development services in UK, Europe, USA.

web development companyweb developerhire php developer
Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation

The document covers various topics related to CSS including CSS introduction, syntax, selectors, inclusion methods, setting backgrounds, fonts, manipulating text, and working with images. Key points include how CSS handles web page styling, the advantages of CSS, CSS versions, associating styles using embedded, inline, external and imported CSS, and properties for backgrounds, fonts, text formatting, and images.

presentationcsscss presentation
Presentation on HTML
Presentation on HTMLPresentation on HTML
Presentation on HTML

HTML is the language used to structure and present content on the World Wide Web. It uses tags to define headings, paragraphs, lists, and other elements. A basic HTML file includes an <html> tag which contains <head> and <body> sections. The <head> includes the <title> and the <body> holds the visible page content. Common tags include <p> for paragraphs, <ul> and <ol> for unordered and ordered lists, and <img> to embed images.

basics of htmlhtml5presentation on html

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This document provides an overview of JavaScript and the DOM (Document Object Model) for a web programming course. It introduces JavaScript as a scripting language used to add interactivity to HTML pages. It describes what JavaScript can do, such as dynamically updating text and reacting to events. It also covers JavaScript syntax, variables, operators, functions, and objects. A significant portion of the document is devoted to explaining the DOM and how it allows JavaScript to access and modify HTML elements and structure programmatically.

Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)

In today's internet scenario responsive websites are the most popular way of putting a website in worldwide web, as this a form in which your website can be seen in multiple devices without any problem. In this slide we tried to explain step by step processes in responsive website design.

responsive web design
Introduction to React JS
Introduction to React JSIntroduction to React JS
Introduction to React JS

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses a component-based approach where UI is broken into independent, reusable pieces called components. Components are like functions that return markup describing part of a view. React uses a virtual DOM to efficiently update the real DOM by only making necessary changes. This improves performance by avoiding expensive DOM operations and minimizing DOM access. Components receive data and callbacks through properties and local state is updated using setState(), triggering a re-render of changed parts of the UI.


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The document provides information on various HTML tags used for formatting text and content in a web page. It describes tags for headings, paragraphs, lists, physical styles, phrase formatting, block-level formatting, and text-level formatting. Examples are given showing how to use tags like <h1>, <p>, <ul>, <b>, <pre>, and <font> within HTML code.

Introduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/jsIntroduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/js

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and JavaScript can be used to program behaviors and interactions in web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

Introduction to web programming with JavaScript
Introduction to web programming with JavaScriptIntroduction to web programming with JavaScript
Introduction to web programming with JavaScript

This document provides an overview of web programming with JavaScript. It discusses topics like: - HTML and CSS which are used to structure and style web pages - How browsers interpret HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to display web pages - What backend and frontend development involve - Common JavaScript concepts like variables, operators, functions, and events - Tools that can be used for web development like text editors, browsers, and version control software - Resources for learning more about JavaScript and web programming


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The document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) by explaining some key concepts: HTML is used to create web pages and is made up of markup tags rather than a programming language. It describes the structure of a web page using elements like headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists and tables. The document then demonstrates and explains the use of various HTML tags through examples of code and the resulting web page output.


JavaScript is a scripting language used primarily for client-side web development. It is based on the ECMAScript standard but browsers support additional objects like Window and DOM objects. JavaScript can be used to create dynamic and interactive effects on web pages like menus, alerts, and updating content without reloading. It is commonly used for form validation, AJAX applications, and other interactive features. The document provides examples of basic JavaScript concepts like variables, data types, operators, and control structures and how to embed scripts in HTML.

Fundamentals of Web Development For Non-Developers
Fundamentals of Web Development For Non-DevelopersFundamentals of Web Development For Non-Developers
Fundamentals of Web Development For Non-Developers

This is the 2nd material of my technical training about "Fundamentals of Web Development" to non-developers, especially to business people and business analysts. This presentation covers some advanced topics that I did not cover in my previous "Fundamentals of Web" training. Even though most of the information I mention verbally in the training, the slides could help the ones who are not very familiar with web and web applications.

software developmentweb applicationsweb services
Attributes of a Web Application CORE COMPETENCIES OF WEB 2.0 COMPANIES: Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability   Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them   Trusting users as co-developers  Harnessing collective intelligence  Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service  Software above the level of a single device Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models  Tim O’Reilly –  What is Web2.0
So what are the keys to building great web applications?
We’re in Luck! People have been building robust applications for over 30 years They’ve figured out many smart strategies for building applications that are easy to grow and maintain. We’ll be sharing those strategies and techniques with you today and applying them to building great web applications.
Differences from Last Year Last year we spent a lot of time talking about the foundations of creating solid software applications…  This is still important when you are looking to provide access to your own controlled information to a larger audience However…

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Basic Introduction to Web Development
Basic Introduction to Web DevelopmentBasic Introduction to Web Development
Basic Introduction to Web Development

Slides from a talk I gave at the Gulf University of Science and Technology in Kuwait on Web Development basics.

web developmenthtmljavascript
Modern Web Development
Modern Web DevelopmentModern Web Development
Modern Web Development

Talks about the best practices in web development regarding semantics, accessibility, SEO and performance.

semanticsweb developmentperformance
Top 10 eHealth trends and best practices
Top 10 eHealth trends and best practicesTop 10 eHealth trends and best practices
Top 10 eHealth trends and best practices

Presentation of Top 10 eHealth & Healthcare trends presented at IDC Content Management Evolution 2014: Portals, Mobile and Social. Madrid (Spain), 11th of March 2014.

ehealthmhealthbest practice
Differences from Last Year Since last year’s talk software services and API’s / SDK’s of web software has really taken hold in a serious way. Building True Museum Applications from SAS Components is not so crazy anymore Last year it would have seemed foolish to suggest that Flickr could be used as the basis for a digital asset management system… this year… not so much (Flickr-LOC, machine tags, geotag support and integration) How crazy is it to think that we could combine Google Gears, Spreadsheets, Form Creator and Sites to create a simple collection management system?
WebDev 2008 Today, web developers are more like a systems integrator than a hardware manufacturer.
WebDev 2008 The craft of web development is now how you choose to use components to communicate about your content.
WebDev 2008 Skills required are now more about knowing what’s out there and how to structure relationships between components and do the integration pieces needed to bring engaging content to users…

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Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)
Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)
Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)

We already showed you how to build a Beautiful REST+JSON API(, but how do you secure your API? At Stormpath we spent 18 months researching best practices, implementing them in the Stormpath API, and figuring out what works. Here’s our playbook on how to secure a REST API.

rest designrest securityapi security
The road to professional web development
The road to professional web developmentThe road to professional web development
The road to professional web development

My presentation in Taiwan about the history of web development and what practices make sense and got followed in the YUI.

Green Storage 1: Economics, Environment, Energy and Engineering
Green Storage 1: Economics, Environment, Energy and EngineeringGreen Storage 1: Economics, Environment, Energy and Engineering
Green Storage 1: Economics, Environment, Energy and Engineering

This document discusses a tutorial on green storage that covers the economics, environment, energy, and engineering aspects of data storage. It notes that the material is copyrighted by the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) but that member companies can use slides without modification and must acknowledge the SNIA as the source. The presentation is a project of the SNIA Education Committee.

That Being Said… There are still many reasons why you should consider building your own API’s and application infrastructure.

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Infographic 60 Top Auto Insurance Keywords by Monthly Average Search Volume o...
Infographic 60 Top Auto Insurance Keywords by Monthly Average Search Volume o...Infographic 60 Top Auto Insurance Keywords by Monthly Average Search Volume o...
Infographic 60 Top Auto Insurance Keywords by Monthly Average Search Volume o...

10 keywords were selected per category. Each category represents a stage in the buyer’s journey. Top of the funnel keyword searches involve more general questions around Car/Auto Insurance. Bottom of the funnel keywords are represented by more transactional keywords that have intent to quote/policy.

by TPG
auto insuranceauto insurance keywordssearch engine marketing
Teen Driving Insurance?
Teen Driving Insurance?Teen Driving Insurance?
Teen Driving Insurance?

Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies: WWW.INSUREINFO.INFO Teen Driving Insurance? I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs

teen driving insurance?
Life Insurance Facts
Life Insurance FactsLife Insurance Facts
Life Insurance Facts

1 in 10 people in India do not have access to any form of insurance. While the average life insurance premium costs less than a pack of cigarettes, people tend to postpone their intent to buy. Learn why you should go for a life cover in this easy-to-understand infographic.

term insuranceinsuranceterm plan
Reasons to build your own API’s If you have unique information that others are unlikely to  support adequately If you care about security of your data If you wish to control the distribution of your information If a guarantee of service is important
Where’s the API for my data? Strategies for rapidly building an API Model-driven development Last year == XMLSchema (still valid) This year == database as your model You most likely already have this model
Object Relational Mappers Object oriented access to a database No SQL needed Data model changes picked up automatically Mostly database agnostic
Object Relational Mappers ORMs have come a long way They understand you might want to execute queries directly Allow custom method additions to objects

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What You Should Know About Buying A Lake House
What You Should Know About Buying A Lake HouseWhat You Should Know About Buying A Lake House
What You Should Know About Buying A Lake House

Buying a lake home can be an exciting process. Whether you're looking for a weekend getaway, a retirement home, or a primary residence, lakefront properties offer many attractive features. Homes near and on lakes also have their own set of hassles and aspects to carefully consider, however. Before you sign that purchase agreement, be sure you have all the facts.

real estateinsurancelake homes
Believe In Story - The Power of Content Creation Management
Believe In Story - The Power of Content Creation ManagementBelieve In Story - The Power of Content Creation Management
Believe In Story - The Power of Content Creation Management

This document discusses content creation and marketing. It begins by acknowledging that not everything presented as true is actually true. It then discusses different types of content creators called promoters, preachers, professors and poets. Promoters focus on facilitating sales, preachers on driving awareness, professors on building trust, and poets on emotional connections. The document advocates developing a content creation management (CCM) plan that combines these approaches into a scalable process. It provides an example of how a technology company implements such a plan across different content types and teams. The key message is that an organized CCM process is needed to structure content marketing efforts.

content marketingcontent marketing worldcontent creation
Dojo - from web page to web apps
Dojo - from web page to web appsDojo - from web page to web apps
Dojo - from web page to web apps

Dojo is a JavaScript framework that helps build dynamic web applications. It provides tools and techniques to handle data, user interfaces, internationalization, and accessibility. Dojo includes data stores to retrieve and manage data, widgets to display data, and templating to generate interface code on the client-side. It also offers utilities to optimize application loading, such as file merging and minification.

dojo Model Driven Development Class generation from database tables Model changes are picked up automatically **Auto-generated Code** Do Not Edit! /** * Entity representing the table: term  *  @package  steve.core.data_objects  *  *  @author  tech-dudes <> *  @version  0.001alpha  */ class  Term  extends  Entity { function  getTableName() { return  &quot;steve_term&quot;;} function  getKey() { return  &quot;term_id&quot;;} var  $termId; function  getTermId() {  return  $this->termId; } function  setTermId($term_id) { $this->termId = $term_id;}  var  $sessionId; function  getSessionId() {  return  $this->sessionId; } function  setSessionId($session_id) { $this->sessionId = $session_id;} … PHP Formalized API Directs remote access Explicit security /** *  @package  steve.core.api *  @author  tech-dudes <> *  @version  0.001alpha */ interface  iTermDAO  { /** *  Create a new term object *  @param  string $token the auth token *  @param  int $mimeId the image id to associate the term with *  @param  string $termText the text for the term *  @return  Term result *  @throws  termException *  @secure authToken $token */ function  createTerm($token, $mimeId, $termText); /** *  Save an existing term into the database *  @param  string $token the auth token *  @param  Term $term the term to be saved *  @throws  termException *  @secure authToken $token */ function  saveTerm($token, $term); ... Bringing it all together Implement interfaces Code access to types class  TermDAO  extends  ADOHelper  implements  iTermDAO   { /** *  Create a new term object *  @param  string $token the auth token *  @param  int $mimeId the image id to associate the term with *  @param  string $termText the text for the term *  @return  Term result *  @throws  termException *  @secure authToken $token */ function  createTerm($token, $mimeId, $termText) {  $termObject =  new  Term(); $termObject->setTerm($termText); $this->create($termObject);  // makes new DB row return  $termObject; } /** *  Save an existing term into the database *  @param  string $token the auth token *  @param  Term $term the term to be saved *  @throws  termException *  @secure authUserCheckId $token */ function  saveTerm($token, $term) { $this->save($term);  // issues a DB update return ; }  ...
Introducing Mercury Adaptive layer for the IMA Collection Collections Management Digital Asset Management User Generated Content Mercury Exhibition Micro-sites In-Gallery Applications

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The document provides an introduction and overview of topics to be covered in a tutorial on web-based collaborative tools. The tutorial will cover tools for web conferencing, learning management systems, shared displays, management tools, and learning object standards. It will also discuss authoring tools, voice over IP, access grids, instant messengers, calendars, palmtop interfaces, and portals for education and computing.

video conferencing video conferencing tool
Googleappengineintro 110410190620-phpapp01
Googleappengineintro 110410190620-phpapp01Googleappengineintro 110410190620-phpapp01
Googleappengineintro 110410190620-phpapp01

This document provides an introduction and overview of Google App Engine and developing applications with Python on the platform. It discusses what App Engine is, who uses it, how much it costs, recommended development tools and frameworks, and some of the key services provided like the datastore, blobstore, task queues, and URL fetch. It also notes some limitations of App Engine and alternatives to running your own version of the platform.

Introduction to using jQuery with SharePoint
Introduction to using jQuery with SharePointIntroduction to using jQuery with SharePoint
Introduction to using jQuery with SharePoint

This document provides an introduction to using jQuery with SharePoint. It discusses what jQuery is, some basic jQuery concepts like selection and modification, and how jQuery can be used to enhance SharePoint through demos of content modification, slideshows, column visibility toggling, and calling SharePoint web services. Requirements, development tools, and resources for learning more about jQuery with SharePoint are also outlined.

PHP Adapter Layer
Adding a custom method Using the custom method
Rich Client Platform Not (just) an IDE Support for virtually every programming language you will need Cross platform No! It’s not just for Java.

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A look at some of exciting features of HTML5, a presentation given by me at Universtiy Seminar in 7th Semester.

Building Social Enterprise with Ruby and Salesforce
Building Social Enterprise with Ruby and SalesforceBuilding Social Enterprise with Ruby and Salesforce
Building Social Enterprise with Ruby and Salesforce

This was my presentation at the Oct 4th, Dallas Ruby Brigade night. It covers Lean Methodology and using DatabaseDotCom and Ruby Source Code

dallas ruby brigade presentation
Approaches to mobile site development
Approaches to mobile site developmentApproaches to mobile site development
Approaches to mobile site development

In this presentation I cover my work on developing mobile web sites using jQuery, jQTouch, and Django

Search Users expect good search functionality Full-text indexes to the rescue Index of terms that map to documents Many databases include FT support now What if these don’t meet our needs… …  then meet Lucene
Fast -- Low memory usage Extensible Tools built on Lucene Nutch  - web crawler Solr  - they did the REST for you  ranked searching -- best results returned first  many powerful query types: phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range queries fielded searching (e.g., title, author, contents)  date-range searching  sorting by any field  multiple-index searching with merged results  allows simultaneous update and searching
Bite Sized Web Components Small, specialized software building blocks allow you to leverage someone else’s work w/o costly dev or debugging. They key is staying abreast of what’s out there and ways of integrating these systems together…
WebApp Toolbox

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Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc
Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days OcDaniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc
Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc

The document provides details about a presentation given by Daniel Egan on what's new in ASP.Net 4.0. It includes an agenda that covers new features in ASP.Net web forms, ASP.Net AJAX, ASP.Net templates, and integrating jQuery. It also provides resources and contact information for Daniel Egan.

Overview of entity framework by software outsourcing company india
Overview of entity framework by software outsourcing company indiaOverview of entity framework by software outsourcing company india
Overview of entity framework by software outsourcing company india

This provides an overview of Entity Framework - by software outsourcing company India, iFour Technolab Pvt. Ltd. -

entity framework.netsoftware development
Mike Taulty MIX10 Silverlight Frameworks and Patterns
Mike Taulty MIX10 Silverlight Frameworks and PatternsMike Taulty MIX10 Silverlight Frameworks and Patterns
Mike Taulty MIX10 Silverlight Frameworks and Patterns

This document provides an overview and summary of Silverlight 4 frameworks, patterns, and capabilities. It discusses ASP.NET client application services, WCF data services, WCF RIA services, navigation, search, extensible applications using MEF, and the MVVM pattern. The document includes several demos that could be shown to illustrate these topics. It also provides information on related sessions at the conference to learn more.

Storage Amazon S3   $0.15 per GB/month storage $0.10 per GB transfer IN $0.18 per GB transfer OUT Nirvanix   $0.18 per GB/month storage $0.18 per GB/month transfer IN/OUT XDrive   $9.95 / month for 50GB (no transfer?) $19.95 / month for 15GB (no transfer?)
Video YouTube  ( ) Search Videos, Control ratings, comments, Upload videos, control and customize Flash player Interface via the Google Data protocols (HTTP and XML), Java and PHP Revver  ( )  ( )
Images Flickr  http:// / Uploads, Tag, Search, Browse photos and users / groups, Machine Tags provide the ability to extend metadata arbitrarily. Support for REST, XML_RPC, SOAP, serialized PHP, and JSON Picassa  http://   Also Uses the GData API’s like YouTube Supports population and retrieval of several different types of metadata, creation of groups / albums, etc…
Compute Linux based Virtual Machines Defaults include fedora core +/- apache +/- mysql Custom configuration of instances are supported Instances are persistent, but billable based on use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud   $0.10 - $0.80 per instance/hour  $0.10 Trans IN, $0.80 Trans OUT 3Tera APPLogic 2-1024 CPU’s 2-2048 GB RAM 0.75 – 512 TB Disk

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Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata API
Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata APIBest practices in using Salesforce Metadata API
Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata API

The document is a presentation about best practices for using the Salesforce Metadata API. It discusses what metadata is, the two types of Metadata API operations (CRUD-based and declarative file-based), common applications of the Metadata API including standard configuration tools, and development scenarios. It provides examples of creating custom objects and fields via the Metadata API and outlines best practices such as respecting platform configurations and boundaries when programmatically manipulating metadata.

dreamforce '14force.comsalesforce
Real-Time Web Applications with ASP.NET WebAPI and SignalR
Real-Time Web Applications with ASP.NET WebAPI and SignalRReal-Time Web Applications with ASP.NET WebAPI and SignalR
Real-Time Web Applications with ASP.NET WebAPI and SignalR

This document discusses ASP.NET Web API and SignalR frameworks. ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can reach a variety of clients. It features a modern HTTP programming model and supports content negotiation, request validation, and hosting flexibility. SignalR enables adding real-time web functionality to apps. It provides a simple API for adding real-time functionality like chat. The document also briefly mentions OData and Knockout.js.; signalr
Java Technology
Java TechnologyJava Technology
Java Technology

The document discusses recommendations for computer science students before graduating, including taking programming courses focused on object-oriented principles and design patterns, finding internships that involve programming work, learning English, studying microeconomics, completing sample applications to demonstrate skills, and being active in online communities. It also emphasizes the importance of documentation, graduating quickly, avoiding dismissing non-IT courses, and focusing on skills rather than specific future jobs.

Web Hosting Setup Single Server Instance per Month $16.80 (small), $64.00 (large), $134.40 (xlarge) $100 1TB per Month Transfer IN $180 1TB per Month Transfer OUT Total Cost = $296 - $414 Yearly Cost = $3500 - $5000 Server plus all power and bandwidth High availability
Amazon Web Services Great Example:  Monster Muck  Mashup  - Mass Video Conversion Using AWS   Convert 500 videos to MPEG4 for iPod Uses Amazon’s EC2, S3, and Simple Queue Web Service’s Compute Time: 20min Cost: $1.78
Authentication Services OpenId – Currently supported by AOL, LiveJournal, WordPress, Ma.gnolia, Basecamp and Yahoo! Allows you to uniquely identify yourself to service providers. OAuth –   Library support for all major programming languages Enables you to grant access to your data to a third party.  (i.e. giving a slideshow mashup permission to access your Flickr photos w/o giving that site your login information on flickr)
Social Computing Undoubtedly a force to consider when creating your web apps. Future development scenarios are a bit uncertain. Facebook /OpenSocial Winner is currently  unknown Best bet today…  stick with the eyeballs  and be ready to  change.

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IRJET- Lightweight MVC Framework in PHP
IRJET- Lightweight MVC Framework in PHPIRJET- Lightweight MVC Framework in PHP
IRJET- Lightweight MVC Framework in PHP

This document discusses a lightweight Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework for PHP programming. It begins by providing background on PHP and the traditional MVC pattern. It then introduces a lightweight MVC framework for PHP that aims to improve efficiency, reduce complexity, and enhance security, stability and robustness. The framework consists of components like the index page, libraries, business controller, MVC base class, and database/template layers. It allows developers to get the benefits of MVC while maintaining simplicity. Some advantages are fast development, low maintenance and high performance, while disadvantages include needing programming expertise and less built-in support.

Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata API
Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata APIBest practices in using Salesforce Metadata API
Best practices in using Salesforce Metadata API

The document is a presentation about best practices for using the Salesforce Metadata API. It discusses what metadata and the Metadata API are, how to access the API, common applications of the API, and best practices. It covers the two types of Metadata API operations - CRUD-based and declarative file-based - and provides examples of creating, updating, and deleting metadata components using the API.

metadata apidreamforce '14salesforce
WebNet Conference 2012 - Designing complex applications using html5 and knock...
WebNet Conference 2012 - Designing complex applications using html5 and knock...WebNet Conference 2012 - Designing complex applications using html5 and knock...
WebNet Conference 2012 - Designing complex applications using html5 and knock...

This document provides an overview of designing complex applications using HTML5 and KnockoutJS. It discusses HTML5 and why it is useful, introduces JavaScript and frameworks like KnockoutJS and SammyJS that help manage complexity. It also summarizes several JavaScript libraries and patterns including the module pattern, revealing module pattern, and MV* patterns. Specific libraries and frameworks discussed include RequireJS, AmplifyJS, UnderscoreJS, and LINQ.js. The document concludes with a brief mention of server-side tools like ScriptSharp.

Facebook API   3 components Interface API Query Language (FQL) FBML (Facebook Markup Language)
Interface API Interface API REST based API covering ways to manage / retrieve information about friends / users / applications / profiles and messaging Yech! This is a whole lot of bother for a list of friends… friends.get(api_key, session_key, call_id, secret_key_md5,  version, [format], [callback], [flid]);
Interface API Fortunately the Developer’s Platform comes with helper libraries that encapsulate the current facebook API Much Simpler! friends.get([format], [callback], [flid]);
friends.get()  Response <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?>  <friends_get_response xmlns=   xmlns:xsi=&quot;;  xsi:schemaLocation=&quot;; list=&quot;true&quot;>  <uid>222333</uid>  <uid>1240079</uid>  </friends_get_response>  [222333,1240079] XML JSON

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ArcReady - Architecting For The Cloud
ArcReady - Architecting For The CloudArcReady - Architecting For The Cloud
ArcReady - Architecting For The Cloud

For our next ArcReady, we will explore a topic on everyone’s mind: Cloud computing. Several industry companies have announced cloud computing services . In October 2008 at the Professional Developers Conference, Microsoft announced the next phase of our Software + Services vision: the Azure Services Platform. The Azure Services Platforms provides a wide range of internet services that can be consumed from both on premises environments or the internet. Session 1: Cloud Services In our first session we will explore the current state of cloud services. We will then look at how applications should be architected for the cloud and explore a reference application deployed on Windows Azure. We will also look at the services that can be built for on premise application, using .NET Services. We will also address some of the concerns that enterprises have about cloud services, such as regulatory and compliance issues. Session 2: The Azure Platform In our second session we will take a slightly different look at cloud based services by exploring Live Mesh and Live Services. Live Mesh is a data synchronization client that has a rich API to build applications on. Live services are a collection of APIs that can be used to create rich applications for your customers. Live Services are based on internet standard protocols and data formats.

BarCamp KL H20 Open Social Hackathon
BarCamp KL H20 Open Social HackathonBarCamp KL H20 Open Social Hackathon
BarCamp KL H20 Open Social Hackathon

This document provides an overview of OpenSocial, including its benefits for application developers and social networks, examples of how to build OpenSocial applications using various APIs, and resources for OpenSocial developers.

Having Fun Building Web Applications (Day 1 Slides)
Having Fun Building Web Applications (Day 1 Slides)Having Fun Building Web Applications (Day 1 Slides)
Having Fun Building Web Applications (Day 1 Slides)

This document outlines the agenda and content for Day 1 of a web applications course. The instructor will cover building the front end of web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and templating. Students will practice implementing common front end patterns and components. They will scaffold and style a matchmaking application, adding user profiles, events and APIs. The goal is to build out the front end interface without a backend, focusing on design, interactivity and data loading.

Query Language Query Language (FQL) SQL-like query language that provides an alternate way to query the system. API methods cover 90% of what you need here by there are 10% of things that I don’t think you can do w/o making use of the Query language FQL has some advantages Reduces the cost of parsing API’s more complicated XML structures Potentially reduces the number of calls to the API (i.e. joins) SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=loggedInUid  friends.get() in FQL
FBML (Facebook Markup Lang) An Evolved Set of HTML Tags plus Facebook specific features All facebook content is passed through an FBML interpreter Adds Security Controls and expanded interface features. USE THIS WHENEVER POSSIBLE It’s a great set of shortcuts and is maintained by someone else!
FBML Examples <fb:pronoun uid=123 useyou=‘true’ possessive=‘false’ reflexive=‘false’ objective=‘false’  usethey=‘true’capitalize=‘false’> Rob updated  his  profile.  -possessive Charlie poked  himself -reflexive You added Pat as a friend  -useyou, usethey, capitalize and wrote on their wall <fb:friend-selector uid=&quot;123445&quot; name=&quot;uid&quot; idname=&quot;friend_sel&quot; />
FBML Examples <fb:board xid=&quot;titans_board&quot; canpost=&quot;true&quot; candelete=&quot;false&quot;  canmark=&quot;false&quot; cancreatetopic=&quot;true&quot; numtopics=&quot;5&quot;  returnurl=&quot;;>  <fb:title>Discuss the Titans</fb:title> </fb:board>

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This document provides an overview of CodeIgniter, a PHP framework. It discusses CodeIgniter's architecture including MVC structure, controllers, models and views. It also covers CodeIgniter's core features like routing, libraries, helpers and security features. Comparisons are made between CodeIgniter and other PHP frameworks like CakePHP and Zend. A demo of CodeIgniter is planned.

GOALS: Putting Data at the Heart of your Museum
GOALS: Putting Data at the Heart of your MuseumGOALS: Putting Data at the Heart of your Museum
GOALS: Putting Data at the Heart of your Museum

As part of the Digital Museum Planning book published by Lord and Associates. This presentation covers ways that museum staff can structure their work around goal-setting and learning

A Body in Balance - Imagining and Ecology of Museums
A Body in Balance - Imagining and Ecology of MuseumsA Body in Balance - Imagining and Ecology of Museums
A Body in Balance - Imagining and Ecology of Museums

A talk for the 2016 Visitor Experience Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Museums are places that we all believe can change the world, but how does that really happen? Change - if it is to happen at all - has to start very close to home. If museums hope to change the world, we have to begin by changing museums.

Facebook Application Model FB Data Store API Application Host
Widget Frameworks Google Gadgets API Support for Widget Integration with OpenSocial, Google Maps, Finance, Ads and Calendar Run widgets in iGoogle or on Any Webpage
Widget Frameworks Netvibes UWA Run widgets across many platforms including Netvibes, Mac Dashboard, iPhone, iGoogle, Opera,  Vista, Windows Live and Yahoo! Widgets XHTML for content and structure + css for style + javascript for interaction
Is AIR a Widget Killer? Adobe AIR Flash-based runtime for Desktop applications Web-based deployment across platforms Can run as background proc’s Can access desktop files, clipboard, drag n’ drop Awesome graphics,  styling and effects 95% Market Penetration for Flash 9 (Dec 2007)

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Museums and Big Data — Supporting Exploration, Innovation, and Audience Engag...
Museums and Big Data — Supporting Exploration, Innovation, and Audience Engag...Museums and Big Data — Supporting Exploration, Innovation, and Audience Engag...
Museums and Big Data — Supporting Exploration, Innovation, and Audience Engag...

Today’s museums are awash in data. With so many sources of information available, an organization can be drowning in numbers, but starved for real insight. Robert Stein, former Deputy Director of the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA), will examine how museums can begin to collect and analyze data to illuminate their practice and enhance their impact on visitors. Using a unique visitor loyalty program at the DMA as a case study, he will raise questions about what “big data” in the cultural sector looks like and what insights it might provide.

analyticsstatisticsloyalty programs
Storytelling: Just Tall Tales or the Future of Museums?
Storytelling: Just Tall Tales or the Future of Museums?Storytelling: Just Tall Tales or the Future of Museums?
Storytelling: Just Tall Tales or the Future of Museums?

This document discusses the potential role of storytelling in museums. It notes that visitor expectations have changed with the rise of social media and immersive experiences, and that storytelling can help museums address this by communicating in a familiar way, carrying culture and meaning, and building empathy. Storytelling in museums faces challenges like museums' relationship with fiction and lack of tools for transmedia stories, but it could help engage visitors in new ways.

Musuems... So What?
Musuems... So What?Musuems... So What?
Musuems... So What?

A keynote for the 2015 We are Museums Conference in Berlin, Germany. Museums… why should we care? Much has been written about the changes our culture is experiencing as institutions that once held a place of primary esteem have now somehow become less important than they once were. Museums are at the crux of this change and are wondering how we might preserve and bottle the relevance we hold with our audiences. At the same time, we find that relevance to be changing, ephemeral, and eroding. How should museums answer these fundamental questions about our impact and why we matter at all? When challenged to defend the public investment and trust that we have stewarded for so many years, are we prepared to give a good account? In this talk, Rob will expand on his seminal article about museum impact, Museums… So What? and will provide new insights and opportunities for museums to look towards to document and demonstrate actual real impact that museums provide and the tangible benefits museums can bring to their communities. “Museums… so what?” will follow up on his much discussed article from the CODE|WORDS series on Medium.

social isolationpolitical polarizationsocial impact
Content Management –  Back to Legos The CMS is the container for all these components. A good CMS will allow you to quickly integrate these into a new site with a minimum of effort CMS’s also enable easier internationalization Some good CMS’s to start with Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, Plone
A CMS Tour Joomla steve  ( IMA Digital  ( WordPress The IMA Blog  ( Drupal The IMA Dashboard  ( The IMA Website  ( breaking the mode, nhmc Show me the money! The Romans Are Coming : Estimated cost $Y Breaking the Mode : Estimated cost $X
Team Troubles $total = 0; $entrance_data =  array (); for  ($i = 0; $i < $entRawRS->RecordCount(); $i++) { $entRawRS->Move($i); $entAdjRS->Move($i); $cnt = getDayCount($entRawRS->fields[ 'dateData' ], $entRawRS->fields[ 'raw' ], $entAdjRS->fields[ 'adj' ], 300); $entrance_data[] = $cnt; $total += $cnt; } $chart->addRow( 'Entrances' , $entrance_data); div#header h1#site-name { background-image: url(../gfx/ima_logo.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; display: block; height: 67px; width: 174px; float: left; top: 46px; position: absolute; left: 18px; z-index: 0; } <div class=&quot;copyleft&quot;> <h3>Available Tours</h3> </div> <div class=&quot;copyright&quot;> <div id=&quot;anchors&quot;> <ul> <li>Spotlight a Collection </li> <li>Special Exhibition </li> <li>Lilly House Gardens of the IMA </li> </ul> </div> “ SELECT t.nid as task_nid FROM athena_project_task pt &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN athena_task t ON t.nid = pt.task_nid &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN node n ON n.nid = t.nid &quot; . &quot;WHERE pt.project_nid = %d AND t.state = %d &quot; . &quot;ORDER BY n.changed DESC, n.title&quot; var i = 0; var found_date = false; $('select').each(function(){ i ++; var words ='-'); var last_word = words.pop(); switch(last_word) { case 'year' : $(this).addClass('split-date'); $($(this).parent()[0]).addClass('cal-form-item'); = words.join('-');  found_date = true; break;
Divide and Conquer Allow your team members to focus on their area of expertise Minimize potential conflicts when editing files Make it easier to swap out content or themes div#header h1#site-name { background-image: url(/gfx/ima_logo.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; “ SELECT t.nid as task_nid FROM athena_project_task pt &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN …

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Charting the Course: Using Data in the Museum to Explore, Innovate, and Reach...
Charting the Course: Using Data in the Museum to Explore, Innovate, and Reach...Charting the Course: Using Data in the Museum to Explore, Innovate, and Reach...
Charting the Course: Using Data in the Museum to Explore, Innovate, and Reach...

This talk was presented at the We Are Museums Conference in May-June 2015 in Berlin, Germany. It seems that today’s museums are awash in data. With so many sources of data available to us, museums can easily feel that they’re drowning in numbers, but starved for real insight. This talk will present practical ways that museums can begin to collect and analyze data to help illuminate their own practice and impact with visitors. Using a unique visitor loyalty program at the Dallas Museum of Art as a case study, this talk will raise questions about what “big data” in the cultural sector really looks like and what insights it might provide to museums. Learn more about the DMA Friends program Read the article of Robert Stein about the DMA Friends programme

Desperately Seeking Innovation: Making Connections Between Art and Science
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Desperately Seeking Innovation: Making Connections Between Art and Science

Growing up, our schools instill a clas- sical distinction between the arts and sciences, and as adults, our professional training continues to reinforce those barriers. Yet as we seek a culture of innovation and creativity, those boundaries between art and science are becoming more and more artificial, and perhaps even detrimental to a comprehensive view of the world that allows for out-of-the-box solutions to this generation’s most pressing issues.

Connecting the Dots: How Digital Methods Become the Glue that Binds Cultural ...
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Connecting the Dots: How Digital Methods Become the Glue that Binds Cultural ...

The document discusses how digital methods can connect cultural heritage institutions to contemporary society. It notes that 70% of the global population will live in cities by 2050 and that smart cities face challenges in dealing with proliferating information. The document advocates that cultural institutions should focus on using technology to better understand engagement through metrics like repeat visits and diversity. It provides examples from the Dallas Museum of Art of using free admission and membership along with mobile technologies to better measure outcomes.

technologymuseumssmart cities
MVC – An architectural basis View (user interface) Renders content Requests content updates Sends user input to controller Model (data management) Manages persistent data Responds to data queries Notifies views of changes Controller (interaction logic) Defines behavior Selects views Updates the model based on user action user actions view selection model updates data requests change notification
MVC – Applied to the web View (user interface) Page components (HTML, XML) Page style & layout (CSS, XSLT) Effects (Javascript) Model (content management) Databases (MySQL) Back-end logic (PHP) Controller (interaction logic) State & API handling (PHP, Javascript)  user actions, navigation page & theme selection content updates and requests content requests (AJAX) Web Designer Web Programmer Web Programmer Content Creators Content
How do we make use of MVC? We use content management systems Let it take care of the heavy lifting (model code) Content creators will be happy We use templates Templates provide a boundary between controller and view Think of templates as an interface, and design accordingly Web Designers will be happy We have a process: Design, implement, evaluate, iterate First, plan out what you want to achieve in phase one Divide the work based on skill sets Implement and test as you go Come together again as a team and evaluate your progress Plan your next phase…
Subversion (SVN) An improvement on the concurrent versions system (CVS) Allows multiple developers to work simultaneously without overwriting each other’s code Basic operations:  checkout add & remove update commit Code developed or updated on a beta installation can  be quickly reflected in a deployment It works for designers too! Clients: Eclipse plugin, Tortoise SVN

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Reading the Tea Leaves: Global Trends and Opportunities for Tomorrow's Museums
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Reading the Tea Leaves: Global Trends and Opportunities for Tomorrow's Museums

A presentation to the 2014 Communicating the Museum conference in Sydney, Australia. As our society becomes increasingly more intertwined, it is evident that global trends that once seemed remote are having a deep impact on our local communities. These same trends play out in museums around the globe as we reflect our communities both past and present. The museum audience is inherently submerged in this current of cultural change. Without pretending to predict the entire future, there are strong signals that a few important global trends will persist. What are those trends and how can museums begin to take advantage of those likely shifts to promote, advocate, and enhance their relevance to a global audience?

future of museumsstrategyculture
Experience Mining: Understanding Cultural Participation in Museums
Experience Mining: Understanding Cultural Participation in MuseumsExperience Mining: Understanding Cultural Participation in Museums
Experience Mining: Understanding Cultural Participation in Museums

Is it possible to design a platform that can collect information about cultural participation of Museums? How might we design a tool that can help inform our Museum staff about the experiences and cultural consumption of visitors in the Museum. Rather than purely counting attendance as the best measure of Museum success, how might we move towards a behavioral analysis of visitor participation and how might this change museum practice?

analyticsmuseumsdata modeling
Smart Cities Need Smart Museums
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Smart Cities Need Smart Museums

Global Cities are growing at an amazing place and are changing the ways in which we live, work, play, and relate to each other. The term Smart Cities describes a movement to apply new technological developments towards the development of these cities, but does doing so create a city that we actually want to live in? This presentation will address the role of culture and artists in creating a dynamic "place" and the role that Museums might play in promoting a cultural dialog within their local communities

art museumsartistsmuseums
Bringing in non-technical members In the planning phase: Non-techies have great ideas too They can also provide great insight for interface design In the evaluation phase: They will do things you hadn’t thought of And they won’t be afraid to let you know… Hey Ed, What if you leave a project you really wish you would have deleted?  Is there any way to return to abandoned projects and delete them for the sake of tidying up?  Or is it easier to create an automated process to delete projects with no files and active members? It would be interesting to put in a kind of drop down list by department where we could then just check off members, rather than typing them in. I don't know if this is possible, but for all that I know it's all magic and anything is possible.
Drupal Boot Camp Drop and give me 20!
Let’s get started… Make sure you have the required components Apache or IIS web server PHP MySQL Download Drupal from We’re using 5.7 to demonstrate the CCK and Views modules Unzip/extract Drupal to disk Configure your web server to serve the directory
Set up the database

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Friends with Benefits
Friends with BenefitsFriends with Benefits
Friends with Benefits

This document discusses how museums can use data and digital platforms to increase engagement. It describes the Dallas Museum of Art's "Friends" free membership program, which collects data on participation. The data shows differences in demographics and participation across Dallas zip codes. This indicates museums can use digital tools to better understand their audiences and create more inclusive experiences. The document advocates exploring a national digital network to connect museums and drive engagement.

Museums and the Future of wearables
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Museums and the Future of wearables

A presentation with Neal Stimler, and Liz Neely about the possible future applications of wearable computing for museums and the cultural sector.

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Mw2014 friends analytics
Mw2014 friends analyticsMw2014 friends analytics
Mw2014 friends analytics

This document discusses how engagement analytics can help museums connect with audiences at a large scale. It describes the Dallas Museum of Art's efforts to build an engagement platform called DMAfriends to better understand user behavior and increase participation. DMAfriends collects data on user activities and profiles to identify patterns that can make the museum more responsive. The document envisions expanding this approach through a national engagement network and open source tools to help other museums also improve through data-driven insights.

museumsaudience engagementdallas museum of art
That was quick!
Create some content Pick a new theme Install some modules Craft a custom content type Organize content with views Peek at user permissions Look at where to put custom code Listen up! Here’s the game plan…
Create some content
Choose a new theme

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Participation at Scale: Leveraging incentive and gamification to promote muse...
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A talk to MuseumNext 2013, Amsterdam describing the work of the Dallas Museum of Art in establishing the DMA Friends platform for participatory engagement.

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Museums and Civic Responsibility
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Museums and Civic Responsibility

A talk given to the 2013 conference of the Association of Art Museum Curators during a panel discussion about Museums and Civic Responsibility.

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What is a museum technologist
What is a museum technologistWhat is a museum technologist
What is a museum technologist

This document summarizes the results of a survey of 358 museum professionals regarding their work, career paths, and views on technology. Some key findings: - 68% of respondents self-identify as museum technologists, but only 30% have any professional training in technology. - Respondents feel only moderately connected to peers at other museums, with connection increasing with tenure. - While 64% feel appreciated by direct supervisors, only 44% feel understood by senior leadership who are seen as less knowledgeable about technology. - Factors likely to influence respondents' long-term career goals include opportunities for advancement, work-life balance, and a strong professional network. Salary and leadership roles are top

Content type creation with CCK CCK is the Content Construction Kit Download CCK from Extract the contents to sites/all/modules/cck
Create a new Content Type
Add a custom field
Configure the field widget

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DMA Friends - Promoting Participation and Engagement with Art
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DMA Friends - Promoting Participation and Engagement with Art

The document discusses efforts by the Dallas Museum of Art to promote engagement and participation with art. It describes launching a program called DMAfriends to encourage repeat visits and diverse participation. This included creating a menu of experience options for novice visitors and encouraging visitors to self-report on their experiences. The document then evaluates the initial launch of DMAfriends and considers future directions for improving visitor engagement.

audience engagementdallas museum of artvisitor studies
Preparing for a multi platform world
Preparing for a multi platform worldPreparing for a multi platform world
Preparing for a multi platform world

Museums are facing an increasingly multi-platform world with the proliferation of mobile devices and platforms. This requires museums to integrate mobile content with their core systems and preserve content developed for different platforms. It also means mobile experiences will continue integrating more fully with collection access and storytelling. Emerging standards and tools are helping museums address these challenges by providing building blocks for responsive, citation-rich digital content across multiple layouts and devices.

Nurturing Engagement
Nurturing EngagementNurturing Engagement
Nurturing Engagement

The document discusses how the Dallas Museum of Art is changing its approach to promote more participation and engagement from community members. It notes that while the metro Dallas area has over 6.5 million residents, the museum only attracts around 500,000 annual visitors. To address this, the museum has implemented a "badges" program to encourage new forms of visitor participation and engagement through activities. It also listens to social media to understand online engagement and use that as a mirror to the community. The goal is for the museum to become a more integral civic platform for the community.

Create your content
Take a peek at the result
Organizing content with Views Download the Views module from Extract to sites/all/modules/views Enable Views in Site Building
Add a view

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Staffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project Management
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Staffan Canback - The 18 Rays of Project Management

A while back I created this training material for project managers in 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴. I am now sharing it widely since it is useful to a broader audience. A central theme is that project management is much more than putting together presentations. It covers all kinds of high-level cognitive efforts, which is why it is exciting (at first). It is also important to note that you do not improvise your way into project management. It is a well-developed craft that is far down its experience curve. I started my career at McKinsey & Company in 1984 and was an Engagement Manager between 1986 and 1989. I then became a partner. So my project management days are long gone, but I have interacted with and trained countless young consultants since. The document is not a manual. If you follow it 100% you would not have time to do your project management job. But I trust there is always an idea or two that is useful on any project. To me, the most difficult part of this document was to create the 18 rays with the grey contours. It involves some trigonometry. Getting this right was fun.

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Configure the view
A quick look at menu items
Add a link to the new view Change your front page in site information
Behold, the new front page…

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and the Works of Art page
For the ambitious Custom code should be added at sites/default Create a modules directory to contain custom modules Create a themes directory to contain custom themes Eclipse users: Create a project at sites/default For team development: Create an SVN repository from sites/default Install and configure each development site Perform a check out from the project repository  on each workstation Note: Drupal 6.x has new theme customization features
Recommended modules CCK & Views, as shown in previous slides (not yet available for Drupal 6.x) ldapauth – Authenticate against existing LDAP systems Image – Upload, resize, and render images Image Cache – Easily define derivative image sizes Devel – Extra tools for developers jQuery Update – Utility to update Drupal’s jQuery library reCAPTCHA – Allow visitors to add content without requiring a login
Client Side Development The Customer is Always Right

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Client Interfaces The web is now a platform for hosting all kinds of online applications So what are the basics of this application platform? Let’s talk about the DOM…
What about the DOM? What’s a DOM? Document Object Model This is a platform and language neutral model of a web page The DOM model applies to HTML and XML documents What’s in a DOM?
Javascript Scripting language that web browsers can execute when user loads a page. For adding interactivity to web pages both Javascript and Actionscript are used frequently. Mostly by modifying and manipulating the DOM They both also support OO techniques and models Slick Effects and Interactive Features are a hallmark of what people think of web 2.0 Most of these effects can be accomplished using Javascript
Javascript Toolkits Making Javascript a little more OO Why you need one… Avoid (some of) the cross browser problems Rapid development

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Javascript Toolkits A variety of toolkits have become available that make manipulating the DOM in Javascript easy Prototype:  ( http:// / ) Scriptaculous:  ( http:// / ) Lightbox: ( ) Greybox, Thickbox  jQuery  (http:// )  (http:// /) Moo.fx  ( ) Yahoo User Interface Library Google Web Toolkit:  http:// /
jQuery Example
Interface Components Just like server side web components developers  can also leverage  reusable components for graphics design and layout.
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As an innovative full stack developer, I specialize in creating complete web solutions from front-end design to back-end functionality. With expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and server-side technologies like Node.js and Python, I build scalable, responsive, and user-friendly applications. My focus is on delivering high-quality, efficient, and impactful digital experiences.

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JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
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JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations

Shocking Revelations: The JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) Financial Debacle In an astonishing series of events, Finance JD Euroway Inc. and its CEO Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes legal battle, accused of orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme. The allegations, which have not yet been proven in court, detail a complex web of deceit and financial misconduct that has left investors in turmoil. A Complex Financial Web Finance JD Euroway Inc. (JDE), under the leadership of Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), has been accused of luring investors into a fraudulent scheme involving Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs). According to the plaintiffs, JDE promised extraordinary returns on investments, convincing them to deposit substantial funds into JDE-controlled accounts under false pretenses. Promises of High Returns The case details how investors were enticed by Zephir's promises of high returns and secure investments. In one instance, an investor forwarded USD $1.2 million to JDE, assured by Zephir of a guaranteed 10% monthly return. Similarly, another investor was persuaded to deposit USD $10 million in escrow for what was purported to be a lucrative investment opportunity. The Alleged Fraud The plaintiffs assert that these investments were never intended to generate returns. Instead, they claim that JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) used these funds for unauthorized purposes. Zephir is accused of providing fraudulent SWIFT receipts and false insurance documents to create an illusion of legitimacy. For example, the insurance for one investor's escrow funds was supposedly backed by Timber Creek Surety Inc., which later confirmed the insurance certificate was fraudulent. Legal Proceedings and Injunctions The gravity of the situation has led the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to issue a Mareva injunction and Norwich order, aimed at freezing the defendants' assets and uncovering the whereabouts of the misappropriated funds. Justice John Callaghan, in his endorsement, highlighted the plaintiffs' strong prima facie case of fraud and the necessity to prevent further dissipation of assets. A Tale of Unfulfilled Promises Despite repeated assurances from Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), the promised returns never materialized. Investors experienced continuous delays and excuses, with Zephir often citing issues such as pending bank confirmations and internal reviews. By May 2024, it became clear that the funds were not forthcoming, prompting the plaintiffs to take legal action.

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Advanced Web Development

  • 1. Advanced Web Development Software Strategies for Online Applications Rob Stein, Charlie Moad, Ed Bachta The Indianapolis Museum of Art
  • 2. Purpose of Today’s Workshop You will leave today with tools and techniques for building their own online applications . You will understand the overarching concepts and strategies behind building dynamic online applications and some shortcuts to accelerate your development
  • 3. Outline Web App or Web Page Trends in Web Software Development BYO API’s Bite-sized Web Components Collaborative Development Drupal Bootcamp More…
  • 4. Web Page or Web Application… What’s the Difference?
  • 5. Web Pages are Built by Producers They convey a set amount of information The creator decides what the information is Generally the user consumes the content once
  • 6. Web Apps are Driven by the User Information presented is dynamic and unknown before hand The user decides the information they want to see Web applications can be used many times by the same user.
  • 11. The More Things Change The More They Stay the Same…
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  • 25. Attributes of a Web Application CORE COMPETENCIES OF WEB 2.0 COMPANIES: Services, not packaged software, with cost-effective scalability Control over unique, hard-to-recreate data sources that get richer as more people use them Trusting users as co-developers Harnessing collective intelligence Leveraging the long tail through customer self-service Software above the level of a single device Lightweight user interfaces, development models, AND business models Tim O’Reilly – What is Web2.0
  • 26. So what are the keys to building great web applications?
  • 27. We’re in Luck! People have been building robust applications for over 30 years They’ve figured out many smart strategies for building applications that are easy to grow and maintain. We’ll be sharing those strategies and techniques with you today and applying them to building great web applications.
  • 28. Differences from Last Year Last year we spent a lot of time talking about the foundations of creating solid software applications… This is still important when you are looking to provide access to your own controlled information to a larger audience However…
  • 29. Differences from Last Year Since last year’s talk software services and API’s / SDK’s of web software has really taken hold in a serious way. Building True Museum Applications from SAS Components is not so crazy anymore Last year it would have seemed foolish to suggest that Flickr could be used as the basis for a digital asset management system… this year… not so much (Flickr-LOC, machine tags, geotag support and integration) How crazy is it to think that we could combine Google Gears, Spreadsheets, Form Creator and Sites to create a simple collection management system?
  • 30. WebDev 2008 Today, web developers are more like a systems integrator than a hardware manufacturer.
  • 31. WebDev 2008 The craft of web development is now how you choose to use components to communicate about your content.
  • 32. WebDev 2008 Skills required are now more about knowing what’s out there and how to structure relationships between components and do the integration pieces needed to bring engaging content to users…
  • 33. X
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  • 36. That Being Said… There are still many reasons why you should consider building your own API’s and application infrastructure.
  • 37. Reasons to build your own API’s If you have unique information that others are unlikely to support adequately If you care about security of your data If you wish to control the distribution of your information If a guarantee of service is important
  • 38. Where’s the API for my data? Strategies for rapidly building an API Model-driven development Last year == XMLSchema (still valid) This year == database as your model You most likely already have this model
  • 39. Object Relational Mappers Object oriented access to a database No SQL needed Data model changes picked up automatically Mostly database agnostic
  • 40. Object Relational Mappers ORMs have come a long way They understand you might want to execute queries directly Allow custom method additions to objects
  • 41. Model Driven Development Class generation from database tables Model changes are picked up automatically **Auto-generated Code** Do Not Edit! /** * Entity representing the table: term * @package steve.core.data_objects * * @author tech-dudes <> * @version 0.001alpha */ class Term extends Entity { function getTableName() { return &quot;steve_term&quot;;} function getKey() { return &quot;term_id&quot;;} var $termId; function getTermId() { return $this->termId; } function setTermId($term_id) { $this->termId = $term_id;} var $sessionId; function getSessionId() { return $this->sessionId; } function setSessionId($session_id) { $this->sessionId = $session_id;} … PHP
  • 42. Formalized API Directs remote access Explicit security /** * @package steve.core.api * @author tech-dudes <> * @version 0.001alpha */ interface iTermDAO { /** * Create a new term object * @param string $token the auth token * @param int $mimeId the image id to associate the term with * @param string $termText the text for the term * @return Term result * @throws termException * @secure authToken $token */ function createTerm($token, $mimeId, $termText); /** * Save an existing term into the database * @param string $token the auth token * @param Term $term the term to be saved * @throws termException * @secure authToken $token */ function saveTerm($token, $term); ...
  • 43. Bringing it all together Implement interfaces Code access to types class TermDAO extends ADOHelper implements iTermDAO { /** * Create a new term object * @param string $token the auth token * @param int $mimeId the image id to associate the term with * @param string $termText the text for the term * @return Term result * @throws termException * @secure authToken $token */ function createTerm($token, $mimeId, $termText) { $termObject = new Term(); $termObject->setTerm($termText); $this->create($termObject); // makes new DB row return $termObject; } /** * Save an existing term into the database * @param string $token the auth token * @param Term $term the term to be saved * @throws termException * @secure authUserCheckId $token */ function saveTerm($token, $term) { $this->save($term); // issues a DB update return ; } ...
  • 44. Introducing Mercury Adaptive layer for the IMA Collection Collections Management Digital Asset Management User Generated Content Mercury Exhibition Micro-sites In-Gallery Applications
  • 46. Adding a custom method Using the custom method
  • 47. Rich Client Platform Not (just) an IDE Support for virtually every programming language you will need Cross platform No! It’s not just for Java.
  • 48. Demo
  • 49. Search Users expect good search functionality Full-text indexes to the rescue Index of terms that map to documents Many databases include FT support now What if these don’t meet our needs… … then meet Lucene
  • 50. Fast -- Low memory usage Extensible Tools built on Lucene Nutch - web crawler Solr - they did the REST for you ranked searching -- best results returned first many powerful query types: phrase queries, wildcard queries, proximity queries, range queries fielded searching (e.g., title, author, contents) date-range searching sorting by any field multiple-index searching with merged results allows simultaneous update and searching
  • 51. Bite Sized Web Components Small, specialized software building blocks allow you to leverage someone else’s work w/o costly dev or debugging. They key is staying abreast of what’s out there and ways of integrating these systems together…
  • 53. Storage Amazon S3 $0.15 per GB/month storage $0.10 per GB transfer IN $0.18 per GB transfer OUT Nirvanix $0.18 per GB/month storage $0.18 per GB/month transfer IN/OUT XDrive $9.95 / month for 50GB (no transfer?) $19.95 / month for 15GB (no transfer?)
  • 54. Video YouTube ( ) Search Videos, Control ratings, comments, Upload videos, control and customize Flash player Interface via the Google Data protocols (HTTP and XML), Java and PHP Revver ( ) ( )
  • 55. Images Flickr http:// / Uploads, Tag, Search, Browse photos and users / groups, Machine Tags provide the ability to extend metadata arbitrarily. Support for REST, XML_RPC, SOAP, serialized PHP, and JSON Picassa http:// Also Uses the GData API’s like YouTube Supports population and retrieval of several different types of metadata, creation of groups / albums, etc…
  • 56. Compute Linux based Virtual Machines Defaults include fedora core +/- apache +/- mysql Custom configuration of instances are supported Instances are persistent, but billable based on use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud $0.10 - $0.80 per instance/hour $0.10 Trans IN, $0.80 Trans OUT 3Tera APPLogic 2-1024 CPU’s 2-2048 GB RAM 0.75 – 512 TB Disk
  • 57. Web Hosting Setup Single Server Instance per Month $16.80 (small), $64.00 (large), $134.40 (xlarge) $100 1TB per Month Transfer IN $180 1TB per Month Transfer OUT Total Cost = $296 - $414 Yearly Cost = $3500 - $5000 Server plus all power and bandwidth High availability
  • 58. Amazon Web Services Great Example: Monster Muck Mashup - Mass Video Conversion Using AWS Convert 500 videos to MPEG4 for iPod Uses Amazon’s EC2, S3, and Simple Queue Web Service’s Compute Time: 20min Cost: $1.78
  • 59. Authentication Services OpenId – Currently supported by AOL, LiveJournal, WordPress, Ma.gnolia, Basecamp and Yahoo! Allows you to uniquely identify yourself to service providers. OAuth – Library support for all major programming languages Enables you to grant access to your data to a third party. (i.e. giving a slideshow mashup permission to access your Flickr photos w/o giving that site your login information on flickr)
  • 60. Social Computing Undoubtedly a force to consider when creating your web apps. Future development scenarios are a bit uncertain. Facebook /OpenSocial Winner is currently unknown Best bet today… stick with the eyeballs and be ready to change.
  • 61. Facebook API 3 components Interface API Query Language (FQL) FBML (Facebook Markup Language)
  • 62. Interface API Interface API REST based API covering ways to manage / retrieve information about friends / users / applications / profiles and messaging Yech! This is a whole lot of bother for a list of friends… friends.get(api_key, session_key, call_id, secret_key_md5, version, [format], [callback], [flid]);
  • 63. Interface API Fortunately the Developer’s Platform comes with helper libraries that encapsulate the current facebook API Much Simpler! friends.get([format], [callback], [flid]);
  • 64. friends.get() Response <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?> <friends_get_response xmlns= xmlns:xsi=&quot;; xsi:schemaLocation=&quot;; list=&quot;true&quot;> <uid>222333</uid> <uid>1240079</uid> </friends_get_response> [222333,1240079] XML JSON
  • 65. Query Language Query Language (FQL) SQL-like query language that provides an alternate way to query the system. API methods cover 90% of what you need here by there are 10% of things that I don’t think you can do w/o making use of the Query language FQL has some advantages Reduces the cost of parsing API’s more complicated XML structures Potentially reduces the number of calls to the API (i.e. joins) SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=loggedInUid friends.get() in FQL
  • 66. FBML (Facebook Markup Lang) An Evolved Set of HTML Tags plus Facebook specific features All facebook content is passed through an FBML interpreter Adds Security Controls and expanded interface features. USE THIS WHENEVER POSSIBLE It’s a great set of shortcuts and is maintained by someone else!
  • 67. FBML Examples <fb:pronoun uid=123 useyou=‘true’ possessive=‘false’ reflexive=‘false’ objective=‘false’ usethey=‘true’capitalize=‘false’> Rob updated his profile. -possessive Charlie poked himself -reflexive You added Pat as a friend -useyou, usethey, capitalize and wrote on their wall <fb:friend-selector uid=&quot;123445&quot; name=&quot;uid&quot; idname=&quot;friend_sel&quot; />
  • 68. FBML Examples <fb:board xid=&quot;titans_board&quot; canpost=&quot;true&quot; candelete=&quot;false&quot; canmark=&quot;false&quot; cancreatetopic=&quot;true&quot; numtopics=&quot;5&quot; returnurl=&quot;;> <fb:title>Discuss the Titans</fb:title> </fb:board>
  • 69. Facebook Application Model FB Data Store API Application Host
  • 70. Widget Frameworks Google Gadgets API Support for Widget Integration with OpenSocial, Google Maps, Finance, Ads and Calendar Run widgets in iGoogle or on Any Webpage
  • 71. Widget Frameworks Netvibes UWA Run widgets across many platforms including Netvibes, Mac Dashboard, iPhone, iGoogle, Opera, Vista, Windows Live and Yahoo! Widgets XHTML for content and structure + css for style + javascript for interaction
  • 72. Is AIR a Widget Killer? Adobe AIR Flash-based runtime for Desktop applications Web-based deployment across platforms Can run as background proc’s Can access desktop files, clipboard, drag n’ drop Awesome graphics, styling and effects 95% Market Penetration for Flash 9 (Dec 2007)
  • 73. Content Management – Back to Legos The CMS is the container for all these components. A good CMS will allow you to quickly integrate these into a new site with a minimum of effort CMS’s also enable easier internationalization Some good CMS’s to start with Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, Plone
  • 74. A CMS Tour Joomla steve ( IMA Digital ( WordPress The IMA Blog ( Drupal The IMA Dashboard ( The IMA Website ( breaking the mode, nhmc Show me the money! The Romans Are Coming : Estimated cost $Y Breaking the Mode : Estimated cost $X
  • 75. Team Troubles $total = 0; $entrance_data = array (); for ($i = 0; $i < $entRawRS->RecordCount(); $i++) { $entRawRS->Move($i); $entAdjRS->Move($i); $cnt = getDayCount($entRawRS->fields[ 'dateData' ], $entRawRS->fields[ 'raw' ], $entAdjRS->fields[ 'adj' ], 300); $entrance_data[] = $cnt; $total += $cnt; } $chart->addRow( 'Entrances' , $entrance_data); div#header h1#site-name { background-image: url(../gfx/ima_logo.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; display: block; height: 67px; width: 174px; float: left; top: 46px; position: absolute; left: 18px; z-index: 0; } <div class=&quot;copyleft&quot;> <h3>Available Tours</h3> </div> <div class=&quot;copyright&quot;> <div id=&quot;anchors&quot;> <ul> <li>Spotlight a Collection </li> <li>Special Exhibition </li> <li>Lilly House Gardens of the IMA </li> </ul> </div> “ SELECT t.nid as task_nid FROM athena_project_task pt &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN athena_task t ON t.nid = pt.task_nid &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN node n ON n.nid = t.nid &quot; . &quot;WHERE pt.project_nid = %d AND t.state = %d &quot; . &quot;ORDER BY n.changed DESC, n.title&quot; var i = 0; var found_date = false; $('select').each(function(){ i ++; var words ='-'); var last_word = words.pop(); switch(last_word) { case 'year' : $(this).addClass('split-date'); $($(this).parent()[0]).addClass('cal-form-item'); = words.join('-'); found_date = true; break;
  • 76. Divide and Conquer Allow your team members to focus on their area of expertise Minimize potential conflicts when editing files Make it easier to swap out content or themes div#header h1#site-name { background-image: url(/gfx/ima_logo.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; “ SELECT t.nid as task_nid FROM athena_project_task pt &quot; . &quot;INNER JOIN …
  • 77. MVC – An architectural basis View (user interface) Renders content Requests content updates Sends user input to controller Model (data management) Manages persistent data Responds to data queries Notifies views of changes Controller (interaction logic) Defines behavior Selects views Updates the model based on user action user actions view selection model updates data requests change notification
  • 78. MVC – Applied to the web View (user interface) Page components (HTML, XML) Page style & layout (CSS, XSLT) Effects (Javascript) Model (content management) Databases (MySQL) Back-end logic (PHP) Controller (interaction logic) State & API handling (PHP, Javascript) user actions, navigation page & theme selection content updates and requests content requests (AJAX) Web Designer Web Programmer Web Programmer Content Creators Content
  • 79. How do we make use of MVC? We use content management systems Let it take care of the heavy lifting (model code) Content creators will be happy We use templates Templates provide a boundary between controller and view Think of templates as an interface, and design accordingly Web Designers will be happy We have a process: Design, implement, evaluate, iterate First, plan out what you want to achieve in phase one Divide the work based on skill sets Implement and test as you go Come together again as a team and evaluate your progress Plan your next phase…
  • 80. Subversion (SVN) An improvement on the concurrent versions system (CVS) Allows multiple developers to work simultaneously without overwriting each other’s code Basic operations: checkout add & remove update commit Code developed or updated on a beta installation can be quickly reflected in a deployment It works for designers too! Clients: Eclipse plugin, Tortoise SVN
  • 81. Bringing in non-technical members In the planning phase: Non-techies have great ideas too They can also provide great insight for interface design In the evaluation phase: They will do things you hadn’t thought of And they won’t be afraid to let you know… Hey Ed, What if you leave a project you really wish you would have deleted?  Is there any way to return to abandoned projects and delete them for the sake of tidying up?  Or is it easier to create an automated process to delete projects with no files and active members? It would be interesting to put in a kind of drop down list by department where we could then just check off members, rather than typing them in. I don't know if this is possible, but for all that I know it's all magic and anything is possible.
  • 82. Drupal Boot Camp Drop and give me 20!
  • 83. Let’s get started… Make sure you have the required components Apache or IIS web server PHP MySQL Download Drupal from We’re using 5.7 to demonstrate the CCK and Views modules Unzip/extract Drupal to disk Configure your web server to serve the directory
  • 84. Set up the database
  • 86. Create some content Pick a new theme Install some modules Craft a custom content type Organize content with views Peek at user permissions Look at where to put custom code Listen up! Here’s the game plan…
  • 88. Choose a new theme
  • 89. Content type creation with CCK CCK is the Content Construction Kit Download CCK from Extract the contents to sites/all/modules/cck
  • 90. Create a new Content Type
  • 91. Add a custom field
  • 94. Take a peek at the result
  • 95. Organizing content with Views Download the Views module from Extract to sites/all/modules/views Enable Views in Site Building
  • 98. A quick look at menu items
  • 99. Add a link to the new view Change your front page in site information
  • 100. Behold, the new front page…
  • 101. and the Works of Art page
  • 102. For the ambitious Custom code should be added at sites/default Create a modules directory to contain custom modules Create a themes directory to contain custom themes Eclipse users: Create a project at sites/default For team development: Create an SVN repository from sites/default Install and configure each development site Perform a check out from the project repository on each workstation Note: Drupal 6.x has new theme customization features
  • 103. Recommended modules CCK & Views, as shown in previous slides (not yet available for Drupal 6.x) ldapauth – Authenticate against existing LDAP systems Image – Upload, resize, and render images Image Cache – Easily define derivative image sizes Devel – Extra tools for developers jQuery Update – Utility to update Drupal’s jQuery library reCAPTCHA – Allow visitors to add content without requiring a login
  • 104. Client Side Development The Customer is Always Right
  • 105. Client Interfaces The web is now a platform for hosting all kinds of online applications So what are the basics of this application platform? Let’s talk about the DOM…
  • 106. What about the DOM? What’s a DOM? Document Object Model This is a platform and language neutral model of a web page The DOM model applies to HTML and XML documents What’s in a DOM?
  • 107. Javascript Scripting language that web browsers can execute when user loads a page. For adding interactivity to web pages both Javascript and Actionscript are used frequently. Mostly by modifying and manipulating the DOM They both also support OO techniques and models Slick Effects and Interactive Features are a hallmark of what people think of web 2.0 Most of these effects can be accomplished using Javascript
  • 108. Javascript Toolkits Making Javascript a little more OO Why you need one… Avoid (some of) the cross browser problems Rapid development
  • 109. Javascript Toolkits A variety of toolkits have become available that make manipulating the DOM in Javascript easy Prototype: ( http:// / ) Scriptaculous: ( http:// / ) Lightbox: ( ) Greybox, Thickbox jQuery (http:// ) (http:// /) Moo.fx ( ) Yahoo User Interface Library Google Web Toolkit: http:// /
  • 111. Interface Components Just like server side web components developers can also leverage reusable components for graphics design and layout.
  • 112. Back to the Toolbox Thickbox -
  • 113. Back to the Toolbox reCAPTCHA -
  • 114. Back to the Toolbox Image Carousels ImageFlow 0.9
  • 115. Back to the Toolbox Rating Modules
  • 116. In Support of CSS Boilerplates Cross browser tweaking of CSS layouts can take a lot of effort. Why not treat CSS layout like another software component of web design. Where are the reusable components?
  • 117.
  • 118. Standardize Your CSS Usage Structured naming of <div> tags or <class>’s enables drop in use of server side content generation and JavaScript effects.
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  • 122. Seek CSS Enlightenment Grasshopper OSWD http:// CSS Zen Garden http:// http:// /
  • 123. XML in the Real World You mean people actually use this stuff?
  • 124. G.O. – Global Origins XML Driven Content Plugin to NASA’s WorldWind Google Maps Mashup Art Metadata, Imagery, Audio, App Settings, UI Components, etc …
  • 125. G.O. – Global Origins One Ring XML Data Description to Rule Them All
  • 126. G.O. – Global Origins Config File is a Schema Instance XmlSerializer artobjSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof( GlobalExplorer )); goData = (GlobalExplorer)artobjSer.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(this.xmlFile));
  • 127. Useful Eclipse Plugins SVN Integration Subversive , Subclipse PHP PDT , PhpEclipse Hibernate Tools WTP – WST Ruby – RadRails Python - PyDev
  • 128. Questions? Rob Stein [email_address] Ed Bachta [email_address] Charles Moad [email_address] Slideshare of this talk