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How serverless
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Dan Taylor //
Senior Technical Consultant @
Edge SEO means using edge computing technologies to
create new SEO implementation methods, testing, and
research processes outside of the current parameters
in which we operate.
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

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Serena is SEO Manager at Kaizen, with a focus in tech SEO. She has managed to survive in the search industry so far through cake bribery and a keen interest in Analytics and Excel. Her session is titled "Don't Mess Up Your Site Migration" where she will talk through the process of leading a site migration, with information on common issues and how to manage stakeholders and expectations during the process.

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An SEO's Guide to Website Migrations | Faye Watt | BrightonSEO's Advanced Tec...
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In this presentation, Faye will take you through the necessary steps you need to take to ensure a successful website migration, how to avoid the loss of organic traffic and search visibility, and why migrations often fail. This presentation includes: How to redirect a domain How to set up a local server A migration timeline template A migration checklist

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OOTB CDN Benefits
• Speed optimization of content delivery
• Including payload optimization & compressions
• Bandwidth savings
• Content accessibility / uptime reliability
• Security benefits, i.e. WAF / DDoS Mitigation
• Reverse proxy other platforms to subfolders etc
• “Edge SEO” stuff
Why is this needed?
• Congested development queues // long lead times
• Lack of “business buy in” to action SEO fixes as a priority
• Platforms with restrictions
• Random Google support changes
• Builds not scoped properly
• Code freezes
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

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This document discusses using edge computing technologies like content delivery networks (CDNs) to overcome technical barriers to SEO implementation and perform edge SEO. CDNs allow SEO implementations to be done serverlessly at the edge without touching origin source code. Examples of edge SEO include dynamically generating meta titles and tags, redirecting, AB testing, collecting pseudo server logs, and dynamically rendering JavaScript to resolve issues. Edge SEO provides benefits like speed, security, and enables implementations that may otherwise be restricted by platforms. Potential issues include impacting all requests and introducing latency, but recent developments have reduced these concerns.

edge seoedge seo dan tayloroptimization 2020
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
Robots.txt Modding Yes Yes* Yes
Redirects Yes Yes* Yes
AB Testing Yes Yes* Yes
Hreflang Injection Yes Yes* Limited
Security Headers Yes Yes* Yes
“Logging” Yes Yes* No Need
Dynamic JS
Yes Yes* Yes
Meta Data Yes Yes* Yes
Example worker codes/uses
• Implement redirects
• AB testing
• Overwrite hardcoded meta data / HTML elements
• Integration in the pre-rendering of JavaScript
• Implement Hreflang
• Pseudo log file collection
• Dynamic meta data

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Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)
Rendering SEO (explained by Google's Martin Splitt)

This document discusses how search engines like Google render and digest web page content. It notes that Google places more importance on text appearing above the fold, without needing to scroll. The document also references Google patents from 2012-2018 that focus on page layout. It indicates that Google limits the CPU consumption used to render pages, and that the prominence and location of content within the rendered page layout is important. Finally, it poses the question of whether optimizing for rendering and search engine processing can help websites rank better in search results.

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This document discusses SEO best practices for JavaScript-based websites. It explains how search engines render and crawl single-page applications to understand the content. Key points include using clean URLs with the History API instead of hashbangs, providing HTML snapshots for crawlers, preventing duplicate meta content across pages, and tools for testing rendering and crawlability. The document emphasizes the importance of search engines being able to understand the content of JavaScript-driven sites.

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These slides were presented at the SEMrush webinar "SEO Bytes with Nitin: Conquer web vitals & everything around site speed for great UX/SEO". Video replay and transcript are available at

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HTML declared title tag:
ODN Script:
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
Pseudo log file collection
Not all platforms all log file collection…
Sometimes getting hold of logs isn’t easy due to gatekeepers.
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

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•Access to edit robots.txt
•Access to pull pseudo log files
•Customise server headers
A grey cloud means your web traffic is not running
through Cloudflare.
AB Testing
• ABCD test URLs by directing traffic via the CDN
• Monitor page level metrics via Google Analytics / Google
Data Studio Reports
• Requires pages to “be live”
Live Example:
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
Dynamic Prerendering of JavaScript
Prerender JavaScript by rendering cached versions of the site
periodically, rather than on a per request basis.
Can reduce costs for prerendering JS server side, and complies
with Google’s recommended implementation of dynamic
rendering, by switching between client-side and pre-rendered
content for specific user-agents.

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BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge
Step 1 – Halt, who goes there?
Request Comes In
Step 2 – =IF(”Googlebot|Bingbot…”, P1, P2)
Check Cache For
Prerendered Page
Client Side Render
Return It
No Cache

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Website Performance

The document discusses website performance and optimization. It notes that nearly half of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds and will abandon a site taking longer than 3 seconds. Common issues causing poor performance are bloated templates, unnecessary code, and too many HTTP requests. Suggested optimizations include minimizing assets, prioritizing visible content, image optimization, caching, compression, and lazy loading. Case studies show significant speed improvements after implementing optimizations. Metrics like Speed Index measure how quickly visible content displays to influence perceived performance.

Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
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Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...

Traditionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) were known to accelerate static content. Amazon CloudFront has come a long way and now supports delivery of entire websites that include dynamic and static content. In this session, we introduce you to CloudFront’s dynamic delivery features that help improve the performance, scalability, and availability of your website while helping you lower your costs. We talk about architectural patterns such as SSL termination, close proximity connection termination, origin offload with keep-alive connections, and last-mile latency improvement. Also learn how to take advantage of Amazon Route 53's health check, automatic failover, and latency-based routing to build highly available web apps on AWS.

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Shopzilla - Performance By Design
Shopzilla - Performance By DesignShopzilla - Performance By Design
Shopzilla - Performance By Design

Shopzilla redesigned their architecture to improve performance and scalability. The new design simplified layers, utilized caching extensively, and applied best practices for front-end performance. This led to significant business benefits including a 7-12% increase in conversion rates, 8-120% increase in search engine sessions, and a 225% increase in development velocity. Performance testing was a key part of the new approach.

Step 3 – What Happens If No Cache?
Trigger Prerendering.
1. Wait and return the prerendered page – but monitor the
time it takes, if it takes 7-seconds, negative impact.
2. We could return the page after 1-second of prerendering,
but likely to be useless.
Worker Solution When Caught Short
We return with Retry-
After; this has not been tested in real world AFAIK, but
the idea would be to tell crawler to attempt again in 10
seconds for that page
Cold Cache Issues
To solve issue of cold caches, we have a batch job,
checking cache for stale entries and prerendering them,
and to seed cache we can either use a sitemap or crawl
our own site.
BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

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Challenges behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop and the role of CloudFlare - Sven Härtwig, CTO narf-studios GmbH Full video recording of the Talk:

by nine
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Dan Taylor has been credited with coining the term, Edge SEO, by Search Engine Land and presented research into the idea, and practical applications of Cloudflare Workers in SEO at TechSEO Boost 2018. In follow-up to this, Dan presented various webinars with companies and platforms on Edge SEO, one of these being Deep Crawl.

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In this series of 15-minute technical flash talks you will learn directly from Amazon CloudFront engineers and their best practices on debugging caching issues, measuring performance using Real User Monitoring (RUM), and stopping malicious viewers using CloudFront and AWS WAF.

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New technologies require new processes.
Pros (Development)
•Workers are written in JavaScript/WASM
•One-click deployment/pullback
•Next to zero dev ops required
•Can be verified and monitoring through existing
Cons (Development)
• Potential to affect and impact all requests between client and
• Potential to add latency and slow page load times, depending
on implementation (our testing has shown between 10ms
and 50ms latency)
• Potential to introduce front-end bugs that are difficult to
debug when it is unclear what is being modified/injected
through stream transformation
Internal Processes & Challenges
•Responsibility and accountability
•Change management
•Development and release management
•Debugging process
•Compliance (legal, privacy, GDPR)

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Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

This document discusses web performance optimization and provides tips to improve performance. It emphasizes that performance is important for user experience, search engine optimization, conversion rates, and costs. It outlines common causes of performance issues like round-trip times, payload sizes, browser rendering delays, and inefficient JavaScript. Specific recommendations are given to optimize images, stylesheets, scripts, and browser rendering through techniques like compression, caching, deferred loading, and efficient coding practices. A variety of tools for measuring and improving performance are also listed.

Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...

Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 can help optimize web application performance and availability. CloudFront improves performance by caching static and reusable content at edge locations and optimizing delivery of dynamic content through features like keep-alive connections and latency-based routing. Route 53 provides fast, reliable DNS services and can health check origins to improve high availability. Together, CloudFront and Route 53 provide a global network that caches content close to users and routes traffic based on network conditions to optimize performance and design for failure.

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Optimizing Speed & Security of Oracle Commerce Sites Using Cloudflare
Optimizing Speed & Security  of Oracle Commerce Sites Using CloudflareOptimizing Speed & Security  of Oracle Commerce Sites Using Cloudflare
Optimizing Speed & Security of Oracle Commerce Sites Using Cloudflare

View this webinar to hear Russell Moore, Co-Founder/Senior Technical Architect at Spark::red, and Nick Bustin, Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare discuss security and performance best practices for Oracle Commerce sites. They'll cover: -The latest eCommerce industry security threats and site performance trends -Best practices for accelerating and protecting your Oracle Commerce site through caching, mobile speed optimization, DDoS protection and WAF -New rate limiting and load balancing tools you can implement -Example cases from leading Oracle Commerce sites fighting DDoS attacks & latency using Cloudflare

Restricting access to your CDN
Access to your Cloudflare, Akamai, or Incapsula account
needs to be locked down within the organisation
because even without Cloudflare Workers being
enabled, you can still do a lot of damage through the
Cloudflare dashboard if you don’t know what you’re
Further Reading
Thank You!
@taylordanrw @salt_agency

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BrightonSEO 2019 - Edge SEO - Using CDNs To Perform SEO On The Edge

  • 1. How serverless technologies can help SEOs overcome legacy (and modern) tech obstacles Dan Taylor // SLIDESHARE.NET/DANTAYLOR29 @TAYLORDANRW
  • 2. /about/ Senior Technical Consultant @
  • 3. Edge SEO means using edge computing technologies to create new SEO implementation methods, testing, and research processes outside of the current parameters in which we operate.
  • 5. OOTB CDN Benefits • Speed optimization of content delivery • Including payload optimization & compressions • Bandwidth savings • Content accessibility / uptime reliability • Security benefits, i.e. WAF / DDoS Mitigation • Reverse proxy other platforms to subfolders etc • “Edge SEO” stuff
  • 6. Why is this needed? • Congested development queues // long lead times • Lack of “business buy in” to action SEO fixes as a priority • Platforms with restrictions • Random Google support changes • Builds not scoped properly • Code freezes
  • 11. Robots.txt Modding Yes Yes* Yes Redirects Yes Yes* Yes AB Testing Yes Yes* Yes Hreflang Injection Yes Yes* Limited Security Headers Yes Yes* Yes “Logging” Yes Yes* No Need Dynamic JS Prerendering Yes Yes* Yes Meta Data Yes Yes* Yes
  • 12. Example worker codes/uses • Implement redirects • AB testing • Overwrite hardcoded meta data / HTML elements • Integration in the pre-rendering of JavaScript • Implement Hreflang • Pseudo log file collection • Dynamic meta data
  • 13. HTML declared title tag: ODN Script: Result:
  • 15. Pseudo log file collection Not all platforms all log file collection… Sometimes getting hold of logs isn’t easy due to gatekeepers.
  • 17. •Access to edit robots.txt •Access to pull pseudo log files •Customise server headers A grey cloud means your web traffic is not running through Cloudflare.
  • 18. AB Testing • ABCD test URLs by directing traffic via the CDN • Monitor page level metrics via Google Analytics / Google Data Studio Reports • Requires pages to “be live” Live Example:
  • 20. Dynamic Prerendering of JavaScript Prerender JavaScript by rendering cached versions of the site periodically, rather than on a per request basis. Can reduce costs for prerendering JS server side, and complies with Google’s recommended implementation of dynamic rendering, by switching between client-side and pre-rendered content for specific user-agents.
  • 23. Step 1 – Halt, who goes there? Request Comes In
  • 24. Step 2 – =IF(”Googlebot|Bingbot…”, P1, P2) Check Cache For Prerendered Page Client Side Render Return It No Cache
  • 25. Step 3 – What Happens If No Cache? Trigger Prerendering. 1. Wait and return the prerendered page – but monitor the time it takes, if it takes 7-seconds, negative impact. 2. We could return the page after 1-second of prerendering, but likely to be useless.
  • 26. Worker Solution When Caught Short We return with Retry- After; this has not been tested in real world AFAIK, but the idea would be to tell crawler to attempt again in 10 seconds for that page
  • 27. Cold Cache Issues To solve issue of cold caches, we have a batch job, checking cache for stale entries and prerendering them, and to seed cache we can either use a sitemap or crawl our own site.
  • 29. New technologies require new processes.
  • 30. Pros (Development) •Workers are written in JavaScript/WASM •One-click deployment/pullback •Next to zero dev ops required •Can be verified and monitoring through existing tools/methods
  • 31. Cons (Development) • Potential to affect and impact all requests between client and server • Potential to add latency and slow page load times, depending on implementation (our testing has shown between 10ms and 50ms latency) • Potential to introduce front-end bugs that are difficult to debug when it is unclear what is being modified/injected through stream transformation
  • 32. Internal Processes & Challenges •Responsibility and accountability •Change management •Development and release management •Debugging process •Security •Compliance (legal, privacy, GDPR)
  • 33. Restricting access to your CDN Access to your Cloudflare, Akamai, or Incapsula account needs to be locked down within the organisation because even without Cloudflare Workers being enabled, you can still do a lot of damage through the Cloudflare dashboard if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  • 34. Further Reading • cloudflare-workers/ • for-developers-311292 • on-the-edge/