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Everything you ever need to know about Front
end Performance Optimization –
Tools, Techniques and Methodology
Haribabu Nandyal (
Modelling  Web Performance Optimization - FFSUx
“Browsing should be as simple
and as fast as turning a page in
a magazine”

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HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks
HK CodeConf 2015 - Your WebPerf Sucks

These are the slides from my talk "Your WebPerf Sucks" at HK CodeConf 2015 ( at Science Park in Hong Kong, October 24th. Web Performance is an important aspect of building for the web and this talk highlights different aspects of what is important and what can be done to improve web performance and build faster sites. While mentioning different aspects of possible improvements, the main focus lies on optimising the critical rendering path to get pages on the screen faster and what tools can help to do so.

mobileoptimisationfirst paint
JSP Web Technology Application on Road Transport Services
JSP Web Technology Application on Road Transport ServicesJSP Web Technology Application on Road Transport Services
JSP Web Technology Application on Road Transport Services

The document is about a project for the National Transport Company. It includes a certificate signed by the director, head of center, and GL tech of NIIT Jodhpur certifying the project work. It also includes an acknowledgement, system requirements, contents, and the beginning of the home and network sections which provide an overview of the company's network capabilities and allows the user to view network details by state.

jspjava server pagestransport company
Website Development Guidelines
Website Development GuidelinesWebsite Development Guidelines
Website Development Guidelines

The document provides guidelines for website and CMS development with a focus on SEO best practices. It includes sections on page titles, navigation, accessibility, code structure, front-end coding standards, back-end coding standards, CMS features that help with SEO like modifying metadata and sitemaps, and techniques for improving page speed. The guidelines were created by Amit Kute and cover a wide range of topics to help make websites more usable, accessible, and optimized for search engines.

website devlopementwebsite guidelinesseo
“Browsing should be as “simple”
and as “fast” as turning a page in
a magazine”
Performance impact on business metrics
Website Response time
Amazon +100 ms 1% drop in sales
Yahoo +400 ms 5-9% drop in requests
Google +500 ms 20% drop in requests
Bing +2000 ms 4.3% drop in revenue/user
Shopzilla -4800 ms
7-12% increase in revenue
25 % increase in page views
Mozilla -2200 ms 15.4% increase in downloads
Google Maps
Reduced the file volume by
30% increase in map requests
Walmart -100 ms 1% increase revenue
Performance impact on business metrics
• Higher search ranking resulting in increased Customer traffic
• Higher page views.
• Better Conversion Rate resulting in increased Revenue
• Improved Ux and higher Customer Satisfaction
• Retention of Customers
• Reduced cost (Cost Optimization e.g: Infrastructure costs)
Business need for great Performance!

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Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image StrategyImplementing a Responsive Image Strategy
Implementing a Responsive Image Strategy

Applications must implement responsive web design strategies today. However most developers are not experienced in responsive techniques. More over images have provided a difficult hurdle for developers and business stakeholders to make responsive. A proper responsive web design strategy increases return on investment, reduces long term maintenance requirements and improves application performance. Images create many challenges in implementing responsive design. This session will explain what responsive images are. How new web standards have enabled manageable responsive image practices. We will go over tooling and techniques to enable responsive images in your developer and line of business workflows. When you leave this session you will have actionable knowledge of responsive images, techniques, tooling and workflow options you can apply to your projects now.

responsive imagesresponsive web designweb design and development
Developing High Performance Web Apps
Developing High Performance Web AppsDeveloping High Performance Web Apps
Developing High Performance Web Apps

The document provides an overview of developing high performance web applications, focusing on optimizing front-end performance. It discusses why front-end performance matters, and provides best practices for optimizing page load time, developing responsive interfaces, and efficiently loading and executing JavaScript. The document also covers DOM scripting techniques, tools for profiling and analyzing performance, and how the performance monitoring service Gomez can be extended to better measure client-side metrics.

Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NYExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY

The document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers mobile web platforms and browsers, the importance of performance on mobile, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and above-the-fold content within 1 second, and maintaining responsiveness. The key recommendations are to measure on real devices, avoid redirects, reduce requests, load above-the-fold content quickly and defer the rest, and prioritize simplicity over complex designs and frameworks.

html5optimizationweb performance
Why the slowdown?
The median ecommerce page contains 99 resources (images, JS, CSS etc).
A year ago, it was 93 resources. Each of this additional resource incurs
latency and adds up to slower load times.
A median page size is 1436 KB which was 1094 KB a year ago. An
increase of 31% in page size.
Increase in average no of requests
and page size
Anatomy of a HTTP Request
Profiling a HTTP Request
85-90% of website rendering
depends on the performance of
Network and Client Side

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Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...
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Advanced Technical SEO - Index Bloat & Discovery: from Facets to Javascript F...

Ari Nahmani covers the latest in advanced technical SEO at SMX Munich (Muenchen) 2016. Discussions of the deprecated HTML snapshot, Javascript crawlability and indexing, new frameworks, prerendering, server side rendering,, isomorphic javascript, and other technical issues related to the future of protecting your index health.

pushstatehtml snapshotsmx
AEM - Client Libraries
AEM - Client LibrariesAEM - Client Libraries
AEM - Client Libraries

This document discusses client-side libraries in AEM and best practices for their use. It explains that clientlibs allow logical organization of JavaScript and CSS files and avoid duplicate includes. Key points covered include using cq:ClientLibraryFolders to define libraries, including them via cq:includeClientLib, dependencies vs embedding, debugging tools, themes, and minification. Best practices include placing component code in clientlibs, embedding to reduce requests, requesting from /etc, defining dependencies, and minification on publish.

Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ
Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQDynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ
Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ

This document summarizes a presentation on developing dynamic components in AEM using single-page application concepts. It discusses how traditional approaches to dynamic components can be tricky when components need to communicate and update frequently. An SPA approach treats each component as a module that handles its own data fetching and updating independently via AJAX calls. On page load, the server returns only static markup and components get dynamic data by making POST requests to a controller returning JSON. This allows for perceived faster interactions and easier front-end/back-end separation compared to full page reloads. Examples demonstrate rendering templates, initialization scripts, and a sample controller class to retrieve and return dynamic component data.

Client Side Performance
• Earlier website performance was only about optimizing the server-
side and reducing the generation-time of the HTML. But server-
side does not seem to be the main issue.
• Yahoo found out that on an average only 10-20% of the loading
time is spent on the server-side; 80-90% is spent at the client-side
Average loading time of a website
Web Page Generation – Desktop vs
Http measurements of where time is spent in generating a page for
top 50 k sites.
Usual suspects for Performance
Performance bottlenecks because of any/all of these levels:
• Server layer
• Application Architecture/Coding/Design
• Network latency
• Database performance
• Operating Systems
Performance Tuning – zone of focus
User Interface: Address bar ,
back/forward button ,
bookmarking menu
Browser Engine: “Bridge” between
user interface (UI) and rendering
engine kernel , plug-ins ,
extensions , add-ons
Rendering Engine: It interprets the HTML, XML, and JavaScript that comprises a
given URL and generates the layout that is displayed in the UI. So HTML parsers,
XML parsers, JS interpreter are the key components of the Rendering Engine.
Data Persistence: Stores data on the client machine. Eg: Cookies, HTML, Cache
Browser Architecture

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Web design and Development
Web design and DevelopmentWeb design and Development
Web design and Development

This is the basic Web design and development slide. From here you can practice HTML, CSS, PHP, MySql, and JavaScript. I do believe that this is a very effective slide for the beginner who wants to learn Basic Web design and development.

web designweb design and developmenthtml5
The Critical Path to Performance: User Journeys
The Critical Path to Performance: User JourneysThe Critical Path to Performance: User Journeys
The Critical Path to Performance: User Journeys

Presented at Velocity conference, Santa Clara, 2013. Understand web performance from the user journey perspective. Case studies explore performance issues unique to multi-step or multi-page web transactions, and measurement approaches for identifying issues and monitoring ongoing performance. Synthetic and RUM discussed.

Advanced CSRF and Stateless Anti-CSRF
Advanced CSRF and Stateless Anti-CSRFAdvanced CSRF and Stateless Anti-CSRF
Advanced CSRF and Stateless Anti-CSRF

This document discusses using invisible iframes to conduct multi-step cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks in a deterministic manner. It demonstrates how an iframe can be used to conduct a GET CSRF attack by dynamically creating an image tag with the vulnerable URL as the source. It also shows how a hidden form can be submitted from an iframe to conduct a POST CSRF attack. JavaScript code examples are provided for the GET and POST attacks to ensure the iframes communicate with the main page between steps.

 Starts receiving the data. First packet is about 14 k bytes.
 Parses the HTML and starts constructing the DOM.
 Starts downloading of assets (CSS, Images, JS) – in the same
order as specified in the HTML source code.
 Parses CSS and constructs CSS OM.
 Constructs the Render tree (DOM + CSS OM)
 Calculates layout size and position.
 Paints and composites the layers.
Submitted the request? - Let us go behind
the scene
Parsing of the HTML document is what constructs the Document Object Model
(DOM). In parallel, the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) is constructed from the specified
stylesheet rules.
DOM and CSSOM are then combined to create the "render tree," at which point the
browser has enough information to perform a layout and paint something to the
Critical Rendering Path
Critical Rendering Path
JavaScript execution can issue a synchronous doc.write and block DOM
parsing and construction. Similarly, scripts can query for a computed style
of any object, which means that JavaScript can also block on CSS.
Since JS can change the DOM and the CSS OM, when the browser sees a
<script> tag it will block downloading of other assets until the JS has been
downloaded and executed
Rendering Engines

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Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25
Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25
Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25

The document discusses responsive web design techniques for building responsive applications in APEX, including: - Using CSS media queries like @media to adapt layouts based on screen size and orientation. - Implementing grid systems with CSS frameworks like Theme 25 to create responsive page templates. - Leveraging APEX features like region attributes and client-side detection to conditionally render content. - Additional techniques like responsive tabs, conditional hiding of content, and reflowing data tables.

Front-end optimisation & jQuery Internals (Pycon)
Front-end optimisation & jQuery Internals (Pycon)Front-end optimisation & jQuery Internals (Pycon)
Front-end optimisation & jQuery Internals (Pycon)

This document discusses optimizing jQuery and front-end performance. It covers minimizing HTTP requests, file size, and blocking behavior to improve dependency loading. It discusses optimizing initial page rendering through asset ordering, lazy loading, and avoiding reflows and repaints. The document also covers post-load responsiveness techniques like JavaScript optimizations. It provides an overview of jQuery internals and optimizations like chaining selections and avoiding empty sets. Tools mentioned include Google Closure Compiler, dynaTrace AJAX Edition, and Cuzillion.

10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today
10 Things You Can Do to Speed Up Your Web App Today

Web Performance is a serious issues these days. 80% of web performance issues are in the client. Many developers either do not realize what they are leaving on the table and how that affects the success of their application. These are 10 things any web developer can do in about 30-60 minutes to drastically increase page load times and thus increase the application's profitability.

html5css3mobile web
Faster Fewer
FFSUx model
Tools, Techniques and
Faster content delivery, Fewer in count, Smaller in size,
good User Experience
Faster content delivery: - Reduce Round Trip Time (RTT)
 Reduce DNS lookup
 Use a CDN (Amazon CloudFront, MaxCDN, Limelight, Akamai)
 Prefetch and Postfetch
 Domain Sharding and Parallelize requests
 Use <link> tag instead of @import
 Externalize JS and CSS
Fewer in count: - Reduce no of http requests/CSS/JS/Images
 Reduction in number of Round Trips
 CSS Spriting
 Remove duplicate scripts
 Configure Entity tags
 Enable caching
 Set expiry dates / Add an expires header
 Avoid Redirects
Smaller in size:
 Compression of html/CSS/JS (gzip, deflate)
 Proper image format (Jpeg, WebP, PNG?)
 Minification of html/JS
User Experience
 Time To Interact (TTI)
 CSS on top
 JS in the bottom
 Asynchronous JS
 Above the fold rendering
 Progressive Image loading

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a beginner web technologies workshop covering topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. The first day will introduce why the workshop is useful and provide basic terminology. It will cover HTML versions 4 and 5, CSS versions 2 and 3, and provide live examples. Key topics are why web technology is growing, how websites are used today and potential future capabilities. The document outlines terminology, explains client-server architecture and static vs dynamic pages, and provides examples to demonstrate various HTML elements, tags and attributes.

PrettyFaces: SEO, Dynamic, Parameters, Bookmarks, Navigation for JSF / JSF2 (...
PrettyFaces: SEO, Dynamic, Parameters, Bookmarks, Navigation for JSF / JSF2 (...PrettyFaces: SEO, Dynamic, Parameters, Bookmarks, Navigation for JSF / JSF2 (...
PrettyFaces: SEO, Dynamic, Parameters, Bookmarks, Navigation for JSF / JSF2 (...

PrettyFaces: SEO, Dynamic Parameters, Bookmarks, and Navigation for JSF / JSF2 - As presented at JSFSummit2009 in Orlando Florida. Why should we use PrettyFaces?

Building high performing web pages
Building high performing web pagesBuilding high performing web pages
Building high performing web pages

The document discusses how web browsers render web pages in 5 stages: 1) Constructing the object model from HTML tags and content 2) Creating the render tree by omitting non-visible nodes 3) Calculating layout and positioning during the layout stage 4) Painting pixels on the screen during the paint stage 5) Composite layers are ordered and combined during the composite stage It provides tips for optimizing performance such as minimizing critical resources, leveraging caching, prioritizing content, and reducing reflows and repaints.

high performing web pagesmake your website load fasterhow to build fast loading web sites
Request without DNS Prefetch
Total Time of request = DNS lookup + Initial Connection + Time to First Byte +
Content Download.
Request with DNS Prefetch
Total time of request = Initial Connection + Time to First Byte + Content Download.
Using DNS prefetch can reduce DNS lookup time by pre resolving DNS (Domain
Name Server).Google PageSpeed has incorporated DNS prefetch (pre resolving
DNS) as one of performance improvement methods.
Typical DNS lookup time is from 20 ms to 120 ms.
Reduce DNS lookups
Resource Request Waterfall
DNS Server Hierarchy
Most requests are now handled
by the CDN.
So the origin server can handle
greater no of users since each
user is making fewer requests to
the main server
How CDN speeds up resource download?

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital MarketersSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

searchlovesearchlove san diegosite speed
Frontend performance
Frontend performanceFrontend performance
Frontend performance

The document provides best practices for optimizing frontend performance by reducing page load time. It discusses ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests, DNS lookups, redirects and duplicate scripts. It also recommends techniques like minifying assets, leveraging caching, prioritizing critical components, optimizing images and using content delivery networks.

Web Performance Optimization
Web Performance OptimizationWeb Performance Optimization
Web Performance Optimization

Overview on why web performance matters, how to measure it and some discussion on 3rd-party content. Presented t the DC area Web Manager's Roundtable group on 12/7/2011.
Preloading of Components
• Preload components you’ll need in the future
• Unconditional preload : Xero login page preloads all core
components so that the dashboard experience is better
• Conditional preload : Often based on where you think a user
might go to next
Parallelize downloads across
Parallelize downloads across
Max connections per
Opera Mini 11
Firefox 27 6
Chrome 34 6
Safari 7.0.1 6
iPad 5 6
iPhone 5 6
Android 4 6
IE 10 8
IE 11 13
When CSS @import is used from an external stylesheet, browser is
unable to download stylesheets in parallel. This results in additional
round-trips to the overall page load. If first.css contains,
@import url("second.css")
The browser must download, parse, and execute first.css before it is
able to discover that it needs to download second.css.
Use <link> tag instead of @import.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="first.css"> <link rel="stylesheet"
This allows the browser to download stylesheets in parallel, which
results in faster page load times.
CSS@Import vs <link>

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TSSJS2010 Presenatation on: Performance Anti Patterns In Ajax Applications
TSSJS2010 Presenatation on: Performance Anti Patterns In Ajax ApplicationsTSSJS2010 Presenatation on: Performance Anti Patterns In Ajax Applications
TSSJS2010 Presenatation on: Performance Anti Patterns In Ajax Applications

The document discusses performance anti-patterns in Ajax applications. It covers the anatomy of web 2.0 applications, the impact of slow performance on users, common performance anti-patterns like too many network requests and mistakes with JavaScript frameworks, and how to analyze slow pages in 5 minutes using free tools. The presentation aims to help attendees avoid common mistakes that can slow down Ajax apps and analyze where pages are slow.

Performance anti patterns in ajax applications
Performance anti patterns in ajax applicationsPerformance anti patterns in ajax applications
Performance anti patterns in ajax applications

The document discusses performance anti-patterns in Ajax applications. It covers the anatomy of web 2.0 applications, the impact of slow performance on users, common mistakes that degrade performance such as too many network requests and latency issues, and how to analyze page speed using free tools. The presentation aims to teach attendees how to avoid common framework pitfalls and optimize Ajax application performance.

ajaxweb performancedynatrace
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

This document discusses web performance optimization and provides tips to improve performance. It emphasizes that performance is important for user experience, search engine optimization, conversion rates, and costs. It outlines common causes of performance issues like round-trip times, payload sizes, browser rendering delays, and inefficient JavaScript. Specific recommendations are given to optimize images, stylesheets, scripts, and browser rendering through techniques like compression, caching, deferred loading, and efficient coding practices. A variety of tools for measuring and improving performance are also listed.

Reduce HTTP Requests
Repeat the same for CSS:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.twitter.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.cookie.js"></script>
<script src="myapp.js"></script>
<link href="all.css"
<script src="all.js"
How Spriting works:
• Finds background images
• Groups images into sprites
• Generates the sprite
• Injects the sprite into the current page
• Recomputes the CSS background-position
• Combines all small images into one large image
• Use CSS to control displaying of each image
CSS Sprites
• Webservers can be configured to send an ETag (entity tag) header in file
responses. This ETag can be a Md5 hash of the file. Browser will send the ETag
from its cache in its next request for the same file.
• The server checks if the ETag is still valid (the file hasn’t changed). If valid
server only sends a 304 code (Not Modified ) without sending the file again. If
the file has changed, the server sends the whole file as usual. With this
technique a lot of traffic can be saved, but there’s still a HTTP to be made.
Entity Tag
• Use Expires header to tell the browser how long to keep the resource.
• Browsers won't fetch the resource again until its expiry.
• This is perfect for static files when it’s known that they won’t change
during the time specified in the Expires header.
Expires Header

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Web performance tuning
Web performance tuning Web performance tuning
Web performance tuning

This document discusses various techniques for improving front-end web performance. It states that 80% of end-user response time is spent downloading page components like images, CSS, JavaScript, and that speed is important for user experience and functionality. Various methods are presented for minimizing file sizes like JavaScript minification and combining files. It also recommends techniques like using CSS sprites and lazy loading images. Browser tools for analyzing performance are listed, and references for further information are provided.

web design and development
Presentation Tier optimizations
Presentation Tier optimizationsPresentation Tier optimizations
Presentation Tier optimizations

The document discusses optimization of the presentation tier of web applications. It notes that the presentation tier is often overlooked despite being responsible for over 30% of client/server performance. Some key optimizations discussed include reducing HTTP requests, optimizing response objects by reducing size and load pattern, JavaScript minification and placement, image sprites, caching, and ensuring valid HTML markup.

The Technical SEO Full Course how to do
The Technical SEO  Full Course  how to doThe Technical SEO  Full Course  how to do
The Technical SEO Full Course how to do

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website to improve search engine rankings through both on-page and off-page factors. It focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website like XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, page speed, and structured data to help search engines better index and understand the site. Regular audits and optimization of these technical elements can positively impact how search engines view and rank a website.

seo technical
Impact of Cookies on Response Time
Cookie Size Time Delta
0 bytes 78 ms 0 ms
500 bytes 79 ms +1 ms
1000 bytes 94 ms +16 ms
1500 bytes 109 ms +31 ms
2000 bytes 125 ms +47 ms
2500 bytes 141 ms +63 ms
3000 bytes 156 ms +78 ms
Website Total Cookie
Amazon 60 bytes
Google 72 bytes
Yahoo 122 bytes
CNN 184 bytes
YouTube 218 bytes
MSN 268 bytes
eBay 331 bytes
MySpace 500 bytes
Cookie sizes across websites
Reduce cookie weight
• Cookie’s are sent back with every request
• Keep cookie size small and only store what’s required – use
server-side storage for everything else
• Consider cookie free domains for static content
Keep it clean
• Always asynchronous
• Use JSON over XML
 Accessing JSON faster and cheaper
 Less overhead compared to XML
• Use GET requests over POSTs wherever possible
 POST is a 2-step process: send headers, send body
 POST without a body is essentially a GET anyway
• Add an Expires header
 Not just for images – should be used on all static content
 Set a “Never expire” or far future expires policy if you can
 Reduces HTTP requests – once component is served, the browser
never asks for it again
 Date stamping in file names makes it easier
“Empty cache” means the browser has to request the components
instead of pulling them from the browser disk cache.
Maximize the cache
Gzip Deflate
Size Size Savings Size Savings
Script 3.3K 1.1K 67% 1.1K 66%
Script 39.7K 14.5K 64% 16.6K 58%
1.0K 0.4K 56% 0.5K 52%
14.1K 3.7K 73% 4.7K 67%
Gzip compresses better and is
supported in more no of
Gzip vs. Deflate

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Web Performance Optimierung - DWX13
Web Performance Optimierung - DWX13Web Performance Optimierung - DWX13
Web Performance Optimierung - DWX13

The document discusses various techniques for optimizing web performance, including: - Minifying assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images to reduce file sizes - Leveraging caching, compression, and browser parallelization to speed up page loads - Implementing responsive design patterns and techniques like image sprites and media queries - Optimizing assets further with techniques like image optimization, lazy loading, and prefetching

JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstackJS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack

Вы уже слышали о JAMstack, который пришел на смену SSR и SPA? Подход, который оптимизирует веб приложения так, что они ограничены только скоростью вашего интернет соединения. Никаких просадок при рендере на клиенте, никаких падений серверов от нагрузки, только SEO-friendly приложения без проблем с масштабируемостью.

WordCamp Denmark Keynote
WordCamp Denmark KeynoteWordCamp Denmark Keynote
WordCamp Denmark Keynote

Frederick Townes presented on optimizing websites for performance. He discussed working backwards from user experience, prioritizing the largest issues. Factors that can improve performance include front-end and back-end optimization, reducing payload size, caching, optimizing databases and runtime, reducing workload, and using content delivery networks. Key metrics to measure include page load time, time to first byte, and time on site. Common cases like JavaScript optimization and recommended plugins were also covered.

Spot the difference
Original PNG:
75,628 bytes
After compression:
19,996 bytes
(73% smaller)
<img src="photos/awesome_cat.png" width="800">
awesome_cat.png 350 KB
awesome_cat.jpg 80 KB
awesome_cat.webp 60 KB
Note: .webp - supported on chrome/opera/android browsers.
Servers can do UA or Accept Check to send the .jpg or .webp image
based on the browser.
Optimize images
Images are one of the greatest impediments for performance.
 Either in the wrong format
 Uncompressed
 Not optimized to load progressively
 All of the above.
Minification is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source
code, without changing its functionality. Includes white spaces, new line characters,
comments, and sometimes block delimiters, which adds readability to the code but
are not required for execution.
Minify all static content
(CSS, JavaScript, XML, JSON, HTML)
Reduced 24% from the original sizeTools: JSMin, CSSTidy, YUI Compressor
Analysis of the Alexa top 1000 sites found:
 42% don't gzip
 44% have more than 2 css files
 56% serve css from a cookied domain
 62% don't minify
 31% have more than 100k size css
Top 1000 retail sites
 50% aren't doing both keep-alive and compression (the 2
easiest things!!)
Industry Observations: Alexa

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Front end optimization
Front end optimizationFront end optimization
Front end optimization

Front end optimization is important because 80% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end and front-end optimization can cut page load times by 25-50%. Page load times significantly impact user experience and business metrics. Tools like Yslow and Google PageSpeed can help identify optimization opportunities. Image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, and reducing payload sizes are some techniques that should be applied from the start of a project. Progressive page loading, splitting components across domains, browser caching, and preloading components can further improve performance.

drupaldrupal themingperformance
Website Performance
Website PerformanceWebsite Performance
Website Performance

The document discusses website performance and optimization. It notes that nearly half of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds and will abandon a site taking longer than 3 seconds. Common issues causing poor performance are bloated templates, unnecessary code, and too many HTTP requests. Suggested optimizations include minimizing assets, prioritizing visible content, image optimization, caching, compression, and lazy loading. Case studies show significant speed improvements after implementing optimizations. Metrics like Speed Index measure how quickly visible content displays to influence perceived performance.

Beyond Breakpoints: Improving Performance for Responsive Sites
Beyond Breakpoints: Improving Performance for Responsive SitesBeyond Breakpoints: Improving Performance for Responsive Sites
Beyond Breakpoints: Improving Performance for Responsive Sites

Performance is important but often overlooked when it comes to building responsive sites. We often spend time discussing layouts, breakpoints, and designs that fits well for both desktops and mobile but we do not invest more time in thinking about performance. We learned this the hard way when we revamped Viki's main web page to a responsive site a few months ago. In the process of improving Viki's performance, we discovered practical techniques and useful tools in helping us enhance our user experience and monitor our performance. In this talk, we are going to share the present and the future of performance optimizations for responsive sites.

rakuten technology conferencerakuten technology conference 2016rakutentech
Ten fastest websites based on TTI
Time to Interact (TTI) is a interesting metric for user interaction.
TTI is defined as the point at which a page’s primary content has
been rendered and ready for interaction.
CSS external and on top
● Move all inline CSS to external style sheets for both reuse and caching
● Put all style sheet references at the top
JavaScript external and below
• Promotes better script design
• Push scripts as low as possible
• Be pragmatic – think about splitting JavaScript into “must be loaded” and “can be loaded
on demand”
• Scripts will block both downloading and rendering until parsed
• Remove duplicate scripts (IE has a habit of downloading them again)
 YSlow
 PageSpeed
 WebPagetest (
Tools to Grade performance of a
 Time to Start Render
 Time to Display
 Time to Interact
 Bounce Rate
 Time on Site
 Pages Per Visit
 Conversion Rate
 Abandonment Rate
 Order Value
 Revenue
10 user Engagement Metrics

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SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained
SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained

During our second SEO webinar lesson, we spoke about the importance of site speed. We ran through an explanation of the Google Page Speed insights tool and how to take care of the most common optimizations the tool sugests to site oweners.

google page speed insightssite speed seoseo 101
JBUG 11 - Django-The Web Framework For Perfectionists With Deadlines
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JBUG 11 - Django-The Web Framework For Perfectionists With Deadlines

The document discusses Django, an open-source web framework for Python. It highlights how Django can shorten development time for web applications by automating common tasks. It provides examples of how Django handles data modeling, views, templates, and other features out of the box. The document also lists many successful websites built with Django that demonstrate its performance, scalability, and popularity in the developer community.

Website Performance at Client Level
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Website Performance at Client Level

This document discusses optimizing the client-side performance of websites. It describes how reducing HTTP requests through techniques like image maps, CSS sprites, and combining scripts and stylesheets can improve response times. It also recommends strategies like using a content delivery network, adding expiration headers, compressing components, correctly structuring CSS and scripts, and optimizing JavaScript code and Ajax implementations. The benefits of a performant front-end are emphasized, as client-side optimizations often require less time and resources than back-end changes.

Yahoo’s YSlow is a plugin for Firebug which can test a
website for many basic optimizations. The tests are based
on the best practices from Yahoo’s Performance team.
Grades performance – not about response times but about
how well a site has adopted the suggested techniques.
Google Page Speed
Google Page Speed is also Firebug plugin based on performance rules. It
also includes minifying of HTML, CSS and JS files.
Google Page Speed

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Web performance optimization can be done at three levels - general, server-side, and technology. At the general level, techniques include minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing images, minifying files, avoiding redirects and empty sources. Server-side optimizations involve techniques like content delivery networks, cookie-free domains, caching, and gzip compression. At the technology level for dynamic sites like Joomla, optimizations include flushing buffers early and optimizing database queries. Performance can be measured using various online tools.

performance optimizationincrease website speed
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Google Service - PageSpeed
GTMetrix – combination of Yslow and
PageSpeed –
Quick Recap
Premature Optimization is the root of all evil
Donald Knuth
Performance is not a checklist, it is a continuous process
Ilya Grigorik
Parting Thoughts:
Performance Tuning = Front End + Back End

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Editor's Notes

  1. The average size for top 1000 websites is found to be around 1999 KB in 2015 – 40% increase from last year