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What is Mozilla?
Cross Platform
HTML5 Mobile
     Robert DC. Reyes
About Me …
Aviation Professional by day

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Flash dead ?
Flash dead ?Flash dead ?
Flash dead ?

Récapitulatif des événements, annonces, communiqués et réactions au sujet de Flash-Flex entre octobre et novembre 2011. En prélude à un débat ouvert avec les participants du Flex User Group Breton : TTFx Breizh.

Engage 2018 adm04 - The lazy admin wins
Engage 2018   adm04 - The lazy admin winsEngage 2018   adm04 - The lazy admin wins
Engage 2018 adm04 - The lazy admin wins

​We spent the last 6 months deep diving into automation (DevOps) tools to make our life easier. We applied it to Connections (On-Prem) and other technologies. Come and see how Ansible, Jenkins (and many others) can be friends with Administrators (let’s steal developer tools). Deploy IBM Connections components, install fix-packs, automate tedious tasks and more.

Challenges running Jitsi Meet at scale during the pandemic
Challenges running Jitsi Meet at scale during the pandemicChallenges running Jitsi Meet at scale during the pandemic
Challenges running Jitsi Meet at scale during the pandemic

This document summarizes the challenges of scaling Jitsi Meet to meet increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key issues included overloaded signaling nodes causing errors, mobile users unable to join, and new users confused by the tool. Solutions involved raising file descriptor limits, optimizing client/server messaging, enabling bridge cascading, and improving security and user interfaces. The community also helped through forums, guides and word of mouth. Looking ahead, Jitsi aims to improve efficiency and sustainability through new products while keeping free.

About Me …
Mozilla Representative &
 Firefox Contributor by night (weekends & when I’m free)
About Me …

• Mozilla Representative since 2011
• Aviation Professional since 1998
• Educator, Pianist, Hobby Photographer, Hobby Blogger,
  Gadgeteer, & 101% Pinoy
• Dad of Robyn Andi Xeon
• Official Mozilla Wiki Page:
  Global Organization
        Public benefit

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Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile AppsUsing HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

Native apps are great, but if you want your app to reach as many people as possible, HTML5 is your ticket. In this session, we'll explore the different ways HTML5 can be used to build and deploy mobile apps, as well as the tools that can make the job easier.

kendouihtml5mobile application development
HTML5 App Dev on BlackBerry 10
HTML5 App Dev on BlackBerry 10HTML5 App Dev on BlackBerry 10
HTML5 App Dev on BlackBerry 10

Larry McDonough, Principal Evangelist at BlackBerry, gave a presentation on developing apps for the BlackBerry 10 platform using web technologies. The key points were: 1. BlackBerry 10 has a top-tier browser and is committed to open standards and the open web. 2. Web apps are treated as first-class citizens on the platform, with performance and feature parity with native apps. 3. Developers have choices in using frameworks like HTML5, WebWorks, and native SDKs to build and deploy apps. 4. An upcoming focus is aligning the BlackBerry web platform around Apache Cordova to further improve the web app experience.

Ask Us Anything: Dries Buytaert and Team Tell All on Drupal 8
Ask Us Anything: Dries Buytaert and Team Tell All on Drupal 8Ask Us Anything: Dries Buytaert and Team Tell All on Drupal 8
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Drupal 8 is here and we couldn’t be more excited! Drupal 8 has over 200 new features and improvements, redefining ease of use and creating even more ways to personalize and deploy your content. We could go on for days about the new improvements, but we want to hear from you. With all of the exciting changes, there’s bound to be a burning question or two. Come join us for an “Ask All, Tell All” Q&A session on all things Drupal 8 with Drupal’s founder himself, Dries Buytaert, and his superstar team. We’ll be taking pre-submitted questions to ensure your voice is heard. Submit your questions here and we’ll answer them in this live one-hour session. Drupal 8 has something for everyone to love — we sure love it, and know you will, too!

drupal developmentacquia drupal 8acquia webinar
Mozilla project started in 1998 within Netscape
• Mozilla Foundation started in 2003
• approximately 350 paid staff in 20 countries
• ~40% of code contributed by volunteers
• Testing community of 60,000+
• More than 400 million users
• Global browser market share 25~30%

           ESR – Extended Support Release
Run it All
Dev Tools

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A Journey Down the Open Road - SymfonyCon Paris 2015
A Journey Down the Open Road - SymfonyCon Paris 2015A Journey Down the Open Road - SymfonyCon Paris 2015
A Journey Down the Open Road - SymfonyCon Paris 2015

Sharing the experience of managing an Open Source Project like Magento, some of the key decisions we made that lead to Magento becoming the leading eCommerce application in the world and the challenges, failures and successes we had.

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Betapond is a software company that builds and licenses social and mobile technology to enable brands to manage promotions and competitions on Facebook. They developed a platform using Zeppelin, an open-source MVC framework built on Node.js, to allow rapid deployment of many short-lived applications on a single server in a scalable way. This new technology stack supports their business needs better than traditional approaches like relational databases with CMS.

Basics of Web Technologies
Basics of Web TechnologiesBasics of Web Technologies
Basics of Web Technologies

- Target Audience (mobile vs. desktop) - Web site technologies - Structure & content: HTML / HTML5 - Styling: CSS - Interactivity & scripting languages: JavaScript - Behind the Scenes - Client vs Server - HTTP and web requests - IP address & server location - Accessibility - Content Management Systems: Wordpress

          Web Developer
          Awesome Screenshot
Plug in Checker

         Boot to Gecko (B2G)
         Mobile Testers

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Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap
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Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap

This document discusses how PhoneGap allows developers to build mobile applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can access device capabilities. PhoneGap supports building applications for Android and iOS, and includes APIs for common device features. It also describes PhoneGap Build for cloud-based builds, plugins for extending functionality, and remote debugging tools. The document concludes with a walkthrough of the html5expense sample application built with PhoneGap.

Get a room! Spot: the ultimate physical meeting room experience
Get a room! Spot: the ultimate physical meeting room experienceGet a room! Spot: the ultimate physical meeting room experience
Get a room! Spot: the ultimate physical meeting room experience

Slides from the talk given at JanusCon 2019. Introducing Spot, a solution for connecting physical meeting rooms to the Jitsi ecosystem and beyond.

DevOps Transformation in DXB Telkom
DevOps Transformation in DXB TelkomDevOps Transformation in DXB Telkom
DevOps Transformation in DXB Telkom

This document summarizes the DevOps transformation at DXB Digital Infrastructure, including the services provided, projects handled, and principles followed. It describes the people, processes, technologies, and environments involved before and after adopting DevOps. Key changes included moving from monolithic to microservices architecture, manual to automated deployments, virtual machines to containers, and siloed to collaborative work between teams. The presentation encourages continuing the transformation towards DevSecOps and sharing lessons learned.

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Other Projects/Product

Mozilla Labs
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development
Join the Team

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Open Source Design, Mozilla and You
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Open Source Design, Mozilla and You

Talk given at the FOSDEM 2009 conference in Brussels regarding ways we can build up Mozilla's visual design community. Note: this presentation won't make 100% sense without the accompanying voiceover (several slides are just images that I talked about).

Mozilla and Areas of contributions
Mozilla and Areas of contributionsMozilla and Areas of contributions
Mozilla and Areas of contributions

This document outlines several ways for individuals to get involved with Mozilla, including fixing bugs, helping users, contributing to web development, building add-ons, improving documentation, assisting with visual design, creating and testing apps, and more. It was created by Sumanth Damarla, a Mozilla representative and ZAP evangelist based in India.

Mozilla India 2016 - IoT at Mozilla
Mozilla India 2016 - IoT at MozillaMozilla India 2016 - IoT at Mozilla
Mozilla India 2016 - IoT at Mozilla

Mozilla India Meetup 2016 discussed Mozilla's work in the Internet of Things (IoT) space including their Open IoT Studio platform and several IoT projects. Mozilla views IoT as ubiquitous computing connecting the physical world to the web. Their past work with Firefox OS laid the foundation for connecting the physical environment. They are working with communities around the world and developing open source tools and platforms like Open IoT Studio to build a more open and accessible IoT landscape.

• represent Mozilla in their country/region
• promote the Mozilla Project and our mission
• build on and support existing/future local community
  efforts and programs
• inspire, recruit and support new contributors
• support and mentor future Mozilla Reps
• document clearly all his/her activities
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development

 Open Web Day

Dev Derby Day
Revamp MozPH Site
Create Add-ons

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Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016

Slide deck used by Robert "Bob" Reyes during his talk about Mozilla and Rust at the Philippine Christian University (PCU) Manila last 02 Dec 2016.

MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016

This document provides information about localization efforts at Mozilla in 2016. It discusses Mozilla's mission to ensure an open and accessible Internet. It then outlines areas for community contribution, including helping users, testing, coding, marketing, translation, and localization. The document defines localization and translation, explaining that localization goes beyond translation to adapt content for specific cultures. It also lists some of Mozilla's products available for localization, such as Firefox, Firefox for Android, and Mozilla websites. Finally, it provides information on localization tools like Pontoon and style guides, and invites participation in the Tagalog Developer Edition and MozillaPH Slack group.

Mozilla Community
Mozilla CommunityMozilla Community
Mozilla Community

about Community, Mozilla, the benefit join a FLOSS community, and how to connect with the local Mozilla community - MozTW

ALAB Firefox mascot
Social Media
Creation of Teams
We are here for

got some Questions?
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development

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Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G)
Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G)Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G)
Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G)

An overview of Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G) as presented by Bob Reyes for the Mozilla Philippines Community.

2011 07 Malaysia Open Source Conference
2011 07 Malaysia Open Source Conference2011 07 Malaysia Open Source Conference
2011 07 Malaysia Open Source Conference

This document summarizes Gen Kanai's presentation at the 2011 Malaysia Open Source Conference about Mozilla and the open web. It discusses Mozilla's mission to promote openness and innovation on the internet, provides facts about Mozilla's organization and user base, and showcases examples of innovative websites and tools built using open web standards. It also addresses browser usage trends in Malaysia and opportunities for growing Mozilla's community presence in the country.

Developing for Firefox
Developing for FirefoxDeveloping for Firefox
Developing for Firefox

This document discusses various Mozilla projects including Firefox, its extensions, and other related technologies. It describes how Firefox is built on the Gecko layout engine, allowing for extensions to customize the browser experience. It also outlines Mozilla's mobile projects like Fennec Firefox for Android and Boot2Gecko, their Firefox OS. Finally, it mentions the Web Maker Project and App Maker which aim to simplify contributing to and creating content for the internet.

Get in Touch


 IRC #mozilla-ph
We all want to be creators &
build a thing that makes it easier
        for others to code.
   We don’t even follow up any
  longer if they are used or not,
the concept of having built them
   makes us already feel great.

A standard was set & it changed a few things,
           a richer web for apps,
         was the promise it brings.

   Bah, standards! Who needs them?
         Some flashy ones said,
     until a phone that was smart,
      kicked them out of its bed.

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Best practices for delivering quality web experiences
Best practices for delivering quality web experiencesBest practices for delivering quality web experiences
Best practices for delivering quality web experiences

The document discusses best practices for delivering quality mobile web experiences across different browsers and devices. It recommends adopting an end-user point of view to understand their objectives and tailor the experience accordingly. Developers should leverage evolving browser capabilities to improve perceived performance and ensure applications work as intended on all customer devices. A "one web" approach applying common performance practices across mobile and desktop can improve efficiencies.

Firefox os
Firefox osFirefox os
Firefox os

The document discusses the Firefox OS, an open source mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. It is based on web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The OS uses the Gecko rendering engine and is divided into three main components - Gaia for the user interface, Gecko for running web apps, and Gonk which provides the Linux kernel and hardware abstraction layer. The document outlines the architecture, working, advantages and opportunities that Firefox OS provides for developers to build apps using web standards.

What is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OSWhat is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OS

small lighting talk about Firefox OS at Singapore JS meetup and invite them to our First Firefox OS meetup .Toward Firefox Apps Day

mozilla firefoxappsfirefox

             Things that are fun,
           should be shiny & cool,
        that's why the new standards
           bring many a new tool.
       3D graphics are thrilling,
          as gamers will tell,
     we now have that on the web
         & it is called WebGL.
Build a Web that Will Last

                                Be FUTURE
                             FRIENDLY & look
                             forward, & STOP
                              building for the
Move the Web Forward …

• The web is on phones, tablets, computers, TV’s.
• We have to MOVE IT FORWARD …
 ... Or else our existence will cease.

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According to a developer survey, HTML5 is increasingly being used for cross-platform mobile app development, with 90% of developers planning to use it in 2013. While native apps are still preferred by some, cross-platform tools allow developing once for multiple platforms using web technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript. Popular cross-platform tools discussed in the document include Titanium, PhoneGap, Corona, and Sencha Touch, each with different capabilities and licensing models. While cross-platform apps have advantages in speed of development and cost, they also have limitations compared to native apps in areas like performance and access to device features.

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Synapse india reviews on cross plateform mobile apps development
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The document discusses various cross-platform mobile application development frameworks including Titanium, PhoneGap, Rhodes, Sencha Touch, jQuery Mobile. It notes that over 5000 developers used HTML5 for app development in 2012 according to a survey. The frameworks allow writing apps using a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms like iOS and Android. However, cross-platform apps may have limited access to device-specific features and slower performance compared to native apps. The document also covers pros and cons of cross-platform app development.

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Firefox operating system
Firefox operating systemFirefox operating system
Firefox operating system

Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. It uses Linux as its kernel and Gecko as its rendering engine. The user interface is created using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript (Gaia) and runs on top of Gecko (Gecko). Below Gecko is Gonk, which provides the hardware abstraction layer. When a Firefox OS device boots up, it starts the bootloader which loads the Linux kernel, then the init process is launched along with Gecko and Gaia. Apps are web apps created using web technologies which have access to device APIs through Gecko. Firefox OS aims to make developing for mobile as easy as developing for the web.

The Firefox Mobile OS
What is Firefox Mobile OS?

• Boot to Gecko (B2G) + Gaia + Gonk = Firefox Mobile OS
 • B2G  HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript | Application Runtime
 • Gaia  HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript | User Interface
 • Gonk  Linux Kernel + HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
• A complete, standalone operating system for the open
 • Mozilla’s open source web-based operating system for
   mobile devices.
What is Firefox Mobile OS?

• The framework for the Open Web Device platform was
  introduced at the Mobile World Congress last Feb 2012
  (in Barcelona, Spain).
What Hardware is
• As of now, B2G has been tested on Samsung Galaxy S II &
  the Samsung Nexus S.
 • Why only these devices?
   • Because these devices are commercially available to
     Mozilla employees & community members.
• Mozilla announced that ZTE & Alcatel will be the lead OEM
  partners for the commercial shipping of B2G devices.
• B2G, as of now, works (tested) on Qualcomm chipset-based

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2011 code camp
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2011 code camp

This document discusses building native mobile apps using HTML5. It explains that HTML5 apps can be wrapped as native apps to access device functionality like the camera and run offline. The architecture involves PhoneGap wrapping HTML/JS code so it can run as a native app within a browser runtime. jQuery Mobile and Knockout.js are recommended for client-side code, while PhoneGap Build and services like TestFlight can help deploy and test apps. Debugging can be done using desktop browsers, simulators, and tools like Firebug Lite.

Future of Mobile
Future of MobileFuture of Mobile
Future of Mobile

The document discusses the future of mobile applications and frameworks. It covers HTML5 and cross-platform mobile development using PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows developing mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can access native device capabilities and be deployed to various mobile platforms. The document provides an overview of PhoneGap, mobile design considerations, and an example of building a photo sharing application using PhoneGap.

fomfuture of mobilejavascript

The document discusses cross-platform mobile application development frameworks. It notes that according to a 2013 developer survey, over 5000 developers created apps using HTML5 in 2012 and 90% plan to do so in 2013. It then reviews several cross-platform frameworks like Titanium, PhoneGap, Rhodes, Corona, Marmalade, MonoCross, Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile. For each it summarizes the main features, programming languages used, supported platforms, and other key details. It concludes by discussing pros and cons of cross-platform development like code reuse across platforms but also potential performance limitations.

mobilemobile appsmobile marketing
Why B2G?

• Using HTML5, developers everywhere write directly to the
• The source code is open and accessible & the project is
  based entirely on open standards
• Enabling HTML5 devices running on the Open Web which
  can deliver smartphone capabilities at feature phone
• 70% of the apps found in the Google Play store are written
  in HTML5.
Why B2G?

• According to Telefónica:
  “Boot to Gecko phones will be 10 times cheaper
    than an iPhone.”
• Boot to Gecko architecture eliminates the need
  for apps to be built on platform-specific native API’s.
Boot to Gecko UI

• B2G is the low-level workings of the phone
• On top of that, you will be able to have any interface layer
  you want
  • Telefónica developed one already
  • Mozilla has Gaia
What is Gaia?

• Mozilla’s user interface for Boot to Gecko which is an
  extension of that
• What makes Gaia extra interesting is that it is all
  developed in HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript
• Gaia is developed completely in the open

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HTML 5 - The Future is Now
HTML 5 - The Future is NowHTML 5 - The Future is Now
HTML 5 - The Future is Now

A talk on HTML 5 by Robert "Bob" Reyes of Mozilla Philippines at the University of the East (UE) Manila on 22 Sep 2016 as part of the school's Foundation Week celebration.


Mozcafe@bcrec is a document about Mozilla, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting an open web. It discusses Mozilla's mission to promote openness, innovation, and opportunity on the web. It also summarizes some of Mozilla's key products like Firefox, Firefox OS, and Thunderbird, as well as tools for developers. The document encourages readers to get involved by helping users, testing software, coding, translating, or doing other tasks.


The document discusses the power of browser customization through add-ons. It notes that add-ons can extend browser functionality and provide continuous access to websites even when users are not directly on the site. Well-designed add-ons can help increase user retention on sites. The document provides examples of popular add-ons for services like Delicious and StumbleUpon, and discusses upcoming developments like the Add-ons Marketplace and changes in Firefox 4 that aim to improve the add-on experience.

echelon2010 mozilla firefox
The Gaia UX
The Gaia UX
The Gaia UX
The Gaia UX

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Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools
Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer ToolsConnected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools
Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools

This document discusses Mozilla's work on connected devices and the web, including Firefox OS, Mozilla VR, and Firefox Developer Tools. It provides an overview of Mozilla's mission to keep the internet open and accessible, their goals of exploring the role of the web for connected devices, and some of their projects like B2GDroid, Chirimen, and Panasonic TV integration. It also summarizes new features in Firefox Developer Edition like the Page Inspector, Style Editor, and Performance Tool, as well as the Valence add-on for debugging multiple browsers.

Mobeers waterloo-2011
Mobeers waterloo-2011Mobeers waterloo-2011
Mobeers waterloo-2011

This document discusses PhoneGap, an open-source framework that allows developers to build mobile applications using standardized web APIs for accessing native device functions on various mobile platforms. It provides an overview of PhoneGap's history and goals of supporting web apps as first-class platforms, outlines its licensing and commitment to open web standards, and describes how it uses a bridge technique to enable calling native device APIs from JavaScript. The document also discusses PhoneGap's platform support, upcoming roadmap priorities around plugins, performance, security and tooling, and how it aims to support common development tasks through tools and automation.


One of the early adopters of HTML5, Neev has built games, semantic websites, mobile websites, flash-like animations with HTML5. Neev has helped Google India, and several other product companies on HTML5.

html5mobile application developmentoutsourced product development
Get in Touch with MozPH

• #mozilla-ph in IRC (Mozilla server)
• Twitter @bobreyes | @TagalogFirefox | @MozillaPH
• Email
• FB Group: Mozilla Philippines Community


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Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development

  • 3. Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development Robert DC. Reyes @bobreyes V1.00
  • 4. About Me … Aviation Professional by day
  • 5. About Me … Mozilla Representative & Firefox Contributor by night (weekends & when I’m free)
  • 6. About Me … • Mozilla Representative since 2011 • Aviation Professional since 1998 • Educator, Pianist, Hobby Photographer, Hobby Blogger, Gadgeteer, & 101% Pinoy • Dad of Robyn Andi Xeon • Official Mozilla Wiki Page: •
  • 7. Non-profit Global Organization Public benefit
  • 9. Mozilla project started in 1998 within Netscape • Mozilla Foundation started in 2003 • approximately 350 paid staff in 20 countries • ~40% of code contributed by volunteers • Testing community of 60,000+ • More than 400 million users • Global browser market share 25~30%
  • 10. Releases ESR – Extended Support Release
  • 13. Add-ons Firebug Web Developer Awesome Screenshot Web2Mobile
  • 16. Mobile Fennec Boot to Gecko (B2G) Mobile Testers
  • 17. Other Projects/Product Bugzilla Thunderbird Gecko
  • 21. • represent Mozilla in their country/region • promote the Mozilla Project and our mission • build on and support existing/future local community efforts and programs • inspire, recruit and support new contributors • support and mentor future Mozilla Reps • document clearly all his/her activities
  • 24. Developer Dev Derby Day Revamp MozPH Site Create Add-ons
  • 25. Engagement ALAB Firefox mascot Social Media #FirefoxFriday Creation of Teams
  • 26. We are here for YOU!
  • 29. Get in Touch @mozillaPH IRC #mozilla-ph
  • 30. We all want to be creators & build a thing that makes it easier for others to code. We don’t even follow up any longer if they are used or not, the concept of having built them makes us already feel great.
  • 31. HTML5 A standard was set & it changed a few things, a richer web for apps, was the promise it brings.
  • 32. HTML5 Bah, standards! Who needs them? Some flashy ones said, until a phone that was smart, kicked them out of its bed.
  • 33. HTML5 Things that are fun, should be shiny & cool, that's why the new standards bring many a new tool.
  • 34. HTML5 (WebGL) 3D graphics are thrilling, as gamers will tell, we now have that on the web & it is called WebGL.
  • 35. Build a Web that Will Last Be FUTURE FRIENDLY & look forward, & STOP building for the past.
  • 36. Move the Web Forward … • The web is on phones, tablets, computers, TV’s. • We have to MOVE IT FORWARD … ... Or else our existence will cease.
  • 38. What is Firefox Mobile OS? • Boot to Gecko (B2G) + Gaia + Gonk = Firefox Mobile OS • B2G  HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript | Application Runtime • Gaia  HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript | User Interface • Gonk  Linux Kernel + HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) • A complete, standalone operating system for the open web. • Mozilla’s open source web-based operating system for mobile devices.
  • 39. What is Firefox Mobile OS? • The framework for the Open Web Device platform was introduced at the Mobile World Congress last Feb 2012 (in Barcelona, Spain).
  • 40. What Hardware is Supported? • As of now, B2G has been tested on Samsung Galaxy S II & the Samsung Nexus S. • Why only these devices? • Because these devices are commercially available to Mozilla employees & community members. • Mozilla announced that ZTE & Alcatel will be the lead OEM partners for the commercial shipping of B2G devices. • B2G, as of now, works (tested) on Qualcomm chipset-based hardware.
  • 41. Why B2G? • Using HTML5, developers everywhere write directly to the web • The source code is open and accessible & the project is based entirely on open standards • Enabling HTML5 devices running on the Open Web which can deliver smartphone capabilities at feature phone prices. • 70% of the apps found in the Google Play store are written in HTML5.
  • 42. Why B2G? • According to Telefónica: “Boot to Gecko phones will be 10 times cheaper than an iPhone.” • Boot to Gecko architecture eliminates the need for apps to be built on platform-specific native API’s.
  • 43. Boot to Gecko UI • B2G is the low-level workings of the phone • On top of that, you will be able to have any interface layer you want • Telefónica developed one already • Mozilla has Gaia
  • 44. What is Gaia? • Mozilla’s user interface for Boot to Gecko which is an extension of that • What makes Gaia extra interesting is that it is all developed in HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript • Gaia is developed completely in the open
  • 49. Get in Touch with MozPH • #mozilla-ph in IRC (Mozilla server) • Twitter @bobreyes | @TagalogFirefox | @MozillaPH • Email • FB Group: Mozilla Philippines Community •