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Robert “Bob” Reyes
About Me …
• IT Consultant & Tech News Columnist.
• Mozilla Rep (ReMo) since Jun 2011.
• Member of the Mozilla Reps Council in 2014 & 2015.
• Educator, Pianist, Photographer,
Hobby Blogger, Gadgeteer & 101% Pinoy
• Dad of Robyn Andi Xeon & Bea Gaia Haswell
• Firefox user SINCE VERSION 1!
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Foss-Free and Open Source Software
Foss-Free and Open Source SoftwareFoss-Free and Open Source Software
Foss-Free and Open Source Software

This document summarizes key information about free and open source software (FOSS). It discusses the founders and history of major FOSS projects like Linux, PHP, and Python. It highlights that FOSS allows freedom to modify source code, has a large developer community for support, and provides open source alternatives to proprietary software. Examples are given of FOSS being used by startups, corporations, NASA, and for games on consoles. Common FOSS vs proprietary software comparisons are listed, and the document encourages joining the Indian Linux Users Group-Chennai.

Open Source Everything
Open Source EverythingOpen Source Everything
Open Source Everything

This document discusses open-source software and privacy-focused alternatives to commonly used proprietary software and services. It provides open-source options for desktop and mobile operating systems, app stores, email providers, web browsers, communication apps, and other tools. The advantages of open-source include transparency, security, privacy and community involvement. Recommended open-source alternatives include Linux distributions like Ubuntu, mobile OSes like LineageOS, search engines like DuckDuckGo, email clients like Thunderbird, and messaging apps like Signal and Briar.

I believe in rust
I believe in rustI believe in rust
I believe in rust

The document is a presentation about the Rust programming language. It introduces Rust as a compiled, concurrent language from Mozilla that uses message passing and immutable variables by default. It discusses Rust's task-based concurrency model and provides examples of Rust concepts like pattern matching, ports and channels, modules and crates, and unit testing. It also briefly mentions the Servo browser project in Rust and compares Rust to other languages like Go in achieving goals from Yegge's laundry list.

History of Mozilla
On 23 Feb 1998,
Netscape Communications Corp.
created a project called
Mozilla was launched 31 Mar 1998.
Mozilla Manifesto
Mozilla’s Mission
To ensure the Internet
is a global public
resource, open &
accessible to all.
the Web
& IoT

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ProjectTox: Free as in freedom Skype replacement
ProjectTox: Free as in freedom Skype replacementProjectTox: Free as in freedom Skype replacement
ProjectTox: Free as in freedom Skype replacement

ProjectTox is a decentralized, end-to-end encrypted messaging network that aims to provide a free and secure alternative to Skype. It uses a distributed hash table and end-to-end encryption to allow communication without a centralized server. The core supports text, file transfers, group chat, and audio/video calls between two users. Several clients have been developed including Toxic for the command line and PyTox which provides full audio/video support through Python bindings. The developer demonstrated PyTox's new audio/video functionality and encouraged participants to join the project on GitHub or its wiki.

Deep drive into rust programming language
Deep drive into rust programming languageDeep drive into rust programming language
Deep drive into rust programming language

This document introduces Rust and provides an overview of its key concepts. It begins with an introduction to the presenter and agenda. It then covers basic terminology, common system programming errors, why Rust was created, how to install Rust, data types including primitive types, complex data structures, ownership and borrowing rules, lifetimes, and how to get involved in the Rust community. Key concepts discussed include Rust's type system, memory safety features, and package manager.

rustrust indiasystem programming
Why Rust? - Matthias Endler - Codemotion Amsterdam 2016
Why Rust? - Matthias Endler - Codemotion Amsterdam 2016Why Rust? - Matthias Endler - Codemotion Amsterdam 2016
Why Rust? - Matthias Endler - Codemotion Amsterdam 2016

Rust is the new kid on the block. It's a system programming language that is blazingly fast and offers powerful high-level abstractions better known from dynamic languages like Ruby or Python. Rust offers memory safety without a Garbage Collector and makes low-level programming easier and more secure. I will give an introductory talk about Rust and show some of its nicest features.

codemotion amsterdam 2016
Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools
Mozilla & the WebOfThings
• Goals
• Explore the role of the Web amidst the explosion of
connected devices in our lives.
• Platform
• Web Platform – network, connectivity, sensors,
media, miscellaneous, nascent (future potential).
“Connected” == Data Storage
“Connected” == APIs
• Network APIs
• Media APIs
• Microphone, Camera, Speech Synthesis
• Physical APIs
• Accelerometer, Orientation, Proximity
• External APIs
• Bluetooth, NFC, Geolocation

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Breaking into Open Source and Linux: A USB 3.0 Success Story
Breaking into Open Source and Linux: A USB 3.0 Success StoryBreaking into Open Source and Linux: A USB 3.0 Success Story
Breaking into Open Source and Linux: A USB 3.0 Success Story

The Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Committee invites you to attend this term's public lecture in which we will host Sarah Sharp, Linux kernel developer and USB 3.0 driver author. Sarah will provide a deep dive into how USB 3.0 support was added to the Linux kernel, as an example of the technical, social, and cultural challenges in getting involved in open source development. Sarah will also provide tips for getting involved with the Linux kernel community.

collegeopen sourcelinux

An introduction to Linux and open-source technologies. Right from the question 'Why Linux' to the Way ahead.

linuxopen sourceunix
Open source 101 for students
Open source 101 for studentsOpen source 101 for students
Open source 101 for students

This presentation is aimed at students looking to get involved in open source communities. It covers what open source is (briefly touching on licensing), why you might want to participate, and best practices for getting involved with an open source community. It also talks about paid internship opportunities through Outreachy and Google Summer of Code.

gsocinternshipsopen source
Mozilla Connected Devices
• Firefox Desktop
• Firefox for Android & iOS
• B2G (Firefox OS)
• Firefox Add-ons
• Developer Boards
• Consumer Products
Connected Devices
Connected Devices
Chirimen (@mozopenhard)
Connected Devices
Panasonic Viera 4K HDTV

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Headless Android (Wearable DevCon 2014)
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Headless Android (Wearable DevCon 2014)

Ron Munitz is an expert in embedded systems and distributed fault tolerant systems. He discusses the history and evolution of embedded systems from mechanical computers in the 1940s to today's "Internet of Things". Embedded operating systems have progressed from dedicated hardware/software to using general purpose operating systems like Android. Headless or display-less devices can customize Android to save resources by removing UI components. The talk will cover embedded software development, Android's initialization process, and configuring Android for headless devices.

javabattery lifeminimal android
Let's Contribute
Let's ContributeLet's Contribute
Let's Contribute

The document discusses contributing to open source projects. It begins by asking participants about their experience with coding and git. It then lists many ways one can contribute such as documentation, bug reports, reviews, development, and translations. The rest of the document outlines an activity where participants are split into groups to collaboratively develop a calculator application implementing various math functions over multiple tasks. It provides guidance on development practices like coding style, testing, and using git. It concludes by discussing the open source development process and encouraging participants to get involved in a project.

contributionopen sourcefree software
Localization mobile in Flutter - un'alternativa a Google
Localization mobile in Flutter - un'alternativa a GoogleLocalization mobile in Flutter - un'alternativa a Google
Localization mobile in Flutter - un'alternativa a Google

Nell'ambito dello sviluppo mobile molte sono le tecnologie che vengono adottate dagli sviluppatori: chi si orienta su uno sviluppo nativo, chi utilizza librerie, chi framework ecc. Flutter, il framework di Google, si sta guadagnando certamente un posto all'interno di quella cerchia, probabilmente perché una delle peculiarità che lo rendono molto apprezzato è la quantità di widget che è possibile importare all'interno del proprio progetto, e tra questi sicuramente spicca la localizzazione. Quando si parla di localizzazione il primo pensiero è sicuramente rivolto a Google Maps e al suo intero ecosistema, dimenticandosi talvolta che esistono anche alternative altrettanto valide, capaci addirittura di aprire nuovi scenari di business. Un esempio è dato dall'emergente suite di Huawei, la quale trovandosi coinvolta in una guerra commerciale, ha iniziato ad investire su delle alternative ai servizi Google: tra questi vi è il Location Kit. Scopo di questo meetup è illustrare le funzionalità di localizzazione offerte da questo kit in un nuovo progetto Flutter mostrandone la creazione e l'integrazione di tali servizi.

Firefox OS
Firefox OS
(Virtual Assistant)
Some stuff that we
are working on…
Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools

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Logic Pro
Logic ProLogic Pro
Logic Pro

Logic Pro is a digital audio workstation and MIDI sequencer software application created by Apple Inc. for macOS. It was originally named "Notator" when first created in 1990, and has since gone through several major version updates that have expanded its audio recording and editing capabilities while improving its interface and integration with Apple products. The software started on Mac OS only but now also runs on Windows.


This document provides tips for students participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC). It emphasizes that the key prerequisites are a passion for open source, writing open source projects, and learning new things. Students should find projects on sites like and github and start small by forking projects, making changes, and submitting pull requests. Well-known projects have dedicated developers. Students should get involved early, write a detailed proposal, communicate frequently with developers, and contribute as much outside of GSoC. Open source has a consensus-based culture where criticism is meant to improve work and egos should be dropped. Mistakes are part of learning, and students should not get discouraged.

Free Open Source Software - Introduction
Free Open Source Software - IntroductionFree Open Source Software - Introduction
Free Open Source Software - Introduction

Free, open source software (FOSS) provides concise summaries in 3 sentences or less that provide the high level and essential information from the document. The document discusses FOSS and how it has enabled technology through open innovation, collaborative computing, and freedom of choice. It highlights how the internet is based on open TCP/IP protocols and how open source software like Linux, Firefox, LibreOffice, and others have been developed openly and freely to power many modern technologies and services. FOSS allows knowledge and technology to be shared freely for the benefit of all.

Our goal is to help bring high-performance
virtual reality to the Open Web.
Go to & try it now!
Photo from
Firefox Developer
Firefox Developer Edition

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Intro to Python Workshop San Diego, CA (January 19, 2013)
Intro to Python Workshop San Diego, CA (January 19, 2013)Intro to Python Workshop San Diego, CA (January 19, 2013)
Intro to Python Workshop San Diego, CA (January 19, 2013)

These slides were presented at the Intro to Python Workshop in San Diego, California on January 19, 2013. This workshop was for absolute beginners in Python, and builds from the ground up. There were two projectors used in the presentation, one for showing these slides and one with a command-line Python prompt to show the execution of example code throughout the presentation. The presenters were David Neiss and Kendall Chuang of the San Diego Python Users Group.

Open Product Data: The Web of Things - 'RESTifying the Physical Products'
Open Product Data: The Web of Things - 'RESTifying the Physical Products' Open Product Data: The Web of Things - 'RESTifying the Physical Products'
Open Product Data: The Web of Things - 'RESTifying the Physical Products'

Vlad Trifa discusses the potential of connecting everyday physical objects to the internet using web standards like HTTP. He argues that giving objects web-accessible APIs and digital identities will allow them to be integrated into existing web services and developed for more easily. Trifa outlines the requirements for an object to have a digital identity and presence on the web, including a unique URL, storage for historical data, semantic metadata, and services to support large numbers of connected objects and real-time data processing.

Developing Windows 10 Hosted Web Apps
Developing Windows 10 Hosted Web AppsDeveloping Windows 10 Hosted Web Apps
Developing Windows 10 Hosted Web Apps

Microsoft has released Windows 10 and a whole new development platform to build Universal Windows Applications that can be deployed across all Windows device families. Did you know that you can take your existing website and publish it to the Windows store? Microsoft has stated a lofty goal of having an install base of Windows 10 on 1 billion devices over the next 2 years. According to NetMarketShare the Desktop Operating System Market Share on September 21, 2015 showed Windows 10 at 5.21%. Compare that to Mac OS X at 4.76%. Join us to talk about Microsoft’s OS convergence journey and what that means for us developers. See how easy it is to take your existing website experience into the Windows Store.

.net frameworkvisual studio 2015windows 10
Firefox Developer Edition
is a version of Firefox
tailored for developers,
featuring the latest Firefox
features & experimental
developer tools.
Read more via
Page Inspector
Style Editor
Scratchpad (with autocomplete)

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Create Engaging Digital Commerce Experiences with IBM and CoreMedia
Create Engaging Digital Commerce Experiences with IBM and CoreMediaCreate Engaging Digital Commerce Experiences with IBM and CoreMedia
Create Engaging Digital Commerce Experiences with IBM and CoreMedia

Learn how digital marketers and merchandisers – when enabled with an aligned team, supporting tools, and a comprehensive strategy – can meet buyers how and when they choose to connect, and exceed their demanding expectations. In this webinar, our experts covered: -Customer experience trends across both brand and commerce sites that are driving massive change in digital strategies -Best practices marketers and merchandisers can follow to optimize content to create experiential commerce -Deployment options and architectural approaches for delivering short-term results and building a foundation for meeting long-term goals Perficient helps design, deliver, and manage IBM Commerce innovations that improve customer acquisition, loyalty, and profitability. These solutions, when combined with CoreMedia, a leading digital experience company and IBM’s 2016 Beacon Award Finalist for Outstanding Commerce Solution, enable digital marketers to optimize content and commerce for engaging digital experiences.

contentcontent strategycoremedia
Sensor Web and IoT and the role of Geography (English translation)
Sensor Web and IoT and the role of Geography (English translation)Sensor Web and IoT and the role of Geography (English translation)
Sensor Web and IoT and the role of Geography (English translation)

On request of GEOSPATIAL WORLD (@geoworldmedia) an English translation of my presentation on Sensor Web and IoT and the role of Geography

swesensor networksesp
Connecting Physical Devices to the Web - Event Driven Architecture using WebS...
Connecting Physical Devices to the Web - Event Driven Architecture using WebS...Connecting Physical Devices to the Web - Event Driven Architecture using WebS...
Connecting Physical Devices to the Web - Event Driven Architecture using WebS...

Before the Web, clients connected to back-end servers without compromises. As the Web came along with HTTP, we had to give up some of the power of our connectivity. With the evolving open Web communications standards, now we have a unique opportunity to move on from a request-response based REST world to a true, event-driven architecture. Learn what it takes to connect physical devices, such as Arduino and the Rasberry Pi to collect sensor data, or control physical devices over the Web. Commercial aviation's biggest challenge when things go wrong is that flight data is stuck on the plane inside the black box. Until the black box is recovered, we barely know anything about what went wrong. This presentation offers detailed insights into how IoT and modern Web communications concepts have the power to change all this. If you're a maker, you will learn about "flight sensors" attached and controlled by Arduino, data transmitted over long range WiFi as well as satellite networks. If interested in real-time Web communications, you'll learn about a highly secure WebSocket implementation with extreme scale, publishing flight data to tablets and laptops used as monitoring dashboard. If protocol layering, enterprise messaging, or JMS is your thing, this talk is for you. Code samples and plenty of interactive live demos (with Things) add color to the talk.

Debugger (JavaScript Debugger)
3D View
Performance Tool
Valence (Firefox Tools Adapter)
Valence (formerly Firefox Tools Adapter) is
an experimental add-on that enables the
Firefox Developer Tools to debug a wider
variety of browsers, not just the Gecko-
based Firefox, Firefox for Android, &
Firefox OS browsers.
The initial debugging targets are Chrome on
Android, Chrome Desktop & Safari on iOS.

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The Web of Things - Giving physical products a digital voice.
The Web of Things - Giving physical products a digital voice.The Web of Things - Giving physical products a digital voice.
The Web of Things - Giving physical products a digital voice.

Vlad Trifa presents on the Web of Things and EVRYTHNG's technology. The Web of Things aims to connect physical objects to the web by giving them a unique digital identity and RESTful API. EVRYTHNG provides a platform and services to manage these digital identities at scale, connect diverse physical objects, and build applications on top of real-time object data. Their goal is for every physical thing to have a persistent identity on the web.

web of thingssmart productsdigital devices
WoT.js - WoT App. Framework for Open Source Hardware
WoT.js - WoT App. Framework for Open Source HardwareWoT.js - WoT App. Framework for Open Source Hardware
WoT.js - WoT App. Framework for Open Source Hardware

Talk on WebAppsCamp. WoT.js is one of application framework based on node.js with open source hardware. It's a short introduction about WoT.js framework.

wot.jsbeagleboneweb of things
Physical Web Benefits and Native App Compatibility
Physical Web Benefits and Native App Compatibility Physical Web Benefits and Native App Compatibility
Physical Web Benefits and Native App Compatibility

Shoppers are more engaged when they have access to timely and relevant information. When used for internal education, employees are more engaged and better prepared to assist customers. There are also revenue generating opportunities for those retailers who (securely) share their beacon networks. A single Eddystone-URL beacon, managed with, can serve different content to different Physical Web browsers. In other words, retailers can lease 
their beacon networks to brands. Imagine shoppers using a product’s 
branded app to see rebate information… Using the store’s app offering extra 
loyalty rewards if purchased today… Or an open beacon browser like Chrome, 
promoting an incentive to download 
the store’s branded app for sign-up 
rewards points or a special coupon. Shoppers can also benefit from this app 
approach if they choose to filter results in 
their app and only show beacons that are 
relevant to that location or brand. No worries of seeing the nail salon’s beacons 
next door, or the random Twitter feed being 
broadcast by another shopper’s personal beacon.

ibeaconproximity marketingphysical web
Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools
Want to know more &
get involved?
Thank you!
Maraming salamat po!

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Web of Things Application Architecture
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Chandan Singh
Firefox OS
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Firefox OS
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Firefox Dev Tools for WordPress Developers (WordCamp Iloilo 2019)
Firefox Dev Tools for WordPress Developers (WordCamp Iloilo 2019)Firefox Dev Tools for WordPress Developers (WordCamp Iloilo 2019)
Firefox Dev Tools for WordPress Developers (WordCamp Iloilo 2019)
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Mozilla Firefox Bhopal
Mozilla Firefox BhopalMozilla Firefox Bhopal
Mozilla Firefox Bhopal
Komal Gandhi
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar PerambanMozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Benny Chandra
Firefox os
Firefox osFirefox os
Firefox os
Thanyaw Zinmin
Localization at Mozilla
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Localization at Mozilla
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile DevelopmentCross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development
Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Web 2.0 Revisited - Final project
Web 2.0 Revisited - Final projectWeb 2.0 Revisited - Final project
Web 2.0 Revisited - Final project
Wendy Lile
Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.
Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.
Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.
Purushottam Dahal
MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcs
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcsIntroduction to mozilla and its projetcs
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcs
Pradeep Singh
mannan mozilla
mannan mozillamannan mozilla
mannan mozilla
Mannan Saeed
Introduction to Mozilla Student Reps
Introduction to Mozilla Student RepsIntroduction to Mozilla Student Reps
Introduction to Mozilla Student Reps
Kinshuk Sunil
L10n slide deck
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L10n slide deck
Jeff Beatty
What is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OSWhat is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OS
Chit Thiri Maung
Developing for Firefox
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Developing for Firefox
Saurabh Kheni

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MozTour University of Perpetual Help System - Laguna (Binan)
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MozTour University of Perpetual Help System - Laguna (Binan)
Firefox OS
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Firefox OS
Firefox Dev Tools for WordPress Developers (WordCamp Iloilo 2019)
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Mozilla Firefox Bhopal
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Mozilla Firefox Bhopal
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar PerambanMozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Mozilla: Bukan Sekadar Peramban
Firefox os
Firefox osFirefox os
Firefox os
Localization at Mozilla
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Cross Platform HTML5 Mobile Development
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Mozilla + Rust at PCU Manila 02 DEC 2016
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Web 2.0 Revisited - Final project
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Web 2.0 Revisited - Final project
Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.
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Mozilla Nepal Maker Party 2015, Hetauda.
MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016MozillaPH Localization in 2016
MozillaPH Localization in 2016
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcs
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcsIntroduction to mozilla and its projetcs
Introduction to mozilla and its projetcs
mannan mozilla
mannan mozillamannan mozilla
mannan mozilla
Introduction to Mozilla Student Reps
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Introduction to Mozilla Student Reps
L10n slide deck
L10n slide deckL10n slide deck
L10n slide deck
What is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OSWhat is Firefox OS
What is Firefox OS
Developing for Firefox
Developing for FirefoxDeveloping for Firefox
Developing for Firefox

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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Mozilla & the Open Web
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
FOSSASIA 2015: Building an Open Source Community
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
MozillaPH Trainers Training
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Women and the open web
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Women & Mozilla in the Philippines by Faye Tandog
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Women & Mozilla in the Philippines by Faye Tandog
Robert 'Bob' Reyes
Mozilla Reps Presentation of Faye Tandog at WoMoz PHL Kick-off
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Robert 'Bob' Reyes
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Rust 101 (2017 edition)
Rust 101 (2017 edition)Rust 101 (2017 edition)
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Getting started on MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)
Mozilla & the Open Web
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Firefox 101 (FSA Camp Philippines 2015)
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Firefox 101 (FSA Camp Philippines 2015)
FOSSASIA 2015: Building an Open Source Community
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Connected Devices, MozVR & Firefox Developer Tools