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Challenges &
Opportunities the
Data Privacy Act
Robert “Bob” Reyes
About Me
 GM & CTO of TurfSite Web Services.
 Mozilla Representative to the PHL.
 Tech News Columnist at the Manila Bulletin.
 Hobby Blogger, Photographer.
 Dad of Xeon & Haswell.
Challenges & Opportunities the Data Privacy Act Brings
Being an Open Source Dev

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GDPR vs US Regulations: Their differences and Commonalities with ISO/IEC 27701
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GDPR vs US Regulations: Their differences and Commonalities with ISO/IEC 27701

Based on online data, GDPR fines increased by 40% in 2020, compared to the previous years since the law came into force, and they are expected to increase even more in the upcoming years. In this light, organizations are facing challenges when it comes to compliance with the increased number of data privacy laws and regulations worldwide. The webinar covers • ISO/IEC 27701 standard and its requirements • GDPR requirements and principles mapped against ISO/IEC 27701 • An overview of CCPA requirements • Upcoming US privacy laws Find out more about ISO training and certification services Training: Webinars: Articles: Whitepapers: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information about PECB: Website: LinkedIn: Facebook: Slideshare: YouTube video: Website link:

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Practical guide for performing a Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA). Great hints to support you in GDPR and mapping how data flows through your organisation and external vendors; Please reach out if you need PPT/Notes

What is
History of Mozilla
On 23 Feb 1998,
Netscape Communications Corp.
created a project called
Mozilla (Mosaic + Godzilla).
Mozilla was launched 31 Mar 1998.
Mozilla’s Mission
To ensure the Internet
is a global public
resource, open &
accessible to all.
Data Privacy

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GDPR for Dummies
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GDPR for Dummies

How GDPR works : companies will be expected to be fully compliant from 25 May 2018. The regulation is intended to establish one single set of data protection rules across Europe

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The global cybersecurity market is expected to witness high adoption, owing to rapid digitalization, higher spending on information security, and the advent of 5G. Various industrial and commercial sectors are implementing cybersecurity solutions to safeguard their data. The market is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.6% during the period of 2017 to 2022. Read More:

DCH Data Protection Training Presentation
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This document provides an overview of a training module on data protection. It discusses how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented in the UK through the Data Protection Act 2018. The training aims to help organizations understand their obligations to comply with data protection laws and ensure all employees understand their roles. It covers key concepts like personal data, processing, data subjects, controllers, and processors. It also outlines the core data protection principles of lawful, fair and transparent processing.

Data Privacy Principles
The following five principles stem from the Mozilla Manifesto
& inform how we:
 Develop our products & services
 Manage user data we collect
 Select & interact with partners
 Shape our public policy & advocacy work
Data Privacy Principles
1. No Surprises
 Use & share information in a way that is transparent & benefits the user.
2. User Control
 Develop products & advocate for best practices that put users in control of their
data & online experiences.
3. Limited Data
 Collect what we need, de-identify where we can & delete when no longer
4. Sensible Settings
 Design for a thoughtful balance of safety & user experience.
5. Defense in Depth
 Maintain multi-layered security controls & practices, many of which are publicly
Get Smart on the Web
Lightbeam for Firefox

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What is International Business
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What is International Business

This document discusses international business and why firms engage in it. It defines key concepts like international trade, foreign direct investment, and the four main risks firms face: cross-cultural, country, currency, and commercial. Major participants are multinational enterprises, small and medium enterprises, and non-profits. Firms internationalize to seek growth opportunities, earn higher profits, gain new ideas, serve customers abroad, access lower cost resources, and develop economies of scale. The largest multinational enterprises are from Europe, North America, and East Asia.

Understanding the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
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Understanding the EU's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In 2016, the European Union (EU) approved its General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect European citizens’ data. As a regulation, the GDPR does not require the implementation of legislation, and will immediately become an applicable law as of the 25th of May, 2018. What is GDPR exactly trying to accomplish? According to the official documents, the goal is the “protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.” In short, organizations that conduct business in the EU will need to be compliant with GDPR, and must come to terms with the huge fines that non-compliance can carry. Fines can be up to €20M or 4% of the annual turnover. For companies that experience breaches that result in the loss of personal data (such as Talk Talk, which lost 170,000 people’s data), the fines will be tremendous. Join us for discussion about GDPR to learn more about: The principles that organizations that use personal data need to adhere to The consequences organizations can face if that do not adhere to this new regulation How your organization can prepare for the future

BigID, OneTrust, IAPP Webinar: Bridging the Privacy Office with IT
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BigID, OneTrust, IAPP Webinar: Bridging the Privacy Office with IT

Dimitri Sirota, CEO, BigID and Blake Bannon, VP of Product, OneTrust, present will detail best practices for synchronizing a privacy office enterprise privacy management platform with a tool for finding, classifying and correlating PI or PII across the data center and cloud. Access the webinar presentation to learn: -What the market landscape for privacy-centric products looks like -Key considerations for evaluating privacy office software -Key considerations to consider for privacy-oriented data discovery software -How to ensure your privacy policy is aligned with operational reality -Integration scenarios and use cases that connect the privacy office with IT

Lightbeam for Firefox
Lightbeam for Firefox
& Privacy
Tracking & Privacy
 Not all tracking is bad.
 Many services rely on user data to provide relevant
content & enhance your online experience.
 But tracking can happen without the user’s knowledge.
 That’s not okay for some.
 It should be you who decides when, how & if you want
your browsing data to be shared.
 We recognize the importance of transparency & our
mission is all about empowering users — both with
tools & information.

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Data Protection Officers (DPOs) have a very critical role to play in today's organizations, especially with the implementation of GDPR. Data Protection Officer dashboards are an essential aid to DPOs to stay on top of GDPR compliance activities, and to implement and monitor GDPR projects. The presentation gives insight into the essentials of a DPO dashboard.

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Presentation on GDPR
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With GDPR coming into effect, we can see a lot of changes in the privacy policies of companies doing business online. The presentation is a description of GDPR and its implications in India and worldwide. The main aim of the presentation is to identify the key issues of data privacy and the rights available to the consumer who's data is to be shared.

Tracking & Privacy
Lightbeam for Firefox
Challenges in
Data Privacy
Challenges in Data Privacy
It is essential for IT & business leaders to understand the full
risk potential of data privacy threats & how to address these
1. Data Privacy is more than compliance.
2. A strategic investment, not a cost.
3. Build it, deploy it, test it, modernize it.
4. Technology usage trends increase vulnerabilities.

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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): Do you understand it and are you ...
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Whether you’re an event or hospitality professional in a small, medium or large organization, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is going to affect you. Get prepared with Cvent and Debrah Harding of Market Research Society before the 25th May deadline. GDPR is a new EU regulation, designed for the digital age. GDPR will strengthen an individual's rights and increase business accountability for data privacy and holding personal information. Organizations found breaching the regulations can face fines of up to 20 million Euros or up to 4% of annual global turnover. At Cvent we are already on track to becoming GDPR compliant and we want to advise our industry partners on how to become compliant too.

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This document provides an overview of ESG frameworks and factors in real estate. It defines ESG as environmental, social, and governance factors and explains each component. Key ESG frameworks for measuring these factors are discussed, including GRI, SASB, TCFD, CDP, and GRESB. The document also reviews the history of ESG in business and investing and provides details on common ESG frameworks used for reporting.

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Challenge 1:
Data Privacy is more
than compliance.
Challenge 1:
More Than Compliance
 Compliance is a critical factor driving interest in, & adoption
of, data privacy solutions.
 Building data privacy defenses simply to pass an annual
audit by a regulatory body is just the beginning when it
comes to protecting data privacy.
 Data privacy must be ensured every day, because privacy
threats are fluid & ever evolving.
 The incidence of zero-day attacks (security breaches for
which IT professionals had no time to prepare a prior
defense) for Internet Explorer doubled in 2014 from the
year prior.
Challenge 1:
More Than Compliance
 There’s also the impact of highly-negative publicity & loss of
consumer confidence of privacy breaches that may occur
without notice.
 A recent study indicated that 226 million personal records
about Europeans have been compromised in the past
 In addition, a number of data privacy breaches aren’t
covered under compliance statutes, such as theft of
intellectual property including new product diagrams,
competitive analysis documents & marketing campaigns.
Solution 1:
Data Privacy is more
than compliance.

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Data Privacy & Security

Short presentation for "Executive Briefing for CISA, CISM, CRISC Program" at Binus University International, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Privacy-ready Data Protection Program Implementation
Privacy-ready Data Protection Program ImplementationPrivacy-ready Data Protection Program Implementation
Privacy-ready Data Protection Program Implementation

Presented at CDEF 16th Meetup at 18 August 2022. Title: Privacy-ready Data Protection Program Implementation Topics: - Why data protection is important - Data Privacy Program Domain - Operationalize Data Privacy Program - Privacy-aligned Information Security Framework - Roadmap to Protect Personal Data - Privacy Management Technology

data protectiondata privacyinformation security
EU GDPR: What You Really Need to Know
EU GDPR: What You Really Need to Know EU GDPR: What You Really Need to Know
EU GDPR: What You Really Need to Know

Can your organization afford to be fined €20 million for improperly removing customer data, as required by EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? Seasoned legal and security experts from Blancco Technology Group and DLA Piper distil the legal terminology from the recently approved EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into 'how' and 'what' your organization needs to know to prepare for compliance by 2018.

Solution 1:
More Than Compliance
 Data privacy must be protected on a continuous, ongoing
basis, far beyond the requirements of simply passing
external or internal compliance audits.
 Protecting data privacy must be part of a comprehensive
corporate strategy that embraces the three P’s of Privacy:
 People
 Products
 Processes
Solution 1:
More Than Compliance
 Not only do organizations need to ensure that data privacy
reports to a senior corporate executive, but the organization
must take steps to ensure that all employees & virtual staff
(partners, contractors, etc.) use smart privacy protection
 Organizations must be committed to investing in solutions
that help ensure data privacy beyond the basics, including
malware detection & identity management.
 Privacy should be embedded into all business processes,
from onboarding new employees to sharing data over
unsecured networks.
Challenge 2:
A Strategic
Not a Cost
Challenge 2:
Strategic Investment, Not a Cost
 Measuring the economic impact of a breach goes far
beyond regulatory penalties or the cost of securing
 What is the cost of negative headlines about Social
Security numbers, user IDs, passwords, & other identities
being hacked?
 It’s important to recognize the financial risk of not
pursuing… data protection processes. The status quo isn’t
free. Ignoring those measures will incur a cost.
 You must understand the potential catastrophic impact of
competitors gaining access to proprietary information such
as customer lists, specially negotiated discount pricing, &
product launch timelines.

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Ciso round table on effective implementation of dlp & data security
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The document discusses an effective implementation of data loss prevention (DLP) and data security. It covers key factors like the evolving threat landscape, business drivers for DLP, common challenges, and approaches to solve data security issues. An effective methodology is proposed, including identifying critical data and channels, deploying suitable policies, monitoring incidents, and establishing governance through continuous review and improvement. Critical success factors include business involvement, a phased implementation approach, and repeating the plan-do-check-act cycle periodically. The expected project outcomes are protection of critical channels, improved data tracking and awareness, and happier customers and auditors.

Maintain data privacy during software development
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Maintain data privacy during software development

Data privacy is the top concern for CEOs as cyberattacks increase in frequency and sophistication. Companies are responding by investing in cybersecurity teams and collaborating with software development firms abroad to find privacy experts. To maintain data privacy during software development, businesses should follow relevant regulations like GDPR and CCPA, select an appropriate security model, and build multidisciplinary development teams that integrate privacy into all stages of the software development lifecycle.

The top trends changing the landscape of Information Management
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The role of information and data in the private sector, and how employees and users interact with that information, is changing rapidly. With endless buzzwords and hot topics, and a ream of new technologies and upgrades, it can be difficult for organisations to know where to begin or how it translates into actionable insight.

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Solution 2:
A Strategic
Not a Cost
Solution 2:
Strategic Investment, Not a Cost
 Organizations need to make well-thought-out investments
in technologies to ensure that data defenses are as resilient
as possible & that data can be recovered, restored,
retained, & reclaimed as circumstances require.
 Key technologies that should be a part of any organization’s
data privacy defense include snapshotting, high availability
infrastructure, backup & archiving.
Challenge 3:
Build it, Deploy it,
Test it, Modernize it
Challenge 3:
Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it
 Most companies have some sort of data privacy plan, but
it’s usually a component in a broader disaster recovery or
business continuity strategy.
 It may be a dedicated chapter or a few isolated passages in
that plan document.
 It needs to be embedded in all aspects of business
continuity in real-world practice.
 Sadly, business continuity plan documents often act as
shelfware that is rarely tested & updated to reflect changes
in business conditions.

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A data-centric program
A data-centric program A data-centric program
A data-centric program

To implement data-centric security, while simultaneously empowering your business to compete and win in today’s nano-second world, you need to understand your data flows and your business needs from your data. Begin by answering some important questions: • What does your organization need from your data in order to extract the maximum business value and gain a competitive advantage? • What opportunities might be leveraged by improving the security posture of the data? • What risks exist based upon your current security posture? What would the impact of a data breach be on the organization? Be specific! • Have you clearly defined which data (both structured and unstructured) residing across your extended enterprise is most important to your business? Where is it? • What people, processes and technology are currently employed to protect your business sensitive information? • Who in your organization requires access to data and for what specific purposes? • What time constraints exist upon the organization that might affect the technical infrastructure? • What must you do to comply with the myriad government and industry regulations relevant to your business? Finally, ask yourself what a successful data-centric protection program should look like in your organization. What’s most appropriate for your organization? The answers to these and other related questions would provide you with a clearer picture of your enterprise’s “data attack surface,” which in turn will provide you with a well-documented risk profile. By answering these questions and thinking holistically about where your data is, how it’s being used and by whom, you’ll be well positioned to design and implement a robust, business-enabling data-centric protection plan that is tailored to the unique requirements of your organization.

security softwaredata protectiondata centric program
Protecting the Core of Your Network
Protecting the Core of Your Network Protecting the Core of Your Network
Protecting the Core of Your Network

The disappearance of the network perimeter is the greatest security challenge according to one expert. Traditional network boundaries have been eroded by cloud services, mobile devices, and remote work access. This lack of a defined perimeter makes it difficult to know all assets and users on the network. Another issue is the use of unknown cloud services by employees that expose company data without IT oversight. To address this, companies need accurate asset inventories, security policies for all assets and services, and security awareness training for employees. The goal is minimizing risks so businesses can focus on their main operations.

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Ravi i ot-security

This document contains three key points about securing the Internet of Things: 1. Setting up an integrated team of business executives and security specialists to ensure security is considered throughout product development. 2. Integrating security best practices into the product development process by identifying vulnerabilities through attack scenario analysis. 3. Educating consumers and staff on security best practices like regularly changing passwords and installing patches, and addressing privacy concerns with transparent privacy policies.

Solution 3:
Build it, Deploy it,
Test it, Modernize it
Solution 3:
Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it
 Organizations need a dynamic planning, testing, &
deployment strategy for data privacy
 One that is developed & supported by senior executives &
business stakeholders, not just the IT department or even a
chief information security officer.
 While internal IT staff & business leaders have the
advantage of understanding the ins & outs of how data is
captured, stored, & used within their organization, it’s not
unusual for internal staff to become insulated to both
external threats & to new ideas on how to ensure higher
levels of data privacy.
Challenge 4:
Technology Usage
Trends Increase
Challenge 4:
Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities
 Industry trends such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD),
the impact of social media, increased adoption of affordable
cloud computing services, & widespread use of sync-and-
store services for data storage have raised new &
potentially damaging data privacy vulnerabilities.
 Many of the latest identity thefts & cyber attacks have
occurred as a result of delivering malware as advertising
through tablets & smartphones.
 “Consumerization of IT” increases employee productivity,
but many of those end-user devices operate without
sufficient IT oversight & security frameworks.

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This eBook outlines the role marketers and analysts play in helping their companies: - Govern all existing web and app technologies - Collect, store and analyze data properly - Ensure ethical marketing and analytics practices

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The document discusses the challenges that broker-dealers face in protecting personally identifiable information (PII) in an evolving landscape. Key points include: - Senior executives are demanding that data security strategies be broadened to protect information shared with vendors, partners and customers. - Growing volumes of sensitive data are being handled and stored outside of companies' direct control due to outsourcing, cloud computing, and mobile device usage. - Regulatory requirements for reporting and automated protections have increased as technological advances have altered how organizations and individuals do business. Effectively managing these changes while controlling costs and innovating is critical.

Solution 4:
Technology Usage
Trends Increase
Solution 4:
Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities
 IT departments & business stakeholders shouldn’t
necessarily restrict usage of consumer devices,
applications, & services, but should develop smart policies
that reflect both their benefits to employees & their threats
to data privacy.
 Make employees aware of best practices to ensure data
privacy, & to do continuous vulnerability testing to surface
unexpected problems.
 Organizations to take pains to ensure all relevant parties
understand that new uses of technology often increase
data privacy risks & must be accounted for.
Opportunities in Data
in Data Privacy
 DATA is the new BLACK GOLD.
 Technology innovation & the power of data analytics
present tremendous value.
 New job opportunities related to Data Privacy compliance.
 2016-2017  Data Scientists
 2017-2018  Data Protection Officers (DPO)

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Today’s online world brings new challenges to businesses, making the security of your businesses’ internal information extremely critical. As we are all connected to the Internet, we all can become a victim of cyber-attacks. So, what can you do to better protect your business and secure your internal data?

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Job Opportunities
in Data Privacy
 Data Protection Officer (DPO)
 Counsel – Compliance & Privacy
 Security Engineer
 Security Analyst
 InfoSec Engineer
 IT Specialist (InfoSec)
 Health Records Privacy Director
 Staff Information Security Engineer
 Product Security Analyst
Salamat po!
🐦 @bobreyes

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Challenges & Opportunities the Data Privacy Act Brings

  • 1. Challenges & Opportunities the Data Privacy Act Brings Robert “Bob” Reyes @bobreyes
  • 2. About Me  GM & CTO of TurfSite Web Services.  Mozilla Representative to the PHL.  Tech News Columnist at the Manila Bulletin.  Hobby Blogger, Photographer.  Dad of Xeon & Haswell.
  • 4. Being an Open Source Dev
  • 6. History of Mozilla On 23 Feb 1998, Netscape Communications Corp. created a project called Mozilla (Mosaic + Godzilla). Mozilla was launched 31 Mar 1998.
  • 7. Mozilla’s Mission To ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open & accessible to all.
  • 9. Data Privacy Principles The following five principles stem from the Mozilla Manifesto & inform how we:  Develop our products & services  Manage user data we collect  Select & interact with partners  Shape our public policy & advocacy work
  • 10. Data Privacy Principles 1. No Surprises  Use & share information in a way that is transparent & benefits the user. 2. User Control  Develop products & advocate for best practices that put users in control of their data & online experiences. 3. Limited Data  Collect what we need, de-identify where we can & delete when no longer necessary. 4. Sensible Settings  Design for a thoughtful balance of safety & user experience. 5. Defense in Depth  Maintain multi-layered security controls & practices, many of which are publicly verifiable.
  • 11. Get Smart on the Web
  • 16. Tracking & Privacy  Not all tracking is bad.  Many services rely on user data to provide relevant content & enhance your online experience.  But tracking can happen without the user’s knowledge.  That’s not okay for some.  It should be you who decides when, how & if you want your browsing data to be shared.  We recognize the importance of transparency & our mission is all about empowering users — both with tools & information.
  • 20. Challenges in Data Privacy It is essential for IT & business leaders to understand the full risk potential of data privacy threats & how to address these issues: 1. Data Privacy is more than compliance. 2. A strategic investment, not a cost. 3. Build it, deploy it, test it, modernize it. 4. Technology usage trends increase vulnerabilities.
  • 21. Challenge 1: Data Privacy is more than compliance.
  • 22. Challenge 1: More Than Compliance  Compliance is a critical factor driving interest in, & adoption of, data privacy solutions.  Building data privacy defenses simply to pass an annual audit by a regulatory body is just the beginning when it comes to protecting data privacy.  Data privacy must be ensured every day, because privacy threats are fluid & ever evolving.  The incidence of zero-day attacks (security breaches for which IT professionals had no time to prepare a prior defense) for Internet Explorer doubled in 2014 from the year prior.
  • 23. Challenge 1: More Than Compliance  There’s also the impact of highly-negative publicity & loss of consumer confidence of privacy breaches that may occur without notice.  A recent study indicated that 226 million personal records about Europeans have been compromised in the past decade.  In addition, a number of data privacy breaches aren’t covered under compliance statutes, such as theft of intellectual property including new product diagrams, competitive analysis documents & marketing campaigns.
  • 24. Solution 1: Data Privacy is more than compliance.
  • 25. Solution 1: More Than Compliance  Data privacy must be protected on a continuous, ongoing basis, far beyond the requirements of simply passing external or internal compliance audits.  Protecting data privacy must be part of a comprehensive corporate strategy that embraces the three P’s of Privacy:  People  Products  Processes
  • 26. Solution 1: More Than Compliance  Not only do organizations need to ensure that data privacy reports to a senior corporate executive, but the organization must take steps to ensure that all employees & virtual staff (partners, contractors, etc.) use smart privacy protection techniques.  Organizations must be committed to investing in solutions that help ensure data privacy beyond the basics, including malware detection & identity management.  Privacy should be embedded into all business processes, from onboarding new employees to sharing data over unsecured networks.
  • 28. Challenge 2: Strategic Investment, Not a Cost  Measuring the economic impact of a breach goes far beyond regulatory penalties or the cost of securing defenses.  What is the cost of negative headlines about Social Security numbers, user IDs, passwords, & other identities being hacked?  It’s important to recognize the financial risk of not pursuing… data protection processes. The status quo isn’t free. Ignoring those measures will incur a cost.  You must understand the potential catastrophic impact of competitors gaining access to proprietary information such as customer lists, specially negotiated discount pricing, & product launch timelines.
  • 30. Solution 2: Strategic Investment, Not a Cost  Organizations need to make well-thought-out investments in technologies to ensure that data defenses are as resilient as possible & that data can be recovered, restored, retained, & reclaimed as circumstances require.  Key technologies that should be a part of any organization’s data privacy defense include snapshotting, high availability infrastructure, backup & archiving.
  • 31. Challenge 3: Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it
  • 32. Challenge 3: Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it  Most companies have some sort of data privacy plan, but it’s usually a component in a broader disaster recovery or business continuity strategy.  It may be a dedicated chapter or a few isolated passages in that plan document.  It needs to be embedded in all aspects of business continuity in real-world practice.  Sadly, business continuity plan documents often act as shelfware that is rarely tested & updated to reflect changes in business conditions.
  • 33. Solution 3: Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it
  • 34. Solution 3: Build it, Deploy it, Test it, Modernize it  Organizations need a dynamic planning, testing, & deployment strategy for data privacy  One that is developed & supported by senior executives & business stakeholders, not just the IT department or even a chief information security officer.  While internal IT staff & business leaders have the advantage of understanding the ins & outs of how data is captured, stored, & used within their organization, it’s not unusual for internal staff to become insulated to both external threats & to new ideas on how to ensure higher levels of data privacy.
  • 35. Challenge 4: Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities
  • 36. Challenge 4: Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities  Industry trends such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), the impact of social media, increased adoption of affordable cloud computing services, & widespread use of sync-and- store services for data storage have raised new & potentially damaging data privacy vulnerabilities.  Many of the latest identity thefts & cyber attacks have occurred as a result of delivering malware as advertising through tablets & smartphones.  “Consumerization of IT” increases employee productivity, but many of those end-user devices operate without sufficient IT oversight & security frameworks.
  • 37. Solution 4: Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities
  • 38. Solution 4: Technology Usage Trends Increase Vulnerabilities  IT departments & business stakeholders shouldn’t necessarily restrict usage of consumer devices, applications, & services, but should develop smart policies that reflect both their benefits to employees & their threats to data privacy.  Make employees aware of best practices to ensure data privacy, & to do continuous vulnerability testing to surface unexpected problems.  Organizations to take pains to ensure all relevant parties understand that new uses of technology often increase data privacy risks & must be accounted for.
  • 40. Opportunities in Data Privacy  DATA is the new BLACK GOLD.  Technology innovation & the power of data analytics present tremendous value.  New job opportunities related to Data Privacy compliance.  2016-2017  Data Scientists  2017-2018  Data Protection Officers (DPO)
  • 41. Job Opportunities in Data Privacy  Data Protection Officer (DPO)  Counsel – Compliance & Privacy  Security Engineer  Security Analyst  InfoSec Engineer  IT Specialist (InfoSec)  Health Records Privacy Director  Staff Information Security Engineer  Product Security Analyst
  • 42. Maraming Salamat po! 📬 📬 🐦 @bobreyes

Editor's Notes

  1. 1
  2. Hackers and governments using the web browser as vectors to steal data from users. Huge numbers of these (exploits) released every year. Mozilla addressed this issue by creating a new programming language.
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