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Boot to
Gecko (B2G)
  Robert DC. Reyes
About Me …
Aviation Professional by day
About Me …
Mozilla Representative &
 Firefox Contributor by night (weekends & when I’m free)
About Me …

• Mozilla Representative since Jun 2011
• Aviation Professional since Nov 1998
• Educator, Pianist, Photographer, Hobby Blogger,
  Gadgeteer, & 101% Pinoy
• Dad of Robyn Andi Xeon
• Official Mozilla Wiki Page:
• Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) since 2002 

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Tiggr Mobile Apps Builder at Silicon Valley HTML5 Group MeetupTiggr Mobile Apps Builder at Silicon Valley HTML5 Group Meetup
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Tiggr is a web-based mobile app builder created by Exadel, a global software engineering company founded in 1998 and headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. Tiggr allows developers and non-technical users to easily and quickly build mobile apps using a 5-step approach involving prototyping the UI, defining REST services, mapping services to the UI, adding events and actions, and testing on mobile devices. Upcoming releases will include new features like a brand new UI, support for XML services, and Android and iOS project generation.

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This slide deck was used in a webinar discussing Ionic Advisory. For the full presentation, click here:

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NSquare has been developing Android applications belonging to domains like Real Estate, Employment, Lifestyle, Internet Healthcare, Education and many more. #Android #App #Development For more info and solutions contact: NSquare Xperts

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What is B2G?

• Boot to Gecko (B2G) is a complete, standalone operating
  system for the open web.
• Mozilla’s open source web-based operating system for
  mobile devices.
• The framework for the Open Web Device platform was
  introduced at the Mobile World Congress last Feb 2012
  (in Barcelona, Spain).
What Hardware is
• As of now, B2G has been tested on Samsung Galaxy S II &
  the Samsung Nexus S.
  • Why only these devices?
    • Because these devices are commercially available to
      Mozilla employees & community members.
• Mozilla is in the process of finalizing the lead OEM partner
  prior to commercial shipping of B2G devices.
• B2G, as of now, works (tested) on Qualcomm chipset-based
VS the Webian Shell Project

• The Webian Shell Project is focused on a “web-centric”
  desktop experience.
• B2G is focused on extending the web to include more of
  what is traditionally the domain of OS-specific code.
VS the Chrome OS

• B2G is aiming at mobile / tablet devices rather than
  notebooks (or even netbooks).
• B2G tries to expose all device capabilities like phone
  dialers, that can be built with Web APIs.

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1. Nokia aims to simplify open source software by removing clutter from desktop interfaces, adding a dashboard for multitasking, and designing interfaces that are finger-friendly. 2. Consumer insights allow Nokia to build understanding of what consumers value, improve mobile device experiences, and develop offers to verify with consumers. 3. To effectively use open source, Nokia had to understand different technologies, work with communities upstream, balance openness versus differentiation and licenses, and streamline product development.

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The document describes two software engineering projects worked on by the author. The first was developing Bluetooth functionality for the WebOS platform from scratch, including creating a layer structure and developing profiles like GAP, FTP, OPP, A2DP and HFP. The second project involved working on Webkit rendering and event flow to enable accessibility features for WebOS, such as single touch to speak component names and double tap to activate the last touched component. Development tools used included GDB, Valgrind, Jira and Source Insite, while configuration management was done with GIT and Bitbake.

OEM Support for B2G

• Mozilla, Qualcomm, & Telefónica are working together to
  deliver a feature rich prototype platform.
  • No Philippine telco takers yet 
• Just recently, Adobe joined the B2G Project.
• Very soon, Deutsche Telecom’s Innovation Labs will be
  joining the B2G Project.
Why B2G?

• Using HTML5, developers everywhere write directly to the
• The source code is open and accessible & the project is
  based entirely on open standards
• Enabling HTML5 devices running on the Open Web which
  can deliver smartphone capabilities at feature phone
Why B2G?

• According to Telefónica:
  “Boot to Gecko phones will be 10 times cheaper than an
• Boot to Gecko architecture eliminates the need for apps to
  be built on platform-specific native API’s.
Boot to Gecko UI

• B2G is the low-level workings of the phone
• On top of that, you will be able to have any interface layer
  you want
  • Telefónica developed one already
  • Mozilla has Gaia

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WebRTC allows for real-time communications like voice and video directly in web browsers without plugins. While SIP is a signaling protocol used for controlling multimedia sessions in VoIP, WebRTC focuses on media and does not define its own signaling protocol. WebRTC needs a separate signaling server and protocol like SIP to fully operate call setup. This marginalizes SIP's importance somewhat by making communications more accessible to developers and embedding them directly into applications rather than separate services. However, WebRTC and SIP can also benefit each other when used together.

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Jitsi Meet is an open-source video conferencing solution that focuses on user privacy. It discusses various privacy threats like eavesdropping, user fingerprinting, and compromised devices/environments. It recommends muting video when unnecessary, hosting meetings in private spaces, and self-hosting the Jitsi software which is open-source and can be built without Google libraries. Features like background blurring and voice obfuscation are in development to further protect user privacy during video calls.

Going Mobile with React Native and WebRTC
Going Mobile with React Native and WebRTCGoing Mobile with React Native and WebRTC
Going Mobile with React Native and WebRTC

Slides from the talk given at FOSDEM 2019 on how Jitsi Meet was brought from the web to mobile and how we built a native SDK using React Native. Video:

What is Gaia?

• Mozilla’s user interface for Boot to Gecko which is an
  extension of that
• What makes Gaia extra interesting is that it is all
  developed in HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript
• Gaia is developed completely in the open
The Gaia UX
The Gaia UX
B2G Simulator

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Neev built a cloud-based web application that has emerged as one of the world’s largest social networking platforms for social entrepreneurs to connect, discuss, share, innovate and help each other. Catering to a global audience, the application supports 12 languages. The social platform has an in-built search feature that allows any profile or discussion to be searched based on tags, relevance, type of activity, etc.

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Firefox OS
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Firefox OS

Firefox OS is an open source mobile operating system developed by Mozilla. It uses HTML5 and CSS3 to create applications, allowing developers to use the same tools and languages as the desktop web. Firefox OS includes components like Gecko for rendering, Gonk as the Linux kernel, and Gaia for the user interface. It provides various web APIs to allow applications access to device functionality. Firefox OS aims to provide an alternative mobile ecosystem that is not a "walled garden" and makes application development simple through available tools and an open source approach. It has been launched on devices from manufacturers like ZTE, LG, and Alcatel.

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Mozilla's Boot to Gecko (B2G)

  • 1. Boot to Gecko (B2G) Robert DC. Reyes @bobreyes V1.00
  • 2. About Me … Aviation Professional by day
  • 3. About Me … Mozilla Representative & Firefox Contributor by night (weekends & when I’m free)
  • 4. About Me … • Mozilla Representative since Jun 2011 • Aviation Professional since Nov 1998 • Educator, Pianist, Photographer, Hobby Blogger, Gadgeteer, & 101% Pinoy • Dad of Robyn Andi Xeon • Official Mozilla Wiki Page: • • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) since 2002 
  • 5. What is B2G? • Boot to Gecko (B2G) is a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. • Mozilla’s open source web-based operating system for mobile devices. • The framework for the Open Web Device platform was introduced at the Mobile World Congress last Feb 2012 (in Barcelona, Spain).
  • 6. What Hardware is Supported? • As of now, B2G has been tested on Samsung Galaxy S II & the Samsung Nexus S. • Why only these devices? • Because these devices are commercially available to Mozilla employees & community members. • Mozilla is in the process of finalizing the lead OEM partner prior to commercial shipping of B2G devices. • B2G, as of now, works (tested) on Qualcomm chipset-based hardware.
  • 7. VS the Webian Shell Project • The Webian Shell Project is focused on a “web-centric” desktop experience. • B2G is focused on extending the web to include more of what is traditionally the domain of OS-specific code.
  • 8. VS the Chrome OS • B2G is aiming at mobile / tablet devices rather than notebooks (or even netbooks). • B2G tries to expose all device capabilities like phone dialers, that can be built with Web APIs.
  • 9. OEM Support for B2G • Mozilla, Qualcomm, & Telefónica are working together to deliver a feature rich prototype platform. • No Philippine telco takers yet  • Just recently, Adobe joined the B2G Project. • Very soon, Deutsche Telecom’s Innovation Labs will be joining the B2G Project.
  • 10. Why B2G? • Using HTML5, developers everywhere write directly to the web • The source code is open and accessible & the project is based entirely on open standards • Enabling HTML5 devices running on the Open Web which can deliver smartphone capabilities at feature phone prices.
  • 11. Why B2G? • According to Telefónica: “Boot to Gecko phones will be 10 times cheaper than an iPhone.” • Boot to Gecko architecture eliminates the need for apps to be built on platform-specific native API’s.
  • 12. Boot to Gecko UI • B2G is the low-level workings of the phone • On top of that, you will be able to have any interface layer you want • Telefónica developed one already • Mozilla has Gaia
  • 13. What is Gaia? • Mozilla’s user interface for Boot to Gecko which is an extension of that • What makes Gaia extra interesting is that it is all developed in HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript • Gaia is developed completely in the open