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Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Mobile apps
are important.

Facebook paid $1,000,000,000 for
 a simple photo sharing iOS app
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

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Hybrid mobile app with kendo ui mobile
Hybrid mobile app with kendo ui mobileHybrid mobile app with kendo ui mobile
Hybrid mobile app with kendo ui mobile

This document discusses hybrid mobile application development and introduces Kendo UI Mobile. It defines a hybrid app as one that runs on a device but is written with web technologies. It leverages the device's browser engine. Kendo UI Mobile is introduced as an HTML5 framework that automatically adapts applications to different devices and platforms and allows building apps that are ready for app stores. The presenter demonstrates building a sample app with Kendo UI Mobile and takes questions at the end.

kendokendo uikendo ui mobile
Native vs. Hybrid Applications
Native vs. Hybrid ApplicationsNative vs. Hybrid Applications
Native vs. Hybrid Applications

Which one is best for you when making decision about Native and Hybrid applications. Now you can find the best practices about mobile app development.

ionicmobilemobile application development
Building a Startup for the Mobile-first, Cloud-first World
Building a Startup for the Mobile-first, Cloud-first WorldBuilding a Startup for the Mobile-first, Cloud-first World
Building a Startup for the Mobile-first, Cloud-first World

Starting your own business is a work of passion. It’s a lot of hard work, but you also need to work smart. For software startups, open source software can help you stretch your limited seed money, but you shouldn’t limit yourself either. You deserve to use fully supported professional development tools, or host your site, services and components in the same cloud infrastructure used by more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies, all without spending a dime. Microsoft offers startups, entrepreneurs and indie developers great programs to support their new business. Get free software, free cloud services, free support, free hosting, free training and free access to experts to jumpstart and accelerate your business. Whether you’re an iOS, Android or Windows app developer, Python, PHP or ASP.NET web developer, whether you’re building on Windows or Linux, Microsoft has tools and technologies for you. Come discover how Microsoft can contribute to your success.

mobile developmentxamarinazure app services

Mobile app revenues will double
    this year to $12 billion.

 17% of the world’s population
has an active mobile broadband

Tablet sales will increase nearly
        100% this year.

Lightweight OSs will surpass
   traditional OSs in 2014.

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Microsoft Tools for Android Developers
Microsoft Tools for Android DevelopersMicrosoft Tools for Android Developers
Microsoft Tools for Android Developers

Microsoft loves Android developers. We have a lot of tools for them. This session presents a quick overview of these tools including cross-platform development in C# and Visual Studio thanks to Xamarin, Azure Mobile Services, the Windows Bridge for Android (aka "Project Astoria"), Hockeyapp analytics, Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova, and the Visual Studio Emulator for Android. We'll then dive deeper into the latter, covering drag & drop installation of apps, debugging apps from any ADB-compatible IDE, emulating hardware like GPS, cameras, accelerometers, battery, network radios, storage cards and more.

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Hybrid App Development with PhoneGap
Hybrid App Development with PhoneGapHybrid App Development with PhoneGap
Hybrid App Development with PhoneGap

This document discusses hybrid app development with PhoneGap. It begins with an overview comparing native, web, and hybrid apps. It then provides an introduction to PhoneGap/Cordova, describing it as an open-source framework that allows using standard web technologies for cross-platform development. The document demonstrates PhoneGap CLI and plugin APIs, and shows demos of Adobe Cloud Build and automating builds with Jenkins.

Introduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGapIntroduction to PhoneGap
Introduction to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source tool that allows developers to build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript instead of native languages like Objective-C or Java. It wraps the web view container to give apps access to device features like geolocation and accelerometers. While documentation is still maturing and bugs may exist, PhoneGap is free, open source, and offers developers a way to create cross-platform mobile apps without having to learn multiple programming languages. Sample PhoneGap apps and getting started resources are provided.


  Smartphone shipments now
regularly exceed PC shipments

82% of time spent with mobile
  media happens via apps.
Mobile apps
are important.


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Phone gapPhone gap
Phone gap

The document summarizes a seminar presentation on PhoneGap. PhoneGap is a mobile development framework that allows developers to build mobile apps using common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows apps to be compiled for multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows Phone from a single codebase. The presentation discusses what PhoneGap is, how it works, its advantages like cross-platform development, and disadvantages like limitations of web-based apps. It includes demo code and concludes PhoneGap is useful for small apps but native development is better for graphics-intensive apps.


This document discusses building native mobile applications using PhoneGap. It provides an overview of PhoneGap, including its architecture and how it allows building mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap packages the web assets and runs them within a native container, allowing access to device capabilities through JavaScript APIs. The document outlines best practices for PhoneGap development, such as using a single HTML page and offline storage, and provides links for additional PhoneGap documentation.

Getting started with the Ionic Framework
Getting started with the Ionic FrameworkGetting started with the Ionic Framework
Getting started with the Ionic Framework

The document discusses getting started with the Ionic Framework, a hybrid mobile app development platform. It describes Ionic as a new technology that allows building of mobile-optimized apps using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It also discusses Ionic's components, the tools needed to build Ionic apps like Node.js, and demonstrates how to create a basic Ionic app.

hybrid ionic framework cordova bower angular node
The case for HTML5
The choices with HTML5
  The tools for HTML5
  The limits of HTML5
Native            “Hybrid”          Browser

Highly targeted              Highly reusable
Platform skills              Standards skills
ObjC              Java                Poly*
UIKit             XML               Poly*

        Xcode           Eclipse*            Eclipse*
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

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Intro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGapIntro to PhoneGap
Intro to PhoneGap

The document discusses developing mobile applications using PhoneGap, which allows creating cross-platform mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap uses a native web view to render the application, while also providing access to device APIs through a JavaScript library. This allows building apps that can be deployed to various mobile platforms like iOS and Android from a single codebase. The document covers getting started, debugging techniques, extending apps through plugins, and deploying finished apps through services like PhoneGap Build.

mobile application developmentmobile phonephonegap
Hybrid App Development, Redefined
Hybrid App Development, RedefinedHybrid App Development, Redefined
Hybrid App Development, Redefined

Join Matt Netkow for an updated look into all the ways modern hybrid app development has evolved in its 10+ year journey. Watch live presentation here:

ionic frameworkhybrid development
How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap
How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGapHow To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap
How To Create One App For All Platforms using PhoneGap

Tips and Tricks from one of the best European PhoneGap Senior Developers. You can often hear users' complaints about lagging apps. When you ask, “What do you mean by lagging?”, you receive such answers as either “It runs too slowly” or “I don't know, but it's hard to use”. Software developers and mobile users perceive apps differently. In order to eliminate lags, we would first think of optimizing the speed of the app. But in some cases it wouldn't be a correct decision. Let's find out the reason why.

Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

On average, CIOs report that
  they support 3.5 mobile
     platforms in 2012
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

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Hybrid mobile and Ionic
Hybrid mobile and IonicHybrid mobile and Ionic
Hybrid mobile and Ionic

This document discusses options for building mobile apps, including native, web, and hybrid. It focuses on the hybrid approach using Apache Cordova and the Ionic framework. Cordova allows building apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can access native device features. Ionic provides UI components, gestures, and tools to develop mobile-optimized apps. The document outlines choices for mobile development, describes Cordova and its plugins, compares it to PhoneGap, and details features of the Ionic framework, performance optimization techniques, and alternatives.

phonegapangularjsionic framework
Build Consumer Apps Using Mobile SDK and Ionic Framework
Build Consumer Apps Using Mobile SDK and Ionic FrameworkBuild Consumer Apps Using Mobile SDK and Ionic Framework
Build Consumer Apps Using Mobile SDK and Ionic Framework

Join us for a brief overview of the Salesforce Mobile SDK and Ionic Framework, and learn how you can use the two technologies together to build consumer apps lightning fast. We will talk about best practices, considerations, and architecture of a consumer app. The talk is aimed at a technical audience who are both beginners and proficient at mobile app development.

salesforce.comsalesforce developerssalesforce
Case study: integrating azure with google app engine
Case study: integrating azure with google app engine Case study: integrating azure with google app engine
Case study: integrating azure with google app engine

This document describes a solution that was developed to provide administration and order tracking functions for an herbal products website hosted on Google App Engine. An Azure-hosted web application was created to allow authorized users to maintain product content and images without developer involvement. A hybrid Android mobile app using Azure Mobile Services was also developed to track and provision orders. The solution leveraged various Azure services like Web Apps, SQL Database and Blob Storage in a cost-effective way while integrating with the Google-hosted website.

android azure ionic angularjs cordova
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
80%                    1b
of all mobile apps    HTML5 mobile
will use HTML5 by    web browsers by
        2015              2013

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Building Hybrid Apps with Ember
Building Hybrid Apps with EmberBuilding Hybrid Apps with Ember
Building Hybrid Apps with Ember

Presented at HoustonJS On the fence about building hybrid apps? Let me convince you to take the leap. I’ll discuss the process we use at Poetic Systems and demonstrate with a live coding example.

Top 10 programming languages for mobile app development
Top 10 programming languages for mobile app developmentTop 10 programming languages for mobile app development
Top 10 programming languages for mobile app development

When you start the development of a mobile app for any business, first of all, some basic questions come to your mind for example; what programming language is effective for mobile apps? But don’t worry here we will discuss “best programming language” that is more used by almost mobile app developers. Get more information visit:

mobile application developmentmobile app development comapnymobile app development
New Age Applications with Kendo UI
New Age Applications with Kendo UINew Age Applications with Kendo UI
New Age Applications with Kendo UI

How do you built a new age application that considers mobile and web as first class citizens? In this presentation we learn about Kendo UI - a framework from Telerik to

Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Native Apps
               HTML Apps

Mobile Apps
Mobile Sites
               Custom Sites
               Responsive Sites
Fundamental HTML App Challenge:
 Making things look “right”
One Size fits all vs. native
• Fat guy, little jacket
• Fine tailored suit
• Wrong suit, wrong job

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Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScriptBuilding Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Building Rich Mobile Apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Michael Mullany presented about Sencha Touch HTML5 mobile web applications at Silicon Valley User Group in April 2011.

Making HTML5 Work Everywhere
Making HTML5 Work EverywhereMaking HTML5 Work Everywhere
Making HTML5 Work Everywhere

One of the great promises of HTML5 is that you can create software that runs everywhere. In many ways, HTML5 lives-up to this promise, but as with any evolving standard, support across different browsers and devices is inconsistent. To effectively adopt HTML5 today, developers must master the skills that fill-in the gaps and minimize the differences between HTML5 runtimes. In this session, you will learn the essential techniques needed to create HTML5 sites and apps that truly work everywhere. You will learn: • Learn four strategies for adopting HTML5 • Analyze the impact browsers have on HTML5 readiness & adoption • Explore new HTML5 features and techniques for using in older browsers

html5css3web design and development
Android contentprovider
Android contentproviderAndroid contentprovider
Android contentprovider

The document discusses content providers in Android. It describes content providers as a way to share data across applications by exposing it through a common interface. It covers the built-in content providers that come with Android, how to query and modify data in a content provider, how to create a custom content provider, and details on how the Android contacts content provider is structured and used.

Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Do you want your app to be
   a snuggie or a suit?
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Web   DataViz   Mobile

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Should you say no to HTML5?
Should you say no to HTML5?Should you say no to HTML5?
Should you say no to HTML5?

Facebook said no to HTML5 - but should you? This presentations cover the pros and cons of choosing to develop with HTML5. Find out if it is the right solutions for you.

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Edge of the Web
Edge of the WebEdge of the Web
Edge of the Web

[Slides from my 'Edge of the Web' workshop] The web platform has evolved significantly over the last several years, giving developers more power than ever to create rich, interactive applications delivered via browsers. New capabilities in HTML, CSS and JavaScript paired with constantly updating browsers make it possible to do things on the web that used to be the exclusive domain of plugins and native apps. In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to some of the most powerful and useful techniques available to the modern web developer that will change the way you think about web app development. The future of web app development is exciting, and these are the technologies that will underpin and drive that change. Don’t get left behind with IE8-era knowledge. Get ahead of the curve and master the edge of the web.

javascriptweb developmenthtml5
Aplicaciones Mobile con AngularJS y Ionic framework
Aplicaciones Mobile con AngularJS y Ionic framework Aplicaciones Mobile con AngularJS y Ionic framework
Aplicaciones Mobile con AngularJS y Ionic framework

Presentación de la charla "Aplicaciones Mobile con AngularJS y Ionic Framework" realizada el día 27 de marzo de 2014 para el grupo de meetup de AngularJS de Buenos Aires.

Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
1.   Media Queries for resolutions
2.   Favorite icons & Startup image
3.   Clipping Masks and Icons
4.   Add To Homescreen
5.   Avoid CDNs*

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Building RESTful Applications with OData
Building RESTful Applications with ODataBuilding RESTful Applications with OData
Building RESTful Applications with OData

Applications today are expected to expose their data and consume data-centric services via REST. In this session we discuss what REST is and have an overview of WCF Data Services and see how we can REST enable your data using the Open Data Protocol (OData). Then you will learn how to leverage existing skills related to Visual Studio, LINQ and data access to customize the behavior, control-flow, security model and experience of your data service. We will then see how to enable data-binding to traditional ASP.NET controls as well as Silverlight and Excel PowerPivot. We’ll then turn to consuming SharePoint and other OData based applications in .NET as well as from a non-Microsoft client. This is a very demo intensive session.

Accelerated Adoption: HTML5 and CSS3 for ASP.NET Developers
Accelerated Adoption: HTML5 and CSS3 for ASP.NET DevelopersAccelerated Adoption: HTML5 and CSS3 for ASP.NET Developers
Accelerated Adoption: HTML5 and CSS3 for ASP.NET Developers

HTML5 and CSS3 have arrived. Are you ready to start adopting these technologies in your web projects? Jump start your understanding of the new rich standards and arm yourself with essential techniques for making the most of HTML5 and CSS3 today. In this half-day workshop, you will learn everything you need to know to effectively start leveraging HTML5 and CSS3 in ASP.NET applications. Learn how HTML5 and CSS3 are removing limits from web design. Discover tools and techniques for adopting HTML5 and CSS3 while still supporting older browsers. Leave with the essential knowledge needed to embrace HTML5 and CSS3 in your next ASP.NET project!

HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation
HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input ValidationHTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation
HTML5 Mullet: Forms & Input Validation

Todd Anglin gave a presentation on HTML5 forms and input types. He discussed the new input types available like email, url, number and date/time. He demonstrated how to use these new input types and attributes like placeholder, required and pattern. Anglin also covered customizing the browser rendered inputs using shadow DOM and styling validation states with CSS. For older browsers without native support, he recommended polyfilling the new functionality with JavaScript.

HTML5   “Native”
Looks right.
                      *        
Feels right.
                      *        
Available offline.
                      *        
                      *        
In App Store.          X        
Runs everywhere.
                               X
Premium APIs           X        
Device Info

Native Shell +
 SDK Proxy


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HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScriptHTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript
HTML5 Bootcamp: Essential HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

HTML5 and CSS3 have arrived and they are redefining rich, standards-based web development. Features previously the exclusive domain of browser plug-ins can now be added to web applications as easily as images. Understanding the new power that these standards define, as well as the rapidly increasing power and speed of JavaScript in modern browsers and devices is essential. These slides accompany a full-day workshop, where attendees are guided through the new features in HTML5 and CSS3, with special attention to how these technologies can be used today in new and old browsers.

Build Amazing Mobile Apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - - MeeGo Confere...
Build Amazing Mobile Apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript -  - MeeGo Confere...Build Amazing Mobile Apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript -  - MeeGo Confere...
Build Amazing Mobile Apps using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - - MeeGo Confere...

This document discusses building mobile apps using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It presents three types of mobile apps: web apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It then demonstrates building each type of app through examples on the Nokia N900: 1) a HTML5 web app using video, canvas, and other features, 2) a hybrid app with CSS3 styles and animations built using QtWebKit, and 3) a native app using JavaScript and QML to create interfaces and bind to native device APIs. The document encourages developers to start building on the N900 immediately using these techniques and tools.

Day 8: Dealing with Lists and ListViews
Day 8: Dealing with Lists and ListViewsDay 8: Dealing with Lists and ListViews
Day 8: Dealing with Lists and ListViews

The document discusses ListViews and ListActivities in Android. It covers: - How ListViews display scrollable lists using an Adapter to provide data and layouts - How ListActivities simplify list handling by predefining list interaction methods - Implementing ArrayAdapters with standard or custom layouts - Improving performance by recycling list item views - Creating custom adapters to define flexible row layouts - Allowing row views to interact with the underlying data model

No Silver Bullet
• Not right for every app
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
   Experience                 Cost

Native                               Web

   Performance                Agility



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NativeScript: Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with JavaScript and Angular
NativeScript: Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with JavaScript and AngularNativeScript: Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with JavaScript and Angular
NativeScript: Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with JavaScript and Angular

Do you want to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android? Are you a web developer? Then NativeScript is the perfect framework for you. NativeScript is an open source framework for creating native mobile apps using the skills of the web developer: JavaScript, CSS and simple tag-based markup. Create rich, high-performance iOS and Android apps with 100% native UI using many of the skills you already have. Topics covered include: NativeScript framework core concepts and getting started Accessing native device capabilities with JavaScript Building native mobile apps with Angular 2 Common app patterns (login, settings, data bound list and more) Styling NativeScript with CSS Targeting specific devices and screens Debugging and deploying to devices There has never been a better (and easier) way for web developers to create native mobile apps.

javascriptmobile application developmentandroid
Day 15: Content Provider: Using Contacts API
Day 15: Content Provider: Using Contacts APIDay 15: Content Provider: Using Contacts API
Day 15: Content Provider: Using Contacts API

This document discusses content providers in Android application development. It explains that content providers allow applications to share data by making application data available to other apps. A content provider is a class that implements methods to store and retrieve the type of data it handles. It also describes how to query, modify, and add data to content providers. Examples are provided of querying contact data from the device's contacts content provider and updating contact details by modifying the content provider data.

contentproviderscontacts api
Day 9: Make Your App Location Aware using Location API
Day 9: Make Your App Location Aware using Location APIDay 9: Make Your App Location Aware using Location API
Day 9: Make Your App Location Aware using Location API

On Day 9: We'll see how to use Location API to get user location from application with both: 1. GPS 2. Network

locationmanagerandroidlocation api
Mobile apps are important.
   HTML5 is a reach multiplier.
Kendo UI is a productivity multiplier.

That’s it!
Appendix Slides
(Additional Research Data)

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Android Training (Content Provider)
Android Training (Content Provider)Android Training (Content Provider)
Android Training (Content Provider)

Content providers allow processes to share structured data by providing a common interface to find and access the data. They encapsulate the data and define security mechanisms. The Calendar and Contacts providers that are part of Android allow accessing a user's calendar events and contact information. Content providers expose URIs that uniquely identify data sets and require permission declarations to access protected data.

androidcontent provider
Los Angeles Lakers tops, Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls follow as the most soci...
Los Angeles Lakers tops, Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls follow as the most soci...Los Angeles Lakers tops, Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls follow as the most soci...
Los Angeles Lakers tops, Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls follow as the most soci...

Key Findings Simplify360 has come up with March rankings of NBA Clubs, rating them as per their social score.  Here's a snapshot of the findings:-  1. The clubs are using social media to share updates of individual players and the club news in general. They also post updates of latest offers and ticket availability of match days.  2.  Miami Heat is the most mentioned club on Twitter as well as on Facebook 3. Houston Rockets have the most engaged fan base on Facebook 4. LA Lakers are the most social club with an SSI score of 94 5. The big three clubs viz. LA Lakers, Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls have more than 47% of total fan following of the 30 NBA clubs on Facebook 6. Utah Jazz has the least SSI score. Only 16 of the 30 clubs have an SSI score of over 50 indicating the need for the clubs to concentrate on their social media strategy. Drop in your comments please.

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Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps
Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

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Using HTML5 to Build Mobile Apps

Editor's Notes

  1. Using HTML5 to Build Mobile AppsNative apps are great, but if you want your app to reach as many people as possible, HTML5 is your ticket. In this session, we'll explore the different ways HTML5 can be used to build and deploy mobile apps, as well as the tools that can make the job easier.Mobile and HTML5 expert Todd Anglin will show how Kendo UI Mobile helps developers build "native looking" apps that automatically adapt to iOS and Android. He'll demonstrate how tools like PhoneGap can be used to package a HTML5 app for an app store and will reveal tips for optimizing app development with HTML5.
  2. Captain Obvious: Mobile Apps are important
  3. Source: Really? Google it.
  4. Source:
  5. Source: to estimates by The ITU (2011), there are 1.2 billion active mobile-broadband subscriptions in the world. That is 17 percent of the global population.
  6. Source: (April 2012)“Worldwide media tablet sales to end users are forecast to total 118.9 million units in 2012, a 98 percent increase from 2011 sales of 60 million units, according to Gartner, Inc.”
  7. Source: Gartner(Appendix slide)
  8. Source: beat PCs in Q4 2010. Subsequently beat PCs in every quarter of 2011.Importance:Mobile cannot be an afterthought – it’s next generation computingPlug-ins are a liability for reach (web)Could be more mobile devices than PCs in future software world
  9. Source: of the share of time spent across apps and browsers revealed that even though these access methods had similar audience sizes, apps drove the lion’s share of engagement, representing 4 in every 5 mobile media minutes. Analysis of the top properties also revealed widely varying degrees of time spent between app and browser access methods. On Facebook, the top ranked mobile media property by engagement, 80 percent of time spent was represented by app usage compared to 20 percent via browser. Twitter saw an even higher percentage of time spent with apps at 96.5 percent of all minutes. In contrast, Microsoft Sites was among brands that saw browser access driving a majority of usage at 82.1 percent.
  10. Captain Obvious: Mobile Apps are important
  11. IntroductionsTodd Anglin, VP HTML5 Web & Mobile Tools, TelerikBurke Holland, Developer Evangelist for Kendo UI, Telerik
  12. AGENDA
  13. Choice for Building Mobile AppsNow that we’ve established mobile apps are important, how do you go about building them?
  14. “Let’s build a native app…”Native app dev forces:Repetitive engineeringDevice specific developer skillsOn-going maintenance headachesComplicated dev environmentFrom major Android developer in HK:3 weeks to optimize with cross-compiled apps*Eclipse, but not exclusively (other options: Netbeans, IntelliJ, etc.)*Blackberry supports multiple app models – Native HTML5, Native Code (NDK), Blackberry Java SDK, Android Java SDK, Adobe AIR
  15. There is no clear “winner” in mobile. This is a permanent multi-platform world.Graphic source: comScore, Mobile Future in Focus, Feb 2012 (PDF Download)Digital Omnivores Report: (PDF download)
  16. U.S. Smartphone Market Share by OS Expanded Trend Source: comScoreMobiLens, 3 mon. avg. ending Dec-2005 to Dec-2011, U.S.
  17. Source: Gartner
  18. Why HTML5? Why forgo native?[BkgndImg Source:]
  19. Build an app with HTML5Simplifies the funnel
  20. You’re not lazy if you choose HTML5. It’s a smart choice.
  21. Source:“By 2015, 80% of all mobile applications developed will be hybrid or mobile-Web-oriented.”
  22. Not alone. Examples of apps built with HTML5:[Gmail] Netflix, Facebook,
  23. Ship apps: (Nielsen)As of this writing, there's no contest: ship mobile apps if you can afford it. Our usability studies with mobile devices clearly show that users perform better with apps than with mobile sites. (Mobile sites have higher measured usability than desktop/full sites when used on a phone, but mobile apps score even higher.)The empirical data is really all you need to know. It's a fact that apps beat mobile sites in testing. To plan a mobile strategy, you don't need to know why the winner is best, but I'll try to explain it anyway.
  24. One Size DOESN’T Fit All
  25. Just like clothes, one size, one style does not fit all.Tailored experiences produce the best results.
  26. Keep this in mind when evaluating approaches to building mobile apps/UI
  27. *Avoid CDNs if you plan to package the app for offline useStart-up image code:
  28. What does it take to be “native”?
  29. Discussion of things that force us to use PhoneGap with HTML5 today.Discussion of recent industry changes that HTMl5 devs must consider
  30. Overcome the limits of HTML5Use proxy tools like Cordova (the open source variant of PhoneGap)Available APIs listed in Green
  31. More explanation:
  32. HTML5 is not a sliver bullet. It’s not appropriate for every app.Use HTML5when it satisfies the requirements.
  33. Beware the “Uncanny Valley” with HTML aps.Focus on building experiences that you can make look and feel right.Good discussion of avoiding Uncanny Valley: will evolve over time making it easier to do more without providing rough/bad experience. Takes some effort today.
  34. Source: Forrester Research + original chart:
  35. From Gartner, April 2012