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Benefits of an
Open Environment
 with Wakanda
   by Alexandre Morgaut

Alexandre Morgaut
Web Architect / Community Manager

What does “Open”

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Deploying Web Applications with WildFly 8
Deploying Web Applications with WildFly 8Deploying Web Applications with WildFly 8
Deploying Web Applications with WildFly 8

WildFly is an open source application server that was previously called JBoss Application Server. It is fast, lightweight, and manageable. WildFly supports Java EE standards and additional features, and serves as the upstream project for the commercial JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Acquia Commons
Acquia CommonsAcquia Commons
Acquia Commons

The document describes the Open Alternative Social Business Software called Commons. It is built on Drupal and provides features for communities, including blogs, wikis, profiles, friending, commenting, status updates, forums, ratings, events calendar, tagging, social networks, and analytics. It includes packaged features that are commonly needed on community sites. Commons allows administrators to better manage users and groups, contributors to efficiently manage content and collaboration, and members to create personalized experiences. It also provides flexibility, customization, and tools for community managers, developers, and innovators.

drupalenterprise 2.0social network
How do we drive tech changes
How do we drive tech changesHow do we drive tech changes
How do we drive tech changes

This slide is translated version. Originally it was written in Korean. ( ) It describes how do we drive technical changes onto our organizations had used old-fashioned java combinations(Java 1.6+Spring 3.x+MyBatis) and monolithic architecture. Key point is what we need to do to drive changes, and I'll discuss what we did during Phase1 and what we are doing at Phase 2 for architecture, frontend, backend, methodologies/process. Phase1 - Architecture : Frontend / Backend Separation - Frontend : Angular.js, Grunt, Bower - Backend : Java 1.7/Spring4, ORM - Methodology/Process : Scrum, Git Phase2 - Architecture : Micro-Service Architecture(MSA) - Frontend : Content Router, E2E Test - Backend : Polyglot, Multi-Framework - Methodology/Process : Scrum+JIRA, Git Branch Policy, Pair Programming, Code Workshop

architecturemicroservice architecturemsa



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How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.
How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.
How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.

ESBs would look different if built today. Large monolithic applications would be decomposed into microservices with bounded contexts. Services would be independently deployable and designed for failure. An ESB centralized integration but microservices use decentralized approaches like service discovery. While challenging, microservices evolve legacy systems towards modular, scalable architectures. It's a learning process, and the industry is still evolving effective patterns.

Building .NET Microservices
Building .NET MicroservicesBuilding .NET Microservices
Building .NET Microservices

SpringOne Platform 2016 Speakers: Kevin Hoffman; Advisory Solutions Architect, Pivotal & Chris Umbel; Advisory Architect, Pivotal With the advent of ASP.NET Core, developers can now build cross-platform microservices in .NET. We can build services on the Mac, Windows, or Linux and deploy anywhere--most importantly to the cloud. In this session we'll talk about Cloud Native .NET, building .NET microservices, and deploying them to the cloud. We'll build services that participate in a robust ecosystem by consuming OSS servers such as Spring Cloud Configuration Server and Eureka. We'll also show how these .NET microservices can take advantage of circuit breakers and be automatically deployed to the cloud via CI/CD pipelines.

springone platformspringone platform 2016
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolithStay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

Microservices-based architectures are in vogue. Over the last couple of years, we have learned how thought leaders implement them, and it seems like every other week we hear about how containers and platform-as-a-service offerings make them ultimately happen. Tech Talent Night Copenhagen 11/22/17

The Wakanda Platform







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Writing Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm
Writing Java EE microservices using WildFly SwarmWriting Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm
Writing Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm

Check out the talk to the slides: Talk Abstract: Using Swarm, you can select “just enough app server” to support each of your microservices. In this session, we’ll outline how WildFly Swarm works and get you started writing your first microservices using Java EE technologies you’re already familiar with. You’ll learn how to setup your build system (Maven, Gradle, or your IDE of choice) to run and test WildFly Swarm-based services and produce runnable jars. We will walk from the simple case of wrapping a normal WAR application to the more advanced case of configuring the container using your own main(…) method.

comsystojava eemicroservices
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014

This document discusses lessons learned from real-world deployments of Java EE 7. Key points include increased developer productivity through features like batch processing, concurrency, simplified JMS, more annotated POJOs, and a cohesive integrated platform. Specific technologies used include JSON, WebSockets, Servlet 3.1 NIO, and REST. Real-world examples of implementations include an application for a UN agency to support refugees and a running social network application for runners.

MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.
MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.
MicroserviceArchitecture in detail over Monolith.

This document discusses microservices architecture as an alternative to monolithic architecture. It defines microservices as independently deployable services that communicate through lightweight mechanisms like HTTP APIs. The document outlines benefits of microservices like independent scalability, easier upgrades, and improved developer productivity. It also discusses prerequisites for microservices like rapid provisioning, monitoring, and continuous deployment. Examples of microservices frameworks and a demo application using Spring Boot are provided.

software architecturemicroservicesserviceorientation
Open Source Libraries
• C / C++
  Webkit (Studio), Webkit JavaScriptCore (Server), ICU, Xerces, Xalan, cURL,
  libzip, zlib, OpenSSL, MumurHash, MD5, SHA-1, CppUnit, ...

• JavaScript
  jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery.numberformatter, jPicker, jQuery ContentEditable,
  jQuery Context Menu, Really Simple Color Picker in jQuery, BeautyTips, YUI,
  Mustache.js, Raphael, CSSMIN, ...

  (more details in the "About" menu of the Studio)
Ecosystem Licensing
                Open Source   dual commercial
   MySQL           AGPL              ✓           

 MongoDB            GPL              ✓           

    ExtJS           GPL              ✓           

Aptana Studio       GPL              ✓           

   Cloud9           GPL          as a Service
Wakanda Licensing

•   Server

•   Studio

•   Framework
Wakanda Licensing

 •    Server

 •    Studio

 •    Framework


 •    Server modules

 •    Studio add-ons

 •    Project Templates

Recommended for you

Alfresco DevCon 2019 Performance Tools of the Trade
Alfresco DevCon 2019   Performance Tools of the TradeAlfresco DevCon 2019   Performance Tools of the Trade
Alfresco DevCon 2019 Performance Tools of the Trade

Discover tips and tools that will help you to keep your Alfresco environment in shape. Most of the best tools are free or Open Source, and this presentation will guide you through the steps to improve the performance of your system.

Intro to drupal
Intro to drupalIntro to drupal
Intro to drupal

This document introduces Drupal, an open source content management framework. It discusses Drupal's history and community, how it can be used to build and manage websites, and how its modular architecture allows for extensibility. Key points include that Drupal was founded in 2001, powers around 2% of websites, and has a large global community. Its core handles common site functions while thousands of contributed modules add additional features.

configuration managementfeaturesdrupal
Why real integration developers ride Camels
Why real integration developers ride CamelsWhy real integration developers ride Camels
Why real integration developers ride Camels

This document provides an agenda and summaries of key points from a presentation on integrating systems using Apache Camel. The presentation discusses how Apache Camel is an open-source integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns to connect disparate systems. It highlights features of Camel including components, data formats, and testing frameworks. Customer examples are presented that demonstrate large returns on investment and cost savings from using Camel for integration projects. The presenters argue that Camel provides flexibility, reusability and rapid development of integrations.

Wakanda Licensing

 •    Server   dual commercial!
 •    Studio

 •    Framework


 •    Server modules

 •    Studio add-ons

 •    Project Templates
Studio Architecture
Web Applications
Model Designer

GUI Designer


User & Groups

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Camel oneactivemq posta-final
Camel oneactivemq posta-finalCamel oneactivemq posta-final
Camel oneactivemq posta-final

This document provides an overview of a presentation given at CamelOne 2013 in Boston on June 10-11, 2013 about the internals of Apache ActiveMQ. The presentation covered the major subcomponents of ActiveMQ including transports, the broker core, persistence adapters, and networking brokers. It provided details on architecture, configuration, and implementation of these different aspects of ActiveMQ.


The document discusses DCHQ, a platform for deployment automation, life-cycle management and governance of container-based applications. It provides key features such as controlling access to infrastructure resources and application components, modeling and scaling multi-tier applications, backup and rollback capabilities, monitoring and alerts, and continuous delivery integration. The platform offers both hosted and on-premise versions.

cloud integrationdockerisedev cloud
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShiftReal-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift

What are and aren't microservices? Microservices is a validation of the open-source approach to integration and service implementation and a rebuff of the committee-driven SOA approach. In this

JS Studio API


 • JSLint / JSHint / CSSLint
 • W3C validators
 • jsperf
 • Web Applications
 • ...
Debugger Protocols

   V8 ?

 Mozilla ?
Web Administration
A pure WebApp

 •   default admin

 •   entirely customizable

 •   proficient for Hosting

 •   cURL admin

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Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache CamelSolving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel

Talk given at Phoenix Desert Code Camp on enterprise integration, enterprise service bus, and Apache Camel

integrationenterprise architectureopensource
Simplify integrations-final-pdf
Simplify integrations-final-pdfSimplify integrations-final-pdf
Simplify integrations-final-pdf

The document discusses Apache Camel, an open-source integration library that can be used to integrate disparate systems that use different protocols and data formats. It provides an overview of what integration is, describes how Camel works using a domain-specific language and components, and demonstrates how to define simple routes using Java or XML. The presentation concludes with information on management and tooling support for Camel.

Open Office Concept: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Open Office Concept: The Good, The Bad and The UglyOpen Office Concept: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Open Office Concept: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In an effort to encourage open communication, companies transitioned to the open office concept. Learn what the pros and cons of this popular office layout. If you’re looking for a Virtual Office in North Scottsdale, Advantage Office Suites offers many options including virtual offices, flex-suites and executive office suites. Call Advantage Office Suites today at (480) 305-2000 for more information or click here to request a quick quote.

conference roomstraditional enclosed office environmentteam-centered
Too integrated?
Not that much!
          SSJS       HTTP       Database

Wakanda    ✓          ✓            ✓    

CouchDB    ✓          ✓            ✓    

MongoDB    ✓                       ✓    

NodeJS     ✓          ✓      
Standard APIs
•   XMLHttpRequest

•   sessionStorage

•   File & Blob

•   console, debugger

•   Web workers

•   Web Sockets ?
Modules & Services

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Agile CULTUREcon Boston 2014: Opening Space - Unleashing Awesomeness
Agile CULTUREcon Boston 2014: Opening Space - Unleashing Awesomeness Agile CULTUREcon Boston 2014: Opening Space - Unleashing Awesomeness
Agile CULTUREcon Boston 2014: Opening Space - Unleashing Awesomeness

Welcome in emergence, make room for self-organization, invite your group, your community, and yourself to bring the best of yourselves to bear on the work that you do together. This is opening space. Allow energy to flow and people to self-organize based on the pull and the reward of where their passion and responsibility intersect - this is an open space way of being that allows for high engagement and high performance. There are many "types" of space to open and ways to open space. Learn some lessons from the worlds of ecstatic dance, improv comedy, a suicide hotline, and open space technology style corporate engagements for ways that you can play with opening space.

open space technologyorganizational cultureagile software development
Open office implementation
Open office implementationOpen office implementation
Open office implementation

1) Galway City Council implemented Open Office as an alternative to Microsoft Office to realize significant cost savings while maintaining a reliable and user-friendly office suite. 2) They conducted a 5-stage testing process with various departments and systems to evaluate Open Office's performance and compatibility. 3) While some issues with macros and find/replace functions were identified, overall the transition was successful and provided a stable, standardized office environment at a lower cost than remaining with Microsoft.

galway city councilopen office
Impacts of Changing Demand for Office Space
Impacts of Changing Demand for Office SpaceImpacts of Changing Demand for Office Space
Impacts of Changing Demand for Office Space

The document summarizes the impacts of changing demand for office space due to workplace innovations. Key trends include companies needing less space per employee, more flexible work arrangements, open floor plans that encourage collaboration, shared or "coworking" spaces, a greater emphasis on location and amenities, and smaller average lease sizes. Sustainability is also an increasing priority and green buildings can command both cost and valuation premiums. Case studies demonstrate how leading companies are adapting their office space to attract talent and support changing workplace needs.

office spacemillennialschanges
Widget Integration

     custom / corporate widgets
   widgets from other frameworks
Web Components

    Reusable & Sharable
   REST data service

   data provider
   ExtJS / Sencha proxy

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Vertrue Award Winning Open Office Environment
Vertrue Award Winning Open Office EnvironmentVertrue Award Winning Open Office Environment
Vertrue Award Winning Open Office Environment

"Vertrue open office environment reflects our corporate culture and values, which includes collaborative and innovative thinking, open communication and adaptability. I believe this environment will lead to even greater creativity, faster production and ultimately, greater returns for Vertrue," said Gary Johnson, co-founder, President and CEO.

gary johnson vertruevertrueopen office
Unit 2a - Office Layout
Unit 2a - Office LayoutUnit 2a - Office Layout
Unit 2a - Office Layout

The document discusses different office layouts and flexible working arrangements. It describes cellular and open-plan office layouts, noting their advantages and disadvantages. It also covers teleworking, homeworking, flexi-time, and hot-desking arrangements that allow employees to work remotely or flexible hours. The case study focuses on changing an organization's finance department from a cellular to open-plan layout to improve communication, teamwork and supervision.

Open Office Vs Microsoft Office
Open Office Vs  Microsoft  OfficeOpen Office Vs  Microsoft  Office
Open Office Vs Microsoft Office

This document compares the open source office suite OpenOffice to Microsoft Office. It outlines the objective to compare specific applications like Writer vs Word, Impress vs PowerPoint, and Calc vs Excel. Several differences are highlighted such as memory usage, user interface, features available in each program, compatibility issues, and file format handling. The conclusion discusses why OpenOffice has struggled to gain significant market share compared to Microsoft Office, noting potential issues like network effects, piracy, and lack of understanding of open source software.

NoSQL DataStore

   Used from any platform

SSJS Back-end

   Using other technologies (via command line, XHR, or sockets)
   Accessing external databases
   Modules support

Studio & Framework

   External widgets integration
   Web Component
Wakanda Circle of Friends
The end?

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Creating A Positive Work Environment
Creating A Positive Work EnvironmentCreating A Positive Work Environment
Creating A Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment involves establishing relationships built on trust and open communication, recognizing employees' successes, fostering cooperation and inclusion, and fulfilling intrinsic needs through challenging work and learning opportunities. To maintain a positive environment, organizations should identify potential risks like lack of support, low job control, poor work-life balance, and change management issues. Leaders can take actions to measure these risks, develop knowledge and skills, implement plans, and review progress by listening more to employees, communicating expectations clearly, providing recognition, and helping solve problems.

Anatomy of the Perfect Office Space
Anatomy of the Perfect Office SpaceAnatomy of the Perfect Office Space
Anatomy of the Perfect Office Space

This document discusses different office space layouts and their impacts on productivity and employee well-being. It notes that while open plan offices are now common, occupying 70% of American workspaces, studies have shown they reduce productivity due to loss of focus from noise and lack of privacy. Cubicles were popular in the 1960s-80s for their low-cost efficiency but also isolate workers. Color psychology research indicates purple, green and blue foster calmness while red and orange boost energy. Finally, the history of office design is reviewed from early 20th century Taylorist crowded floors to today's emphasis on networking and mobility.

Wakanda: The Open Source Platform to Develop Apps, OW2con'16, Paris.
Wakanda: The Open Source Platform to Develop Apps, OW2con'16, Paris.  Wakanda: The Open Source Platform to Develop Apps, OW2con'16, Paris.
Wakanda: The Open Source Platform to Develop Apps, OW2con'16, Paris.

Wakanda is an open source platform for developing applications quickly. It provides a full-stack solution that handles development, testing, and deployment. The platform includes pre-built templates, connectors to third party services, and a built-in database to abstract data handling. Wakanda aims to significantly reduce app development timelines by providing optimized and reusable tools and modules.

by OW2
ow2ow2con'16software development
Just the beginning!
Wakanda on gitHub
 •   Framework

 •   Project Templates

 •   Modules Services

 •   Web Components

 •   Add-ons

 •   Server

 •   Studio

Thank you

• Christoph Dorn for PINF
  @cdorn -


• Revolunet for the ExtJS support
  @revolunet -

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Open Development Analytics, a step beyond in project transparency
Open Development Analytics, a step beyond in project transparencyOpen Development Analytics, a step beyond in project transparency
Open Development Analytics, a step beyond in project transparency

Open Development Analytics consists in publishing detailed and up-to-date analytics about the processes and community behind a project. Providing this information in the open is a step beyond in transparency, contributing to improve the project itself, and helping third parties to make informed decisions. The talk will present Open Development Analytics in detail, and will explain why it is a next step towards more project transparency.

by OW2
DevOps Unleashed: Strategies that Speed Deployments
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DevOps Unleashed: Strategies that Speed Deployments

Modern identity management platforms must be agile and secure enough to respond to demanding business timelines. As a result, many organizations are seeking cloud-based approaches to digital security and need offerings that are optimized for environments including Cloud Foundry, Azure, GCE, AWS and OpenStack. Your dev-ops strategy could be the difference between hitting or missing business-critical deadlines. In this webinar, learn how we are enhancing the ForgeRock Identity Platform to enable developers to use container-oriented technologies such as Kubernetes and Docker to accelerate deployment.

Getting Started with Docker
Getting Started with DockerGetting Started with Docker
Getting Started with Docker

This document discusses Docker and provides an introduction and overview for getting started with Docker. It begins with discussing the challenges of managing complex software stacks across different environments and how Docker addresses this through containerization and separation of concerns. It then covers downloading and installing Docker, basic Docker commands like run, images, ps, and explains a "Hello World" example. Finally, it demonstrates building a simple Whalesay image and running MySQL and WordPress in linked Docker containers using both the Docker CLI and Docker Compose.

dockergetting startedmeetup
Benefits of
an Open Environment
    with Wakanda



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Benefits of an Open environment with Wakanda

Editor's Notes

  1. \nPurpose of this presentation = \nsee how you can use your existing back end, ajax frameworks and technical knowledge with Wakanda\n
  2. I work for 4D as an expert in Web Technologies\n\nI’m implicated in Wakanda since the beginning\n\n\n
  3. \n
  4. Very Open license: “Do what the fuck you want!”\n\nFree of use!\nNo Dependency. If something goes wrong I can fix it myself!\n\nExotic restriction in Open License: “Must not be used for Evil!”\n
  5. For each own needs!\n\n
  6. with other technologies!\n
  7. Run anywhere!\n
  8. When it’s possible, don’t redo what’s already available!\n\nModules!\n\nEasier to share and have contributions!\n
  9. So each one can help each other!\n
  10. Unified stack - End to end JavaScript \n-> for development and deployment of Business WebApps\n\nPhilosophy of Wakanda = development focused on business logic\n\nFirst for your knowledge, you should know that the Studio and the Framework are not mandatory\n\nOur studio goes with the motto of Wakanda being \n
  11. \nShow you how far we can go, about openness, \n\neven if we’re still under Developer Preview 2\n\n
  12. \nShow you how far we can go, about openness, \n\neven if we’re still under Developer Preview 2\n\n
  13. \nShow you how far we can go, about openness, \n\neven if we’re still under Developer Preview 2\n\n
  14. \nShow you how far we can go, about openness, \n\neven if we’re still under Developer Preview 2\n\n
  15. Here are the main aspects of a platform from which we can define its openness, \n\nand that’s gonna be my topic\n
  16. \n
  17. Even if all Wakanda’s sources aren’t yet available, \n\nYou probably guessed that Wakanda is composed of many popular Open Source Librairies \n\nlike cURL, Webkit, Raphael...\n
  18. \nFAQ\n- MongoDB is dual AGPL / Commercial (with Apache licensed connectors)\n- Cloud9 and Aptana are GPL v3, MySQL is GPL v2\n- ExtJS is dual GPL / Commercial\n
  19. > All Wakanda will be available via Open Source License\n\nAnd some compliant components will have even lighter licenses like MIT\n\nFor those not ready to publish their own code, the server will also be proposed with a commercial license\n
  20. > All Wakanda will be available via Open Source License\n\nAnd some compliant components will have even lighter licenses like MIT\n\nFor those not ready to publish their own code, the server will also be proposed with a commercial license\n
  21. \n
  22. \n
  23. - Wakanda Studio is basically a set of web apps embedded in a desktop.\n\nTaking into account your HTML5 & JS skills you could contribute to both improving and fixing such components of the Studio.\n\n
  24. - The Add-ons architecture allows anyone to 1. integrate your own web apps in the Studio and 2. Add features to the code editor as well as the solution manager via pure JS.\n\n
  25. - Our debugger protocol is based on CrossFire standard, compatible with Firebug allowing to:\n1. debug JS running in any environment (server, browser, mobile browsers) from our Studio \n2. debug Wakanda SSJS from any crossfire client (as FireBug)\n\nWakanda is intended to also support the V8 debugging protocol for even more interoperability (protocol used by Cloud9 & Node.js)\n\nNote that we choose to support at first CrossFire because it was better answering Wakanda needs. (it’s multi-contexts)\n
  26. - Again, here we have a web app, so anyone could replace by its own web administration or adapt it to its need\n\n- It’s easily installed in hosting environments\n\n-Being a web app it could be entirely be done via HTTP requests with tools as cURL. the administration is entirely scriptable in any language\n\n
  27. \n
  28. \n
  29. Wakanda isn’t the only application server coming with integrated HTTP server and / or database engine.\n\nAs CouchDB, Node.js or even MongoDB\n\nEach solution choose the database / SSJS / HTTP server that better serve its final motto. \n\n
  30. The object SSJS API of the datastore is not provided by an additional ORM component\n\nIt is its native API\n\nMost SQL Schema optimization are killed by the applications layers \nDirectly optimize your Model and the performances will be there\n
  31. Take advantage of your front-end existing JS skills to write SSJS\n\nRun existing libraries on the server \n\nWrite code usable in both environment, server & client\n\n
  32. SSJS is a growing market. \nIt already generated bunch of great modules that we both would like to participate in and take advantage of. Example you today have more than 3,600 packages on Node.js. \n\nThis is why with Wakanda, you will have the possibility to : \n- use modules from CommonJS and / or Node.js in Wakanda apps\n- share modules SSJS in between different Wakanda apps\n- re-use modules written for Wakanda in other SSJS platforms\n\nStill with the openness in mind, in Wakanda, we decided to define a common way to provide services as CommonJS modules \n[idea - propose it to CommonJS]\n\n
  33. \n
  34. \n- Studio & framework structure favors integration of other widgets to:\n1. address needs not covered by widgets already available\n2. integrate enterprise widgets\n3. integrate widgets coming from framework you already master\n\nEx. here on this screenshot you can see an ExtJS datagrid integrated in Wakanda GUI Designer. Revolunet did this because they needed this useful widget and they wanted to use it in Wakanda.\n\n\n
  35. \nWakanda Studio + Framework enables to define web components which are complexes interfaces. They can be composed of one or many widgets and can expose properties and methods. \n\nThe goal is that those web components can :\n- be re-used in several interfaces of a same app\n- be shared among several apps in the same enterprise\n- be provided to the community to be both shared and improved\n\nBy the way, web components themselves could be a market and be sold to those who need them\n\n\n\n
  36. Wakanda Server is the heart of development “revolution” brought by our platform.\n\nWakanda Server can be used by\n- what ever back-end, as its or of its datastore\n- plug-ins such as Flex, Flash, Silverlight\n- any Ajax Framework\n\nExample de code proxy ExtJS\n\nRevolunet, again :), developed a proxy to use, in a more productive and efficient way, Wakanda data classes from ExtJS.\nWe are confident to see many other proxies (or drivers) enriching Wakanda interoperability with the other platforms.\n\n
  37. 1. we build Wakanda with the philosophy of a unified solution end to end JS to enhance the productivity, maintainability, and security of your applications and better your Business development experience.\n\n2. from the beginning we knew interoperability was a no brainer.\n\nWhen it comes to business web apps you have to deal with existing systems, IT infrastructure in place, ect. It’s not solely on the promise of a better tool that people come to your product, it because it fits where it’s needed. This is why Wakanda is based on widely and recognized web standards. You can use what you need from Wakanda, you can customize it, you can add what you miss and more importantly you can share it!\n
  38. Wakanda is powerful because it 1st allows to design and run your app in an uniform way with an End to end JS stack\n\nBut Wakanda is also powerful because of its interoperability\n\n\n
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