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Stay Productive While Slicing Up the
Markus Eisele
Classical Architectures?
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS

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WSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at Uber
WSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at UberWSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at Uber
WSO2Con USA 2017: Scalable Real-time Complex Event Processing at Uber

The Marketplace data team at Uber has built a scalable complex event processing platform to solve many challenging real-time data needs for various Uber products. This platform has been in production for more than a year and supports over 100 real-time data use cases with a team of 3. In this talk, we will share the detail of the design and our experience, and how we employ Siddhi, Kafka and Samza at scale.

by WSO2
wso2con usa 2017uberreal-time analytics
Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture  Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture

This document provides an overview of microservice architecture (MSA). It describes the characteristics of MSA, including small, independent services focused on a single business capability. It covers service interaction styles, service discovery, data management challenges in MSA, deployment strategies, and migration from monolithic to MSA. It also discusses event-driven architecture, API gateways, common design patterns, and challenges with MSA.

From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes
From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 MinutesFrom Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes
From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes

This document discusses moving from monolithic applications to microservices architectures. It begins by defining monolithic applications and how they can become difficult to scale. It then introduces the concepts of decoupling applications and microservices as an architecture where independent processes communicate via APIs. Some benefits discussed are improved scalability, release cycles, and fault tolerance. The document provides examples of microservices for tasks like text search and recommendations. It concludes by recommending starting with a monolithic approach and refactoring to microservices as needs require for scalability.

mongodb daysmongodb
Application	Server
Application	Server
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS
LL: Building and Scaling Monoliths
• Monolithic application – everything is
package into a single .ear
• Reuse primarily by sharing .jars
• A “big” push to production once or twice a
• Single database schema for the entire
• >= 500k loc
• >= Heavyweight Infrastructure
• Thousands of Testcases
• Barely New Testcases
• >= 20 Team Member
• The single .ear requiring a multi-month
test cycle /
• Huge bug and feature databases
• User Acceptance Undefined
• Technical Design Approach
• Barely Business Components or Domains
• Requiring multiple team involvement &
significant oversight
• Technical Dept
• Outdated Runtimes (Licenses, Complex
• Grown applications
More users
Reactive Manifesto
New requirements
• Rather than acting on data at rest, modern
software increasingly operates on data
in near real-time.
• Shortened time-frames for putting
changes into production
• New business models evolve from
existing ones
• New questions need to be answered by
existing applications
• Datacenter costs need to go down

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Tomcat and MySQL in Windows Azure
Tomcat and MySQL in Windows Azure Tomcat and MySQL in Windows Azure
Tomcat and MySQL in Windows Azure

This document discusses prerequisites for using Tomcat and MySQL including having a Java Developer Kit (JDK), Eclipse IDE, Tomcat application server, an Azure subscription, and the Azure plugin for Eclipse. It also mentions provisioning role instances, deploying application code, configuring networks, using a distributed cache, monitoring application health and availability using metrics and alerts, and automatically scaling applications using auto scale rules in Azure.

Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015
Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015
Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015

Containers brought new approach for implementation of DevOps workflows. So our CEO, Ruslan Synytsky, devoted a speech to this topic during Madrid meetup and described in details how Java developers can get benefits from Docker containers in Jelastic Cloud.

12 Things About WebLogic 12.1.3 #oow2014 #otnla15
12 Things About WebLogic 12.1.3 #oow2014 #otnla1512 Things About WebLogic 12.1.3 #oow2014 #otnla15
12 Things About WebLogic 12.1.3 #oow2014 #otnla15

This document summarizes 12 key things to know about Oracle WebLogic Server 12c. It discusses the new lightweight installer, per domain node manager, server templates, dynamic clusters, unified management APIs, Java Mission Control monitoring, built-in WLDF modules, RESTful management APIs, Java EE 7 support, new Maven goals, and using WebLogic with Docker containers. The presentation provides an overview of new and updated features in WebLogic 12c and highlights reasons to upgrade from previous versions.

12cdave cabelusofm
> Traditional application architectures
and platforms are obsolete.
-- Gartner
Routing	Module
Tracking	Module
Order	Module
Tracker	UIBrowser HistoryDB
Order	DB
Tracker	UI
Tracker	UI

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Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native ApplicationsFlying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

cloud native applicationsspring cloudspring cloud netflix
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

How Class Data Sharing Can Speed up Your Jakarta EE Application Startup
How Class Data Sharing Can Speed up Your Jakarta EE Application StartupHow Class Data Sharing Can Speed up Your Jakarta EE Application Startup
How Class Data Sharing Can Speed up Your Jakarta EE Application Startup

Java Byte code is OS independent, which means that your application's startup takes more time than a native image. Using the Class Data Sharing functionality introduced in more recent versions of the JVM, you can prepare your application so that it will load very fast. In this presentation, I'll go into more detail what Class Data Sharing is and the differences between the OpenJDK and OpenJ9 versions. With some Jakarta EE demo applications, you will see gains that you can achieve and reduce memory footprint a lot in Docker containers by sharing memory.

REQ: Building and Scaling Microservices
• Lightweight runtime
• Cross – Service Security
• Transaction Management
• Service Scaling
• Load Balancing
• SLA’s
• Flexible Deployment
• Configuration
• Service Discovery
• Service Versions
• Monitoring
• Governance
• Asynchronous communication
• Non-blocking I/O
• Streaming Data
• Polyglot Services
• Modularity (Service definition)
• High performance persistence (CQRS)
• Event handling / messaging (ES)
• Eventual consistency
• API Management
• Health check and recovery
“Microservices” is a lousy term
• Size is irrelevant
We want flexible systems and organizations that can
adapt to their complex environments, make changes
without rigid dependencies and coordination, can
learn, experiment, and exhibit emergent behavior.
We need to build systems for flexibility
and resiliency, not just efficiency and
Software Design
Outer Architecture
Methodology and
Distributed Systems
Datacenter Operating System

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The Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: ServerlessThe Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: Serverless

This document summarizes the evolution of cloud computing technologies from virtual machines to containers to serverless computing. It discusses how serverless computing uses cloud functions that are fully managed by the cloud provider, providing significant cost savings over virtual machines by only paying for resources used. While serverless computing reduces operational overhead, it is not suitable for all workloads and has some limitations around cold start times and vendor lock-in. The document promotes serverless computing as the next wave in cloud that can greatly reduce costs and complexity while improving scalability and availability.

azureazure functionscloud
Cf summit2014 roadmap
Cf summit2014 roadmapCf summit2014 roadmap
Cf summit2014 roadmap

The document outlines the roadmap and vision for Cloud Foundry, including: - The mission is to create an open source PaaS with a thriving ecosystem that allows for continuous delivery and an agile experience. - The vision includes features like instant routing, log aggregation, metrics/telemetry, access controls, high availability, and extensibility. - Key areas of focus are applications, services, and the platform (BOSH). This includes features for application policy, routing, runtime, logs/metrics, and identity/security. - The roadmap is agile but focuses on areas like the Diego project, Docker support, .NET runtime, loggregator improvements, and service

Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure - JavaOne S313978
Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure - JavaOne S313978Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure - JavaOne S313978
Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure - JavaOne S313978

Presentation delivered at JavaOne 2010. Talks about how to use Java to build highly scalable and reliable applications on Windows Azure.

Software Design
Architecture Principles
• Single Responsible Principle
• Service Oriented Architecture
– Encapsulation
– Separation of Concern
– Loose Coupling
• Hexagonal Architecture
Design Patterns
• Domain-driven Design
• Bounded Contexts
• Event Sourcing
• Eventual Consistency
• Context Maps
Design Best Practices
• Design for Automation
• Designed for failure
• Service load balancing and automatic scaling
• Design for Data Separation
• Design for Integrity
• Design for Performance
Strategies For Decomposing
Verb or Use Case
e.g. Checkout UI
e.g. Catalog product service
Single Responsible Principle
e.g. Unix utilities
• Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM
• Focused on right sized services
• Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class
• Highly productive development environment
• Takes you all the way to production
What is Lagom?

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How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs
How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needsHow to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs
How to extend WSO2 Carbon for your middleware needs

WSO2 Carbon provides extension points that allow customization. Sam is evaluating WSO2 middleware for PhotographersRUs and has several questions. WSO2 products can be configured to support single sign-on through the authenticators.xml file. User stores can also be customized or replaced to support PhotographersRUs' multiple user stores. Deployments can be synchronized across a cluster using the repository deployment directory. Monitoring is supported through valves, ESB mediators, and WSO2's Business Activity Monitor. The ESB can integrate new retail POS systems using transports, formats, listeners and builders.

by WSO2
Leveraging azure and cello for delivering highly scalable multi tenant
Leveraging azure and cello for delivering highly scalable multi tenantLeveraging azure and cello for delivering highly scalable multi tenant
Leveraging azure and cello for delivering highly scalable multi tenant

The document discusses leveraging Azure and Cello to build scalable multi-tenant SaaS solutions. Cello provides a framework for developing SaaS applications that can be deployed on Azure. It includes features for engineering, operations, and subscription management. Using Cello with Azure allows applications to benefit from Cello's SaaS capabilities and Azure's infrastructure management and scalability. ISVs can build applications that can easily scale on Azure to serve growing numbers of customers.

multi tenantceelotenant
Webinar slides: Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)
Webinar slides: Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)Webinar slides: Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)
Webinar slides: Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)

Watch this on-demand webinar on database proxies (for MySQL) by Gilles Rayrat, VP of Engineering at Continuent. Gilles is one of the most knowledgeable experts in the MySQL community when it comes to database proxies and shares some of his knowledge in this initial webinar on that topic. From a simple database connectivity scenario all the way through to advanced database connectivity setups and proxy functionalities, this webinar provides an in-depth introduction to database proxies (for MySQL). AGENDA - A simple database connectivity scenario - The concept of a clustered database - Failure in a clustered database: the nightmare scenario - The solution: use a proxy! Preferably a smart one … - Advanced database connectivity setups - Advanced proxy functionalities - Recap SPEAKER Gilles Rayrat, VP of Engineering, Continuent, has over 20 years experience in software engineering. Previously holding positions at Orange and Xerox, he joined the Continuent adventure in 2005. As the connectivity expert at Continuent, he has worn many hats including software development, QA, support, project and operations management. Gilles has held most of the engineering positions that he now manages, giving him both deep and wide experience.

mysqlproxydatabase proxy
• Use bounded contexts as boundaries for services!
(Domain Driven Design)
• The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing)
• Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS)
• Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive)
• Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development
Highly opinionated!
• Service API
• Persistence API
• Development environment
• Production environment
The parts
• Event sourced (deltas) with Cassandra backend by
• No object/relational impedance mismatch
• Can always replay to determine current state
• Allows you to learn more from your data later
• Persistent entity is an Aggregate Root in DDD
• Can be overridden for CRUD if you want
Lagom Persistence API
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

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Maxta VM-centric Storage
Maxta VM-centric StorageMaxta VM-centric Storage
Maxta VM-centric Storage

In this slidecast, Yoram Novick from Maxta describes the company's new software-defined, VM-centric Storage solutions. "The complexities and high costs of traditional enterprise storage are magnified in the virtual data center," said Yoram Novick, Founder and CEO of Maxta. "After being told repeatedly that expensive storage arrays are the only way to support enterprise applications in virtualized environments, IT organizations finally have an alternative to storage arrays that significantly reduces complexity and cost. Maxta has broken the code for integrating storage and compute into a converged virtual data center." Learn more: Watch the video presentation:

DC/OS: The definitive platform for modern apps
DC/OS: The definitive platform for modern appsDC/OS: The definitive platform for modern apps
DC/OS: The definitive platform for modern apps

DC/OS is an open source platform that provides container orchestration and management using Mesos. It allows running applications and services across data center infrastructure including bare metal, VMs, and cloud. DC/OS provides services like Marathon for container orchestration, security, monitoring, load balancing and service discovery. It has features like high resource utilization, mixed workload support, elastic scalability, high availability and zero downtime upgrades.

CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers
CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java DevelopersCQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers
CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers

This document discusses CQRS and event sourcing patterns for Java developers. It begins with an overview of classical monolithic architectures versus modern microservice architectures. It then contrasts CRUD with CQRS, explaining that CQRS separates reads from writes by using commands for writes and queries for reads. Events evolve from commands and represent things that occurred in the past. The document provides an example implementation using the Lagom framework that demonstrates separating the write side from the read side and persisting events. It emphasizes that with this approach, all state changes are stored as events and the current state can be recreated by replaying events. The document encourages the use of Lagom due to benefits like asynchronous programming, developer productivity, and production readiness.

Getting started.
mvn archetype:generate
Creating a new Lagom project
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
$ cd my-first-system
$ mvn lagom:runAll ...
[info] Starting embedded Cassandra server
[info] Cassandra server running at
[info] Service locator is running at
[info] Service gateway is running at
[info] Service helloworld-impl listening for HTTP on
[info] Service hellostream-impl listening for HTTP on
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:26230 (Services started, press enter
to stop and go back to the console...)

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Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere
Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with MesosphereHyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere
Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere

Kirk Marty, Enterprise Sales Engineer at Mesosphere introduction to Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility at Lightbend's Chicago Reactive Roundtable. Learn more:

Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take youNine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you

Virtual JUG Session: With Microservices taking the software industry by storm, classical Enterprises are forced to re-think what they’ve been doing for almost a decade. It’s not the first time, that technology shocked the well-oiled machine to it’s core. We’ve seen software design paradigms changing over time and also project management methodologies evolving. Old hands might see this as another wave that will gently find it’s way to the shore of daily business. But this time it looks like the influence is bigger than anything we’ve seen before. And the interesting part is, that microservices aren’t new from the core. Talking about compartmentalization and introducing modules belongs to the core skills of architects. Our industry also learned about how to couple services and build them around organizational capabilities. The really new part in microservices based architectures is the way how truly independent services are distributed and connected back together. Building an individual service is easy with all technologies. Building a system out of many is the real challenge because it introduces us to the problem space of distributed systems. And the difference to classical, centralized infrastructures couldn’t be bigger. There are very little concepts from the old world which still fit into a modern architecture. And there are more differences between Java EE and distributed and reactive systems. For example, APIs are inherently synchronous, so most Java EE app servers have to scale by adding thread pools as so many things are blocking on I/O (remote JDBC calls, JTA calls, JNDI look ups, even JMS has a lot of synchronous parts). As we know adding thread pools doesn't get you too far in terms of scalability. This talk is going to explore the nine most important differences between classical middleware and distributed, reactive microservices architectures and explains in which cases the distributed approach takes you, where Java EE never would.

10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager
10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager
10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager

Social media is great. Being in contact with people from all over the world and being able to help your community from everywhere is nothing short but amazing. Yet, there are a few things to keep in mind to use these tools to their full extend without failing. This session introduces you to some very basic communication skills and walks you through the 10 golden rules in social media.

social mediarules
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
The somewhat bigger example!
Cargo	Tracker
Frontend Cassandra

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Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient
Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClientLightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient
Lightweight Webservices with Sinatra and RestClient

This document summarizes a talk about using Sinatra and RestClient for building lightweight web services and clients. Sinatra provides a simple and lightweight way to build web applications compared to full-featured frameworks like Rails. RestClient provides a simple way to make HTTP requests from client applications, offering more functionality than Net::HTTP but with less complexity than ActiveResource. Examples of Sinatra and RestClient use include a Git wiki application built in 355 lines of Ruby code and a Heroku client library.

DevNexus 2011
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DevNexus 2011

This document provides an introduction and overview of NoSQL databases. It discusses that while NoSQL databases were created to solve specific pain points around scaling large amounts of data, many situations do not actually require a NoSQL solution. It then covers some common distribution models for NoSQL databases like replication, sharding, and consistent hashing, and provides examples of companies that developed NoSQL databases to solve their particular data problems.

Microservice Come in Systems
Microservice Come in SystemsMicroservice Come in Systems
Microservice Come in Systems

One microservice is not enough and microservices should be built as systems. Building a single microservice is generally easy, but building a system of microservices that are integrated is challenging due to increased complexity from deployment, large development teams, and separating functionality from monolithic applications. The Lagom framework is designed to help with building microservice systems by providing an opinionated development environment, service API, and persistence API to address these challenges.

Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Now that we have our
bundles, how do we get
into production?
• Lagom doesn’t prescribe any particular production
environment, however out of the box support is
provided for Lightbend ConductR.
• Zookeper based version:
• Consul based version:
Out of the box support for ConductR but..
>sbt bundle:dist
[info] Your package is ready in
Create Service bundles via sbt

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Wild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration Stories
Wild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration StoriesWild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration Stories
Wild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration Stories

Apache Camel is one of the most complete integration frameworks out there. With more than 150 components and a large community it clearly has it's fans. Deploying the lightweight core is easy. Getting into modules and even more components makes this challenging. There are different approaches to ride that Camel. How to get the most out of it with Java EE and WildFly is exactly the topic of this session. It will introduce you to both Java EE 7 and Apache Camel in a very brief way and follows up with the different integration and deployment scenarios along with introducing the tools which help you the most on the way to your integration solution.

apache camelwildflyjavaee
Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15
Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15
Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15

The document provides examples of Apache Camel route configuration using Java DSL, XML DSL, and code snippets. It demonstrates how to configure routes that use choice/when logic to route messages to different endpoints based on message properties or content. It also includes links to Apache Camel documentation on core concepts like components, data formats, languages, and how to download, use IDE tools, and deploy Camel applications on servers like WildFly.

Build Android OS on OSX
Build Android OS on OSXBuild Android OS on OSX
Build Android OS on OSX

Build Android OS on OS X requires setting up a large virtual disk image for the build files, installing necessary build tools like Git and Python, initializing the source code repository with Repo, syncing the source, and building with Make. CCache can be used to speed up incremental builds by caching object files but it is not recommended to build Android on Mac due to performance and compatibility issues.

• Creating a bundle configuration file, bundle.conf
• Creating a start script
• Creating a Maven assembly plugin descriptor to create
the bundle zip
• Binding the Maven assembly plugin and
Lagom renameConductRBundle goals to your projects
Create Service Bundles with Maven
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Next Steps! Download and try Lagom!
Project Site:
GitHub Repo:

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Stream Processing in the Cloud With Data Microservices
Stream Processing in the Cloud With Data MicroservicesStream Processing in the Cloud With Data Microservices
Stream Processing in the Cloud With Data Microservices

The future of scalable data processing is event-driven microservices! They provide a powerful paradigm that solves issues typically associated with distributed applications such as availability, data consistency, or communication complexity, and allows the creation of sophisticated and extensible data processing pipelines. Building on the ease of development and deployment provided by Spring Boot and the cloud native capabilities of Spring Cloud, the Spring Cloud Stream project provides a simple and powerful framework for creating event-driven microservices. They make it easy to develop data-processing Spring Boot applications that build upon the capabilities of Spring Integration. At a higher level of abstraction, Spring Cloud Data Flow is an integrated orchestration layer that provides a highly productive experience for deploying and managing sophisticated data pipelines consisting of standalone microservices. Streams are defined using a DSL abstraction and can be managed via shell and a web UI. Furthermore, a pluggable runtime SPI allows Spring Cloud Data Flow to coordinate these applications across a variety of distributed runtime platforms such as Apache YARN, Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes, or Apache Mesos.

spring cloud streamstream processingspring cloud data flow
MessageBus vs MessageBus
MessageBus vs MessageBusMessageBus vs MessageBus
MessageBus vs MessageBus

This document compares and contrasts message buses and service buses. A message bus allows modules to communicate by sending requests without knowing the destination, and supports replacing or adding providers without impacting other modules. However, modules using a message bus require a common data format. A service bus also allows loosely coupled communication between modules. Additionally, it supports modules communicating even if they use different data formats, through the use of data transformers. This means modules can be switched or changed without requiring other modules to change. However, a service bus is more complex than a message bus and may be overkill for small applications.

Top Mistakes When Writing Reactive Applications - Scala by the Bay 2016
Top Mistakes When Writing Reactive Applications - Scala by the Bay 2016Top Mistakes When Writing Reactive Applications - Scala by the Bay 2016
Top Mistakes When Writing Reactive Applications - Scala by the Bay 2016

Reactive applications are becoming a de-facto industry standard and, if employed correctly, toolkits like Lightbend Reactive Platform make the implementation easier than ever. But the design of these systems might be challenging as it requires particular mindset shift to tackle problems we might not be used to. In this talk, we’re going to discuss the most common things I’ve seen in the field that prevented applications to work as expected. I’d like to talk about typical pitfalls that might cause troubles, about trade-offs that might not be fully understood or important choices that might be overlooked including persistent actors pitfalls, tackling of network partitions, proper implementations of graceful shutdown or distributed transactions, trade-offs of micro-services or actors and more. This talk should be interesting for anyone who is thinking about, implementing, or have already deployed a reactive application. My goal is to provide is to provide a comprehensive explanation of common problems to be sure they won’t be repeated by fellow developers. The talk is a little bit more focused on Lightbend platform but the understanding of the concepts we are going to talk about should be beneficial for everyone interested in this field.

Written for architects and developers that must
quickly gain a fundamental understanding of
microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly
report explores the journey from SOA to
microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling
your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a
Reactive microservice:
• Isolate all the Things
• Act Autonomously
• Do One Thing, and Do It Well
• Own Your State, Exclusively
• Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing
• Stay Mobile, but Addressable
• Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems
The detailed example in this report is based on
Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the
requirements for building distributed, reactive
• Get an overview of the Reactive Programming
model and basic requirements for developing
reactive microservices
• Learn how to create base services, expose
endpoints, and then connect them with a
simple, web-based user interface
• Understand how to deal with persistence, state,
and clients
• Use integration technologies to start a
successful migration away from legacy systems

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Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

  • 1. Stay Productive While Slicing Up the Monolith Markus Eisele
  • 6. LL: Building and Scaling Monoliths • Monolithic application – everything is package into a single .ear • Reuse primarily by sharing .jars • A “big” push to production once or twice a year • Single database schema for the entire application • >= 500k loc • >= Heavyweight Infrastructure • Thousands of Testcases • Barely New Testcases • >= 20 Team Member • The single .ear requiring a multi-month test cycle / • Huge bug and feature databases • User Acceptance Undefined • Technical Design Approach • Barely Business Components or Domains • Requiring multiple team involvement & significant oversight • Technical Dept • Outdated Runtimes (Licenses, Complex updates) • Grown applications
  • 8. New requirements • Rather than acting on data at rest, modern software increasingly operates on data in near real-time. • Shortened time-frames for putting changes into production • New business models evolve from existing ones • New questions need to be answered by existing applications • Datacenter costs need to go down constantly
  • 9. > Traditional application architectures and platforms are obsolete. -- Gartner
  • 13. REQ: Building and Scaling Microservices • Lightweight runtime • Cross – Service Security • Transaction Management • Service Scaling • Load Balancing • SLA’s • Flexible Deployment • Configuration • Service Discovery • Service Versions • Monitoring • Governance • Asynchronous communication • Non-blocking I/O • Streaming Data • Polyglot Services • Modularity (Service definition) • High performance persistence (CQRS) • Event handling / messaging (ES) • Eventual consistency • API Management • Health check and recovery
  • 14. “Microservices” is a lousy term • Size is irrelevant We want flexible systems and organizations that can adapt to their complex environments, make changes without rigid dependencies and coordination, can learn, experiment, and exhibit emergent behavior.
  • 15. We need to build systems for flexibility and resiliency, not just efficiency and robustness.
  • 16. Software Design Outer Architecture Methodology and Organization Distributed Systems Datacenter Operating System
  • 17. Software Design Architecture Principles • Single Responsible Principle • Service Oriented Architecture – Encapsulation – Separation of Concern – Loose Coupling • Hexagonal Architecture Design Patterns • Domain-driven Design • Bounded Contexts • Event Sourcing • CQRS • Eventual Consistency • Context Maps
  • 18. Design Best Practices • Design for Automation • Designed for failure • Service load balancing and automatic scaling • Design for Data Separation • Design for Integrity • Design for Performance
  • 19. Strategies For Decomposing Verb or Use Case e.g. Checkout UI Noun e.g. Catalog product service Single Responsible Principle e.g. Unix utilities
  • 20. • Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM • Focused on right sized services • Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class priorities • Highly productive development environment • Takes you all the way to production What is Lagom?
  • 21. • Use bounded contexts as boundaries for services! (Domain Driven Design) • The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing) • Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS) • Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive) • Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development setup) Highly opinionated!
  • 22. • Service API • Persistence API • Development environment • Production environment The parts
  • 23. • Event sourced (deltas) with Cassandra backend by default • No object/relational impedance mismatch • Can always replay to determine current state • Allows you to learn more from your data later • Persistent entity is an Aggregate Root in DDD • Can be overridden for CRUD if you want Lagom Persistence API
  • 28. $ cd my-first-system $ mvn lagom:runAll ... [info] Starting embedded Cassandra server .......... [info] Cassandra server running at [info] Service locator is running at http://localhost:8000 [info] Service gateway is running at http://localhost:9000 .......... [info] Service helloworld-impl listening for HTTP on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:24266 [info] Service hellostream-impl listening for HTTP on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:26230 (Services started, press enter to stop and go back to the console...)
  • 34. Now that we have our bundles, how do we get into production?
  • 35. • Lagom doesn’t prescribe any particular production environment, however out of the box support is provided for Lightbend ConductR. • Zookeper based version: zookeeper • Consul based version: Out of the box support for ConductR but..
  • 36. >sbt bundle:dist ... [info] Your package is ready in /Users/myfear/lagom-cargotracker/front- end/target/universal/front-end-1.0- Create Service bundles via sbt
  • 37. • Creating a bundle configuration file, bundle.conf • Creating a start script • Creating a Maven assembly plugin descriptor to create the bundle zip • Binding the Maven assembly plugin and Lagom renameConductRBundle goals to your projects lifecycle Create Service Bundles with Maven
  • 40. Next Steps! Download and try Lagom! Project Site: GitHub Repo: Documentation: Example:
  • 41. Written for architects and developers that must quickly gain a fundamental understanding of microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly report explores the journey from SOA to microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a Reactive microservice: • Isolate all the Things • Act Autonomously • Do One Thing, and Do It Well • Own Your State, Exclusively • Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing • Stay Mobile, but Addressable • Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems
  • 42. The detailed example in this report is based on Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the requirements for building distributed, reactive systems. • Get an overview of the Reactive Programming model and basic requirements for developing reactive microservices • Learn how to create base services, expose endpoints, and then connect them with a simple, web-based user interface • Understand how to deal with persistence, state, and clients • Use integration technologies to start a successful migration away from legacy systems