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Stay Productive While Slicing Up the
Markus Eisele
(Tech Talent Night Copenhagen, 11/22/17)
Evolution of Systems
Extreme Uptime
Vertical Scaling
Hardware High
Designed for
availability (99.9)
Designed for
failure (99.999)
Virtualized /
Software High
Centralized Shared Self Service
“Big Iron” “Enterprise” “Cloud”

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Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (Oracle Code, A...
Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (Oracle Code, A...Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (Oracle Code, A...
Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (Oracle Code, A...

Microservices are independent, encapsulated entities that produce meaningful results and business functionality in tentative collaboration. Events and pub/sub are great for allowing such decoupled interaction. Using Apache Kafka as robust, distributed, real-time, high volume event bus, this session demonstrates how microservices implemented in Java, Node, Python and SQL collaborate unknowingly. The microservices respond to social (media) events - courtesy of IFTTT - and publish results to multiple channels. The event bus operates across cloud services and on premises platforms: both the bus and the microservices can run anywhere.

containersapache kafkaifttt
Introduction to Microservices and Cloud Native Application Architecture
Introduction to Microservices and Cloud Native Application ArchitectureIntroduction to Microservices and Cloud Native Application Architecture
Introduction to Microservices and Cloud Native Application Architecture

Presentation from IBM InterConnect 2015 covering the concepts of 12 Factor Apps and Microservices with reference to IBM Bluemix/Cloud Foundry.

cloud microservices bluemix
Going Reactive in Java with Typesafe Reactive Platform
Going Reactive in Java with Typesafe Reactive PlatformGoing Reactive in Java with Typesafe Reactive Platform
Going Reactive in Java with Typesafe Reactive Platform

The document discusses reactive applications and the Typesafe Reactive Platform. Reactive applications are message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive. They react to changes, scale up and down based on demand, handle failures, and provide low-latency responses. The Typesafe platform includes Akka for building concurrent applications and Play Framework for developing web applications. Both use reactive principles and support features like clustering, event sourcing, and web services. Typesafe delivers training and support for organizations adopting a reactive approach using their Java-based tools.

typesafemessage-drivenjava 8
ca 1980
Mainframe Enterprise Cloud
Distribution of Projects over time.
ca 2000
Mainframe Enterprise Cloud
Distribution of Projects over time.
ca 2017
Mainframe Enterprise Cloud
Distribution of Projects over time.
ca 2025
Mainframe Enterprise Cloud
Distribution of Projects over time.
My personal prediction!

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Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric ArchitecturesCloser Look at Cloud Centric Architectures
Closer Look at Cloud Centric Architectures

The document discusses the cloud architecture of Presence Insights, a service that provides analytics for physical locations. Some key points: - Presence Insights migrated from a traditional on-premises JEE architecture to a cloud-native microservices architecture on Bluemix using 29 microservices and 317 Node.js instances. - The new architecture utilizes various technologies like Node.js, MQLight for messaging, Redis for caching and real-time eventing, and Cloudant for persistence. - Lessons learned include deciding how to break services into actors, testing complex cloud architectures, optimizing for different scaling needs, and choosing the right data store for read/write patterns. - The evolution

mobile lean startup node angular kafka
Cache-Aside Cloud Design Pattern
Cache-Aside Cloud Design PatternCache-Aside Cloud Design Pattern
Cache-Aside Cloud Design Pattern

Load data on demand into a cache from a data store. This can improve performance and also helps to maintain consistency between data held in the cache and data in the underlying data store.

cloud patternsdesign patternscache aside
Microservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done Right
Microservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done RightMicroservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done Right
Microservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done Right

In this talk by David Ogren, Enterprise Architect at Lightbend, we draw from experiences helping our clients successfully create, migrate to, and manage cloud-native system architectures. We look at some of the common pitfalls and anti-patterns of modernization efforts, and some of the best practices for taking an incremental approach to transforming legacy systems. See the full post with video on the Lightbend blog:

microservicesreactive systemsnot just async
But why is everybody talking about
cloud and microservices?
Today’s biggest problems
in software development.
High Infrastructure
Awful Downtime
Meeting Demand
Release Frquency
Developer Velocity
Meeting demands.

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Cloud Native Application Development
Cloud Native Application DevelopmentCloud Native Application Development
Cloud Native Application Development

The document discusses the shift towards cloud native application development. Some key points discussed include: 1. Cloud native originated in customer-facing tech companies and emphasizes building applications in, for, and maximizing the benefits of the cloud. 2. When developing new applications, organizations should focus on functional and non-functional requirements to determine the appropriate architecture, runtime environment, and degree of "cloudiness". 3. Cloud native development requires learning new topics like microservices, DevOps, serverless computing, and distributed systems.

cloud nativemicroservicesdevops
The Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: ServerlessThe Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: Serverless

This document summarizes the evolution of cloud computing technologies from virtual machines to containers to serverless computing. It discusses how serverless computing uses cloud functions that are fully managed by the cloud provider, providing significant cost savings over virtual machines by only paying for resources used. While serverless computing reduces operational overhead, it is not suitable for all workloads and has some limitations around cold start times and vendor lock-in. The document promotes serverless computing as the next wave in cloud that can greatly reduce costs and complexity while improving scalability and availability.

azureazure functionscloud
Patterns of Cloud Native Architecture
Patterns of Cloud Native ArchitecturePatterns of Cloud Native Architecture
Patterns of Cloud Native Architecture

Slides given at Agile 2015 to support talk with Josh Long Walks through basic ideas of Cloud Foundry BOSH, Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime and Spring Boot/Spring Cloud. Covered these slides in ~20 minutes, then did 50 minutes of Lattice demos and Spring live coding.

cloud foundrymicroservicescontinuous delivery
Meeting demands.
• Rather than acting on data at rest, modern
software increasingly operates on data
in near real-time.
• Shortened time-frames for putting
changes into production
• New business models evolve from
existing ones
• New questions need to be answered by
existing applications
• Datacenter costs need to go down
Developer Velocity
Release frequency!!
Why not just use classical

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Jelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for ISVs
Jelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for ISVsJelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for ISVs
Jelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for ISVs

This document provides an overview of the Jelastic DevOps Platform, which offers a cloud platform for containers orchestration that can be used as a public, private, or hybrid cloud. It provides agile deployment, automatic scaling, access control, monitoring, high availability, and drives down costs. Key features include automatic scaling, high availability, tools for management and automation, support for Docker containers, hybrid cloud capabilities, and advantages over competitors. It is suited for SMBs, SMEs, ISVs, and other organizations.

hybrid clouddevops platformisvs
Cloud Native Architectures for Devops
Cloud Native Architectures for DevopsCloud Native Architectures for Devops
Cloud Native Architectures for Devops

In June 2017 at the Devops Enterprise Summit in London, while announcing the 2017 State of Devops Report with his esteemed colleagues, Jez Humble reveled that their studies showed that there was a strong correlation between high-functioning teams and the architecture of the software they are building, deploying and managing. In short - architecture matters to Devops. In this talk Cornelia goes over a host of software architectural patterns and their relationship to some of the key goals of Devops - "higher throughput and higher quality and stability." Cloud native applications and cloud native data are both covered.

devopssoftware architecturemicroservices
Building Cloud Native Applications
Building Cloud Native Applications Building Cloud Native Applications
Building Cloud Native Applications

This document discusses building cloud native applications. It defines cloud native applications as having services that are published and consumed via web services, can handle failures, are designed for horizontal scalability, use asynchronous processing, and have a stateless model. It then provides an example of a social feed application, outlines its functional and non-functional requirements, and describes how to architect it using patterns like loose coupling, polyglot persistence, fault tolerance, and decoupling services. The key is to design for scalability, failures, and minimize human intervention through a DevOps approach.

amazon web servicescloud computingarchitecture
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS
Application	Server
Application	Server
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS
The Curse Of The Monolith
We know how to operate them
• We know how to develop
• We know how to deploy
• We know how to scale
LL: Building and Scaling Monoliths
• Monolithic application – everything is
package into a single .ear
• Reuse primarily by sharing .jars
• A “big” push to production once or twice a
• Single database schema for the entire
• >= 500k loc
• >= Heavyweight Infrastructure
• Thousands of Testcases
• Barely New Testcases
• >= 20 Team Member
• The single .ear requiring a multi-month
test cycle /
• Huge bug and feature databases
• User Acceptance Undefined
• Technical Design Approach
• Barely Business Components or Domains
• Requiring multiple team involvement &
significant oversight
• Technical Dept
• Outdated Runtimes (Licenses, Complex
• Grown applications

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Spring Into the Cloud
Spring Into the CloudSpring Into the Cloud
Spring Into the Cloud

Spring is the most popular and productive enterprise Java development framework in the world, and has always provided developers with portability and choice. The cloud should be no different. Spring applications work flawlessly on all the major platform-as-a-service clouds including Heroku, Google App Engine, and Cloud Foundry. This session will focus on how to design, and create, modern enterprise applications using Spring 3 that are portable across cloud environments.

Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)
Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)
Service Mesh CTO Forum (Draft 3)

Early Draft: Service Mesh allows developers to focus on business logic while the crosscutting network data layer code is handled by the Service Mesh. This is a boon because this code can be tricky to implement and hard to test all of the edge cases. Service Mesh takes this a few steps further than AOP or Servlet Filters or custom language-specific frameworks because it works regardless of the underlying programming language being used which is great for polyglot development shops. Thus standardizing how these layers work, while allowing teams to pick the best tools or languages for the job at hand. Kubernetes and Istio Service Mesh automate best practices for DevSecOps needs like: failover, scale-out, scalability, health checks, circuit breakers, rate limiters, metrics, observability, avoiding cascading failure, disaster recovery, and traffic routing; supporting CI/CD and microservices architecture. Istio’s ability to automate and maintaining zero trust networks is its most important feature. In the age of high-profile data breaches, security is paramount. Companies want to avoid major brand issues that impact the bottom line and shrink market capitalization in an instant. Istio allows a standard way to do mTLS and auto certificate rotation which helps prevent a breach and limits the blast radius if a breach occurs. Istio also takes the concern of mTLS from microservices deployments and makes it easy to use taking the burden off of application developers.

service meshistiokubernetes
Delivering Developer Tools at Scale
Delivering Developer Tools at ScaleDelivering Developer Tools at Scale
Delivering Developer Tools at Scale

This document discusses delivering developer tools at scale for Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services. It outlines the challenges of supporting many programming languages, tools, services, features and rapid innovation with a small team. The solutions discussed are using Swagger to declaratively describe APIs, open sourcing tools to engage the community, and maintaining API consistency. It also addresses handling multiple release scopes by using custom fields in the Swagger specification.

open sourcelinuxoracle
“It’s increasingly obvious that the old,
linear, three-tier architecture model is
- Gartner
What Are Microservices?
SOA for DevOps
• Single, self-contained,
• Easy(er) to understand
• Scalability
• Testing independently
• Individually deployed, has own
• Single service going
down should not impact
other services
• Right technology stack
for the problem
(language, databases,
• Fail fast
• Faster innovation,

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Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian
Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas KurianOracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian
Oracle Code Keynote with Thomas Kurian

This document provides an overview of Oracle Cloud's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Data as a Service (DaaS) offerings. It describes the various cloud computing models and services such as compute, storage, databases, analytics and more. It also outlines Oracle's hybrid cloud strategy of providing on-premises access to cloud services and enabling workload portability. The document announces a new partnership with Pluralsight to deliver Oracle Cloud training courses through their online learning platform.


Security in applications is a never-ending story. Most of the knowledge about how to build secure applications is derived from knowledge and experience. And we've all done the same mistakes every Java EE developer does over and over again. But how to solve the real business requirements behind access and authorization with Java EE? Can I have a 15k rights matrix? Does that perform? How to secure the transport layer? How does session binding works? Can I implement 2-Factor-Authentication? And what about social integrations? This talk outlines the key capabilities of the Java EE platform and introduces the audience to additional frameworks and concepts which do help by implementing all kinds of security requirements in Java EE based applications.

Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SREMicroservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE

Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Testing Strategies for Microservices based Apps. Security Best Practices. Kanban, DevOps, and SRE. Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer - Circuit Breaker - Let-it-Crash Pattern Software Design Patterns - Hexagonal Architecture - Domain Driven Design - Event Sourcing and CQRS - Functional Reactive Programming

Routing	Module
Tracking	Module
Order	Module
Tracker	UIBrowser HistoryDB
Order	DB
Tracker	UI
Tracker	UI
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
REQ: Building and Scaling Microservices
• Lightweight runtime
• Cross – Service Security
• Transaction Management
• Service Scaling
• Load Balancing
• SLA’s
• Flexible Deployment
• Configuration
• Service Discovery
• Service Versions
• Monitoring
• Governance
• Asynchronous communication
• Non-blocking I/O
• Streaming Data
• Polyglot Services
• Modularity (Service definition)
• High performance persistence (CQRS)
• Event handling / messaging (ES)
• Eventual consistency
• API Management
• Health check and recovery
“Microservices” is a lousy term
• Size is irrelevant
We want flexible systems and organizations that can
adapt to their complex environments, make changes
without rigid dependencies and coordination, can
learn, experiment, and exhibit emergent behavior.

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Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

DevNexus 2017 Microservices-based architectures are en-vogue. The last couple of years we have learned how the thought-leaders implement them, and every other week we have heard about how containers and Platform-as-a-Service offerings make them ultimately happen. The problem is that the developers are almost forgotten and left alone with provisioning and continuous delivery systems, containers and resource schedulers, and frameworks and patterns to help slice existing monoliths. How can we get back in control and efficiently develop them without having to provision complete production-like environments locally, by hand? All the new buzzwords, frameworks, and hyped tools have made us forget ourselves—Java developers–and what it means to be productive and have fun building systems. The problem that we set out to solve is: how can we run real-world Microservices-based systems on our local development machines, managing provisioning, and orchestration of potentially hundreds of services directly from a single command line tool, without sacrificing productivity enablers like hot code reloading and instant turnaround time? During this talk, you’ll experience first-hand how much fun it can be to develop large-scale Microservices-based systems. You will learn a lot about what it takes to fail fast and recover and truly understand the power of a fully integrated Microservices development environment.

Containers and microservices create new performance challenges kowall - app...
Containers and microservices create new performance challenges   kowall - app...Containers and microservices create new performance challenges   kowall - app...
Containers and microservices create new performance challenges kowall - app...

AppSphere 2015 presentation on the challenges brought forth by Microservices and Containers such as Docker. Goes into OSS and commercial tools to manage availability and performance.

AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges
AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance ChallengesAppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges
AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges

Jonah Kowall, VP of Market Development and Insights, outlines what needs to be built in terms of data extraction, analytics, and other open source technologies. Finally we’ll also discuss commercial alternatives and what features and functions are critical when monitoring microservices based applications. This presentation is from AppSphere 2015. This presentation shares a clear understanding of: - What is changing with software, and why? - What challenges are faced with these changes? - How to overcome these challenges

appsphere 2015microservicesappdynamics
We need to build systems for flexibility
and resiliency, not just efficiency and
Software Design
Outer Architecture
Methodology and
Distributed Systems
Datacenter Operating System
Software Design
Architecture Principles
• Single Responsible Principle
• Service Oriented Architecture
– Encapsulation
– Separation of Concern
– Loose Coupling
• Hexagonal Architecture
Design Patterns
• Domain-driven Design
• Bounded Contexts
• Event Sourcing
• Eventual Consistency
• Context Maps
Design Best Practices
• Design for Automation
• Designed for failure
• Service load balancing and automatic scaling
• Design for Data Separation
• Design for Integrity
• Design for Performance

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Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and KubernetesAccelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes

The business case for MicroServices, DevOps / Agile, adopting CI/CD, and Kubernetes with best practices.

leanlean managementkubernetes training training training

This document provides an overview of Docker and cloud native training presented by Brian Christner of 56K.Cloud. It includes an agenda for Docker labs, common IT struggles Docker can address, and 56K.Cloud's consulting and training services. It discusses concepts like containers, microservices, DevOps, infrastructure as code, and cloud migration. It also includes sections on Docker architecture, networking, volumes, logging, and monitoring tools. Case studies and examples are provided to demonstrate how Docker delivers speed, agility, and cost savings for application development.

Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration PatternsMicroservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 5 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns - Strangler Fig - Change Data Capture - Split Table Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer

microservicesmonolithicinfrastructure design patterns
Strategies For Decomposing
Verb or Use Case
e.g. Checkout UI
e.g. Catalog product service
Single Responsible Principle
e.g. Unix utilities
ServiceAA DBClient Cache
Operational Capabilities (Scaling, SLA, Monitoring, Logging, Deployment)
Developer Enablement (Documentation, Discovery, Debugging)
Outer Architecture
Building one microservice is
generally easy.
What is hard is building a
*system* of microservices.
Which technology to choose
Reactive Manifesto

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Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

The introduction covers the following 1. What are Microservices and why should be use this paradigm? 2. 12 factor apps and how Microservices make it easier to create them 3. Characteristics of Microservices Note: Please download the slides to view animations.

javaspring bootsoa
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...

IT needs to run in production in order to generate business value. DevOps is among other things a way of thinking focusing on production software. A business application requires a tailor made platform to generate business value. The combination of application and its platform is a DevOps product. The DevOps team has full responsibility for that product through its entire lifecycle. The microservices architecture promises flexibility, scalability, and optimal use of compute resources. Via independent components with well-defined scope and responsibility, interface, and ownership that are evolved and managed in an automated DevOps process, this architecture leverages current technologies and hard-learned insights from past decades. This session defines the objectives of Business with IT, of microservices and DevOps and introduces Containers and the container platform Kubernetes as crucial ingredients for making DevOps happen.

Application Centric Microservices from Redhat Summit 2015
Application Centric Microservices from Redhat Summit 2015Application Centric Microservices from Redhat Summit 2015
Application Centric Microservices from Redhat Summit 2015

When Cisco started envisioning the future of its application development platforms, the ability to create applications that are cloud-native with elastic services, network-aware application policies, and micro-services was strategic to the company. When the decision to build and operate a Cisco cloud service delivery platform for collaboration, video, and Internet of Things (IoT) application development was made, OpenStack and micro-services became central to our application architectures and strategic to our vision as a company. This presentation will look at the journey Cisco developers took to transform to an application-centric OpenStack platform for application development in a secure, network-centric, and completely open source manner. The importance of the platform being Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform and using OpenShift by Red Hat and the contribution to the community will be described. The micro-services architecture and service-oriented DevOps lessons learned for enabling massive scalable and continuous delivery of software will be presented and demoed.

Where to start?
• Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM
• Focused on right sized services
• Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class
• Highly productive development environment
• Takes you all the way to production
What is Lagom?
• Use bounded contexts as boundaries for services!
(Domain Driven Design)
• The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing)
• Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS)
• Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive)
• Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development
Highly opinionated!
• Service API
• Persistence API
• Development environment
• Production environment
The parts

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The Future of Cloud Innovation, featuring Adrian Cockcroft
The Future of Cloud Innovation, featuring Adrian CockcroftThe Future of Cloud Innovation, featuring Adrian Cockcroft
The Future of Cloud Innovation, featuring Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockcroft on his top predictions for the cloud computing industry in 2015 and beyond, as well as how cloud-native applications, continuous-delivery and DevOps techniques, will speed the pace of innovation and disruption. For more about Adrian be sure to check out his page on Battery Ventures: Follow Adrian on Twitter: @adrianco

cloud computingdevopscloud ops
ThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.js
ThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.jsThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.js
ThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.js

Create a highly available environment to host your microservices using Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible.

Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...
Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...
Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...

**Featuring Aaron Williams, Head of Advocacy at Mesosphere, Inc. and Markus Eisele, Developer Advocate at Lightbend, Inc.** The traditional architecture that enterprises run their businesses on has typically been delivered as monolithic applications running in a virtualized, on-premise infrastructure. Public and private cloud technologies have changed everything, but if the applications are not designed, or re-designed, appropriately, then it is impossible to take advantage of the advances in both distributed application services and hybrid infrastructure. Consequently, enterprise architects are looking to microservices-based architectures as a means to modernize their legacy applications. This webinar with Lightbend and partner Mesosphere will introduce a new framework specifically designed to help developers modernize legacy Java EE applications into systems of microservices and then discuss exactly what is required to run these distributed systems at enterprise scale.

• Event sourced (deltas) with Cassandra backend by
• No object/relational impedance mismatch
• Can always replay to determine current state
• Allows you to learn more from your data later
• Persistent entity is an Aggregate Root in DDD
• Can be overridden for CRUD if you want
Lagom Persistence API
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Getting started.

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Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including: - The benefits of microservices compared to monolithic architecture like independent deployability and scalability. - Microservices are small, independently deployable services that work together and are modeled around business domains. - Implementing microservices requires automation, high cohesion, loose coupling, and stable APIs. - Potential downsides include increased complexity in testing, monitoring, and operations. Microservices are best suited to problems of scale.

The Kubernetes WebLogic revival (part 1)
The Kubernetes WebLogic revival (part 1)The Kubernetes WebLogic revival (part 1)
The Kubernetes WebLogic revival (part 1)

This document provides an overview of WebLogic 12c and discusses its deployment in cloud environments. It begins with introductions to Java Enterprise Edition, WebLogic server, and WebLogic clustering. It then covers virtualization technologies like containers and Docker. The document discusses various options for provisioning WebLogic in the cloud, including using Java Cloud Service, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure marketplace, and Kubernetes. It concludes by looking at future directions for WebLogic and Kubernetes integration.

weblogickubernetesoracle cloud
Breaking the Monolith Road to Containers
Breaking the Monolith Road to ContainersBreaking the Monolith Road to Containers
Breaking the Monolith Road to Containers

Following simple patterns of good application design can allow you to scale your application for your customers easily. This presentation dives into the 12 factor application design and demo how this applies to containers and deployments on Amazon ECS and Fargate. We'll take a look at tooling that can be used to simplify your workflow and help you adopt the principles of the 12 factor application.

mvn archetype:generate
Creating a new Lagom project
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
$ cd my-first-system
$ mvn lagom:runAll ...
[info] Starting embedded Cassandra server
[info] Cassandra server running at
[info] Service locator is running at
[info] Service gateway is running at
[info] Service helloworld-impl listening for HTTP on
[info] Service hellostream-impl listening for HTTP on
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:26230 (Services started, press enter
to stop and go back to the console...)
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

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Java Agile ALM: OTAP and DevOps in the Cloud
Java Agile ALM: OTAP and DevOps in the CloudJava Agile ALM: OTAP and DevOps in the Cloud
Java Agile ALM: OTAP and DevOps in the Cloud

Java Agile ALM: OTAP and DevOps in the Cloud Bas Van Oudenaarde job Technical Manager at VX Company.

mongodbvx companynosql
Executive Briefing: The Why, What, and Where of Containers
Executive Briefing: The Why, What, and Where of ContainersExecutive Briefing: The Why, What, and Where of Containers
Executive Briefing: The Why, What, and Where of Containers

Presentation delivered at NVISIA Digital Platform Conference 2018 by: Mark Panthofer VP NVISIA Tech Centers NVISIA

docker eedockercontainers Docker Training Docker Docker Training Docker Training

This document provides an overview and agenda for a Docker and cloud native training. It introduces Brian Christner as the trainer and his background. It then covers various cloud native topics that will be discussed including containers, microservices, DevOps, and orchestration. The remainder of the document demonstrates Docker concepts hands-on and discusses container architecture, portability, and monitoring. It also briefly explores future directions like serverless and concludes by providing additional Docker resources.

The somewhat bigger example!
Cargo	Tracker
Frontend Cassandra
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

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Cloudify your applications: microservices and beyond
Cloudify your applications: microservices and beyondCloudify your applications: microservices and beyond
Cloudify your applications: microservices and beyond

The document discusses moving applications to a microservices architecture using Cloudify and Istio. It begins by describing typical customer landscapes today with complex, heterogeneous environments running across virtual and physical infrastructure. It then introduces Cloudify and Istio as platforms that can help modernize existing applications and develop new ones using microservices. Key capabilities of Cloudify and Istio are described such as container platforms, developer tools, and services for integration, automation, security and management.

osd2017open source dayred hat forum
Sustainable Software Architecture - Open Tour DACH '22
Sustainable Software Architecture - Open Tour DACH '22Sustainable Software Architecture - Open Tour DACH '22
Sustainable Software Architecture - Open Tour DACH '22

Rolling into summer in Europe, still recovering from the last two years another global thread pops back into people's minds. Extreme heat waves followed by severe weather phenomena remind all of us that climate change is a reality. As a father of two wonderful children that hopefully live beyond 2090, I was wondering what impact software architecture has on global warming and climate change and how I can build better and more sustainable solutions. This presentation and demo will provide you with tools, best practices and metrics (executives love numbers and dashboards) to prove the investment in Containers, OpenShift and a DevOps approach has a tangible return. As presented at

Going from java message service (jms) to eda
Going from java message service (jms) to eda Going from java message service (jms) to eda
Going from java message service (jms) to eda

This document summarizes an event on event-driven architecture held by Markus Eisele of Red Hat. The event covered lessons learned from transitions between middleware technologies like Java Message Service to event-driven architecture. It discussed realizations around the difficulties of scaling complex architectures and managing dependencies. Event-driven systems were presented as more distributed and requiring careful modeling of process flow. The talk suggested that distributed architecture, containers, APIs and DevOps are important success factors and that monitoring, testing and review are key parts of continuous integration and delivery.

• Lagom doesn’t prescribe any particular production
• K8:
• DC/OS:
Lagom Microservices in Production
Next Steps! Download and try Lagom!
Project Site:
GitHub Repo:
Written for architects and developers that must
quickly gain a fundamental understanding of
microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly
report explores the journey from SOA to
microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling
your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a
Reactive microservice:
• Isolate all the Things
• Act Autonomously
• Do One Thing, and Do It Well
• Own Your State, Exclusively
• Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing
• Stay Mobile, but Addressable
• Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems

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Let's be real. Quarkus in the wild.
Let's be real. Quarkus in the wild.Let's be real. Quarkus in the wild.
Let's be real. Quarkus in the wild.

Quarkus is the new and shiny Kubernetes native framework that promises to solve everything you ever wanted. But what is the truth out there? How do some real-world scenarios look like and what is it really used for?

What happens when unicorns drink coffee
What happens when unicorns drink coffeeWhat happens when unicorns drink coffee
What happens when unicorns drink coffee

Your ultimate guide to modern applications. What happened to our lovely three-tier systems and why is enterprise software development becoming increasingly complicated? Walk away with new inspirations on what to focus on in the next months and how to stay happy in all this madness. Keynote: jlove Conference 2020

Stateful on Stateless - The Future of Applications in the Cloud
Stateful on Stateless - The Future of Applications in the CloudStateful on Stateless - The Future of Applications in the Cloud
Stateful on Stateless - The Future of Applications in the Cloud

The document discusses stateful serverless computing and its advantages over stateless serverless functions (FaaS). It argues that stateful serverless is needed to support more complex, general-purpose applications involving distributed state. It proposes serving stateful functions using Knative and Akka Cluster to provide a unified programming model and runtime for serverless applications with both stateless and stateful capabilities. This would allow building applications involving real-time stream processing, machine learning models, user sessions, workflows and more using a serverless paradigm.

cloud nativestatelessserverless
The detailed example in this report is based on
Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the
requirements for building distributed, reactive
• Get an overview of the Reactive Programming
model and basic requirements for developing
reactive microservices
• Learn how to create base services, expose
endpoints, and then connect them with a
simple, web-based user interface
• Understand how to deal with persistence, state,
and clients
• Use integration technologies to start a
successful migration away from legacy systems
• Understand the challenges of starting a greenfield
development vs tearing apart an existing brownfield
application into services
• Examine your business domain to see if microservices
would be a good fit
• Explore best practices for automation, high availability,
data separation, and performance
• Align your development teams around business
capabilities and responsibilities
• Inspect design patterns such as aggregator, proxy,
pipeline, or shared resources to model service
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

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