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Lessons learned 
real-world deployments 
Java EE 7 
Arun Gupta, Red Hat 
Java EE 7 
! Batch 
! Concurrency 
! Simplified JMS 
! More annotated POJOs 
! Less boilerplate code 
! Cohesive integrated 
! WebSockets 
! Servlet 3.1 NIO 
• UN agency to protect and support refugees 
• Help UN refugees to get benefits through secured 
card wallets 
• Register, issue card, POS, ATM, Settlement 
• Refugees get cash or use cards at merchants
• JSON: Notification messages to agents (simple messages 
created using JSONBuilder, No dependency on 3rd 
party library) 
• Batch: End of day tasks like posting of accounts, 
generation of reports, email to clients and banks 
• Concurrency: Managed threads pool for work?? 
• EJB: Backend services (locally and remotely) 
• JAX-WS: Integration with WFP/UNHCR systems (exposed 
• JPA! 
• Stored procedure calls (Oracle and SQL Server) 
• Two-way schema (model using JPA, generate schema, 
tune it, and regenerate entities) 
• Change requests 
• Default CDI enabled (ease of integration between 
different layers)
Additional Libraries 
• PrimeFaces 
• Great support in NetBeans 
• Generator plugin (in NetBeans) that facilitate and 
streamline development of pages based on entity 
beans (e.g. Admin and Operations page) 
• jQuery stock library (streamline UI development in 
few lines)
• GlassFish 4 
• 2 instances deployed locally 
• Mandate to use commercial app server 
• Java SE 7 
• Oracle 11g and Microsoft SQL Server 2008
• NetBeans 7.4 
• Integrated GlassFish management 
• Many templates to start from 
• PrimeFaces generator plugin 
• Great compatibility with HTML5
• Track your daily runs 
• Day or distance-based goals or community runs 
• Social network for runners 
• Its free
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Architecture Diagram
Technology Diagram
• User Interface 
• Thymeleaf HTML5 templates rendered by JAX-RS 
• AngularJS based multiple SPA, consuming JAX-RS 
• Twitter Bootstrap theme 
• Authentication using JAX-RS filters 
• D3.js and C3.js for pretty graphs
• Middleware 
• EJB + JPA services for RDBMS 
• CDI services for NoSQL datastores 
• Joda-Time API for working with Date 
• Authenticating with various OAuth providers like Twitter using 
respective client API. Planning to upgrade to Keycloak. 
• SFL4J with logback for logging
Additional Libraries 
• Thymeleaf template engine for server side HTML5 views 
• OAuth providers with client libraries 
• Joda-Time for working with date/time 
• jadira.usertype for storing date as UTC in database 
• Database drivers for Redis and Mongo 
• JUnit with Mockito for Unit testing 
• Arquillian for integration testing
• JDK 8 
• WildFly 8.1.0 Final: 2 scalable instances running on 
OpenShift with HA Proxy Load Balancer 
• Data Stores 
• MySQL - All business entities like Activity, Goal, User profile, etc. 
• Redis - Generate timeline data using sorted sets and storing all 
• MongoDB - Location based user recommendations, follower/ 
following stored using in-built array types
• IntelliJ IDEA 
• Git as version control 
• Jenkins - planned for CI and deployment
Wish list for Java EE 8 
• Support for NoSQL database 
• Easy to add OAuth support to application and use 
existing OAuth providers 
• Modern MVC framework with support for pluggable 
template engines
• Campground management 
• Reservations, portal, email, monitoring, … 
• Targeting 25k+ campgrounds in Europe 
• Customer-friendly booking portal 
• On-premise or SaaS 
• €1 or $1 / day
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Architecture Diagram
Technology Diagram
• Presentation 
• JavaServer Faces + Expression Language 
• Security: JAAS principal + JDBC-realm 
• Middle Tier 
• EJB for business boundaries 
• Servlets with JSON for web hooks: response from Paypal and 
• JAX-RS for exposing API to partners
• Backend 
• JPA + Bean Validation, use @Index for database 
• Concurrency: Calculation of statistics and sending 
messages (Using @Startup @Singleton 
@Schedule, Sendgrid takes ~1-4 seconds) 
• JDK-8 specific features: Lambdas, parallel streams, 
Date/Time API
General Principles 
• All components used with @Inject! 
• bean-discovery-mode=“all” 
• All named beans are JSF 2.2 @ViewScoped 
• All boundaries are only @Stateless, no @Remote 
or @Local interfaces 
• All modules in entity-control-boundary pattern
Additional Libraries 
• PrimeFaces5 and Bootstrap for the responsive portal 
• Sendgrid API for sending emails 
• Flyway for database migrations 
• Misc Apache Commons 
• JUnit with Derby for testing
• JDK 8 
• WildFly 8.1.0 - super, unique product 
• MySQL 5.1.73
• IntelliJ 13.1 
• Jenkins 
• for load testing 
• Self-hosted Linux server in data center 
• Planning to migrate to OpenShift in 2015
Wishlist for Java EE 8 
• Apache Commons Library 
• Generics in Batch Processing 
• @Temporal should work with LocalDate and 
I have no great wishes, the technology is perfect. 
I’m with java/ee7 very productive, i’m and our 
customers are with java ee7 happy. With the 
technology, really everything is possible.
@ChristophGapp @AdamBien
• Java EE 7 tutorial: 
• ~200 code samples: 
• Lots of books

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Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014

  • 1. Lessons learned from real-world deployments of Java EE 7 Arun Gupta, Red Hat @arungupta
  • 2. DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY MEETING ENTERPRISE DEMANDS Java EE 7 ! Batch ! Concurrency ! Simplified JMS ! More annotated POJOs ! Less boilerplate code ! Cohesive integrated platform ! WebSockets ! JSON ! Servlet 3.1 NIO ! REST
  • 3. • UN agency to protect and support refugees • Help UN refugees to get benefits through secured card wallets • Register, issue card, POS, ATM, Settlement • Refugees get cash or use cards at merchants
  • 5. Technology • JSON: Notification messages to agents (simple messages created using JSONBuilder, No dependency on 3rd party library) • Batch: End of day tasks like posting of accounts, generation of reports, email to clients and banks • Concurrency: Managed threads pool for work?? • EJB: Backend services (locally and remotely) • JAX-WS: Integration with WFP/UNHCR systems (exposed interface)
  • 6. Technology • JPA! • Stored procedure calls (Oracle and SQL Server) • Two-way schema (model using JPA, generate schema, tune it, and regenerate entities) • Change requests • Default CDI enabled (ease of integration between different layers)
  • 7. Additional Libraries • PrimeFaces • Great support in NetBeans • Generator plugin (in NetBeans) that facilitate and streamline development of pages based on entity beans (e.g. Admin and Operations page) • jQuery stock library (streamline UI development in few lines)
  • 8. Runtime • GlassFish 4 • 2 instances deployed locally • Mandate to use commercial app server • Java SE 7 • Oracle 11g and Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  • 9. Tools • NetBeans 7.4 • Integrated GlassFish management • Many templates to start from • PrimeFaces generator plugin • Great compatibility with HTML5
  • 11. • Track your daily runs • Day or distance-based goals or community runs • Social network for runners • Its free
  • 16. Technology • User Interface • Thymeleaf HTML5 templates rendered by JAX-RS • AngularJS based multiple SPA, consuming JAX-RS endpoints • Twitter Bootstrap theme • Authentication using JAX-RS filters • D3.js and C3.js for pretty graphs
  • 17. Technology • Middleware • EJB + JPA services for RDBMS • CDI services for NoSQL datastores • Joda-Time API for working with Date • Authenticating with various OAuth providers like Twitter using respective client API. Planning to upgrade to Keycloak. • SFL4J with logback for logging
  • 18. Additional Libraries • Thymeleaf template engine for server side HTML5 views • OAuth providers with client libraries • Joda-Time for working with date/time • jadira.usertype for storing date as UTC in database • Database drivers for Redis and Mongo • JUnit with Mockito for Unit testing • Arquillian for integration testing
  • 19. Runtime • JDK 8 • WildFly 8.1.0 Final: 2 scalable instances running on OpenShift with HA Proxy Load Balancer • Data Stores • MySQL - All business entities like Activity, Goal, User profile, etc. • Redis - Generate timeline data using sorted sets and storing all counters • MongoDB - Location based user recommendations, follower/ following stored using in-built array types
  • 20. Tools • IntelliJ IDEA • Git as version control • Jenkins - planned for CI and deployment
  • 21. Wish list for Java EE 8 • Support for NoSQL database • Easy to add OAuth support to application and use existing OAuth providers • Modern MVC framework with support for pluggable template engines
  • 23. • Campground management • Reservations, portal, email, monitoring, … • Targeting 25k+ campgrounds in Europe • Customer-friendly booking portal • On-premise or SaaS • €1 or $1 / day
  • 28. Technology • Presentation • JavaServer Faces + Expression Language • Security: JAAS principal + JDBC-realm • Middle Tier • EJB for business boundaries • Servlets with JSON for web hooks: response from Paypal and Sendgrid • JAX-RS for exposing API to partners
  • 29. Technology • Backend • JPA + Bean Validation, use @Index for database generation • Concurrency: Calculation of statistics and sending messages (Using @Startup @Singleton @Schedule, Sendgrid takes ~1-4 seconds) • JDK-8 specific features: Lambdas, parallel streams, Date/Time API
  • 30. General Principles • All components used with @Inject! • bean-discovery-mode=“all” • All named beans are JSF 2.2 @ViewScoped • All boundaries are only @Stateless, no @Remote or @Local interfaces • All modules in entity-control-boundary pattern
  • 32. Additional Libraries • PrimeFaces5 and Bootstrap for the responsive portal • Sendgrid API for sending emails • Flyway for database migrations • Misc Apache Commons (FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile, IOUtils.toByteArray) • JUnit with Derby for testing
  • 33. Runtime • JDK 8 • WildFly 8.1.0 - super, unique product • MySQL 5.1.73
  • 34. Tools • IntelliJ 13.1 • Jenkins • for load testing • Self-hosted Linux server in data center • Planning to migrate to OpenShift in 2015
  • 35. Wishlist for Java EE 8 • Apache Commons Library • Generics in Batch Processing • @Temporal should work with LocalDate and LocalDateTime I have no great wishes, the technology is perfect. I’m with java/ee7 very productive, i’m and our customers are with java ee7 happy. With the technology, really everything is possible.
  • 37. Resources • Java EE 7 tutorial: 7/tutorial/doc/home.htm • ~200 code samples: javaee7-samples • Lots of books