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How would ESBs look like,
if they were done today?
Markus Eisele, @myfear
Developer Advocate
October, 2015
“What’s right isn’t always popular.
What’s popular isn’t always right”
Howard Cosell
Application Server
Large Java EE / J2EE based applications
Application Server
EAM <?>
• Monolithic application – everything is package into a single .ear
• Reuse primarily by sharing .jars
• A “big” push to production once or twice a year
• Single database schema for the entire application
• >= 500k loc
• >= Heavyweight Infrastructure
• Thousands of Testcases
• Barely New Testcases
• >= 20 Team Member
• The single .ear requiring a multi-month test cycle /
• Huge bug and feature databases
• User Acceptance Undefined
• Technical Design Approach
• Barely Business Components or Domains
• Requiring multiple team involvement & significant
• Still changing requirements.
• New features tend to be HUGE!
• Cross-cutting concerns nearly impossible to
Technical Dept!
We’re lazy!
No education! Outdated Infrastructure!
We always did it like that.
Outdated Designpattern?
Grown application Outdated Runtimes!
Where did we go
from here?
We treated
everything as a
legacy system and
try to solve
Enterprise Service Bus
• Still very large codebases
• Overloaded IDEs
• Hard to understand and modify
• Hard to test
• Complex dependencies
• Small Changes generate big Impact
• Difficult to scale
• Mostly not rewritten but “re-wired”
• Data Segmentation not defined
• Scaling difficult
Hmmm … and
where are we
Name it whatever you
We’re decomposing
and evolve them into
Reduce Impact of Change by
Encapsulating Source of
How to find the
Domain Driven Design
Bounded contexts
Designed For Automation
Designed for Failure
Independently Deployable
Verb or Use Case
e.g. Checkout UI
e.g. Catalog product service
Single Responsible Principle e.g.
Unix utilities
What did ESBs do?
• Monitor and control routing of message exchange
between services
• Resolve contention between communicating service
• Control deployment and versioning of services
• Marshal use of redundant services
• Cater for commodity services like
• event handling,
• data transformation and mapping,
• message and event queuing and sequencing,
• security or exception handling,
• protocol conversion and
• enforcing proper quality of communication
Let’s deconstruct the
”Monitor and control routing of
message exchange between services”
• Not really anymore.
• “Services do one thing well”
• Bunch of different approaches to
service design and interaction.
• No centralized point of “control”
Aggregator Pattern
w or w/o Proxy
Chained Pattern Branch Pattern …..
”Resolve contention between
communicating service components”
“Smart endpoints and dumb pipes”
- Martin Fowler
“Control deployment and
versioning of services”
- Deployment
- Configuration
- Profiles / App Packaging
- Service Discovery
- Versions
- Monitoring
- Governance
“Marshal use of redundant services”
“Decentralized Governance”
- Martin Fowler
“Cater for commodity services”
• a lightweight service runtime
• Cross – Service Security
• Transaction Management
• Service Scaling
• Load Balancing
• Deployment
• Configuration
• Profiles / App Packaging
• Service Discovery
• Versions
• Monitoring
• Governance
• Failure Handling
• Asynchronous vs. Synchronous
• Cross – Service Logging
• ...
An approach.
ServiceAA DBClient Cache
The Pieces
• Implemented with Docker and
• Use any JVM (or any technology)
• Docker images, encourage static, well-
defined, well-tested deployments
• Provides networking, JVM isolation,
orchestration, auto-scaling, health
checks, cloud deployments
• Still in community!
• Supports OpenShift v3
Fabric8 V2
And keep in mind….
 Operations and development are skills, not
roles. Delivery teams are composed of
people with all the necessary skills.
 Delivery teams run software products - not
projects - that run from inception to
DevOps .. Is a culture.
Let’s take one
step at a time and
not solve
everything at
aka “Evolutionary Design”
Easy As That?
• No silver bullet; distributed systems are *hard*
• Dependency hell, custom shared libraries
• Fragmented and inconsistent management
• Team communication challenges
• Health checking, monitoring, liveness
• Over architecting, performance concerns, things
spiraling out of control fast
WARNING: Challenges ahead!
 Complex Runtime: many moving parts
 Distributed Systems are inherently complex
 Services are deployed on multiple instances
 Decentralized Data (Distributed Transactions vs
eventual consistency)
 Communication between services (Network and
 Synchronous vs. Asynchronous vs. Messaging
 Communication overhead (n2n)
 Failure Handling (Circuit Breaker)
 Service-/Metadata Registry
WARNING: Challenges ahead!
Load Balancing
API Management
Versions Patches
And this is only the
The industry is still
learning a lot.
Correct functional decomposition is
crucial for microservices:
• pretty hard to get right from the
• a modular system can evolve to
• balance the needs with the costs
• work on it evolutionary
Are they here to stay?
Nobody knows.
Take with you today:
• There is no single successor to ESBs.
• The whole turned into pieces.
• We’re still evolving them.
How would ESBs look like, if they were done today.

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