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Taking the friction out of microservice
frameworks with Lagom
Markus Eisele
core localcores distributed
Reactive Manifesto

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A Microservice Journey
A Microservice JourneyA Microservice Journey
A Microservice Journey

The document discusses Christian Posta's journey with microservices architectures. It begins by explaining why organizations are moving to microservices and defines microservices. It then covers related topics like cloud platforms, container technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift, benefits and drawbacks of microservices, and tools for developing microservices like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Camel.

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The document discusses continuous delivery of integration applications using JBoss Fuse and OpenShift. It covers the cost of change in software development, how JBoss Fuse can help with integration challenges, and how OpenShift enables continuous delivery through automation and a developer self-service platform as a service model. The presentation demonstrates how to build a continuous delivery pipeline using tools like Git, Jenkins, Fabric8, and OpenShift to deploy and test applications.

Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
“We used the right
tools to build the
wrong things.”
Rather than acting on data at rest, modern
software increasingly operates on data in near
Asynchronous, non-blocking, real-time,
highly-available, loosely coupled, scalable,
fault-tolerant, concurrent, reactive, event-
driven, push instead of pull, distributed,
low-latency, high throughput…...

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micro services architecture (FrosCon2014)
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Vertical thinking for a simple architecture! Micro Services are a new way of architectural thinking in web platforms. The key idea is strongly aligned on the unix philosophy: Create small services which are only responsible for one thing and make them work together. With this in mind, you get simple applications, which can be developed, deployed and scaled independent from each other. The key challenge in using micro services is to decompose applications vertically, by their functional domains. Only with this, you are able to reduce dependencies and create simple applications. On a technical side, micro services are backed by a wide support in different programming languages and open source frameworks. Especially the state of the art deployment mechanisms make this approach possible at all.

micro servicesverticalfroscon
Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture  Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture

This document provides an overview of microservice architecture (MSA). It describes the characteristics of MSA, including small, independent services focused on a single business capability. It covers service interaction styles, service discovery, data management challenges in MSA, deployment strategies, and migration from monolithic to MSA. It also discusses event-driven architecture, API gateways, common design patterns, and challenges with MSA.

Introduction to developing modern web apps
Introduction to developing modern web appsIntroduction to developing modern web apps
Introduction to developing modern web apps

This document provides an overview of modern web applications, including their history and key pillars. It discusses the evolution of web applications from early static pages in the 1990s to today's single page applications that make asynchronous requests to backends. It also covers important front-end concepts like content delivery networks, JavaScript frameworks, and responsive design. Examples of popular web APIs are given and best practices for API design are outlined.

is a lousy term
“All this hype about microservices
makes me sad. And not about the
concept, but about the name. As I
wrote before, “micro” in
“microservices” means absolutely
nothing. What is worse, it confuses
everybody. Again and again I see
people focusing on “micro” and
falling into nanoservices trap.”
Eugene Kalenkovich
Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̀ːɡɔm]) is a
Swedish word meaning
"just the right amount".
The Lexin Swedish-English dictionary
defines lagom as "enough, sufficient,
adequate, just right".

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Writing Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm
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Writing Java EE microservices using WildFly Swarm

Check out the talk to the slides: Talk Abstract: Using Swarm, you can select “just enough app server” to support each of your microservices. In this session, we’ll outline how WildFly Swarm works and get you started writing your first microservices using Java EE technologies you’re already familiar with. You’ll learn how to setup your build system (Maven, Gradle, or your IDE of choice) to run and test WildFly Swarm-based services and produce runnable jars. We will walk from the simple case of wrapping a normal WAR application to the more advanced case of configuring the container using your own main(…) method.

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From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes
From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 MinutesFrom Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes
From Monolithic to Microservices in 45 Minutes

This document discusses moving from monolithic applications to microservices architectures. It begins by defining monolithic applications and how they can become difficult to scale. It then introduces the concepts of decoupling applications and microservices as an architecture where independent processes communicate via APIs. Some benefits discussed are improved scalability, release cycles, and fault tolerance. The document provides examples of microservices for tasks like text search and recommendations. It concludes by recommending starting with a monolithic approach and refactoring to microservices as needs require for scalability.

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Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
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Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift

What are and aren't microservices? Microservices is a validation of the open-source approach to integration and service implementation and a rebuff of the committee-driven SOA approach. In this

another one?
“We need to build systems
for flexibility and resiliency, not
just efficiency and robustness.
Not really: Lagom is opinionated!
• Use context bounds as boundaries for services!
(Domain Driven Design)
• The event log is the book of record!
(Event Sourcing)
• Separate the read and write sides!
• Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient!
• Developer experience matters!
(The Lagom development setup)
• Takes you all the way to production!
implements leads to
Persistence to CQRS

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Stay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolithStay productive while slicing up the monolith
Stay productive while slicing up the monolith

The document discusses strategies for evolving monolithic applications into microservice architectures. It notes that modern software needs to meet increasing demands around release frequency, developer velocity, and infrastructure costs. While classical architectures based on monoliths and service-oriented architectures were effective, they no longer address today's challenges. The document then introduces microservices as an alternative, describing characteristics like independent deployability, language/data agnosticism, and process isolation. It acknowledges that while building individual microservices is straightforward, the difficult part is designing the overall system architecture and operational capabilities required to manage many interconnected microservices. Lagom is presented as one framework that can help implement reactive microservices on the JVM.

Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015
Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015
Jelastic - DevOps for Java with Docker Containers - Madrid 2015

Containers brought new approach for implementation of DevOps workflows. So our CEO, Ruslan Synytsky, devoted a speech to this topic during Madrid meetup and described in details how Java developers can get benefits from Docker containers in Jelastic Cloud.

Microservices and APIs
Microservices and APIsMicroservices and APIs
Microservices and APIs

The document discusses microservices and APIs. It covers how microservices optimize for speed by shedding dependencies and having dependencies on demand through services and APIs. It discusses consumer contracts for APIs and service versioning. It also discusses using an API gateway pattern for scalability, security, monitoring and more. It promotes API management for benefits like access control, analytics, and monetization of microservices.

User views
data in the
User makes a
change in the
data store
CQRS at a glance
• We implementour aggregateroots as
Persistent Entities
• Persistent Entities will receive commands
• Triggered by a command, Persistent
Entities will change their state
• Example: Add a friend, remove a friend
Lagom-Services and Persistent Entities
• Lagom allows you to
scale out by forming a
cluster of nodes
• Nodes can be added and
removed dynamically
• Lagom allows you to
scale out by distributing
your Persistent Entities in
the cluster
Lagom Cluster
Event Sourcing - storing deltas
• Every state change is materialized in an
• All events are stored in an Event Log
• Current state is constructed by replaying
all events
• No object-relational impedancemismatch
• Bullet-proof auditing and historical tracing
• Support future ways of looking at data
• Performance and scalability
• Testability

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Cost Control Across Cloud, On-Premise and VM Computers by Mark Lavi,
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Cost Control Across Cloud, On-Premise and VM Computers by Mark Lavi,

Anecdotal numbers suggest that more than 40% compute resources are under utilized -- from unused cloud instances to virtual machines running on bare-metal. Hundreds of QA & Dev nodes to thousands of production instances could be shutdown, and brought back to the same state on demand. That's what cloud is about -- agility and efficiency, but our on-premise datacenter habits have migrated to the cloud as well. Calm's DevOps automation platform helps fix our old habits. Calm provides a single pane of glass across cloud and on-premise, integrating with Chef, Puppet and Docker ecosystems. The single pane of glass enables orchestration, cost-control and on-demand provisioning.

explosive growthcontrolling costson-demand provisioning
Patterns of Cloud Native Architecture
Patterns of Cloud Native ArchitecturePatterns of Cloud Native Architecture
Patterns of Cloud Native Architecture

Slides given at Agile 2015 to support talk with Josh Long Walks through basic ideas of Cloud Foundry BOSH, Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime and Spring Boot/Spring Cloud. Covered these slides in ~20 minutes, then did 50 minutes of Lattice demos and Spring live coding.

cloud foundrymicroservicescontinuous delivery
Streaming to a New Jakarta EE
Streaming to a New Jakarta EEStreaming to a New Jakarta EE
Streaming to a New Jakarta EE

The world is moving from a model where data sits at rest, waiting for people to make requests of it, to where data is constantly moving and streams of data flow to and from devices with or without human interaction. Decisions need to be made based on these streams of data in real-time, models need to be updated, and intelligence needs to be gathered. In this context, our old-fashioned approach of CRUD REST APIs serving CRUD database calls just doesn't cut it. It's time we moved to a stream-centric view of the world.

jakarta eemarkus eiselejvm
Read Side is derived from Event-Log
• Events forwarded to read side to
build different representations
• ElasticSearch
• SQL, de-normalized
• Stream Processor / Analytics
• BI
• …
Event Sourcing with Lagom Persistence revisited
• Keep all data in memory!
• Store all state changes as events
• Replay all events of an actor to recreate it
• Strong consistency for Actor (aggregate)
and Journal
• Eventual Consistency for Read Side
Lagom-Services are Reactive
• Asynchronous I/O
• Asynchronous communication as first class
• WebSocket support
• Reactive Streams support
• Distributed by default
• Built-on Akka Clustering, Sharding,
Developer Support
• Run all microservices at once
• Embedded Cassandra DB
• Intra-service communicationvia service
• Hot reloading

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The 6 Rules for Modernizing Your Legacy Java Monolith with Microservices
The 6 Rules for Modernizing Your Legacy Java Monolith with MicroservicesThe 6 Rules for Modernizing Your Legacy Java Monolith with Microservices
The 6 Rules for Modernizing Your Legacy Java Monolith with Microservices

We change a monolithic system only when we have no other choice. Traditional enterprise systems are tightly-coupled; all-in-one, all-or-nothing, difficult to scale, difficult to understand and difficult to maintain. Rather than swiftly capture opportunity, we ponder if it’s really worth it—is it worth upsetting the delicate balance of the house of cards we call our enterprise system? Often the opportunity quickly disappears, captured by a faster company. Some people have started calling this “Getting Ubered”. So what can you do about it? Talking about Microservices is one thing, but how can your organization start taking action to address this issue? In this webinar by battle-hardened Enterprise Advocate, Kevin Webber, we walk through the 6 key concepts to understand as a guide for taking action: 1. Domain Driven Design (DDD) 2. Asynchronous messaging 3. API management 4. Dependency management 5. CQRS & event sourcing 6. Transactions & ordering Reactive Platform has what you need to breath new life into your legacy system with a new Microservices-based approach.

Node and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBMNode and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBM

The document discusses IBM's use of Node.js microservices. It describes how IBM initially built monolithic applications but moved to microservices to allow for independent deployment of services and improved scalability. Some key aspects of IBM's microservices architecture using Node.js include having many independent services, communicating via message queues like RabbitMQ, and clustering services locally for horizontal scaling. While microservices provided benefits, the document also notes challenges around legal compliance, operations overhead, and integrating distributed services.

node.js micro-services ibm devops bluemix
How lagom helps to build real world microservice systems
How lagom helps to build real world microservice systemsHow lagom helps to build real world microservice systems
How lagom helps to build real world microservice systems

This talk was given at the inaugural and gave an introduction to Lightbend's Lagom Framework (

Java API Scala API
Client Libraries
Programming Model
Kafka Cassandra
Service Locator
Service Gateway
File IO
Akka Streams
Akka Persistence
Akka Actors Camel
Developer UI /
Akka Cluster
Play JPA / Slick
Integration Technologies
• Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM
• Focused on right sized services
• Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class
• Highly productive developmentenvironment
• Takes you all the way to production
Next Steps! Download and try Lagom!
Project Site:
GitHub Repo:
Written for architects and developers that must quickly gain
a fundamental understanding of microservice-based
architectures, this free O’Reilly report explores the journey
from SOA to microservices, discusses approaches to
dismantling your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a
Reactive microservice:
• Isolate all the Things
• Act Autonomously
• Do One Thing, and Do It Well
• Own Your State, Exclusively
• Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing
• Stay Mobile, but Addressable
• Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems

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CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers
CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java DevelopersCQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers
CQRS and Event Sourcing for Java Developers

This document discusses CQRS and event sourcing patterns for Java developers. It begins with an overview of classical monolithic architectures versus modern microservice architectures. It then contrasts CRUD with CQRS, explaining that CQRS separates reads from writes by using commands for writes and queries for reads. Events evolve from commands and represent things that occurred in the past. The document provides an example implementation using the Lagom framework that demonstrates separating the write side from the read side and persisting events. It emphasizes that with this approach, all state changes are stored as events and the current state can be recreated by replaying events. The document encourages the use of Lagom due to benefits like asynchronous programming, developer productivity, and production readiness.

Lagom in Practice
Lagom in PracticeLagom in Practice
Lagom in Practice

"It’s open source. It’s highly opinionated. Build greenfield microservices and decompose your Java EE monolith like a boss." Lightbend (formerly Typesafe) has come up with their own framework, Lagom, for architecting microservices based systems. With Lagom, Lightbend wants to take up the competition with the Spring Cloud stack. Lagom is built upon Akka and Play and focuses on reactive and message-driven APIs, distributed persistence with Event Sourcing and CQRS and high developer productivity. On the 10th of March a first MVP version has been released with a Java API, the Scala API is being worked on. This workshop acts as an introduction to Lagom during which we will have a look at developing and deploying Lagom microservices. As a warm-up, you could check out the newest blogpost on the JWorks Tech Blog: Github repo with presentation: Blogpost Lagom: First Impressions and Initial Comparison to Spring Cloud: Podcast Lightbend Podcast Ep. 09: Andreas Evers test drives Lagom in comparison with Spring Cloud:

Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere
Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with MesosphereHyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere
Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility with Mesosphere

Kirk Marty, Enterprise Sales Engineer at Mesosphere introduction to Hyperscale Computing, Enterprise Agility at Lightbend's Chicago Reactive Roundtable. Learn more:

The detailed example in this report is based on Lagom, a
new framework that helps you follow the requirements for
building distributed, reactive systems.
• Get an overview of the Reactive Programming model and
basic requirements for developing reactive
• Learn how to create base services, expose endpoints,
and then connect them with a simple, web-based user
• Understand how to deal with persistence, state, and
• Use integration technologies to start a successful
migration away from legacy systems
• Understand the challenges of starting a greenfield
development vs tearing apart an existing brownfield
application into services
• Examine your business domain to see if microservices would
be a good fit
• Explore best practices for automation, high availability, data
separation, and performance
• Align your development teams around business capabilities
and responsibilities
• Inspect design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, or
shared resources to model service interactions
@YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @myfear
@YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @myfear

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Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take youNine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you

Virtual JUG Session: With Microservices taking the software industry by storm, classical Enterprises are forced to re-think what they’ve been doing for almost a decade. It’s not the first time, that technology shocked the well-oiled machine to it’s core. We’ve seen software design paradigms changing over time and also project management methodologies evolving. Old hands might see this as another wave that will gently find it’s way to the shore of daily business. But this time it looks like the influence is bigger than anything we’ve seen before. And the interesting part is, that microservices aren’t new from the core. Talking about compartmentalization and introducing modules belongs to the core skills of architects. Our industry also learned about how to couple services and build them around organizational capabilities. The really new part in microservices based architectures is the way how truly independent services are distributed and connected back together. Building an individual service is easy with all technologies. Building a system out of many is the real challenge because it introduces us to the problem space of distributed systems. And the difference to classical, centralized infrastructures couldn’t be bigger. There are very little concepts from the old world which still fit into a modern architecture. And there are more differences between Java EE and distributed and reactive systems. For example, APIs are inherently synchronous, so most Java EE app servers have to scale by adding thread pools as so many things are blocking on I/O (remote JDBC calls, JTA calls, JNDI look ups, even JMS has a lot of synchronous parts). As we know adding thread pools doesn't get you too far in terms of scalability. This talk is going to explore the nine most important differences between classical middleware and distributed, reactive microservices architectures and explains in which cases the distributed approach takes you, where Java EE never would.

10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager
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10 Golden Social Media Rules for Developer Relations Manager

Social media is great. Being in contact with people from all over the world and being able to help your community from everywhere is nothing short but amazing. Yet, there are a few things to keep in mind to use these tools to their full extend without failing. This session introduces you to some very basic communication skills and walks you through the 10 golden rules in social media.

social mediarules
Reducing Microservice Complexity with Kafka and Reactive Streams
Reducing Microservice Complexity with Kafka and Reactive StreamsReducing Microservice Complexity with Kafka and Reactive Streams
Reducing Microservice Complexity with Kafka and Reactive Streams

My talk from ScalaDays 2016 in New York on May 11, 2016: Transitioning from a monolithic application to a set of microservices can help increase performance and scalability, but it can also drastically increase complexity. Layers of inter-service network calls for add latency and an increasing risk of failure where previously only local function calls existed. In this talk, I'll speak about how to tame this complexity using Apache Kafka and Reactive Streams to: - Extract non-critical processing from the critical path of your application to reduce request latency - Provide back-pressure to handle both slow and fast producers/consumers - Maintain high availability, high performance, and reliable messaging - Evolve message payloads while maintaining backwards and forwards compatibility.


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Taking the friction out of microservice frameworks with Lagom

  • 1. @myfear Taking the friction out of microservice frameworks with Lagom Markus Eisele @myfear
  • 5. @myfear “We used the right tools to build the wrong things.”
  • 6. @myfear Rather than acting on data at rest, modern software increasingly operates on data in near real-time.
  • 7. @myfear Asynchronous, non-blocking, real-time, highly-available, loosely coupled, scalable, fault-tolerant, concurrent, reactive, event- driven, push instead of pull, distributed, low-latency, high throughput…...
  • 10. @myfear “All this hype about microservices makes me sad. And not about the concept, but about the name. As I wrote before, “micro” in “microservices” means absolutely nothing. What is worse, it confuses everybody. Again and again I see people focusing on “micro” and falling into nanoservices trap.” Eugene Kalenkovich
  • 12. @myfear Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̀ːɡɔm]) is a Swedish word meaning "just the right amount". The Lexin Swedish-English dictionary defines lagom as "enough, sufficient, adequate, just right".
  • 14. @myfear “We need to build systems for flexibility and resiliency, not just efficiency and robustness.
  • 15. @myfear Not really: Lagom is opinionated! • Use context bounds as boundaries for services! (Domain Driven Design) • The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing) • Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS) • Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive) • Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development setup) • Takes you all the way to production!
  • 17. @myfear Read Side Write Side Service Interfaces User views data in the UI User makes a change in the UI commandquery response Update data store changes CQRS at a glance
  • 18. @myfear • We implementour aggregateroots as Persistent Entities • Persistent Entities will receive commands • Triggered by a command, Persistent Entities will change their state • Example: Add a friend, remove a friend Lagom-Services and Persistent Entities
  • 19. @myfear • Lagom allows you to scale out by forming a cluster of nodes • Nodes can be added and removed dynamically • Lagom allows you to scale out by distributing your Persistent Entities in the cluster Lagom Cluster
  • 20. @myfear Event Sourcing - storing deltas • Every state change is materialized in an Event • All events are stored in an Event Log • Current state is constructed by replaying all events • No object-relational impedancemismatch • Bullet-proof auditing and historical tracing • Support future ways of looking at data • Performance and scalability • Testability
  • 21. @myfear Read Side is derived from Event-Log • Events forwarded to read side to build different representations • ElasticSearch • SQL, de-normalized • Stream Processor / Analytics • BI • OLAP • …
  • 22. @myfear Event Sourcing with Lagom Persistence revisited • Keep all data in memory! • Store all state changes as events • Replay all events of an actor to recreate it • Strong consistency for Actor (aggregate) and Journal • Eventual Consistency for Read Side
  • 23. @myfear Lagom-Services are Reactive • Asynchronous I/O • Asynchronous communication as first class • WebSocket support • Reactive Streams support • Distributed by default • Built-on Akka Clustering, Sharding, Persistence
  • 24. @myfear Developer Support • Run all microservices at once • Embedded Cassandra DB • Intra-service communicationvia service locator • Hot reloading
  • 25. @myfear Java API Scala API Client Libraries Protocols Programming Model Kafka Cassandra JDBC Service Locator Service Gateway Security Play JMS REST TCP/UDP File IO Akka Streams Akka Persistence SOAP Play SOAP Akka Actors Camel Spark Streaming Lagom RP Integra-tion Developer UI / REPL Akka Cluster Play JPA / Slick FTP SMTP Integration Technologies
  • 26. @myfear • Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM • Focused on right sized services • Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class priorities • Highly productive developmentenvironment • Takes you all the way to production Recap.
  • 27. @myfear Next Steps! Download and try Lagom! Project Site: GitHub Repo: Documentation: Example:
  • 28. @myfear Written for architects and developers that must quickly gain a fundamental understanding of microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly report explores the journey from SOA to microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a Reactive microservice: • Isolate all the Things • Act Autonomously • Do One Thing, and Do It Well • Own Your State, Exclusively • Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing • Stay Mobile, but Addressable • Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems
  • 29. @myfear The detailed example in this report is based on Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the requirements for building distributed, reactive systems. • Get an overview of the Reactive Programming model and basic requirements for developing reactive microservices • Learn how to create base services, expose endpoints, and then connect them with a simple, web-based user interface • Understand how to deal with persistence, state, and clients • Use integration technologies to start a successful migration away from legacy systems
  • 30. @myfear • Understand the challenges of starting a greenfield development vs tearing apart an existing brownfield application into services • Examine your business domain to see if microservices would be a good fit • Explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance • Align your development teams around business capabilities and responsibilities • Inspect design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, or shared resources to model service interactions