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  W3C APIs
   By Alexandre Morgaut
JS.everywhere(2012) Europe
•   Wakanda Community manager

•   W3C AC member

•   Web Architect

•   JS Expert, REST Lover, NoSQL Fanboy

•   W3C “jseverywhere“ community group

• The World Wide Web
• The Standards
• Server-Side JavaScript
• Web Applications
• Now & Tomorrow
The World Wide Web

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Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5 (PowerPoint Version)
Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5 (PowerPoint Version)Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5 (PowerPoint Version)
Moving to the Client - JavaFX and HTML5 (PowerPoint Version)

The document discusses the history and features of HTML5 and how it can be integrated with JavaFX. It provides examples of displaying HTML content in JavaFX using different approaches like the WebView, JavaFX builders, GroovyFX, ScalaFX and Visage. It also describes how to call JavaScript from JavaFX and respond to browser events.

Michael North "Ember.js 2 - Future-friendly ambitious apps, that scale!"
Michael North "Ember.js 2 - Future-friendly ambitious apps, that scale!"Michael North "Ember.js 2 - Future-friendly ambitious apps, that scale!"
Michael North "Ember.js 2 - Future-friendly ambitious apps, that scale!"

Ember.js is being adopted more and more broadly as time passes, and is an excellent choice for highly complex data-driven UIs. With the recent release of the "2.0" version of the framework, things are faster, smarter, and easier than ever. With a focus on productivity and reducing the number of trivial decisions developers must make while building an app, it's astonishing how quickly one can get up and running, and how well the abstractions hold up as the codebase scales in size and complexity. I'd like to give a general overview of Ember, and pause to reflect on some important differences that may be important when considering what the best tool is for your project.

Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)
Write Powerful Javascript Modules To Make Your Apps DRY (Brian Leathem)

Large-scale Javascript applications benefit from a modular approach that let code be reused both within the application and across repeated implementations. In this session, we'll look at the modular approach used to build reusable Javascript modules in the Red Hat mobile field workforce management application (WFM) showcased in this year's Summit middleware keynote demo. Reusable modules for WFM are packaged as node package manager (npm) modules, providing a consistent format for both server and client sides using Node.js and Browserify. Modules are loosely coupled using the Mediator pattern and they broadcast user actions and state changes giving the application and other modules the opportunity to hook into those events. Additionally, visual components are packaged in a framework-agnostic manner, providing reusable UI components. You'll leave this session understanding the challenges faced when building reusable modules for large-scale applications, and the solutions employed in building out the reusable WFM modules.

The Web
• WWW: WorldWideWeb
  (aka “Hypertext Project”)

 • UDI: Uniform Document Identifier
 • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
 • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
• created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee
• Representational State Transfer
 • Client-Server
 • Stateless, Cache, Uniform Interface
 • Layered System
 • Code on Demand: JavaScript
• defined in 2000 by Roy Thomas Fielding
Web Standards
• Created at the MIT in 1994
• Led by Tim Berners-Lee and Dr. Jeffrey Jaffe
• Joint agreement among three "Host Institutions"
 • MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
• Working Groups
 • HTML, MathML, RDF, SVG, CSS, Audio, Device...

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Microservices: Yes or not?
Microservices: Yes or not?Microservices: Yes or not?
Microservices: Yes or not?

Whar are microservices and microservices architecture (MSA) How we reach them? Are they the same or SoA or not? When to use them? What are the key characteristics? Slides of my talk given in #Gapand2017 in Andorra

How You Convince Your Manager To Adopt Scala.js in Production
How You Convince Your Manager To Adopt Scala.js in ProductionHow You Convince Your Manager To Adopt Scala.js in Production
How You Convince Your Manager To Adopt Scala.js in Production

Dave Sugden and Katrin Shechtman of BoldRadius presented this talk at Scala By The Bay 2015. The talk will present fully functional sample application developed with Scala.js, scalatags, scalacss and other Scala and Typesafe technologies. We aim to show all the pros and cons for having Scala coast-to-coast approach to web-application development and encourage people not to shy away from asking difficult questions challenging this approach. Participants can expect to gain a clear view on the current state of the Scala based client side technologies and take away an activator template with application code that could be used as a base for technical discussions with their peers and managers.

typesafe stackjavascala
Mean stack
Mean stackMean stack
Mean stack

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript framework that simplifies and accelerates web application development using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. It discusses each component of the MEAN stack in detail, including their features and advantages. The key advantages are that MEAN allows for fast development of robust and maintainable web applications using a single programming language across both front-end and back-end. However, MongoDB is not as robust as an SQL database and JavaScript lacks coding guidelines.

• Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
• created by Jon Postel and Joyce K. Reynolds
• department of ICANN Names and Numbers)
  (Internet Corporation for Assigned

• manages
 • Domain Names, IP Addresses, Protocol registries
• MIME Media Types
 • application, text, image, multipart...

• Internet Engineering Task Force
• organized activity of the Internet Society (ISOC)
• cooperates with W3C & ISO/IEC
• manages the RFCs (Request For Comments)
 • DNS, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, Zlib, Cookie, Atom
•   European Computer Manufacturers Association

•   Standards
    •   CD-ROM, ECMAScript, C#, Office Open XML File Formats

•   JavaScript

    •   ECMA-262 aka ECMAScript aka ISO/IEC 16262

    •   TC39-TG1 managed by Mr. J. Neumann

    •   E4X: ECMAScript for XML

    •   ECMAScript Internationalization API

    •   Test262

•   Web Standards Project

•   founded in 1998 by Georges Olsen, Glenn Davis, & Jeffrey Zeldman

•   convinced in 2001
    Microsoft, Netscape, Opera & other browsers to support
    HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS1, and ECMAScript

•   AcidTests (by Ian Hickson)

    •   1: HTML 4 & CSS 1

    •   2: CSS 1 & CSS 2

    •   3: HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, CSS 2.1, DOM 2, ECMAScript 3.1

        •   Today last versions of all major Browsers 100% compliant

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The Dark Side of Single Page Applications
The Dark Side of Single Page ApplicationsThe Dark Side of Single Page Applications
The Dark Side of Single Page Applications

The story of all the pitfalls we had while transferring from the good old web to a Backbone single page application... and all the great solutions we've came up with

ruby on railsjavascript
Gwt overview & getting started
Gwt overview & getting startedGwt overview & getting started
Gwt overview & getting started

This document provides an overview of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), including why it was created, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to install, set up, and test GWT projects. GWT allows developers to write client-side code in Java that is compiled into optimized JavaScript, enabling complex Java code to run in browsers. It aims to solve issues with traditional AJAX development by eliminating JavaScript errors and allowing code reuse between the client and server. The document discusses GWT's installation process, creating and testing projects in development and production modes, and deploying projects to application servers.

gwtgoogle web tool kitgoogle
MEAN Stack
MEAN StackMEAN Stack
MEAN Stack

The document discusses the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript platform for building modern web applications. It is composed of MongoDB (M) as the database, Express.js (E) as the backend framework, AngularJS (A) as the frontend framework, and Node.js (N) as the runtime environment. The document provides descriptions of each component, why the MEAN stack is useful, how to deploy a MEAN application to Heroku cloud, and some tips on getting started and potential limitations.

•   Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

•   founded in 2004 by individuals from Apple, the Mozilla & Opera

•   Led by Ian Hickson

•   Created to work on
    HTML5 based on Web Apps 1.0 + Web Forms 2.0 while the W3C
    choose to concentrate on XHTML

•   HTML being a living standard (no more versions)

•   Proposed

    •   Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Sockets, ...

•   New W3C working group created in 2007 to work on HTML5

•   WHATWG & W3C editions of HTML5 can have some differences
•   created in 2009 by Kevin Dangoor as ServerJS on Mozilla Wiki

    •   standards for JavaScript on the server

    •   Narwhal, Helma NG, v8CGI, GPSEE, chiron, Persevere

•   Renamed CommonJS

    •   command line tools, desktop, addon, or browser implementations

    •   joined by CouchDB, Wakanda, Sproutcore, node.js, RequireJS...

•   Modules, Packages, and Promises

•   Binary, FileSystem, System, I/O stream, Socket I/O

•   Browser like APIs: worker, console, HTTP client
Server-Side JavaScript
• Mozilla SpiderMonkey
• Mozilla Rhino
• Webkit JavaScriptCore
• Google V8
• Microsoft Chakra
• Opera Carakan

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This document discusses Micronaut, an application framework for building microservices and serverless applications. It provides 10 things that can be done with Micronaut, including building microservices, serverless applications, CLI apps, and native images with GraalVM. Micronaut aims to be reflection-free and runtime proxy-free for improved performance, supporting ahead-of-time compilation. It allows for dependency injection, HTTP clients, messaging with Kafka, JDBC access, metrics, tracing, and OpenAPI documentation.

Anatomy of a Modern Node.js Application Architecture
Anatomy of a Modern Node.js Application Architecture Anatomy of a Modern Node.js Application Architecture
Anatomy of a Modern Node.js Application Architecture

This document provides an overview of the typical components and architecture of a modern Node.js application, including web and application servers, a queue, worker servers, databases, caches, and how to monitor transactions as they flow through the distributed system. It also describes how to configure AppDynamics to monitor errors, transactions, hardware resources, calls to external services and databases, and end user experience for Node.js applications.

node.jsapplication monitoringnode.js architecture
Play 2 Java Framework with TDD
Play 2 Java Framework with TDDPlay 2 Java Framework with TDD
Play 2 Java Framework with TDD

This document provides an overview of the Play 2 Java framework, including: - A brief introduction to Play and how it allows building web apps with Java and Scala in a lightweight, scalable way based on Akka - A live coding demo showing building a basic app that retrieves user data from GitHub's API - Discussion of deploying the demo app to Heroku cloud platform - Recommendation to ask further questions later via email

play-framework javatdd

• ECMAScript

• CommonJS
• Microsoft IIS
• Persevere
• Jaxer
• node.js
• Wakanda
• RingoJS
• SilkJS
NoSQL Databases
• CouchDB
• MongoDB
• Riak
• WakandaDB
• ArangoDB
• OrientDB
More than 60
Server-Side JavaScript

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Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019

3 hour deep dive presentation by Micronaut creator, Graeme Rocher, at Devoxx Belgium 2019 showing how to use advanced features such as Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), compiler plugins and so on. Associated YouTube video can be found at

MEAN Stack - Introduction & Advantages - Why should you switch to MEAN stack ...
MEAN Stack - Introduction & Advantages - Why should you switch to MEAN stack ...MEAN Stack - Introduction & Advantages - Why should you switch to MEAN stack ...
MEAN Stack - Introduction & Advantages - Why should you switch to MEAN stack ...

What's so popular about MEAN stack? And why should you switch to MEAN stack development for your next project? This ppt answers both the questions.

meanmean stackmongo db
Reactjs Introduction - Virtual DOM
Reactjs Introduction - Virtual DOMReactjs Introduction - Virtual DOM
Reactjs Introduction - Virtual DOM

The document discusses React JS and provides an introduction and overview. It defines React as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that renders UI and responds to events using the virtual DOM. It describes some key features of React including being able to perform on both the client-side and server-side. It also discusses components, JSX syntax, pros and cons of React, and reasons why one may or may not want to use React.

Web Application “1.0”
• XMLHttpRequest 2    • Web Cryptography
• Blob                • ImageData
• File / FileSystem   • Typed Arrays
• Web SQL             • Storage Quota
• Web Storage         • System Information
• Web Workers         • URL
• Web Sockets         • WebCL

“This section proposes mechanisms for
transferring pixel data between WebCL
memory objects and HTML media elements.
Server-side or Web Worker based
implementations of WebCL will not be
required to support these features.”
“This document was on the W3C
Recommendation track but specification work
has stopped. The specification reached an
impasse: all interested implementors have
used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we
need multiple independent implementations
to proceed along a standardisation path.”


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Introduction to MERN
Introduction to MERNIntroduction to MERN
Introduction to MERN

This ppt is all about the MERN stack in JavaScript. So, will first discuss: What is Mern, what is MongoDB, expressJS,reactJS and nodeJS. Also, I bit more discussed the Installation process. Getting the MERN stacks will sure increase your web development skills in 2020.

What is Mean Stack Development ?
What is Mean Stack Development ?What is Mean Stack Development ?
What is Mean Stack Development ?

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript solution for building web applications. It consists of MongoDB (a NoSQL database), Express (a Node.js web application framework), AngularJS (a client-side framework), and Node.js (a JavaScript runtime). The document discusses each component, how they work together, advantages like using a single programming language throughout and ability to build fast applications, and disadvantages like MongoDB not being as robust as SQL databases. It concludes that MEAN provides a fast, easy way to create modern, responsive dynamic web sites.

mean stackmean stack training
End-to-end W3C APIs
End-to-end W3C APIsEnd-to-end W3C APIs
End-to-end W3C APIs

This document discusses the standardization of JavaScript across client and server environments. It outlines the history and roles of organizations like W3C, IETF, ECMA, and WHATWG in developing web standards. It describes how CommonJS and implementations like Node.js, RingoJS, and SilkJS have standardized JavaScript modules and APIs for servers. Many W3C web APIs can now be used both client-side through workers and server-side, improving code sharing across environments.

“This document was on the W3C
Recommendation track but specification work
has stopped. The specification reached an
impasse: all interested implementors have
used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we
need multiple independent implementations
to proceed along a standardisation path.”

“This document was on the W3C
Recommendation track but specification work
has stopped. The specification reached an
impasse: all interested implementors have
used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we
need multiple independent implementations
to proceed along a standardisation path.”


     Should we define a JSDBC API?
Async & Sync
• XMLHttpRequest(method, url, async)
• FileReaderSync()
• requestFileSystemSync()
• openDatabaseSync()
• localStorage.getItem()

“The synchronous database API methods
provide a blocking access pattern to IndexedDB
databases. Since they block the calling
thread they are only available from

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End-to-end W3C APIs - tpac 2012
End-to-end W3C APIs - tpac 2012End-to-end W3C APIs - tpac 2012
End-to-end W3C APIs - tpac 2012

- Web Worker context compared to SSJS context - Mixte Synchronous / Asynchronous APIs - Making Existing Client-side JS APIs recommendations adaptable to the server context - Defining W3C recommendation for Server-side JavaScript APIs? - Remote debugging for Remote (Server) Workers - Potential common package/module format support (CommonJS, AMD, ECMAScript 6) - DOM Events, ProgressEvent, EventSource, Server Events (EventEmitter?), & Client Events - Feedback on previous work at CommonJS and from some SSJS implementations - Feedback on our experiences in the Wakanda implementation - start the activity of the community group

commonjshtml5server-side javascript
Apereo OAE - Bootcamp
Apereo OAE - BootcampApereo OAE - Bootcamp
Apereo OAE - Bootcamp

The Apereo OAE Bootcamp offers an introduction into back-end and front-end development for the Apereo OAE project. The back-end development part focuses on learning the different extension points behind the scenes in the service layer of OAE. A back-end component for OAE that exposes a REST API is built from scratch. Back-end development topics include: - Node.js NPM module system - OAE back-end application life-cycle - Data-modelling with Apache Cassandra and writing CQL queries from Node.js - Using the OAE APIs to expose back-end functionality for the web VIA RESTful APIs - Writing back-end unit tests using Grunt and Mocha. If time permits, the following will also be covered: - Integrating with OAE's ElasticSearch query and index functionality - Integrating with OAE's Activity and Notifications functionality - Integration with OAE's Admin Configuration functionality The front-end development part focuses on writing a UI widget using the REST APIs developed in the back-end development part. Front-end development topics include: - Integrating with the OAE Widget loading system - Writing internationalizable templates with TrimPath and the widget i18n and l10n functionality - Interacting with the core OAE UI APIs - Using bootstrap 3 to design responsive UI layouts for your widgets - Writing front-end unit tests using Grunt and CasperJS

open academic environmentdevelopmentapereo
Be faster then rabbits
Be faster then rabbitsBe faster then rabbits
Be faster then rabbits

The document discusses various topics related to web development including Java principles, Spring frameworks, PHP, high-load web applications, mobile backend as a service (mBaas), web frameworks, Java web development frameworks like JSF and GWT, rendering on the server-side vs client-side, distribution of work between designers and developers, web browsers and their support for HTML5 and CSS3, programming languages, GUI frameworks, AngularJS, testing tools like JUnit, and build tools like Maven, Ant, and Ivy.

javajeeweb frameworks
Web Workers
• Dedicated or Shared
• No Window, No Document
• WorkerGlobal, WorkerUtils
• WorkerNavigator, WorkerLocation
• postMessage(), onmessage(), onerror()
• importScripts()

• Server JS contexts == Workers
 • multi-threaded -> Dedicated Workers
 • single threaded EventLoop -> Shared
• Server JS contexts === Remote JS Workers
Now & Tomorrow
• W3C
 • Web Worker
• CommonJS
 • Modules
 • System, fs, binary, IO, Unit Test
• Other: console

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Node and Azure
Node and AzureNode and Azure
Node and Azure

Node.js is a platform for building scalable network applications using JavaScript. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many simultaneous connections. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Common uses of Node.js include building web servers, real-time web applications, IoT applications, and microservices. Node.js applications are deployed to cloud platforms like Heroku, Nodejitsu, and Microsoft Azure.

nodejs javascript azure web
01/2009 - Portral development with liferay
01/2009 - Portral development with liferay01/2009 - Portral development with liferay
01/2009 - Portral development with liferay

Portal Development with Liferay provides an overview of Liferay portal and its features. Liferay is an open source enterprise portal built on Java technologies that provides out of the box tools like wikis, blogs, and document management. It supports standards like AJAX, portlets, and web services. Developers can use the plugin SDK to rapidly develop and deploy portlets and themes or create a custom extension environment. Liferay has been widely adopted by organizations and supports technologies like caching, clustering, and web services to ensure security and performance at scale.

Node.js Assistant:

node.jsevent basedweb development

• W3C
 • XMLHttpRequest
• CommonJS
 • Modules
• W3C via modules
 • XMLHttpRequest (node-xmlhttprequest)
 • Web Sockets (node-websocket-client)
 • DOM (node-o3-fastxml), IndexedDB (perstore)
• CommonJS
 • Modules, Packages
• Other: console
• W3C
 • XMLHttpRequest, WindowTimer,
 • Web Storage, Web Worker,
 • File, FileSystem, Blob, ...
• CommonJS
 • Modules, System, Unit Test
• Other: console
Wakanda extensions

• Web Storage
 • sessionStorage + & storage
• Web Workers
 • Worker & SharedWorker + SystemWorker

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After the LAMP, it's time to get MEAN
After the LAMP, it's time to get MEANAfter the LAMP, it's time to get MEAN
After the LAMP, it's time to get MEAN

The LAMP stack is a well know and ubiquitous web development stack, but have you heard of MEAN? It's an up and coming stack that's unified by a single language, JavaScript. Learn the basic components of the MEAN stack as well as practical use case and applications.

End-to-end HTML5 APIs - The Geek Gathering 2013
End-to-end HTML5 APIs - The Geek Gathering 2013End-to-end HTML5 APIs - The Geek Gathering 2013
End-to-end HTML5 APIs - The Geek Gathering 2013

This document summarizes a presentation about end-to-end HTML5 APIs. It discusses the history of the web and standards including HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, REST, W3C, ECMA, and CommonJS. It then covers using JavaScript on the server with engines like SpiderMonkey, Rhino and V8. HTML5 APIs that can be used both client-side and server-side with JavaScript are presented, including Web Workers, Web Sockets and remote debugging. Finally, implementations of server-side JavaScript like Node.js and Wakanda are compared, and the potential for shared client-server JavaScript APIs through a W3C community group is discussed.

html5server-side javascriptjavascript
Introduction to ASP.NET 5
Introduction to ASP.NET 5Introduction to ASP.NET 5
Introduction to ASP.NET 5

- ASP.NET 5 is the next generation of Microsoft's web framework that aims to address limitations of the current ASP.NET stack such as limited hosting possibilities and dependency on IIS. - It features a modular architecture based on OWIN and Katana that decouples the application from the server and allows hosting on non-IIS platforms like Linux. - Key improvements include cross-platform support, a more developer-friendly experience with features like no-compile debugging, and an emphasis on performance and light weight deployment through tools like the K command line.

JavaScript Context

CommonJS (, require, ...)

Worker (importScripts, WindowTimer, ...)
•   ECMAScript is already everywhere

•   Modules: CommonJS already standard, AMD, ECMAScript 6

•   Many W3C APIs already applicable server-side

•   Same APIs means
    ➡ better learning curve
    ➡ more shared libraries / modules
    ➡ DRY -> shared Model work Offline
Client and Server JavaScript APIs
     W3C Community Group

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Alexandre Morgaut
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Alexandre Morgaut
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End to-end W3C - JS.everywhere(2012) Europe

  • 1. End-to-end W3C APIs By Alexandre Morgaut JS.everywhere(2012) Europe
  • 2. Presentation • Wakanda Community manager • W3C AC member • Web Architect • JS Expert, REST Lover, NoSQL Fanboy • W3C “jseverywhere“ community group @amorgaut
  • 3. Agenda • The World Wide Web • The Standards • Server-Side JavaScript • Web Applications • Now & Tomorrow
  • 5. The Web • WWW: WorldWideWeb (aka “Hypertext Project”) • UDI: Uniform Document Identifier • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol • created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee
  • 6. REST • Representational State Transfer • Client-Server • Stateless, Cache, Uniform Interface • Layered System • Code on Demand: JavaScript • defined in 2000 by Roy Thomas Fielding
  • 8. W3C • Created at the MIT in 1994 • Led by Tim Berners-Lee and Dr. Jeffrey Jaffe • Joint agreement among three "Host Institutions" • MIT, ERCIM, Keio University • Working Groups • HTML, MathML, RDF, SVG, CSS, Audio, Device...
  • 9. IANA • Internet Assigned Numbers Authority • created by Jon Postel and Joyce K. Reynolds • department of ICANN Names and Numbers) (Internet Corporation for Assigned • manages • Domain Names, IP Addresses, Protocol registries • MIME Media Types • application, text, image, multipart...
  • 10. IETF • Internet Engineering Task Force • organized activity of the Internet Society (ISOC) • cooperates with W3C & ISO/IEC • manages the RFCs (Request For Comments) • DNS, FTP, HTTP, SMTP, Zlib, Cookie, Atom
  • 11. ECMA • European Computer Manufacturers Association • Standards • CD-ROM, ECMAScript, C#, Office Open XML File Formats • JavaScript • ECMA-262 aka ECMAScript aka ISO/IEC 16262 • TC39-TG1 managed by Mr. J. Neumann • E4X: ECMAScript for XML • ECMAScript Internationalization API • Test262
  • 12. WaSP • Web Standards Project • founded in 1998 by Georges Olsen, Glenn Davis, & Jeffrey Zeldman • convinced in 2001 Microsoft, Netscape, Opera & other browsers to support HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS1, and ECMAScript • AcidTests (by Ian Hickson) • 1: HTML 4 & CSS 1 • 2: CSS 1 & CSS 2 • 3: HTML 4, XHTML 1.0, CSS 2.1, DOM 2, ECMAScript 3.1 • Today last versions of all major Browsers 100% compliant
  • 13. WHATWG • Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group • founded in 2004 by individuals from Apple, the Mozilla & Opera • Led by Ian Hickson • Created to work on HTML5 based on Web Apps 1.0 + Web Forms 2.0 while the W3C choose to concentrate on XHTML • HTML being a living standard (no more versions) • Proposed • Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Sockets, ... • New W3C working group created in 2007 to work on HTML5 • WHATWG & W3C editions of HTML5 can have some differences
  • 14. CommonJS • created in 2009 by Kevin Dangoor as ServerJS on Mozilla Wiki • standards for JavaScript on the server • Narwhal, Helma NG, v8CGI, GPSEE, chiron, Persevere • Renamed CommonJS • command line tools, desktop, addon, or browser implementations • joined by CouchDB, Wakanda, Sproutcore, node.js, RequireJS... • Modules, Packages, and Promises • Binary, FileSystem, System, I/O stream, Socket I/O • Browser like APIs: worker, console, HTTP client
  • 16. Engines • Mozilla SpiderMonkey • Mozilla Rhino • Webkit JavaScriptCore • Google V8 • Microsoft Chakra • Opera Carakan
  • 18. Servers • Microsoft IIS • Persevere • Jaxer • node.js • Wakanda • RingoJS • SilkJS
  • 19. NoSQL Databases • CouchDB • MongoDB • Riak • WakandaDB • ArangoDB • OrientDB
  • 20. More than 60 Server-Side JavaScript implementations
  • 22. HTML5 APIs • XMLHttpRequest 2 • Web Cryptography • Blob • ImageData • File / FileSystem • Typed Arrays • Web SQL • Storage Quota • Web Storage • System Information • Web Workers • URL • Web Sockets • WebCL
  • 23. WebCL “This section proposes mechanisms for transferring pixel data between WebCL memory objects and HTML media elements. Server-side or Web Worker based implementations of WebCL will not be required to support these features.”
  • 24. Web SQL “This document was on the W3C Recommendation track but specification work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation path.”
  • 25. Web SQL “This document was on the W3C Recommendation track but specification work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation path.”
  • 26. Web SQL “This document was on the W3C Recommendation track but specification work has stopped. The specification reached an impasse: all interested implementors have used the same SQL backend (Sqlite), but we need multiple independent implementations to proceed along a standardisation path.” Should we define a JSDBC API?
  • 27. Async & Sync • XMLHttpRequest(method, url, async) • FileReaderSync() • requestFileSystemSync() • openDatabaseSync() • • localStorage.getItem()
  • 28. IndexedDB “The synchronous database API methods provide a blocking access pattern to IndexedDB databases. Since they block the calling thread they are only available from workers.”
  • 29. Web Workers • Dedicated or Shared • No Window, No Document • WorkerGlobal, WorkerUtils • WorkerNavigator, WorkerLocation • postMessage(), onmessage(), onerror() • importScripts()
  • 30. Concept • Server JS contexts == Workers • multi-threaded -> Dedicated Workers • single threaded EventLoop -> Shared • Server JS contexts === Remote JS Workers
  • 32. RingoJS • W3C • Web Worker • CommonJS • Modules • System, fs, binary, IO, Unit Test • Other: console
  • 33. SilkJS • W3C • XMLHttpRequest • CommonJS • Modules
  • 34. node.js • W3C via modules • XMLHttpRequest (node-xmlhttprequest) • Web Sockets (node-websocket-client) • DOM (node-o3-fastxml), IndexedDB (perstore) • CommonJS • Modules, Packages • Other: console
  • 35. Wakanda • W3C • XMLHttpRequest, WindowTimer, • Web Storage, Web Worker, • File, FileSystem, Blob, ... • CommonJS • Modules, System, Unit Test • Other: console
  • 36. Wakanda extensions • Web Storage • sessionStorage + & storage • Web Workers • Worker & SharedWorker + SystemWorker
  • 37. Server-Side JavaScript Context CommonJS (, require, ...) Worker (importScripts, WindowTimer, ...)
  • 38. Summary • ECMAScript is already everywhere • Modules: CommonJS already standard, AMD, ECMAScript 6 • Many W3C APIs already applicable server-side • Same APIs means ➡ better learning curve ➡ more shared libraries / modules ➡ DRY -> shared Model work Offline
  • 39. Client and Server JavaScript APIs W3C Community Group