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Are you ready for more Website visitors? Best Practices to realistically load test your applications beyond the firewall  Hari Ramachandran, Project Manager, Cognizant Colin Mason  -  Product Manager, Gome z
Cognizant   Testing   Services
Need for Positive User Experience Internet users has increased from 360 Million in 2000 to 1.8 billion in 2009. Around Twenty Five per cent of the world’s population now use the Internet. North America (74%) has the highest penetration.
User Expectations Not Met at Peak Times Impact the Business 67% of online consumers expect consistently good experiences at peak times  regardless  of website traffic, but their expectations are not met Poor web experiences at peak times impacts revenue, brand & loyalty 78%   of consumers  have gone to a competitor site due to poor performance at peak times After a poor experience 42%  have discussed it with family, friends, peers or online 47%   left with a less positive perception of the company 88%   of online consumers  are less likely to return to a site Total Sample (N=1538)

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Defect Analytics & Statistical Trends
Defect Analytics & Statistical TrendsDefect Analytics & Statistical Trends
Defect Analytics & Statistical Trends

This document introduces defect analytics and statistical trends (DAST), a quality model for defect management and measurement. DAST focuses on defect reporting, resolution, and generating reports from a defect data mart to analyze metrics and trends. These reports are used to guide defect prevention, improve quality and productivity, and support go/no-go decisions for releases.

defect metricsdata martdefect analysis
Demand forecasting case study
Demand forecasting case studyDemand forecasting case study
Demand forecasting case study

This document discusses using machine learning for demand forecasting in supply chain management. It begins by outlining problems with traditional forecasting methods and high errors affecting business decisions. It then proposes using machine learning algorithms that can learn from large datasets to more accurately model demand. Key steps discussed include collecting internal and external data, pre-processing data, building and comparing regression models, and developing a technical architecture to provide ongoing demand forecasting capabilities. The goals are to reduce errors, optimize inventory levels and pricing, and improve profits.

How to Forecast with Limited Historical Data
How to Forecast with Limited Historical DataHow to Forecast with Limited Historical Data
How to Forecast with Limited Historical Data

Product Managers and Demand Planners often find themselves in the position of forecasting demand of new products with unavailable historical information. This presentation will discusses how demand of analogous products can be used to arrive at more accurate forecasts using “Forecasting By Historical Analogy.”

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Many of the industry’s largest merchants suffered site slowdowns or other problems in 2009 Non Functional Requirement’s are not properly defined and tested Web server/App Server/Middleware/Database server are not properly configured Database is not properly tuned Application is not designed to scale for huge volumes Infrastructure is not properly sized 3rd party components or services components  didn’t scale under load
Make informed  business decisions  about capacity,  third-party components & services, or future expansions plans Verify  response-time and end-user experience under load Find   problems  and bottlenecks before real  end-users are impacted Mitigate risk  when launching promotions, rolling-out new applications or features, upgrading  or virtualizing infrastructure, or anticipating seasonal spikes in web traffic Protect online revenue  when it matters most, at peak times Ensure performance and availability  of key transactions across geographies, for expected user load and beyond Why Performance Testing is Critical? Ensure  success of critical Web-based business initiatives Validate  speed, scalability and stability Deploy  applications, new features & infrastructure with confidence
The Challenge of Delivering Web Applications Response time should be less than 2 seconds Application should be available 24*7 Application should support X concurrent users Infrastructure should be shared CDNs, external 3rd party components & services outside the firewall should also meet SLAs The  Web Application Delivery Chain Major ISP Local ISP Mobile  Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Users Storage Web  Servers App  Servers DB  Servers Mainframe Load  Balancers Mobile  Components Network
Performance Testing – Maturity Levels

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Risk based quality management

The document discusses risk based quality management in clinical trials. It summarizes the EMA Reflection Paper on Risk Based Quality Management, which encourages a more systematic, prioritized, risk-based approach to quality management. The paper endorses the use of central statistical monitoring to identify risks and ensure data integrity. Several quality management tools are also described, including check sheets, control charts, Pareto charts, scatter plots, Ishikawa diagrams, histograms. Other related topics like quality management systems and standards are listed for further reading.

Demand forecasting
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Demand forecasting

This document discusses demand forecasting techniques. It outlines the objectives of demand forecasting such as understanding the role and reasons for forecasting. It then describes various qualitative and quantitative forecasting methodologies including surveys, sales force composites, exponential smoothing, and regression analysis. Finally, it discusses measuring forecast accuracy using metrics like mean error and developing control limits to monitor forecast performance.

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Analyze Phase Roadmap (Level 3)

A detailed roadmap through the Analyze phase of the DMAIC methodology that navigates the user through the various tools and concepts for leading a Six Sigma project.

When to Performance Test in Development Lifecycle  Requirement Analysis Gather the Non Functional requirements – Involve all stakeholders Convert the business requirements into measurable performance Development Early Performance Testing/ Component Level Performance Testing Application Profiling Design Architectural Benchmarking Software benchmarking Hardware benchmarking Integration & Testing Pre Production Performance Testing – Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing, Endurance Testing, Volume Testing, Real End User Testing Implementation Application Performance Monitoring Performance Benchmarking
Recommendations For Successful Performance Testing  Start early in the project lifecycle Gather Application  Usage Statistics  - Workload Analysis, Business critical transactions, User locations , Resource utilization Define Performance Testing objectives Identify the right tool for Performance testing  Tool Inside the firewall – HP Loadrunner, Micro focus SilkPerformer, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Microsoft VSTS, Radview Webload, Neotys NeoLoad, OpenSTA, Jmeter Outside the firewall – Gomez Reality Load Have Production like environment Scripting – Parameterization, Correlation, Error  validation, Smoke Tests Deploy Monitors to collect server side statistics Execute Baseline tests,  Plan for iterative Performance testing
Performance   Testing & Problem Diagnosis Design Phase : Architecture Performance Benchmarking Application prototype was becnhamarked on the planned production environment Early identification of design issues and uncovered major performance risk posed by the third-party products  saving huge cost and effort  Company:  Real Estate and Relocation Services Building a new online real-estate transaction management system Perform End to End performance Testing Excessive Threads Spawned High Virtual Memory Usage After implementing Thread Pooling & Fix Patches From Third-Party Components
Performance   Testing & Problem Diagnosis Development Phase: Early Performance Testing Early identification of critical code-level performance issues resulted in significant cost and effort saving for all stakeholders After fixing, the application code was stable and enabled increased scalability and better performance It is seen that the available memory goes down as the number of loaded assemblies increases Number of loaded assemblies keeps increasing throughout the test, although the same transactions are repeatedly executed Heap dump data showing many dynamically loaded assemblies in the heap Memory dumps show that there are many dynamically generated XMLSerializer assemblies present in memory Cache the XMLSeraliazer objects after creation, so they are not created every time. This avoids multiple creation of assemblies With the fix, the number of assemblies load stabilizes 5 minutes after the test, while without the fix, it grows continuously

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Common mistakes when implementing and deploying SPC by PQ Systems, and how to avoid them. Blackberry&Cross is partner of PQ Systems since 2007.

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Data Acquisition: A Key Challenge for Quality and Reliability Improvement

The document discusses challenges with data acquisition for quality and reliability analysis. It presents a 5-step process called DEUPM for targeted data acquisition: 1) Define the problem, 2) Evaluate existing data, 3) Understand data acquisition opportunities and limitations, 4) Plan data acquisition and analysis, 5) Monitor, clean data, analyze and validate. An example of using this process to validate the reliability of a new washing machine design within 6 months is provided to illustrate the steps. The process aims to ensure data acquisition is disciplined and sufficient to answer reliability questions.

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Demand Forecasting Within The Grocery Industry
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Demand Forecasting Within The Grocery Industry

The document provides a guide for demand forecasting within the grocery industry. It outlines objectives to create an easy to use guide applicable across trading environments. The guide provides a framework for demand forecasting and improving processes. It discusses partnerships, processes, technology, people and maturity profiles to increase benefits and collaborative forecasting. Case studies on companies like Sanitarium and P&G/Franklins demonstrate improved forecast accuracy and inventory levels from collaborative forecasting.

Performance   Testing & Problem Diagnosis Integration & Testing Phase: Pre-Production Performance Testing  Application Server configurations where optimized for optimal settings after iterative test execution cycle. This eliminated high CPU utilization of the systems Reduced the CPU utilization of the application server from 95% to around 20% Availability of the system was improved from 87% to around 99% Sudden drop in throughput after 70 users indicating a bottleneck. CPU Utilization also peaks indicating the server side bottleneck
Web applications increasingly assembled at browser level 3rd party performance from ads, videos, shopping cart vary widely under load Content Delivery Network configuration and effectiveness impact end-user experience Web Application Delivery In A Web 2.0 World
The Challenge of Ensuring Quality Web Experiences Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Traditional zone  of control The  Web Application Delivery Chain Network peering problems Outages Inconsistent geo performance Bad performance under load Blocking content delivery Incorrect geo-targeted content Configuration issues Oversubscribed POP Poor routing optimization Low cache hit rate Network peering problems Bandwidth throttling Inconsistent connectivity Configuration errors Application design issues Code defects Insufficient infrastructure Poorly performing JavaScript Browser/device incompatibility Page size  too big Too many objects Low cache  hit rate Network resource shortage  Faulty content transcoding  SMS routing / latency issues  Systems management tools: “OK” … user is NOT happy Traditional zone  of control
Gomez Load Testing 2.0 :  On-Demand Realistic Load Testing High volume load (HTTP, Browser) Find infrastructure breaking points Define capacity headroom Real-world load Find user experience breaking points Accurately measure response time Major ISP Local ISP Mobile  Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web  Servers App  Servers DB  Servers Mainframe Load  Balancers Mobile  Components Network

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This document provides a summary of John Lazcano's expertise and experience in risk analysis and regulatory compliance. It lists his areas of expertise as structured credit, stress testing, validation, compliance, audit, CCAR, regulatory issues, and Dodd-Frank/Basel regulations. It then gives an overview of his background in credit risk analysis and comparative risk assessment across industries. Finally, it outlines his extensive experience in model validation, risk reporting, stress testing, data management, and ensuring regulatory compliance at financial institutions.


Risks are potential problems that might affect the successful completion of a software project. Risks involve uncertainty and potential losses. Risk analysis and management are intended to help a software team understand and manage uncertainty during the development process. The important thing is to remember that things can go wrong and to make plans to minimize their impact when they do. The work product is called a Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management Plan (RMMM).

Sales forcecasting ppt
Sales forcecasting pptSales forcecasting ppt
Sales forcecasting ppt

This presentation discusses sales forecasting. It defines sales forecasting as predicting future sales based on past demand information. The presentation outlines the steps in sales forecasting as defining objectives, analyzing important factors, selecting methods, collecting data, implementing decisions, and revising forecasts. Both qualitative methods like executive opinion, Delphi method, and surveys, and quantitative methods like moving averages, exponential smoothing, decomposition, and regression analysis are covered. The conclusion emphasizes that sales forecasting can increase revenue, profitability, and customer base for businesses.

Gomez Network:  The World’s Most Comprehensive Performance and Testing Network  Web Performance Management and Load Testing  100+ locations Backbone Cross-Browser Testing  500+ browser/OS combo’s 5,000+ supported devices Virtual Test Bed Web Performance Management and Load Testing  100,000+ locations Gomez Last Mile
Company:  Online Retailer Several 3rd Parties now involved in serving up key content Goal was to validate performance of entire application Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3 rd- party External Errors 2 Major ISP Local ISP Mobile  Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web  Servers App  Servers DB  Servers Mainframe Load  Balancers Mobile  Components Network
Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3 rd- party External Errors cont 3rd party hardware was insufficient for overall demands on application Based on SLAs 3rd party had to improve performance to get paid The load increases throughout the test The transaction rate increases and then falls off as response times climb Errors are seen, all on a 3 rd  party object
Company:  Regional Online News Source Began testing for the 2008 election season Goal was to validate overall performance focusing in 2 key regions Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Regional Response Time Discrepancies under Load - Case Study 3 Major ISP Local ISP Mobile  Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web  Servers App  Servers DB  Servers Mainframe Load  Balancers Mobile  Components Network

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Risk Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Risk Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides Risk Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Risk Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This complete presentation has a set of thirty two slides to show your mastery of the subject. Use this ready-made PowerPoint presentation to present before your internal teams or the audience. All presentation designs in this Risk Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides have been crafted by our team of expert PowerPoint designers using the best of PPT templates, images, data-driven graphs and vector icons. The content has been well-researched by our team of business researchers. The biggest advantage of downloading this deck is that it is fully editable in PowerPoint. You can change the colors, font and text without any hassle to suit your business needs.

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Cost optimized reliability test planning rev 7
Cost optimized reliability test planning rev 7Cost optimized reliability test planning rev 7
Cost optimized reliability test planning rev 7

This document summarizes a webinar on cost-optimized reliability test planning and decision-making through Bayesian methods. The webinar covered: 1. A brief review of Bayesian statistics and how it allows incorporating prior knowledge to optimize test planning. 2. Examples of how Bayesian methods can reduce required sample sizes for reliability testing compared to classical methods. 3. How Bayesian analysis allows improved comparative reliability decision-making between systems by properly accounting for relative failure rates. The webinar provided specific examples of applying Bayesian priors and posteriors to reliability testing problems to reduce testing time and costs while maintaining or improving reliability assessment.

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Identify Root Causes – C&E Matrix
Identify Root Causes – C&E MatrixIdentify Root Causes – C&E Matrix
Identify Root Causes – C&E Matrix

An extension of the topic on identifying root causes by showing how the C&E Matrix is used after a C&E diagram and 5 Whys for building a DCP.

By traditional Load Test 1.0 standards the test passed Page response times stayed under 4 seconds, outside of one brief blip There was only 1 page error and 11 errors total out of 60000+ transactions Increase and hold load and not exceed response times of 4 seconds and Success Rate of 99% No Performance Issues Detected From Datacenter
Last Mile data showing substantial number of measurements greater than 4 seconds  Performance Issues Detected When Using Real User Desktops Key geographies for this customer are  New York and Pennsylvania
Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Poor Response Time for Top Revenue-Generating Regions The response time never met the 4 second average goal. Availability was Less than 99%. Top Revenue-generating geographies were New York and Pennsylvania. By Load Testing 2.0 standards the test failed.
Load Testing 2.0 versus Load Testing 1.0 Capability Load Test 1.0 HTTP traffic behind the firewall Load Test 2.0 Real-Desktops Last Mile High Volume Datacenters  Accuracy of End-User Response Time Incomplete Most Accurate Ability to drive large load volume Limited- requires too much hardware Better - SaaS model Understand CDN Impact No Yes Understand 3 rd  Party  (ads, feeds, shopping carts, analytics,  cloud providers..) No Yes Real-world load to uncover geo discrepancies No Yes Visibility  behind the firewall Better Good Pre-production Testing Better Used closer to deployment --to test under realistic conditions Client-Server Testing Yes No

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MSA – Attribute ARR Test
MSA – Attribute ARR TestMSA – Attribute ARR Test
MSA – Attribute ARR Test

An extended review on the series on building a MSA, this covers the 3rd step of analyzing the results by using the Attribute ARR test.

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One of the objectives of Idexcel’s Test Policy is to provide a cost effective and efficient software testing process to its customers.

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Rl Partner Webinar To Share
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Rl Partner Webinar To Share

Provide On-Demand, Real World Load Testing to Your Customers — Become a Gomez Partner Today Do you know that 57% of application problems are found outside the corporate environment, by actual customers and prospects? Can your customers accurately test and measure end-user experience across geographies and locations under load? Are you testing your customer’s applications from outside the firewall to find problems anywhere in the application delivery chain? Can your customers see the impact of 3rd party content and services, such as CDNs, ISPs, ecommerce components on their web applications performance? Ensuring great experiences for today’s rich and complex Web 2.0 applications requires a new approach to performance testing. Forrester Research calls it “Realistic Performance Testing” — easy to use, delivered on-demand, and able to identify and resolve problems that behind-the-firewall testing tools miss. You can review these slides and find out more about Gomez’s Realistic Performance Testing Solutions, and learn how to drive more professional service revenue while delivering greater value to your customers as a valued Gomez Partner. As a Gomez Partner you’ll have the tools necessary to solve the quality assurance challenges posed by today’s rich internet applications. Become a valued Gomez Partner to •Drive consulting revenue for test definition, script development, test execution and analysis, and problem resolution services •Complement existing inside the firewall testing offerings, by providing realistic testing from an “outside-in” end-user perspective •Differentiate yourself by offering the only solution that tests and measures from 100,000+ real user desktops •Gain real-time performance insight when end-users’ experience degrades under load to offer more value to your customers •Help your customers quickly identify and resolve critical Web application performance issues across the entire application delivery chain

performance testingload testingreality load
Find Out How Gomez + Cognizant Can Help You Sign Up Now For Your Free Load Test   Reality Load XF Test from browser to datacenter, with drill down to internal & external application components SaaS with no investment or maintenance costs and rapid payback Full browser testing across globally distributed geographies Cognizant Testing Services to complement your Reality Load investment. Business and technical side expertise to provide accelerated results. Over 500+ dedicated Performance Testing Professionals to deliver services you need from across the globe.

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Are You Ready For More Visitors Cognizant Gomez Jan20

  • 1. Are you ready for more Website visitors? Best Practices to realistically load test your applications beyond the firewall Hari Ramachandran, Project Manager, Cognizant Colin Mason - Product Manager, Gome z
  • 2. Cognizant Testing Services
  • 3. Need for Positive User Experience Internet users has increased from 360 Million in 2000 to 1.8 billion in 2009. Around Twenty Five per cent of the world’s population now use the Internet. North America (74%) has the highest penetration.
  • 4. User Expectations Not Met at Peak Times Impact the Business 67% of online consumers expect consistently good experiences at peak times regardless of website traffic, but their expectations are not met Poor web experiences at peak times impacts revenue, brand & loyalty 78% of consumers have gone to a competitor site due to poor performance at peak times After a poor experience 42% have discussed it with family, friends, peers or online 47% left with a less positive perception of the company 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site Total Sample (N=1538)
  • 5. Many of the industry’s largest merchants suffered site slowdowns or other problems in 2009 Non Functional Requirement’s are not properly defined and tested Web server/App Server/Middleware/Database server are not properly configured Database is not properly tuned Application is not designed to scale for huge volumes Infrastructure is not properly sized 3rd party components or services components didn’t scale under load
  • 6. Make informed business decisions about capacity, third-party components & services, or future expansions plans Verify response-time and end-user experience under load Find problems and bottlenecks before real end-users are impacted Mitigate risk when launching promotions, rolling-out new applications or features, upgrading or virtualizing infrastructure, or anticipating seasonal spikes in web traffic Protect online revenue when it matters most, at peak times Ensure performance and availability of key transactions across geographies, for expected user load and beyond Why Performance Testing is Critical? Ensure success of critical Web-based business initiatives Validate speed, scalability and stability Deploy applications, new features & infrastructure with confidence
  • 7. The Challenge of Delivering Web Applications Response time should be less than 2 seconds Application should be available 24*7 Application should support X concurrent users Infrastructure should be shared CDNs, external 3rd party components & services outside the firewall should also meet SLAs The Web Application Delivery Chain Major ISP Local ISP Mobile Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Users Storage Web Servers App Servers DB Servers Mainframe Load Balancers Mobile Components Network
  • 8. Performance Testing – Maturity Levels
  • 9. When to Performance Test in Development Lifecycle Requirement Analysis Gather the Non Functional requirements – Involve all stakeholders Convert the business requirements into measurable performance Development Early Performance Testing/ Component Level Performance Testing Application Profiling Design Architectural Benchmarking Software benchmarking Hardware benchmarking Integration & Testing Pre Production Performance Testing – Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing, Endurance Testing, Volume Testing, Real End User Testing Implementation Application Performance Monitoring Performance Benchmarking
  • 10. Recommendations For Successful Performance Testing Start early in the project lifecycle Gather Application Usage Statistics - Workload Analysis, Business critical transactions, User locations , Resource utilization Define Performance Testing objectives Identify the right tool for Performance testing Tool Inside the firewall – HP Loadrunner, Micro focus SilkPerformer, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Microsoft VSTS, Radview Webload, Neotys NeoLoad, OpenSTA, Jmeter Outside the firewall – Gomez Reality Load Have Production like environment Scripting – Parameterization, Correlation, Error validation, Smoke Tests Deploy Monitors to collect server side statistics Execute Baseline tests, Plan for iterative Performance testing
  • 11. Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis Design Phase : Architecture Performance Benchmarking Application prototype was becnhamarked on the planned production environment Early identification of design issues and uncovered major performance risk posed by the third-party products saving huge cost and effort Company: Real Estate and Relocation Services Building a new online real-estate transaction management system Perform End to End performance Testing Excessive Threads Spawned High Virtual Memory Usage After implementing Thread Pooling & Fix Patches From Third-Party Components
  • 12. Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis Development Phase: Early Performance Testing Early identification of critical code-level performance issues resulted in significant cost and effort saving for all stakeholders After fixing, the application code was stable and enabled increased scalability and better performance It is seen that the available memory goes down as the number of loaded assemblies increases Number of loaded assemblies keeps increasing throughout the test, although the same transactions are repeatedly executed Heap dump data showing many dynamically loaded assemblies in the heap Memory dumps show that there are many dynamically generated XMLSerializer assemblies present in memory Cache the XMLSeraliazer objects after creation, so they are not created every time. This avoids multiple creation of assemblies With the fix, the number of assemblies load stabilizes 5 minutes after the test, while without the fix, it grows continuously
  • 13. Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis Integration & Testing Phase: Pre-Production Performance Testing Application Server configurations where optimized for optimal settings after iterative test execution cycle. This eliminated high CPU utilization of the systems Reduced the CPU utilization of the application server from 95% to around 20% Availability of the system was improved from 87% to around 99% Sudden drop in throughput after 70 users indicating a bottleneck. CPU Utilization also peaks indicating the server side bottleneck
  • 14. Web applications increasingly assembled at browser level 3rd party performance from ads, videos, shopping cart vary widely under load Content Delivery Network configuration and effectiveness impact end-user experience Web Application Delivery In A Web 2.0 World
  • 15. The Challenge of Ensuring Quality Web Experiences Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Zone of customer expectation Traditional zone of control The Web Application Delivery Chain Network peering problems Outages Inconsistent geo performance Bad performance under load Blocking content delivery Incorrect geo-targeted content Configuration issues Oversubscribed POP Poor routing optimization Low cache hit rate Network peering problems Bandwidth throttling Inconsistent connectivity Configuration errors Application design issues Code defects Insufficient infrastructure Poorly performing JavaScript Browser/device incompatibility Page size too big Too many objects Low cache hit rate Network resource shortage Faulty content transcoding SMS routing / latency issues Systems management tools: “OK” … user is NOT happy Traditional zone of control
  • 16. Gomez Load Testing 2.0 : On-Demand Realistic Load Testing High volume load (HTTP, Browser) Find infrastructure breaking points Define capacity headroom Real-world load Find user experience breaking points Accurately measure response time Major ISP Local ISP Mobile Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web Servers App Servers DB Servers Mainframe Load Balancers Mobile Components Network
  • 17. Gomez Network: The World’s Most Comprehensive Performance and Testing Network Web Performance Management and Load Testing 100+ locations Backbone Cross-Browser Testing 500+ browser/OS combo’s 5,000+ supported devices Virtual Test Bed Web Performance Management and Load Testing 100,000+ locations Gomez Last Mile
  • 18. Company: Online Retailer Several 3rd Parties now involved in serving up key content Goal was to validate performance of entire application Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3 rd- party External Errors 2 Major ISP Local ISP Mobile Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web Servers App Servers DB Servers Mainframe Load Balancers Mobile Components Network
  • 19. Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3 rd- party External Errors cont 3rd party hardware was insufficient for overall demands on application Based on SLAs 3rd party had to improve performance to get paid The load increases throughout the test The transaction rate increases and then falls off as response times climb Errors are seen, all on a 3 rd party object
  • 20. Company: Regional Online News Source Began testing for the 2008 election season Goal was to validate overall performance focusing in 2 key regions Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Regional Response Time Discrepancies under Load - Case Study 3 Major ISP Local ISP Mobile Carrier Internet Content Delivery Networks 3rd Party/ Cloud Services Browsers and devices Users Storage Web Servers App Servers DB Servers Mainframe Load Balancers Mobile Components Network
  • 21. By traditional Load Test 1.0 standards the test passed Page response times stayed under 4 seconds, outside of one brief blip There was only 1 page error and 11 errors total out of 60000+ transactions Increase and hold load and not exceed response times of 4 seconds and Success Rate of 99% No Performance Issues Detected From Datacenter
  • 22. Last Mile data showing substantial number of measurements greater than 4 seconds Performance Issues Detected When Using Real User Desktops Key geographies for this customer are New York and Pennsylvania
  • 23. Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Poor Response Time for Top Revenue-Generating Regions The response time never met the 4 second average goal. Availability was Less than 99%. Top Revenue-generating geographies were New York and Pennsylvania. By Load Testing 2.0 standards the test failed.
  • 24. Load Testing 2.0 versus Load Testing 1.0 Capability Load Test 1.0 HTTP traffic behind the firewall Load Test 2.0 Real-Desktops Last Mile High Volume Datacenters Accuracy of End-User Response Time Incomplete Most Accurate Ability to drive large load volume Limited- requires too much hardware Better - SaaS model Understand CDN Impact No Yes Understand 3 rd Party (ads, feeds, shopping carts, analytics, cloud providers..) No Yes Real-world load to uncover geo discrepancies No Yes Visibility behind the firewall Better Good Pre-production Testing Better Used closer to deployment --to test under realistic conditions Client-Server Testing Yes No
  • 25. Find Out How Gomez + Cognizant Can Help You Sign Up Now For Your Free Load Test Reality Load XF Test from browser to datacenter, with drill down to internal & external application components SaaS with no investment or maintenance costs and rapid payback Full browser testing across globally distributed geographies Cognizant Testing Services to complement your Reality Load investment. Business and technical side expertise to provide accelerated results. Over 500+ dedicated Performance Testing Professionals to deliver services you need from across the globe.

Editor's Notes

  1. Key themes: load testing helps ensure success of critical web based initiatives by reducing risk when launching promotions, rolling out new apps, upgrading infrastructure and anticipating seasonal spikes in traffic Talk track How much risk can your organization accept when launching new web-based initiatives? Whether it’s rolling out a new website or application, launching a major marketing campaign, upgrading or virtualizing infrastructure, or preparing for seasonal spikes in traffic, load testing helps you reduce risk and ensure success. Load testing ensures that your key web pages and transactions perform under load across all the geographic locations you care about. Problems across the entire web application delivery chain can be found and fixed prior to launch – maximizing revenue and protecting your brand. With today’s on-demand “2.0” solutions, load testing is accessible to more organizations and departments than ever before
  2. Last updated or created: Nov ‘09 Changed title Changed script Key themes: State main benefits we deliver to companies Gomez offers a SaaS-based, easy-to-access solution Gomez is a healthy, established, market leader. Talk track Here is a brief overview of Gomez. We help organizations deliver quality experiences to their Web and mobile users. What is a “quality experience?” Optimal performance and availability – You’ll use Gomez to make your web site fast and always available. For example, one customer reduced page load time from 11 seconds to 3 seconds with Gomez. Quality operation across all users, browsers, devices, and geographies -- You’ll use Gomez to ensure you web and mobile applications work for all of your users, across all the browsers and mobile devices, and across all your key geographies. For example, one customer saves 50% in staff fees We also help you resolve any issues that arise with: Rapid issue notification with actionable diagnostics – if something is wrong with your website, Gomez will alert you immediately, along with diagnostics to help you identify and resolve the root cause. Insight into how these issues affect your business (revenue, brand, cost) – a web site’s performance can be the difference between a sale or a lost customer. One Gomez customer has seen a 10% increase in conversions because of Gomez. Some information about the division: SaaS platform – Gomez is on-demand. No installation required. You get quick startup and rapid payback. And it operates on the world’s most comprehensive testing network – over 100K+ global locations and growing organically every day 2,500+ customers worldwide – Any company who relies on their web or mobile application can benefit from Gomez. We work with very large brands, such as Microsoft, MySpace, Google, and Apple – in fact, 12 of the top 20 visited US sites use Gomez. We also work with as many small companies, ones you’ve probably never heard of. We have experience and experience with all of their businesses, and we share them with you. When you become a Gomez customer, you gain the benefit of that insight. Solid business performance -- Gomez is health and established. When it was an independent company, it had five years of consecutive double digit revenue growth, including 44% in 2008. Offices around the globe. We’re recognized as the industry leader – Forrester calls us “THE leader in Web experience management,” and says we’re in the “on fire” category. Gartner calls us a “cool vendor” to watch. And EMA says Gomez is one of the “few companies who gets it.”
  3. In the past, fewer machines served up the same information on one network that now is distributed The applications have gotten more complex and they’re very distributed The average web application now includes SIX separate web applications and they can have an impact on your brand. Third parties can be ads or videos, marketing tracking of visitors. Most of these applications can perform very differently under load., Sometimes the only place that all of these third parties come together is in a browser on the end user’s machine. CDNs can have wildly different performance in different geographies. The effectiveness of your CDN has a huge impact on your user experience and how your customers view the performance of your application.
  4. Last updated or created: Nov ‘09 Moved firewall to the right; more detail in data center Key themes: Many things can and do go wrong in delivering Web/mobile applications Your customer expects you to control them all – not just what’s in your data center You can control these issues, but you must be aware of them first Talk track What kinds of things can go wrong in this Web application delivery chain ? Unfortunately, there are a long list of possible issues. This slide shows examples of the various issues that can occur at any point along the chain. It’s pretty ugly, because there’s a lot that can go wrong. Some of these can occur inside your firewall, but they won’t show up on system monitoring tools. Have you ever heard of or experienced any of these problems? Are you using any third party or cloud services? Are you using a CDN? Do you know if your application runs on every browser and O/S and mobile device? They happen every day. And the harsh reality is: they change everyday, too. You can get them right one day and something goes wrong the next. Your users expect you to control these issues. If they try to visit your site or run your Web application and it doesn’t work, they hold you responsible. The good news is that all of these issues can be controlled – but first you need to be aware of them. That’s the first step to fixing them and ensuring your user has a positive experience.
  5. Last updated or created: Nov ‘09 Moved firewall to the right; more detail in data center Key themes: Delivering Web/mobile apps is complicated and involves many services. Talk track Why is it your data center monitoring tools can be reporting “green” but your users are unhappy? It’s because of something called “the Web applications delivery chain.” To deliver a Web or mobile application in today’s Internet, you must use a complex set of services and layers that are called the “ Web application delivery chain .” These services must all work together to deliver the application to the user. If any one of them has an issue, your user will have a bad experience. First, your application must go through your major corporate ISP. Then, it travels thru the Internet. Increasingly, Web applications today are using third party or cloud services (we’ve seen companies where their home page has over 20 third party providers or services). It’s also very common to use a Content Delivery Network to accelerate the delivery of the Web application. Eventually, your Web or mobile application goes thru a local ISP or a mobile carrier. Ultimately it reaches your end user or customer, where it has to run on their local device – a computer or smart phone – and in their browser. A few years ago it seemed that only Internet Explorer mattered, but now there are a myriad of browsers on the market and, unfortunately for companies delivering Web applications, they all work a differently.
  6. Key themes: Gomez covers the globe with the most comprehensive testing network We are where your customers are Talk track This is a visual depiction of our global testing network. You can see where our Backbone and Last Mile testing locations are. Our Last Mile locations literally span the globe and allow you to test and monitor from any significant location in the world. And it’s growing every day. You can use these for a combination of monitoring and load testing. You can’t see the locations for the virtual test bed because it’s virtual – i.e. location independent.
  7. All aspects of the user experience delivery chain must be tested Business Impact Customers negatively impacted by Higher response times Time-out errors