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Performance Testing Highlights  Sharad Jain Date – 07 th  Feb 2011
What is Performance Testing Performance testing  – refers to test activities on checking system performance The major objectives of performance testing: To confirm and validate the specified system performance requirements. To check the current product capacity to answer the questions from customers and marketing people. To identify performance issues and performance degradation in a given system
Differences b/w Performance, Load and Stress Test Performance   Test  determine the run time “ behavior ” of the application and its supporting infrastructure, under certain conditions. Performance testing is used to measure several system characteristics, such as processing speed, response time, resource consumption, throughput and efficiency. Load  Test  determine the applications “ behavior under load” , up to and including its limits (not just as its limits). Load tests specifically refers to the load size (number of concurrent users) and related values. Stress Test  determines the application  ability  to handle large amount of data  Stress testing can be much more successful with the full load applied to the server.
Why Performance Testing? Scalability  – Will the application handle the expected load and beyond?  Stability  – Is the application stable under expected and unexpected user loads?  Availability  – Is the application available to the end user without any interruption? Serviceability  – Can the system quickly recover from a Failure? Speed  - Does the application respond quickly. Confidence  – Are you sure that clients will have a positive experience on go-live day?

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The document discusses performance testing. It defines performance testing as determining how fast and stable a system is. It outlines why performance testing is important to identify problems early, prevent revenue and credibility loss from poor performance, and ensure systems meet expectations. It also discusses various performance testing terms, metrics, processes, limitations of manual testing, and benefits of automation using tools like LoadRunner and JMeter.

Types of performance testing
Types of performance testingTypes of performance testing
Types of performance testing

Performance testing validates an application's responsiveness, stability, and other quality attributes under various workloads. It involves load testing, stress testing, endurance testing, spike testing, volume testing, availability testing, and scalability testing. The key parameters analyzed are response time, throughput, and memory utilization. Performance testing helps determine an application's speed, scalability, stability, and ability to handle changes in load and traffic over time.

performance testingspike testingperformance testing types
QA. Load Testing
QA. Load TestingQA. Load Testing
QA. Load Testing

Load testing is done to determine system limits, verify response times under high load, check stability, and predict future needs. Open source tools like JMeter, Yandex Tank, and Taurus can be used. With JMeter, a test plan is created with thread groups, HTTP requests, and listeners to start load testing. Issues like slow responses or server crashes are identified. Short term fixes include restarting servers or tuning configurations, while long term solutions involve moving to the cloud, using caching, or splitting applications into microservices. Other commercial load testing tools are also available from companies like SOASTA and BlazeMeter.

Performance Requirements Following are some representative  performance requirements  which system would be expected to meet  The system should support peak load of x active users and y transactions/sec. (for web based application it could be requests/sec)  At peak load, system response to the X% of users should be Y Sec. System should be able to support 24 X 7 operation (reliability) System should be scalable to meet growth in demand. The response time requirement could vary based on Geographical location of users Connection bandwidth (especially true for Internet users) Transaction complexity.
Performance parameters to consider  Throughput : The number of requests processed per unit time (per second) Latency : The time taken in establishing the network handshake. Efficiency : Throughput - Latency Degradation : The Throughput of the application when the concurrent requests are gradually increased – Test to see if the performance of the application degrades when the number of concurrent requests is increased. Longevity   :  Execute tests for a pre-determined time interval with a pre-determined load. Monitor the health of the application throughout the test execution and check for memory leaks and analyze the GC dump
What Performance Problem may arise ? Memory-related problems: Application uses more memory than it should.  Memory leaks.  Excessive garbage allocation, i.e. application creates a lot of temporary objects.  Code-related problems: Application algorithms are not optimal, and there are performance bottlenecks.  Hardware/Software related Problem:  Hardware you select for your database is not in vendor Hardware Compatibility List
Scalability  This section talks about the impact of scaling up the Hardware resources from the suggested minimum Hardware requirements  Processor impact Database impact I/O impact Network bandwidth Impact

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Why performance testing is important? Introduction to performance testing. Load profiles, metrics Performance testing tools Implementation process Performance testing engineer skills JMeter intro LINKS: About performance testing: Concurrent users calculation: Browser performance: Books for start: “Web Load Testing For Dummies”, Scott Barber with Colin Mason “JMeter Cookbook”, Bayo Erinle

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Load Testing Best Practices

Load Testing Best Practices: Application complexity is increasing, yet the stringent requirements for web performance is increasing exponentially. Learn more about the three major types of load testing, determine which you need and how to conduct them.

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Performance testing
Performance testing Performance testing
Performance testing

BugRaptors Perform performance testing using different types of tools helps determining how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. It can help different purposes like it demonstrates that the system meets performance criteria in any condition.

performance testingstress testingrecovery testing
Processor Impact Single Processor v/s Multi Processor   The  response time  for  searching or archiving  a document decreased by  50 - 80%  on adding an additional processor in a multi-threaded scenario (info based on assumptions)
Data base Impact Single Processor v/s Multi Processor  As the number of concurrent users using application services are increased, it is  observed  that Oracle performs better than MS SQL Server with a 5 - 8% improvement in the performance (info based on assumptions)
I/O Impact I/O has considerable impact on the performance of the Application with 15% to 18% reduction in the response time especially when there are huge reports to be generated on the system .
Network bandwidth Impact A good Network connectivity between the Client, Application Server and database  improves the performance considerably. There was 40% (approx)  improvement in the throughput of the application when the Network Connectivity between Database system and Application Server system was increased from 100 mbps to  1Gbps  (info based on assumptions).

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Performance testing with JMeter

This document discusses performance testing tools and techniques. It defines performance from the perspectives of developers, infrastructure, and end users. Key aspects covered include defining realistic user scenarios, available tools like JMeter, ApacheBench, Gatling and Locust, and the importance of continuous performance testing. The document recommends using the Apdex score as part of your definition of done, specifying good test scenarios, running tests simultaneously, choosing the right tool for your needs, and considering tools like Taurus that enable continuous performance testing.


- JMeter is an open source load testing tool that can test web applications and other services. It uses virtual users to simulate real user load on a system. - JMeter tests are prepared by recording HTTP requests using a proxy server. Tests are organized into thread groups and loops to simulate different user behaviors and loads. - Tests can be made generic by using variables and default values so the same tests can be run against different environments. Assertions are added to validate responses. - Tests are run in non-GUI mode for load testing and can be distributed across multiple machines for high user loads. Test results are analyzed using aggregated graphs and result trees.

Performance Requirement Gathering
Performance Requirement GatheringPerformance Requirement Gathering
Performance Requirement Gathering

The document discusses gathering requirements for performance testing an application. It lists questions to ask about the application type and architecture, test environment, workload model, and performance goals. Key information needs include the application technology, database and server used, network details, protocols, user sessions and load over time, and goals for response times and system utilization under load. The requirements gathered will help determine the appropriate performance tests and pass/fail criteria.

performance testingjmeterloadrunner
Identify the Performance issues Application Code Application Design. JVM settings Application server configuration and usage Web Server Configuration and usage   Database Schema, design, configurations, resource usage, SQLs, Indexes etc OS Resources – CPU, Network, Disk, Memory, OS kernel, Storage etc   Browser settings, Client system, Page size, amount of  data displayed
Performance Bottleneck Sources
Database Server Causes
App Server Causes

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Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Network Causes
Software and Hardware Requirements Hardware Requirement Details of system to be tested Workstation required for load simulation Workstation required for running monitoring utilities Network Equipment (e.g. Router, Firewall, Modems etc.) Software Requirement System Software Load Testing Tools Performance Monitoring utilities Miscellaneous utilities like graph generation etc.
Performance Testing Process Understand system and identify performance requirements Identify performance test objectives. Define performance test strategy: Identify the needs of performance test tools and define performance test environment Write performance test plan Set up the target system and performance test beds Design performance test cases and test suite Performance test execution and data collection Performance analysis and reporting
Performance Testing Approach Performance testing: (during production) Measure and analyze the system performance based on performance test data and results Performance simulation: (pre-production) Study and estimate system performance using a simulation approach Performance measurement at the customer site: (post-production) Measure and evaluate system performance during system operations

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Performance testing with Jmeter
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Performance testing with Jmeter

This document provides an agenda and overview for a performance testing training with JMeter. It begins with an introduction to performance testing, including the purpose and types of performance testing. It then covers getting started with JMeter, including installation, setup, and running JMeter. The remainder of the document outlines the content to be covered, including building test plans with JMeter, load and performance testing of websites, parameterization, adding assertions, and best practices. The goal is to teach participants how to use JMeter to perform various types of performance testing of applications and websites.

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In software engineering, performance testing is in general testing performed to determine how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a particular workload. It can also serve to investigate, measure, validate or verify other quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.

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The Heuristic Test Strategy Model provides a framework for designing effective test strategies. It involves considering four key areas: 1) the project environment including resources, constraints, and other factors; 2) the product elements to be tested; 3) quality criteria such as functionality, usability, and security; and 4) appropriate test techniques to apply. Some common test techniques include functional testing, domain testing, stress testing, flow testing, and scenario testing.

Performance Modeling Project Overview In order to   analyze performance behavior, improve product performance, and serve as the foundation for capacity planning   The overall goal was to design and develop a model that would be: realistic  and  general  enough to be widely applicable across a variety of customer configuration and application scenarios in Altair target market. simple  enough to be easily usable by the field sales and support organizations to assist customers make system configuration decisions possible to  validate  so that it could be applied with confidence.
What  is the resultant deliverable  The resultant of this performance testing exercise is a “ Performance and Scalability document ” with results of the tests performed and hardware recommendations. The document would not be a sizing guide per se but will have: Throughput and scalability numbers for the end users to consume  Test metrics - numbers and graphs related to the tests executed And an internally consumable document containing performance recommendations for the developers to work on. Also, note that the resultant document is not a Sizing guide. But this document will definitely be a good input to the performance team to come up with a sizing guide for the future releases.
Thank You

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Performance testing : An Overview

  • 1. Performance Testing Highlights Sharad Jain Date – 07 th Feb 2011
  • 2. What is Performance Testing Performance testing – refers to test activities on checking system performance The major objectives of performance testing: To confirm and validate the specified system performance requirements. To check the current product capacity to answer the questions from customers and marketing people. To identify performance issues and performance degradation in a given system
  • 3. Differences b/w Performance, Load and Stress Test Performance Test determine the run time “ behavior ” of the application and its supporting infrastructure, under certain conditions. Performance testing is used to measure several system characteristics, such as processing speed, response time, resource consumption, throughput and efficiency. Load Test determine the applications “ behavior under load” , up to and including its limits (not just as its limits). Load tests specifically refers to the load size (number of concurrent users) and related values. Stress Test determines the application ability to handle large amount of data Stress testing can be much more successful with the full load applied to the server.
  • 4. Why Performance Testing? Scalability – Will the application handle the expected load and beyond? Stability – Is the application stable under expected and unexpected user loads? Availability – Is the application available to the end user without any interruption? Serviceability – Can the system quickly recover from a Failure? Speed - Does the application respond quickly. Confidence – Are you sure that clients will have a positive experience on go-live day?
  • 5. Performance Requirements Following are some representative performance requirements which system would be expected to meet The system should support peak load of x active users and y transactions/sec. (for web based application it could be requests/sec) At peak load, system response to the X% of users should be Y Sec. System should be able to support 24 X 7 operation (reliability) System should be scalable to meet growth in demand. The response time requirement could vary based on Geographical location of users Connection bandwidth (especially true for Internet users) Transaction complexity.
  • 6. Performance parameters to consider Throughput : The number of requests processed per unit time (per second) Latency : The time taken in establishing the network handshake. Efficiency : Throughput - Latency Degradation : The Throughput of the application when the concurrent requests are gradually increased – Test to see if the performance of the application degrades when the number of concurrent requests is increased. Longevity : Execute tests for a pre-determined time interval with a pre-determined load. Monitor the health of the application throughout the test execution and check for memory leaks and analyze the GC dump
  • 7. What Performance Problem may arise ? Memory-related problems: Application uses more memory than it should. Memory leaks. Excessive garbage allocation, i.e. application creates a lot of temporary objects. Code-related problems: Application algorithms are not optimal, and there are performance bottlenecks. Hardware/Software related Problem: Hardware you select for your database is not in vendor Hardware Compatibility List
  • 8. Scalability This section talks about the impact of scaling up the Hardware resources from the suggested minimum Hardware requirements Processor impact Database impact I/O impact Network bandwidth Impact
  • 9. Processor Impact Single Processor v/s Multi Processor The response time for searching or archiving a document decreased by 50 - 80% on adding an additional processor in a multi-threaded scenario (info based on assumptions)
  • 10. Data base Impact Single Processor v/s Multi Processor As the number of concurrent users using application services are increased, it is observed that Oracle performs better than MS SQL Server with a 5 - 8% improvement in the performance (info based on assumptions)
  • 11. I/O Impact I/O has considerable impact on the performance of the Application with 15% to 18% reduction in the response time especially when there are huge reports to be generated on the system .
  • 12. Network bandwidth Impact A good Network connectivity between the Client, Application Server and database improves the performance considerably. There was 40% (approx) improvement in the throughput of the application when the Network Connectivity between Database system and Application Server system was increased from 100 mbps to 1Gbps (info based on assumptions).
  • 13. Identify the Performance issues Application Code Application Design. JVM settings Application server configuration and usage Web Server Configuration and usage Database Schema, design, configurations, resource usage, SQLs, Indexes etc OS Resources – CPU, Network, Disk, Memory, OS kernel, Storage etc Browser settings, Client system, Page size, amount of data displayed
  • 18. Software and Hardware Requirements Hardware Requirement Details of system to be tested Workstation required for load simulation Workstation required for running monitoring utilities Network Equipment (e.g. Router, Firewall, Modems etc.) Software Requirement System Software Load Testing Tools Performance Monitoring utilities Miscellaneous utilities like graph generation etc.
  • 19. Performance Testing Process Understand system and identify performance requirements Identify performance test objectives. Define performance test strategy: Identify the needs of performance test tools and define performance test environment Write performance test plan Set up the target system and performance test beds Design performance test cases and test suite Performance test execution and data collection Performance analysis and reporting
  • 20. Performance Testing Approach Performance testing: (during production) Measure and analyze the system performance based on performance test data and results Performance simulation: (pre-production) Study and estimate system performance using a simulation approach Performance measurement at the customer site: (post-production) Measure and evaluate system performance during system operations
  • 21. Performance Modeling Project Overview In order to analyze performance behavior, improve product performance, and serve as the foundation for capacity planning The overall goal was to design and develop a model that would be: realistic and general enough to be widely applicable across a variety of customer configuration and application scenarios in Altair target market. simple enough to be easily usable by the field sales and support organizations to assist customers make system configuration decisions possible to validate so that it could be applied with confidence.
  • 22. What is the resultant deliverable The resultant of this performance testing exercise is a “ Performance and Scalability document ” with results of the tests performed and hardware recommendations. The document would not be a sizing guide per se but will have: Throughput and scalability numbers for the end users to consume Test metrics - numbers and graphs related to the tests executed And an internally consumable document containing performance recommendations for the developers to work on. Also, note that the resultant document is not a Sizing guide. But this document will definitely be a good input to the performance team to come up with a sizing guide for the future releases.

Editor's Notes

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  2. Master Title: Font – Arial, Size - 22pt, Color – Orange (R:244/G:185/B:85) Master Text Style: Font – Arial, Size - 20pt, Color – Grey (R:77/G:77/B:77) Second Level: Font – Arial, Size - 18pt, Color – Grey (R:77/G:77/B:77) Third Level: Font – Arial, Size - 16pt, Color – Grey (R:77/G:77/B:77) Fourth Level: Font – Arial, Size - 16pt, Color – Grey (R:77/G:77/B:77) Fifth Level: Font – Arial, Size - 16pt, Color – Grey (R:77/G:77/B:77)