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Maharshi Shah
Rich Friedman
Why Performance Testing?
Some Statistics
 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2
seconds or less.
 40% of people abandon a website that takes more
than 3 seconds to load.
 A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7%
reduction in conversions.
 If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a
1 second page delay could cost $2.5 million in lost
sales a year.
Performance Testing is Must When…
 High load is expected on application.
 Application has large volume of data.
 Application is sluggish.
 Customer requests it.

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ALPS WG Update - IAB Ad Ops Summit, Fall 2009

Working group status update at the Interactive Advertising Bureau's 2009 Ad Operations Summit in New York, Nov 16, 2009. The Ad Load Performance Scoring (ALPS) working group, with membership from AOL, Yahoo, Microsoft and Google, is developing a method for 'scoring' the load performance of ads, and incorporates best-practices compliance as well as measured load speed.

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Neev Load Testing Services
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This presentation includes: - Why performance matters for digital businesses? - Use Cases for performance / load testing - Load Test Design Considerations - Tools and Technologies - Methodology and Approach - Activities and Deliverables - Load Testing Success Stories

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Titian tech solutions-introduction
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Titian tech solutions-introduction

Titian-tech Solutions is an India-based software testing and QA firm that offers a wide range of testing services including verification and validation, integration testing, product testing, specialized testing, staff augmentation, advisory and consultancy, and trainings. They cater to different client needs across domains and provide flexible solutions through individual contractors or dedicated testing teams at affordable rates. Their goal is to help clients develop high quality products through rigorous testing.

An Example Project
 Scope: Home page, login, search, view profile, edit
profile, article listing, article details, logout.
 Goal: To assess that the system is able to support
4000 users with response time less than or equal to 5
 Additionally, stress testing is to be done to determine
system’s preparedness for high load.
 Minimal or no errors during all tests.
What is Performance Testing?
 Non-functional testing
 Performance testing: To validate speed, scalability
and stability.
 Load testing: To check application behavior under
normal and peak load.
 Stress testing: To evaluate application when it’s
pushed beyond normal conditions.
 Special mentions: Volume testing, spike testing,
endurance testing.
Usual Performance Testing Architecture
Performance Testing Approach
 Gather requirements.
 Prepare a plan.
 Select a tool.
 Prepare and run your performance script.
 Scale your tests if required.
 Analyze results and prepare a report.

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GTech Technology Focus Group organised an event on "Trends and Transformations on Quality Assurance & Quality Control" This presentation was part of that event which explains how to analyse its result using Load Runner

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Going Serverless
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Going Serverless

A simple traditional web application consists of a web server, web client and an optional database. A traditional software developer needs to be aware of the server in which his code runs, because it has to be created, scaled, and maintained. If it goes down at the most critical time, it could result in drastic consequences. When a single application is deployed in a server, there will be lot of unused resources. For example, if a developer deploys a Storm cluster which uses CPU heavily for computation, there will be less use of the hard disk. These servers are not custom made for our applications so there will be resource wastages. The concept of a Serverless Architecture came up as a solution to overcome this problem and a lot of other issues coupled with physical servers. In this Innovation Session, Danula Eranjith, Malinga Perera and Shehan Perera from the Data and Analytics team discuss the Serverless Architecture concept, and how it can be implemented using AWS technologies.

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Performance testing and reporting with JMeter
Performance testing and reporting with JMeterPerformance testing and reporting with JMeter
Performance testing and reporting with JMeter

This document discusses performance testing with JMeter. It provides an introduction to performance testing and why it is important. It describes the tools needed for a performance testing system, including virtual user simulators, system monitoring tools, and application monitoring tools. It then focuses on using JMeter for performance testing, explaining why JMeter is chosen and some basic parameters to consider like response time and throughput.

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Requirements Gathering
 Number of users
 Expected response time
 Environment and test machines setup
 Business critical scenarios to performance test
 Test data
Preparing Test Plan
 Prepare a plan which outlines your performance
testing approach.
 Get it reviewed and approved from client.
Tool Selection
Running and Scaling Tests
 Prepare your script and execute it for large number
of users.
 Monitor server resource consumption while test is
 Use cloud based services like RedLine13 to scale your
performance tests.

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Performance Testing in the Cloud
Performance Testing in the CloudPerformance Testing in the Cloud
Performance Testing in the Cloud

With an increasing number of applications being deployed in the cloud, this trend will soon touch performance testers within every organisation. This presentation will dispel the hype, tell you what you need to know to embrace this opportunity, and answer the following questions: * What are the challenges specifically related to performance testing cloud-based applications? * What are some common performance problems seen in cloud-based applications, and how can you test for them? * How will cloud-based load generators help your performance testing? Don't get left behind! A solid understanding of cloud concepts will be invaluable to your testing career. This presentation was originally given at Iqnite Australia (Melbourne) on October 16th, 2014.

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Introduction to performance testing
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Introduction to performance testing

The document provides an introduction and overview of performance testing. It discusses what performance testing, tuning, and engineering are and why they are important. It outlines the typical performance test cycle and common types of performance tests. Finally, it discusses some myths about performance testing and gives an overview of common performance testing tools and architectures.

performance testing
An Introduction to Performance Testing
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An Introduction to Performance Testing

The document discusses performance testing, including its goals, importance, types, prerequisites, management approaches, testing cycle, activities, common issues, typical fixes, challenges, and best practices. The key types of performance testing are load, stress, soak/endurance, volume/spike, scalability, and configuration testing. Performance testing aims to assess production readiness, compare platforms/configurations, evaluate against criteria, and discover poor performance. It is important for meeting user expectations and avoiding lost revenue.

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Analysis and Reporting
 Keep target audience in mind while reporting.
 Provide detailed analysis based on your observation.
 Try to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and suggest
ways to mitigate them.
 Provide technical details such as throughput,
resource utilization, test parameters etc.
 Report errors if found.
Performance Testing Best Practices
 Test environment should be identical to production
 Application should be functionally stable.
 Monitor server resources consumption.
 Try to mimic the real world scenarios.
Thank You
Contact Info
 Testing Diaries
 Email:
 Website:
 Facebook:
 Twitter: @Testing_Diaries
 RedLine13
 Email:
 Website:
 Facebook:
 Twitter: @redlinethirteen

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[Webinar] Getting Started with Performance Testing

  • 2. Why Performance Testing? Source:
  • 3. Some Statistics  47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.  40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.  A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.  If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could cost $2.5 million in lost sales a year.
  • 4. Performance Testing is Must When…  High load is expected on application.  Application has large volume of data.  Application is sluggish.  Customer requests it.
  • 5. An Example Project  Scope: Home page, login, search, view profile, edit profile, article listing, article details, logout.  Goal: To assess that the system is able to support 4000 users with response time less than or equal to 5 seconds.  Additionally, stress testing is to be done to determine system’s preparedness for high load.  Minimal or no errors during all tests.
  • 6. What is Performance Testing?  Non-functional testing  Performance testing: To validate speed, scalability and stability.  Load testing: To check application behavior under normal and peak load.  Stress testing: To evaluate application when it’s pushed beyond normal conditions.  Special mentions: Volume testing, spike testing, endurance testing.
  • 8. Performance Testing Approach  Gather requirements.  Prepare a plan.  Select a tool.  Prepare and run your performance script.  Scale your tests if required.  Analyze results and prepare a report.
  • 9. Requirements Gathering  Number of users  Expected response time  Environment and test machines setup  Business critical scenarios to performance test  Test data
  • 10. Preparing Test Plan  Prepare a plan which outlines your performance testing approach.  Get it reviewed and approved from client.
  • 12. Running and Scaling Tests  Prepare your script and execute it for large number of users.  Monitor server resource consumption while test is running.  Use cloud based services like RedLine13 to scale your performance tests.
  • 13. Analysis and Reporting  Keep target audience in mind while reporting.  Provide detailed analysis based on your observation.  Try to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and suggest ways to mitigate them.  Provide technical details such as throughput, resource utilization, test parameters etc.  Report errors if found.
  • 14. Performance Testing Best Practices  Test environment should be identical to production environment.  Application should be functionally stable.  Monitor server resources consumption.  Try to mimic the real world scenarios.
  • 16. Contact Info  Testing Diaries  Email:  Website:  Facebook:  Twitter: @Testing_Diaries  RedLine13  Email:  Website:  Facebook:  Twitter: @redlinethirteen R