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Skills | Knowledge | CollaborationSkills | Knowledge | Collaboration
by Mykola Kovsh
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Speaker info
Hi, I’m Mykola Kovsh
PerformanceTesting Departmentat
Testing Centerof Excellence,
Ciklum, Ukraine
•4 yearsin IT
•Performance/ Automation/ Manualtesting
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing engineer skills5
Why performance testing is important?1
Introduction to performance testing. Load profiles, metrics2
Implementation process4
Performance testing tools3
Links and Q&A session
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Why performance testing is important?
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Why performance testing is important
✓ 50% of frustrated users will visit another
website to accomplish their activity and 22%
won't return.
✓ 49% of respondents expect web pages to
load in under 2 seconds.
✓ 30% expect a 1-second response.
✓ 18% expect a site to load immediately.*
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
From user perception point of view
What is a fast web-side?
< 1 second very fast
< 2 seconds quite fast
2-4 seconds acceptable
5-15 seconds slow
>15 seconds too slow
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
How smartphone users react to slow web-sites
Curse at their
phone, 23%
Scream at
their phone,
Throw their
phone, 4%
Behave more
or less
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Cost of poor performance
 If your average sales per hour is
1 minute of downtime is
costing over $80
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Cost of poor performance
 A 1-second page load delay equals*:
16 % decrease in customer
11 % fewer page
7 % loss in
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Cost of poor performance
For example:
✓ John Lewis’s website went down around 3.20 pm on Black Friday - analysts estimated it could
cost £ 2.8m pounds.
✓ Web giant like Amazon would lose as much as $120 000 per minute of downtime.
✓ Microsoft Bing found that a two-second slowdown caused a 4.3 percent reduction in
revenue per user.
✓ Website Shopzilla reduced page load times from 7 seconds to 2 seconds, resulting in a 7–12
percent increase in revenue and 50 percent reduction in hardware costs.
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
When performance testing is needed
✓ The solution is already struggling from performance
✓ The solution have to deal with big amount of concurrent
users presently or in future (~ 300-500 concurrent users and
✓ The solution have a large database or should transfer or
process big amount of data in real time (~ 10 and more
concurrent users).
✓ The solution has complex architecture and a lot of internal
and external integrations running concurrently.
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
2. Introduction to Performance Testing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
✓ Performance Testing - the process of testing to determine the
performance of a software product (ISTQB Foundation).
✓ Performance testing – is a non-functional software testing technique
which determines responsiveness, stability, reliability and resource
usage of system under a certain user load (Wikipedia).
✓ Web load testing is nothing more than exercising a website under a
variety of production-like conditions to determine how it’s going to work
and to identify (and hopefully resolve) problems before your customers
find them (WebLoadTestingForDummies).
Performance testing. Definition
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Determine responsiveness, stability, reliability and resource usage of system
under a certain user load
Demonstrate that the system meets performance criteria (KPIs)
Compare different system configurations and versions to evaluate
performance improvement/degradation.
Performance trends tracking during the time
Determine system behavior under different load
Evaluate the system capacity
Scalability. Determine ability of a system to handle a growing amount of workload
Prepare the application for planned load (e-commerce: Black Friday, Marketing
Campaign. Finance: quarter/annual reporting, etc.)
Find which components of the system perform poorly under certain workload
Goals of performance testing:
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Slow sub-systems / functions (poor response)
Low capacity point
Configuration problems (web-server,
load balancers, db etc)
Dead-lock while simultaneous load
Flawed queue logic
Incorrect synchronization of recourses
Database issues e.g. size, indexing, replication
Memory, space and connections leaks
Poor network configuration
CPU, Memory utilization
Functionality bugs (how system should behave under overload, others).
Performance bottlenecks:
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Functional & Performance testing comparison
# Functional testing Performance testing
To verify the accuracy of the system against
expected results
To verify the behavior of the system at various
load conditions
2 Manual or automated Automated only
3 Could be done without special tools
Special set of tools is used including analyzing
and monitoring ones
4 One user performing all operations Several users performing desired operations
Involvement required from Customer, Tester
and Developer
Involvement required from Customers, Tester,
Developer, DB admins, DevOps
Test environment capacity/size could differ
from Production
Requires close to Production Test
based on:
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing Approaches
Protocol-level Load Generation
(HTTP, Web-sockets, TCP, JDBC,
Device level Load Generation
(User Interface)
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing Approaches
Protocol-level Load Generation
(HTTP, Web-sockets, TCP, JDBC,
Device level Load Generation
(User Interface)
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing Targets
Server-side performance (web, app, database)
Client-side (manual) performance
Network performance
Device performance (hardware: battery consumption, CPU, memory, etc.)
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing Targets
Server-side performance (web, app, database)
Client-side (manual) performance
Network performance
Device performance (hardware: battery consumption, CPU, memory, etc.)
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Server-side performance
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Levels of server-side performance testing
• End-to-End load testing
• Integration Load testing
• Component/API Load testing
• DB performance testing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Types of Performance Testing (load profiles)
Stress/Capacity test
Max Designed Operation Capacity
Volume test
8-72 hours or longer
+ Component Test
+ Reliability /
Recovery Test
Server-side performance
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Client-side (manual) Performance
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Client-side performance testing - testing of one separate page load from client/browser side
Client-side Performance
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More detailed process of page load
Client-side Performance
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
First thing the user sees
Client-side Performance
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Visual Experience
Client-side Performance
1. First Paint 2. First Contentful Paint
3. First Meaningful Paint 4. Visually Complete
based on:
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Client-side Performance
Chrome performance testing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Run client-side performance of the page when there is 0 load.
2. Set performance metrics baselines based on step 1
3. Run client-side performance when there is different load on the server –
during Capacity/Load/Spike etc. tests
4. Compare results with baselines, analyze and summarize possible issues
Flow we suggest:
Client-side Performance
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Load testing metrics
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Load testing metrics (synthetic monitoring)
Application-side Server-side
- Response time
- Throughput (rps/tps/tpm)
- Concurrent users
- Error rate (response code)
- Number of transactions passed/failed
- Network traffic
- Memory
- Network
- Disk
- DB connections
- Logs error, warnings
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Response time = Latency (travelling across a network) + Processing time (system processing
of request)
• Average response time
• Peak response time (max)
• Response time with 95% or other percentile
Response time
Application-side metrics
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Throughput - how many simultaneous
requests/transactions per second/minute application can
 TPS could correlate with response time if requests are
consequent. The longer response – the lower tps
 TPS does not correlate directly with response time if
requests are parallel.
consequent > 1 request – 1 sec response – 1 tps
parallel > 10 requests – 1 sec response – 10 tps
 TPS could be improved by improving response time or
by increasing concurrent users
Throughput (rps/tps/tpm)
Application-side metrics
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Network traffic, Response codes, Error rate
Application-side metrics
Network traffic – shows how much data is flowing back
and forth from your servers (Kbytes or Mbytes / sec).
We can compare this metric to the response-time metric
to see how the throughput affects transaction
Error rate – is the mathematical calculation that
produces a percentage of problem requests compared to
all requests.
It is no standard for tolerable error rate. Some projects
consider 1% error rate successful in case the system can
handle maximum load without crash. Others consider
any errors. Still, few errors is not uncommon, especially
for large load.
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
• You can monitor server-side metrics directly on the server (Linux, Windows)
• You can automate this process creating some monitoring agent to track metrics
• You can use one of monitoring tools:
- CloudWatch (Amazon)
- AppDynamics
- DynaTrace
- NewRelic
- Graylog, etc.
Server-side monitoring tools
*In addition to the server metrics monitoring during the load test (synthetic monitoring), monitoring tools allow
Real User Monitoring (RUM).
RUM is a type of performance monitoring that captures and analyzes each transaction by real users of a website or
application. Unlike synthetic monitoring, RUM never rests. It collects data from each user using every browser
across each request.
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
3. Performance testing tools
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Strong load testing tools should be able
Traffic recorder
Have IDE (console or GUI) which allows:
a) Create Requests of required protocol (HTTP, HTTPs, WS, WSS, JDBC, TCP, AJAX, etc.)
b) Support Transactions – to track time for all static data loading / redirections
c) Create Load Scenarios with ability of parametrization
d) Build different Load Profiles with rump-up and shut-down
e) Have debugger
Load runner engine
Distributed testing
Load test data saving (distributed), including client and server-side metrics
Load test data monitoring in real time
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
- JMeter
- Gatling
- Locust
- The Grinder
- Apachebench
- Artillery
- Tsung
- Vegeta
- Siege
- Boom
- Wrk
Open source load testing tools
According to Load Impact tools comparison research*:
 JMeter, Gatling, Grinder, Tsung and Boom all offer good performance, accuracy and reliability
 Artillery, Locust and Siege have various issues with performance, accuracy and/or reliability
 Performance-wise, Wrk and Apachebench are in a class of their own
 NOTE: None of the tools tested can simulate thousands of VUs on a single machine without significant
degradation in measurement accuracy
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Cloud-based tools:
- BlazeMeter
- LoadImpact
- Loadstorm
- Loadfocus, etc
Commercial load tools
Commercial Combiners:
- HP Loadrunner
- Microsoft TFS
- SmartBear LoadUI
- NeoLoad
- Silk Peformer
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
• Chrome developers tools
• (automatically
run using Docker)
• Performance monitoring and management
systems also can track timing metrics of
the page load (RUM), like NewRelic
Manual performance testing tools
YSlow test example:
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
4. Implementation process
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing process activities
1. Planning
2. Implementing
3. Executing
4. Analyzing and
5. Continuous
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Planning
Identify Performance Acceptance Criteria and KPIs
• Response time for different type of transactions -> a user concern
• Throughput (tps/rps) -> a business concern
• Resource utilization -> a system concern
• Concurrent users number
• Accepted Error rate
• Accepted deviation for response time, resource utilization
• System behavior when overloaded
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Planning
Performance requirement analysis
Bad sample of requirements:
1. Response time should be no more than 4 seconds
2. System should be able to deal with 10 thousands
concurrent users
It is not clear whether:
• Response time should be 4 seconds for all requests?
• What if all response time will be 3.99 seconds?
• What if most request will response with 2 seconds but several with 6 seconds?
• What users do and how often? Open Main page or more?
• What if more than 10 ths. users? System should scale, or new users will be rejected or response time
just increases?
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Planning
Performance requirement analysis
Good sample of requirements:
1. Set average response time for different types of transactions:
• Simple navigation requests - 1 second
• Logging - 2 seconds
• Search and buy - 4 seconds
2. Set deviation - no more than 15%
3. Set failure rate - no more than 1%
4. Set CPU, memory, network, other server-metrics thresholds
5. Set response times, deviation, server-side metrics for different number of users - for
1k, 5k, 10k
6. System should reject new users in case of overload, showing informing message
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Planning
Identify the Test Environment
• Identify the logical and physical production architecture for performance testing
• Compare the both test and production environments while identifying the testing environment
TEST environment MUST BE the same as PROD (or run tests on PROD)
• Get resolve the environment-related concerns if any – using stabs for 3-rd parties or others
• Analyze whether additional tools are required for performance testing, like monitoring tools. Install such
Identify scope of load testing (product parts, 3-rd party services in/out of scope)
Identify technical nuances
• Scheduling services?
• Ping calls
• Client’s internet connection speed?
• Static content hosting: CDN or own servers?
• Target region (USA, Europe, etc.)?
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Planning
Plan and Design Tests
• Identify key usage scenario and workload (Load, Capacity, Spike, etc.)
• Define test data
• Establish metrics to be collected
What transactions to include:
1. Critical transactions
Example: System login, session support
2. Mostly used transactions by real users
Example: System login/logout, main page
3. Business required
Example: some specific feature
4. Risky transactions
Example: Checkout, payment
5. Heavy transactions
Example: File download/upload
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
User Community Modeling Language (UCML) for Performance Test Workloads
1. Planning
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Prerequisites solving
1. Planning
• Add your load generator machine IP(s) into whitelisting (if needed)
• Request test users or create them by yourself
• Request test data (products names, files, etc.)
• Request 3-rd party dependent data (payment cards, etc.)
Configure load-generation environment
The output of this stage is prepared Performance Test Plan
• Environment capacity (CPU, memory) should be enough to run required number of users during
some time
• Setup Master-Slave architecture in case of distributed load testing
• Setup monitoring tools to track load server(s) health during tests running
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
2. Implementing
• Develop performance scripts
• Put assertions points and wait timers to make it a real time scenario
• Run several smoke runs to calibrate scripts to the target environments in accordance with test design
Simulate real users behavior basing on Production usage statistic
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
3. Executing
It very depends on a project, but still we can suggest next
How to choose and run correct load profiles
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
0. Warm up your product servers before load tests run
- Run some short smoke load test for several users
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
1. Run several baseline Load tests to determine benchmark performance metrics
- virtual users: 5-100
- duration: 30-60m
- rump-up – 10m; run – 20m; shutdown – 5m
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
2. Run the Capacity test profile and determine when Capacity point (system limit)
- virtual users: a lot, depends on the system
- duration: 2-3 hours
- rump-up – 2-3 hour; run – NA; shutdown – NA
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
How to understand that you reach Capacity point:
When transactions Response time increases sharply with load increase.
- although load increase, response time should not increase sharply. However, small
deviation is acceptable;
- response time also could start decrease dramatically, what means that you start receive
responses with errors.
When the Error rate increases with load increase
Note: often, small error rate is acceptable (1-3%), especially during large load tests.
Crash of the servers or one of them (web, application, DB, etc).
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Capacity point example
V users: 10 ths.
Status: failed
Error rate: test stopped on 28%
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Capacity point example
V users: 9 ths.
Status: failed
Error rate: test stopped on 49%
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Capacity point example
V users: 8 ths.
Status: passed
Error rate: 0.21% (500 errors
from 236 ths. transactions
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
3. Run the Load test profile with:
- virtual users: 50-80% of Capacity point or/and required load number
- duration: 2-3 hours
- rump-up – 60m; run – 60m; shutdown – 20m
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
4. Run Component tests for each service / micro-service / function separately:
- could be run before or after Endurance test, especially if issues for some service(s) were
- virtual users: firstly, like for Capacity test, then like for Load profile
- duration: 1-2 hours
- rump-up, run and shutdown timings depend on component test profile
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
5. Run the Endurance test profile:
- virtual users: 20-40% of Capacity point
- duration: 8-72 hours
- rump-up – 30m; run – 23р; shutdown – 30m
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
6. Run other types of load testing and play with your scenarios combinations.
- volume test, Spike, Reliability/Recovery, Volume tests
- each of these tests could be run on the first stages, if it is prioritized be business
- run load tests for different user flows combinations
!!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
• In ongoing development -> Verifying and validating
component, queue of components, and integration
related performance & robustness
• Before release -> Verifying and validating the whole
product performance & robustness before release.
• Maintenance -> Verifying and validating architectural,
configurational, capacity-related, db-related, and
integration-related changes
When to perform
3. Executing
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
• Collect and analyze load tests data
• Investigate possible bottlenecks (memory, disk, processor,
process, cache, network, etc.) resource usage like (memory,
CPU, network, etc.)
• Generate the Performance analysis reports
Note: The report form is
- a performance test summary report
- transactions details, hardware utilization, etc.
- the comparison of actual and expected KPIs
• Based on the analysis prepare recommendation report
• Share report with the team and stakeholders
4. Analyzing and reporting
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Step 9 – Report example
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
5. Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration
Build. Unit test
Deploy to Dev Server
Integration Test
Deploy to Test/QA
Automated Functional
Deploy to Load Server
Performance test in CI +
Manual QA Test
Promote to
Stage / Pre-Prod
Ideally, if you have separate
environment for load testing
Note: you can implement
load tests on Stage too, if
it is the same as Prod
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
5. Performance testing engineer skills
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing engineer skills
Goodenough programmingskills (Python,Java,C++etc.)
Loadtoolsandtheirsadvantages/disadvantages(JMeter, LoadRunner,Gatling etc.)
RUM tools(NewRelic,AppDynamics,CloudWatch,Zabbixetc.)
CI integrationtools
Tools knowledge
Knowledgeof performancemeasurementsandmetrics.Abilitytocalculate/interpretthem
The client performancerequirements andgoals analysis
Identifyingtransactionsandworkflows– calculatingworkloadTPSgoals andrates
Performance theory knowledge
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing engineer skills
Experiencein differentOSadministration:Windows,Linuxdistributives
Basicunderstandingof systemsenvironments– sharedresources,components,andservices
Thedifferencesbetween productionandtestenvironments– containers,cloud, virtualization,andconfigurationmanagement
Systems and architecture knowledge, DevOps
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Performance testing engineer skills
Eagerforconstantself-development andimprovement. Open fornew technologies
Soft skills
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
Useful Links
About performancetesting:
Booksfor start:
“Web Load Testing ForDummies”,Scott BarberwithColin Mason
“JMeterCookbook”, Bayo Erinle
Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration

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Микола Ковш “Performance Testing Implementation From Scratch. Why? When and How?”

  • 1. 1 Skills | Knowledge | CollaborationSkills | Knowledge | Collaboration PerformanceTestingImplementationFromScratch.Why? WhenandHow? by Mykola Kovsh
  • 2. 2 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Speaker info Hi, I’m Mykola Kovsh PerformanceTestEngineer PerformanceTesting Departmentat Testing Centerof Excellence, Ciklum, Ukraine •4 yearsin IT •Performance/ Automation/ Manualtesting
  • 3. 3 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Content Performance testing engineer skills5 Why performance testing is important?1 Introduction to performance testing. Load profiles, metrics2 Implementation process4 Performance testing tools3 Links and Q&A session
  • 4. 4 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Why performance testing is important?
  • 5. 5 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Why performance testing is important ✓ 50% of frustrated users will visit another website to accomplish their activity and 22% won't return. ✓ 49% of respondents expect web pages to load in under 2 seconds. ✓ 30% expect a 1-second response. ✓ 18% expect a site to load immediately.* *
  • 6. 6 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration From user perception point of view What is a fast web-side? < 1 second very fast < 2 seconds quite fast 2-4 seconds acceptable 5-15 seconds slow >15 seconds too slow *
  • 7. 7 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration
  • 8. 8 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration How smartphone users react to slow web-sites Curse at their phone, 23% Scream at their phone, 11% Throw their phone, 4% Behave more or less normally, 62%
  • 9. 9 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Cost of poor performance *  If your average sales per hour is $5,000 1 minute of downtime is costing over $80 then
  • 10. 10 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Cost of poor performance  A 1-second page load delay equals*: * 16 % decrease in customer satisfaction 11 % fewer page views 7 % loss in conversions
  • 11. 11 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Cost of poor performance For example: ✓ John Lewis’s website went down around 3.20 pm on Black Friday - analysts estimated it could cost £ 2.8m pounds. ✓ Web giant like Amazon would lose as much as $120 000 per minute of downtime. ✓ Microsoft Bing found that a two-second slowdown caused a 4.3 percent reduction in revenue per user. ✓ Website Shopzilla reduced page load times from 7 seconds to 2 seconds, resulting in a 7–12 percent increase in revenue and 50 percent reduction in hardware costs. *
  • 12. 12 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration When performance testing is needed ✓ The solution is already struggling from performance problems. ✓ The solution have to deal with big amount of concurrent users presently or in future (~ 300-500 concurrent users and higher). ✓ The solution have a large database or should transfer or process big amount of data in real time (~ 10 and more concurrent users). ✓ The solution has complex architecture and a lot of internal and external integrations running concurrently.
  • 13. 13 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 2. Introduction to Performance Testing
  • 14. 14 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration ✓ Performance Testing - the process of testing to determine the performance of a software product (ISTQB Foundation). ✓ Performance testing – is a non-functional software testing technique which determines responsiveness, stability, reliability and resource usage of system under a certain user load (Wikipedia). ✓ Web load testing is nothing more than exercising a website under a variety of production-like conditions to determine how it’s going to work and to identify (and hopefully resolve) problems before your customers find them (WebLoadTestingForDummies). Performance testing. Definition
  • 15. 15 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Determine responsiveness, stability, reliability and resource usage of system under a certain user load Demonstrate that the system meets performance criteria (KPIs) Compare different system configurations and versions to evaluate performance improvement/degradation. Performance trends tracking during the time Determine system behavior under different load Evaluate the system capacity Scalability. Determine ability of a system to handle a growing amount of workload Prepare the application for planned load (e-commerce: Black Friday, Marketing Campaign. Finance: quarter/annual reporting, etc.) Find which components of the system perform poorly under certain workload Goals of performance testing:
  • 16. 16 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Slow sub-systems / functions (poor response) Low capacity point Configuration problems (web-server, load balancers, db etc) Dead-lock while simultaneous load Flawed queue logic Incorrect synchronization of recourses Database issues e.g. size, indexing, replication Memory, space and connections leaks Poor network configuration CPU, Memory utilization Functionality bugs (how system should behave under overload, others). Performance bottlenecks:
  • 17. 17 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Functional & Performance testing comparison # Functional testing Performance testing 1 To verify the accuracy of the system against expected results To verify the behavior of the system at various load conditions 2 Manual or automated Automated only 3 Could be done without special tools Special set of tools is used including analyzing and monitoring ones 4 One user performing all operations Several users performing desired operations 5 Involvement required from Customer, Tester and Developer Involvement required from Customers, Tester, Developer, DB admins, DevOps 6 Test environment capacity/size could differ from Production Requires close to Production Test environment!!! based on:
  • 18. 18 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing Approaches Protocol-level Load Generation (HTTP, Web-sockets, TCP, JDBC, etc.) Device level Load Generation (User Interface)
  • 19. 19 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing Approaches Protocol-level Load Generation (HTTP, Web-sockets, TCP, JDBC, etc.) Device level Load Generation (User Interface)
  • 20. 20 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing Targets Server-side performance (web, app, database) Client-side (manual) performance Network performance Device performance (hardware: battery consumption, CPU, memory, etc.)
  • 21. 21 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing Targets Server-side performance (web, app, database) Client-side (manual) performance Network performance Device performance (hardware: battery consumption, CPU, memory, etc.)
  • 22. 22 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Server-side performance
  • 23. 23 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Levels of server-side performance testing • End-to-End load testing • Integration Load testing • Component/API Load testing • DB performance testing
  • 24. 24 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Types of Performance Testing (load profiles) Stress/Capacity test Max Designed Operation Capacity Volume test 8-72 hours or longer + Component Test + Reliability / Recovery Test Server-side performance
  • 25. 25 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Client-side (manual) Performance
  • 26. 26 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Client-side performance testing - testing of one separate page load from client/browser side Client-side Performance
  • 27. 27 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration More detailed process of page load Client-side Performance
  • 28. 28 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration First thing the user sees Client-side Performance
  • 29. 29 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Visual Experience Client-side Performance 1. First Paint 2. First Contentful Paint 3. First Meaningful Paint 4. Visually Complete based on:
  • 30. 30 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Client-side Performance Chrome performance testing
  • 31. 31 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Run client-side performance of the page when there is 0 load. 2. Set performance metrics baselines based on step 1 3. Run client-side performance when there is different load on the server – during Capacity/Load/Spike etc. tests 4. Compare results with baselines, analyze and summarize possible issues Flow we suggest: Client-side Performance
  • 32. 32 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Load testing metrics
  • 33. 33 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Load testing metrics (synthetic monitoring) Application-side Server-side - Response time - Throughput (rps/tps/tpm) - Concurrent users - Error rate (response code) - Number of transactions passed/failed - Network traffic - CPU - Memory - Network - Disk - DB connections - Logs error, warnings
  • 34. 34 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Response time = Latency (travelling across a network) + Processing time (system processing of request) • Average response time • Peak response time (max) • Response time with 95% or other percentile Response time Application-side metrics
  • 35. 35 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Throughput - how many simultaneous requests/transactions per second/minute application can handle Note:  TPS could correlate with response time if requests are consequent. The longer response – the lower tps  TPS does not correlate directly with response time if requests are parallel. consequent > 1 request – 1 sec response – 1 tps parallel > 10 requests – 1 sec response – 10 tps  TPS could be improved by improving response time or by increasing concurrent users Throughput (rps/tps/tpm) Application-side metrics
  • 36. 36 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Network traffic, Response codes, Error rate Application-side metrics Network traffic – shows how much data is flowing back and forth from your servers (Kbytes or Mbytes / sec). We can compare this metric to the response-time metric to see how the throughput affects transaction performance. Error rate – is the mathematical calculation that produces a percentage of problem requests compared to all requests. It is no standard for tolerable error rate. Some projects consider 1% error rate successful in case the system can handle maximum load without crash. Others consider any errors. Still, few errors is not uncommon, especially for large load.
  • 37. 37 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration • You can monitor server-side metrics directly on the server (Linux, Windows) • You can automate this process creating some monitoring agent to track metrics • You can use one of monitoring tools: - CloudWatch (Amazon) - AppDynamics - DynaTrace - NewRelic - Graylog, etc. Server-side monitoring tools *In addition to the server metrics monitoring during the load test (synthetic monitoring), monitoring tools allow Real User Monitoring (RUM). RUM is a type of performance monitoring that captures and analyzes each transaction by real users of a website or application. Unlike synthetic monitoring, RUM never rests. It collects data from each user using every browser across each request.
  • 38. 38 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 3. Performance testing tools
  • 39. 39 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Strong load testing tools should be able Traffic recorder Have IDE (console or GUI) which allows: a) Create Requests of required protocol (HTTP, HTTPs, WS, WSS, JDBC, TCP, AJAX, etc.) b) Support Transactions – to track time for all static data loading / redirections c) Create Load Scenarios with ability of parametrization d) Build different Load Profiles with rump-up and shut-down e) Have debugger Load runner engine Distributed testing Load test data saving (distributed), including client and server-side metrics Load test data monitoring in real time
  • 40. 40 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration - JMeter - Gatling - Locust - The Grinder - Apachebench - Artillery - Tsung - Vegeta - Siege - Boom - Wrk Open source load testing tools According to Load Impact tools comparison research*:  JMeter, Gatling, Grinder, Tsung and Boom all offer good performance, accuracy and reliability  Artillery, Locust and Siege have various issues with performance, accuracy and/or reliability  Performance-wise, Wrk and Apachebench are in a class of their own  NOTE: None of the tools tested can simulate thousands of VUs on a single machine without significant degradation in measurement accuracy *
  • 41. 41 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Cloud-based tools: - BlazeMeter - LoadImpact - Loadstorm - - Loadfocus, etc Commercial load tools Commercial Combiners: - HP Loadrunner - Microsoft TFS - SmartBear LoadUI - NeoLoad - Silk Peformer
  • 42. 42 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration • Chrome developers tools • • • • espeed/insights/ • (automatically run using Docker) • Performance monitoring and management systems also can track timing metrics of the page load (RUM), like NewRelic Manual performance testing tools YSlow test example:
  • 43. 43 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 4. Implementation process
  • 44. 44 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing process activities 1. Planning 2. Implementing 3. Executing 4. Analyzing and reporting 5. Continuous Integration
  • 45. 45 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Planning Identify Performance Acceptance Criteria and KPIs • Response time for different type of transactions -> a user concern • Throughput (tps/rps) -> a business concern • Resource utilization -> a system concern • Concurrent users number • Accepted Error rate • Accepted deviation for response time, resource utilization • System behavior when overloaded
  • 46. 46 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Planning Performance requirement analysis Bad sample of requirements: 1. Response time should be no more than 4 seconds 2. System should be able to deal with 10 thousands concurrent users It is not clear whether: • Response time should be 4 seconds for all requests? • What if all response time will be 3.99 seconds? • What if most request will response with 2 seconds but several with 6 seconds? • What users do and how often? Open Main page or more? • What if more than 10 ths. users? System should scale, or new users will be rejected or response time just increases?
  • 47. 47 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Planning Performance requirement analysis Good sample of requirements: 1. Set average response time for different types of transactions: • Simple navigation requests - 1 second • Logging - 2 seconds • Search and buy - 4 seconds 2. Set deviation - no more than 15% 3. Set failure rate - no more than 1% 4. Set CPU, memory, network, other server-metrics thresholds 5. Set response times, deviation, server-side metrics for different number of users - for 1k, 5k, 10k 6. System should reject new users in case of overload, showing informing message
  • 48. 48 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Planning Identify the Test Environment • Identify the logical and physical production architecture for performance testing • Compare the both test and production environments while identifying the testing environment TEST environment MUST BE the same as PROD (or run tests on PROD) • Get resolve the environment-related concerns if any – using stabs for 3-rd parties or others • Analyze whether additional tools are required for performance testing, like monitoring tools. Install such tools. Identify scope of load testing (product parts, 3-rd party services in/out of scope) Identify technical nuances • Scheduling services? • Ping calls • Client’s internet connection speed? • Static content hosting: CDN or own servers? • Target region (USA, Europe, etc.)?
  • 49. 49 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Planning Plan and Design Tests • Identify key usage scenario and workload (Load, Capacity, Spike, etc.) • Define test data • Establish metrics to be collected What transactions to include: 1. Critical transactions Example: System login, session support 2. Mostly used transactions by real users Example: System login/logout, main page 3. Business required Example: some specific feature 4. Risky transactions Example: Checkout, payment 5. Heavy transactions Example: File download/upload
  • 50. 50 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration User Community Modeling Language (UCML) for Performance Test Workloads 1. Planning
  • 51. 51 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Prerequisites solving 1. Planning • Add your load generator machine IP(s) into whitelisting (if needed) • Request test users or create them by yourself • Request test data (products names, files, etc.) • Request 3-rd party dependent data (payment cards, etc.) Configure load-generation environment The output of this stage is prepared Performance Test Plan • Environment capacity (CPU, memory) should be enough to run required number of users during some time • Setup Master-Slave architecture in case of distributed load testing • Setup monitoring tools to track load server(s) health during tests running
  • 52. 52 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 2. Implementing • Develop performance scripts • Put assertions points and wait timers to make it a real time scenario • Run several smoke runs to calibrate scripts to the target environments in accordance with test design Simulate real users behavior basing on Production usage statistic
  • 53. 53 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 3. Executing It very depends on a project, but still we can suggest next How to choose and run correct load profiles
  • 54. 54 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 0. Warm up your product servers before load tests run - Run some short smoke load test for several users 3. Executing
  • 55. 55 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 1. Run several baseline Load tests to determine benchmark performance metrics levels: - virtual users: 5-100 - duration: 30-60m - rump-up – 10m; run – 20m; shutdown – 5m !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 56. 56 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 2. Run the Capacity test profile and determine when Capacity point (system limit) happens: - virtual users: a lot, depends on the system - duration: 2-3 hours - rump-up – 2-3 hour; run – NA; shutdown – NA !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 57. 57 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration How to understand that you reach Capacity point: When transactions Response time increases sharply with load increase. Note: - although load increase, response time should not increase sharply. However, small deviation is acceptable; - response time also could start decrease dramatically, what means that you start receive responses with errors. When the Error rate increases with load increase Note: often, small error rate is acceptable (1-3%), especially during large load tests. Crash of the servers or one of them (web, application, DB, etc). 3. Executing
  • 58. 58 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Capacity point example V users: 10 ths. Status: failed Error rate: test stopped on 28%
  • 59. 59 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Capacity point example V users: 9 ths. Status: failed Error rate: test stopped on 49%
  • 60. 60 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Capacity point example V users: 8 ths. Status: passed Error rate: 0.21% (500 errors from 236 ths. transactions
  • 61. 61 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 3. Run the Load test profile with: - virtual users: 50-80% of Capacity point or/and required load number - duration: 2-3 hours - rump-up – 60m; run – 60m; shutdown – 20m !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 62. 62 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 4. Run Component tests for each service / micro-service / function separately: - could be run before or after Endurance test, especially if issues for some service(s) were found - virtual users: firstly, like for Capacity test, then like for Load profile - duration: 1-2 hours - rump-up, run and shutdown timings depend on component test profile !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 63. 63 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 5. Run the Endurance test profile: - virtual users: 20-40% of Capacity point - duration: 8-72 hours - rump-up – 30m; run – 23р; shutdown – 30m !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 64. 64 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 6. Run other types of load testing and play with your scenarios combinations. - volume test, Spike, Reliability/Recovery, Volume tests - each of these tests could be run on the first stages, if it is prioritized be business - run load tests for different user flows combinations !!! Run each test at least 2 but better 3 times to be sure in results 3. Executing
  • 65. 65 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration • In ongoing development -> Verifying and validating component, queue of components, and integration related performance & robustness • Before release -> Verifying and validating the whole product performance & robustness before release. • Maintenance -> Verifying and validating architectural, configurational, capacity-related, db-related, and integration-related changes When to perform 3. Executing
  • 66. 66 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration • Collect and analyze load tests data • Investigate possible bottlenecks (memory, disk, processor, process, cache, network, etc.) resource usage like (memory, CPU, network, etc.) • Generate the Performance analysis reports Note: The report form is - a performance test summary report - transactions details, hardware utilization, etc. - the comparison of actual and expected KPIs • Based on the analysis prepare recommendation report • Share report with the team and stakeholders 4. Analyzing and reporting
  • 67. 67 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Step 9 – Report example
  • 68. 68 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 5. Continuous Integration or Development Continuous Integration Build. Unit test Deploy to Dev Server Integration Test Deploy to Test/QA Server Automated Functional Tests Deploy to Load Server Performance test in CI + monitoring Manual QA Test Promote to Stage / Pre-Prod Ideally, if you have separate environment for load testing Note: you can implement load tests on Stage too, if it is the same as Prod
  • 69. 69 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration 5. Performance testing engineer skills
  • 70. 70 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing engineer skills Goodenough programmingskills (Python,Java,C++etc.) Loadtoolsandtheirsadvantages/disadvantages(JMeter, LoadRunner,Gatling etc.) RUM tools(NewRelic,AppDynamics,CloudWatch,Zabbixetc.) CI integrationtools Tools knowledge Knowledgeof performancemeasurementsandmetrics.Abilitytocalculate/interpretthem The client performancerequirements andgoals analysis Identifyingtransactionsandworkflows– calculatingworkloadTPSgoals andrates Performance theory knowledge
  • 71. 71 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing engineer skills Experiencein differentOSadministration:Windows,Linuxdistributives Interpretanddrawsystemsdiagrams Basicunderstandingof systemsenvironments– sharedresources,components,andservices Thedifferencesbetween productionandtestenvironments– containers,cloud, virtualization,andconfigurationmanagement RelationalandNoSQLdatabases ContinuousIntegrationandDeploymentconcepts Systems and architecture knowledge, DevOps
  • 72. 72 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Performance testing engineer skills Projectmanagementskills Communicationskills Eagerforconstantself-development andimprovement. Open fornew technologies Soft skills
  • 73. 73 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration Useful Links About performancetesting: Concurrentuserscalculation: Browserperformance: Booksfor start: “Web Load Testing ForDummies”,Scott BarberwithColin Mason “JMeterCookbook”, Bayo Erinle
  • 74. 74 Skills | Knowledge | Collaboration

Editor's Notes

  1. AppsFlyer – 12-18 mln requests per second
  2. Highlight a value, combination of benefits and approaches
  3. - Endurance test – тестирование стабильносты. Профиль тот же что при лоад, но время дольше. При пиках интересно сможет ли система восставновится после пика, освободить ресурсы и т.д. Пики можно делать только для какого-то сценария, либо для всех. Стресс тестирование – найти точку насыщения, когда нагрузка достигла критической, время отклика начинает расти хоть до этого не увеличивалась. Не ограничивайтесь только этими профилями, стройте зависимо от вашей системы
  4. - TPS could be improved by improving response time or by increasing concurrent users (кассира заставить работать быстрее, либо увеличить количество рабочих кас)
  5. - TPS could be improved by improving response time or by increasing concurrent users (кассира заставить работать быстрее, либо увеличить количество рабочих кас)