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Professional Services Performance Testing  Center of Excellence Application Performance Management Solution Click to Advance Presentation Mute sound if necessary (sound icon) Information Technology Services
Today’s Challenges Business lines rarely share information on tool research, usage,  testing practices, and cost containment. Software Development Life Cycle models frequently compromise testing initiatives to meet deliverable deadlines. Performance Testing Practices vary in most projects. Knowledge Transfer – performance testing information leaves with consultants. Performance Tools are expensive, and very complex to integrate. No global approach to Performance Testing tools, techniques, or costs. Expensive consultants are frequently hired for Performance Testing Many projects cannot afford to make long term commitments to Performance testing. Decentralized approach to building and testing software.
Industry Trends Application owners often ask the following: Does my application scale to meet business goals? 75% of ERP systems fail to do so  (Gartner) Does my application scale to meet business goals? 70% of performance problems can be resolved by configuration changes  (survey of 3,000 HP/Mercury engagements) Can I resolve application bottlenecks? 40% of app bottlenecks are first noticed by a customer or executive  (Mercury Survey) $2B + spent in app server overcapacity from 2001 to 2003  (Gartner) Have I overspent on infrastructure?
One Platform Solution T3 works to empower Business, Quality Assurance, and Development teams to deliver better software by centralizing all aspects of testing and performance management.  “ Bringing the pieces together” Become Performance center of excellence Centralize performance testing and monitoring tools Global Performance testing execution capability Focus on quick “cost savings” wins! Reduce dependency on expensive consultancy QUICK START- Bring automation in quickly that addresses an immediate need. Reduce infrastructure support for testing Take a ‘value’ approach and network it Forge alliances & partnerships Leverage vendor Purchasing Power

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An industry-leading analyst discusses how you can take control of application performance and provide superior end-user experiences. Then, you’ll hear how a major US healthcare provider eliminated sporadic performance outages that affected its public-facing website, and prevented revenue loss and many hundreds of hours in support costs. To learn more, watch the webcast replay: Or to learn more about AppInternals, visit:

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The document provides a summary of an individual's professional experience in performance testing. It outlines over 5 years of experience in performance testing using tools like LoadRunner and HP Performance Center. Specific projects are described involving testing websites, applications, and systems for clients in various industries. Responsibilities included creating test plans and scripts, executing load, peak, and soak tests, analyzing results, and providing recommendations. Technical skills and qualifications are also listed, including programming languages, databases, and testing tools.

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Axsys Technologies provides software development services using a systematic SDLC model. They have competence in various technologies like .NET, Java, PHP, and tools like Visual Studio.NET, Microsoft SharePoint. They have developed applications in domains like banking, travel, and disaster management. Axsys has infrastructure like a dedicated offshore development center and uses project management tools like Basecamp.

Performance Approach Phase-driven approach to Performance Optimization Phase 1: Plan Fully Plan the project Organize the Team Determine the business goals Define the business process Inventory HW, SW and network Identify key participants Mobilize test team Create test plan Agree execution schedule Phase 2: Baseline Quantify the System Performance Create test cases Deploy monitoring agents Run initial test plan Document the baseline profile Compare baseline with target Phase 3: Optimize Iteratively Isolate and Reduce Bottlenecks Emulate production load Monitor system performance Identify problem areas Analyze root cause Determine resolution Apply modification Assess the Performance Improvements and Report Phase 4: Report Document  improved throughput Increased capacity reduced error rate greater stability better user response time Compare with baseline and target Produce findings/recommendations Retain data for future comparison
Why HP/Mercury Proven Leadership Market Visionaries Strategic Alliance Worldwide Performance Testing Market Share  Source Newport Group, Inc © 2004 Empirix 4% Compuware 4% Other 9% Segue 2% Rational 9% RadView 1% HP/Mercury 71%
Automated Performance Testing Web Server App. Server Database Internet/ WAN Controller User  Simulation PERFORMANCE  MONITORS Replaces real users with thousands of virtual users Generates consistent, measurable, and repeatable load, managed from a single point of control Efficiently isolates performance bottlenecks across all tiers/layers with automated reporting and analyses
Types of Performance Testing Stress Testing Capacity Planning Throughput Improvement Server Consolidation Baseline Assessment New Version Impact Analysis Ensure Business Performance

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See how to Assess Your Application: Assessing application development like the rest of the business Well overdue, it is time to measure application development and maintenance the same way as the rest of the business, based on not just how much work someone does, but how well they do the work. As we know, looking to see if the code works as expected is only a single measurement. Knowing how easy it will be to maintain over time, how flexible it is to change as required by business changes, how quickly new team members can understand the code and get working on it and how easily the application can be tested are just some of the things that we need to look at in order to understand the real quality of the work being done by application development teams. When these measurements are combined with ways of counting the productivity (quantity) of development teams, we can get a real understanding of how well the teams are performing and what return is being realized from the investment. These measurements can be assessed both for in-house development organizations as well as the work being done by outsourcers. The applications delivered by IT are a significant differentiator between competitors and therefore it needs to be managed as a core business process. Held up against corporate standards and no matter how or where the development work is done, it must be done well and the resulting applications need to be able to withstand time. See how to Assess Your Application:

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K. Senthil Kumar is a testing engineer with 9 years of experience in software testing. He has expertise in manual testing and tools like HP Quality Centre and Mercury Test Director. He has worked on projects in the insurance, banking and ERP domains. Some of his responsibilities include test planning, case development, defect tracking, reporting and ensuring high quality standards.

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This document discusses performance and scalability in cloud computing. It notes that poor application performance can negatively impact businesses by reducing customer retention, employee productivity and revenue. When moving applications to the cloud, businesses must ensure performance is optimized. To address performance issues, companies should first isolate non-cloud factors like network access speed and then test application performance on the cloud platform to identify any differences from the data center. Optimizing applications for the cloud architecture is important. The document also discusses various approaches to scalability in cloud environments and how Joyent offers solutions to aid application performance and scalability.

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Application Monitoring 98% of sites experience critical performance problems Typical applications encounter problems at 15% of design capacity Problems occur both inside & outside firewall 25% - network and bandwidth related 23% - application server related 20% - load balancers, web server or proxy server issues Source: Mercury Interactive hosted services Application Management monitors the entire infrastructure from the users perspective! Application Server Web Servers Database Server Router Router Load Balancer Firewall ISP ISP ISP
A Day In the Life…  Daily Challenges 07:17AM Ticket opened 07:05AM Problem detected  - data center serving  e-Bank customers is down 07:31AM Bridge-line opened  - 8 people 11:48AM 4 more people paged , DBA joins line 04:05PM Root cause identified : mis-configured connection  pooling caused DB crash at peak traffic. At least 800 customers affected,  business impact unknown 04:20PM IT representative sent to client impact  assessment meeting 08:03AM Check UNIX issue,  escalate to hardware vendor 08:06AM Business urgency discussed , not well understood 10:51AM Hardware is ok, Informix  DB appears down 10:20AM Security clearance delays hardware vendor from    entering data center
Diagnose Root Cause Define SLAs Business Console Customer Impact SLM Event Viewer Tier 2 Top View BUSINESS  AVAILABILITY  CENTER Tier 1 Tier 3 RESOLUTION  CENTER
Application Management Dashboard Define SLAs Business Console Customer Impact SLM Event Viewer Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Top View BUSINESS  AVAILABILITY  CENTER RESOLUTION  CENTER

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This document discusses performance and scalability in cloud computing. It notes that poor application performance can negatively impact businesses by reducing customer retention, employee productivity and revenue. When moving applications to the cloud, businesses must ensure performance is optimized. To address performance issues, companies should first isolate non-cloud factors like network access speed and then test application performance on the cloud platform to identify any differences from the data center. Optimizing applications for the cloud architecture is important. The document also discusses various approaches to scalability in cloud environments and how Joyent offers solutions to aid application performance and scalability.

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This document presents a business case for adopting Real Application Testing (RAT) to test upgrades and patches for a large insurance company's data warehousing system. It estimates that using RAT could reduce testing labor hours by 41% and yield a payback period of less than 12 months due to savings in upgrade costs, monthly patching costs, and production support costs. Adopting RAT could potentially provide even greater savings if it was used to test all 53 applications in the system or reduce issues across all patch upgrades.

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This document discusses performance and scalability in cloud computing. It notes that poor application performance can negatively impact businesses by reducing customer retention, employee productivity, and revenue. When moving applications to the cloud, businesses must ensure performance is optimized. To address performance issues, companies should isolate factors like network access times and application architecture. The document also discusses concepts like performance, scalability, horizontal and vertical scaling, and addresses approaches like application development and Joyent's solutions to improve performance and scaling in cloud environments.

Appendix Supplemental Information
Introducing LoadRunner Our Center of Excellence approach uses Mercury Interactive LoadRunner product to deliver an integrated solution  for business technology optimization. Load Runner System Monitor Automated Scripts Data Repository It provides an end-to-end tool set for performance tuning a user simulation module to create business transaction load  a system monitoring module to display infrastructure behavior and application errors a set of automated scripts that identifies modifications a data repository for future comparisons Network bandwidth Routers Switches Hosting equipment Load balancers Application servers Databases Middleware Back office Firewalls IDS systems DDoS systems Gateways Web servers Cache servers LAN / WAN Client Systems Legacy system .NET services Sun ONE services Security Infrastructure Application
Powering the CoE Application Delivery Foundation Application  Monitoring Business Availability Center •  Resolution Center Application Delivery Console Virtual Users Protocols Monitors PERFORMANCE CoE Global Management Multi-project Management Resource Management Diagnostics Tuning LoadRunner Capacity Planning
LoadRunner Coverage Recommendation Resolution Problem Identification Monitoring User Simulation Infrastructure (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Windows) Vendor Product (e.g. Oracle, Websphere) Performance Tuning Steps Tunable Components LoadRunner Capabilities in Optimization Exercise In-house Apps method level for J2EE apps program level for other types * J2EE source code line-level identification available using OptiBench add-on.

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Oracle Applications comprise various ERP, CRM, and SCM software developed or acquired by Oracle Corporation. It utilizes a multi-tier architecture with the database, application, and desktop tiers. Key performance indicators for Oracle Apps performance testing include response time, system throughput, uptime, and mean time between failures. The performance testing life cycle involves requirement analysis, test planning, test implementation, test execution, and analysis of results.

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LoadRunner Overview Web Server App. Server Database Internet/ Intranet USER SIMULATION PROTOCOLS Clients PERFORMANCE  MONITORS SAP Oracle Siebel PeopleSoft ERP/CRM HTTP(S) XML Citrix ICA SOAP WAP Web EJBs CORBA COM RMI MQSeries 3270 5250 VT100 Oracle MS SQLServer DB2 ODBC  Middleware Legacy Databases Operating Systems Network Web Servers App Servers Java Databases Windows Unix Linux SNMP WAN Emulation MS IIS iPlanet Apache EJB JDBC JSP Sitraka JMonitor Oracle MSSQL Server DB2 BEA WebLogic IBM WebSphere ATG Dynamo iPlanet App Server
LoadRunner Deployment Application Tier Applications Infrastructure Tier Database Tier Distributed System App & System Monitoring Measure Performance  ->  Identify Constraints -> Apply Modification ~~~ ~~~ Stress Simulation Telecomm Fabric Automated & Manual Tuning Apply Tuning Process Gather Metrics Step 1 Define business process Capture user behavior Create simulation profile Apply controlled load Step 2 Step 4 Sample Recommendations WebLogic - misconfigured Java VM heap size Database - missing indexes, full table scan ... Step 3 Environment under User Load Typical Statistics  Application Servers Fire wall Web  Servers Load  Balancer Fire wall Database Servers Storage Infrastructure Consumption   CPU 28 CPUs Memory 2,560MB Disk I/O 70% Network 80% System Capacity User count 100 Tranx rate 100/min User Experience Response time 10 sec Error rate  10 %
Metrics Databases Oracle Total file opens  Enqueue deadlocks Enqueue waits Opened cursors current SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  Plus 164 other counters Sybase Disk Reads   Memory   Disk Writes Disk Waits Locks count  % Hits  % Processor Time (process) % Plus 49 other counters Microsoft SQL Server SQL Re-Compilations/Sec  I/O - Outstanding Reads  Lock Wait Time (ms)  Total Latch Wait Time (ms) SQL Re-Compilations/Sec   Plus 38 other counters DB2 Local_con_exec Total_sorts Plus 174 other counters App. Servers IBM WebSphere ThreadCreates   ActiveThreads   ConnectionPoolSize   SessionsActive Plus 82 other counters BEA WebLogic HeapSizeCurrent   ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount   WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount   Plus 118 other counters Iplanet Application Server nasKesEngAutoStart   nasEngSYBPreparedQueryTotal   nasEngThreadWait  Plus 118 other counters Microsoft Active Server Pages Requests Executing  Requests Queued  Request Bytes Out Total Requests/Sec  Transactions Aborted  Transactions Pending Oracle 9iAS HTTP Server Allaire ColdFusion SilverStream Ariba ATG Dynamo Microsoft COM+ Monitor BroadVision Web Servers Apache #Busy Servers  #Idle Servers  CPU Usage Hits/Sec  KBytes Sent/Sec   MS IIS Connection Attempts/Sec  Files Received/Sec  Logon Attempts/Sec  Total Files Transferred   Plus 50 other counters Iplanet (Netscape) Bad requests/Sec  Bytes Sent/Sec Hits/Sec   Plus 11 other counters Other Software and Hardware Streaming Media Monitors Checkpoint Firewall Server  ERP Performance Monitors Middleware Monitors Java Performance Monitors Citrix MetaFrame Monitors Network Delay Customized Counters Capability Customized Counters Capability
The Tuning Process LoadRunner’s tuning agent can be deployed to  automatically  recommend optimum settings for a wide range of industry-standard applications. IT specialists will  manually  optimize additional hardware and software based on LoadRunner performance metrics. Apache Web Server 1.x/2.x  BEA Weblogic 6.x/7.x  IBM HTTP Server  IBM Websphere Advanced 4.x  IBM Websphere Single Server 4.x  iPlanet Enterprise Server 6 & higher  Microsoft IIS 4/5  Microsoft Active Server Pages 2/3 Oracle Database  Oracle 9iAS  PeopleSoft 8.x SAP Enterprise Portals 5  Siebel 7.x  SQL Server 7.5/2000  Windows: NT, 2000 and XP UNIX: Solaris, HP, AIX and Linux

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Learn how JReport is used by real OEM customers across a variety of different industries in the Enterprise, and hear real customer examples of why JReport was chosen as the best fit to be embedded into their applications. Also see how you can embed JReport into your own OEM or SaaS application, and give your end users advanced visualization and ad hoc capabilities with JReport 12.

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FlexNet Connect provides software publishers and device manufacturers an efficient way to deliver software updates to end users and gain insights into product usage. It manages rule-based software updates, displays in-app messages, and reports on the installed base. It can be deployed on-premises or as a cloud service. FlexNet Connect helps minimize support costs and downtime by ensuring the right updates are delivered to the correct users. It also allows communication with users through targeted in-app messages and provides analytics on the installed base to optimize product management.

Benefits of Tuning Optimizes application and infrastructure performance Isolates and resolves performance bottlenecks Establishes optimized configuration settings for production
Benefits of LoadRunner Diagnostics Pinpoints application bottlenecks, e.g., J2EE to method/ SQL level Reduces time  to resolution  for application  issues Integrated with Mercury LoadRunner— combines end  user response  time with diagnostics
Visit Us Online For additional information contact: [email_address] Click Here  or copy/paste Global Virtual Testing Capabilities

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T3 Consortium's Performance Center of Excellence

  • 1. Professional Services Performance Testing Center of Excellence Application Performance Management Solution Click to Advance Presentation Mute sound if necessary (sound icon) Information Technology Services
  • 2. Today’s Challenges Business lines rarely share information on tool research, usage, testing practices, and cost containment. Software Development Life Cycle models frequently compromise testing initiatives to meet deliverable deadlines. Performance Testing Practices vary in most projects. Knowledge Transfer – performance testing information leaves with consultants. Performance Tools are expensive, and very complex to integrate. No global approach to Performance Testing tools, techniques, or costs. Expensive consultants are frequently hired for Performance Testing Many projects cannot afford to make long term commitments to Performance testing. Decentralized approach to building and testing software.
  • 3. Industry Trends Application owners often ask the following: Does my application scale to meet business goals? 75% of ERP systems fail to do so (Gartner) Does my application scale to meet business goals? 70% of performance problems can be resolved by configuration changes (survey of 3,000 HP/Mercury engagements) Can I resolve application bottlenecks? 40% of app bottlenecks are first noticed by a customer or executive (Mercury Survey) $2B + spent in app server overcapacity from 2001 to 2003 (Gartner) Have I overspent on infrastructure?
  • 4. One Platform Solution T3 works to empower Business, Quality Assurance, and Development teams to deliver better software by centralizing all aspects of testing and performance management. “ Bringing the pieces together” Become Performance center of excellence Centralize performance testing and monitoring tools Global Performance testing execution capability Focus on quick “cost savings” wins! Reduce dependency on expensive consultancy QUICK START- Bring automation in quickly that addresses an immediate need. Reduce infrastructure support for testing Take a ‘value’ approach and network it Forge alliances & partnerships Leverage vendor Purchasing Power
  • 5. Performance Approach Phase-driven approach to Performance Optimization Phase 1: Plan Fully Plan the project Organize the Team Determine the business goals Define the business process Inventory HW, SW and network Identify key participants Mobilize test team Create test plan Agree execution schedule Phase 2: Baseline Quantify the System Performance Create test cases Deploy monitoring agents Run initial test plan Document the baseline profile Compare baseline with target Phase 3: Optimize Iteratively Isolate and Reduce Bottlenecks Emulate production load Monitor system performance Identify problem areas Analyze root cause Determine resolution Apply modification Assess the Performance Improvements and Report Phase 4: Report Document improved throughput Increased capacity reduced error rate greater stability better user response time Compare with baseline and target Produce findings/recommendations Retain data for future comparison
  • 6. Why HP/Mercury Proven Leadership Market Visionaries Strategic Alliance Worldwide Performance Testing Market Share Source Newport Group, Inc © 2004 Empirix 4% Compuware 4% Other 9% Segue 2% Rational 9% RadView 1% HP/Mercury 71%
  • 7. Automated Performance Testing Web Server App. Server Database Internet/ WAN Controller User Simulation PERFORMANCE MONITORS Replaces real users with thousands of virtual users Generates consistent, measurable, and repeatable load, managed from a single point of control Efficiently isolates performance bottlenecks across all tiers/layers with automated reporting and analyses
  • 8. Types of Performance Testing Stress Testing Capacity Planning Throughput Improvement Server Consolidation Baseline Assessment New Version Impact Analysis Ensure Business Performance
  • 9. Application Monitoring 98% of sites experience critical performance problems Typical applications encounter problems at 15% of design capacity Problems occur both inside & outside firewall 25% - network and bandwidth related 23% - application server related 20% - load balancers, web server or proxy server issues Source: Mercury Interactive hosted services Application Management monitors the entire infrastructure from the users perspective! Application Server Web Servers Database Server Router Router Load Balancer Firewall ISP ISP ISP
  • 10. A Day In the Life… Daily Challenges 07:17AM Ticket opened 07:05AM Problem detected - data center serving e-Bank customers is down 07:31AM Bridge-line opened - 8 people 11:48AM 4 more people paged , DBA joins line 04:05PM Root cause identified : mis-configured connection pooling caused DB crash at peak traffic. At least 800 customers affected, business impact unknown 04:20PM IT representative sent to client impact assessment meeting 08:03AM Check UNIX issue, escalate to hardware vendor 08:06AM Business urgency discussed , not well understood 10:51AM Hardware is ok, Informix DB appears down 10:20AM Security clearance delays hardware vendor from entering data center
  • 11. Diagnose Root Cause Define SLAs Business Console Customer Impact SLM Event Viewer Tier 2 Top View BUSINESS AVAILABILITY CENTER Tier 1 Tier 3 RESOLUTION CENTER
  • 12. Application Management Dashboard Define SLAs Business Console Customer Impact SLM Event Viewer Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Top View BUSINESS AVAILABILITY CENTER RESOLUTION CENTER
  • 14. Introducing LoadRunner Our Center of Excellence approach uses Mercury Interactive LoadRunner product to deliver an integrated solution for business technology optimization. Load Runner System Monitor Automated Scripts Data Repository It provides an end-to-end tool set for performance tuning a user simulation module to create business transaction load a system monitoring module to display infrastructure behavior and application errors a set of automated scripts that identifies modifications a data repository for future comparisons Network bandwidth Routers Switches Hosting equipment Load balancers Application servers Databases Middleware Back office Firewalls IDS systems DDoS systems Gateways Web servers Cache servers LAN / WAN Client Systems Legacy system .NET services Sun ONE services Security Infrastructure Application
  • 15. Powering the CoE Application Delivery Foundation Application Monitoring Business Availability Center • Resolution Center Application Delivery Console Virtual Users Protocols Monitors PERFORMANCE CoE Global Management Multi-project Management Resource Management Diagnostics Tuning LoadRunner Capacity Planning
  • 16. LoadRunner Coverage Recommendation Resolution Problem Identification Monitoring User Simulation Infrastructure (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Windows) Vendor Product (e.g. Oracle, Websphere) Performance Tuning Steps Tunable Components LoadRunner Capabilities in Optimization Exercise In-house Apps method level for J2EE apps program level for other types * J2EE source code line-level identification available using OptiBench add-on.
  • 17. LoadRunner Overview Web Server App. Server Database Internet/ Intranet USER SIMULATION PROTOCOLS Clients PERFORMANCE MONITORS SAP Oracle Siebel PeopleSoft ERP/CRM HTTP(S) XML Citrix ICA SOAP WAP Web EJBs CORBA COM RMI MQSeries 3270 5250 VT100 Oracle MS SQLServer DB2 ODBC Middleware Legacy Databases Operating Systems Network Web Servers App Servers Java Databases Windows Unix Linux SNMP WAN Emulation MS IIS iPlanet Apache EJB JDBC JSP Sitraka JMonitor Oracle MSSQL Server DB2 BEA WebLogic IBM WebSphere ATG Dynamo iPlanet App Server
  • 18. LoadRunner Deployment Application Tier Applications Infrastructure Tier Database Tier Distributed System App & System Monitoring Measure Performance -> Identify Constraints -> Apply Modification ~~~ ~~~ Stress Simulation Telecomm Fabric Automated & Manual Tuning Apply Tuning Process Gather Metrics Step 1 Define business process Capture user behavior Create simulation profile Apply controlled load Step 2 Step 4 Sample Recommendations WebLogic - misconfigured Java VM heap size Database - missing indexes, full table scan ... Step 3 Environment under User Load Typical Statistics Application Servers Fire wall Web Servers Load Balancer Fire wall Database Servers Storage Infrastructure Consumption CPU 28 CPUs Memory 2,560MB Disk I/O 70% Network 80% System Capacity User count 100 Tranx rate 100/min User Experience Response time 10 sec Error rate 10 %
  • 19. Metrics Databases Oracle Total file opens Enqueue deadlocks Enqueue waits Opened cursors current SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client Plus 164 other counters Sybase Disk Reads Memory Disk Writes Disk Waits Locks count % Hits % Processor Time (process) % Plus 49 other counters Microsoft SQL Server SQL Re-Compilations/Sec I/O - Outstanding Reads Lock Wait Time (ms) Total Latch Wait Time (ms) SQL Re-Compilations/Sec Plus 38 other counters DB2 Local_con_exec Total_sorts Plus 174 other counters App. Servers IBM WebSphere ThreadCreates ActiveThreads ConnectionPoolSize SessionsActive Plus 82 other counters BEA WebLogic HeapSizeCurrent ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount Plus 118 other counters Iplanet Application Server nasKesEngAutoStart nasEngSYBPreparedQueryTotal nasEngThreadWait Plus 118 other counters Microsoft Active Server Pages Requests Executing Requests Queued Request Bytes Out Total Requests/Sec Transactions Aborted Transactions Pending Oracle 9iAS HTTP Server Allaire ColdFusion SilverStream Ariba ATG Dynamo Microsoft COM+ Monitor BroadVision Web Servers Apache #Busy Servers #Idle Servers CPU Usage Hits/Sec KBytes Sent/Sec MS IIS Connection Attempts/Sec Files Received/Sec Logon Attempts/Sec Total Files Transferred Plus 50 other counters Iplanet (Netscape) Bad requests/Sec Bytes Sent/Sec Hits/Sec Plus 11 other counters Other Software and Hardware Streaming Media Monitors Checkpoint Firewall Server ERP Performance Monitors Middleware Monitors Java Performance Monitors Citrix MetaFrame Monitors Network Delay Customized Counters Capability Customized Counters Capability
  • 20. The Tuning Process LoadRunner’s tuning agent can be deployed to automatically recommend optimum settings for a wide range of industry-standard applications. IT specialists will manually optimize additional hardware and software based on LoadRunner performance metrics. Apache Web Server 1.x/2.x BEA Weblogic 6.x/7.x IBM HTTP Server IBM Websphere Advanced 4.x IBM Websphere Single Server 4.x iPlanet Enterprise Server 6 & higher Microsoft IIS 4/5 Microsoft Active Server Pages 2/3 Oracle Database Oracle 9iAS PeopleSoft 8.x SAP Enterprise Portals 5 Siebel 7.x SQL Server 7.5/2000 Windows: NT, 2000 and XP UNIX: Solaris, HP, AIX and Linux
  • 21. Benefits of Tuning Optimizes application and infrastructure performance Isolates and resolves performance bottlenecks Establishes optimized configuration settings for production
  • 22. Benefits of LoadRunner Diagnostics Pinpoints application bottlenecks, e.g., J2EE to method/ SQL level Reduces time to resolution for application issues Integrated with Mercury LoadRunner— combines end user response time with diagnostics
  • 23. Visit Us Online For additional information contact: [email_address] Click Here or copy/paste Global Virtual Testing Capabilities