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Questions tagged [bones]

Bones are the individual sections of an armature that are used to deform the mesh. Bones act like other objects (they have properties and can have constraints) but are invisible in the render.

1,083 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do you lock a bone in 3D space during animation?

I am trying to animate things like a boy jumping up to monkey bars, grabbing them, then swinging around. I've been able to rig an armature with IK, no problem. I figure I can cheat by coordinating ...
Mike Le's user avatar
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What does the use_local_location mean for bones

To test this, I run a test to show the difference of use local location or not.['upperArm.R'].use_local_location = False['upperArm.R']....
Sergius Liu's user avatar
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Blender bone.matrix API changes from v249 to v277

I've been using an old script for a long time to import a custom format which contains a 4x4 matrix for the bone transform (inverted) and 4x3 for the bone animation (3x3 rotation matrix + 1 location ...
majidarif's user avatar
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Is there a way to only store keyframes of only selected bones in poseLib?

What bones does "Add New Pose" operator store in Pose Library ? I am animating with "Blenrig" Character Vincent and it has lots and lots of bones. When I try to store poses it creates keyframes for ...
ashwin's user avatar
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How to achieve accurate rotation of fingers at the point they meet the palm?

I have problems with fingers in general but this is the hardest part for me. It looks ok at this point: But if I rotate at the base of the finger, problems start: This is because the rotation ...
SRCP's user avatar
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Can't flip pose properly blender

Pose reverse fails, tried to rename some bones to check if there's a problem but it didn't change anything. Here's a gif:
wuden's user avatar
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Is there a way to lock a bone layer?

I know bones can be arranged by layers in the armature properties. Is it possible to somehow "lock" a layer so that all bones in that layer cannot be selected?
Pancakes's user avatar
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How to make one bone "push" another?

I'm very new to Blender and try to learn to make some stuff. This is what I have as an in-progress "proof of concept": Three cylinders(top, middle, bottom) linked to three bones. All bones ...
MiyaCNG's user avatar
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how to animate complex origami folds in 2.8?

I've reviewed the questions regarding origami animations in this StackExchange and I've not quite found what I'm looking for. I have tried using shape keys to animate complex folds in a plane, such ...
Rúnatál Davino's user avatar
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Modify bone roll without breaking existing animations

Is there a way to edit bone roll on an armature with existing animations, such that the animation data is automatically recalculated for the new bone roll? I.E. the keyframes/fcurves are updated so ...
TiberiumFusion's user avatar
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How can I fix the rotation for this hand?

I'm making the rigging for a hand, but for some reason after I do the Ctrl+N, choose the Global +X. Not all of my bones stay on the same orientation, how can I fix this? I want all of the Z axis to ...
Scheff's user avatar
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Recalculate bone roll without ruining the animation

I have (what I hope) is a simple question. A while ago I rigged a character up with an armature, and since then I've made quite a few animations for it. Since beginning my project, I learned about ...
Milun's user avatar
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Exporting bendy bones/shape key animations?

How can I export these animations into another program? I don't need the rig itself in these other programs, I just need the mesh's animations to be exported, if that makes sense. Is this possible, ...
Lugworm's user avatar
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Why are my custom wire bone shapes' lines thicker when in Pose Mode?

The wire bones on the right are thicker than they should be. In my other blend files the custom wire bones are like the left picture when in pose mode. I have tried almost every setting that I can ...
Sam Bivens's user avatar
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Is there a way to make an attribute unkeyable?

Can i make an attribute of a bone not keyable?, it makes me nuts that blender keyframes attributes that are supposed to be locked and makes my graph editor have way more curves than what i should be ...
Looch A. Muñoz Sessarego's user avatar
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How to Move Bone Joints in Pose Mode like in Edit Mode? (without scaling)

I wonder how to move bones in pose mode like as you would grab the tips in edit mode and move them but without scaling the bone. Tried to set this up with damped track or ik rig. At both the target ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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poseBone location and rotation from poseBone matrix

i have a skeleton and computed global(armature space) matrix of each bone for posing. to get relative rotation and location(for keyframes) i am doing this: ...
befzz's user avatar
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Snapping Bones to Bones (In Other Armature)

I am trying to scale and position the bones of one armature to another. And, I was wondering if there was a way to snap the position of the bones in one armature to the position of the bones in the ...
GoodNight's user avatar
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How can I adjust bone settings in a generated Rigify rig?

For some reason, Rigify in Blender version 4.1 generates different settings for the same bones in two rigs. Specifically, I'm referring to this bone (selected in the screenshot) that controls the ...
Crantisz's user avatar
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IK not tracking to target

I've been making an IK mechanical arm/connector for a project of mine, and I cannot get the bones to properly track to the target. Most of the bones have rotation constraints in the IK menu, but even ...
l_yr3b1rd's user avatar
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How do i turn my character into a ragdoll during an animation

Hey im kinda new to blender, id like to know if its possible to turn my character into a ragdoll in the middle of an animation or something like that. My idea is like my character tries to do a ...
SleepyCat's user avatar
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Rigify prefix issue

When I parent the model with the generated rigify armature, it doesn't deform the model, I think it's because the bone names are changed with the prefix "DEF-". The model already has weights ...
Treot Reed's user avatar
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can a single armature control multiple non-concentric meshes?

My issue is like this: I have 2 simple ropes that are parallel to each other with an offset. I would like a single armature to control the ropes shapes such that the shapes are identical. I have tried ...
TBaby's user avatar
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Copy Rotation to Only Z Axis Not Working as Expected

I'm trying to get the selected ring in this picture to only rotate on its Z axis whilst tracking the lower mounting to the leg. What should happen is that the ring rotates so that the hydraulic, which ...
DrIgnatiusCole's user avatar
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I believe I set up my rig correctly, but it still deforms after parenting with automatic weights?

I cant figure out why my model is still deforming when I parent with automatic weights. All the transform are zeroed out. I applied the rest pose after I was done setting up the bones. Maybe the tail ...
Peggyhill's user avatar
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How can I move bone and mesh together?

Is there a way to move both the bones and mesh at the same time? And can I select only a certain number of vertices and bones? For example, I want to move them up slightly to match a real human male ...
Stephen's user avatar
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what is this bone for?

Some pre-made rigs (in this case from make human) split tibia (main bone in lower-leg) into two. Beyond animating a fracture (which doesn't seem like a very common use-case) I struggle to find uses ...
Marcin's user avatar
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My mechanical rig bones in the eye aren't lining up with my meta-rig, how do I fix this?

I'm trying to rig my eyes, and make them follow the target that rigify automatically puts there, by parenting the eye ball to a mechanical bone. I made sure to place the bone in the correct place in ...
Bethany Gedeon's user avatar
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Armature with multiple root pivots

I am currently trying to rig a skateboard as realistically as possible. I want to be able to move and rotate everything with the Root bone (the object / "skateboard" in the picture is ...
Doe's user avatar
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Mirrored bones move the other side of the armature aswell

I searched the questions on the site and I tried a lot of solutions but I'm kinda stuck here. This is what I'm dealing with When I move a bone on one side, the other side moves with it, basically ...
Soffio di Fiamme's user avatar
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How can I solve this skinning wrong in blender but good in FBX and unity?

Hi, I spent my day try to resolve this twisting skinning issue but didn't solve it. My tail bones are not twisting as you can see, the Z axe is always up. The deform bones have copy transform ...
Xuãnlan's user avatar
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How to import bone locations form a text file?

I've used a script to extract my bones location to a text file and I was wondering if I could use this text file to import the locations to a new project in blender using another script. Keep in mind ...
Mani Tabibzadeh's user avatar
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Copy animation data from one armature to another with Python

I've been trying to write a script to copy animation data from an armature to another one, unfortunatly without success so far. My situation is that i have : A mesh with it's armature that doesn't ...
Manu's user avatar
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How to use "Context Override" on the "Disable and Keep Transform" operator?

I am trying to make a simple panel with buttons for snapping bones between IK and FK configurations, and I need to change attributes of bone constraints with python scripting. I can quite easily ...
CPCN's user avatar
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Parent with Automatic Weights fails, how to detect which bone?

failed to find solution for one or more bones Is there a way to find which bones are failing so I can hone in on the problem quickly?
IndividualGames's user avatar
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Blender 2.8 pose mode bones global rotation?

How to change the global rotation of a bone in pose mode so it is always aligned with the y-axis? Example: I want the bone that controls my character's face to always face forward. Send help!
ASimplyNon's user avatar
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How to rename bones without renaming vertex groups?

I'm making a model which is covered with panels that each can move individually, and some of these panels need to rotate, but not all, so some of them need a rotation controller bone at the end. I'm ...
Casaria's user avatar
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Facial motion capture - animate armatures

I've been doing a little motion capture of my face using the technique outlined in this tutorial It's worked pretty well and the mesh of the face is moving in ...
Tadhg Ó Cuirrín's user avatar
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How to change position of rigged bones using python in pose mode?

I am new to Blender and I have been trying to execute this following code which is supposed to change the position of currently selected Pose bone (rigged) in pose mode : ...
noobron's user avatar
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Rigid body objects interact with armature bone?

Is it possible in Blender to create an object (human + armature), rig it and make it to interact with other rigid body objects? Will this possible in the next blender updates?
diniulian's user avatar
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Rigging 2D elephant trunk corrupts the mesh

I’m struggling hard with a rig for an elephant trunk. I want the trunk to rise up in the air and trumpet. I tried to increase and decrease the vertices, I’ve tried bendy bones and assigning the bones ...
Svante Karlsson's user avatar
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Transfer animation between two armatures that have the same structure and naming conventions but differing rest poses?

I have a skinned armature in a T-pose as its rest pose that is not animated and a second separate armature that has an animation I would like to transfer to the first skinned mesh. The only problem is ...
JakoNintenCraft's user avatar
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Motion capture movement from 3d model animation

I have a set of animations of a model with a complex rig that I would like to copy to another model that is unrigged.The original model has more than 250 bones in total and it would take a really long ...
muhaha a's user avatar
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Merge two armatures into one

I want to merge two similar armatures, that have same named bones in them And when I merge armatures with Ctrl+J, bones don't merge, the same named bones were like that: "head" and "head.001", "head....
ShR's user avatar
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Spline IK modifie by a Curve modifier with involuntary rotation

I'm new with Blender and I love it :) But I have some problems with « SplineIK » and « Curve modifier ». I need to animate many fish swimming in a circle and import it in Unity 3D. So I want an ...
paultre's user avatar
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how to separate mesh with armature

I'm trying to separate a mesh with armature animation into two by selecting vertices and press P in edit mode. But the separate mesh is all messed up and does not animate accordingly. Is there any ...
kkl's user avatar
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Creating a generic IK/FK snap script

I've tried deconstructing the Rigify addon to isolate the script part that handles IK/FK snapping, but so far I've had no luck. Rigify is a very nice tool, but I'd like to get the snap functionality ...
Doccers's user avatar
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Controlling robot servo arm (in real-time) via 3d model in blender

I am trying to create and control a robot arm (made of servos) via it's 3D model. I am big fan of Justin Dailey's work -- he was one of the first few people to accomplish this but his 7 year old ...
rptech101's user avatar
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How to make backpack parented to bone to be detachable with good weight paint for straps?

I have one backpack object paranted to armature like this (it needs to be detachable to be able to fall down, etc) with Child Of constraint to follow the chest bone of the character: But that creates ...
Den Den's user avatar
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For VRChat specifically. I have the head from one model and the body from another. Character is floating in unity when scene is played

I used the body from one model and the head from another. I manually placed them together as well as I could and it looks fine. I kept the bones for the respective models, deleted the ones I didn't ...
guest19245's user avatar

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