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SEARCH marketer’s toolkitGoogle Tag Manager & Google Analytics
Simo Ahava
Senior Data Advocate
Simo Ahava
Senior Data Advocate, Reaktor
Google Developer Expert, Google Analytics
Blogger, developer,
Twitter-er, @SimoAhava
Google+:er, +SimoAhava
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Why customize?
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Why customize?
Google Analytics is GREAT out-of-the-box, right?
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Google Analytics Session
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
There’s also the sessionControl parameter…
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
There’s also the sessionControl parameter…
Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps!
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
There’s also the sessionControl parameter…
Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps!
Who knows what else happens server-side?
Google Analytics Session
Group of interactions that takes place on a website
That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
Or at the end of they day…
Or when acquisition campaign changes…
Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
There’s also the sessionControl parameter…
Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps!
Who knows what else happens server-side?
Cookies, localStorage, persistent data stores!?
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #2015ac | 8–11
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #2015ac | 8–11
All metrics and dimensions used by
a platform subscribe to the
definitions of said platform!
GPeC Summit 11-May-2015 | @SimoAhava
All metrics and dimensions used by
a platform subscribe to the
definitions of said platform!
GPeC Summit 11-May-2015 | @SimoAhava
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Google Tag Manager
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Google Tag Manager
The best only way to deploy Google Analytics tracking
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Lets you create and deploy tracking

and measurement scripts with ease.
Google Tag Manager
Lets you create and deploy tracking

and measurement scripts with ease.
Facilitates interaction between various

departments within your organization.
Google Tag Manager
Lets you create and deploy tracking

and measurement scripts with ease.
Facilitates interaction between various

departments within your organization.
Allows you to focus your time on analysis

rather than implementation.
Google Tag Manager
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Tricks and methods
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Tricks and methods
…for search marketing via Google Tag Manager…
Scroll% & Read%
SERP Bounce Time
Content Funnel
Article performance
#1: Inject Meta Data Dynamically Into The Page
Custom HTML Tag
(function() {
// The NAME attribute of the meta tag:
var name = 'description';
// The CONTENT attribute of the meta tag:
var content = 'Simo Ahava's blog provides a unique, understandable, and relatable peek into the digital world.';
var m = document.createElement('meta'); = name;
m.content = content;
Page View Trigger
"Inject the Meta Tag during the page load sequence as soon

as Google Tag Manager has loaded"
+ +
#2: Inject SERP Enrichments Into The Page
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "WebSite",
"url": "",
"potentialAction": {
"@type": "SearchAction",
"target": "{search_term}",
"query-input": "required name=search_term"
Custom HTML Tag
Page View Trigger
"Inject the JSON-LD during the page load sequence as soon

as Google Tag Manager has loaded"
+ +
#3: Track Structured Data As Content Attributes
function() {
var jsonLd = document.querySelector('script[type*="ld+json"]');
return jsonLd ? JSON.parse(jsonLd.innerHTML) : {};
Custom JS Variable 1: {{JSON-LD}}
function() {
return {{JSON-LD}} || undefined;
Custom JS Variable 2: {{JSON-LD -}}
function() {
return {{JSON-LD}}.datePublished || undefined;
Custom JS Variable 3: {{JSON-LD - datePublished}}
function() {
return {{JSON-LD}}.headline || undefined;
Custom JS Variable 4: {{JSON-LD - headline}}
Google Analytics View Settings
Google Tag Manager - Page View Tag
Google Analytics - Site Content - All Pages
#4: Article Attributes As Content Groups
Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Images}}
function() {
// Make sure the selector points to your content element
var content = document.querySelector('.entry-content');
var imgs = content.querySelectorAll('img').length - 1;
if (imgs>20) return '21+';
else if (imgs>15) return '16-20';
else if (imgs>10) return '11-15';
else if (imgs>7) return '8-10';
else if (imgs>5) return '6-7';
else if (imgs>3) return '4-5';
else if (imgs>1) return '2-3';
else if (imgs>0) return '1';
else return '0';
Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Length}}
function() {
// Make sure the selector matches your content element
var content = document.querySelector('.entry-content');
var wCount = 0;
var cText = content.textContent || content.innerText;
cText = cText.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/gi,'');
cText = cText.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi,' ');
cText = cText.replace(/n /,'n');
wCount = cText.split(' ').length;
if (wCount>3000) return '3k+';
else if (wCount>2500) return '2.5k-3k';
else if (wCount>2000) return '2k-2.5k';
else if (wCount>1500) return '1.5k-2k';
else if (wCount>1100) return '1.1k-1.5k';
else if (wCount>800) return '800-1.1k';
else if (wCount>500) return '500-800';
else if (wCount>200) return '200-500';
else return '<200';
Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Title Length}}
function() {
var title = document.title;
var wCount;
title = title.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/gi,'');
title = title.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi,' ');
wCount = title.split(' ').length;
if (wCount>20) return '21+';
else if (wCount>16) return '17-20';
else if (wCount>12) return '13-16';
else if (wCount>10) return '11-12';
else if (wCount>8) return '9-10';
else if (wCount>6) return '7-8';
else if (wCount>4) return '5-6';
else if (wCount>2) return '3-4';
else return '<3';
Page View Tag
Google Analytics - Site Content - All Pages
You can create up to five Content
You can create up to five Content
You can create up to five Content
You can create up to five Content
You can create up to five Content
You can create up to five Content
There is a maximum of 20 Custom

Dimensions (200 for Premium…)"
#5: Measure SERP Bounce Time
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Total SERP
Total SERP
Average Dwell Time
Before Bounce
(function() {
var s =;
var h = document.location.hash;
var e = {{Event}};
var n = {{New History Fragment}};
var o = {{Old History Fragment}};
// Only run if the History API is supported
if (window.history) {
// Create a new history state if the user lands from Google's SERP
if (e === 'gtm.js' &&
document.referrer.indexOf('') > -1 &&
s.indexOf('gclid') === -1 &&
s.indexOf('utm_') === -1 &&
h !== '#gref') {
window.oldFragment = false;
} else if (e === 'gtm.js') {
window.oldFragment = true;
// When the user tries to return to the SERP using browser back, fire the
// Google Analytics timing event, and after it's dispatched, manually
// navigate to the previous history entry, i.e. the SERP
if (e === 'gtm.historyChange' &&
n === '' &&
o === 'gref') {
var time = new Date().getTime() - {{DLV - gtm.start}};
if (!window.oldFragment) {
'event' : 'returnToSerp',
'timeToSerp' : time,
'eventCallback' : function() {
} else {
Custom HTML Tag
Triggers for the Custom HTML Tag
+ All Pages
Data Layer Variables
Trigger for the Event Tag
Custom JS Variable: {{JS - SERP Time In Seconds}}
function() {
return {{DLV - timeToSerp}} < 1800000 ? {{DLV - timeToSerp}} / 1000 : undefined;
GA Admin -> Property Settings -> Custom Definitions -> Custom Metrics
Event Tag
GA View Settings -> Calculated Metrics
Custom Report
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Total SERP
Total SERP
Average Dwell Time
Before Bounce
#6: Track Content Engagement
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Interactive Time = Time when user is actively interacting with the page (keyboard and mouse)
(function() {
var startEngage = new Date().getTime();
var timeEngaged = 0;
var idleTime = 0;
var idle = true;
var idleReport = false;
var idleTimer, reportTimer;
/* Set the user as idle, and calculate the time
they were non-idle */
var setIdle = function() {
idleTime = new Date().getTime();
timeEngaged += idleTime - startEngage;
idle = true;
/* Reset the 5 second idle timer.
If the user was idle, start the non-idle timer */
var pulse = function(evt) {
if (idle) {
idle = false;
startEngage = new Date().getTime();
idleReport = false;
idleTimer = window.setTimeout(setIdle, 5000);
// Utility function for attaching listeners to the window
var addListener = function(evt, cb) {
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener(evt, cb);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('on' + evt, cb);
/* Push an event to dataLayer every 15 seconds
unless the user is idle.
Also, push an event when the user leaves the page */
var report = function(evt) {
if (!idle) {
timeEngaged += new Date().getTime() - startEngage;
// Push the payload to dataLayer, and only push valid time values
if (!idleReport && timeEngaged > 0 && timeEngaged < 3600000) {
'event' : 'nonIdle',
'nonIdleTimeElapsed' : timeEngaged
if (idle) {
idleReport = true;
// Fix possible beforeunload duplication problem
if (evt && evt.type === 'beforeunload') {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', report);
timeEngaged = 0;
startEngage = new Date().getTime();
reportTimer = window.setTimeout(report, 15000);
addListener('mousedown', pulse);
addListener('keydown', pulse);
addListener('scroll', pulse);
addListener('mousemove', pulse);
addListener('beforeunload', report);
idleTimer = window.setTimeout(setIdle, 5000);
reportTimer = window.setTimeout(report, 15000);
Custom HTML Tag
Trigger for the Custom HTML Tag
Data Layer Variable
Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Get Engagement Time In Seconds}}
function() {
return {{DLV - nonIdleTimeElapsed}} / 1000;
GA: New Custom Metric
Trigger for the Event Tag
Event Tag
GA: New Calculated Metric
GA: New Custom Report
Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
Interactive Time = Time when user is actively interacting with the page (keyboard and mouse)
#7: Track Content As Ecommerce
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Data is difficult
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016
Data is difficult
Data quality is earned, not acquired
Twitter: @SimoAhava
Google+: +SimoAhava

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Search Marketer's Toolkit for Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

  • 1. Reaktor Mannerheimintie 2 00100, Helsinki Finland tel: +358 9 4152 0200 Confidential ©2015 Reaktor All rights reserved SEARCH marketer’s toolkitGoogle Tag Manager & Google Analytics Simo Ahava Senior Data Advocate
  • 2. Simo Ahava Senior Data Advocate, Reaktor Google Developer Expert, Google Analytics Blogger, developer, Twitter-er, @SimoAhava Google+:er, +SimoAhava
  • 3. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Why customize?
  • 4. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Why customize? Google Analytics is GREAT out-of-the-box, right?
  • 10. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website
  • 11. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity…
  • 12. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day…
  • 13. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes…
  • 14. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List…
  • 15. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented…
  • 16. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly…
  • 17. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult…
  • 18. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager…
  • 19. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager… Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly…
  • 20. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager… Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly… There’s also the sessionControl parameter…
  • 21. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager… Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly… There’s also the sessionControl parameter… Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps!
  • 22. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager… Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly… There’s also the sessionControl parameter… Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps! Who knows what else happens server-side?
  • 23. Google Analytics Session Group of interactions that takes place on a website That expires after 30 minutes of inactivity… Or at the end of they day… Or when acquisition campaign changes… Unless the referral is in the Referral Exclusion List… Or traffic is cross-domain, and cross-domain tracking is implemented… Unless it’s implemented incorrectly… Which is likely since it’s so !#/%(“% difficult… Unless you’re using Google Tag Manager… Except if you’ve implemented THAT incorrectly… There’s also the sessionControl parameter… Lets not forget mobile and single-page apps! Who knows what else happens server-side? Cookies, localStorage, persistent data stores!?
  • 24. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #2015ac | 8–11
  • 25. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #2015ac | 8–11 X
  • 26. All metrics and dimensions used by a platform subscribe to the definitions of said platform! GPeC Summit 11-May-2015 | @SimoAhava
  • 27. All metrics and dimensions used by a platform subscribe to the definitions of said platform! GPeC Summit 11-May-2015 | @SimoAhava sessionized
  • 28. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Google Tag Manager
  • 29. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Google Tag Manager The best only way to deploy Google Analytics tracking
  • 31. Google Tag Manager Lets you create and deploy tracking
 and measurement scripts with ease.
  • 32. Google Tag Manager Lets you create and deploy tracking
 and measurement scripts with ease. Facilitates interaction between various
 departments within your organization.
  • 33. Google Tag Manager Lets you create and deploy tracking
 and measurement scripts with ease. Facilitates interaction between various
 departments within your organization. Allows you to focus your time on analysis
 rather than implementation.
  • 35. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Tricks and methods
  • 36. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Tricks and methods …for search marketing via Google Tag Manager…
  • 37. WHY?
  • 42. #1: Inject Meta Data Dynamically Into The Page
  • 43. Custom HTML Tag <script> (function() { // The NAME attribute of the meta tag: var name = 'description'; // The CONTENT attribute of the meta tag: var content = 'Simo Ahava's blog provides a unique, understandable, and relatable peek into the digital world.'; var m = document.createElement('meta'); = name; m.content = content; document.head.appendChild(m); })(); </script>
  • 44. Page View Trigger "Inject the Meta Tag during the page load sequence as soon
 as Google Tag Manager has loaded"
  • 45. + +
  • 46. #2: Inject SERP Enrichments Into The Page
  • 47. <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "url": "", "potentialAction": { "@type": "SearchAction", "target": "{search_term}", "query-input": "required name=search_term" } } </script> Custom HTML Tag
  • 48. Page View Trigger "Inject the JSON-LD during the page load sequence as soon
 as Google Tag Manager has loaded"
  • 50. + +
  • 51. #3: Track Structured Data As Content Attributes
  • 52. function() { var jsonLd = document.querySelector('script[type*="ld+json"]'); return jsonLd ? JSON.parse(jsonLd.innerHTML) : {}; } Custom JS Variable 1: {{JSON-LD}}
  • 53. function() { return {{JSON-LD}} || undefined; } Custom JS Variable 2: {{JSON-LD -}}
  • 54. function() { return {{JSON-LD}}.datePublished || undefined; } Custom JS Variable 3: {{JSON-LD - datePublished}}
  • 55. function() { return {{JSON-LD}}.headline || undefined; } Custom JS Variable 4: {{JSON-LD - headline}}
  • 57. Google Tag Manager - Page View Tag
  • 58. Google Analytics - Site Content - All Pages
  • 59. #4: Article Attributes As Content Groups
  • 60. Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Images}} function() { // Make sure the selector points to your content element var content = document.querySelector('.entry-content'); var imgs = content.querySelectorAll('img').length - 1; if (imgs>20) return '21+'; else if (imgs>15) return '16-20'; else if (imgs>10) return '11-15'; else if (imgs>7) return '8-10'; else if (imgs>5) return '6-7'; else if (imgs>3) return '4-5'; else if (imgs>1) return '2-3'; else if (imgs>0) return '1'; else return '0'; }
  • 61. Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Length}} function() { // Make sure the selector matches your content element var content = document.querySelector('.entry-content'); var wCount = 0; var cText = content.textContent || content.innerText; cText = cText.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/gi,''); cText = cText.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi,' '); cText = cText.replace(/n /,'n'); wCount = cText.split(' ').length; if (wCount>3000) return '3k+'; else if (wCount>2500) return '2.5k-3k'; else if (wCount>2000) return '2k-2.5k'; else if (wCount>1500) return '1.5k-2k'; else if (wCount>1100) return '1.1k-1.5k'; else if (wCount>800) return '800-1.1k'; else if (wCount>500) return '500-800'; else if (wCount>200) return '200-500'; else return '<200'; }
  • 62. Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Blog Title Length}} function() { var title = document.title; var wCount; title = title.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/gi,''); title = title.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi,' '); wCount = title.split(' ').length; if (wCount>20) return '21+'; else if (wCount>16) return '17-20'; else if (wCount>12) return '13-16'; else if (wCount>10) return '11-12'; else if (wCount>8) return '9-10'; else if (wCount>6) return '7-8'; else if (wCount>4) return '5-6'; else if (wCount>2) return '3-4'; else return '<3'; }
  • 64. Google Analytics - Site Content - All Pages
  • 72. #5: Measure SERP Bounce Time
  • 75. Total SERP Bounces Average Dwell Time Before Bounce
  • 76. <script> (function() { var s =; var h = document.location.hash; var e = {{Event}}; var n = {{New History Fragment}}; var o = {{Old History Fragment}}; // Only run if the History API is supported if (window.history) { // Create a new history state if the user lands from Google's SERP if (e === 'gtm.js' && document.referrer.indexOf('') > -1 && s.indexOf('gclid') === -1 && s.indexOf('utm_') === -1 && h !== '#gref') { window.oldFragment = false; window.history.pushState(null,null,'#gref'); } else if (e === 'gtm.js') { window.oldFragment = true; } // When the user tries to return to the SERP using browser back, fire the // Google Analytics timing event, and after it's dispatched, manually // navigate to the previous history entry, i.e. the SERP if (e === 'gtm.historyChange' && n === '' && o === 'gref') { var time = new Date().getTime() - {{DLV - gtm.start}}; if (!window.oldFragment) { dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'returnToSerp', 'timeToSerp' : time, 'eventCallback' : function() { window.history.go(-1); } }); } else { window.history.go(-1); } } } })(); </script> Custom HTML Tag
  • 77. Triggers for the Custom HTML Tag + All Pages
  • 79. Trigger for the Event Tag
  • 80. Custom JS Variable: {{JS - SERP Time In Seconds}} function() { return {{DLV - timeToSerp}} < 1800000 ? {{DLV - timeToSerp}} / 1000 : undefined; }
  • 81. GA Admin -> Property Settings -> Custom Definitions -> Custom Metrics
  • 83. GA View Settings -> Calculated Metrics
  • 87. Total SERP Bounces Average Dwell Time Before Bounce
  • 88. #6: Track Content Engagement
  • 90. x5 x10 x7 x7 x8 x8 x9 Interactive Time = Time when user is actively interacting with the page (keyboard and mouse)
  • 91. <script> (function() { var startEngage = new Date().getTime(); var timeEngaged = 0; var idleTime = 0; var idle = true; var idleReport = false; var idleTimer, reportTimer; /* Set the user as idle, and calculate the time they were non-idle */ var setIdle = function() { idleTime = new Date().getTime(); timeEngaged += idleTime - startEngage; idle = true; }; /* Reset the 5 second idle timer. If the user was idle, start the non-idle timer */ var pulse = function(evt) { if (idle) { idle = false; startEngage = new Date().getTime(); idleReport = false; } window.clearTimeout(idleTimer); idleTimer = window.setTimeout(setIdle, 5000); }; // Utility function for attaching listeners to the window var addListener = function(evt, cb) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener(evt, cb); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('on' + evt, cb); } }; /* Push an event to dataLayer every 15 seconds unless the user is idle. Also, push an event when the user leaves the page */ var report = function(evt) { if (!idle) { timeEngaged += new Date().getTime() - startEngage; } // Push the payload to dataLayer, and only push valid time values if (!idleReport && timeEngaged > 0 && timeEngaged < 3600000) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'nonIdle', 'nonIdleTimeElapsed' : timeEngaged }); } if (idle) { idleReport = true; } // Fix possible beforeunload duplication problem if (evt && evt.type === 'beforeunload') { window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', report); } timeEngaged = 0; startEngage = new Date().getTime(); reportTimer = window.setTimeout(report, 15000); }; addListener('mousedown', pulse); addListener('keydown', pulse); addListener('scroll', pulse); addListener('mousemove', pulse); addListener('beforeunload', report); idleTimer = window.setTimeout(setIdle, 5000); reportTimer = window.setTimeout(report, 15000); })(); </script> Custom HTML Tag
  • 92. Trigger for the Custom HTML Tag
  • 94. Custom JS Variable: {{JS - Get Engagement Time In Seconds}} function() { return {{DLV - nonIdleTimeElapsed}} / 1000; }
  • 95. GA: New Custom Metric
  • 96. Trigger for the Event Tag
  • 99. GA: New Custom Report
  • 101. x5 x10 x7 x7 x8 x8 x9 Interactive Time = Time when user is actively interacting with the page (keyboard and mouse)
  • 102. #7: Track Content As Ecommerce
  • 103. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Data is difficult
  • 104. @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #SearchLove | 3 May 2016 Data is difficult Data quality is earned, not acquired