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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Fun with Machines. How Machine
Learning is Shaping Google and
Technical SEO
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About Me
• Studied Industrial Design at NCSU
• Worked as an architectural glass
artist for 10 years.
• Was Lead Developer and then
Director of Strategy for medium-
sized agency with 100+ clients
• Work as Director, Technical SEO
for Adapt.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
I have a problem with tf-idf
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
TF-IDF is very hand-wavy and
sounds very fancy, but is not the
magic elixir to DOMINATING ON

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The document is a slide presentation on using natural language processing (NLP) for search engine optimization (SEO). It discusses how NLP can be used to analyze text data for SEO purposes, including preprocessing text through tokenization, normalization, and feature extraction. It also covers vectorization techniques and basic machine learning models that can be applied to NLP tasks for SEO, as well as resources for learning more about applying NLP in SEO. The presentation aims to show how NLP can power applications to help with content creation, link analysis, and other SEO tasks.

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Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content GapsScaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps

This document discusses scaling keyword research to find content gaps. It begins by explaining how keyword research has changed from 2013 to focus more on SERP features replacing the top blue links. The presenter then outlines an agenda to map SERP features to content formats, use those to research gaps in content formats for underperforming keywords, and automate the process using Python. Code examples are provided to extract keywords from Google Search Console, get their SERP features from SEMrush, check web pages for expected content formats, and generate a report of missing formats. Resources for learning more about the techniques are also shared.

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Crawl Budget Conqueror - Take Control of Your Crawl Budget
Crawl Budget Conqueror - Take Control of Your Crawl BudgetCrawl Budget Conqueror - Take Control of Your Crawl Budget
Crawl Budget Conqueror - Take Control of Your Crawl Budget

Jori Ford presented on how to take control of a website's crawl budget. She explained that crawl budget is determined by crawl rate and demand. Crawl rate depends on factors like response time and server errors, while demand is based on popularity and freshness. She recommended quantifying a site's current crawl budget by analyzing log files to see what pages are crawled and how often. Then pages can be optimized by improving response time and removing errors. Non-essential pages should be pruned to conserve budget, while important pages can be better linked and updated to increase demand. Overall the key is understanding how Google allocates crawl resources and managing page quality and relevance accordingly.

JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
It is actually not even the best IR
BM25 takes into account document
length in addition to other factors in
various iterations.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
The Search Platform Team has been working on improving search on
Wikimedia projects with machine learning. Machine learned-ranking (MLR)
enables us to rank relevance of pages using a model trained on implicit and
explicit judgements. In the first test of the learning-to-rank (LTR) project, we
evaluated the performance of a click-based model on users searching English
Wikipedia. We found that users were slightly more likely to engage with MLR-
provided results than with BM25 results (assessed via the clickthrough rate
and a preference statistic). We also found that users with machine learning-
ranked results were statistically significantly more likely to click on the first
search result first than users with BM25-ranked results, which indicates that
we are onto something. The next step for us is to evaluate the model’s
performance on Wikipedia in other languages.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF

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1. Audience segmentation using unsupervised machine learning can analyze individual user sessions from analytics tools like Google Analytics to automatically group users into behavior segments. 2. The key steps involve extracting session data, processing it, selecting important features, clustering the data using algorithms like k-means, and manually exploring the resulting segments. 3. These segments can provide insights for hypotheses to test in conversion rate optimization experiments and personalizing the user experience.

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What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like GoogleWhat I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google

JR Oakes presented on building a toy crawler and renderer to better understand how Google and other search engines operate. He discussed key components of crawlers like prioritizing pages, handling duplicates, and respecting robots.txt. He then created a simple "toy internet" of linked pages to crawl. JR built a basic crawler in Python that applies techniques like PageRank, renders pages with Chrome Headless, and includes a search interface using Streamlit. The open source project is intended for learning and experimentation.

seotechnical seo
Technical Content Optimization
Technical Content OptimizationTechnical Content Optimization
Technical Content Optimization

Michael King of iPullRank discusses Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis and how to leverage it to improve Search Engine Optimization.

content marketingcontent strategynatural language processing
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
Wikimedia Research released their first model on Github last month.
MjoLniR – our Python and Spark-based library for handling the
backend data processing for Machine Learned Ranking at
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
About TF-IDF
We are WAY beyond TF-IDF. TF-IDF seems to work because it causes you to
look for related phrases, but it is not a very good relevance metric. It is a
keyword frequency metric.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
How is Google Using Machine
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Was Larry Kim right?

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience Optimization
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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience Optimization

Ranking well is just the beginning of successfully marketing businesses via local search. You then need to attract and engage prospects in order to turn them into customers and to satisfy RankBrain's influence on the algorithms. Mary will show you tactics that will help you to improve your local search experience optimization to attract new leads.

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Using Competitive Gap Analyses to Discover Low-Hanging Fruit
Using Competitive Gap Analyses to Discover Low-Hanging FruitUsing Competitive Gap Analyses to Discover Low-Hanging Fruit
Using Competitive Gap Analyses to Discover Low-Hanging Fruit

Presented at Pubcon - Las Vegas on Tuesday, November 7th, 2017, for the panel Actionable SEO: Low-Hanging Fruit, this deck discusses the importance of competitive intelligence for keywords and links for finding opportunities that you may have missed.

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SearchLeeds 2018 - Steve Chambers - Stickyeyes - How not to F**K up a Migration
SearchLeeds 2018 - Steve Chambers - Stickyeyes - How not to F**K up a Migration SearchLeeds 2018 - Steve Chambers - Stickyeyes - How not to F**K up a Migration
SearchLeeds 2018 - Steve Chambers - Stickyeyes - How not to F**K up a Migration

This document provides guidance on how to successfully conduct a website migration without negatively impacting traffic, rankings, and revenue. It emphasizes the importance of pre-migration planning, actions, and post-migration checks. Key steps include defining responsibilities and resources, creating a project plan and checklist, setting up redirects, internal link updates, and benchmarking rankings. Post-migration, the document recommends checking robots.txt, redirects, log files, and conducting various tests through Google Search Console to identify any issues.

marketing digitaldigital marketingseo ranking factors
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
• Clicks - For our click model we use a generalization of the PositionBased
Model (PBM) [9], at the core of which lies an examination hypothesis,
stating that in order to be clicked a document has to be examined and
• Attention – What if users get the information that they need directly from
the SERP (Answer boxes), without a click, how do we know they were
• Satisfaction – “While looking at the reasons specified by the raters we
found out that 42% of the raters who said that they would click through on
a SERP, indicated that their goal was “to confirm information already
present in the summary” So additional clicks don’t necessarily mean a
poor initial result.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor

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Breaking Down NLP for SEOs - SMX Advanced Europe 2019 - Paul Shapiro
Breaking Down NLP for SEOs - SMX Advanced Europe 2019 - Paul ShapiroBreaking Down NLP for SEOs - SMX Advanced Europe 2019 - Paul Shapiro
Breaking Down NLP for SEOs - SMX Advanced Europe 2019 - Paul Shapiro

Interested in learning about Natural Language Processing (NLP)? Are you using NLP for your SEO already and want to step it up a level? Join this session to get a crash course in NLP. From stemming and lemmatization to word embeddings and its applications for SEO. Paul Shapiro will break down NLP to explain how NLP technology uses machine learning to decipher and analyze our human languages in a way that is highly valuable for marketers and SEOs. Paul will also share specific examples using the Python programming language along the way so you can either start using NLP right away for SEO or find new and more effective ways to use NLP.

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MnSearch Summit 2018 - Rob Ousbey – The Evolution of SEO: Split-Testing for S...
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SEO has always sat at the intersection between being a science and an art. We all love to try out new ideas and try to understand what makes the search engines tick, but it can be frustrating to have to cut through the guesswork and speculation just to figure out what Google really wants from us. Even worse, we still find ourselves making SEO changes, seeing uplifts, but then not knowing which changes actually had any impact. Fortunately, new software and better technologies now make it possible to run proper SEO-focused tests and, for the first time, actually measure the impact that each SEO change has on our site. Rob will share these techniques, discuss some of the experiments that Distilled has been running, reveal the unexpected things they’ve learned along the way, and share how you can start running experiments yourself.

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Max Prin - MnSearch Summit 2018 - SEO for the Current Mobile Landscape

Max Prin discussed technical SEO tactics for the mobile landscape. He emphasized that mobile searches now surpass desktop searches, so websites need to be mobile-friendly and fast loading for mobile users. He recommended responsive design, AMP pages, and progressive web apps to provide optimized experiences for users on all devices. Ensuring content parity between mobile and desktop versions is also important. Structured data and metadata can enhance search engine results and voice search results.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
Machine Learning in its simplest form takes:
1. Input features
2. An algorithm that processes the features (most often) in a linear, non-
linear, or tree-based way to make a prediction.
3. And an evaluation metric that compares the prediction to your “ground
truth” data.
It is technically possible that CTR and / or Quality Rater data provides the
ground truth.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
The problem is:
We don’t have the ground truth, we don’t know the features, and we sure as
hell have no idea what is in here:
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
CTR As A Ranking Factor
We know that it probably depends on:
• Click-through-rate
• Context models
• Ground-truth quality (Quality Rater’s Guidelines)
• And other standard factors.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost

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This document discusses various techniques for improving JavaScript rendering for SEO purposes, including: - Using automated tests to prevent JavaScript-related SEO errors before deployment. Unit and end-to-end tests can check for issues like missing tags. - Choosing an appropriate rendering technique depending on how often content changes, whether it be pre-rendering, server-side rendering, or dynamic rendering. - Leveraging universal JavaScript to avoid accidental cloaking issues and ensure consistency between what users and search engines see. Workarounds are discussed when universal JavaScript is not practical.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Using Generative Adversarial Networks to train machines how to see the
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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
We would also guess that LSTMs (with attention) play some role in Rankbrain
based on its state-of-the-art ability to pick up referential information in texts
well beyond traditional BOW models.

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Matthew Brown discusses semantic search engine optimization techniques. He defines semantic SEO as using semantic web technologies to send detailed page content meanings to search engines in a way computers can process. Brown recommends starting with and Open Graph vocabularies and provides links to resources on structured data types, markup troubleshooting, and semantic web statistics. He also lists people involved in both SEO and semantic web fields.

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Mike King examines the state of the SEO industry and talks through knowing information retrieval will help improve our understanding of Google. This talk debuted at MozCon

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
What should we focus on?
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Query Disambiguation
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Query Disambiguation
Very little information in the query and
a lot of information in the possible
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Query Disambiguation
Google tries to give us a nudge.

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The document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It discusses key on-page optimization techniques like keyword research, meta tags, image optimization and heading tags. It also covers off-page optimization including link building, social bookmarking and directory submissions. The document is presented as a tutorial by DLK Technologies on SEO strategies and includes questions for clarification.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition
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Vincent Terrasi presented on building a machine learning model to predict webpage rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) with 92% reliability. The model analyzed data from SEMrush, Majestic, ScreamingFrog, OnCrawl, and Visiblis to identify the most important ranking factors for specific topics without human intervention. OVH was then able to instantly check if new webpages would rank first in Google or compare pages' predicted positions. Dan Taylor discussed utilizing Cloudflare Workers to implement technical SEO elements like Hreflang, redirects, and meta robots tags through serverless functions. Testing showed these could be deployed at scale with minimal DevOps while being detected by Google. However, workers

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Query Disambiguation
What a strong hint to
consider when thinking about
what needs to be included
on a page discussing:
Lipton Tea
Also a very strong hint at
potential navigation.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Query Disambiguation
AT&T does an amazing job
at this.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
Bill Slawski (as always) is spot on.

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TechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2019: Research CompetitionTechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2019: Research Competition

This document contains the slides from a TechSEO Boost conference research competition. There were three finalists who presented on topics related to technical SEO research they had conducted: Eric Enge presented on how Google search features impact click-through rates, Tomek Rudzki discussed taking JavaScript SEO to the next level by addressing issues with indexing JavaScript content, and Vincent Terrasi presented on generating qualitative content in multiple languages. Tomek Rudzki was selected as the grand prize winner for his research on JavaScript indexing challenges.

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This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

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Croud Presents: How to Build a Data-driven SEO Strategy Using NLP
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Croud Presents: How to Build a Data-driven SEO Strategy Using NLP

Exploring how you can harness the huge amounts of data available to build an effective, empirically-led SEO strategy using machine learning resource such as natural language processing (NLP). Including useful and practical tips on areas such as topic modelling, categorisation and clustering, so you can get started on using NLP in your own SEO strategy right away.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
Going back to the patent from Google
in 2014 (Integrated external related
phrase information into a phrase-
based indexing information retrieval
system), we see that there is an
marked gain in the significance of
phrases in a page based on
additional semantically related
qualifying phrases.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
There are many ways to handle this on a
page level.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
But, this really starts much sooner by
trying to discover content / intent
categories that your site is relevant
for to even start the process of
building out relevant content
categories for your visitors.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
The prior notebook ingests your
keywords, models them to vector
space, and then runs k-means to
group the keywords into relevance

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In the year of 2010, in Independent India, a vision was born, which would eventually stand out as a brand name synonymous with innovation and integrity. Building on its varied expertise and domain knowledge, DLK offers clients a wide range SEO, SEM, IT, Software and BPO services. These services enable business to "Do Business Better". we have developed perspectives quite different from most SEO services in the INDIA. We offer: 1. Real SEO strategies that seamlessly blend in with your marketing plan; your vision comes first, we build our SEO strategies around that 2. SEO services that go beyond simple search engine optimization and SEM, and support other sectors of your marketing efforts with the tools at our disposal

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The document is from DLK Technologies and provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) basics. It discusses key on-page SEO elements like meta titles, keywords, descriptions and heading tags. It also covers off-page optimization techniques such as link building, social bookmarking and article submission. The goal of the SEO tutorial is to explain the necessary information around search engine optimization and how it can help get traffic from search engines.

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Module 9: Natural Language Processing Part 2
Module 9:  Natural Language Processing Part 2Module 9:  Natural Language Processing Part 2
Module 9: Natural Language Processing Part 2

This document provides an overview of natural language processing techniques for gathering and analyzing text data, including web scraping, topic modeling, and clustering. It discusses gathering text data through APIs or web scraping using tools like Beautiful Soup. It also covers representing text numerically using bag-of-words and TF-IDF, visualizing documents in multi-dimensional spaces based on word frequencies, and using k-means clustering to group similar documents together based on cosine or Euclidean distances between their vectors. The document uses examples of Netflix movie descriptions to illustrate these NLP techniques.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
Note this goes well beyond term-
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Semantic Relevance
Using skip-gram models impart
probability of cooccurrence across
large corpuses which is much closer
to what Google does than simple tf-
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
We should also care about click

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And end-to-end introduction to building meaningful strategies for organic search. This course addresses: What is an organic search strategy? What you need to know and do before starting a project with a client? The research process Organizing and prioritizing action items Building, editing, and presenting presentation Along with general tips and tricks This class is targeted to SEO practitioners with 3-6 year of experience (particularly management to director levels). However, anyone can glean insights from this class, as it will be focused on building general critical, strategic thinking for the organic search channel. Materials Needed: Internet connection / Google search A Creative mind Whiteboard One of the following would help with keyword analysis: SEMrush/aHref/Moz/getStat/etc. Site crawlers: Screaming Frog/Sitebulb/DeepCrawl/OnCrawl/aHref/etc.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Click Satisfaction
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Click Satisfaction
Working hard to ensure that your pages get the clicks. H/T to @fighto for the
excellent article here:
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
We should also care about content
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Content Deduplication

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The document discusses the similarities between making cheesecake and building software applications. It notes that both processes require trusting where ingredients/libraries come from and having transparency in the overall process. This includes knowing the ingredients/libraries, who uses them, and where they are stored. The document advocates integrating security practices like DevSecOps earlier in the development lifecycle to help build more secure applications faster.

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This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence trends and applications in development and operations. It discusses how AI is being used for rapid prototyping, intelligent programming assistants, automatic error handling and code refactoring, and strategic decision making. Examples are given of AI tools from Microsoft, Facebook, and Codota. The document also discusses challenges like interpretability of neural networks and outlines a vision of "Software 2.0" where programs are generated automatically to satisfy goals. It emphasizes that AI will transform software development over the next 10 years.

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JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost
Wrapping Up
It is very difficult to gain intuition into how Google works based on solely external
data. The reality is that context, machine learning, and click data allows for the
building of models that humans cannot understand easily.
We wanted to move the conversation away from simplistic keyword mechanisms
and towards an understanding that there semantics and context are much more
valuable to ranking.
JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost

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TechSEO Boost 2017: Fun with Machine Learning: How Machine Learning is Shaping Google and Technical SEO

  • 1. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Fun with Machines. How Machine Learning is Shaping Google and Technical SEO
  • 2. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About Me • Studied Industrial Design at NCSU • Worked as an architectural glass artist for 10 years. • Was Lead Developer and then Director of Strategy for medium- sized agency with 100+ clients worldwide. • Work as Director, Technical SEO for Adapt.
  • 3. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost I have a problem with tf-idf
  • 4. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF TF-IDF is very hand-wavy and sounds very fancy, but is not the magic elixir to DOMINATING ON GOOGLE.
  • 5. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF It is actually not even the best IR algorithm. BM25 takes into account document length in addition to other factors in various iterations.
  • 6. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF
  • 7. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF The Search Platform Team has been working on improving search on Wikimedia projects with machine learning. Machine learned-ranking (MLR) enables us to rank relevance of pages using a model trained on implicit and explicit judgements. In the first test of the learning-to-rank (LTR) project, we evaluated the performance of a click-based model on users searching English Wikipedia. We found that users were slightly more likely to engage with MLR- provided results than with BM25 results (assessed via the clickthrough rate and a preference statistic). We also found that users with machine learning- ranked results were statistically significantly more likely to click on the first search result first than users with BM25-ranked results, which indicates that we are onto something. The next step for us is to evaluate the model’s performance on Wikipedia in other languages.
  • 8. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF
  • 9. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF Wikimedia Research released their first model on Github last month. MjoLniR – our Python and Spark-based library for handling the backend data processing for Machine Learned Ranking at Wikimedia.
  • 10. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost About TF-IDF We are WAY beyond TF-IDF. TF-IDF seems to work because it causes you to look for related phrases, but it is not a very good relevance metric. It is a keyword frequency metric.
  • 11. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost How is Google Using Machine Learning?
  • 12. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Was Larry Kim right?
  • 13. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor
  • 14. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor
  • 15. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor Potentially: • Clicks - For our click model we use a generalization of the PositionBased Model (PBM) [9], at the core of which lies an examination hypothesis, stating that in order to be clicked a document has to be examined and attractive: • Attention – What if users get the information that they need directly from the SERP (Answer boxes), without a click, how do we know they were satisfied? • Satisfaction – “While looking at the reasons specified by the raters we found out that 42% of the raters who said that they would click through on a SERP, indicated that their goal was “to confirm information already present in the summary” So additional clicks don’t necessarily mean a poor initial result.
  • 16. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor
  • 17. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor Machine Learning in its simplest form takes: 1. Input features 2. An algorithm that processes the features (most often) in a linear, non- linear, or tree-based way to make a prediction. 3. And an evaluation metric that compares the prediction to your “ground truth” data. It is technically possible that CTR and / or Quality Rater data provides the ground truth.
  • 18. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor The problem is: We don’t have the ground truth, we don’t know the features, and we sure as hell have no idea what is in here:
  • 19. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost CTR As A Ranking Factor We know that it probably depends on: • Click-through-rate • Context models • Ground-truth quality (Quality Rater’s Guidelines) • And other standard factors.
  • 20. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Storytelling
  • 21. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Storytelling
  • 22. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Storytelling Using Generative Adversarial Networks to train machines how to see the storylines in news events.
  • 23. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost LSTMs
  • 24. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost LSTMs We would also guess that LSTMs (with attention) play some role in Rankbrain based on its state-of-the-art ability to pick up referential information in texts well beyond traditional BOW models.
  • 25. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost What should we focus on?
  • 26. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Query Disambiguation
  • 27. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Query Disambiguation Very little information in the query and a lot of information in the possible results.
  • 28. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Query Disambiguation Google tries to give us a nudge.
  • 29. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Query Disambiguation What a strong hint to consider when thinking about what needs to be included on a page discussing: Lipton Tea Also a very strong hint at potential navigation.
  • 30. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Query Disambiguation AT&T does an amazing job at this.
  • 31. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance
  • 32. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance Bill Slawski (as always) is spot on.
  • 33. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance Going back to the patent from Google in 2014 (Integrated external related phrase information into a phrase- based indexing information retrieval system), we see that there is an marked gain in the significance of phrases in a page based on additional semantically related qualifying phrases.
  • 34. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance There are many ways to handle this on a page level.
  • 35. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance But, this really starts much sooner by trying to discover content / intent categories that your site is relevant for to even start the process of building out relevant content categories for your visitors. share/notebook
  • 36. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance The prior notebook ingests your keywords, models them to vector space, and then runs k-means to group the keywords into relevance clusters.
  • 37. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance
  • 38. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance Note this goes well beyond term- frequency.
  • 39. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Semantic Relevance Using skip-gram models impart probability of cooccurrence across large corpuses which is much closer to what Google does than simple tf- idf.
  • 40. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost We should also care about click satisfaction.
  • 41. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Click Satisfaction
  • 42. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Click Satisfaction Working hard to ensure that your pages get the clicks. H/T to @fighto for the excellent article here: detection-poorly-performing-meta-data-280290
  • 43. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost We should also care about content deduplication.
  • 44. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Content Deduplication _with_shingling_share/notebook
  • 45. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost Wrapping Up It is very difficult to gain intuition into how Google works based on solely external data. The reality is that context, machine learning, and click data allows for the building of models that humans cannot understand easily. We wanted to move the conversation away from simplistic keyword mechanisms and towards an understanding that there semantics and context are much more valuable to ranking.
  • 46. JR Oakes | @jroakes #TechSEOBoost