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Agile Analytics
What can we learn from agile
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow
Agile Analytics
What can we learn from agile
@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow
Simo Ahava
Senior Data Advocate, Reaktor
Google Developer Expert, Google Analytics
Blogger, developer,
Twitter-er, @SimoAhava
Google+:er, +SimoAhava
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on

the right, we value the items on the left more.
Manifesto for Agile Software Development 

Agile works in analytics because it promotes
reaction over sticking to plans
Agile works in analytics because it promotes
multi-disciplinary teams over silos
Business design
AnalyticsCRO UX
Agile works in analytics because it promotes
increments over massive releases
Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4
Contact form Server-side validation
Agile works in analytics because it promotes
feedback loops over tunnel vision
Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4
Contact form Server-side validation
Auto-complete Inline validation
A/B test, UX and peer reviews, heatmaps, session recordings
Data is the lifeblood of the organization. It flows through
all departments, across job titles, permeating the very
fabric of the organization, reinforcing its foundations for
growth. It cannot and should not be contained in one
vector (a dedicated analyst) alone.
Reaktor Blog: 10 Truths About Data

Idea #1: Collaboration
Idea #1: Collaboration
Daily meetings
- A call / stand-up meeting with all
team members

- Discuss key metrics via dashboard
next to the board

- Discuss if there are questions about
analytics implementation for tasks
being worked on

- Avoid "peeking" at experiments that
are on-going and making radical,
unplanned changes to data collection
Idea #1: Collaboration
Sprint planning
- Choose stories for the upcoming

- Discuss whether it’s important to
measure these with analytics tools

- Discuss if it’s necessary to start A/B
tests, etc.

- Choose stories based on potential
Idea #1: Collaboration
Backlog grooming
- Split / evaluate stories waiting in
the backlog

- Discuss what the Definition of
Success is for these stories

- Discuss how to measure the success
of these stories

- Discuss what the potential value of
each story is
Idea #1: Collaboration
Weekly / demo
- Show what’s been done so far
(and is ready for shipping)

- Discuss on-going experiments and
data collection

- Show previous test / data collection
results via a dashboard and/or
prepared presentation

- Discuss organization-wide about the
role of data in the current project
Idea #2: Definition of Done
Definition of Done
1. Test coverage extended to cover

the feature

2. Feature documented (only when

3. Feature passes code/UX/peer
Idea #2: Definition of Done
- The Definition of Done is a (living)
list of items that each developed
feature must pass for the sprint to be
deemed successful

- Adding "analytics" to the DoD is a
great way to put measurement to
top-of-mind when developing

- It’s important to shape it into "is
discussed" rather than "is done",
because not all features can/should
be measured or tested
Definition of Done
1. Test coverage extended to cover

the feature

2. Feature documented (only when

3. Feature passes code/UX/peer

4.Feature measurement / testing is
Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams
The Project
WORST: Lack of involvement, lack of participation, lack of collaboration, lack of trust.
Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams
The Project
BETTER: Good communication, lack of shared goals, lack of involvement.
Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams
The Project
BEST: Transparency, involvement, shared knowledge and skills, constant learning.
Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams
Any organization that designs a
system (defined broadly) will
produce a design whose structure
is a copy of the organization's
communication structure.
- (Mel) Conway’s law
A good consultant should work in a manner that
inevitably makes them redundant.
Idea #4: Hire to educate, not to delegate
The Project
BAD: Experts are hired as extra pairs of hands and as reporting tools.
Idea #4: Hire to educate, not to delegate
The Project
BEST: Experts work with the team, teaching, facilitating, building processes.
A feature is completed when it is done successfully.
Success is subjective.
Success is temporal.
Success is non-binary.
Definition of Done
Are we doing things right?
Definition of Success
Are we doing the right things?
Definition of Done
Are we doing things right?
Definition of Success
Are we doing the right things?
Agile Analytics
Twitter: @SimoAhava
Google+: +SimoAhava

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Agile Analytics

  • 1. Agile Analytics What can we learn from agile methodologies? @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow
  • 2. Agile Analytics What can we learn from agile methodologies? @SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow
  • 3. Simo Ahava Senior Data Advocate, Reaktor Google Developer Expert, Google Analytics Blogger, developer, Twitter-er, @SimoAhava Google+:er, +SimoAhava
  • 4. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
 Working software over comprehensive documentation
 Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
 Responding to change over following a plan
 That is, while there is value in the items on
 the right, we value the items on the left more. Manifesto for Agile Software Development 
  • 5. Agile works in analytics because it promotes reaction over sticking to plans
  • 6. Agile works in analytics because it promotes multi-disciplinary teams over silos Business design Software development AnalyticsCRO UX
  • 7. Agile works in analytics because it promotes increments over massive releases Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Contact form Server-side validation Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Auto-complete
  • 8. Agile works in analytics because it promotes feedback loops over tunnel vision Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint 3 Sprint 4 Contact form Server-side validation Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Auto-complete Inline validation A/B test, UX and peer reviews, heatmaps, session recordings
  • 9. Data is the lifeblood of the organization. It flows through all departments, across job titles, permeating the very fabric of the organization, reinforcing its foundations for growth. It cannot and should not be contained in one vector (a dedicated analyst) alone. Reaktor Blog: 10 Truths About Data
  • 11. Idea #1: Collaboration Daily meetings - A call / stand-up meeting with all team members
 - Discuss key metrics via dashboard next to the board
 - Discuss if there are questions about analytics implementation for tasks being worked on
 - Avoid "peeking" at experiments that are on-going and making radical, unplanned changes to data collection
  • 12. Idea #1: Collaboration Sprint planning - Choose stories for the upcoming sprint
 - Discuss whether it’s important to measure these with analytics tools
 - Discuss if it’s necessary to start A/B tests, etc.
 - Choose stories based on potential value
  • 13. Idea #1: Collaboration Backlog grooming - Split / evaluate stories waiting in the backlog
 - Discuss what the Definition of Success is for these stories
 - Discuss how to measure the success of these stories
 - Discuss what the potential value of each story is
  • 14. Idea #1: Collaboration Weekly / demo - Show what’s been done so far (and is ready for shipping)
 - Discuss on-going experiments and data collection
 - Show previous test / data collection results via a dashboard and/or prepared presentation
 - Discuss organization-wide about the role of data in the current project
  • 15. Idea #2: Definition of Done Definition of Done 1. Test coverage extended to cover
 the feature
 2. Feature documented (only when necessary)
 3. Feature passes code/UX/peer review
  • 16. Idea #2: Definition of Done - The Definition of Done is a (living) list of items that each developed feature must pass for the sprint to be deemed successful
 - Adding "analytics" to the DoD is a great way to put measurement to top-of-mind when developing features
 - It’s important to shape it into "is discussed" rather than "is done", because not all features can/should be measured or tested Definition of Done 1. Test coverage extended to cover
 the feature
 2. Feature documented (only when necessary)
 3. Feature passes code/UX/peer review
 4.Feature measurement / testing is discussed
  • 17. Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams IT UX Data Biz Marketing The Project WORST: Lack of involvement, lack of participation, lack of collaboration, lack of trust.
  • 18. Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams IT UX Data Biz Marketing The Project BETTER: Good communication, lack of shared goals, lack of involvement.
  • 19. Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams The Project BEST: Transparency, involvement, shared knowledge and skills, constant learning.
  • 20. Idea #3: Multi-disciplinary teams Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. - (Mel) Conway’s law
  • 21. A good consultant should work in a manner that inevitably makes them redundant.
  • 22. Idea #4: Hire to educate, not to delegate The Project BAD: Experts are hired as extra pairs of hands and as reporting tools.
  • 23. Idea #4: Hire to educate, not to delegate The Project BEST: Experts work with the team, teaching, facilitating, building processes.
  • 24. A feature is completed when it is done successfully.
  • 28. Definition of Done Are we doing things right? Definition of Success Are we doing the right things?
  • 29. Definition of Done Are we doing things right? Definition of Success Are we doing the right things?