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Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
SEO Automation to Increase
Efficiency & Effectiveness
Working Smarter
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Why Automate?
1.Work faster and free up time for the
important stuff
2.Look at more data
3.Improved consistency and procedure
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
What Can You Automate?
• If you’re doing something on a routine
basis, it can probably be automated.
• Any procedures that can be broken down
into smaller, micro tasks that can be
handled a by a computer.
• Machine Learning can help with more
complex decision making.

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TechSEO Boost 2021 - SEO Experimentation
TechSEO Boost 2021 - SEO ExperimentationTechSEO Boost 2021 - SEO Experimentation
TechSEO Boost 2021 - SEO Experimentation

The document discusses how to run SEO experiments to test changes on websites. It recommends bucketing pages into control and treatment groups to test elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and content. It provides steps for designing an experiment, waiting 2-4 weeks for results, analyzing traffic differences between groups, concluding if results are significant, and iterating on new experiments. It also includes an example of testing alternative title tags on a company's community pages.

technical seoseo
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research CompetitionTechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition
TechSEO Boost 2018: Research Competition

Vincent Terrasi presented on building a machine learning model to predict webpage rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) with 92% reliability. The model analyzed data from SEMrush, Majestic, ScreamingFrog, OnCrawl, and Visiblis to identify the most important ranking factors for specific topics without human intervention. OVH was then able to instantly check if new webpages would rank first in Google or compare pages' predicted positions. Dan Taylor discussed utilizing Cloudflare Workers to implement technical SEO elements like Hreflang, redirects, and meta robots tags through serverless functions. Testing showed these could be deployed at scale with minimal DevOps while being detected by Google. However, workers

seotechnical seosearch engine optimization
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEOTechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2017: The State of Technical SEO

A discussion of trends in the technical SEO industry covering a wide array of topics from industry health metrics, budding technologies, standards adoption and future expectations.

technical seosearch engine optimizationsearch engine marketing
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
How Do You Automate?
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
• Fast way to put together complex
• Great for prototyping
• Large library of built-in “nodes”
• Free/Open Source
• Run on Windows/Mac/Linux
• Very expandable – even compatible
with R, Python, Java, JavaScript
• Easy enough for non-technical staff
to grasp

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MnSearch Summit 2018 - Rob Ousbey – The Evolution of SEO: Split-Testing for S...
MnSearch Summit 2018 - Rob Ousbey – The Evolution of SEO: Split-Testing for S...MnSearch Summit 2018 - Rob Ousbey – The Evolution of SEO: Split-Testing for S...
MnSearch Summit 2018 - Rob Ousbey – The Evolution of SEO: Split-Testing for S...

SEO has always sat at the intersection between being a science and an art. We all love to try out new ideas and try to understand what makes the search engines tick, but it can be frustrating to have to cut through the guesswork and speculation just to figure out what Google really wants from us. Even worse, we still find ourselves making SEO changes, seeing uplifts, but then not knowing which changes actually had any impact. Fortunately, new software and better technologies now make it possible to run proper SEO-focused tests and, for the first time, actually measure the impact that each SEO change has on our site. Rob will share these techniques, discuss some of the experiments that Distilled has been running, reveal the unexpected things they’ve learned along the way, and share how you can start running experiments yourself.

mnsearch summitmnsearchdigital marketing
MnSearch Summit 2018 - Paul Shapiro – Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Au...
MnSearch Summit 2018 - Paul Shapiro – Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Au...MnSearch Summit 2018 - Paul Shapiro – Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Au...
MnSearch Summit 2018 - Paul Shapiro – Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Au...

Learn about the different things you can and cannot automate in SEO, saving you time and enabling more advanced work. Discover free tools, such as KNIME, and learn how to use them to begin your automation efforts. Finally, learn what an API is and how it can help you and your SEO work

mnsearchmnsearch summitdigital marketing
Max Prin - MnSearch Summit 2018 - SEO for the Current Mobile Landscape
Max Prin - MnSearch Summit 2018 - SEO for the Current Mobile LandscapeMax Prin - MnSearch Summit 2018 - SEO for the Current Mobile Landscape
Max Prin - MnSearch Summit 2018 - SEO for the Current Mobile Landscape

Max Prin discussed technical SEO tactics for the mobile landscape. He emphasized that mobile searches now surpass desktop searches, so websites need to be mobile-friendly and fast loading for mobile users. He recommended responsive design, AMP pages, and progressive web apps to provide optimized experiences for users on all devices. Ensuring content parity between mobile and desktop versions is also important. Structured data and metadata can enhance search engine results and voice search results.

seotechnical seomnsearch
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Other Options
• Scripting Languages
• Python
• Ruby
• Node.js
• Go
• R
• Excel with VBA
• Google Sheets
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Cron & Windows Task Manager
are Your Friend
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
What is Cron and Why?
• *NIX system daemon used to schedule tasks and
• Windows Task Manager is the Windows equivalent
of Cron.
• This way we can schedule scripts and programs that
perform automated tasks on a recurring, scheduled
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Quick How To
* * * * * command /to/execute
Day of Week (0-6) (Sunday = 0)
Month (1-12)
Hour (0-23)
Day of Month (1-31)
Minute (0-59)

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What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like GoogleWhat I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google
What I Learned Building a Toy Example to Crawl & Render like Google

JR Oakes presented on building a toy crawler and renderer to better understand how Google and other search engines operate. He discussed key components of crawlers like prioritizing pages, handling duplicates, and respecting robots.txt. He then created a simple "toy internet" of linked pages to crawl. JR built a basic crawler in Python that applies techniques like PageRank, renders pages with Chrome Headless, and includes a search interface using Streamlit. The open source project is intended for learning and experimentation.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: You Have Structured Data, Now What?
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TechSEO Boost 2018: You Have Structured Data, Now What?

You’ve taken the time to implement structured data. But now what? Harness your structured data to make deep technical insights, uncover competitor data, and find unseen strategic advantages for your SEO strategy.

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SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First IndexSEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

seotechnical seousability
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Run Every Month at Midnight
0 0 1 * * python
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
The Basics of KNIME
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
What is a Node?
• Nodes are prebuilt, drag and drop modules designed perform a singular task
• Nodes are strung together like a chain to accomplish larger, more complex
• Nodes can be grouped together into “meta-nodes”, which can be configured in
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
How Do You Add Nodes &
How Do They Connect?
How do you add nodes to your “workflow”?
How do you string nodes together?

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Technical Content Optimization
Technical Content OptimizationTechnical Content Optimization
Technical Content Optimization

Michael King of iPullRank discusses Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis and how to leverage it to improve Search Engine Optimization.

content marketingcontent strategynatural language processing
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine LearningMeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning
MeasureFest July 2021 - Session Segmentation with Machine Learning

1. Audience segmentation using unsupervised machine learning can analyze individual user sessions from analytics tools like Google Analytics to automatically group users into behavior segments. 2. The key steps involve extracting session data, processing it, selecting important features, clustering the data using algorithms like k-means, and manually exploring the resulting segments. 3. These segments can provide insights for hypotheses to test in conversion rate optimization experiments and personalizing the user experience.

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience Optimization
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience OptimizationSearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience Optimization
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Mary Bowling | Local Search Experience Optimization

Ranking well is just the beginning of successfully marketing businesses via local search. You then need to attract and engage prospects in order to turn them into customers and to satisfy RankBrain's influence on the algorithms. Mary will show you tactics that will help you to improve your local search experience optimization to attract new leads.

marketinglocalsearch engine optimization
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
How Do You Configure & Run Nodes?
Configuring Nodes
Running Workflows
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Keyword Research
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Most Keyword Research Looks Like This
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Typical Time Investment for Keyword
21 21
Micro (0-49 pages) Small (50-99 pages) Medium (100-249 pages) Large (250-499 pages) Extra Large (>500 pages)
Hours to Complete Keyword Research by Site Size
Average (Low End) Average (High End)

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The inbounder London - 2. May 2017 Tom Anthony
The inbounder London - 2. May 2017  Tom Anthony The inbounder London - 2. May 2017  Tom Anthony
The inbounder London - 2. May 2017 Tom Anthony

This document discusses new techniques for SEO in the modern age. It covers the importance of data-driven approaches like split testing over following best practices. Machine learning is becoming more important for SEO due to its use in search algorithms. A hub and spoke content model is proposed to manage content across multiple platforms. Split testing and machine learning are positioned as essential SEO techniques, with the recommendation to learn categories of machine learning rather than trying to learn the techniques directly.

Software Testing for SEO
Software Testing for SEOSoftware Testing for SEO
Software Testing for SEO

Managing Director of iPullRank, Mike King, talks about how to leverage automated testing to ensure that developers engaged in Continuous Integration don't end up accidentally breaking the optimizations in place for SEO

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rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018

Why taking a look at your canonical setup is a smart move... Some data to compare with, an audit checklist, and a number of Google's quotes over the years.

seotechnical seo
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Size of the Data Set
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Filtering +
One Big Keyword List
Seed Keywords
- List
- SEMRush Comp. KWs
- SQR Keywords
Keyword Planner
Suggestions (via
Google Autocomplete
Semantic Keyword
(via MarketMuse)
Google Autocomplete
Domain vs. Domain
Google Autocomplete
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Data Manipulations / Calculations
• Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT)
• Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess
• Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API
Search Volume
Keyword Trends
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Data Manipulations / Calculations
• Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT)
• Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess
• Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API
• Get Search Volumes via SEMRush API or via GrepWords APISearch Volume
Keyword Trends

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Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content GapsScaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps
Scaling Keyword Research to Find Content Gaps

This document discusses scaling keyword research to find content gaps. It begins by explaining how keyword research has changed from 2013 to focus more on SERP features replacing the top blue links. The presenter then outlines an agenda to map SERP features to content formats, use those to research gaps in content formats for underperforming keywords, and automate the process using Python. Code examples are provided to extract keywords from Google Search Console, get their SERP features from SEMrush, check web pages for expected content formats, and generate a report of missing formats. Resources for learning more about the techniques are also shared.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: Internal Link Optimization on Steroids
TechSEO Boost 2018: Internal Link Optimization on SteroidsTechSEO Boost 2018: Internal Link Optimization on Steroids
TechSEO Boost 2018: Internal Link Optimization on Steroids

SEO for large sites is completely different than SEO for smaller sites. Large sites have a strong (yet often overlooked!) lever that can boost rankings: internal linking! However, it can be challenging to understand which pages have the highest PageRank, so that you can tweak them to serve important pages better. That can only be determined when you combine internal and external PageRank. Join Kevin Indig as he presents an innovative approach that merges data from crawls, log files, and backlinks to solve the puzzle! You’ll learn how to: • Combine crawls, log files, and backlinks to find weaknesses in your internal linking structure • Analyze the impact of tweaking internal linking before you deploy the changes • Understand how to tweak internal linking at scale

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Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness - Pa...
Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness - Pa...Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness - Pa...
Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness - Pa...

This document discusses automating SEO tasks using various tools and APIs. It begins by outlining reasons to automate work like increasing efficiency and consistency. It then provides examples of tasks that can be automated, such as routine procedures, keyword research, link prospecting, and technical audits. The document discusses tools for automation like KNIME and APIs, and how to conceptualize and implement automation through breaking work into micro-tasks and scheduling scripts. Specific SEO tasks that can be automated are also covered in detail, such as reporting, data collection, AMP validation, and content generation. Automation is presented as a way to scale SEO work and free up time.

Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Data Manipulations / Calculations
• Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT)
• Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess
• Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API
• Get Search Volumes via SEMRush API or via GrepWords APISearch Volume
• Use 2 Years of Google Trends data to calculate slope and
determine growing/declining keywordsKeyword Trends
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
String ‘em All Together and then…
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
This top-right quadrant contains
keywords with:
• Low competition
• Good growth
Larger bubbles show higher
search volumes.
You can alternatively use
current rank on the x-axis to
signal organic market share like
a traditional growth-share
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Option: Tableau

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Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Automation - MNSearch Summit 2018
Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Automation - MNSearch Summit 2018Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Automation - MNSearch Summit 2018
Start Building SEO Efficiencies with Automation - MNSearch Summit 2018

How to get started with automation for your SEO efforts. How to think about what can and should be automated, as well as how to go about it. From MNSearch Summit 2018.

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TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs
TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOsTechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs
TechSEO Boost 2018: Programming Basics for SEOs

Learn to code! You’ve heard it before, but starting seems like a monumental undertaking. It’s not. And, even a basic understanding of programming can pay off immensely. You’d be surprised by how much more efficiently and effectively you can work with your developer counterparts once you have a few easy concepts down. In this session, Catalyst’s Paul Shapiro will help get you started. Paul will discuss the fundamental components that make up a computer program and how you can easily leverage them to improve your work as an SEO. You’ll learn about basic concepts like loops, variables, if-else statements, functions, and arrays (they sound scarier than they are!), how to identify specific marketing tasks you do today that can benefit from basic programming skills and knowledge, how to pick your first programming language, and more.

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Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett
Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett
Python For Technical SEO | Women In Tech SEO Festival March 2020 | Ruth Everett

Covering the fundamentals of Python and Machine Learning and discussing the positive impact they can have in automating technical SEO tasks.

Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Option: Python + Bokeh Charts in KNIME
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost 30
Sample Python Code:
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Learn More…
SearchLove Presentation about Automating Keyword Research:
BrightonSEO Presentation about Semantic Keyword Research:
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
What to Automate for SEO?

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Redefining Technical SEO - Paul Shapiro at MozCon 2019
Redefining Technical SEO - Paul Shapiro at MozCon 2019Redefining Technical SEO - Paul Shapiro at MozCon 2019
Redefining Technical SEO - Paul Shapiro at MozCon 2019

The document discusses redefining technical SEO and outlines various types of technical SEO work. It defines technical SEO as any sufficiently technical action undertaken with the intent to improve search results. The types of technical SEO work discussed include general technical SEO involving crawling, indexing and rendering; blurred-responsibility technical SEO that overlaps with other roles; and advanced applied technical SEO using technologies like machine learning and automation. Specific technical SEO examples are also provided, emphasizing that coding skills are fundamental for advanced, applied technical SEO work.

Redefining technical SEO & how we should be thinking about it as an industry ...
Redefining technical SEO & how we should be thinking about it as an industry ...Redefining technical SEO & how we should be thinking about it as an industry ...
Redefining technical SEO & how we should be thinking about it as an industry ...

It’s time to throw the traditional definition of technical SEO out the window. Why? Because technical SEO is so much bigger than just crawling, indexing, and rendering. Technical SEO is applicable to all areas of SEO, including content development and other creative functions. Join this session to learn how to integrate technical SEO into all areas of your SEO program.

paul shapirocatalysttechnical seo
Redefining Technical SEO, #MozCon 2019 by Paul Shapiro
Redefining Technical SEO, #MozCon 2019 by Paul ShapiroRedefining Technical SEO, #MozCon 2019 by Paul Shapiro
Redefining Technical SEO, #MozCon 2019 by Paul Shapiro

It’s time to throw the traditional definition of technical SEO out the window. Why? Because technical SEO is much, much bigger than just crawling, indexing, and rendering. Technical SEO is applicable to all areas of SEO, including content development and other creative functions. In this session, you’ll learn how to integrate technical SEO into all aspects of your SEO program.

technical seoseopython
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Data Collection
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Search Console
Schedule to run monthly with Cron
and backup to SQL database:
JR’s BigQuery vision:

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Hacking GA4 for SEO - Brighton SEO - Apr 2023
Hacking GA4 for SEO - Brighton SEO - Apr 2023Hacking GA4 for SEO - Brighton SEO - Apr 2023
Hacking GA4 for SEO - Brighton SEO - Apr 2023

The document discusses tips for using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for SEO purposes. It provides 8 tips: 1) Enable Search Console collections within GA4, 2) Customize the GA4 navigation, 3) Enrich data with event parameters, 4) Set up custom alerts for traffic changes, 5) Track speed metrics with Google Tag Manager, 6) Monitor conversions in content funnels with audiences and triggers, 7) Improve channel groupings, 8) Export raw data from GA4 to BigQuery for further analysis. The tips are aimed at helping SEO professionals gain more insights from behavioral data and track key performance metrics within GA4.

Tackling Python: What is it and How Can it Help with Technical SEO? | TechSEO...
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Python has risen in popularity over the last few years, so much so that it has become one of the most talked about and widely-adopted programming languages. But why should technical SEOs care about Python?

pythontechnical seoseo
A Data-First Approach to Building a Website _ LondonSEO XL _ Paige Hobart.pdf
A Data-First Approach to Building a Website _ LondonSEO XL _ Paige Hobart.pdfA Data-First Approach to Building a Website _ LondonSEO XL _ Paige Hobart.pdf
A Data-First Approach to Building a Website _ LondonSEO XL _ Paige Hobart.pdf

- What is an SEO’s role in building a website? - What is an IA? - Building a website data-first: Case Studies - Building a website data-first: The Process - Recap

seolondonseoblue array
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
301 Redirect Mapping
from Old URLs
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
301 Redirect Mapping from Old URLs
Current Site
Extract Main
Convert to
Get Historic
URLs from
Filter Out
URLs found
on Current
Page from
Convert to
Patrick Stox
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
KNIME Toolkit
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
SERP Similarity / Overlap

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Surviving the AB Testing Hype Cycle - Reaktor Breakpoint 2015
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Surviving the AB Testing Hype Cycle - Reaktor Breakpoint 2015

My Slides from Reaktor Breakpoint 2015 - This is by far the best deck (and hopefully talk) I've done this year. Masses of info, reading, articles, useful reports and more.

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Find out how Python and Machine Learning can be used to save you time and help you understand your website better. This session will cover how advancements to Python and Machine Learning are changing the game for busy SEOs, discuss the positive impact they can have and provide you with plenty of ready-to-use scripts you can use to save time with your technical SEO efforts.

My 5 Secrets Tips For Winning In Search
My 5 Secrets Tips For Winning In SearchMy 5 Secrets Tips For Winning In Search
My 5 Secrets Tips For Winning In Search

Mark Vozzo shares 5 secrets for search success: 1. Use analytics to measure SEO traffic and keywords. 2. Do keyword research to understand searchers and optimize content. 3. Ensure good crawlability by using sitemaps and avoiding Flash. 4. Optimize pages with unique, high-value content and proper metadata. 5. Build quality links using targeted keywords while avoiding paid links.

search enginessemseo
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Riyaad Edoo
1. Download ranking data via STAT
2. Compare results from 1-10 for
each query against results from 1-
10 for every other query.
3. Calculate percent similarity.
4. Schedule checks and examine
what changed.
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Test JavaScript Rendering
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Performance Testing with

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Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization

This document discusses a proposed search engine optimization (SEO) system. It includes an abstract describing SEO and its goals. The scope section discusses how SEO is commonly used to improve search engine rankings. The proposed system would allow users to search for content by keyword and refine results. It would display search results across different formats. The system requirements, design, testing approach, and screenshots are also outlined. In conclusion, the document states that SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant adaptation to changes in technology and search engine algorithms.

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[Brighton SEO] Audience Intelligence & SEO: How to integrate data sources to ...[Brighton SEO] Audience Intelligence & SEO: How to integrate data sources to ...
[Brighton SEO] Audience Intelligence & SEO: How to integrate data sources to ...

Rory will share details about how SEOs can integrate different data sources to develop SEO personas at a keyword level which help to enhance the effectiveness of an SEO strategy. Learn how to use emerging audience intelligence technologies, Google Analytics, CRM, web monitoring and social listening tools to improve and modernise your approach to SEO, content marketing and digital PR.

Leveraging AI Bots for SEO Rank #1 on Google - PDF
Leveraging AI Bots for SEO  Rank #1 on Google - PDFLeveraging AI Bots for SEO  Rank #1 on Google - PDF
Leveraging AI Bots for SEO Rank #1 on Google - PDF

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing your website and its content to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). A long title on SEO could cover a wide range of topics, including: The Importance of SEO for Small Business: How to Drive Organic Traffic and Boost Your Online Presence The Ultimate Guide to On-Page SEO: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website's Content Advanced SEO Techniques: How to Rank Higher and Drive More Traffic to Your Website Local SEO Strategies: Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Your Business's Online Presence for Local Search How to Conduct an SEO Audit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluating Your Website's Performance and Identifying Opportunities for Improvement The Future of SEO: Predictions and Trends to Watch in the Coming Years SEO vs. PPC: Which One Is Right for Your Business? A Comprehensive Comparison of Search Engine Marketing Strategies The Impact of Social Media on SEO: How to Leverage Social Media to Boost Your Website's Ranking and Visibility Mobile SEO: Best Practices for Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Devices and Mobile Search The Role of Content in SEO: How to Create Content That Ranks Higher and Drives More Traffic to Your Website. Explore more at:

seomarketingseo services
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Anomaly Detection
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
1. Data collection: We collect data on query,
page and associated metrics via the Google
Search Console Search Analytics API.
2. Round average position: I round average
position to the tenths decimal place (e.g., 1.19
is rounded to 1.2).
3. Math: We identify outliers using a combination
of the statistical methods for identifying
outliers (modified z-score, IQR).
4. Email: If any negative outliers are identified
for a keyword query and page combination at
an average position, an email is sent out
identifying all of this data to each of the SEOs
assigned to the account to investigate.
5. Scheduling: Set your script to run on a
recurring basis.
My SEL Article:
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Content Ideas

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Ignite Visibility: The Most Important SEO Initiatives to Plan for in 2016
Ignite Visibility: The Most Important SEO Initiatives to Plan for in 2016Ignite Visibility: The Most Important SEO Initiatives to Plan for in 2016
Ignite Visibility: The Most Important SEO Initiatives to Plan for in 2016

Track: Inbound Topic: SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Title: The Most Important SEO Initiatives to Plan for in 2016 Speaker: ALAN BUSH, VP of Strategy, Ignite Visibility Alan Bush, VP of Strategy of Ignite Visibility and UCSD teacher, reveals the biggest changes in SEO in 2015 and what to focus on in 2016. This presentation is not necessarily for SEO beginners, but instead, for those who have some basic knowledge of SEO and are looking to take their ranking to the next level. - See more at:

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Seo tools
Seo toolsSeo tools
Seo tools

SEO Tools to get an idea about what tool are to be used while optimization. Search Engine Optimization is a powerful tool to maintain website ranking in top levels

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Session 21 E-marketing - 26 Oct 10
Session 21  E-marketing - 26 Oct 10Session 21  E-marketing - 26 Oct 10
Session 21 E-marketing - 26 Oct 10

This document contains slides from a lecture on search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing. It discusses key aspects of SEO like developing an SEO strategy, on-site optimization techniques, link building, and the difference between white hat and black hat SEO techniques. The slides cover understanding page rank, how search engines work, keyword research, optimizing content and URLs, and using links to build authority. Search engine marketing concepts like pay-per-click advertising are also mentioned. Case studies are included to illustrate principles of SEO in practice.

Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Reddit Data Mining
Reddit Data Mining: Python Script
1. Enter filename for output
2. Enter a search or series of searches
3. Choose reddit sorting method. For this purpose,
choose ‘new’
4. Choose to look at all of reddit, or isolate to
particular subreddit(s).
5. Schedule with cron to find new topic ideas on a
recurring basis.
Password: fighto
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
AMP Validation
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Bulk Check AMP
Pages with
Python Script:
• Python
• Requests package
Ideally AMPBench would run locally, but
can be ran off the appspot demo URL.
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Link Building

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Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality
Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping QualityLeverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality
Leverage AI To Maximize SEO Efficiency While Keeping Quality

Discover how LLMs can enhance the efficiency of your SEO activities and workflows while maintaining SEO quality. Credit: Aleyda Solis.

Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...
Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer ...

In partnership with London Research, Catalyst and Xaxis’ new original research and report, “Closing the Gap: Adopting Omnichannel Strategies for Stronger Brand-Consumer Connections,” explores gaps in where consumers are spending their time and where advertisers are investing, revealing opportunities for marketers to adopt and advance omnichannel approaches to media and marketing for long-term growth. Key takeaways: • U.S. consumer trends and engagement compared to advertiser approach to search, social, ecommerce, gaming, CTV, DOOH, podcasts, and more • Media consumption differences across key audience demographics and implications for omnichannel planning • Brands’ mindset, approach, and recommendations for ongoing experimentation and testing into emerging platforms • Barriers to adopting omnichannel programs and recommended solutions • The impact of privacy and identity on consumers, advertisers, and omnichannel programs

TechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for Success
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for SuccessTechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for Success
TechSEO Boost 2021 - Cultivating a Product Mindset for Success

View the recording here: Upasna Gautam, Product Manager, Platform & Commerce, CNN

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Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Link Building: Prospecting with Competitors
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
Tech Audit Related Site Changes
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
• New 404s
• New redirects
• Changes to robots.txt
• Content based changes over time
• Indexation changes
• New pages
Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
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This document discusses various rendering strategies and their impact on Core Web Vitals metrics. It begins by defining the Core Web Vitals metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It then examines different rendering strategies like client-side rendering, server-side rendering, static rendering, and rehydration. For each strategy, it outlines potential issues that could lead to poor Core Web Vitals and provides mitigation tactics to address those issues. The goal is to help understand how rendering strategies affect page speed and provide ways to optimize for Core Web Vitals.

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View the recording here: Simo Ahava, Co-founder, Simmer Server-side tagging introduces something of a paradigm shift to setting up marketing data collection for an organization. Instead of burdening the client device with the responsibility for sending data to third-party endpoints, the data streams are instead proxied through a server-side endpoint that your organization owns. This has huge implications on things like data governance, quality, privacy, security, and enrichment. Unlike traditional “server-side tracking”, where data is collected and processed server-to-server, server-side tagging lets you essentially turn a server environment into a tag management solution. In this talk, Simo Ahava will walk you through this new paradigm, introducing concepts that some of you might remember from pre-Google-Analytics days of web analytics. But server-side tagging is just so much more. Just like tag management for web browsers broke pre-established notions of what it is to deploy marketing pixels on a site, server-side tagging is here to disrupt the outdated approach of stuffing the site full of third-party resource loads and hoping that the users won’t notice.

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Big things are happening in programmatic. We’ll share actionable insights to drive business results in 2021, while exploring the potential impact of each trend over the next decade. Sign up and uncover strategies to address key trends like: - Cookieless World: The future of identity & audiences - Video: Learn why a fragmented video landscape needs integration - AI: Humans are advancing AI into unique and creative use-cases - Ecommerce: All brands are now ecommerce brands, what does that mean for marketers? - Gaming: Already bigger than the Super Bowl! Never been a better time to get in the game - Creative: Creative meets digital for hyper-targeted, customization at scale - Omnichannel Activations: Consumers are everywhere, are you?


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TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & Effectiveness

  • 1. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & Effectiveness Working Smarter
  • 2. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 3. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Why Automate? 1.Work faster and free up time for the important stuff 2.Look at more data 3.Improved consistency and procedure
  • 4. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost What Can You Automate? • If you’re doing something on a routine basis, it can probably be automated. • Any procedures that can be broken down into smaller, micro tasks that can be handled a by a computer. • Machine Learning can help with more complex decision making.
  • 5. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost How Do You Automate?
  • 6. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 7. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 8. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Why KNIME? • Fast way to put together complex analyses • Great for prototyping • Large library of built-in “nodes” • Free/Open Source • Run on Windows/Mac/Linux • Very expandable – even compatible with R, Python, Java, JavaScript • Easy enough for non-technical staff to grasp
  • 9. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Other Options • Scripting Languages • Python • Ruby • Node.js • Go • R • Excel with VBA • Google Sheets
  • 10. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Cron & Windows Task Manager are Your Friend
  • 11. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost What is Cron and Why? • *NIX system daemon used to schedule tasks and scripts. • Windows Task Manager is the Windows equivalent of Cron. • This way we can schedule scripts and programs that perform automated tasks on a recurring, scheduled basis.
  • 12. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Quick How To * * * * * command /to/execute Day of Week (0-6) (Sunday = 0) Month (1-12) Hour (0-23) Day of Month (1-31) Minute (0-59)
  • 13. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Run Every Month at Midnight 0 0 1 * * python
  • 14. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost The Basics of KNIME
  • 15. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost What is a Node? • Nodes are prebuilt, drag and drop modules designed perform a singular task • Nodes are strung together like a chain to accomplish larger, more complex tasks • Nodes can be grouped together into “meta-nodes”, which can be configured in unison
  • 16. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost How Do You Add Nodes & How Do They Connect? How do you add nodes to your “workflow”? How do you string nodes together?
  • 17. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost How Do You Configure & Run Nodes? Configuring Nodes Running Workflows OR
  • 18. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Keyword Research
  • 19. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Most Keyword Research Looks Like This
  • 20. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Typical Time Investment for Keyword Research 5 8 12 21 21 6 10 18 22 28 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Micro (0-49 pages) Small (50-99 pages) Medium (100-249 pages) Large (250-499 pages) Extra Large (>500 pages) Hours to Complete Keyword Research by Site Size Average (Low End) Average (High End)
  • 21. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Size of the Data Set vs.
  • 22. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Filtering + Data Manipula- tions One Big Keyword List Seed Keywords - List - GWMT - SEMRush Comp. KWs - SQR Keywords Keyword Planner Suggestions (via GrepWords) Google Autocomplete Semantic Keyword Recommendations (via MarketMuse) Google Autocomplete SEMRush Domain vs. Domain Keywords Google Autocomplete
  • 23. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Data Manipulations / Calculations • Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT) • Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess competiveness. • Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API Organic Competition Search Volume Keyword Trends 23
  • 24. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Data Manipulations / Calculations • Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT) • Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess competiveness. • Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API Organic Competition • Get Search Volumes via SEMRush API or via GrepWords APISearch Volume Keyword Trends 24
  • 25. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Data Manipulations / Calculations • Get top 10 results from rank checking API (i.e., GetSTAT) • Use Moz API nodes and find average PA to assess competiveness. • Optionally, use SEMRush’s Keyword Difficulty API Organic Competition • Get Search Volumes via SEMRush API or via GrepWords APISearch Volume • Use 2 Years of Google Trends data to calculate slope and determine growing/declining keywordsKeyword Trends 25
  • 26. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost String ‘em All Together and then… 26
  • 27. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Visualize 27 This top-right quadrant contains keywords with: • Low competition • Good growth Larger bubbles show higher search volumes. You can alternatively use current rank on the x-axis to signal organic market share like a traditional growth-share matrix.
  • 28. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Option: Tableau 28
  • 29. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Option: Python + Bokeh Charts in KNIME 29
  • 30. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost 30 Sample Python Code:
  • 31. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Learn More… SearchLove Presentation about Automating Keyword Research: BrightonSEO Presentation about Semantic Keyword Research:
  • 32. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost What to Automate for SEO?
  • 33. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Reporting
  • 34. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 35. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Data Collection
  • 36. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Search Console Schedule to run monthly with Cron and backup to SQL database: data-python/ JR’s BigQuery vision:
  • 37. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost 301 Redirect Mapping from Old URLs
  • 38. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost 301 Redirect Mapping from Old URLs Crawl Current Site Download Rendered Pages Extract Main Content (BoilerPipe) Convert to Bitvector Get Historic URLs from Wayback Machine API Filter Out URLs found on Current Site Grab Rendered Page from Wayback Machine Extract Main Content (BoilerPipe) Convert to Bitvector Patrick Stox Cosine Similarity Generate .htaccess strings 1 2 3
  • 39. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost KNIME Toolkit
  • 40. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost SERP Similarity / Overlap
  • 41. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Riyaad Edoo 1. Download ranking data via STAT API 2. Compare results from 1-10 for each query against results from 1- 10 for every other query. 3. Calculate percent similarity. 4. Schedule checks and examine what changed.
  • 42. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Test JavaScript Rendering
  • 43. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 44. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Performance Testing with Lighthouse
  • 45. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost
  • 46. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Anomaly Detection
  • 47. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost CTR 1. Data collection: We collect data on query, page and associated metrics via the Google Search Console Search Analytics API. 2. Round average position: I round average position to the tenths decimal place (e.g., 1.19 is rounded to 1.2). 3. Math: We identify outliers using a combination of the statistical methods for identifying outliers (modified z-score, IQR). 4. Email: If any negative outliers are identified for a keyword query and page combination at an average position, an email is sent out identifying all of this data to each of the SEOs assigned to the account to investigate. 5. Scheduling: Set your script to run on a recurring basis. My SEL Article:
  • 48. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Content Ideas
  • 49. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Reddit Data Mining Reddit Data Mining: Python Script 1. Enter filename for output 2. Enter a search or series of searches 3. Choose reddit sorting method. For this purpose, choose ‘new’ 4. Choose to look at all of reddit, or isolate to particular subreddit(s). 5. Schedule with cron to find new topic ideas on a recurring basis. Password: fighto
  • 50. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost AMP Validation
  • 51. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Bulk Check AMP Pages with AMPBench API Python Script: Requires: • Python • Requests package Ideally AMPBench would run locally, but can be ran off the appspot demo URL.
  • 52. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Link Building
  • 53. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Link Building: Prospecting with Competitors
  • 54. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Tech Audit Related Site Changes
  • 55. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost • New 404s • New redirects • Changes to robots.txt • Content based changes over time • Indexation changes • New pages
  • 56. Paul Shapiro | @fighto #TechSEOBoost Paul Shapiro @fighto Thanks!

Editor's Notes

  1. Focus on medium size-sites