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Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
What we are talking?
The definition of testing outlines objectives that relate to
evaluation, revealing defects and quality. As indicated in
the definition two approaches can be used to achieve
these objectives, static testing and dynamic testing.
With dynamic testing methods, software is executed
using a set of input values and its output is then
examined and compared to what is expected. During
static testing, software work products are examined
manually, or with a set of tools, but not executed.
Cont... SLIDE 3
Dynamic testing and static testing are complementary methods, as they tend to find different
types of defects effectively and efficiently. Types of defects that are easier to find during static
testing are: deviations from standards, missing requirements, design defects, non-maintainable
code and inconsistent interface specifications. Note that in contrast to dynamic testing, static
testing finds defects rather than failures.
static testing is a very suitable method for improving the quality of software work products
Static Testing Advantages: SLIDE 4
Since static testing can start
early in the life cycle, early
feedback on quality issues
can be established, e.g. an
early validation of user
requirements and not just
late in the life cycle during
acceptance testing.
1 2 43 5
By detecting defects at an early
stage, rework costs are most often
relatively low and thus a relatively
cheap improvement of the quality of
software products can be achieved.
Since rework effort is
substantially reduced,
development productivity
figures are likely to
The evaluation by a team has the
additional advantage that there is an
exchange of information between
the participants.
Static tests contribute
to an increased
awareness of quality

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3.static techniques
3.static techniques3.static techniques
3.static techniques

Static techniques like reviews and static analysis tools can find defects in software work products like requirements, design, and code without executing the software. Reviews vary in formality from informal discussions to more structured inspections and walkthroughs. Static analysis examines software artifacts automatically using tools to identify defects before dynamic testing begins.
03. static techniques
03. static techniques03. static techniques
03. static techniques

This document discusses static testing techniques, including reviews. It describes the review process, roles in reviews, types of reviews, and static analysis using tools. Reviews are a formal process typically involving planning, preparation, a review meeting, rework, and follow-up. Roles include the moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. Types of reviews serve different purposes at different stages. Static analysis tools can check coding standards and metrics, as well as code structure.

Software Testing 4/5
Software Testing 4/5Software Testing 4/5
Software Testing 4/5

The document discusses static and dynamic testing methods. Static testing involves analyzing code or documentation without executing the software, while dynamic testing executes the software. Both methods find different types of defects. Key aspects of static testing include review processes, which can be informal or formal. Formal reviews involve several phases: planning, kick-off, preparation, review meeting, rework, and follow-up. The review meeting itself includes logging defects, discussing them, and deciding on next steps. Roles in the review include moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. Different review types are described.

Reviews vary from very informal to formal (i.e. well
structured and regulated).
The formality of a review process is related to factors
such as the maturity of the development process, any
legal or regulatory requirements or the need for an audit
trail. In practice the informal review is perhaps the most
common type of review.
Informal reviews are applied at various times during
the early stages in the life cycle of a document.
static testing
Review Meeting
Follow upp
Static Testing Advantages:
The review process for a particular review begins with a 'request
for review' by the author to the moderator (or inspection leader). A
moderator is often assigned to take care of the scheduling (dates,
time, place and invitation) of the review.
On a project level, the project planning needs to allow time
for review and rework activities, thus providing engineers with
time to thoroughly participate in reviews. For more formal reviews,
e.g. inspections, the moderator always performs an entry check
and defines at this stage formal exit criteria. The entry check is
carried out to ensure that the reviewers' time is not wasted on a
document that is not ready for review.
Cont... SLIDE 8
A short check of a product
sample by the moderator (or
expert) does not reveal a large
number of major defects. For
example, after 30 minutes of
checking, no more than 3 major
defects are found on a single
page or fewer than 10 major
defects in total in a set of 5
The document to be
reviewed is available
with line numbers.
Although more and other entry criteria can be applied, the following
can be regarded as the minimum set for performing the entry check:
The document has
been cleaned up by
running any automated
checks that apply.
4References needed for
the inspection are
stable and available.
The document author is
prepared to join the review
team and feels confident
with the quality of the

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Review Process
Review ProcessReview Process
Review Process

The document summarizes the review process for documents. It discusses the phases of a formal review process including planning, kick-off, preparation, review meeting, rework, and follow-up. It also describes the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the review including the moderator, author, scribe, and reviewers. Finally, it outlines different types of reviews including walkthroughs and technical reviews.

Static Testing
Static Testing Static Testing
Static Testing

Static testing involves examining a program's code and documentation without executing the code. It aims to improve quality by finding errors early. Techniques include informal reviews with minimal documentation; formal reviews following steps like planning, preparation, and follow-up; technical reviews of specifications; walkthroughs where authors explain work; and inspections led by moderators. Static testing allows early feedback but cannot find runtime issues and is time-consuming.


Static test techniques provide a powerful way to improve the quality and productivity of software development. This chapter describes static test techniques, including reviews, and provides an overview of how they are conducted http://fst.uin-suska.a
Cont... SLIDE 9
The author may raise additional specific roles and questions that
have to be addressed.
The moderator has the option to also fulfil a role, alongside the task
of being a review leader.
Checking the document improves the moderator's ability to lead the
meeting, because it ensures better understanding. Furthermore, it
improves the review efficiency because the moderator replaces an
engineer that would otherwise have to check the document and
attend the meeting.
It is recommended that the moderator take the role of checking
compliance to standards, since this tends to be a highly objective
role, which leads to less discussion of the defects found.
Sumber: Graham (2011)
An optional step in a review procedure is a kick-off meeting.
During the kick-off meeting the reviewers receive a short introduction
on the objectives of the review and the documents. The relationships
between the document under review and the other documents
(sources) are explained, especially if the number of related
documents is high.
Role assignments, checking rate, the pages to be checked, process
changes and possible other questions are also discussed during this
meeting. Of course the distribution of the document under review,
source documents and other related documentation, can also be
done during the kick-off.
A critical success factor for a thorough preparation is the number
of pages checked per hour. This is called the checking rate.
The optimum checking rate is the result of a mix of factors, including
the type of document, its complexity, the number of related
documents and the experience of the reviewer.
Usually the checking rate is in the range of five to ten pages per
hour, but may be much less for formal inspection, e.g. one page per
During preparation, participants should not exceed this criterion. By
collecting data and measuring the review process, company-specific
criteria for checking rate and document size (see planning phase)
can be set, preferably specific to a document type.
Review meeting
The meeting typically consists of the following elements (partly
depending on the review type): logging phase, discussion phase
and decision phase.
During the logging phase the issues, e.g. defects, that have
been identified during the preparation are mentioned page by
page, reviewer by reviewer and are logged either by the author
or by a scribe
A separate person to do the logging (a scribe) is especially
useful for formal review types such as an inspection.

Recommended for you

Static techniques
Static techniquesStatic techniques
Static techniques

The document discusses static testing techniques, which involve examining software work products like requirements and design documents manually or with tools, without executing the software. Some key benefits of static testing mentioned are that it allows early feedback on quality issues, defects can be detected and fixed early at lower cost, and development productivity may increase as rework effort is reduced. Various types of static testing techniques are described, including reviews, inspections, coding standard checks, and code metrics analysis. Formal reviews follow defined processes with roles like moderator, author, and reviewers. Success factors for effective reviews include training participants, explicit planning, and continuous process improvement.

testing dan implementasi sistemstatic techniques
static techniques
static techniquesstatic techniques
static techniques

static techniques RiatRayendra 11453101916 Information System Faculty Sains and Technology UIN Suska Riau

testingtestsoftware testing
Static techniques
Static techniquesStatic techniques
Static techniques

Static techniques involve examining software work products like requirements, design, and code manually or with tools without executing the software. Some key advantages of static techniques include finding defects early when costs are low, increasing development productivity by reducing rework, and improving quality awareness. Static techniques can be informal reviews or more formal processes like inspections. Formal reviews follow steps like planning, preparation, review meetings, rework, and follow-up. Ensuring coding standards are followed, measuring code metrics, and having success factors like training and continuous improvement can help static techniques be effective.

static techniquestesting dan implementasi sistem
Based on the defects detected, the author will improve the
document under review step by step. Not every defect that is
found leads to rework. It is the author's responsibility to judge if
a defect has to be fixed. If nothing is done about an issue for a
certain reason, it should be reported to at least indicate that the
author has considered the issue.
Changes that are made to the document should be easy to
identify during follow-up. Therefore the author has to indicate
where changes are made (e.g. using 'Track changes' in word-
processing software).
The moderator is responsible for ensuring that satisfactory actions have
been taken on all (logged) defects, process improvement suggestions and
change requests. Although the moderator checks to make sure that the
author has taken action on all known defects, it is not necessary for the
moderator to check all the corrections in detail. If it is decided that all
participants will check the updated document, the moderator takes care of
the distribution and collects the feedback. For more formal review types
the moderator checks for compliance to the exit criteria.
In order to control and optimize the review process, a number of
measurements are collected by the moderator at each step of the
process. Examples of such measurements include number of defects
found, number of defects found per page, time spent checking per page,
total review effort, etc. It is the responsibility of the moderator to ensure
that the information is correct and stored for future analysis.
That’s all. Thank you very much! 
Any Questions?
Created By: Nurfitrianti
Email :
Instagram: Nurfitrianti17

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Reviews and the test process

  • 1. REVIEWS AND THE TEST PROCESS Oleh: NURFITRIANTI Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • 2. SLIDE 2 What we are talking? The definition of testing outlines objectives that relate to evaluation, revealing defects and quality. As indicated in the definition two approaches can be used to achieve these objectives, static testing and dynamic testing. With dynamic testing methods, software is executed using a set of input values and its output is then examined and compared to what is expected. During static testing, software work products are examined manually, or with a set of tools, but not executed.
  • 3. Cont... SLIDE 3 Dynamic testing and static testing are complementary methods, as they tend to find different types of defects effectively and efficiently. Types of defects that are easier to find during static testing are: deviations from standards, missing requirements, design defects, non-maintainable code and inconsistent interface specifications. Note that in contrast to dynamic testing, static testing finds defects rather than failures. static testing is a very suitable method for improving the quality of software work products
  • 4. Static Testing Advantages: SLIDE 4 Since static testing can start early in the life cycle, early feedback on quality issues can be established, e.g. an early validation of user requirements and not just late in the life cycle during acceptance testing. 1 2 43 5 By detecting defects at an early stage, rework costs are most often relatively low and thus a relatively cheap improvement of the quality of software products can be achieved. Since rework effort is substantially reduced, development productivity figures are likely to increase. The evaluation by a team has the additional advantage that there is an exchange of information between the participants. Static tests contribute to an increased awareness of quality issues.
  • 5. SLIDE 5 REVIEW PROCESS Reviews vary from very informal to formal (i.e. well structured and regulated). The formality of a review process is related to factors such as the maturity of the development process, any legal or regulatory requirements or the need for an audit trail. In practice the informal review is perhaps the most common type of review. Informal reviews are applied at various times during the early stages in the life cycle of a document.
  • 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SLIDE 6 Planning static testing advantages: Kick-Off Preparation Review Meeting Rework Follow upp Static Testing Advantages:
  • 7. SLIDE 7 Planning The review process for a particular review begins with a 'request for review' by the author to the moderator (or inspection leader). A moderator is often assigned to take care of the scheduling (dates, time, place and invitation) of the review. On a project level, the project planning needs to allow time for review and rework activities, thus providing engineers with time to thoroughly participate in reviews. For more formal reviews, e.g. inspections, the moderator always performs an entry check and defines at this stage formal exit criteria. The entry check is carried out to ensure that the reviewers' time is not wasted on a document that is not ready for review. 1.
  • 8. Cont... SLIDE 8 A short check of a product sample by the moderator (or expert) does not reveal a large number of major defects. For example, after 30 minutes of checking, no more than 3 major defects are found on a single page or fewer than 10 major defects in total in a set of 5 pages. 1 The document to be reviewed is available with line numbers. Although more and other entry criteria can be applied, the following can be regarded as the minimum set for performing the entry check: 2 3 The document has been cleaned up by running any automated checks that apply. 4References needed for the inspection are stable and available. 5 The document author is prepared to join the review team and feels confident with the quality of the document.
  • 9. Cont... SLIDE 9 The author may raise additional specific roles and questions that have to be addressed. The moderator has the option to also fulfil a role, alongside the task of being a review leader. Checking the document improves the moderator's ability to lead the meeting, because it ensures better understanding. Furthermore, it improves the review efficiency because the moderator replaces an engineer that would otherwise have to check the document and attend the meeting. It is recommended that the moderator take the role of checking compliance to standards, since this tends to be a highly objective role, which leads to less discussion of the defects found. Sumber: Graham (2011)
  • 10. SLIDE 10 Kick-Off An optional step in a review procedure is a kick-off meeting. During the kick-off meeting the reviewers receive a short introduction on the objectives of the review and the documents. The relationships between the document under review and the other documents (sources) are explained, especially if the number of related documents is high. Role assignments, checking rate, the pages to be checked, process changes and possible other questions are also discussed during this meeting. Of course the distribution of the document under review, source documents and other related documentation, can also be done during the kick-off. 2.
  • 11. SLIDE 11 Preparation A critical success factor for a thorough preparation is the number of pages checked per hour. This is called the checking rate. The optimum checking rate is the result of a mix of factors, including the type of document, its complexity, the number of related documents and the experience of the reviewer. Usually the checking rate is in the range of five to ten pages per hour, but may be much less for formal inspection, e.g. one page per hour. During preparation, participants should not exceed this criterion. By collecting data and measuring the review process, company-specific criteria for checking rate and document size (see planning phase) can be set, preferably specific to a document type. 3.
  • 12. SLIDE 12 Review meeting The meeting typically consists of the following elements (partly depending on the review type): logging phase, discussion phase and decision phase. During the logging phase the issues, e.g. defects, that have been identified during the preparation are mentioned page by page, reviewer by reviewer and are logged either by the author or by a scribe A separate person to do the logging (a scribe) is especially useful for formal review types such as an inspection. 4.
  • 13. SLIDE 13 Rework Based on the defects detected, the author will improve the document under review step by step. Not every defect that is found leads to rework. It is the author's responsibility to judge if a defect has to be fixed. If nothing is done about an issue for a certain reason, it should be reported to at least indicate that the author has considered the issue. Changes that are made to the document should be easy to identify during follow-up. Therefore the author has to indicate where changes are made (e.g. using 'Track changes' in word- processing software). 5.
  • 14. SLIDE 14 Follow-Up The moderator is responsible for ensuring that satisfactory actions have been taken on all (logged) defects, process improvement suggestions and change requests. Although the moderator checks to make sure that the author has taken action on all known defects, it is not necessary for the moderator to check all the corrections in detail. If it is decided that all participants will check the updated document, the moderator takes care of the distribution and collects the feedback. For more formal review types the moderator checks for compliance to the exit criteria. In order to control and optimize the review process, a number of measurements are collected by the moderator at each step of the process. Examples of such measurements include number of defects found, number of defects found per page, time spent checking per page, total review effort, etc. It is the responsibility of the moderator to ensure that the information is correct and stored for future analysis. 6.
  • 15. That’s all. Thank you very much!  Any Questions? Created By: Nurfitrianti Email : Instagram: Nurfitrianti17